View Full Version : Custom item power ideas?

2017-06-10, 11:28 PM
So I'm running a one on one campaign for a friend, and his Druid/barbarian has recently taken a liking to brass knuckles. I had the idea of having one of his followers (a fey warlock) enchant a wooden set for him. Solar the properties I came up with are always having Shillelagh cast on them, (stated as a refluffed wood club) and being able to cast ensnaring strike 3x/day. I'd like to add a cool daily power, but I have no idea what to add. Does anyone have any ideas for things i could have this weapon do?

2017-06-11, 07:18 AM
Possible ideas
Stunning strike per monk a few times a day

Refluffed flame blade that makes the fist light with flames al la iron fist and do extra fire damage

Barkskin a few times per day. The knuckle spread to cover the whole body

2017-06-11, 08:25 AM
Well, if his Strenght is equal to or higher than his Wisdom then Shillelagh is pointless. And if he's in a rage he won't be able to cast spells... maybe you could give him the effect of a Stone of Sustenance (no need to eat or drink anymore with it), coupled with Protection from Poison perhaps?

2017-06-11, 08:37 AM
I like the idea of having the constant spell effect (don't make me spell it, please T.T), but per the rules of barbarian rage they can only get rage damage from strength based attacks. So, perhaps make the knuckles habe magical attacks instead. Can be done a-la monk 6th(?) Level ability. Maybe give them a random 1d4 elemental damage to make up for the lack of a d8 from shileleigh (spell check).

As for a once a day effect... Maybe allow him to cast one non concentration spell a day, even if they're raging.

2017-06-11, 08:37 AM
So I'm running a one on one campaign for a friend, and his Druid/barbarian has recently taken a liking to brass knuckles. I had the idea of having one of his followers (a fey warlock) enchant a wooden set for him. Solar the properties I came up with are always having Shillelagh cast on them, (stated as a refluffed wood club) and being able to cast ensnaring strike 3x/day. I'd like to add a cool daily power, but I have no idea what to add. Does anyone have any ideas for things i could have this weapon do?

Using Druid spell slots to smite 1d8+(level/d8), or 2d8/level if you want it to be more higher powered? That way, he can burn his already daily abilities to Barbarian better, seeing as he can't cast spells anyway while raging.

2017-06-11, 08:51 AM
Not good in combat, but they are brass knuckles. Why not give him advantage on intimidation checks when he has them on (and is threatening to give the person a knuckle sandwich with it)

2017-06-11, 10:49 AM
I love a lot of these suggestions, thank you everyone!

2017-06-13, 09:51 PM
So a druid/barb, and his npc fey warlock. 1 per short rest the knuckles deal a drain life type ability. 1d8+1 per level to heal. Can be declared after the hit is made. Never doubt the need to stay a live