View Full Version : Feedback on a Boss (Rise of the Nine Spoilers)

2017-06-04, 11:26 PM
Heyo Playgrounders!

Before I begin, the Spoiler warning is for my players, because I know they lurk the playgrounds. If any of you read this document, I'll kill your characters in a creative fashion (Think Richard from LFG). You have been warned.

Anyway, I've been hard at work on a campaign for when my players finish the current one. The following document is a boss for one of the "endings" I generally plan for this campaign to go in. It's supposed to be the "Bad" Ending boss, and the chances of winning are supposed to be near 0. I've also included the "Good" Ending Boss, one that's supposed to be challenging, but not impossible for their skill level. So give me that feedback! :D

Also, you may need to download to view it properly, as viewing it in google sheets is problematic.

Once again, to my players, if you read this, I will set Roald, Rynn, and Beldin on fire and burn them with the intensity of one thousand suns. Nothing personal. :P

Good Ending Boss https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0w7GKGCU_nkTnRTc3l0LXMySVdjUjBSdi1CaWk4V 2V6Y0ZR

Bad Ending Boss https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0w7GKGCU_nkX0xqUV8zSFVqWTB0M3BOWWdEQXpJY 1FQZGVB

2017-06-04, 11:51 PM
The damage from his normal attack is better than the con saving throw ability. (Bad ending). I also prefer a non binary system for final fight dertiminents. Have you heard of the game Last Remnant? Based on what side quests you do and what you do on them, the final boss has different abilities depending on the side quests you do.