View Full Version : Early Gunsmith's shoppe

2017-06-06, 03:22 AM
With the Artificer likely inevitably going to see the light of day as an official class, my DM decided to allow Artificers (and Mystics) in their current state, and along with them, the first guns (those of the Gunsmith only) ever created in the homebrew world.

I was wondering what kind of tools and other equipment might an early gunsmith have in his workshop. I was thinking that my Players in another group set in same world as above would stumble upon such a place, and I'd like to detail it as elaborately as possible.

2017-06-06, 03:27 AM
state of the art self made alchemist table that gunpowder ain't gonna mix it self other then that sturdy target for practice

2017-06-06, 03:43 AM
Guns have to be made from sturdy metal that won't melt or burst, so i'd say you better bring out the heavy hammers and a big ol' fireplace forge, dozens of obscure tools no adventurer has ever seen, some of them maybe with a magic glow to them.
As the stuff has just been invented, you might wanna lay out some pictograms and blueprints, maybe even stuff like failed prototypes.
There Should be some form of fire prevention in case a gun spontaneously combusts - a ton of buckets full of water, maybe some scrolls for ice spells, or even an elaborate system of pipes that can drizzle water over the entire interior.

2017-06-06, 03:52 AM
Yeah, I intended that the scenery would be related to this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?526280-To-map-out-a-Heist!-(Stand-alone-Campaign-Session-help)), and that the "art" or other object they'd "confiscate" was in fact the blueprints and other artificers' notes about their own research, to be sold to the highest bidder through the black market. In the setting it would be the gnomes who were the first artificers, and I thought it would fit my campaign that in this particular area of said world, the artificer secrets would be stolen by none other than the players of my group ^^