View Full Version : what spells to spellblade

Baby Gary
2017-06-06, 04:01 PM
the title says it all, I got two weapons (gauntlets and armor spikes) that I am going to enchant with spell blade. but what spells should I do that with. this is for a gish, one that buffs a lot and I was thinking that I don't want my buffs dispelled. so should I spell blade dispel magic, greater dispel magic, mordicine's disjunction, or some other spell

also sorry for the horrific spelling

2017-06-06, 04:05 PM
I believe it is limited to targetted spells.
So it would be allowed for dissipation since it is targeted but disjunction is not targeted(it is an area of effect spell).
I still wish it worked.

2017-06-06, 04:05 PM
I would do truename dispel just for the reason that it requires no CL check so if they make the skill check which would be easy your buffs are gone. Also Mordenkainen's Disjunction is an area effect and as such not suceptible to a Spellblade

2017-06-06, 04:08 PM
I would do truename dispel just for the reason that it requires no CL check so if they make the skill check which would be easy your buffs are gone. Also Mordenkainen's Disjunction is an area effect and as such not suceptible to a Spellblade

Do spellblades against truename dispel works if the opponent caster is in another plane and using truename dispel on a rabbit to remove your dimension?
I really wonder.

2017-06-06, 04:59 PM
Do spellblades against truename dispel works if the opponent caster is in another plane and using truename dispel on a rabbit to remove your dimension?
I really wonder.

How does that work? Because I want to know how to do that

2017-06-06, 05:03 PM
How does that work? Because I want to know how to do that

You need to misinterpret rules as much as possible until the gm tells you "you are wrong go away from my table" and then throws books at you.
It will not work in any real game but if you interpret everything as effects effecting everything then it works.
And you need to interpret the spell as being able to work on any effect which is done by reading in a weird way.

2017-06-06, 05:24 PM
spellblade sounds pretty easy...


2017-06-07, 12:00 AM
Dispel Magic and Greater Dispel Magic will likely be the most frequent dispelling methods you come up against.

Also, could we have some more information about your character and party? That might make it easier for us to give you advice.

By the way, Disjunction is a major jerkass spell. It's bad enough for a player who will likely destroy their loot, but if the DM tries it on you, then either he's planning to give you something to make up for it(unlikely)...... or he just wants to make you suffer. Even if you have enough gold to replace some of your gear, it won't do squat if the Bags of Holding they're in are disjoined and everything in them is lost forever.

2017-06-07, 12:11 AM
for disjunction: contingent wings of cover or contingent teleport effect are a must, gotta break that line of effect.

Dispel Magic and GDM are pretty essential spellblades... any other targeted spell the DM is fond of is also a handy spellblade.

2017-06-07, 03:30 AM
Does anyone else read spellblade as a one time, consumable enchantment? After all, it says "When the wielder is next subjected to the chosen spell" rather than "each time" or "whenever". Next time is a singular event, meaning the spellblade only functions one time. Considering it's effects, for a permanent enchantment 6000gp is egregiously under priced, or does everyone just willingly buy in to it because they want a slice of the cheesecake?

2017-06-07, 03:32 AM
Does anyone else read spellblade as a one time, consumable enchantment? After all, it says "When the wielder is next subjected to the chosen spell" rather than "each time" or "whenever". Next time is a singular event, meaning the spellblade only functions one time. Considering it's effects, for a permanent enchantment 6000gp is egregiously under priced, or does everyone just willingly buy in to it because they want a slice of the cheesecake?

Oh snap. I didn't notice that part. :smalleek:

2017-06-07, 08:35 AM
Does anyone else read spellblade as a one time, consumable enchantment? After all, it says "When the wielder is next subjected to the chosen spell" rather than "each time" or "whenever". Next time is a singular event, meaning the spellblade only functions one time. Considering it's effects, for a permanent enchantment 6000gp is egregiously under priced, or does everyone just willingly buy in to it because they want a slice of the cheesecake?
Considering that it's most frequently deployed against dispel magic, which is easy enough to goose the effective CL of your buffs high enough where any version will just fail, making such blades pointless, I don't think it's overpriced at all.

2017-06-07, 11:28 AM
Considering that it's most frequently deployed against dispel magic, which is easy enough to goose the effective CL of your buffs high enough where any version will just fail, making such blades pointless, I don't think it's overpriced at all.

I honestly wouldn't say it's easy unless you're playing at either a high op table, or a table that runs a magic mart. Most games I've experienced, people are generally casting spells at or around their caster level, and are you forgetting the fact that the spell can be redirected one round after it's been negated? That in and of itself still makes it a useful enchantment to have with dispel magic. Personally, at my table, we run it as a one time enhancement.

2017-06-07, 12:13 PM
I honestly wouldn't say it's easy unless you're playing at either a high op table, or a table that runs a magic mart.
A ring of enduring arcana and a bead of karma alone will give you a +8 to CL against dispels; that's getting you 60-80% of the way there. Those are no more high op than the spellblade is, and if your table isn't running a "magic mart," a spellblade won't be available then, either.

2017-06-07, 01:16 PM
How about wish, miracle, and all the illusion spells specified in the shadowcraft gnome PrC?

Then there's the trick that allows you to target yourself with self-only spells and "redirect" them to others in range. Everything from Tenser's transformation to neuter a spellcaster to body outside body for a huge buff to transcend mortality for a 100% chance to kill your opponent.

2017-06-08, 01:04 AM
A ring of enduring arcana and a bead of karma alone will give you a +8 to CL against dispels; that's getting you 60-80% of the way there. Those are no more high op than the spellblade is, and if your table isn't running a "magic mart," a spellblade won't be available then, either.

While that's true, a bead of karma is 20k on it's own and only functions for 10 minutes, so it'd only apply to your all day buffs, assuming you use it in the morning, and a ring of enduring arcana's bonus is offset by something like the inquisition domain, which can be attained by most anyone via a feat (planar touchstone, catalogues of enlightenment). Either way though, that's now 26k you've invested toward gaining immunity to dispelling, compared to the 6k before, and you're not even immune yet, PLUS you lack the ability to reflect the spell back like a spellblade allows. Can you see the disparity yet? The high OP I was referring to was boosting your CL in such a way that it consumes little to no WBL (because the second you start using gear, you can instantly compare it to the cost of spellblades), while making you outright immune to dispel magic by means of boosting the CL above the point where success is even possibly without stacking dispel bonuses.

2017-06-08, 06:35 AM
While that's true, a bead of karma is 20k on it's own and only functions for 10 minutes, so it'd only apply to your all day buffs, assuming you use it in the morning, and a ring of enduring arcana's bonus is offset by something like the inquisition domain, which can be attained by most anyone via a feat (planar touchstone, catalogues of enlightenment).
How many balors do you run into that have the Inquisition domain?

Either way though, that's now 26k you've invested toward gaining immunity to dispelling, compared to the 6k before, and you're not even immune yet, PLUS you lack the ability to reflect the spell back like a spellblade allows.
20k of that I was going to spend anyway because bead of karma. That leaves me at 6k that I've actually spent gaining 60% of immunity, compared to the 6k you've spent to get what... 20%?

And with glyph seals (which I'm also getting anyway because free action casting), I can charge them while under the effects of a bead of karma and have even my short-term buffs affected all day.

Yes, reflecting the spell is nice, but it's not vital, and most of my characters that benefit from this don't really have the Strength to tote around five more weapons, nor the desire to look like a walking pin cushion to meet the "wielder" requirement.

Can you see the disparity yet?
Indeed. 40%.