View Full Version : Rewarding players for journals.

2017-06-03, 04:19 AM
So, I want there to be tangible benefits for writing journal entries of the session from their character's perspective. XP isn't really used in my game (even for crafting), instead leveling up at checkpoints. So, the obvious reward for a character reflecting on the past is kinda gone.

Should I reward "rerolls"? 2 rerolls per session journal? Let them spend them to force a die to be rerolled. I like that a bit more than trying to figure out some formula for giving out gold, without trivializing it or letting it overwhelm the ones who don't.

2017-06-03, 04:32 AM
So, I want there to be tangible benefits for writing journal entries of the session from their character's perspective.
I'll be monitoring thread to see how can I pay people with IC rewards to work for me OOC.

2017-06-03, 08:08 AM
Handing out a smattering of Action Points (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/adventuring/actionPoints.htm) works well for RP rewards.

As far as asking players to write up journals? I don't know your players, but some people just aren't comfortable doing that. Which leads to feelings of exclusion unless they have another way to earn the same rewards.

2017-06-03, 08:10 AM
One of the most tangible benifits is to reference things they've written down. Allow a lower dc on knowledge checks.give them things to write down that will unlock things in the future. Names places organizations are all things they should write down.

To elkad s point, make it a group thing so it isn't exclusionary.

2017-06-03, 09:09 AM
It was advertised on the campaign listing in bold letters that it is expected. But that doesn't mean I want it to appear they are doing work for nothing.

Jay R
2017-06-03, 10:34 AM
It's not necessary. I'm going to write up every adventure regardless, just because I want to keep track. I also know what magic items each other PC has, and track all named PCs. This makes it easier for me to solve mysteries, answer riddles, and recognize patterns. Most other players never will, regardless of the bribe.

I enjoy spending time on the game away from the table. Most players don't.

So what you're trying to do is give more free advantages to the person who has already put himself or herself into a more advantageous position.

You aren't going to affect who spends time on the game away from the table. You really aren't.

2017-06-03, 11:04 AM
Could offer inspiration dice - i.e. instead of refills, give them a d8 or d10 to add to any roll they choose (with exceptions like damage). So if they roll a skill or knowledge check or an attack, they can roll a d8 and add the result to their roll, before you reveal the result.

Jay R
2017-06-04, 05:06 PM
The correct reward for me organizing my notes to write a journal after the game is to have organized notes and a journal description of everything we did that mattered to my character.

[In my journal, I once described everything my character did during the fight, and concluded with, "The others in the party were probably doing something more-or-less useful as well."]

2017-06-05, 02:11 AM
Perhaps if a player does it enough you could give them...

-A minor little plot-centric power
-A recharge to an expended plot-centric power or an upgrade to an existing plot-centric power
-A shiny new bicycle

Or something along those lines.