View Full Version : How do you think this build would work? Twf bladelock

Sir cryosin
2017-06-08, 08:50 AM
So I was thinking of a fighter 1 for heavy armor and the twf fighting style. Then going rest hexblade. Race v-human for duel wield two long swords.

So how would you approach this type of build. Is hexblade the right patron? What spells to choose? What Invocations to pick? Ect just any insight to playing a warlock.

2017-06-08, 06:10 PM
So I was thinking of a fighter 1 for heavy armor and the twf fighting style. Then going rest hexblade. Race v-human for duel wield two long swords.

So how would you approach this type of build. Is hexblade the right patron? What spells to choose? What Invocations to pick? Ect just any insight to playing a warlock.

As you're not going with the curse bringer you can use CHA to your swords, which is nice although you're also going heavy armor so you'll need fifteen strenth for full plate I believe, which almost defeats the purpose of that. Also it would be good with hex as you're making 2 attacks, although theres some bonus action clog

2017-06-08, 06:15 PM
As you're not going with the curse bringer you can use CHA to your swords, which is nice although you're also going heavy armor so you'll need fifteen strenth for full plate I believe, which almost defeats the purpose of that. Also it would be good with hex as you're making 2 attacks, although theres some bonus action clog

Nope just get a set of mithral full plate.

2017-06-08, 07:34 PM
I'm playing one right now.
Fighter 1 for TWF.
VHuman for a feat, yes, but Dual Wielder is a trap. A d8 only deals +1 average damage over a sword. You can get an ASI and get +1 to damage AND to hit. Remember, you can choose to use Strength or Dex to attack with a finesse weapon. Just use Shortswords or Scimitars or something, and roll with Str if you want Heavy Armor.

The feat you're looking for is really Warcaster. You can cast with a weapon in each hand, have better rolls for Concentration when being pelted, and can cast spells as a Reaction. I'd take Warcaster first, and make sure to get Booming Blade. This is basically a budget Sentinel.

The other thing to bear in mind: there's not much need for heavy armor if you TWF all campaign long. Use a Dex weapon, get Armor of Shadows as an Invoc. Your AC is now 13+Dex, and you can use Dex for attacking, defending, a common save, and initiative.
The only reason to go heavy armor with a BladeLock is if you're eventually going to ditch your two weapons.
Why would you do that?
Well, TWF+Hex+UACurse is amazing, but it eats a spell slot. Armor of Agathys is also amazing, and also eats a slot. It also scales, and it deals damage per enemy hit and is not single-target dependent and doesn't eat your Bonus Action to re-target.

You need to realize that in 5e, monsters usually don't do more damage, they do more attacks. On a TWF, Hex hitting all 3 times deals 10.5 damage per round on average. A second level Armor of Agathys can deal at least 10 damage, plus 10 more for every hit it takes them to get through your temp HP.
Since you only hit ~50% of the time, I figure that you'll get 5.25 off Hex each turn, and only against a single target. I've had Armor of Agathys absorb 3 hits in a single round, out of several attacks targeted at me, and deal 30 damage to my enemies. The fight was over 2 rounds later...
Sure, you could do this with a TWF character too. I chose not to, because a Greatsword is better than TWF once you have Extra Attack and drop Hex, which saves slots for AoA. Also, Str-based weapons and armor means Heavy Armor Master, so that you have damage reduction to make AoA last longer.

What to do at 5th level?
When you hit Warlock 5, you get Extra Attack. From here, you can continue Warlock or you can get more levels in Fighter. Fighter is very solid, here.
First, at Fighter 2, you get Action Surge. This is awesome, and yet another reason to go Greatsword over 2wf once you get your extra attack.
At Fighter 3 you get an archetype. I went with Battle Master. Why?
Parry - Dex+d8 damage reduction, stacks with HAM, if I'm hit.
Riposte - if they miss me, I get to make an attack with +d8 damage

The next item on my shopping list was Sentinel. In actuality, I took this first, and skipped Warcaster, but only because I had rolled my stats and rolled high enough to have a good Con.
With sentinel in the bag, I was now the ultimate tank:
Hit me: AoA damage
Miss me: Riposte damage
Hit someone else: Sentinel damage
Run away? Attack of opportunity

2017-06-08, 10:22 PM
Going Hexblade will work quite well with the Fighter 1 start but you wouldn't need to invest the points in Str for heavy armor if you don't want since it won't be your attack stat as a Hexblade and you can get decent to good AC via medium armor+DW+dex (up to 17) or Armor of Shadows+DW+Dex (up to 19) and be better able make Dex saves, like Fireball or Lightning Bolt.

Hexblade lets you use Cha for attacks since you aren't going for a heavy weapon so yay for less MADness.

Bonus Action will have a lot of options for use. You might not always get that off-hand attack.

I'm guessing you will be going Pact of the Blade as well.

Your extra attack will be delayed until lvl 6 (need Lock lvl 5 to get Thirsting Blade)

Improved Pact Weapon will be very nice, requires Lock lvl 3 and Blade pact. Will let you have a +1 magic weapon for one of your swords and can use it as your spell focus.

War Caster would be a good idea to pick up with your first ASI if you start with Dual Wielder. You can grab this at the same time you go Pact of the Blade and get Improved Pact Weapon.

Without either Improved Pact Weapon or Warcaster, you will need to drop or sheath a weapon to cast any spell with a Material component.

Using Booming Blade or Green-Flame​ Blade will prevent your off-hand attack so they might not be ones you will use very often, but work great for AoOs if you get War Caster.

Cloak of Flies could be fun, but can be a pain. It will hurt allies as well as foes so positioning will be important. While you can only activate it once per rest, it lasts until you cancel it or you become incapacitated​. So you can cast it and keep it up all day, though your Cha Checks may suffer and you will look like Pig-Pen from Charlie Brown, but the poison damage will be very nice when dealing with humanoids.

2017-06-08, 10:33 PM
I'd suggest going Chr for attacks and Spell attacks and DCs. Instead of going 15 Str for Heavy Armor, go 14 Dex w Med Armor. That way you can dump Str. This allows maintaining the best ranged attack in the game, EB.

You'll will probably want Warcaster, however, a lot will depend on how you play your spell slots. If keeping Hex up all the time, you probably want it for the Con Sv; if using Shield or Hellish, you'll want it for the casting while dual wielding; if just using AoA to augment front lining, then it's not really needed. If using your action to cast, you can work around the components by sheathing / drawing your second weapon.

Going Chr for attacks allows you to maintain spell DCs for when you get the heavy hitters like Destructive Wave, Banishment, etc.

2017-06-11, 05:04 AM
personally I'm going with a pure hexblade bladelock for now, didn't start fighter, chose fallen aasimar and I'm at lvl 6, couldn't pick up the twf yet cause I feel like 18 cha is needed for this build to work.

The damage is there, and I get up to 19 CA with shield and half plate ( 9STR btw ), plus the free 1 per day fear + complete bonkers dmg for 1 minute racial helps a lot, took lifedrinker, improved pact weapon ( allows you to forego warcaster ) and kiss of mephistofeles for added ooomph when the enemies are running away or as a turn 1: "i'm warning you with a fireball, this will get ugly"

I feel like a warlock's strenght is its versatility, being able to do his work both in melee and from afar, plus you're bursty enough with hex and 2 attacks so, wear them down in the first few rounds and then move in for the kill with your burst