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2017-06-07, 08:06 PM
Relevant Interludes Go Here

Marcus: A Meeting With Q
Tracking down Q had proved to be quite difficult. With the massive Fighting Symbol hanging over the entire town from Colossus, the Prime from the previous generation who caused the massive earthquake inside the Danger Zone that killed a member of the Elite 4, it was impossible to tell when another prime was nearby until you got within eyesight of them. Additionally, many of the staff seemed suspicious when you asked about him, and it took quite a while of wheedling and needling before you managed to discover where you could find Halle's protegee: you'd learned that many safari workers happily expected Q to take over Halle's responsibilities of running the place in a few years.

And so you found yourself half a day's hike into the safari zone chasing down a Rhyhorn herd that roamed the lower plains. It wasn't until your second day of looking that you even found tracks, and it took another few hours before you managed to pick the herd, and Q, out from the landscape.

While it was clear that he knew you were approaching, Q didn't make any moves to meet you in the middle. Instead, he stood in the middle of the Rhyhron pack,
who grouped protectively around him. The pink symbol above his head was lined with what appeared to be a neural network, although the symbol didn't really match to baggy cargo pants, nature preserve fan shirt, floppy wide-brimmed hat, or thick log book gripped in his hands.

Dominic: Meeting the Parents

It had been a long, and at times exciting, trip back from Thousand Acres. The low squat buildings of Hidden Oasis felt like home, as did the prickly cacti and serene oasis that dominated the eastern edge of town. The Pokemon Center was the same one that you had last seen your father at, and according to all reports, he was still in the same room along with Savannah.

Katie was there with you, gripping your hand tightly. She was obviously nervous, hair tied in a ponytail like her mother usually wore it: something she only did when stressed. You ready for this? she asked, voice shaking.

Dominic: An Evening with Blur

With how big the symbols of the previous generation were, it wasn't difficult to figure out where Blur was in the ancient ruined city that the creature called home. Of course, it was a different matter entirely to chase him down, as the buggy symbol zipped quickly around the city at a clip that even the train between Thousand Acres and Central couldn't match.

However, you eventually found yourself at what appeared to be a graveyard, Blur found you. He appeared in front of you almost like he was teleporting. He hung above a grave about 100 feet from you, vibrating so quickly in the air that his whole figure was blurred ... hence the name.

Young Prime. Blur's voice clicked and hissed in an alien way totally unlike how your own Deadshot spoke. Why have you chossenn to invaddee my cccittyyy. I doooo nottt encouraggee visssitorsssssss.

2017-06-10, 11:18 PM
Meeting the Parents
It was weird to be back after so long. Dominic was not even close to the same person he was when he'd left... wow only like 6 months ago. Only half a year? How the hell had it only been half a year? He greeted the familiar heat with not exactly welcome but it was nice. He brushed his long hair out of his eyes and squeezed Katie's hand. "I wish I'd had time to get my hair fixed up but I mean how you can really be ready for this? Who knows if they were ever gonna even tell us? This is gonna be awkward as hell." He brushed the hair from his eyes again, slightly annoyed at himself for letting it grow out so much. Maybe it was time for a change though. Eh.

Dominic pushed the door open, hoping for a second nothing at all would be there.

An Evening with Blur
Dominic refused to let his nerves show, confronting one of the old ones. He didn't know exactly how well it was going, but he was trying! "I'm here... because you attacked my father." There was no other way to put it, and the most simple at that.

2017-06-12, 10:59 AM
A Meeting With Q

Marcus circled the Safari Zone, looking down from above on Icon's back, the Nidoking beating the air with reckless abandon as Marcus attempts to find Q. Quicksilver was perched on the Nidoking's tail as he tries to help, with two Sculptures hovering near him.

Marcus! the Weavile shouted, pointing down towards the herd. We might have something! Marcus grins slightly, before patting Icon's side and gesturing towards the ground. The titan of a Nidoking grunts before beginning his descent, forcing Marcus to take a white-knuckled grip on the Nidoking's back.

Note to self: Work on Icon's ability to control his descent, Marcus thinks briefly before he flies downwards at increasing speed. Icon's landing was about as graceful as his descent, and the Pokemon leaves a small crater as he lands, although he seems to be largely unharmed.

Coughing slightly from the dust Icon had kicked up, Marcus slides off the Pokemon's back, waving his hand in front of his face to try to clear the air.

Q! Marcus cries, trying to hail the boy, and hoping to not anger the Rhyhorn horde, although he suspected Q and the horde were one and the same. My name is Marcus, although you probably already know that. I just wanted to thank you in your part in freeing Tesla. I don't know if we could have accomplished it without you, Marcus says, hoping that flattery would put the boy in a good mood.

Can I add Colossus to my Profiles?

2017-06-13, 05:50 AM
A Meeting with Q
Q clamped a hand on his hat to keep it from blowing away in the winds that Icon generated. He frowned at you for a second, clearly thinking quickly. In the end though, he gave you a hesitant smile, but didn't step out from his protective herd.

Marcus right? he said, voice indicative of someone who was raised in the deep country far from the established and patrolled routes. Your thanks're appreciated of'course. But y'coulda told me that through Katie. Noneed to flyouta here for that.

His eyes lingered on Icon for a long moment, brow furrowing. In the end though, he turned to Quicksilver. Nice t'meet you Quicksilver. Psyren's said'a lot aboutcha. In response, Quicksilver merely sniffed, as if the mention of Psyren peeved him in some small way.

I don't suppose he's had anything good to say about me? After all I am a bloodthirsty assassin who just can't get enough of battle. His voice was dripping with sarcasm, but you could tell that he wasn't actually upset. While it seemed that he and Psyren didn't agree on a lot, Quicksilver didn't dislike the creature in the same way you'd heard him talk about some of the others.

You haven't seen him, just his symbol. So unless you want to go cave diving with a creature famous for causing cave-ins, you're out of luck.

A Talk with Tesla
The chimes of serenity were almost more normal to you at night than during the daytime at this point. The echoes of sound filled the air as Dirgesong covered any traces of your conversation. Tesla was hovering underneath one of the largest chimes, rotating, emitting bursts of sparks intermittently. He hadn't seemed to have noticed you yet.

Meeting the Parents
Your fleeting hopes were in vain. Your father lay there, looking significantly better than the last time you'd seen him, but still quite injured. Savannah sat at his side, clutching his hand in hers. It was clear she'd been here for a while, as several plastic food wrappers sat on the table next to her.

She looked up when you entered, eyes widening as she saw the two of you. As if she could pretend it didn't happen, she rapidly let go of your father's hand and leaned back. Katie! Dominic! She said, clearly flustered by trying to seem enthusiastic. Welcome back. I wasn't ... well I mean ... I'm surprised to see you here. Why not come to the gym to see me?

We know mom, Katie said, her usual bluntness at its prime now. So you don't have to lie to us anymore. Savannah's eyes widened, rapidly looking back and forth between the two of you.

What? she gasped, But ... how?

A Night With Blur
You ssseeekk revenggee? Blur hissed. Ssssuch a battle would be illl advissed for youu. Your partneer hassss not grown enough to do battle with mee.

When youre writing the interactions with Penny and Gneisso, they give you two held items for your pokemon. One can be used by you as well as a body item slot and lets you take damage as a rock type twice per scene as a free action. The other may only be used by fossil pokemon, but it grants Huge Power as a bonus ability as well as a +2 Power Capability boost. They're called Ancient Shell and Tyrant Fang respectively.

Home Sweet Home
When you reached the oasis of the desert witch, of your mother, you immediately noticed the changes. When you'd first stepped foot here, the pure serenity of the land where the house sat stood out. There hadn't been a single grain of sand out of place. Now however, it looked as if several storms had passed through.

Aside from the body of the guardian Krookodile heaped in a dune, breathing shallowly, it was clear a battle had happened here. Portions of the ground were turned to glass from intense heat. Dunes caused from the movement of magic and massive bodies had yet to be leveled by the calm winds, and jagged claw marks were exposed on the exposed rock underneath portions of what was supposed to be pure sand.

Most tellingly however, was the house. It's door was ripped off the hinges, and the entire structure seemed to be tainted by battle.

In terms of the lance, feel free to nab a basic one for free, and I can throw a version of the lance you requested into the item workshop as a prize

Are there other interactions you'd like to work on collaboratively?

2017-06-13, 10:28 AM
A Meeting with Q
Q clamped a hand on his hat to keep it from blowing away in the winds that Icon generated. He frowned at you for a second, clearly thinking quickly. In the end though, he gave you a hesitant smile, but didn't step out from his protective herd.

Marcus right? he said, voice indicative of someone who was raised in the deep country far from the established and patrolled routes. Your thanks're appreciated of'course. But y'coulda told me that through Katie. Noneed to flyouta here for that.

His eyes lingered on Icon for a long moment, brow furrowing. In the end though, he turned to Quicksilver. Nice t'meet you Quicksilver. Psyren's said'a lot aboutcha. In response, Quicksilver merely sniffed, as if the mention of Psyren peeved him in some small way.

I don't suppose he's had anything good to say about me? After all I am a bloodthirsty assassin who just can't get enough of battle. His voice was dripping with sarcasm, but you could tell that he wasn't actually upset. While it seemed that he and Psyren didn't agree on a lot, Quicksilver didn't dislike the creature in the same way you'd heard him talk about some of the others.

You haven't seen him, just his symbol. So unless you want to go cave diving with a creature famous for causing cave-ins, you're out of luck.

A Talk with Tesla
The chimes of serenity were almost more normal to you at night than during the daytime at this point. The echoes of sound filled the air as Dirgesong covered any traces of your conversation. Tesla was hovering underneath one of the largest chimes, rotating, emitting bursts of sparks intermittently. He hadn't seemed to have noticed you yet.

A Meeting With Q
Marcus awkwardly runs a hand through his hair when Q calls him on not needing to fly all this way. I may have also wanted to meet you. There's not many ways for us Primes to talk without Jamba knowing, and I was hoping we'd be able to work together. With people hunting our Cryptids, we need to stay in contact as best as possible, right? Marcus says, until he raises his eyebrows at Q's remark about Psyren. He'd assumed the Cryptids were unable to tell their Primes about Cryptids they hadn't met yet, mostly due to Quicksilver's tight-lipped nature.

I'm afraid I'm at a bit of a disadvantage then. Quicksilver hasn't mentioned anything about Psyren, Marcus says, glancing at Quicksilver out of the corner of his eye. If he has been giving you a bad impression about Quicksilver, I assure you that is not who Quicksilver is, Marcus adds, more to back up Quicksilver than anything else.

A Talk With Tesla
Marcus frowns as he sees Tesla just floating there, sparking from time to time. What was the Electric Cryptid thinking? Would he recover from losing his Prime? Marcus couldn't possibly understand the damage such an act caused, but was hoping that he could at least come close to helping the Magnemite.

Either way, Marcus clears his throat loudly, more to make sure that he didn't surprise the Magnemite than anything. Tesla? How are you feeling? Marcus asks, preparing for the worst. The first thing he needed to do was help Tesla recover psychologically, with any other work taking a backseat to that.

2017-06-14, 05:03 PM
Meeting the Parents
"Well... You know how it is... Fighting Jamba, meeting Cryptids, magical destinies, the usual." Dominic says, coming off a lot more awkward than he meant for it to be. "It's really a big giant story that would be better told over lunch? I know Katie wanted to show off some new recipes...." He nudged her forward with his elbow, freeing his hand and slipping his backpack off. "And before you say that Dad couldn't join us, I've already thought that and uh, this!" He pulls out the wooden jar and pops off the top bringing it to his dad. "Should be just what you need? I hope. She said it'd work. I'll be honest I was planning on being a lot more cool. I don't think it's working."

A Night with Blur
Dominic sighs. "Honestly I don't know what I want at this point. I wanted revenge but... I'm foolish but I'm not an idiot. I know when I'm really outclassed. I'd settle for... I don't know a why? An apology maybe? Maybe just a talk? You gotta be lonely way out here..." He'd had a lot of time to really think it through especially after talking to Hero and Mira... Enough that he was not... completely incensed anymore.

Is that Any Pokemon resurrected from a fossil or specifically Fossil Mon

2017-06-14, 07:05 PM
Home Sweet Home
He should have known that there would be no welcome sight for him here. The quiet and ruin, however, only remind him of the ancient cities further into the desert.

Angus is not alone in his unease. The twin blades of Gladia look back and forth worryingly over the dwelling, showing no signs of life. He stepped forward, dreading what he may find. "Mother?"

In The Diary of Jean
After all that time in the desert, Hidden Oasis called to Angus like a siren song. Like any sane man, the first thing that Angus did when returning to town was head to a water fountain. With a love of water that he had not known existed, he scrubbed all the accumulated sand from his hair and face and soothed his throat with the life-giving liquid.

Of course, just because he was back in civilization did not mean that he was safe. There was still the matter of the Jamba goon squad that Ophelia had warned him about. Angus kept an eye open, not just for them but... Maybe, just maybe... He might see her again.

The young man had met plenty of women in his travels. Why, then, did a certain roofrunner from The Claw continue to capture his attention?

I Am The Hammer
To the ignorant, it seemed a ritual of bloody sacrifice. Gauntlet lay upon the massive slab of metal known as the Anvil, surrounded by bits and pieces of the Orichalcum ore. Standing above him was Angus with black alchemy hammer in hand, the gift that he had received the last time that he had entered this temple. Beside Angus was Kiln, the blue flames in his shell stoked hot. All the necessary pieces were in place. What remained was to stir up the will to commit to the artistic vision in his head. Around them, the temple's guardians looked on impassively.

"Gauntlet, my friend... I cannot guarantee that this will be painless." The hammer weighed heavily in his hand. "I have Regigigas's blessing, but not yours. If you do not want this, speak now and I will hold."

Gauntlet responded with his usual enthusiasm, "I confess that I am... excited. To have one's body remade is not something that most experience. This ore is blessed by the Forgemaster, Angus. I would be honored to be an offering of craft to the Maker."

Those words made Angus smile down at his Guardian. Gauntlet was always so sure, so ready to fight and commit. He had been a blessing on this journey. Finally ready, Angus brought the hammer down on Kiln's back and ignited the black head in white flame. "Then let the Anvil ring."

For the first time in centuries, the inside of the temple boomed with the sound of hammer blows. Angus's hands were steady, following the blueprint he had painstakingly crafted in his mind. Bit by bit, ore was fed into the molten turtle's back and reshaped and tempered. After hours of work, Angus stood back and wiped the sweat from his brow. He looked down at the unmoving sculpture before him, hesitantly. "...Gauntlet?"

A familiar yellow light glowed into the statue's head and the giant rose from the metal surface. Not quite Steel and not quite Rock, the Golurk was now something completely new. Angus's eyes shone as the Cryptid clenched his mighty fists, testing their responsiveness. Those same fists were raised to the ceiling as Gauntlet's voice echoed with a new powerful metallic timber. "I am reforged!!!"

An Old Friend
"There's only one man I know that would walk around in armor that obnoxious. You owe me a rematch, Angus."

Stopping in his tracks, Angus turned to face his attacker... and was filled with joy at the sight of the self-assured monk standing before him, spear in hand. "Horan!" He chuckled with delight, which caused the other young man to smile in return. "I was worried that I'd never see you again! I'm glad to see that you healed up nicely!"

"I suppose I should thank you for the 'get well' present." He holds up the haft of the spear. "It's served me pretty well. I've also been getting stronger and faster as I've traveled. So have you, apparently." Horan's gaze cast over Angus's armor and hammer in appraisal before entering a ready stance. "But I'm not kidding. Last time, you never let me use my spear before I lost it. Come on, let's do it again. Just you and me, no one else, no sudden distractions." His voice was full of friendly challenge.

Angus knew that he was right, of course. He had been very selfish the last time that they had met. With a resigned snort, Angus drew the black hammer from his belt. He quips wryly, "Well, lucky for you, I lost my shield in the meantime, so no temptation on my part. Let's on with it, then."

The two of them faced off, two separated friends ready to settle an old contest... And as if right on cue, a bunch of sharp-bodied Pokemon surrounded the pair, backed by their masked blade-wielding masters. Oh, you've got to be kidding me...

Shifting himself, he asked aside at Horan, "Do you want some revenge on the people who hospitalized you? You can start with these."

Shocked at first, Horan flipped his spear and raised one foot in a stance. "Someday, Angus, you're going to have to tell me what this is all about."

Raising his newest creation to his lips, hewn from stone with a crystalline interior, Angus grinned darkly. "Aye, but let's deal with these, first." With a huff of breath, Angus blew into the horn. The air seemed to split and the ground shook, as if an ancient god had stirred from his slumber and given voice to his imprisoned wrath. Around the surrounded pair, their opponents visibly wavered, as if tempted to cut and run then and there. "Wha- What the hell," stammered one of the Pawns.

With combined war cries, the knight and the monk charged into battle side-by-side.

And A Red Dawn
"All right, so this is how things are going to go," the masked Bishop told the small group of new trainers and noncombatants traveling in a quiet corner of Thousand Acres. There had been rumors of highwaymen causing trouble around the countryside, but now it was all too real.

Only half of the Bishop's face was covered with the mask, which ironically made his vicious grin even more terrifying. The bells on top of his floppy hat did nothing to lighten the mood, for he had brought with him a squad of Pawns whose Pokemon currently had the caravan cornered. With a theatrical sweep, the Bishop known as Jester told them, "You're going to surrender your Pokemon. All of them. In exchange, you'll be helping us overthrow the dogmatic tyranny that is the League. Congrats for you!" He clapped mockingly in wicked joy. Some of the trainers shot him a dirty look, but the Jamba team's Pokemon were already out and would have the first volley. "For those of you who don't have any Pokemon, first of all, my sympathies. Secondly, you will be handing over your valuables. We have to eat, too, and if you're not part of the solution, well... you're part of the problem."

"But... this is all the money that we earned at the market today...," a young boy protested, holding onto his scared little sister.

The friendly veneer on Jester's face dropped. "That doesn't sound like my problem. Rook?" One of the grunts looked at his boss. "Give the upstart here a good lashing with your Victreebel. He could use a lesson, and I could use a good laugh!" The plant Pokemon's vines began to extend and a few of the braver souls stepped forward to shield the frightened boy.

An old man, who had been quiet this whole time, squinted and questioned in a warbling voice, "He-ey, who's that over there?"

"Nice try, grandpa, but I'm the tricks-"

One of the Pawns interrupted, "Uh, Bishop?" Jester whirled, ready to rip into the masked woman, but he saw the figure that her finger pointed out further down the road. A man in full armor sat astride a rock-headed Pokemon that eagerly tossed its spiky head. In one hand, the man carried a simple but deadly lance upon which hung the banner of a long-lost house: the crest of the Sandrunners. Of course, Jester wouldn't have recognized the crest, but his eyes were nervously locked onto what could only be a knight seated on the monster's back. He looked decidedly unfriendly, especially when the lance tip dropped to point at them. With a bugling cry, the Rampardos began charging toward the ambush site at an unprecedented rate. The light of the sun gleamed off of the metal lance tip, making Jester increasingly unnerved.

Looking around at the gawking Pawns, Jester shouted, "What are you just standing around for, you morons?! Positions, now!" Some of the Pawns moved up to bring their Pokemon to the inevitable point of impact, which gave some of the more daring trainers a chance to discreetly reach for Pokeballs.

Dust flew behind Lamorak's feet like smoke following a fire, his red eyes gleaming with the prospect of ramming something as hard as he possibly could. Angus put the Throat to his lips, ready to sound the horn and commit to battle proper. In a display that could be argued as either sensible self-preservation or a collapse in discipline, some of the Pawns ordered their Pokemon to fire at the incoming charger with beams of ice, thunderbolts, razor sharp leaves, and balls of dark energy. Most missed, but a few grazed both mount and rider. Still, onward they came and the more cowardly among the Pawns started to lose their nerve. Growling in frustration, Jester popped open his own Pokeball. "Electrode, go!" The spherical Pokemon materialized next to its owner.

Things only became more chaotic when the caravan trainers released their own Pokemon and began barking orders. Caught between the knight and the group, Jamba's goons started to falter. Jester himself couldn't point them in one direction or another.

Lamorak finally loomed in their vision, head reared to seemingly deliver an awesome blow. As the mount reared, Angus blew on his warhorn. The force of the sound caused Jamba's line to crumble, falling flat on their backs as the earth seemingly shook... which it shortly did as Lamorak began his earthquake. This was the opening that the trainers needed, who pounced on and pulverized the Pawns. Any of Jamba's Pokemon still standing (or floating) were soon soundly thrashed by Angus's lance and Lamorak's stone head.

Dodging a Water Gun attack from a Totodile, Jester eyed the newcomer with seething hatred. Everything had been going so perfectly! He resolved that the offender would not escape the encounter with his life.

"Electrode, use Self-Destruct!" The Pokemon launched itself forward, detonating right in front of Angus's face. Rider and mount were engulfed in white light and, for a moment, all became still on the battlefield. Jester laughed his petty triumph as the rest looked on in shock... and then it was Jester's turn to be dumbfounded. While the Rampardos lay unconscious on the ground, the knight was still standing, albeit shakily. Blood leaked from a corner of Angus's mouth as he stared at the Bishop, cold fire burning in the lights of his eyes. The smithing hammer was raised as Angus stomped forward, Jester's own hands raised in a feeble attempt to beg for mercy from the seeming revenant. Breath flew out of Jester's body as the hammer's head collided with his torso, his knees crumpling beneath him. Another blow connected with the side of his head as Angus swung. Jester was knocked to the ground, his brain rattling in his skull from the force of the blows. Angus raised the hammer for one final blow- and found himself stopped by the old man's hand.

"We've already won, m'boy. No need for that." The old man looked him in the eye, unafraid and unwilling to back down. His face twisted into a snarl of outrage, Angus came down from his adrenaline and took a deep breath through his nose. Hammer lowered, Angus hung his head. The old man patted his armored shoulder, understanding but pleased.

With the skirmish all but decided, the group rounded up the other Jamba team members. The few Pawns who were still conscious surrendered quickly, forced to taste irony as it was them who were forced to surrender their Pokemon. A woman with a bag rushed over to the unconscious figure of Lamorak, showing her appreciation by lending her skills to help him.

Looking around at the aftermath, Angus concedes, "Aye, serrah, we have... for now." Will there be no end to this?

The Lady of Bones and Her Delicate Knight
After months of things going unexpectedly, Angus was starting to develop of sense of when something wasn't quite right. He shifted up quietly, not wanting to overtly advertise his consciousness. The camp was quiet, however. Angus had let his Pokemon out of their Seeds this particular night. Lamorak seemed to enjoy the freedom, sprawling his length across the ground and snoring. Kiln huddled next to the Fire, retreated into his rocky shell. The frame of Gauntlet stood stark against the light, like a shadowy sentinel with glowing eyes.

And there's Gladia... Wait a minute... Where are Boudica and Percivale? Worry started to grow in him, but the single eye of his Aegislash caught his distress. With an almost lazy gesture, she pointed off in the direction of the shrubbery.

Curious at her nonchalance, Angus ventured in the indicated direction. He wondered what they could be doing at such a late hour. Was the Marowak wanting another training session? Ever since he had bought that Dawn Stone for Percival and turned him into a Gallade, the Bone Pokemon had been obsessed with training. It had been enough for her to evolve herself into a Marowak, a lost child no more. Had she roped the easy going Psychic into a midnight duel?

Once he made it past the foliage, things became crystal clear and Angus forced himself to a complete stop. He dared not breath to disturb the scene before him. On a tiny hill overlooking a peaceful lake, past the treeline and open to a full moon and starry sky, two figures leaned sitting against one another. Percivale had his non-swordarm wrapped around Boudica, pulling her closer to him.

Angus smiled quietly from the sidelines. Of course. He should have known, should have seen the signs. When the little Kirlia had nearly doubled in height and firmed out, his Cubone friend had eyes as big as saucers and a distinct blush under her skull mask. During her training sessions, Boudica always picked him first and was unrelenting in her assaults. Percivale had always been playful during sparring, but there was a glint of mischief in his eye whenever Boudica tried to konk his head with her club.

The trainer had impressed upon his team that they were heading to the Item Workshop, where things could get very dangerous. Apparently, the odd couple had taken his words to heart and took it upon themselves to find what peace they could. As quietly as he could, Angus tiptoed back to the fire. He did not want to disturb them, for solitude was what they clearly sought. There was also no need to worry for them. If anyone, Pokemon or human, wild or Jamba, dared to break this fragile moment of moonlit glass, they were going to be in for a world of hurt.

In his discretion, Angus missed when the pair stood five minutes later and danced, the moon acting as their spotlight.

2017-06-18, 06:01 AM
A Meeting With Q
Havenn' heard nuttin, Q said. Prolly just an inside joke we don't know abou. He tapped a Pokeball on his waist, and a slowking emerged. On the whole, he looked fairly normal, though the shell on his head was dotted with small pink orbs that you suspected were Pink Pearls that Clampearl produced.

I figure yah prolly not here for me, he said. This es Psyren. Hes heard all abou you o'course. The Primes are quite chatty thy are,

Psyren inclined his head, smirking at Quicksilver, who returned the grin. It was immediately apparent that there wasn't any bad blood between the two of them. Nowwww, Psyren said, his voice deeper than any of the other Cryptids you'd met thus far. From what Katie and Puck have told me about you, I assume you're looking to join the Cluster or Primes that has formed? The impression you got from the Slowking was of an aristocratic country gentlemen, one with too much time on his hands who enjoyed playing matchmaker and talking about fishing.

You'll be able to communicate with me always, as if I were standing directly next to you. And, if you put a bit of your mind into it, you can contact the cluster. Anyone currently accessing it will be able to speak directly with you as well. Sometimes it can be rather empty, but when they're feeling chatty it can get quite crowded.

Of course, understand that I can and will cut you out at any time if your actions ... endanger myself or Q in any way, or really for any reason I care for. I won't hide that I'll be spying on your communications - information is power after all, and power means safety. But Q and I don't particularly care what else you get up to. It feels strange at first, but you'll get used to it.

A Talk With Tesla
Tesla continued floating, visually not acknowledging you at all. However, he spoke, and his voice was filled with static and humming. I feel cut in half, he said. It's like I have a third magnet, but it's gone. I know that I should be with Raymond ... but he is lost forever.

A part of me is stuck, and it pulls on me.

Meeting the Parents
Almost as if magnetized to him, the pure light inside flowed from the bottle and washed over your father. It was half liquid, half gas, and half something you couldn't identify. It settled onto his skin, slowly soaking into his skin, being inhaled with his soft breaths. Savannah simply looked stunned, obviously having no idea what was happening. Katie too seemed shocked, but immediately the screen next to your father began to change. The numbers rose, a few lights switched from orange to green, and a nurse came rushing in a second later.

Only to be greeted by your father, eyes now open and groggily trying to sit up. Savannah immediately shooed the nurse out and shut the door.
Well that was some nap ... how long was I out? Aside from sounding tired, there was no visible side effect. It was almost as if he'd been healed and had three weeks of rest and rehab, only to arrive mentally and physically sound in the space of two minutes.

Neither Katie nor Savannah responded immediately, and your father looked between the three of you, eyes darting between his son, his daughter, and his lover, clearly trying to figure out what was happening.

Does your dad have name? I've never asked

A Night With Blur

Blur inclined his head, tilting it to one side. Welll, he buzzed. I sssuppozzze you can ssayyy that I've becomme rather protectivve of my He'riahi. He wass takkken from me whenn we were but children, and I wassss enslavved.

I doo not takke kindllly to thosse who do not heed my warnings to leavve thisss place or hiss gravvee. Your fatttheer sought treassure and would not llleavvve. Whennn he sett hiss hand of He'riahi's gravvvee ... wellll killing hass become instinct I ssuppposee. Old habbits you knowwww. Buttt I will not let He'riahi's body or memorrryyy be defiled. I coulddd not deffend himmmm in life, but in deathh I willl not failll him. Ittt isss my atonemment.

Home Sweet Home
There was no response, but you eventually heard teh faint traces of groaning, probably from a feminine voice, from inside. If you entered, you saw the house in total disarray, with things broken and thrown around and an entire wall blown away in the back of the house. She was alive, though battered. Her intricately folded desert robe was charred in several places, and there was a half healed scar running across her bald skull.

In the Diary of Jean
As you dunked your head in the water for the first time, you heard the all-too-familiar voice call out to you. Well well well, look what the rattata dragged in, the familiar voice said. When you turned, you saw her perched on the edge of a nearby rooftop, carefully balancing three Pokeballs on a finger. It took you a second to realize they were your pokeballs.

A spindly and heavily tatooed punk stood on the roof behind her. His carefully spiked hair stood out in contrast to Jean's more modest Zahaard commoner's outfit, but the symbol hanging above his head made it clear that he was Veil, her Illusionist Zorua. When he caught you looking at him, Veil gave you a toothy grin, and you saw that the human illusion had pointed teeth that looked like fangs.

I hope you aren't planning to dump sand in our lovely fountain, she said conversationally. But I suppose if it's you, I can see my way around the dirty water. She grinned fiercely and tossed you back your Pokeballs. Welcome back from the desert stranger. Glad to see you didn't die or get disembowled or something. Heard that happens in the desert sometimes.

2017-06-18, 05:16 PM
A Meeting with Q
A pleasure to meet you Psyren, Marcus says, inclining his head slightly. Fortunately, it's privacy from Jamba that I want, not from you. Is there anything in particular you would request we avoid discussing? And who else is in the Cluster? Marcus asks as he attempts to communicate with the full hivemind, focusing his mind slightly.

Hello? Anybody home?

A Talk With Tesla
Marcus stays silent, going over what some cursory research into grief counseling had taught him. Listen, avoid giving advice, and stay available. Marcus glances at Quicksilver, hoping that the Weavile might have some guidance, but is somewhat disappointed. He waves his hand, and an instant later an icy chair appears for both himself and Quicksilver. The Ice Prime slowly takes a seat, prepared for a long talk.

Obviously, I can't imagine what you're going through, Marcus says slowly. I'm sorry for your loss. Is there anything you need? Anything I can help you with? Do you need food? Marcus asks, patting Nibil's Pokeball on his belt.

2017-06-19, 08:09 PM
Meeting the Parents
Dominic is more than a little overwhelmed being just as speechless at the recovery. With perhaps a little more force than he should have used, he lunged at his dad on the bed, giving him the hug he'd wanted to for months. "Uh hi dad." He squeezes tighter. "That um... question starts with uh... what's the last thing you remember?" Dominic sat back on the bed, wiping tears from his eyes with his sleeves.

A Night With Blur
Dominic frowned and turned, walking out of the graveyard without a word. Looking for a stone about the right height, he sat down. "My dad... is an archeologist. If he was looking for treasure it was to share the past with the world. Did they... have those in your time? Not that it really matters I guess... Did he try and talk with you? Or... I dunno."

2017-06-23, 12:38 AM
Home Sweet Home
Looking into the interior of the home only confirms Angus's fears. The darkest of them, however, is dispelled by the groan that he heard. She was alive.

Rushing over to his mother's side, Angus holds her. Woefully, he tells her, "Sorry... I'm so sorry... I wasn't here..."

In The Diary of Jean
Tensing for a split second, Angus relaxes as he recognizes the owner of the voice. Looking up at the young woman, Angus is reminded of that day months ago, when they had first left Zahaard. It felt like years ago. Despite everything that had changed, she was still looking down on him from a rooftop... holding his stuff.

Unlike that first meeting, Angus didn't lose his temper. Instead, he smiled and shook his head at Jean's antics. In response to her quips, Angus sarcastically replies, "Aw, you do care." Putting the Worldseeds back onto his belt, Angus continues, "But yes, there were a few instances where I was nearly skewered or crushed to a fine paste. Especially when a certain someone with a bladed whip decided that he wanted to settle some old scores with my unconscious self."

Angus releases most of his Pokemon to enjoy the fresh water. Boudica gratefully sips from the fountain, Percivale actually stops himself long enough to lift the sand up from the water using his telekinesis, Kiln gulps water and steam pours out of his back, and Lamorak greedily glugs his refreshment. The newly-evolved Rampardos looks up at Jean and, with a look that says "I don't like your face", actually blasts some of the water in his mouth into her face. Angus begins laughing hysterically, clapping his hands and shaking some of the sand from his armor.

2017-06-27, 07:13 PM
A Meeting with Q
We don' really care so long as ya leave the reservealone. Q said. Justa don't tell anyone where to find us who we don want to find us, and you'll be fine. Psyren nodded slowly, agreeing with his Prime's words.

When you reached out to touch the Cluster, it felt almost as if there was a door in the back of your head that you could open at will. As it swung on its well oiled hinges, you suddenly found yourself in a cavernous space that you'd never seen before. Your message echoed out into the vastness, before you head the faint murmurrs of a voice that you immediately recognized as Tiny.

About Time! his shirll voice chirped. I was wondering when I'd see you around here!

A Talk with Tesla
It was worse at first, Tesla said. Vut dirgesong has been wonderful. And he then agreed to the food, sucking up as much electricity as Nibil could give, leaving the creature panting from exertion.

Raymond is gone, Tesla crackled. I cannot change that. But I can still influence this world to realize his vision. I will be a part of this era.

Meeting the Parents
HArd to say, he said, I was hunting for artifacts ... but I feel like there's a more important conversation to be had. I mean ... The silence, and the secret kept for years of your lives fell heavy on the room, and both of the adults seemed more than a bit uncomfortable with the situation.

A Night With Blur
Innn my timme we hadd notthhinng but ennnslavvvveeement and warrr. Blur seemed agitaded, flitting from side to side, front to back, almost without thinking. Ifff your first instinct has beennn to talkkkk, it issss becausssse you havve been bornnn into ssssuch a world. I wasss not ssssoooo lucky. My insstinctts are diffferent than what isss now conssidered properr. The othersss who were ensssslaved are ssssimilarly viollent. It iss a difficult thing to be enssslaved with asss much power assss we do.

Home Sweet Home
No, your mother said, stirring on the floor. Her voice was weak, raspy. It's better that you weren't here. Now at least one of my children is safe.

For that, I can be nothing but thankful.

Diary of Jean
Well you seem to have made it out alright, Jean quipped. After which she promptly got a face full of water. She didn't seem to mind though, and wiped at it with a smile on her face. A Garchomp appeared at her back though, glaring at Lamrock, and a Butterfree landed on your head, sprinkling you with a powder that made you sneeze.

This place would be a bit more boring without clunkly brutes of men like you running around. Who else could I find to play pranks on?

2017-06-28, 11:45 PM
A Meeting With Q
Easy enough. I'm sure I can abide by those rules, Marcus says, pleased that Q seemed to be fairly easy-going, before a thought crosses his mind. Is it possible for Quicksilver to join the network, or is it Primes only? Marcus asks, before focusing on the connection, starting slightly at Tiny's shout.

Tiny! Marcus exclaims with uncharacteristic enthusiasm. After being forced to look at the mortality of Primes by Raymond's death, meeting one of his old friends was a very, very good feeling. Sorry, I've been busy. If you can make it to the Item Workshop, I have some things to show you, Marcus says, wondering how his old friend would respond to Icon. But enough about that! How've you been? What's happened?

A Talk with Tesla
Thank you Nibil, Marcus murmurs, squatting down to help steady the Heliolisk, still watching Tesla intently as he listens.

What happened was unfair, Marcus says as Tesla finishes. Raymond was robbed of his chance to change the world, and you were robbed of your connection to him. Carrying on his work seems to be the best way to balance both of those scales, Marcus says, a dark corner of his mind hoping that Raymond had dreamed of eradicating Jamba. What did Raymond want, if I may ask? Marcus asks softly, hoping that it was something he could aid with.

2017-07-01, 08:04 PM
Home Sweet Home
Reaching for his belt, Angus brings his water flask to her lips. "Pluto... Did he take Senga?" Surely he did, but Angus had to know.

Diary of Jean
Lamorak glares back at the Garchomp, unafraid to quite literally butt heads. The sneeze from the Butterfree's powder causes more sand to shake free of his armor.

"A fair question. Then you might actually have to try and rob someone who isn't blind and deaf. What is it that they say in Central? 'Get good' or some such?" Jean was getting a taste of her own humor.

Angus removes a boot and shakes some of the sand out of it. "Honestly, at this point, you're following me around so much that I might just give you a nickname. 'Shadow', perhaps? Yes, I have a Shadow creeping after me." He was curious how far he could push her.

2017-07-03, 10:12 PM
Meeting the Parents
"Oh wow... well, it looks like it's going to be a long conversation. Lets have a picnic at the lake? Assuming we can sneak you out I mean..."

A Night With Blur
"So you never actually gave him a chance. That's... very disappointing. I've met two cryptids who both asked me not to do anything. That you'd had enough problems in your life... I can understand a hard life, but like I told Hero: It's not an excuse. Violence begets more violence. And truly unjustified is the worst. I will leave. But there's... no excuse for not at least trying the peaceful method. Even I try talking to my enemies before punching them in the face." Dominic shakes his head and stands up off the rock. "Thank you for at least talking to me. Apparently it's more than I should have hoped for. As a thank you, I'll leave you with a warning. War is coming again. I don't know if they'll come out here for you, but I wouldn't put it past them. Trust no one from Jamba." With that, Dominic shook his head and headed back out of the city. He didn't want to find where his dad's blood might be splattered.

2017-07-04, 10:20 AM
A Meeting with Q
Psyren shook his head. Currently only humans may access the network. Perhaps someday I will be able to link Pokemon, but for now it is beyond my powers.

Been doing well I think! Tiny thought in your head. Met a master breeder that taught me some of her tricks, and I'm thinking about setting up shop somewhere and opening a ranch. Gyms are starting to bore me to be honest.

And you can bet your skinny little arse that I'll be there. Rumor has it that he's been developing enhanced evolites specifically for Baby Pokemon. Glad you finally made it here though. It's a convienent place for us to chat without being overheard. Got the message about Teller ... scary stuff.

A Talk with Tesla
Raymond wanted nothing more and nothing less than to live a life where he could support his family. They are some of the poorest in Thousand Acres, and only he had the talent to become a trainer. He planned on becoming a competitive battler and winning money on bouts.

How I will accomplish that I don't know, but I will ensure that they do not want for food.

Diary of Jean
But Shadow is such a boring name. Shadows don't do anything, you know? I'd much rather be something more interesting.

How about Shadowdancer? Noticably, she hadn't objected to the assertion that she was following you around.

And I don't know that calling yourself blind and deaf is going to do you any favors. It's so easy that I might just get bored and move on to someone else. There was a glint in her eyes though, and her voice made it clear that she was just teasing ... flirting? with you.

Home Sweet Home
Your mother simply nodded, a single tear running down her cheek. I thought by running away I could protect her. Perhaps I should have never fled Zahard, left you and your brother. Perhaps it all would have worked out somehow. Perhaps we could have been happy together.

And instead I was unable to protect one of the few things in life left to care for.

Meeting the Parents
Katie nodded, and a nurse came to ensure that your father was fit enough to move. Katie worked to whip up a meal quickly, one that wouldn't be too overwhelming for her father - she stayed away from Leo's spicy recipes.

The conversation at the picnic perhaps didn't give you all the answers you sought ... but it was something. Both your mother and father felt like their marriage was a lie. While they had loved each other once, it had faded into the friendship and loyalty that it had started as.

Both considered their marriage a failure on their parts, thinking it would reflect poorly on them as parents and give their children the wrong ideas of what love and marriage should look like. Fearing to be seen as failures by their own children, they chose to cover their story and speak nothing of the other parent to the child in their care. Mother to daughter, father to son. Perhaps some day they would have told you, but not so soon.

Both seemed rather ashamed about the whole situation, but neither seemed to be hiding anything either. They didn't defend their choices, they simply explained them.

A Night With Blur
As you walked away, you got the feeling that anyone from Jamba seeking the assistance of Blur would be in for quite the surprise. Violent as he was, your short conversation with him left you with the certainty that Blur was a force of violent nature that could probably never be truly controlled, or tamed.

2017-07-04, 01:39 PM
A Meeting with Q
It was worth a try. It's still a remarkable ability, Marcus says, giving Psyren a respectful nod. I do have one question, however. What is your stance on Jamba? Indifferent so long as they leave the Safari Zone alone? Marcus asks, hoping that Q would be as focused against them as some of the other Primes.

At least everything went well, Marcus says over the mental link, shuddering slightly at the memories. Thanks again for the help. I don't know if we could have pulled it off without the distraction, Marcus says, the thankfulness evident in his voice.

Have you heard from Katie? Will she be at the Workshop? We all need to get together if we're going to be at the Workshop! Marcus says. I would love to see what Tink and Cavern are capable of now.

A Talk with Tesla
Well, I doubt they'll let a Pokemon act as a Trainer, but if you looked like one... Marcus says, giving Quicksilver a knowing look. The Weavile quickly got to work as a pair of legs appeared seemingly out of thin air, and a body began to rapidly follow. Quicksilver and I can probably figure out a way for you to look like a Trainer, and possibly even get you a Trainer License. The only other problem is the actual training aspect... Marcus mutters, looking down at his belt, staring at his Pokeballs for a long second before something dawns on him.

Tesla, at a basic level you control energy, correct? Marcus asks, returning Nibel before releasing the Pokemon an instant later as demonstration. At a fundamental level, what's the difference between electricity and Pokeball energy except how it manifests? What's to stop you from being your own Pokeball? Marcus asks, an excited gleam in his eyes. I may even be able to lend you some Pokemon to start your journey with. I can only take so many with me, and I'm sure at least a handful would be willing to assist you.

2017-07-05, 01:05 PM
Diary of Jean
Well, this was an unexpected development, not that Angus was complaining.

"It seems that shadows aren't the only thing you want to dance with. Admit it. You've been across the entire continent of Hayle, met trainers no doubt more powerful and vigilant than I am, and yet you still always come back to me. At this point, I feel like you want something else from me. Something that you can't simply walk off with?" Angus approached the building and stood below, hoping that she would come down and speak to him a little closer.

Home Sweet Home
"You did the right thing by leaving, Mother," Angus grudgingly admitted. "Father just got worse as time went on. It's too late for 'what if's."

He took her weight onto her shoulder and lifted her up. "Did he tell you anything? Anything that would be a clue as to what was going on?"