View Full Version : Rules Q&A [Pathfinder] Not another touch injection thread

2017-06-11, 02:29 AM
The twist is this doesn't have anything to do with skinsend.

You must hold an elixir, infused extract, poison, or potion in hand as you cast this spell. The held substance drains from its container into a magical sac in your body. While the spell lasts, you can deliver the substance with a mere touch. To do so to an opponent, you must make a successful melee touch attack. If you hit, the substance takes effect immediately, despite any onset period, and that opponent receives the normal saving throw (if any) against the substance. In the case of a personal infused extract, the opponent receives both a Fortitude save and spell resistance. If you miss, the substance remains in the magical sac for you to use later.

This spell protects you from poison in the sac, but unless you have the poison use class feature, you suffer a 5% chance of exposing yourself to the poison when you first cast the spell. If you roll a natural 1 while attempting to inject the poison into an enemy, you are exposed to it.

[text via d20pfsrd, emphasis mine]

The text specifies that in order to inject whatever substance is in your sac, you have to deliver it through a melee touch attack, which gives us a definite action for attempting to use it offensively, but it doesn't have anything to say on the subject of using it on an ally—or yourself. Is touching yourself/an ally to deliver a potion, infusion, or whatever else you've swallowed a free action? Swift? Move? An attack action, as when targeting an opponent?

2017-06-11, 08:30 AM
Any touch-range spell may be applied to a willing target as a standard action, including yourself. Essentially, your ally chooses not to avoid the touch "attack".

2017-06-11, 10:12 PM
At a minimum, it should take no more time than using it on a foe or unwilling target, so it should be doable as a melee attack (possibly mixed into a full attack that round). Since you can deliver a touch spell whose charge is held on an Attack of Opportunity, I think spending an AoO to "AoO myself" is fine, too.
I might be ok to even be less of an action/non-action (AoO's are not actions, unless PF changed that), but definitely either of the above should be fine.