View Full Version : Custom Magic Items

2017-06-11, 11:36 PM
Hello world!

I am somewhat new to being a dungeon master (mostly familiar with rules, still getting the art of the task though) and I wanted to do my first foray into custom magic items. some context for reference. players are level three currently and very little magic items to speak of, nothing permanent by any means. I noticed that the first permanent magic weapons and shields (even the simple +1 ones) don't come in for quite some time. I was kind of hoping to get into those a bit sooner, but I don't want to throw the game balance out of wack. This is a high fantasy campaign, so magic is relatively common, even if its mostly in the hands of the wealthy. I was kind of imagining their first permanent magic items kind of being like a first car, used, not completely reliable, and with quirks. I was thinking this might help balance the influx of more powerful items early on.

this is something along the lines I was thinking of:

Shield of stubbornness (obviously of dwarf make, requires attunement)

+1 enchantment bonus to AC
Advantage on strength saving throws to resist involuntary movement
"Curse"- while attuned to this shield, the user is unable to take the disengage action

I am using curse in the loosest sense. it does not stay with the user after they shed the attunement, its more of a quirk to the magic item than anything, made by a wizard who did not quite know what he was doing.

Is this along the lines of a balanced magic item for maybe a 4-5 level adventuring party? if not what changes would you make, and why? I would really like to hear the thought process you guys use to come up with your creations. Thank you in advance!!

2017-06-11, 11:52 PM
Seems pretty nifty, I'm sure any front-liner would like it. I don't think it would throw your balance way off, but it's somewhat generous for third level. I generally tend to gift them potions and gold/gems up until level 4 or so, then at 5 everyone gets some neat magical item (bag of holding, say). This would do just as well, high magic setting and all.

General tip for magic items, try to give some kind of visual. Borrowing from some video game is generally healthy: http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/a/a3/Dwarven_Shield_SK.png/revision/latest?cb=20121015005854. Try to find an image that fits the motif of the item you're designing.

2017-06-12, 12:13 AM
Thanks! I like the idea of creating a visual. I have a feeling my players would love that. I appreciate your advice!

My the dice be ever in your favor!

Waterdeep Merch
2017-06-12, 11:20 AM
Just a side note- don't call it a curse, that'll make the real curses feel less impactful and harder to differentiate. Calling it a quirk or unreliable is a better measure of it, and seems to fit the idea of a magic item that has an accidental negative quality rather than an intentional one.