View Full Version : Star Wars FFG Campaign

2017-06-02, 01:24 PM
Hey I have a group of people that want to play the Star Wars FFG game. They are also wanting to be center stage. In this I mean no Luke saving the galaxy. They want to do it. So I was thinking that they will have three sets of characters. One that starts the rebellion, one set to over throw the government, and hen one for after the republic returns maybe breaching the force awakens timeline or pull more from the Yuuza Vong wars. Not sure on the third set yet. But my big thing is that I want there to be choice. large choices like what is better a fleet of fighters and corvettes or a capital ship. Maybe not that kind but the point is I want them to have to choose what is better. as well as amass a fleet and supporting planets to face off against the empire and win or lose depending on those choices. as well as choices in the battle. Has anyone got a clue were to start lmbo. I don't see any reference to facility costs or training troops costs. I do only have FAD at he moment but do plan to get other core rule books and supplements.

2017-06-06, 05:34 AM
I had considered starting a game involving the end of the Clone Wars the idea was to port over some weg characters who were frozen in carbonite and hidden as Order 66 is going on.
One character stays awake eventually introducing the new characters who fulfil the now deceased survivor's last request helping recover the previous group.
The weg game involved a crossover involving Daleks & Cybermen in a parallel reality I planned on resolving this by having them escape back into the FFG Star Wars Universe of the past but explain why they were revived in the present.

My point is you can set it somewhere in the unknown region with them being considered Separatists and attacked so you can ignore the OT entirely so your players can become the heroes you were told they wanted to be?

Not sure if that helps though!