View Full Version : Rules Q&A 5e Flurry of Blows question

2017-06-06, 08:38 PM
So, I'm looking at flurry of blows and I'm a little confused about how many attacks a monk can make in a single turn.

Flurry of Blows allows you to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action. Extra attack allows a monk to make two attacks as a main action.

This adds up to four attacks, as far as I can see. Ignoring martial arts (I know you can only take a single bonus action, and FoB already uses it):

* Two attacks as a main action (from Extra Attack)
* Two attacks as a bonus action (using FoB)

However, a lot of people online are saying it adds up to three and I don't understand. The argument seems to be that you can't take multiple bonus actions so you can't use martial arts, but I never thought that -- FoB is giving you two attacks totally removed from Martial Arts.

My understanding was that a level five+ monk using flurry of blows got four attacks, otherwise flurry of blows would become useless beyond level 5. I am apparently wrong, and I could really use some clarification.

2017-06-06, 08:54 PM
You wouldn't be wrong at my table I haven't heard that ruling. I'M curious about the justification behind it.

2017-06-06, 08:55 PM
Your understanding is correct.

2017-06-06, 09:59 PM
Maybe they mean 3 total attacks with flurry of blows at level 2-4; one attack + two (flurry) bonus action attacks = three?

2017-06-06, 11:32 PM
Many people forget that the extra third attack that monks normally have because of using two "weapons" is from their bonus action. Therefore, people often treat the 3 attacks+ BA as the norm for monks with flurry of blows giving you 5 attacks

2017-06-07, 01:11 AM
So, I'm looking at flurry of blows and I'm a little confused about how many attacks a monk can make in a single turn.

Flurry of Blows allows you to make two unarmed strikes as a bonus action. Extra attack allows a monk to make two attacks as a main action.

This adds up to four attacks, as far as I can see. Ignoring martial arts (I know you can only take a single bonus action, and FoB already uses it):

* Two attacks as a main action (from Extra Attack)
* Two attacks as a bonus action (using FoB)

However, a lot of people online are saying it adds up to three and I don't understand. The argument seems to be that you can't take multiple bonus actions so you can't use martial arts, but I never thought that -- FoB is giving you two attacks totally removed from Martial Arts.

My understanding was that a level five+ monk using flurry of blows got four attacks, otherwise flurry of blows would become useless beyond level 5. I am apparently wrong, and I could really use some clarification.

You're both right, depending on the Monks level.

Its 3 before level 5 (when you get extra attack) - One with the attack action, and then 2 more as a bonus action with FOB.

From 5th level onwards, its 4 attacks (2 with the attack action and extra attack) and (2 with FOB as a bonus action)

2017-06-07, 02:41 PM
Keep in mind that it does take a Ki point to FoB.

So, from 1-4 its 2 attacks without spending a Ki point, and 3 attacks if you do.
From 5+, it's 3 attacks without spending a Ki point, and 4 attacks if you do.