View Full Version : DM Help Story-advice and forcing my players to Ravenloft. [Big spoilers for CoS]

2017-06-10, 09:23 AM
Hi all, I need some advice on how to progress the story, which is nearing the end. My players have scavenged almost all of Barovia, collected 2 of the 3 items and allied with Van Richten. Ismark and Ireena, whom Strahd seeks, is fairly safe within a church in Vallaki. The church is protected by the spirit of Saint Markovia, undeads cannot enter.
They have seen all areas, except for Yester Hill and Ravenloft. My idea was to get the players distracted, have the druids animate the tree and after that, the tree will march on Vallaki. It acts on the will of Strahd, so I wanted it to attack the city, along with a few berserkers. They would capture Ireena and bring her to Ravenloft, thus forcing to group to finally confront Strahd.

But I am worried that this might be too much? My group is level 8 and they are smart, but a fight with the tree and Strahd afterwards is a lot.

I need advice on bringing my group to Ravenloft, for the final confrontation. They already hate Strahd, but it will be cool if they go there for plot-reasons

Koo Rehtorb
2017-06-10, 10:17 AM
Castle Ravenloft. They're already in Ravenloft.

What's the issue with your existing plan? Kidnapping Ireena seems entirely true to the spirit of the module. If you don't want to do it with a rampaging tree then doing it stealthily and avoiding a fight also seems acceptable. Strahd is a confident enough jackass to leave them a taunting note to lure them to the castle.