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View Full Version : Guardians of the Future - Chapter 0: The Fool's Journey

2017-06-06, 02:17 PM
It has all been pretty unreal. As if being able to access some kind of mystical power was not enough your whole world got pretty much wrecked when you got recruited to join the Academy. Protecting the world from some kind of unseen, possibly nonexistent threat probably isn't your idea of fun, but recruiters did mention that it is your own choices. Granted, you didn't really have any choice, since learning how to control your power on your own isn't really a choice. So, they cram you all into this classroom for your introduction class, tell you to behave yourself, leave you never to be seen again. Luckily, you don't really need wait for long, before this blond guy in his late twenties enters the room.
"Settle down everyone. I know this is your first time here, but you will need to show some degree of discipline if you are to stay here." From the first words he speaks you notice a healthy doze of authority in his voice. This is probably someone you don't want to mess with. "My name is Johnathan Walker and I will be you TA for this year. Professor Setros is a rather busy man, so he will not participate in our meetings. It will be a good way for you familiarize yourself with the way this academy works. You have already been informed that your job is to investigate the potential supernatural threats to our world. I will leave the technical details to those who specialize in those kind of things, but I will answer a few of your questions. I imagine that you all are confused, and that is natural, but please keep your questions short, your first mission awaits."

2017-06-06, 03:00 PM
"Aaaaand the first day begins. Pushed into a classroom with a lot of strangers and a smug professor. I don't really miss my old school"
I said under my breath looking at the professor in question when he entered the class. It didn't help when he started talking.
°I know that it's unwise to joke around the first day but really... this is too boring°

I raised my hand, with all the innocence of an iceberg that gets in the middle of one of the main trading naval routes.
"Got a question, professor WALKer. When can we WALK around freely?"
I said, when he granted me permission to speak.

2017-06-06, 03:09 PM
After hearing the first question Jonathan sighs, as if he was expecting it to be something serious.
"I am not a professor, so you can call me Johnathan. You are free to walk out of here anytime you want, it is up to you. However, if you have any intention of joining this team you have to go through initiation first. Would that answer be satisfactory?"

2017-06-06, 03:22 PM
"Yeah, thank you Jhon" I say, relaxing on my chair. Time to let the others ask the serious questions. Or just plan a new way to mess around while I hear what this initiation is all about.

Windy El
2017-06-06, 07:50 PM
As Jonathan enter the class, Arya tough:"Finally, we'll hopefully have some answer to what the hell the Academy in reality."

She was here like all other because she had a awakening of her power; her "Persona". She was curious as to what look the persona of the others. She was surprised when she saw hers becoming Succubus. "I hope the other are as diverse as my classmate."

She couldn't resit a smile as her classmate asked the first "question" to Johnatan. There is always one kid like that, at least he showed himself pretty fast.

Raising her hand, waiting to be acknowledged by Johnathan, then asked with a serious tone: "What is exactly this initiation you spoke of? I tought we had to have that power to enter." putting a focus on the word power.

2017-06-07, 03:44 PM
"Yeah! This initiation better be legit! I swear this better not be the 3nd time in my life someone's tried to get me to cross-dress for ****s and giggles!" immediately echos a voice from the back of the room, though with the volume of being omnipresent. Sitting backwards in his chair yet with the earnest attention of an eager new student, Daniel projects both an air of dottiness and an intense energy, despite the completely unprofessional manner of his demeanor.

2017-06-07, 04:01 PM
"I assume... That the initiation would involve measuring our power would it not?" The haltingly spoken question comes from the Japanese boy sitting near the front. Dressed in the uniform from his old school, abet with the emblems removed, as he wasn't sure what the clothing terms were for the academy. Hastily arranged as it was.

2017-06-07, 06:53 PM
I try to look at whoever screamed about cross-dressing.
I'm going to have sooooo much fun with this class...

2017-06-08, 08:18 AM
A girl with a mane of shaggy hair shoves her hand into the air. "So, uh, I'm sure you guys get this a lot," she says, "But are you sure this isn't some sort of New Age hippie thing? Not that I don't believe ya or anything, but you gotta admit that it is a bit far fetched."

2017-06-08, 10:46 AM
"Yeah," Jesse pipes up. "I mean, I still don't even know what this is actually about. I got some message about 'saving the world' or something like that, and now you guys are talking about powers and supernatural threats...am I the only one who's confused?"

Perhaps you should've done more than skim the email.
Don't think this means I'm talking to you now.
Come now, Jesse, what more proof of my existence could you possibly need? These people clearly know.
Bulls*** they do. That girl's right, they haven't told us anything. I'm still waiting on some confirmation that they're not just crazy.
Glass houses, Jesse. Also, didn't you just say you weren't talking to me?
That's...I...shut up.

2017-06-10, 05:20 PM
At the words 'New Age hippie thing', Daniel bursts into ineffectively stifled snickering with a Cheshire-grin on his face. "All glory to the sure-a-peepee", he giggles under his breath, outright covering his mouth and hoping that now would not be the moment the instructor finally gives them their marching orders.

2017-06-11, 02:59 PM
Sotaro drums his fingers on the desk. "I get what you're saying... But do you really think that all the myths that are around today sprang from nothing? To last and be told for generations to come?"

2017-06-14, 03:24 PM
After listening to everyone's comments, Johnathan lets out a rather depressing sigh before answering.
"We do not do things here for s**** and giggles. Confusion is a natural reaction, and so is disbelief. However, you will get a chance to see it for yourself. Trust and clarity come naturally after you witness all the chaos and destruction."
He pauses for a moment before continuing his explanation.
"As for the initiation itself, it is rather simple. All you have to do is travel to the future and check it out. All we really need to know is that you can function as a part of the team and that your powers are under your control. And what better way to do it then a little field trip, under our supervision?"

2017-06-14, 08:56 PM
It takes a very long second to process it all. "...future? As in 'Now I know the numbers of the lottery" or as in 'OH GOD WORLD'S BROKEN MOMMY SAVE ME'?

2017-06-14, 10:44 PM
"Wait, hold on, what?" The same girl as before leans back in her chair and groans. "First magic and now time travel. If you guys weren't promising me cheap tuition..."

Once the meeting concludes, and everyone begins making their way to the "time travel" room behind Johnathan, Sam hurries to catch up to Sotaro. "Hey," she says, shoving her hand out in greeting. "You seem to actually agree with them, and not think they're talking out of their asses. D'you know something about this place that I don't?"

2017-06-15, 03:24 PM
Hearing talk of the validity of the institution break out, Daniel slows his own walking down to fall back with others, despite his inclination to immediately enter into the next challenge ahead of them. "I surmise we all have reason to give them the benefit of the doubt." he speaks outloud, arms folded behind his head. "Amusing it is to jest that their commencement ceremony might end up getting us on viral videos online, they know enough about me to make brushing off their words foolish. Doesn't the same apply to you, to all of us?"

2017-06-15, 03:51 PM
"Dude, I see and potentially summon demons. This is the only place where someone doesn't consider me crazy or worst. Even if at the end they make us put on a show for kids pests I'd still follow what they say. For as long as it's funny. I say, answering Daniel with the same loud voice.

Windy El
2017-06-15, 06:45 PM
Following the group, she got closer to Daniel listening to him and her classmate.
"I may be able to summon my persona, but I'm not sold on the time travel 'voyage' we will make. Summoning a part of me; OK, time travel, no..."

She was not conveiced by any of this. Maybe they are in a crazy house passing for a school.

2017-06-15, 06:58 PM
Sotaro seems mildly surprised by the offered handshake though accepts it as they walk along. "It's not so much that I know about this academy... More that I grew up on the shrine my parents maintained. As you might expect I know a fair bit of folklore associated with Japan and..." He pauses as if trying to consider his words. "There's just enough pieces that fit together giving what they say plausibility. I mean, before I thought folklore was just myth yet we've all seen something that proves there's a grain of truth to myth right?"

2017-06-17, 03:39 PM
"I'm curious what they mean by time travel, too." Daniel replies, turning around and walking backwards, arms still behind his head (and at dramatically increased risk of running into something when he should be watching where he's going). "If this turns into a 'Ronin Jill' situation, I might be booking it just to keep from causing a negative space wedgie." he chuckles with a broad grin. "But Ofuda-san is right." Daniel continues, nodding with a look towards Sotaro. "When Supernatural Spirits go from dreams to being fact, everything becomes a bit more credible an option, doesn't it? Besides, I've been in places where they treat crazy people. I've had some problems before I gained my power, and I'm at least passingly acquainted with that sort of thing. Unless we're all about to get bum-rushed right now, they wouldn't let us walk around like this. So -someone- has to be taking this seriously, or setting up one hell of a prank for Tv. I -might- start cursing at random just to see how many times I can make the sensor go off, if that's the case..." he adds at a whisper, turning back to the front.