View Full Version : Player Help Aasimar Cleric build help

Roi C.
2017-06-04, 07:25 AM
We had our character creation session on Friday, and it went great. Every player really found his/her niche in the character (proud Dragonborn Barbarian, illiterate but high wisdom Druid with lots of nature skills, etc)... And I decided to take a Protector Aasimar Cleric.

Thing is, this is my first campaign since 5th grade (and that was 14 years ago), and I need some help. I haven't really decided on a Domain yet (kinda having a hard time choosing between War and Tempest), and also having a hard time choosing an exact background. The game starts this weekend, and we still have some time to make our changes and decisions.

As I see it, my character was born to a normal human family (still haven't decided if it was in a small town or a big city, if they were nobles or not, etc), lived his regular life while being notable for being a kind, gentle person, really good in understanding and interacting with people, being mature beyond his years, and having this... Almost-radiant vibe surrounding him. On his 20th year, his deva began revealing himself to him, as a messenger of [enter deity here], and over the course of a few months, he experienced certain dreams and weird experinces revealing his angelic ancestry, granting him his clerical powers and sending him on a quest to [enter divine quest here], while also giving him a [enter godly-trinket relevent to said quest here]. Quest starts with him at 21.

Basically, dude's a Cleric because he's an Aasimar that was practically born for a certain cause, and was granted powers for that. His cause pretty much clicks true with his personality and world views, but he doesn't really come from a religious background nor does he understand it well... His connection to his deity is more direct.

Personality wise, he didn't know he was an Aasimar until pretty recently, and wasn't molded much as one, as he lived his life as a human (aside from gold-flecked blue eyes and a golden quality to his pale skin and this radiance emitting from him, he looks pretty much human). What it means is that he's a pretty nice fella, knows how to speak with people, has a zen-like calmess (I want to integrate meditation into the character in some way, as it's a big aspect of my life), and while he usually plays by the rules, if the better good or his quest is on the line, then the rules are out of the window.

I pretty much plan to be the party's "face" (every player took a different "domain" of play, I took this), while also being a mix of a caster and a physical fighter (so martial weapons are a must).

My character's ability scores are:

Str 15
Dex 7
Con 13
Int 9
Wis 16 (15+1)
Cha 17 (15+2)

Also, Persuasion and Insight are practically integrated, and Religion is also not necessary because of his story.

Any tips, regarding the domain, cantrips, spells, skills, backgrounds... Basically EVERYTHING that comes to mind, basically... All your opinions are blessed (trust me, I'm an Aasimar Cleric).

Thanks a lot :)

2017-06-04, 08:08 AM
Really, you should have a look at the favored soul sorcerous origin (there are three UA versions till now, with the most recent one found here (https://media.wizards.com/2017/dnd/downloads/UA-RevisedSubclasses.pdf). It wont give you armor proficiencies (though the very first version of fs, found here (http://dnd.wizards.com/articles/unearthed-arcana/modifying-classes), did give you some armor proficiencies), but you can always take one level in cleric (or in some other martial class) to get medium/heavy armor and shield proficiency, if this matter and fit the image you have in mind for this character.

I think the favored soul sorcerer fits a lot better than the cleric for the character you have in mind, hence my suggestion, but YMMV.

Roi C.
2017-06-04, 09:38 AM
Really, you should have a look at the favored soul sorcerous origin (there are three UA versions till now, with the most recent one found here. It wont give you armor proficiencies (though the very first version of fs, found here, did give you some armor proficiencies), but you can always take one level in cleric (or in some other martial class) to get medium/heavy armor and shield proficiency, if this matter and fit the image you have in mind for this character.

I think the favored soul sorcerer fits a lot better than the cleric for the character you have in mind, hence my suggestion, but YMMV.

Thank you for the advice, but my DM prefers to go with stock material, and honestly, I prefer going with Cleric in this campaign.

Sariel Vailo
2017-06-04, 04:02 PM
Tempest war life

Honest Tiefling
2017-06-04, 04:11 PM
If you are unsure of which domain, I'd go backwards. What god would make sense for your character to work with the rest of the party?

If you are playing in the Forgotten Realms? Because if you are, I believe that the only two gods that grant the Tempest domain are pretty evil (Umberlee and Talos). I don't think your character is evil, so that is a little more difficult.

If it is a different setting, I'd grab a list of gods ASAP and ask your DM how he envisions clerics working within the setting.

2017-06-05, 08:06 AM
Both Tempest and War are good for melee. It's basically the difference between blasting more or buffing your allies more. You can also consider Life, which gives you heavy armor.

If you want face potential, just grab Persuasion and Insight as skills. That's the bare minimum. The Enhance Ability and Guidance spells also help you there.

As far as the ASI's you get at every four levels, this is a good setup:

Resilient (CON) (will make your CON 14 and help you keep concentration in the frontlines)

You can pick them in any order that suits your needs.