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2017-07-10, 03:13 AM
"Fire, No. Just a little crowd control problem at the reservoir. My guys will keep..er..move the civilians out of danger.

Training! Yes, we got a full day of introductory magic and ranged weapons sessions today. Nothing too dangerous, should keep you safe.

GM seems concerned. "Should we do the Quick Start Card protocol for the casters? There are usually a lot of kids for that pre 4th of July dance."

Eric Scott
2017-07-10, 04:05 AM
Marty's eyes widen at the word danger and upon hearing quick start he smiles, Perhaps a test of the non-casters training and the intuition of the casters is in order? After all, the world rarely waits for one to be ready for it... Besides, GM sounds anxious, and if we can handle it then there'd be no need for her to tarnish her looks with those pesky worry lines. Sounds like fun to me... he says before finishing the last of his toast.

2017-07-10, 05:38 AM
"Fun?...even the hippy...*sigh* I suppose that is why we need you. The world isn't waiting...Come on then..."

He starts to lead you out of the room.

GM who has finished her food while Carl and Marty were talking, pops a piece of bacon in her mouth, finishes her chemistry book in .4 seconds, and stands. She shimmies her body a bit as she takes a step, and with blue sparkles and an understated glow, she is wearing her sorceress/priestess costume. Following Carl out, she scoops up a half dozen items off the buffet.

2017-07-10, 05:41 AM
Wait what? Can you tell us more about what this sudden thing is?

Oliver then shoots a dirty look at Marty for throwing them into this.

2017-07-10, 06:08 AM
As everyone walks down the hall....
"There are a lot of people at the reservoir for the weekend pre Fourth of July stuff. There is a Giant lizard dragon thing, not much bigger than a horse, and his octopus minions trying to move in. Eating some of the teenagers.

Don't worry, they are LAND octopus. "

You are lead into a room with equipment set on tables....

2017-07-10, 07:56 AM
"Eating people? Give me a moment,
got to get Lucy. She won't forgive me if I leave her behind." John jumps up and runs back to his room to retrieve the dog.

Eric Scott
2017-07-10, 01:56 PM
Giant lizard dragon thing... Octopus minions... How wonderfully vague can you be? Though then again I don't know everything about this worlds creatures, at least not yet, so it wouldn't be that surprising to me for you to not know everything about your worlds creatures. But to simplify, fire breathing horse and minions with eight appendages. That's a lot of limbs, could be trouble. Though I suppose, tactically speaking, we could try to maneuver in such a way to have the minions in between us and the horse so that if it breaths fire it hits them first weakening their offense. Hmm... Edwardo come, we've people to save and/or protect and death's door to knock on. Marty says all rather quickly seemingly over flowing with excitement.

2017-07-10, 08:55 PM
"Excuse me?!" Katherine blinks wide-eyed and tenses up at the news, but closes her eyes and tries to focus her energy. If Carl hadn't already changed his mind, she would have argued for staying here and training as planned. After all, a police officer or EMT does not rush to a murder scene if they're still in training; they leave it to the experienced professionals.

As it stands, though...

"Well, I wouldn't call it fun, but we do seem to have the proper tools for the job, and we are going to need field experience. Plus we're all eager to help, which is probably reason enough on its own."

2017-07-10, 09:13 PM
"Actually, the octopi are on the beach, and the Lizard is in the lair. It is using some artifact to migrate into this world....moving its lair. Probably more minions inside. If you get the artifact, or just kill him, the lair will probably drift back into its original realm, taking the minions with it.

Katherine, Oliver, Marty.... could you stand at the points of this pentagram on the floor here? Ok, cross the staffs in the middle, put the spell books on this point, GM stands on that interior vertex..... ok. GM will be ready in a minute.

When John and Lucy enter, "Oh John,
about Lucy.... That thing with her getting big? We didn't plan that. Not sure how it happened. We need a day to work it out to be repeatable and keyed to you instead of Katherine. We'll work on it while your off, but we need Lucy for that. Here is Quill, he'll check you out on your equipment.

2017-07-10, 09:41 PM
GM arranges people and things around the pentagram.

Oliver on right, Marty on left, Kat in the middle. Mincemeat between Oliver's feet, Edwardo on Marty's left shoulder.
Oliver's cane and Marty's staff crossed on the floor in the middle with her own staff. She places an ank medallion on top of them. On another point on the star she places satchels, and bows of holly and mistletoe, and on the last point some books, scrolls quills, and vials of ink.

2017-07-10, 09:41 PM
Katherine concentrates on her bracelet and follows GM's lead, transforming into her knightly persona and holding out her sword as appropriate for what she can only assume to be a teleportation spell of some sort.

...the pentagram motif still kind of irks her, though.

Eric Scott
2017-07-10, 10:03 PM
Well that certainly makes it easier, them not all being in the same place. Marty says sounding a little upset. Pentagram though? I can understand the logic that it'd be magically strong, I mean why else would devil worshipers use it but, surely there are other shapes that are stronger right? Triangles are strong, so are hexagons... I mean I have practiced Satanism so I'm not opposed to it but, I never really cared for the symbolism. It tends to make people fell some kind of way. He shrugs. I do recognize it has other meanings but, that's just where most peoples minds go upon seeing one.

2017-07-11, 02:08 AM
"Just put the sword in the scabbard, we won't be needing it."

A lab assistant brings a tray over to Carl, Quill, and John. QUll takes a pair of dark, wrap around sunglasses off the tray and gives them to John. "Put these on, will you chap?" he says as he dons his own. By the time John has adjusted the raybands, he looks down to see Carl and Lucy already wearing them. The lab assistant puts on his own pair, flips down the wielding visor he is wearing, flips down the dark lens on that, then goes and stands facing the wall. Then the assistant takes the empty tray and holds it behind his head as a shield. He seems to be praying as he quivers a bit.

As John looks back to Carl and Quill for an explanation, he finds that they have just finished fitting Lucy with a hospital x-ray leaded apron, and are now wearing the same. Catching John's look, instead of offering John one, Carl offers, "Try not to look directly at them, or indirectly for too long."

Meanwhile, over in the circle, once Kat has put away her sword, GM tries to put Marty at ease. In a voice like a cheerleader giving a pregame pep-talk, she assures "Don't worry.
Try to relax and open your mind. They to think of nothing or only calm peaceful thoughts of good things. We aren't summoning any Devils today.The containment circle is to help us focus and to protect the rest of the facility from the energies I'm unleashing into you. :) "

Before 'wait, what's can clear lips, she murmurs a spell, the lines of the diagram glow an electric pink, she take Oliver and Marty by the forehead like a Pentecostal preacher at a revival show, locks eyes with Kat....

And really does call out the Spirit.

Beams of light lock her eyes with Kat's. a torrent of enengy flows from her hands into Oliver and Marty. Everyone is glowing from agape mouths and eyes. She is floating a couple of inches off the ground, her cape and hair flapping. The energy being released is blinding.

"BraAK, Edwardo's a Neon Light!"

The containment circle is now pulsing with scarlet energy, the circular wall it is putting up is occasionally visible as a red sheen against the blue white light GM is releasing.

"Well, seems to be holding" says s relived and surprised sounding Carl. They'll be in there an hour or so. I'll go arrange transport. He trots off.

"If you will accompany me to the next room, Agent St. John, I'll check you out on your issue equipment. invites Quill.

2017-07-11, 09:52 AM
John does a lot of nodding his head and following orders. When things start happening John get on his game.

The sight of his comrades glowing, though... That's just odd.

Wait... If this is their prep, then what is his going to be like? And Agent? Are they now agents? What kind of equipment are we looking at here?
With all these thoughts milling about in his head, John does the only logical thing he can think of.
He nods and follows Quill.

2017-07-11, 12:06 PM
John follows Quill into the next room. It looks like an inventors' workshop. Little people in crafting aprons or white lab coats mill around adjusting things.

*Ba, da-da, de-dah-dah, ba da bedawa... Ba Ba

"Thank you. That will be quite enough of that. Authorized personnel only please." Quill annoyedly rushes the musicians in the corner out the door with a stern look.

The distraction gone, he strides over to a table with several items laid out, in front of a target range filled with dozens of dummies.

2017-07-11, 12:29 PM
Meanwhile, in the circle.....


Seeing scenes of GM's life, you learn that this 'girl' is both a 4 year old newborn in a teenager's body and a 40,000 year old immortal. She would never describe herself as a deity, but she has been worshiped by tribes, turned down both marriage proposals and seduction attempts by actual Gods, and is 'level 80' in a dozen magical classes. She has seen ice ages come and go...

She is the sworn protectress of her realm, but has sent this 'imprint' to aid in protecting yours...out of obligation...guilt?

You see the truth of magic. Of collecting and redirecting energy, using mental frame works and sympathetic components, of making it easier with the stepping stones and short cuts of spells...the simplification of thinking about it in terms of slots, and rounds, and segments, and levels...of convincing the universe to do what you want it to do for a bit, or to convince the minds of others to believe what you want for a bit, or to harness powers granted by distant but concerned Gods that _don't_ love you because you _aren't_ _their_ children or _responsibility_ but feel compassion for you as thinking creatures all the same and will grant you a token of their power so long as you don't abuse it so that you can defend your realm from creatures they dislike. And of powers granted by local spirits and the Earth herself....and from your own spirit....

2017-07-11, 01:34 PM
Now, to return to your street clothes,
just think 'Put it all away' with the intent of changing your costume.

He takes out a notecard..To call the ax or axes to your hand think, ..." reads from card, seems annoyed..."'Where is my Buddy?' and which ax you wish to call. For both 'Where are my Buddys?'. Your other equipment will appear, taking the place of your clothes, unless you don't want them to. Here is your other ax..." He holds up a hatchet.

2017-07-11, 07:59 PM
Katherine has enough cultural context to see that the existence of alien gods is no big challenge to her own faith. Really, the closest comparison she has for GM's lonely situation is to that of a Joined Trill from Star Trek. At least Gal doesn't seem too worried about breaking the prime directive.

She hears the far-off whispers of Gal's relatives in their respective palaces, conveying in tongues the degree of trust they've placed in her at Galan-e's request. She can feel the allotment of creative power bestowed on her, to be invoked and directed like so much charity money. It feels... heavy. In her mind, she thanks the alien donors and prays that she won't let them down.

2017-07-11, 08:20 PM
The only 'Earthly' religion that is debunked by your knowledge form GM is Satanism. Satanis is real, wants to corrupt the world and get your Soul, thinks Satanists are a hoot, and is continually irritated that he is conflated with Lucifer, his competitor.

You see glimpses of GM's magical training, but you have to understand it in the terms she used to understand it so this is turning into a weaving and music and cooking and gardening lesson....learning her stepping stones....

(I'm going for a bit of overwhelmed confusion on purpose in the writing style here...)

2017-07-11, 08:28 PM
(Well, I mean, obviously Kat's confused and overwhelmed too. Also her eyes are starting to dry out from staring into the light for so long. :smalltongue:)

2017-07-11, 08:48 PM
John listens intently, absorbing every word of instruction. "A second ax. Good times." he accepts the hatchet and thinks his battleaxe into existence.

"Swing, swing, swing, yes? This'll do,
I think.?

2017-07-11, 09:04 PM
"Think 'hand axes' and over 3 seconds they will take that shape. Best for two weapon fighting and throwing.

This is your utility belt, it has loops for the hand axes." Quill puts the belt on.

"May I hold that one, please?" he requests, indicating the one with the yellow handle. The other one has a black handle.

2017-07-11, 09:17 PM
...Nursery rhymes...folk tales....the Elvin story for remembering how to properly tie a sash knot...4 mutually exclusive systems of elements, none of them with 'heart'. Planting cycles, constellations, harvest preservation. Mother's kiss, moon light, scent of pine in autumn. Ancient bargains with tree spirits. Lullabies. All these magic made and make magic....

2017-07-11, 09:49 PM
"The yellow shaft is 'Lightening'. It is a, to use trade terms, plus 2- keen, shocking, thunder clap, hand ax of returning and tazing. If you touch someone and command 'taze', it produces enough of a non lethal shock to incapacitate most humans." (2d6 non lethal touch attack).

He demonstrates, touching a dummy with a light bulb on the head. Taze" making the light bulb glow.

"If you strike with intent to kill, or harm severely, the shock is more lethal." He strikes the dummy again, harder. Sparks fly and the light bulb bursts as the ax bites into the stuffing. (1d6 electric)

"When you throw it, aim for the furthest opponent. It has a range of 60 feet." He throws at a dummy 20 ft away. Sparking, the ax hits the target, then continues to the target 60 ft away, striking it with a thunderous BANG. (your attack roll is against the far target unless you are specially aiming for a closer one. Separate attack roll at -5 for each intervening target along the path of flight. If you aim for a closer target, the ax goes no further.)

"That was the thunder clap. If you het very well, a 'crit' we call it, it releases the thunder clap.The ax will return to your hand 7 seconds later. (2d6 sonic, save dc damage dwelt or be deafened) The ax flies back to the gnome's hand, hitting the 20 ft dummy again on the way back. (d20+2 attack roll on all targets in path. No stg bonus to damage).

You have time to move before it returns,
so if you can line up addition targets.... he throws again, and dashes though the dummies......and if you don't have a hand open it returns to the belt loop. The ax hits the 60 ft target again, then flies along the new path to the gnome, hitting 2 more dummies on the way. Quill closes his hands and crosses his arms, and the ax handle rings the belt loop. (so you can throw, move, draw new weapon and attack next round as it returns to your belt. )

"The black handeled mate is 'Thunder'.
+2 keen, thundering, lightening strike ax of returning.
(on crit, 2d6 lethal electric, +1d6 non lethal, save dc lethal damage dwelt or be blinded)

2017-07-11, 10:56 PM
"If you are holding both hand axes they also have the 'speed' and 'balanced' quality, allowing you to attack with both of them." (two weapon fighting, no penalty).

"You can change the shape of them to any ax form in 3 seconds." (move action, but you can change both at the same time.)

In battle ax from, you can still use both of them, but with much more difficulty. Great and Pole ax forms require two hands per ax. However, with 3 seconds of concentration you can combine them into a double bitted ax which combines the qualities of the two. They are only returning in hand ax form. The pole ax has the advantage of a 10 ft reach, and the great ax has the wounding and vorpal qualities.

He pulls a packet with two buttons out of his pocket. One button is a smile-ly face, and the other is a clown face. "Oh, one last thing on the axes, the boys down in RnD made these up this morning especially for you.
They attach to the axes. One will give anyone struck by the ax a 10% chance to start laughing uncontrollably, and the other a 10% chance to start dancing unaccountably to.. reading from card...'Lil Jon's improper dance'... Which ax do you want to attach each to? (dc 5 +damage dwelt to stop)

2017-07-12, 02:19 AM
"Whoop whoop, indeed... I'll attach the smiley to Lightning and the clown to Thunder. I can't wait to give them a try in actual combat."

John looks more than a little perplexed.

2017-07-12, 08:14 AM
"Any questions, Agent? or shall we move on to the knives?"

2017-07-12, 11:45 AM
"No questions for now. Let's keep going for the moment, though I'll likely need a ten minute sit-down at the end to let everything settle."

2017-07-12, 12:11 PM
Muffin recipes, tea ceremony protocols, bird call recognition, care and maintenance of koi, turning and destroying undead, aberration and abomination recognition, advanced draconic grammar, alchemical recipes, herbal readies, tulip breading, elvin kharma sutra (let's try to remember that one...), shapeshifting, pottery, candle making, candle magic, Hanson's discography (oh the horror), Gemology, gem magic, The Dwarven book of lovemaking (oh the horror...why does she even...), card tricks, metamagic, flower arranging, countering spells, protection circles...

"Ding! ;) Fries done! :smallsmile:

Would you guys like something to drink? You should probably sit a bit and let it all settle in. Why are you....Oh!... sorry.

Remove Blindness, Mass
All better now.

2017-07-12, 02:29 PM
"This is your bandoleer. Your daggers attach to is thusly." There are 3 black daggers on the table.

These are Viper, Wasp, and Spider. They are +2 keen, venomous, acid burst, daggers of returning and silencing. They bare the venom of their namesakes and you can see and feel the engraved symbols on the handles and blades. They have a range of 80 ft, and work pretty much like the axes. If your hands aren't free they return to the bandoleer. To call a particular dagger to your hand from storage in your tattoo, think the name of the dagger.Upon your mental command, they transform into rapiers in 3 seconds. They silence opponents struck using both a magical compulsion and paralyzation of the vocal nerves from the venom." (move action action to change to rapier.)

(+d6 acid.(crit +1d10) +d6 poison primary and secondary, save dc = damage dwelt. Silence effect dc 20 will and fort vs the poison.)

(wasp d6 dex, Viper d6 con, Spider d6 stg. )

2017-07-12, 02:59 PM
Obviously, you don't want to use the daggers against anything you don't intend to kill.

Here are 10 silver throwing daggers, and 10 cold iron. +1 sap for subduing. Two compressed trowing nets, box of matches, bag of marbles, sling and slingshot, 10 silver and 10 cold iron bullets, 10 flashbang smoke bullets (flare + thunderstone+ smoke stick), 5 vials of acid, 5 incendiary vials (alchemist fire), one Swiss army knife, one set of Allen keys, and +1 thieves tools.

This is an life raft with a compressed nitrogen inflation system. You can fit all of these on the utility belt or the bandoleer.

This cape and hood are adaptive camouflage. You can adjust the slide here on the collar to select a particular color and pattern. (+5 equipment bonus to hide)

This is a cowl of the owl. It enhances the senses, and protects you from gas. The slide toggle on the temple switches between night vision and heat vision. (+5 to listen and spot. +5 saves vs gas)

Gloves and boots of Spiderclimbing.
The costume is +2 studded leather of fire and acid resistance 5.

I think that is enough for now, don't you?

2017-07-12, 03:28 PM
Quill picks up one final item form the table.

You can be a surgically precise force,
silently protecting your world by silently removing threats,
or you can be a raging monster destroying the plans of armies though unrestrained violence. You are equipped for either.
There may be times where one or the other is better, or you will need to choose which tactic to use. Choose wisely, but try to be true to yourself. Now think, and decide what you are. When you are ready, think 'put it all on' and your powers will be revealed to you. Your friends will be waiting in the cafeteria.

With that, he hands John the last item and walks out of the room.

Examining the item, John discovers it is a two sided face paint kit. One side is black, brown, grey, and olive military camouflage. The other is red, blue, white, silver......

2017-07-12, 03:33 PM
Kat, Oliver, and Marty, in a bit of a daze, are lead back to their booth, where water and various drinks are set out for them.

2017-07-12, 05:02 PM
Oliver grabs the largest energy drink they have and begins swigging.

OK, should I feel like I've snorted a jiffy bag filled of phsycadelics or is that bad?

Eric Scott
2017-07-12, 05:18 PM
Marty downs a glass of water.

Can... Can we do that again some time? I've experienced something similar to that only once before and it was nowhere near that level...

2017-07-12, 08:08 PM

A dazed Katherine rubs her left temple as her psyche continues trying to make sense of information her brain has no business knowing. It calls the very natures of memory and consciousness into question. She's not sure which is worse: the feeling that she's trapped at the bottom of an alien ocean, or the part of her that's actually starting to like it.

"Amazing... I guess it's no wonder you only do this one level at a time." She sits down and accepts a glass of whatever. Water. Sure. "Thank you. I'm not sure how long it will take for my mind to integrate everything with my own experience. I feel like I'm going to fall asleep and wake up as a completely different person! But, then again... I guess we all do that every night, if we're living our lives correctly... ha..." she trails off, staring into her water glass, contemplating its magical and spiritual significance in ways that had never occurred to her before.


A stray thought finally snaps her out of it. "Right! The campers! Are we still going, or...?"

2017-07-15, 01:37 PM
"How is everyone feeling?"

Carl ambles up to the booth.

2017-07-15, 08:08 PM
Oliver lays down the energy drink with a jittery hand.

Like I'm hung over but also on an adrenaline rush. Do you have any Coffee? Or gravy? Or pancakes? Or sleeping pills?

2017-07-15, 10:45 PM
About 20 seconds later a platter of pancakes covered in gravy with a side of coffee is dropped off by a waiter, along with another bottle of power aid and a cup of chamomile tea.

Eric Scott
2017-07-15, 11:30 PM
Eh, I've been better though I've also been worse. Should be just fine in 10 to 15 minutes once I lock all that information in. Marty says with a stretch and a bit of a yawn.

2017-07-16, 12:54 AM
"How do I feel?"

Katherine scoops up the tea and smells it. Gnomish Chamomile... she recognizes it, somehow, from GM's transferred memories. As with most gnome food, it was invented more for novelty than anything, but it's pretty good.


2017-07-16, 07:20 AM
"Edwardo wants a Pina Colata and a bowl of Brazil nuts."

(up grade to "awakened" and apply the benefits of both a familiar and an animal companion. Also, first level Wizard/Druid. Treat as second pc)

Looking down at Mincemeat, he is lapping orange gator-aid and cooling confusedly at the color plates in the art history book.

"Oh, you're not going to understand that boy. Turning to Oliver, We'll get him fitted with glasses of color vision while you'er out.

(roll 4d6 for intelligence. Then apply familiar benefits. Will be treated in "Snoopy" mode, sometimes doing what Charlie Brown wants, sometimes doing odd things at GM bequest.)

2017-07-16, 03:36 PM
John shakes himself from his stupor at all that has been laid before him.

"Put it on." he thinks. He picks up the tin of face paint and looks in a mirror.

"Sounds like we're going to be fighting in view of the public. Gotta let them know we're on their side. Red, white, and blue it is."

Before long he shows up in the cafeteria, the American flag painted on his face and dressed to kill.

"Whoop whoop."

2017-07-17, 01:24 PM
GM joins the casters at the table.

Here is your Ank, Katherine. See the little notches here? You can attach your cross on the front if you like. It acts as your focus.

Marty, These are your spell books. I'll hold on to them for you until you get back. Your spells are already prepared for the day.

Carl chimes in, Marty, you can store things in your hat, and your staff is a +2 caustic burst weapon. It does acid damage.

Kid,...Oliver, your cane is a +2 sonic burst weapon. You can
change it to a staff with a though. If you get into trouble,
try pulling a random spell out of your hat. (rod of wonders)There is also an infinate supply of snowballs and snowcones in there, and a variety of flavor syrups. They disappear after ten minutes, so don't try to build a fort.

The cafeteria suddenly goes silent.

Captain Ameri-bat has entered the room.

Eric Scott
2017-07-17, 02:53 PM
So, I get a staff that does acid and a hat that holds stuff and Oliver gets a microphone and a hat that is a portable snowball fight?Lucky. Marty says sounding slightly disappointed not to have a portable snowball fight.

He then sees Captain Ameri-bat and his eyes go wide. John? He then squints, Are you feeling alright? I mean, nothing wrong with representing your country but, that seems a little... He trails off not sure what to say.

2017-07-17, 03:00 PM
We'll provide you with more items when we have time to train you how to use them.

Any questions before you go?

Eric Scott
2017-07-17, 03:33 PM
I have only one question, while I do have a first aid kit and apparently healing spells, are there any things you could give us to help with the, frankly inevitable, injuries? Magic bandages or potions or something, I don't know. Marty says unsure if such things are available or if someone else might be in more need of them.

2017-07-17, 04:45 PM
As Marty is speaking, an gnome in a lab coat pushes in a metal cart.

One fully charged wand of Cure light Wounds, 2 potions of cure moderate wounds each, 2 vials of cure minor wound each (including Edwardo), 4 standard first aid kits.
and an auto defibrillator.

2017-07-17, 10:43 PM
"An ankh? Ha, of course it is! Thank you."

Katherine doesn't make any alterations. It's a gift and symbol of life, not a vanity license plate.

She smiles at John. "Well, it looks like you've been having fun. Are we all ready to go?"

2017-07-17, 11:23 PM
Oliver throws a snowball at the back of Marty's head

Presuming it's a ranged tours he Attack,


Cheer up, us and this mysterious superhero need to go kick ass.

2017-07-18, 11:30 AM
"Marty, there are likely going to be scared people there. Harry Potter would call them muggles. They'll need to see something that they recognize so they don't end up in a funny farm."

John sits down, "Plus, they're less likely to shoot someone representing a symbol they know and love. Finally, with all the stuff going on in the news, the idea of a superhero is not a far stretch for the mind let's roll with it!"

"Hearts and minds, guys. Hearts and minds."

2017-07-18, 11:38 AM
GM is shocked, but then bursts into giggles. (by the snowball, not the hearts and minds speech)

A dwarf in a mining helmet walks in carrying a box. Carl hands out the healing gear, including a little belt for Edwardo, then takes a mole (also wearing a mining helmet) from the box and hands it to Marty. He then gives a more to Kat, Oliver, and John.

Edwardo, hold on tight to Marty. Guys,
just touch the mole to the wall, gently, and it will take you to the lake. The lake dragon must be using some artifact to shift his lair to your realm. Just get it and the lair should soon drift back to its own realm. OR... kill the dragon.

Eric Scott
2017-07-18, 02:22 PM
Marty just sighs from getting hit with the snowball.

To John, True enough, I'm just a little concerned with how their minds will cope with the fear and then the shock of such patriotism, don't exactly want them to start thinking that they can do the same things and getting hurt because of it. Though I suppose that is a hurdle for then and not for now.

Then to Carl, Mole magic or magic moles? Either way, cool.

Marty then moves to the wall preparing to touch the mole to the wall when everyone else does. Then says to both Carl and GM, I suppose it's possible this'll be the last time we see you if this goes bad... So... I'll see you later after we've succeeded. As will everyone else if I can help it.

2017-07-18, 05:54 PM
"I'm sure we'll be fine, Marty! Now let's get going!" Katherine cheerily accepts her pet and tickles it until her brain processes what the little guy is for.

"...wait. Mole travel."

Katherine's magically-induced innocence is not enough to let her brain accept something so silly so easily. She stares at the critter in her hands like she's trying to figure out a what a 2-year-old's crayon drawing is supposed to be.

2017-07-18, 06:54 PM

2017-07-19, 11:34 AM
Touching the mole to the wall, it starts to dig...and suddenly you are pulled into the wall and are traveling at high speed though the earth. It is like a VR motion ride at Universal studios, except that you can feel the rocks harmlessly brushing your skin. You wonder if you should hold your breath, but 30 seconds later, with an audible *pop* you are standing in trees.

Looking around, you see a cliff immediately behind you. You hear yells and screams though the trees ahead of you.

The moles fall from your hands and disappear into the soil at your feet.

2017-07-19, 01:45 PM
Ok, guys let's try and figure out what's ahead before we go charging in half-cocked.

With that Oliver tries to sneak forward through the trees.

Move Silently[roll0]

Eric Scott
2017-07-19, 02:11 PM
True enough, though stealth really isn't my thing...

Marty also tries to sneak forward through the trees.


2017-07-19, 07:05 PM
The screams ahead are more than enough to remind Katherine that she has more important things to think about than moles. She runs past Oliver and Marty in defiance of their low cockedness projections.

"Hold on! We're coming!"

Eric Scott
2017-07-19, 09:34 PM
Marty grumbles to himself as Katherine runs ahead, She's either going to get herself and us killed with that brashness, or work as an excellent distraction... In other words, I'm not sure if she's brave or just stupid... and stops where he is.

2017-07-20, 08:20 AM
John doesn't say a word, he just runs alongside Katherine. He thinks his hatchets into his hands.

2017-07-20, 08:37 AM
Following the screams you emerge from the trees at the highway. Swimsuit and jean clad people are running out from under the Boat Ramp sign. Park ranger's and Smokey the Bear are waving them out and aiming them up the road.

Though the trees on the other side of the road must be the lake.

Eric Scott
2017-07-22, 04:10 AM
You know, while we do have powers and all it is really ill advised to just charge headlong into the unknown... I mean, sure it's the paladin way and I too want to save as many innocents as possible but, their safety can not be assured if ours isn't. No sense running in in an attempt to save the downtrodden only to die and have them right back in the same position. Marty says with a tinge of annoyance. Now, shall we do even the slightest bit of reconnaissance before we start the saving? We don't know how many of the octopus minion things there are, therefore we can not have an effective strategy for success. Unless you think the best plan is to just wing it and let John off leash, though if he is to be angry it might be best saved for if/when we face the dragon. He says with a sigh, then quickly pulls out a couple brownies. One for himself, one for Edwardo.

Marty then waits for someone to either say something or run blindly into the unknown.

2017-07-22, 10:05 AM
Oh, f***, I don't want to go down first time. Oliver hisses under his breath as he follows john, making sure he is at least a few paces behind him.

2017-07-22, 12:56 PM
"Marty, come on! If you need intel, we can ask the park rangers. They came ahead of us, remember?"

Recognizing the Smokey and Company as the gnome agents from earlier, Katherine rushes ahead to meet them, likely drawing some stares from the evacuees. If the threat isn't immediately apparent when they reach that side of the road, she only has to ask one question: "Where?"

2017-07-22, 01:15 PM
The disguised Gnomes give you a look that is equal parts relief and 'isn't it obvious?".


They point down the road to the boat ramp. Now that you are closer you can see the lake though the trees.

Jogging down the lane, you hear KArack! KArack! of rifle fire coming from the parking zone.

(you are approaching from the south, heading towards the SE corner of the lake. The boat ramp is in this corner. There is a gravel parking area with a few pick up trucks facing north. Beyond this is a beach area running along the east edge of the square lake)

You see a cowbow wearing nothing but flip flops, swim trunks, and a cowboy hat taking cover behind his red F150. He is reloading a Marlin 30-30.

Beyound him are 5 state troopers trying to evacuate bikini and swim truck clad teens and 20 somethings, who are running from a dozen orange-red pig sized octopus creatures. The cops seem out of ammo already. There are puddles of orange goo scattered about, and maybe 3 human bodies.

Eric Scott
2017-07-22, 02:18 PM
You know, for a lawyer, you sure don't seem concerned with details... Marty says.

Then he sees the scene, 3 possible casualties, a dozen octopus, police that seem to be of little use, a man with a rifle and goo of unknown origin... I'd say best bet is John and Katherine keep the octopus busy while Oliver helps deal with the cops and civilians, providing support when possible, while Edwardo and I determine if the possible casualties can be saved. As for the goo, considering the color it likely originated from the octopus, though I am as of yet unsure if it is some sort of discharge or merely remains. Caution would be advised nevertheless.

2017-07-22, 02:29 PM
KArack!, KArack!

Cowboy fires again.
One of the Octos convulses, falls over, and starts to rapidly dissolve into a good puddle.

The one next to it looks angry, and PWF-Twot! Fires a rock from it's siphon. The rock shatter the windscreen of the truck.

2017-07-22, 03:50 PM
"I like details, but the easiest way to find them is to just go look, right?" Between herself and Marty, Katherine isn't sure which is the crazy one. At least now they can see what's going on, and Marty's plans have improved as a result. She nods and accepts them.

"Alight. John, you take the left, I'll go right!"

She draws her sword and proceeds toward the dock to interpose herself between an octorok and one of the fallen humans. She glances down and tries to talk to the casualty while staring down a half-dozen monsters. "Are you alright? How is your breathing?"

2017-07-23, 02:25 AM
No response.

A monster is moving towards Kat.

Does she take time to do a heal check?

2017-07-23, 02:40 AM
Making sure the patient doesn't get run over by an amphibious octopod is probably priority one at this point. She brandishes her sword at the alien animal in an attempt to get it to back off.

2017-07-23, 03:07 AM
It ignores the brandishing and attacks with two tentecals.

(your armor is +2 scale)

[roll0], dam [1d4]
[roll1], dam [1d4]

Just a drop of mucus from the tentacle flies free and lands on Kat's cheek. It stings for an instant, and she feels that spot go numb like at the dentist....

Eric Scott
2017-07-23, 03:48 AM
Marty moves to one of the other possible casualties and checks to see if they are alive.

Heal Check: [roll0]

2017-07-23, 06:34 AM
He is alive, barley. Paralyzed. Lungs barely functioning.

2017-07-23, 09:20 AM
Oliver runs forward with a ball of light emerging in his hand before flinging it at two of the octopus things like a fastball pitch.

A brilliant light also flashes at other octopi, attempting to overload there eyes with brilliant light.
Casting Colour Spray from illusionist slots.
Additionally all enemoes with 30ft are dazzled.

2017-07-23, 09:36 AM
(is there a save on the dazzle effect?)

Fort save 1
fort save 2 [roll1]

One falls over on its side.
The other isn't impressed and spits a rock at Oliver.

[roll]1d20+2, dam 1d6

2017-07-23, 09:38 AM
Rock at Oliver.

[roll0], dam [roll1]

Edit: Baseball to the gut!

Eric Scott
2017-07-23, 11:33 AM
Marty shouts to the others, Don't let them touch you if you can help it, they seem to be capable of paralyzing.

Marty then tries to remove/lessen the paralysis, unsure if he can even do such a think at this time.

Heal: [roll0]

2017-07-23, 11:50 AM
A shot of adrenaline helps the breathing, but won't reverse the paralysis.
meanwhile, what is Edwardo doing as one of the monsters approaches Marty?

2017-07-23, 12:06 PM
Kat brushes her cheek with her left hand. "It would seem so."

She slashes at the aggressive animal, aiming to slice its squishy cephalopod skull like a tomato.

Eric Scott
2017-07-23, 12:26 PM
Edwardo throws an orb of acid at the creature.

Ranged Touch Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2017-07-24, 03:27 AM
Kat brushes her cheek with her left hand. "It would seem so."

She slashes at the aggressive animal, aiming to slice its squishy cephalopod skull like a tomato.

Need an attack roll.

2017-07-24, 11:19 PM
Katherine activates the invisible dice-popper built into the handle of every weapon known to exist in this universe.

([roll0], +5, +whatever bonuses the sword itself adds.)

2017-07-25, 01:24 AM
The sword flashes as Kat strikes....and slices clean though the creature. The energy of the sword channels into the creature as the blade cuts...there isn't even any goo left.

Edwardo's spell burns the octo. [roll0] but it keeps coming...


2017-08-12, 05:25 AM
Oliver takes his staff and swings it down at the unconscious octopus.

Can I coup de grace or do I need to roll?