View Full Version : Hmm... how should I make a custom Weapon of Legacy?(thought exercise)

2017-06-09, 08:00 AM
I've already read this (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=5907) right here, but honestly, I'm not that good at crunching numbers that well.

I know that this kind of thing is much easier when built for a specific character... but that's not really what I'm trying to do. I'm just trying to sort out the decent(or even good) abilities from the absolute bullhuey some of them are(seriously, Protection From Arrows? Ugh, pass...).


2017-06-09, 08:20 AM
Well, step 1 is to think a concept.
Like with a character you gotta have a feel for the direction you wanna go.
Second: with a weapon you'll want a +10 equivalence (+1 and +9 in special abilities): spread those +10 points over the 15 levels (clumping them together when you want a +2 or +3 ability)
Third: fill in the rest with special powers that fit the theme