View Full Version : Dragon Age; Before the Arlathvhen [IC]

2017-06-07, 07:55 PM
Dawn casts a long shadow through the Imperial Highway, the dilapidated remnant of Tevinter's former glory. It stretches off in three directions; two sturdy roads, stretching North and West through Nevarra, and, to the East, it becomes barely bricks beside Planasense Forest. Beside the stones of the highway, thankfully quiet as merchants and travelers have yet to stir, stand a group of three elves and a hart large enough to carry all of them, if pushed.

The wind blows heartily on the group, interrupted only by the chirping of voles that make their home in the lush undergrowth, and, suddenly, the footsteps of a fourth elf. She stands shorter than the other three in the group, the sides of her head shaved and the messy locks on top pulled back to fully display the crest of Dirthamen on her forehead.

"I have them!" Lathdin informs the group, as she pats one of the many satchels and pouches that adorn her slender form. She had not long been separated from the group, having just doubled-back to collect some more maps from Clan VIrnadas, who had so recently let her go. "The Annotated Chart of Thedas' Forsaken Footpaths, by Senior Enchanter Nimvae." She retrieves one long roll of vellum from the pack, then unfolds part of it to show the group, illuminated by a ray of blazing sunshine. True to its name, it's a map, with roads, and is covered in scrawled words.

"I believe our best chances are here, this lake, along the Minanter River." Lacking a third hand, she ndos at the lake on the map. "It's very likely that Shartan and his followers would have camped here during the march on Tevinter - and nobody has gone diving for relics in it. Not ever!"

The Arlathvhen scouting band was given three leads by Keeper Uthin. One of these leads is the lake Lathdin mentioned (And has strongly supported), Southwest of Trevis and East of Perendale.

Another is the Dwarven contact, Krogar, who's a member of the Dragons Den in Cumberland (Which is a short journey South), who may have a contact in Cumberland's College of Magi who would be able to access their library. The Dragons Den is separated from most of the city by thick walls of stone, and Templars never patrol there.

The third lead is a derelict Nevarran crypt, Stralumnul, which sits South of Hunter Fell and is near the Fields of Ghislain. It is said that, long ago, it came under attack by a High Dragon and was abandoned for some time, until the Pentaghast clan led their crusade there and slew the High Dragon along with its young. Yet, Stralumnul was never reclaimed and rebuilt. Many put this down to its remote location, and shifting cities and trade routes through Thedas.

Others suspect that the crypt was actually home to elven corpses - some appear in other, similarly ancient crypts, and Keeper Uthin suspects that the same may be the case in Stralumnul. If so, exploring it may be an opportunity to discover relics that may have been buried with them.

Saran, following the tips from the last Dalish Clan he attempted to join, has been following the Imperial Highway from Nevarra City in the hopes of finding the Virnadas Clan (Who are apparently particularly friendly to non-elves). With many late nights and early mornings, the Vashoth has tirelessly sought to catch up with the clan, and, this morning, it seems his luck has peaked. As, from just out of the corner of his eye, he spots a quartet of pointy ears standing in the shadows of the Highway.

2017-06-07, 08:17 PM
Saran marches down the road, his woodsman's axe strapped to his back and horns pointed to the sky "Oh, Fair damsel of the garden, Arlessa of honeys- oh?" Saran squints his eye's as he spots the moving of the shadows. upon further inspection he cant help but notice there smaller more lithe stature and..the ears! Elves! Saran's eye's Light up as he starts marching towards them raising his hands "Mana! Or is it Ara Seramma? Seranna? Either way, I mean to say Hello!"

2017-06-07, 09:37 PM
"...well I just say 'hello' when I mean to say hello, personally," Jacoby replies, blinking up, in some confusion, at the large horned fellow who seemed to be trying to speak Elvish. Saran will immediately notice that he lacks the facial tattooing... the vallaslin... the other elves possess.

"May I help you with anything, ser? Perhaps you've gotten lost? I'm, er, not a native myself, but... we do have a fine map?"

Inspector Valin
2017-06-08, 05:27 AM
"I believe our best chances are here, this lake, along the Minanter River." Lacking a third hand, she ndos at the lake on the map. "It's very likely that Shartan and his followers would have camped here during the march on Tevinter - and nobody has gone diving for relics in it. Not ever!"

"I wonder why."

Yannith shivers at the thought of diving deep into the lake, getting chill and wet, holding her breath and swimming lower and lower in search of some discarded pottery from ages past. Again and again, spending half a day short of breath and squinting for the sake of... probably absolutely nothing! All because Shartan's forces may once have walked the nearby plains. The idea was anathema to Yannith, but typical of Lathdin. Keeper Uthin's daughter was smart, cheery and enthusiastic beyond reason. This promises to be a long trip

The more melancholic First takes one side of the map from her sunny companion, trying to think of the best alternative that won't trigger an extended argument. After a second, she taps at one of the other locations Uthin had mentioned, seemingly oblivious to the Qunari that'd wandered up to the group. "Stralumnul is the stronger bet. Anything left down there would be better preserved. Shartan's army likely did camp along the Minanter, but that doesn't mean we'll find anything to show from the lake. An old tomb though could have carvings, interred reliquaries..."

Just to be clear, I'm actually fine with going to the lake. I just figured Yannith being a little grumpy and resistant could be funny. :smallwink:

2017-06-08, 06:38 AM
Valyril stands a few paces off from the rest of the group as Lathdin returns, tending to her hart mount as she waits. When she comes into view, Valyril quickly rejoins the circle, eager for word on where they'll be going, what they'll be doing - and of course, ready to push them towards the best choice. She listens as the shorter woman explains the appeal of the lake, and finds herself inclined to agree. Investigating a library wasn't something she would expect more than a mediocre result from; even success would be a matter of slow, boring research and a few favors. Not something one could write a song about. An old mausoleum was a more promising target, but a few unnamed elves from the old days made for far less interesting dressing than relics perhaps wielded by some of the warriors who fought to free the elves from their slavery.

"...and a boring story about cobwebs and dust," Valyril says, as Yannith finishes. Of course the First would want to find some dusty old carvings to ponder. "Imagine if we could find some untouched artifact at the bottom of the lake, be the first ones to pick up a sword dropped by one of Shartan's guard, or - " Valyril is cut off, just as she begins to grow more spirited, by the new arrival. For a moment, she pauses, hands frozen as she checks his figure for a moment, relaxing as she finds only the axe on his back, and no weapon in easy reach. Gesturing, Valyril tries to point Yannith's attention to the newcomer, but says nothing.

2017-06-08, 10:05 AM
Saran takes a closer examination at the group as whole now that he is closer to them. He seems slightly disheartened when he first see's Jacoby, with his lack of a vallaslin, but his expression brightens as he see's the others in the group. He again stands tall "I, am Saran, and I have traveled a great distance. All the way from the Rivain peninsula, in search of a clan of people like you. He says pointing his finger at the group.

Saran takes a moment to clear his throat "I, am in search of Clan Virnadas so that I could become Dalish!". He ends the sentence with a dramatic flair in his voice "Was that a good introduction? I had been rehearsing it for a while now" he says with an inquisitive tone.

Inspector Valin
2017-06-08, 11:47 AM
Yannith snorts at Valyril's words, though doesn't counter-argue. Liani seeking glory is as natural as Lathdin being positive. Some things you just learn to expect over time. Yan is occupied studying the map, mulling over possible routes as the huntress starts trying to get her attention, oblivious until the great Qunari is addressing them all directly. Finally she looks up as the jolly giant finished his long rehearsed pronouncement, looking up at Saran almost uncomprehendingly.

Join the...Become Dalish?!

It takes her a second to register the absurdity of it. Once she has, Yannith's face starts contorting into various fun new expressions of shock, bafflement and outrage. The mark of Falon'Din upon her brow twists into the shape of some hitherto unknown deity as the First beholds the cheery Qunari, at a complete loss for words. A horned giant, smiling at them, is asking to join the Clan. Asking to become elvhenan. What do you even say to that? Yan looks about her for the others, wondering if this is some strange dream of hers. Could this actually be happening?

Yeah, it'll probably take Yan at least until one other person responds to Saran to get her thoughts together on this. :smallwink:

2017-06-08, 03:54 PM
Valyril is silent, for a moment, as the Qunari introduces himself. Obviously, what he's saying is ridiculous. The only question is how to break it to - Wait. She pauses. Sure, it wasn't something she'd ever heard of. But...that didn't mean it was impossible. A plan forms in her mind, and Valyril smiles, stepping forwards.

"Unfortunately, that's...not just something you can do," she begins. "But, we're currently searching for some things; if you help us find them, then it'll be more likely that you can talk to someone who knows enough to be aware of any possible precedent..."

Worst case scenario, assuming he was as earnest as he seemed, would be that they have an assistant for their task. But best case...well, Valyril would be entirely happy to see 'Sponsor of the First Qunari Dalish' on her list of accomplishments.

2017-06-08, 05:17 PM
Saran rests his hand on his chin as he listens to Valyril's request "Hmmm...Hmmm...I see, So to earn my Vallasin and join your clan I must assist you in a task?" he moves his hand away and his lips curve into another smile "That sounds Reasonable! It only makes sense that I would have to assist you in some way. Thank you for at least giving me a chance to prove my worth to you. Its more than the last few clans have offed but I hold no grudge against them. Tell me!" he leans down so he can be more Eye level with the elves "What assistance do you need?
I would be happy to assist!

2017-06-08, 09:39 PM
"Now hold on," Jacoby interrupts, a trifle perturbed to hear that some giant grey fellow might be jumping ahead of him on the path to become Dalish.

"I know from experience that these folks don't just go around tattooing whoever walks up and asks politely! Even if a person of your... height... should be taken into consideration, there's a lot of stuff you need to learn first!"

He strokes his chin a moment, trying to think of something especially hard to quiz the strange giant on, and then it comes to him.

"Take this, for example. We Elves have an awful lot of gods! And some of their names are awfully hard to remember! I can name... two, for certain. There's June, who's the patron of craftsmen like me, and he's got the shortest name so it's easiest. And then there's Andruil, who I can always remember because her name sounds like Andraste, but she's not quite like Andraste, she's more of a huntress, the one who loves the top guy like Andraste loved the Maker is... Mithril? Or something like that?"

He looks simply puzzled for a moment, then remembers that he's straying from his point and waves away his failure to properly remember Mythal's name.

"Anyway, anyhow, that's beside the point. We're not here to test my knowledge, we're here to test yours! I named two Dalish gods (or maybe three). Can you do any better?"

Inspector Valin
2017-06-09, 07:06 AM
"Mythal, Jacoby. Mythal. Dirthamen lasa ghilan."

Yannith resists the urge to remonstrate with the City Elf, or to correct his understanding of the Creators. He is still learning, he is trying, and that marks him above his kin. And besides she has a different problem to deal with at the moment. Valyril's decision to invite the Qunari along with them on this expedition. Yan shot her a brief glare, finally snapping out of her confusion. This... this is wrong! They can't bring the giant before the Keeper with a request like that!

Why not? She'd probably think it was a great idea.

It's tough not to blaunch at that realization. At least having him follow them would put that wretched moment off for a while. Perhaps she'd figure out how to dissuade the Qunari. Wheels turning swiftly, Yannith steps forward and nods to Saran. "Why do you want to be Dalish, large one?" It's a simple question, and the mage's voice is calm, if a little cold. After a second, she manages a dry chuckle, "You might as well want to be a rock. You are not a descendant of the elvhenan. City elves like Jacoby return to the clans to rediscover their heritage, away from the bonds of the alienage, but you are not an elf. So why?"

2017-06-09, 12:03 PM
Saran listens to Jacoby recite a few of the elven gods "I see...so If thats my first test" He reaches down to a notebook hanging off his belt. It seems cobbled together and rather overused. Many of the pages seem to be just barely holding together. Saran's hands fumble through the small pages " I write down much of what I hear you see, and I think i have heard some about the Elven gods...lets see, Theres Mythal as you said, Elghar'nan, Falon'Din, Dirthman, Sylaise, June, Ghilan'nain who might be my personal favorite, and Fen"Harel he closes the notebook and attaches it again to his belt

His gaze turns to Yannith and lets loose a bellowing laugh "If I wanted to become a rock, all I'd have to do is lay on the ground and cover myself with dirt! I think becoming Dalish is much more interesting." Saran sighs dreamily "Im not a descendant of Humans either,
yet I lived among them for most my life. There culture..there being is just so...boring. Andraste this, Chantry that. Saran can you help me with this wheelbarrow?
Everyday is more of the same. They know all they want to know about who they are, what they are. But..But Elves. Dalish especially. Your filled with intrigue!
Mystery! Your stories and legends are Incredible, yet theirs more to learn by looking for it. To be Dalish means theirs so much in the world you can find. Traveling with your clan around Thedas. The ultimate freedom. That is what I wish for"

Inspector Valin
2017-06-10, 04:33 AM
That's not what being Dalish means, Solas'len

Yan looks critically at the Qunari, not exactly appreciative of his motivations. It sounded more like he had read a few too many cheap serials and was lost in wonder. But the brute has some accurate knowledge, and their trip might satiate his need for adventure. As such she nods to Saran, "Well, I'd suggested we explore an ancient tomb that might house elven relics and was once the lair of a High Dragon." Grinning, the mage gestures to Lathdin and Valyril. "My friends here want to go diving in a lake."

Unfair? Perhaps. Regardless, Yan bows her head to their new companion. "I am Yannith, First to Keeper Uthin of Clan Virnadas." She doesn't offer a hand. Old habits die hard.

2017-06-10, 02:10 PM
Saran's eyebrows raise in surpriseAn Ancient Tomb? Elven Relics! Dragons!? This! This is why I wish to be Dalish! Where is this Tomb My Friends! For I will assist in whatever ways I can to find these ancient relics...would I also be allowed to write what I find in my journal? " He reaches down to his belt and removes the journal again "And you are a the First to the keeper you said? Is that much like an apprenticeship? I haven't had the chance to properly interview one like you. Would you mind answering some questions while we travel? he reaches into one of the pouches and pulls out a pen

2017-06-11, 03:21 PM
Valyril is ready to frown at Yannith's attempts to manipulate the Qunari into supporting her preference of location, before he quickly changes the topic and pulls his journal into view. Already trying to take advantage of the very thing she was upset about! Well, she couldn't well try and lecture her later, given her approval here. "...A lake full of potential undiscovered relics, possibly held by some of our people's greatest heroes," she mutters, though her heart's not fully in it. Especially since her would-be audience seems intent on...an interview? And, of course, the story of the Qunari's entry into the clan likely overshadowing anything they find (assuming it all goes well) unless they manage to uncover truly legendary relics somehow.

Valyril, Hunter of Clan Virnadas," Valyril adds after a few moments, with a nod.

2017-06-11, 03:53 PM
Saran's head turns to Valyril "Ancient heroes and Artifacts in the bottom of a lake as well!
Why not go to both!" he says in a jovial tune as he raises his hands up. He pokes his chin with his pen as Valyril introduces herself "You say your one of the Dalish hunters as well? Isn't the hunter the one who ventures the most outside of the clan?Surely such a position would give you many a story to tell!"

2017-06-11, 06:18 PM
"Evidence of Shartan would prove that our people were at Andraste's side," Jacoby quietly adds, his awe at that thought obvious from his tone. He doesn't really want to argue with anyone, and the grey giant is an enormous distraction, but he still can't let the discussion over where to search go without comment. "And if the humans could be made to see..."

2017-06-13, 12:18 PM
"I'm Lathdin!" Lathdin chimes in, after finally having folded up her wondrous map. "I'm a scholar, of sorts." She says, as she puffs up her chest. "Similar to your, well, not your, but the Tamassran that're from where your parents were probably from!"

2017-06-13, 01:18 PM
"Well, it's more of which we do first..." Valyril admits, quietly glancing to the side as Lathdin introduces herself. "And it does! I've had quite a few experiences that are absolutely worth immortalizing in song, or being carved into stone, or even written into a book or scroll," she says, with a nod. "And I could tell many, in time. But I'm always on the lookout for more! Better to look forward than back!"

Inspector Valin
2017-06-15, 08:56 AM
"We can do both. But time is limited before the Arlathvhen. We shouldn't gamble unnecessarily." Yan sighs: unwilling to conceed defeat, but facing the inevitable. The First takes a deep breath, "If there's nothing at the lake, we move on. No dancing, frolicking or 'just one more look'. Agreed?"

2017-06-15, 11:07 AM
Jacoby nods deferentially in response to Yannith's conditions. The First has a right to lead, he wagers... a right he'll respect as long as it doesn't tread on his own rights. That's the Fereldan way, when it comes to nobles.

He does, however, sidle up to her to whisper a different question.

"Just to be clear... I know they have pointed ears, but the giants aren't really elves, are they?"

2017-06-15, 04:15 PM
Saran lets out a chuckle "Yes, not my people Lathdin. You have nothing to fear of me converting you, I want to be converted BY you!" he laughs at his own joke "Might I say, Good posing in your chest pump! Its all in the pectorals! You just shoot them out with confidence!" he says, displaying his own chest puff "Perhaps we can trade notes one day? I have visited a few other tribes, perhaps they might have information worth sharing with you? Im sure you have some worth sharing with me" he says with a bright smile

He turns to the rest of the group "Well, wherever we decied to go, I am content knowing that there will be things worth learning about there, that is all I wish. Perhaps after your...Arlathvhen was it? Well,
perhaps after we can travel to the other location. You will have to inform me of this event though...I wish to write its meaning down" He chuckles to Valyril "And those events shall! When we have free time you must tell me all about them! Then perhaps we can work on publishing them later?"

2017-06-15, 08:28 PM
"They're not!" Lathin leans over to meet Jacoby's eyes. "The only known Qunari came well after the Fall of Arlathan! Well, well after, depending on whose research you believe! Some say some came well over a millennia before the gaggles of them up North, but the only evidence of that is in Darkspawn, and the Grey Wardens won't tell." She huffs, which blows some hair out of her face.

With Saran's statements, she quickly returns to a smile. "Now you're speaking my language! Figuratively! What do you think of Brother Ferdinand Genitivi's Tales From Beneath The Earth? He's such a common name, but his works can be so...shallow, sometimes! Summaries and glossing over so many interesting things, like he's writing for common readers or something! I mean, yes, he's good for an overview, but you're much better off with Gertek, don't you think? For the legacy of Dwarves, specifically Orzammar, I mean! May the Dread Wolf take me if I claim he's an expert on Fereldan history!"

2017-06-15, 09:02 PM
Saran leafs through his journal " I Actually did own a copy of In Pursuit of Knowledge: The Travels of a Chantry Scholar, and I have to say...i was disappointed! His small stor- no epithet of his encounter with the dalsih was a disappointment! I have gone through the rest of his collection and truly, i feel he has become incredibly overrated. I also found his Tales of the Destruction of Thedas failed to truly try and explain what Qunari actually are. Its true, they are giants, but he fails to mention the Vashoth, who are horned giants, but not Qunari. Its led to many awkward situations in my travels. " he says with a shake of his head. he gets down on one knee and starts ruffling through one of his bags "I haven't actually been able to find a print of Tales from beneath the Earth but I do have a copy of The Stone and Her Children: Dwarves of the Dragon Age , perhaps we can have a trade? i had gotten this one after helping a merchant with there wagon.
I asked for something elven, but the best he could do was something dwarven" he says with a shrug

2017-06-16, 03:34 AM
Valyril nods at Yannith's declaration. "A bit of a shame, as I was going to invite you to come and dance and frolic the night away, but - I understand the need for us to be quick," she says, watching the back-and-forth between the newcomer and Lathin for a few moments. "Though you may need to worry more about book talks slowing us down, I think. It seems like Lathin's found herself a kindred spirit."

Inspector Valin
2017-06-16, 06:24 PM
Yannith manages a chuckle at Valyril's words, though what she found funny was a little hard to tell. She waves at the two excited scholars "We're hunting relics. It's the price we pay for the job: we have to escort over eager scholars across half of Thedas." The First tilts her head, studying the huntress with mock curiosity. "Unless you're volunteering to speak for the clan at the Arlathvhen? Answering questions from the assembled Keepers would be impressive"

Just to confirm, as far as Yan's concerned we might as well make the lake official and start out that way. :smallwink:

2017-06-16, 06:54 PM
Valyril coughs. "Well, no," she says, pausing for a moment, not intending for a moment to let the First have the last word but needing a moment to compose a response. "Are you saying the frolicking and dancing is more enticing than you expected? As nice as it is to hear, I think Keeper Uthin would be disappointed to hear you changed your priorities..."

Inspector Valin
2017-06-17, 06:08 AM
Yannith has to fight not to laugh at that. The First smiles at the huntress, perhaps just a little teasingly. "I don't get distracted, Val. Such is halam'shivanas."

Continuing the tread forward, and trusting in the others to catch up, Yan continues with her explanation to Valyril. "I'll take notes too. But the First's task is to remember. Our mission is to learn. Anything we find should be examined by as many eyes as possible" The elven mage taps the gnarled head of her staff with a smile,thinking back fondly to younger days, "Because yes, even I can make a mistake. In theory."

2017-06-17, 12:18 PM
"And their dwarf books... are going to help us find something for the Arlathvhen?" Jacoby asks, having become rather befuddled by the scholars' talk of literature.

"I don't quite see how anything anybody else wrote is going to help us find something new to bring before the clans. If somebody's already written about it, then people already know about it. We're looking for something we don't know, aren't we?"

2017-06-18, 01:33 AM
Saran chuckles and scratches the back of his head "Oh...that...is true isnt it" he frowns and fumbles the book around in his hand "I just got a tad excited meeting another seeker of knowledge"

Saran Stands back up "I'm sorry I have delayed you, we should be going! Perhaps we can talk about swapping books on the way there?

2017-06-18, 07:16 PM
"Oh, I'm sorry, Saran! Most of my books are with the clan!" Lathdin apologizes. "I've mostly got my notes, and maps, and references, and all the little things that help me use them."

2017-06-19, 08:13 AM
"Never, hmmm? Ma nuvenin; I won't question your word, First," Valyril says, smiling as she shrugs. "Unless we return with little time, we will be able to show Keeper Uthin before the Arlathvhen, won't we?" She asks.

At Jacoby's question, Valyril shakes her head. "Not always. Keep in mind that much has been forgotten, lost, when it was once known. Knowledge may have been written down, then lost to time, leaving an old tome as the only source left to learn it from."

2017-06-21, 02:00 PM
Saran waves his hand "Well, perhaps we can trade once this quest of ours is over and donw with...though I would not mind copying some of those maps in my journal!

Saran chuckles "Knowledge can be found anywhere if you look hard enough Jacoby! It just requires a curious soul"

2017-06-21, 05:29 PM
"So, wait, we're going to the Shartan lake, aren't we?" Lathdin asks, hurrying to meet the rest of the group's steps.

Inspector Valin
2017-06-21, 06:05 PM
"Yes. Everyone's ok with it, and that saves us an argument." Yannith slows her pace, shaking her head at the clan's scholar. "I still say it's a bad idea. But it's worth trying. Just don't make me dance and sing to celebrate us getting there."

2017-06-21, 06:53 PM
"But you must know so many songs! Mother is always telling me about how much you know, Yannith!" Lathdin skips up to keep up with the older elf. "And don't say it's not true! You're the First!"

2017-06-21, 10:39 PM
"What are some good Dalish songs?" Jacoby asks. "I can't say I've heard many tunes that aren't about Andraste... or drinking... or women... or dogs..."

2017-06-22, 12:38 PM
Oh, the latter two are enough, don't worry," Valyril comments. "I mean...for most cases. It's a good start, at least!"

2017-06-22, 10:03 PM
Saran lets out a hearty laugh as he walks with the others "Yes! I would love to hear some traditional elven ballads from the first herself! Would you mind if I write it down? I would love to learn how to sing them myself"

Inspector Valin
2017-06-23, 06:33 AM
Yannith glances around the group, looking for some vestige of support against the request to sing. Seeing nothing, the First briefly considers objecting before finally sighing in resignation. "Fine. But you're all joining in!" Grinning, the First withdraws her staff, twirling it experimentally. "Try to fit the beat as best you can. It doesn't matter what you sing, just give us a verse for the road. Then we join for the chorus, and cycle through the group."

Words given, Yan hums, trying to find the pitch. She's used to Keeper Uthin's help, the older elf using instruments and humming to back her song. Still, with a few seconds she has her tone and starts slowly singing a familiar verse a touch louder than the norm, letting the sound ring down the road for the benefit of those that may not know it

"In elgar sa vir'mana
in tu setheneran din emma na
lath sulevin
lath araval ena"

Yan's eyes linger on Lathdin, before she starts her own verse, quieter. She knows what part she wants for this

"Dirthara lothlenan'as
la tel'enfenim
tel'abelas glandival
nadas aravel vir Arlathan"

Yannith lets the name of the Old City linger on the air before returning to the chorus.

"Elgar sa vir mana
in tu setheneran din emma na..."

2017-06-24, 07:25 PM
Valyril, keeping an eye on Saran and Jacoby, steps a bit closer to them as Yannith sings, speaking under her breath but loudly enough for them to hear; she doesn't bother trying to sing and translate at the same time, so her version isn't as pleasant to hear, but it's certainly easier to understand.

"Take spirit from the long ago,
but do not dwell in lands no longer yours.
Be certain in need,
and the path will emerge.

Seek truth in a forgotten land,
and never fear.
I'm not sorry to believe,
we must travel to Arlathan,"

For a moment, Valyril goes quiet, nodding and gesturing as Yannith returns to the chorus, so the two are more likely to realize it's the same thing, before continuing.

"Halamshiral sahlin tel;
Var vir, var felanen,
An enansal'uth.
Var vir, var vhenan;
Var vhenas."

This gave me 'Nam flashbacks to Spanish class, trying to stitch together phrases with no connecting words. Here's the translation:

The end of the the journey has not come;
Our way, our friends,
An eternal blessing.
Our way, our heart,
Our home.

The ending is meant to be a bit of wordplay tying the individual bits together; the idea is to be "our way [is of] our heart; our way [of] our heart [is] our home".

2017-06-26, 10:57 AM
Saran writes down the Lyrics as Valyril translates them "A song to explain the meaning of the Arlathvhen...interesting" he says quietly, hoping not to interrupt the song

Saran taps his pen on his lips, thinking of the best way to contribute to the song. He decides to hum to the tune of the song, trying to keep pace with the singers

2017-06-27, 06:43 PM
Lathdin waits patiently throughout most of the song, joining in on the chorus when it comes back around, before she clears her throat and dashes to the front of the now-walking group. "We forgot something! Are we going to travel on the Imperial Highway?" She asks, tilting her head in at the structure they're walking in the shadow of. "We'll find more people if we do! But, more people will see us if we do. Especially with Saran's horns!" She points at them, as though that were necessary.

2017-06-27, 11:48 PM
Jacoby had just opened his mouth without much idea what was going to come out of it, except that it would probably involve Shartan somehow and probably wouldn't rhyme, so he's rather grateful for the interruption.

"La!" he sings out a note, just so he can say he contributed, and then turns his thoughts to the question at hand.

"Are we trying to find more people?" he asks. He rather thought the Dalish tended to try to avoid that sort of thing. And unless they happened to randomly bump into a passing scholar of elvish lore...

...he glances at Saran and amends that thought to 'unless they happened to randomly bump into another passing scholar of elvish lore'...

...he doesn't quite see how meeting more people is a step toward their goal.

Of course, not much of what they've done so far seems like a step toward their goal, and yet they keep doing it. Maybe that's just the Dalish way? This might all be the clan's way of teaching him how to properly wander vaguely toward an uncertain destination!

2017-06-28, 03:02 PM
Saran chuckles at the comment made about his horns "Yes, my horns do tend to stick out" He laughs at his own joke " Hmmm, well, It would depend on which route is the fastest. I imagine the imperial highway would lead us to the lake the fastest, so I say we take the road. I doubt that meeting a few people would delay us, besides! They might even help us!"

2017-06-30, 06:59 AM
"Personally, I'd prefer the route with less meeting," Valyril says. "Though if we go down the Imperial Highway, I could scout ahead along it, to make things less...chancy."

2017-07-02, 08:52 PM
"Um, but who will look after your Hart?" Lathdin asks Valyril. "She's amazing! But she can't scout on a road!"

2017-07-04, 07:16 AM
"Oh, I'll be taking her along," Valyril says. "I'll mostly just be looking ahead for other travelers. That way, if someone's coming, we have some time to decide if we want to pass them inconspicuously or not."

Inspector Valin
2017-07-05, 09:39 AM
"It's the better call. The road's an easier path, and if someone sees us in the woods they'll just cry out Bandits."

Yannith chuckled darkly. It's bleak but true: trying to avoid confrontations can just as easily lead to them with how much shemlen assume about the people. She nods to Valyril "It you want the freedom, go scout, but don't feel obliged to. We've every right to use the Imperial Highway. And if there is any trouble, I'd rather we encountered it together."

God this took me far too long to get to. :smallfrown: Sorry gang. My heads been just... outta it since saturday. Not sure why.

2017-07-06, 08:31 AM
Saran nods "Yes, the only thing we would have to fear would be the occasional foolish bandit, or men looking for a fight. I think we're more likly to find help on the road to be honest, like an inn of some sort. Also, isn't it the far more scenic route?

2017-07-08, 07:47 AM
"Oh! Yes! That makes sense! We'd best get on the road, then! To the shards of Shartan and his soldiers!" Lathin declares. The group makes their way along the grassy path until they find a set of stairs onto the Imperial Highway, which still stands strong, if only thanks to a few restoration efforts here and there. It stretches to the North, all the way to TEvinter, though their stop is most likely to come before the bridge that stretches over the Minanter River.

They don't spot any other groups for a good hour or so, many of whom are likely still getting up from whatever stops they've made or found along the stretch of wilderness between Nevarra City and Cumberland. Valyril, scouting ahead as she is, doesn't get to share in Valyril's speculation about what they'll eventually recover, nor her explanation of just when they're likely to encounter other travelers and the trade goods they'll be carrying.

What she does see, however, is a small group of what she easily recognizes as Nevarran Guards. There are three of them. The apparent leader is on a black horse, with a matching breastplate that's obscured by a golden shawl emblazoned with a red mark of Cumberland. The two guards at either side wear red shawls, with black marks of Cumberland, and their helmets do not cover their faces. None of them seem to have noticed her yet, and their pace could best be described as "ambling".

2017-07-09, 06:55 AM
Upon spotting the guards, Valyril takes a moment to confirm what she sees before turning around, heading back to rejoin the group. "Nevarran guards up ahead," she says. "Three of them. Seem to be fairly relaxed," she nods towards Saran. "We may want to put a hat on you or something, to avoid any misunderstandings."

2017-07-10, 01:24 AM
Saran reaches up and grips his horns "Ahhh, yes. They do stick out a bit dont they" he says with a laugh....which slowly dies down as he realizes something "That reminds me, I did not bring a hat on my journey. Its hard to find any with the horns and such. Maybe I can borrow someones robes?"

2017-07-13, 12:59 AM
"Don't you think a hat big enough to cover... those..." Jacoby says, gesturing vaguely in the direction of Saran's entire head, "would draw even more attention than his horns would? I don't think I've ever seen anyone wearing a hat that big! Or... have I?"

He stops and thinks a moment more, a process which takes some effort.

"Maybe if he was an Orlesian woman?"

He squints and looks at Saran sideways, trying to picture it. But where would they find the dress? Or the mask?

2017-07-16, 07:44 AM
"What if you just...get on all fours and we put a blanket over you...?" Lathdin suggests. "People would think you're an ox, which would be acceptable, even to them!"

2017-07-16, 11:10 AM
Saran taps on his Chin "Well....we dont have any orlesians at hand...and I'd probably look a bit fat in one of those dresses. Unless I had a corset,
which would be a new experience for me"

Saran then folds his arms "I'm not against the ox disguise...but, why would we cover an ox with a blanket? Like I said, not against it, just curious. he looks over to Jacoby ""If we had a dress on hand I would try your plan...but since we dont, I think pretending to be an Ox is more sensible"

2017-07-16, 02:51 PM
Valyril silently hopes that her legacy won't by some twist of fate be reduced to a supporting role in the tale of a qunari being disguised as an ox. "They didn't seem especially alert, so we may be able to distract them and have some people standing between them and our fake ox," she adds. Of course, the plan is somewhat absurd, but she didn't have any better ideas, apart from using her hart as cover and having him sneak along behind it.

2017-07-20, 09:40 PM
Sara thinks over the plan, he uses his finger to try and draw a diagram of the plan "So, then in that case, Perhaps you and the first should try talking to the Guards while Jacoby and Lathdin, well, 'heard me'. You could even use your Halla as a way of blocking there view of me"

2017-07-26, 03:22 AM
"That seems as good an idea as any," Valyril says with a nod. "They're on this side of the road," she indicates the side they were walking on when she saw them, "so just stay on the other side."