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View Full Version : Unique Additions to Adventures

2017-06-11, 11:39 PM
Hello again Playgrounders,
I've been thinking a lot on how adventures in games, while often fun and enjoyable, don't really leave too much of a mark on characters a good amount of time. By that, I mean each time someone gets a piece of gear to make their character more powerful it's simply that, just another piece of gear. So, I'd like to see if we can't scrounge up a few ideas that could help make adventures much more memorable, providing trophies that characters can look back on and smile fondly.

Here are a few ideas that I've had so far:

Weapons are keys:
Not an overly new idea, but a good one nonetheless. In many adventures, keys are simply there to open doors in one dungeon (or equivalent) and then forgotten. What if the keys were actually integrated into weapons of some kind? I've seen this concept done several times before, such as the swords in Prince of Persia Warrior within, or the Key to the Embedded from Dark Souls 2. While not useful as a key outside of the dungeon (most of the time) it could still serve as a fully functional weapon in the hands of players. These kinds of keys can have many forms: swords or other archaic weapons, guns with microchips, jewelry (enchanted or not), or any number of other forms.

Beasts are materials:
We all know the trope of warriors wearing the hide of monsters. Well, what if equipment can be made out of whatever you kill? From weapons carved out of fangs to guns retrofitted from attack drones, the possibilities are near endless.

Tattoos and scars:
Something I've noticed a lot with RPG games is that after character creations one doesn't usually acquire scars. Healing magic and medical counterparts usually just make wounds disappear. It would be interesting to see a system where taking damage has a chance of leaving a physical reminder.

Any other ideas? Feel free to add your own.

2017-06-12, 10:30 PM
Weapons are keys:
Not an overly new idea, but a good one nonetheless. In many adventures, keys are simply there to open doors in one dungeon (or equivalent) and then forgotten. What if the keys were actually integrated into weapons of some kind? I've seen this concept done several times before, such as the swords in Prince of Persia Warrior within, or the Key to the Embedded from Dark Souls 2. While not useful as a key outside of the dungeon (most of the time) it could still serve as a fully functional weapon in the hands of players. These kinds of keys can have many forms: swords or other archaic weapons, guns with microchips, jewelry (enchanted or not), or any number of other forms.

Despite the fact that I've actually done this in the past, the first thing I thought of was.....

As for ways to make adventures memorable, my standard method involves bringing back people or places that the characters have encountered before and having them be a part (even if it's just a small part) of the ongoing adventures. Having call-backs to previous quests is a pretty good way to keep players' heads in the world we're creating together, especially if they remain relevant. It's also a good way to show change and allow the story and setting to evolve over time.