View Full Version : E6 Plot ideas for a Slave Goblin turned PC?

2017-06-06, 05:34 PM
So I recently had a player join my game, and to ease his entry, I gave him a handy NPC goblin to run as his PC. Since then, the character's turned out ok, but I shot myself in the foot by suggesting the goblin was "missing" something that he had to get from a goblin "Den Mother".

So, I'm looking for suggestions about plots I could tie into this that'd be cool.

The ideal features of the plot I'm looking for would be:
-"Coming of age" related
-Goblin-y in nature, but compatible with a mildly-LG party
-Unobtrusive(read: sidequest) (not mandatory)

Features it won't include:
-"You're a wizard Harry" surprise-power moments
-Anything PG-13+

My personal plan is something closely akin to Tellers from the Goblins webcomic and the naming-fortunes they tell over the younglings. But I was hoping to get other ideas in hopes of not having to plagiarize.


Some additional info:

Goblins are quite amorophous in my world atm, and they're not alignment-bound. Race v. Race squabbles are primarily driven by racial traits, culture or resources, rather than by divine decree.
They still have stock goblin stats, so whatever they are should make sense within that framework.

My party's adventures are semi-short individually, so there's room between them for a sidequest, I just don't want to spend too much time on something if it feels too 1-character-y

Currently, they're charged with arresting a Druid/Totemist for crimes against Nature. The Druid had been using bastardized incarnum magic to rip people's souls from their body in a crude form of ressurection(her patients gained the Lost template).
After this, they're going to be offered missions to either:

1."capture" the son of a fallen paladin previous PCs killed. The son has no emotions due to fey and has taken over his father's atrocity cult.

2.Kill a Lich who's considered by the only ascended god(atm) to be his arch-nemesis in life.

3.Maybe something else?

Campaign format is very SG-1-esque in nature. Get a mission, squad goes out and solves the mission, and then comes back to a secure base to reload, rest and recouperate.

Power level is a gestalt-progression E6 3.5 game(characters have more HP and skill points and skills than normal for E6, but don't have access to 4th level spells).

1.Xavry the Goblin: Monk 5//Bard 5//Wizard 1 or 2
2.Eberk the Dwarf: Knight 6//Fighter 2//Bard 2//Crusader 2
3.Xain the Human: Monk 5//Swordsage 3//Healer 3
4.Mudda the Mongrelfolk: Ninja 6//Swashbuckler 6//Wizard 3