View Full Version : Does anyone care about e3 anymore?

2017-06-11, 12:16 PM
Does anyone care about e3 anymore?

It feels so irrelevant nowadays, does anyone actually care about it?

2017-06-11, 12:48 PM
I care about it in exactly the same way I always have. I check for news articles about what was announced there to see if anything I'm interested in came up. There's usually a lot that doesn't, but a couple of things that do.

This year we've already had Bioware announce a new IP, which looks like a very sci-fi one, Anthem, and while there's little to go on for what it will be like from the tiny teaser trailer it's a new Bioware sci-fi game, so I'll keep an eye on that. I'm also waiting to see what news about Marvel vs Capcom Infinite comes around (hoping to see original Dante revealed for the game, so I no longer need to worry they might go with the reboot version), as well as anything Nintendo has to say about Fire Emblem Warriors, the next full Fire Emblem game, and anything new they announce for the Switch.

There's also been the announcement of Dragon Ball Fighters the other day and the Kingdom Hearts 3 gameplay trailer that Square-Enix showed off today, both of which caught my attention, and whose timing was probably not coincidental even though they technically weren't shown at E3 itself.

2017-06-11, 01:03 PM
I don't know if E3 was ever THAT huge a deal on a year to year basis, it's just that whenever a new console generation starts E3 becomes big news again.

It does seem less prominent these days...but on the flipside, the main TV channel/shows that had devoted all-day E3 coverage (G4) is also gone now, so it's no surprise that it FEELS like even less of a big deal when you basically just have a bunch of smaller news sources and tidbits to crib your info from, or what feel like "unprofessional" livestreams.

2017-06-11, 07:50 PM
It was pretty huge when I was in high school, which would be the late 90s. It was THE announcement show, which meant that absolutely everybody was there with huge displays and booth babes and whatever else. Then they decided to drastically decrease the level of the show and lock out a lot of the press, and there was a big uproar on the Internet about it. That's when Penny Arcade decided to do a "throw your own" and created PAX.

After that E3 realized the mistake they'd made and tried to come back, but it was too late.

Today, there's much less point to any of the gaming shows because there's so many of them. There's 3 PAX shows a year, there's one that Germany throws, there's the Tokyo Game Show...and all of that is on top of social media providing another outlet for game releases. Why show your game off to a few hundred reporters when you can show it off to over a million Twitch viewers?

2017-06-11, 08:21 PM
I just keep up with it to play the bingo.

2017-06-12, 05:20 PM
I pretend to care about it due to my work.

2017-06-12, 06:00 PM
I don't even notice it, and I don't know anyone who does even in the industry. I forgot it was a thing until I saw this thread.

Really, though, what would one expect to see there except the latest round of AAA sequels and a new array of euphemisms for new monetization schemes? I legitimately can't see anything I'd want to see showing up there.

2017-06-12, 08:37 PM
Color me amused by Mario+Rabbids.

2017-06-12, 10:06 PM
Color me amused by Mario+Rabbids.
Mario + Rabbids + XCom, you mean. Which is even more amusing :smallbiggrin: .

That and Dragon Ball Fighter Z are by far the best things I've seen from E3 so far. I'm interested in a couple of others more tentatively (God of War, Assasin's Creed: Origins), but DBFZ looks genuinely fun and exciting and was a pleasant surprise from my favorite developer for the genre, while Mario + Rabbids just looks like perfectly goofy fun.

2017-06-13, 02:27 AM
Well, The Last Night at least looks fantastic.

2017-06-13, 02:48 AM
There were some games on sale because of it. I liked that part.

Kitten Champion
2017-06-13, 02:57 AM
It was my understanding that companies themselves have grown increasingly apathetic about E3, as the big ones have plenty of opportunity to market themselves spread out across the calendar and having a conservative showing or avoiding E3 altogether is now reasonably considered a safe option for their respective bottom lines.

As to myself, I like watching game trailers sometimes but I don't actually watch the event itself. If the trailers were released independently of E3 altogether I wouldn't care or even notice, really.

2017-06-15, 08:25 PM
Does anyone care about e3 anymore?

It feels so irrelevant nowadays, does anyone actually care about it?

I 'care' in the sense that after its over I look around to see if there was any worthwhile info released for upcoming games.

As for the event itself? Not one bit. Most of the presenters are REALLY bad at either acting or public speaking, and they frequently spend a huge amount of time rambling about things that have very little to do with the actual gameplay in question.

Highlight reels and trailers the week after the event are the way to go.

2017-06-15, 08:30 PM
Game nya mantapp gan...keren2 abis..

2017-06-16, 02:03 PM
I don't care about the consoles or their exclusives, no. But there's some neat games that get announced, like Anthem.

Aotrs Commander
2017-06-19, 07:01 AM
No. E3 ceased to have even the most distant of interest once it became clear that absolutely none of the sort of games I'm interested in were likely to have anything to do with it. I don't care about new consoles (the last and only console I had was the PS2, and you could stretch that to a second-hand Gamecube that only existed for the use of two Pokémon games; and I have two or three JRPGs (the only thing I even play on consoles) I've never touched on it nevermind about the legions I never finished), AAA games and I have long since parted; so there is nothing it could offer me.

About the only relevance it has is the bits Jim Sterling and company dissect for comedy or "I-can't-belive-how-assinine-they-are" news on the behavior of the game companies.

2017-06-19, 08:51 AM
I care!! It is still the best system in my opinion and my go to system ...

When I convert stuff to pen and paper it is always the D20/dnd3.x system

I can not think of a system with the same options +overwelming addons and at the same time the balance gained from homebrew and official sources alike

Many like MM but it is no D&D in my book

Tried and tested... No need to throw away a system that is finally starting to work

2017-06-19, 09:16 AM
I care!! It is still the best system in my opinion and my go to system ...

When I convert stuff to pen and paper it is always the D20/dnd3.x system

I can not think of a system with the same options +overwelming addons and at the same time the balance gained from homebrew and official sources alike

Many like MM but it is no D&D in my book

Tried and tested... No need to throw away a system that is finally starting to work

I think you confused E6, the alternative D&D rules to keep characters low level, with E3, the exposition for new consoles and video games.

2017-06-19, 12:23 PM
I think you confused E6, the alternative D&D rules to keep characters low level, with E3, the exposition for new consoles and video games.

I just realized the same. I apologize :smallredface: :smallsmile:

2017-06-19, 04:34 PM
This isn't an accident.

Before 2007, E3 was a more open, public event. Kind of like Comic-Con. But, this led to an arms race when it came to making big, showy booths for various attendees. But, after 2007 they closed it to everybody except press and industry members for the most part. So, it really just became about the Presentations.

So, for the average consumer, E3 is nothing more than "The time when a bunch of game trailers come out". If you're really into it, you might watch the presentations. But mostly you experience the announcements the same way you would any other time of the year: Trailers on youtube, and articles on gaming news sites from people who got to demo the game.

2017-06-19, 05:10 PM
It was "the marketing event" for companies for a long time. Then many of them realized they were spending way too much on it and screwing up their development to meet the "E3 deadline." Then E3 tried to change that by once again making it industry only. Since then pretty much only the industry cares. And as mentioned there are many big expos around now and they are better off hitting the biggest one where they have something good to do than to hit any specific one with rushed trailers/demos. And with the internet it doesn't really matter where or how you release it, all of the same sites will have that info and get it out to the people that care. So it really has lost its place as the end all marketing event of the year.

2017-06-19, 05:32 PM
Honestly, E3 stopped being relevant once video game audiences became big enough and mainstream enough to warrant television advertising. Slather that with the onrushing obsolescence of programmed television, and the advent of targeted advertising, and the whole notion of the general public receiving their news via some industry trade show starts to look ridiculous.

Hunter Noventa
2017-06-20, 09:15 AM
I don't even notice it, and I don't know anyone who does even in the industry. I forgot it was a thing until I saw this thread.

Really, though, what would one expect to see there except the latest round of AAA sequels and a new array of euphemisms for new monetization schemes? I legitimately can't see anything I'd want to see showing up there.

Exactly. I have zero interest in the latest military shooter or racing game or sports franchise. The only thing of interest during E3 to me was the Live Letter from Yoshida, producer of FFXIV. And they do those all the time anyway, this one just happened to be at E3.

Of course, I'm not the target audience for most publishers. EA, Ubisoft, et al clearly don't want my money.

2017-06-21, 06:26 PM
Anyone have a list of all games they had at e3? My googling resulted in a bunch of things like "games confirmed to be at e3" or "schedule of e3" or stuff like that. Now that it's over, did anyone on the internet anywhere compile a list of games that were there?

2017-06-22, 09:36 PM
Here you go, at least for the console makers.

Nintendo (https://e3.nintendo.com/)
Sony (https://www.playstation.com/en-us/e3/)
Microsoft (http://www.xbox.com/en-US/e3)

I don't feel like hunting down the rest of the companies that were there but googling "E3 [company] Games" worked pretty well to find those three.

2017-06-23, 03:57 AM
Detroit: Become Human looks pretty interesting. I'm a sucker for both cyberpunk and stories with branching narratives, and it looks to have both. I just hope it avoids the horrible control scheme of Heavy Rain, a game I still wish I could play but am so incompetent at that I can't even put away the dishes. Just give me a traditional control scheme so I can focus on enjoying the story, please and thank you.

Also super pumped to be getting Horizon: Zero Dawn DLC. With any luck it will address the loose plot thread from the last game, but even if it doesn't I'm happy to get more areas to play around in.

Kaptin Keen
2017-06-26, 06:32 AM
It was pretty huge when I was in high school, which would be the late 90s. It was THE announcement show, which meant that absolutely everybody was there with huge displays and booth babes and whatever else. Then they decided to drastically decrease the level of the show and lock out a lot of the press, and there was a big uproar on the Internet about it. That's when Penny Arcade decided to do a "throw your own" and created PAX.

After that E3 realized the mistake they'd made and tried to come back, but it was too late.

Today, there's much less point to any of the gaming shows because there's so many of them. There's 3 PAX shows a year, there's one that Germany throws, there's the Tokyo Game Show...and all of that is on top of social media providing another outlet for game releases. Why show your game off to a few hundred reporters when you can show it off to over a million Twitch viewers?

I always saw the whole thing as the gaming industry putting pressure on E3, E3 caving to that, then everyone scrabbling to recover as the rest of the world basically shrugged their shoulders and remarked 'well f*** you then' - and went elsewhere.

Of course, it's was brilliantly spotted by the PA guys.