View Full Version : Help creating a vengeful ghost and a Werewolf? [Pathfinder]

2017-06-07, 10:23 AM
So I have those two stories
A)In a small village, a very young girl, a couple of centuries ago discovered she had a charismatic knack for the arcane (ie : she was a sorcerer and she began to developed her pwoers at an early age.) That of course surprised confused and scared her. And as it was to be expected, not only her. The same fear, if not greater was what her father felt.
Soon after some other villagers realized that strange thigns happened around that girl. especially after some unfortunate events centered around the girl, lead them to believe she was cursed. Her mother had died during childbirth, and the vllage hypothesied due to her peculiar nature.

One day some villagers, that held a deep fear for the unknown attacked her, tried to beat her and kill her. Her powers came forth as if of their own and protected her, but killed the villagers in the proccess.
After that her drunakard of a superstitious father, who also blamed her for her mother's death decided to put an end to it, so he took her for a walk to a lake, close to the village, which according to the legend, housed an ancient lesser god. There he sacrificed her to the god, by drowning her in the lake, and asked for his wife to be brought back, in exchanged for "This fiend, that I have been cursed with" in his own words. Now, no one knows what happened to that father afterwards, but it seems that since then the lake is haunted by gods know what? But it's something that if you harbour, even the slghtest, negative feelings towrads your friends, companions and loved ones, in secrecy it takes advnatage of them. It magnifies them and makes you turn against them.

Our heroes don't know that much, but what they know is that they've heard the lake is cursed and haunted. And that two boys disappeared there about fifteen years ago. Since then the villagers avoid the lake and it's surrounding forest. But our hearoes must pass through it.
Well, I was wodnering how I should make this ghost of a srcerer? I was thinking taking the sheet of alevel 2 or three sorcerer adn then using the dread ghost change on it... But the d20pfsrd page on ghosts kind of baffled me

B)Totally unrelated story, but I need to make this werewolf barbarian guy. He is the brother of one of the protagonists, that left his tribe some years ago, when he told his father, who was the tribe's chieftain, that he did not wish to succeed him. He left ona journey to learn mroe about the curse that haunted their fmaily. They all had an animalistic tendencies and firstborns, turn to lycanthropes. Sometimes, not only the firstborns. Their father, who was more of a pacifist ( I know what youa re thinking, pacifist barbarian meh... It fits with the world, and how the tribes have gone through the last millenia), had to kill his brother when his brother went crazy, decided that humanity was overrated and wanted to turn the whole clan to lycanthropes, and then conquer humans with his army of werewolves. Then the elves and dwarves too. That of course is not known, it went down suddenly, abruptly and it was buried down, though hastily, leaving a lot of whispers rumour and questions to be asked.

So my question: If I have this guys sheet as a level 8 Barbarian, how do I turn him into a werewolf?

The d20pfsrd page on werewolves, baffled me more than the ghosts. Cna werewolves wield weapons? In their hybrid forms? So their armor too keeps on being on them?

2017-06-07, 11:36 AM
Nvm. Just saw the PF tag

But yeah making a sorcerer and then slapping the ghost template on makes sense.
Though one'd expect that the sorc got drowned at lvl 1ish

At lvl 1 sorc prolly focuses on illusions to get her prey... dancing lights and whatnot

Tiefling makes a good base race.
What's the ghost's goals? Killing the villagers? Building a family?
In the latter case she's prolly not the only ghost or undead in the waters...
Some skellies under her command would be flavorful. Rowing through the lake and then something grabs at the oar (opposed str check to hold onto the oar)

Ooooh children skellies: she wants playmates

Also village can't avoid lake, it is their water source (for drinking and washing) and they depend on its fish for food and reeds for baskets and fibers for cloth.
But they're quick to leave if a fog rolls in, or if the sun sets.

A few signs of the wrongness are few kids on the streets... few pets even; clothes are relatively dirty; and the local temple is either crowded to the brim OR shuttered because the priest's inability to deal with the ghost has rendered them faithless.

As to special abilities:
At CR3 you get Corrupting Touch
CR 6 one other of your choice (I suggest undead controlling or malevolence)
9 another

As a young lvl 2 sorceress + dread ghost you get to CR 4 (two shy of picking your next special attack)
Template the ghost a bit more
Unholy plus Undead Lord nets you a 5HD CR6 ghost that has a bunch of 1HD Young Commoner Ghosts

Typical method of killing: using malevolence to possess a kid and drown them, or Mage hand to pull their toys towards the water... where they can easily drown

2017-06-07, 12:24 PM
General comment #1: In the future, you should put all the backstory stuff in a spoiler tag and leave your rules questions outside of it. It's difficult to wade through all that stuff to get to what you're actually asking for help with.

General comment #2: The PFSRD can be difficult to read because its entries are often the result of combining multiple books as well as statblocks (both existing and extrapolated.) If you're trying to understand something for the first time and you don't have the books themselves, use the official Paizo PRD instead. (paizo.com/prd)

Concerning the werewolf - he keeps his gear between humanoid and hybrid forms, and can use all of it. So you will end up with a werewolf wearing armor and carrying a sword or whatever it is. The template adds +1 CR so he will be the equivalent of a 9th-level character.

Lycanthropes (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary/lycanthrope.html) are templates, with the werewolf being a specific kind of lycanthrope. (As you can imagine, there are many others.) Templates contain all the instructions of what you need to do to the guy's character to make it be a werewolf (stat adjustments and so on.)

Concerning the Ghost, same thing - it's a template (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/bestiary/ghost.html), and templates tell you what you need to do to make that creature in the "Creating X" section.

2017-06-12, 01:02 PM
Gildedragon: Yeah I understand what you mean, I like your ideas. The little girl is of level 3, because she was exceptionally gifted, adn her powers grew a lot without her realizing. I might use Malevolence

Psyren: To be honest I think the story is somewhat important, because the ghost's abilities should be tied to who she was in her life. I understand that someone may not want to read it all, so I might do this in the future. Anyway I am not going to use paizo site instead, and I can't (Because (1) it is down currently and (2) it kind of restricts me) You are right though, templates are a little tough to learn but I got the hang of them from the d20pfsrd.

So do any of you know, if a ghost does succed hi Malevolence, ( well the tartget fails the save) How can someone negate what the ghost did. Like throw her out of their buddy's body? Granted that they realize it happened.

2017-06-12, 01:05 PM
Iirc protection from evil helps, suppressing the ghost's influence.

There's a few exorcism spells I think.