View Full Version : What was your best RP moment (something you did)

2017-06-05, 09:54 AM
Per the topic, what was your best RP moment for a character you were playing. By best, I mean a moment that was both entertaining AND where you felt you had truly played your character perfectly as to how she/he would act. Please no "I was evil and murdered all this stuff didn't I RP gud" because murder hoboing is rarely good RP.

For me it would have to be when my paladin hunted down and killed an undead creature that had been haunting a crowded slum in a large city. Unknown to me, the creature had a death scream ability that basically did a banshees scream when it died. For me and the party the save was fairly easy and we all made it. For the hundreds of level 1 commoners sleeping cheek to jowl around us, not so much. I accidentally killed over 300 innocents because I was ignorant and arrogant. My party tried to just run, but as a LG paladin, I immediately went to the constable and turned myself in.

I was eventually sentenced to death but given a suspended sentence because I was needed to go save the world. I was told to return for my punishment when my quest was over, however I died (well sort of, I suppose I technically became a god but not the fun kind) during the quest. Interestingly, after my death the rest of the party shifted from neutral/fake-good to hardcore actual good in an attempt to live up to my example.

2017-06-05, 09:57 AM
I'm not too good at RP but it is definitely something i am working on. The best in character RP I have done though, is always because my characters and BBEG I'm using on the campaign I'm running are basically what I would be if I had those abilities so it's pretty hard to go off character since they are literally me if I had those abilities.

A good example is when the BBEG of my current campaign literally went to attack the players and a god (without killing them but the players didn't know that) just out of spite and when they fled followed them until he just decided to let them go because it would be boring to kill them there and wouldn't fit his plans for them.

2017-06-05, 12:33 PM
I was playing a Paladin-type in a horror one-shot. It was semi-cooperative, and I was the only person whose only goal genuinely was to prevent the big bad demon from getting summoned. We all turned on each other at the end, it was a lot of fun.
Myself and two other characters got hopelessly trapped (several fruitless attempts to get out) in a cage where we were slowly dying - and we were the three sacrifices the demon needed to come to our world. It started appearing. I asked to speak to the DM in another room.
"Right now my character is thinking about sacrificing herself so that the summoning would be foiled. But it would be anticlimactic if that accomplished nothing, so I'm asking you: would it work?
- Technically it should, but that would be kind of unfair to [Player X] who's trying to summon the demon. So I'll let it work if you kill all three sacrifices.
- Okay."

We go back in the room. I blind everyone with holy light. I strike down the two other guys. I put myself to the sword.

2017-06-05, 12:45 PM
I was playing a man diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic in a game of World of Darkness. I always believed the government was dirty and corrupt, using aliens and demons to keep control of the population. So, when I was rendered unconscious and forced by the government to investigate a town that dropped off the grid (suspected Zombie outbreak, so I was expected to die. two birds, one stone) I immediately felt that all my years of paranoia was justified. So, at this point, I had fought my way through waves of zombies, burned down a small town, and made my way to a nearby small city that was also getting hit by zombies. My group came upon a small group of survivors, and the leader tried to talk to us.
Me: (pointing my gun at the group) Are you a Zombie?
Leader: (sarcastically) Yeah, I'm a zombie and I'm talking to you...
Me: thinks for a couple of seconds
Me: shoots leader in the head
Me: (pointing my gun at the next person) Are you a Zombie?
Frightened Person: NO, I'm not a ZOMBIE!!!

The DM looked at me with a "wtf?" expression. So, I said, "You just told a paranoid schizophrenic man with a gun who has been fighting zombies that you were a zombie. What did you expect would happen?"