View Full Version : What If? Order of the Stick characters as Zeta Gundam

2017-06-08, 10:40 AM
Just wondering on which character will play as who for Zeta Gundam ala OOTS Hamlet.
For me, I can only figure out the villains.
Jamitov Hymen- Nale
Bask Om- Xykon
Yazan Gable- Thog
Paptimus Scirocco- Tarquin
Monster in the Dark- Mineva Zabi
Haman Karn- Redcloak
Therkla- Four Murasume
Anyone wish to add more since not sure if Elan should be Kamille (too whiny) or one of the two annoying orphans, or Roy as Bright Noa.

Doctor West
2017-06-11, 01:26 AM
Xykon as Bask? I... dunno about that. If anything I'd peg his evil-for-evils-sake schtick as more in line with Yazan, if it's anyone in Z at all.
Roy is probably a shoe-in for Bright. And since you're already casting Redcloak as Haman, I'd say Haley for Camille. She's the only one with enough angst.

2017-06-11, 02:59 AM
Xykon as Bask? I... dunno about that. If anything I'd peg his evil-for-evils-sake schtick as more in line with Yazan, if it's anyone in Z at all.
Roy is probably a shoe-in for Bright. And since you're already casting Redcloak as Haman, I'd say Haley for Camille. She's the only one with enough angst.
Well, Yazan is more of a brute.
And Bask did gas colonies, beat up subordinates, and all for awful sake.
Unless you can find someone to be Bask.
I am not sure but Emma X Hemken seem more fitting for Haley and Elan.
And also Tsukiko as Reccoa (traitor).

2017-06-12, 12:53 AM
I definitely can't see Thog as Yazan. I mean yeah, Yazan's basically a psychopath but he's not stupid. You pretty much can't be an ace Mobile Suit pilot and be like some dumb guy who rushes in with an axe. Honestly it's pretty hard to place Thog, there aren't many characters in Zeta Gundam who are just, like, dumb. At worst some characters are overconfident or unquestioning of authority.

Man this is tough. Zeta's cast doesn't track well onto OOTS at all. I'd say it's because Rich Burlew and Yoshiyuki Tomino write from pretty different places---Burlew's characters are snarkier, less direct and there's more of an underlying sense of decency guiding the heroes' actions. Tomino's characters are more emotional and his universe darker.

Here's what I think

Nale - Jared Mesa. Jared is literally set up to be the "dark mirror" of the show's protagonist Camille; they begin as fairly equivalent rivals but while Camille begins to "level up" (and just pull his head out of his ass in general) and seize his potential as a Newtype, Jared is pretty much the same character at the end of the series as he was at the start---just totally obsessed with beating Camille, to his own detriment. It sort of parallels Nale's arc, and both characters are deeply prone to overconfidence.

By the same token, Camille is Elan. Sounds crazy---after all, Elan is "nice" while Camille kind of notorious for being possibly the single biggest ******* protagonist of a Gundam series. On the other hand, they're both prone to thoughtless behavior, definitely very naive with regards to relationships and other peoples' emotions, and Camille's later idealism isn't too dissimilar from Elan's insistence that good guys be good, to put it simply.

Next you've gotta ask who is Char AznaQUATTRO BAJEENA. For most of the series he serves in sort of an elder statesman role, giving the younger heroes advice as well as backup on the battlefield. He's a man of mystery who intrigues the people around him and ultimately turns out to be unable to escape old hatreds carved deep into his past. This feels kinda week but I almost wanna say.... Tarquin? I mean we are talking about ****spoiler****THE franchise villain****spoiler**** and a guy with a great degree of theatricality...