View Full Version : Help we're being scryed!

Thac0 Redeye
2017-06-05, 11:56 PM
Our party is currently exploring a cave/crypt/dungeon/etc. and when we cast detect magic, more times than not, see one to three scry sensors. I request help finding a spell/item that will help; 1)who is scrying and where they are, and 2) damage them through the sensor.

2017-06-06, 12:49 AM
Covering the bases:

Detect Scrying (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/detectScrying.htm) (wiz4) can give you a visual of the scryer and a good idea of their direction and distance if you pass an opposed CL check.

False Vision (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/falseVision.htm) (wiz5)

Nondetection (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/nondetection.htm) (Wiz3)

Obscure object (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/obscureObject.htm) (brd1, wiz2).

And then there's scry trap (Magic of Eberron pg 101, wiz5), which blinds and damages the viewer (1d6/CL, will save for half and to negate blindness), and ends their scrying altogether if they fail a CL check. The spell wards a 'creature,' so for bonus points carry around a bag of individually warded rats and hope the viewer passes enough CL checks for their head to explode.

edit: fixed a link.

2017-06-06, 02:48 AM
First and foremost, I'd recommend clarifying: is your GM talking about scrying sensors (those of (scrying) variety) or Prying Eyes spell. People tend to confuse those two and it seems to me you are dealing with the latter. It doesn't make much sense for three persons to scry on the same party simultaneously.

In addition to the spells mentioned above: Deathglance Locket (Dragon Compendium), and Private Sanctum spell.

I'll also second the "not casting on yourself" bit, when it comes to Scry Trap. It is non-dismissable and has some limitations (short range and possibility to trigger it yourself). Having it on flying familiar tends to be the most effective.

Thac0 Redeye
2017-06-06, 10:03 AM
We are definitely being scryed. it is not an eye spell. Our DM has even color coded the sensors so he can keep them straight himself. We have already killed the BBEG who used the "blue" one. We have made a few enemies down here, And they all seem to have their own areas of domain in the dungeon. This campaign is just a straight up dungeon crawl. No major story line. The DM is actually using bits from many different sources.
So thanks for your suggestions so far, anything else?

2017-06-06, 10:15 AM
Give a few unseen servants some boxes slightly bigger than the scrying sensors to carry, then, when you detect them sensors, have the servants put the boxes over that spot. Line them with lead, or just have the servants bang some sticks against the boxes to make sure sound is hard to make out.

2017-06-06, 02:08 PM
If you're good at bluffing, start including someone in your conversations who isn't there. Don't be super-obvious, but reference powerful abilities like greater teleport or greater planar ally. Occasionally, say things like, "that's a pretty lame excuse. I know you're paying us but "saving your spells for unexpected contingencies" is starting to get old." With luck the people scrying you will conclude that you are traveling with one or more mind-blanked characters.

Regardless of whether you're good at bluffing, find a way to get anticipate teleportation or the greater version up. Just in case they try to scry and fry you, you will either be able to vacate the premises or turn it into "scry and die" instead.

2017-06-06, 11:18 PM
So you're being scryed on, but apparently whoever's watching aren't using scry and die tactics. He's gathering information on you, trying to learn your habits, or possibly waiting until you're weakest.

You could always try to make him not want to scry on you. Start singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall," off-key, and stop at 2. Start an impromptu Vogon poetry reading. Make him see things that can't be unseen. Basically, be as annoying as possible.

2017-06-06, 11:54 PM
Hmm... what level are you guys at? That might help.

2017-06-07, 12:03 AM
The live my nightmare feat from the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/buildingCharacters/spelltouchedFeats.htm) might help.

Thac0 Redeye
2017-06-11, 09:18 PM
Hmm... what level are you guys at? That might help.

We are I a party of 5 all 12-13 level.
Half minotaur Barb
drow sorc (me)
dwarf cleric
elf archer
tiefling rogue

2017-06-11, 09:20 PM
We are I a party of 5 all 12-13 level.
Half minotaur Barb
drow sorc (me)
dwarf cleric
elf archer
tiefling rogue

Um... what spells do you know? There might be a spell that helps...

2017-06-11, 10:36 PM
Anticipate Teleportation is a 3rd level spell that lasts all day and has a minimal benefit from caster level, so it's almost ideal to put on an eternal wand or the like. It helps you prevent Scry and Die by reversing things: you know where they're coming in and their teleport is delayed by a round to allow for the party to ready actions. It's a handy trick to have up your sleeve.

2017-06-11, 10:54 PM
Anticipate Teleportation is a 3rd level spell that lasts all day and has a minimal benefit from caster level, so it's almost ideal to put on an eternal wand or the like. It helps you prevent Scry and Die by reversing things: you know where they're coming in and their teleport is delayed by a round to allow for the party to ready actions. It's a handy trick to have up your sleeve.

Unless they're scrying you, see that you have a wand of anticipate teleporatation, and instead just teleport outside of the range and open with a ranged touch spell/ubercharger charge

There's a second level cleric spell called substitute domain which allows a cleric to swap out one of his domains for another, if the cleric can get access to either wealth or planning, detect scrying will be your biggest help, simply to be able to know when you're being scried, and, every time it happens, you get a chance to recieve a vision of who's scrying you, and roughly which way and how far they are. You also automatically know where the sensor is, so you can target it with dispel magic right away. At that point either they just spent a whole hour casting 4th level scry, or they wasted a 7th level spell casting greater scry, probably the latter if the sensors seem to be almost always up.

If your cleric is level 13, and can gain access to the trickery domain via substitute domain the screen spell can give scriers a no save vision of whatever you want, though it's limited to a pre determined area, so it's only good for resting, though you could make the illusion of your party continuing travel and being completely alert, to deter attacks.

John Longarrow
2017-06-12, 07:38 AM
I'm guessing you don't have Rope Trick (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/ropeTrick.htm)?

Low level spell that prevents being scryed upon AND gives you a good place to hold up.

2017-06-12, 08:59 AM
Well... L13's when you should be having mind blank.

Non-detection also helps, vs similar CL casters(and not from wands).

Also, look all the way at the bottom here:

P.S. I love your name, mind if I steal it to make a meta NPC to troll my players with?

2017-06-12, 10:51 AM
If it is pring eyes attack they have a AC of 22 and one hit point. Darkness means they can not see however they move oUT of the area depending on instructions.

2017-06-12, 11:26 AM
I'm guessing you don't have Rope Trick (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/ropeTrick.htm)?

Low level spell that prevents being scryed upon AND gives you a good place to hold up.

Rope trick doesn't stop you from being scried at all. If you're already being scried when you cast it, the sensor just follows you up into the rope trick, and if you're inside when you get scried, you just get +5 on your save, that's it. Considering how consistently the party is being scried though, it seems like they're probably getting something like -16 on their saves due to a mix of likeness, possessions, and body parts, so +5 isn't going to mitigate much, they will likely need to roll a natural 20 to pass the save either way unless they have an extremely good will save.

If it is pring eyes attack they have a AC of 22 and one hit point. Darkness means they can not see however they move oUT of the area depending on instructions.

It's already been mentioned that it's not prying eyes, and considering the party level, if they WERE using prying eyes, I'd imagine it'd be the greater version, which has true seeing, and thus can see through magical darkness without issue.

Prying eyes only has a range of 1 mile as well, which makes it highly impractical unless you're following the party at all times. 1 mile might sound like a long distance, but in dnd terms, that distance can be scanned incredibly quickly and then you're probably gonna die soon after. Prying eyes is much more useful for scouting out a dungeon or fortress rather than keeping tabs on a party, especially since you don't get the info until the eyes return.

Thac0 Redeye
2017-06-12, 02:17 PM
P.S. I love your name, mind if I steal it to make a meta NPC to troll my players with?
Yes absolutely! have at it.

Secondly the ones who are scrying us aren't watching the teleporting in to attack. we usually see the sensor after a fight and we are striping the bodies and searching the room for treasure. at that time either the cleric or sorc casts detect magic to look at the loot and then we also look around the room for other items, and end up seeing one or multiple sensors. but as of yet no one has ambushed us via scry and die. I believe they are just studying us. but to be fair we did invade their crypt/dungeon/cave system to explore and loot. (our campaign has no real story line, we wanted a break from that type of play so our DM has given us a kick in door type of adventure.)

Thirdly I had a few scrolls of rope trick but haven't used them. we have multiple H. Haversacks, bag of holdings and a portable hole. leaving them out unprotected while we rest is not smart. the last few times the group tired that (even burying or hiding) loot got them stolen. and as a rule all the characters we create end up being chaotic greedy. so the loot is a big deal.

So as of now I think we will plan to learn detect scry and scry. also when we get back to town have everyone invest in a deathglance locket. so ill detect, see who it is and then we can all zap him then later scry back and teleport to him and attack.

Another question, will detect scry give me enough info to teleport to his location?

2017-06-12, 08:15 PM
Another question, will detect scry give me enough info to teleport to his location?

I'd think that would fall under "viewed once", no? So you'd have a 76% chance of arriving on target.

John Longarrow
2017-06-12, 11:01 PM
Rope trick doesn't stop you from being scried at all. If you're already being scried when you cast it, the sensor just follows you up into the rope trick, and if you're inside when you get scried, you just get +5 on your save, that's it. Considering how consistently the party is being scried though, it seems like they're probably getting something like -16 on their saves due to a mix of likeness, possessions, and body parts, so +5 isn't going to mitigate much, they will likely need to roll a natural 20 to pass the save either way unless they have an extremely good will save.

A +5 if they are on a different plane. Rope trick takes them outside of the planes. Scrying doesn't work if your not on any plane.

Thac0 Redeye
2017-06-13, 12:16 AM
I'd think that would fall under "viewed once", no? So you'd have a 76% chance of arriving on target.

so i'd have to scry back to study area to have a better chance to arrive on target, right?

2017-06-13, 08:54 AM
so i'd have to scry back to study area to have a better chance to arrive on target, right?

Yes but you can't use Scrying on a place, You have to use it on a creature. So pray that it doesn't move(you can only see 10' around it).

2017-06-13, 11:23 AM
Your DM should be making all of the characters aware when they are being forced to make the save against being scried. You always know when you're forced to make a save and Scrying at the very least forces a save. If this is some other method of scrying that doesnt allow for a save then you're probably already screwed.

Judging by the duration on Scrying it's pretty crazy to think that whoever is keeping tabs on you is able to do it pretty much all the time.

It's a tough thing to ask a DM "Are you actually using the rules for all of this scrying, or are you handwaving it because you think it's cool and thematic" as that can cause a whole slew of other problems.

2017-06-13, 11:36 AM
I'd think that would fall under "viewed once", no? So you'd have a 76% chance of arriving on target.

Depends on the rule system and circumstances. Pathfinder FAQs can be read to indicate that scrying does not give a good enough view of the area in order to even reach the viewed once category. On the other hand, especially if the people scrying the party are inhabitants of the dungeon, it is possible that they are familiar with some of the areas the party is in independently of the scrying. For example, they might have sent an embassy to the monster group that the PCs just killed and might well have studied the meeting hall at that time with the intention of being able to teleport back if they felt like the situation justified it. Or they could have studied major landmarks in the unclaimed/disputed/public areas of the dungeon so that they can teleport there if the PCs camp within 10 feet of a landmark.

In the teleport attack game, the party that is familiar with the territory has a pretty big advantage over the party that is exploring the terrain for the first time.

2017-06-14, 05:39 PM
Our party is currently exploring a cave/crypt/dungeon/etc. and when we cast detect magic, more times than not, see one to three scry sensors. I request help finding a spell/item that will help; 1)who is scrying and where they are, and 2) damage them through the sensor.

Mind Blank!