View Full Version : Alchemist mod - more formulas

Falcon X
2017-06-02, 11:41 PM
Would it be broken if:
A. I opened up the alchemist formulas for the artificer (https://media.wizards.com/2016/dnd/downloads/1_UA_Artificer_20170109.pdf) to include the Kobold Inventions on page 166 of Volos guide
(Basket of centipedes, green slime pot, scorpion on a stick, rot grub pot, skunk in a cage, wasp nest in a bag)
Might rule that some last more than 1 round, but can't be used again until first one is dismissed.
B. Be able to change out which alchemical formulas are in her bag each day, much as a wizard prepares spells each day.