View Full Version : Slaves in the Empire of the Drowning Sun [IC]

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2017-06-12, 07:33 PM
The damp air of the mega-island of Bor'Salla fills your lungs as various merchants attempt to hawk their wares on the docks and near the bridges that lead across the chasms filled with seawater that spiderweb the entirety of the island. The lone city of Bor'Salla is mostly made famous for its central location within the Empire; it's inability to grow anything in the cliff-like land masses; and for the rumors that claim that this large, broken island was at the center of the legend known as the Shattering.

In one of the quieter central sections, a squat white building with a domed roof studded with opalescent shells hides beneath the crags that jut up like dragon-teeth, as if it were trying to mimic a pearl.
This building was used anciently as a gathering place for those that discovered the island originally. It has since been used as a Council-hall and Embassy between the many islands, the capitol being inordinately inaccessible and out of the way for ambassadors to reach.

These humble walls have become a show for a multitude, composed mostly of humans, who whisper eagerly as an entourage passes by flying the colors of Diedre Fellspark. However, it is not Lady Fellspark who draws their attention, it is the noble crest that adorns the cloak of one of her protectors that is the subject of their awe.
A Peacekeeper's symbol.

They make their way to the Council-hall and are greeted by two armed guards and a bearded man dressed in robes befitting a man of office.
"We have been expecting you Lady Fellspark," the man smiles, "I am to direct the security for people of your fame. A mere formality I assure you."
He then asks a few questions to verify her identity, including her name before he stands aside to allow the entourage inside.
Soon afterwards, he cries out to the multitude.
"The meeting to determine the delegates and representatives to travel to the Church summit will soon begin! Those that wish to hear the proceedings may now enter! Those who wish to apply to join the summit have until the end of the day to do so!"

The laws here still benefit humans to a great degree but there are a few laws keeping non-humans from being turned into slaves... so long as they can show papers bearing the Empire's seal.
The Council-Hall is technically open to all as a place of debate and reasoning. However, very few non-humans enter the building and make a case without being escorted out of the doors by armed guard.
Diedre Fellspark calls Bor'Salla home and has just recently returned to observe the proceedings before continuing to the summit.

2017-06-13, 01:39 AM
Elric looks up at the sign: Welcome to Bor’Salla. A grin appears behind his thick beard. He quickly turns it into a friendly smile, squinting his eyes, as a young family walks by. Elric nods at the father. As they walk past him, an eye opens on the back of his staff, watching the family as a potential threat. Elric wouldn’t put it past the Witches to hypnotize children to have a convincing cover. With their glimpses of foresight, who knows what they’re prepared for.

The old herbalist moves slowly towards the center of Bor’Salla. It’s not the first time he has been here. He knows that these lands make it hard to grow crops. Some interesting herbs do thrive in the area, yet the people often don’t have access to the basic herbs which are used to fight the common cold or to heal blisters. As he walks past a professional herbs merchant, he can see that he’s not the only one who has stocked up on such herbs. He picks up on a weird scenario at the merchant though. A mother is pleading them to lower the price on her. Elric ponders for a second, her behavior seems like a strange negotiating tactic. So he moves closer. The closer he gets, the more the price tags become apparent. His jaw drops when he realizes they’re seriously overpricing herbs that are so common in other regions. A quick look at the woman’s cloths tell him that she probably doesn’t have much money to spare.

“Sir, I understand that you’d like to make a living. I respect that you come all the way out here with your fine herbs. Yet I must voice my humble opinion. This lady here needs your wares at a fair price. Would you be open to be a noble knight to a damsel in distress?”

The merchant looks at Elric unamused. “Look here pall. I got this stuff to push at a certain price. If I give her a discount, everyone’s gonna be coming for a discount. Why don’t you beat it.” He then turns to the lady, it seems like his patience has run its course. “And if you don’t have the money to buy what I have to offer, you can beat it to lady.”

Elric looks at the man with piety. It’s a shame that he’s corrupting his own soul like that. He understands it though, Elric has been corrupting his own soul his entire human life. The old herbalist takes the woman by the arm and gallantly drags her away from the merchant. With tears in her eyes, she starts explaining that her son has a high fever. And that several children have died in the past months from these fevers. They don’t have the medicine to fight it here. Elric goes with the woman to her house to look at her son. He quickly notices that she was right, and that all she needs is a few of these simple herbs. He puts down his basket and takes out the right kind of herbs, then throws them in a bowl on the table. The herbalist tells the lady how best to make tea out of them, and picks up his basket to signal that his work is done here. The lady tries to pay Elric, and he smiles.

“Let’s say money was not a part of this world. Let’s say we lived in simpler times. Where you just traded each other useful things. What would you trade me for herbs that are very easy to get?”

The woman looks across the room, and spots her late husband’s straw hat hanging from the wall. She looks at Elric again and notices that he’s hatless, which is dangerous for a bald traveler. She hands him the hat. “That’s to get your head from being lit up. The sun can be a formidable ally, or a dangerous enemy.”

Elric laughs and bows with gratitude. He puts on the hat and leaves the house. Right in front of them he sees the whole show with Lady Fellspark. He sighs. These talks are all just politics. In his beliefs, nothing’s really gonna change fundamentally by this event. He has seen how this country operates from the other side. There are too many interests at stake. The council-hall seems like thé area where the Witches would be making their move though. Where else would they strike …

The old man innocently walks up to the building, using his staff as a walking stick. He looks at the guard with a friendly smile. “Greetings Sir, are there any good looking ladies in there worth spotting?” Elric says making a goofy face, moving his head to the right past the guard, looking inside the building. His attempt to make the guard lighten up.

Auto succeed on the Knowledge checks.
Precasted Greater Magic Weapon on Shurikens.

The Blade Wolf
2017-06-13, 07:49 AM
“Bor'Salla...” Avaliah murmured softly to herself, a touch of awe in her voice as the ship slowly floated in towards the docks. This was not the first time she had arrived at this central island, the Askarda family often came here in order to arrange for business deals... or their ‘donations’ towards the Church of Enduring Hope. Yet the forty-five year old Noble, head of her house and known throughout the Empire, never lost her sense of awe and wonder as she examined the towering land before her.

There was always remnants of the Shattering of course. Jutting mountains that ended with a sheer drop as they came against the sea. Old river courses that could still be seen after all these years that dried up when the source of their waters vanished in an instant, whilst other rivers headed in towering waterfalls that fell down tall, imposing cliffs into the sea below. Some of these even being rivers that are underground, suddenly finding their courses cut short by the reshaping of the world. Yet, Avaliah could not think of many examples that were as clear about the raw power of the Shattering as the island of Bor’Salla.

A network of cliffs and raised promontories that appeared to be moments away from splitting further apart and drifting away to sea. A maze of bridges and buildings spanning across these gaps in order to link the separate sections apart, not only a show of ingenuity and engineering, but also giving the island a further patchwork appearance. As if the bridges were all that kept the island together... an impression that was awe-inspiring as it was frightening.

Of course, Avaliah did not have much time to wait around, she was here for very important business after all. Once the ship had arrived at the port she was swift to disembark. Her cane held in one hand as she walked with swift, certain strides down the gangplank. It was only after she and the ship-captain had made arrangements with the dockmaster did she start using the cane. Aiding her in her walk towards the pearl-coloured council hall, knowing exactly where to find it... and just how important it would be today.

Avaliah arrived in time to witness Diedre Fellspark arriving at the council hall, and a brief scowl touched her expression. Lady Fellspark... an enigmatic figure, that is for sure. Avaliah could not say she was best impressed by this lady, whom somehow claimed the rank of nobility yet was obviously not human. A lady that was an avid supporter of slavery despite not being human... And Avaliah’s scowl deepened when she spied the mark of a Peacekeeper amongst her staff. As if that wasn’t frustrating enough... Avaliah had so little information on Diedre herself and had never managed to investigate her properly. But perhaps... perhaps after the meeting... Rhulitar could pay her a visit...

Shaking her head briefly to clear her thoughts, Avaliah heard the announcement and moved on. Her cane still by her side, and her family Estoc by her side as she moved to ensure she was part of the summit. Not only was the Askarda name famous across the Empire, despite their minor noble status... but Avaliah herself was known as ‘The Negotiator’, and here, in this summit... there was no better place for one like her.

2017-06-13, 09:29 AM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

They had come into the harbour of Bor'Salla only hours before, a blue and white pennant flying high upon the mast - the flag of Zephyr on the Plane of Air, the symbol of the King of Air, and their sole shield against the Peacekeepers, for this galley was known to many who plied the seas, especially slavers, who hated the Northern Wind and its crew of privateers. Justinian had stood upon the bridge, his long coat flapping in the favourable wind, watching the city grow closer. It was not one he liked to frequent, preferring smaller or freer ports than the heart of the Empire, but the King had been adamant in his task, and so they were here.

Working masterfully, the crew - led by the silver haired sylph Welf, Justinian's first mate - had come into port, a maneuver they had done a thousand times and would, he hoped, do a thousand times more in the future, the skilled helmsman, Uri, a thrice-removed half-elven cousin of Justinian's, steering the ship with precision. After a long discussion with Welf, Justinian alone had gone onto the port - this was not a city that the pirates would find welcome taverns, once they were recognised, so an large watch was left on-deck, wary of possible danger.


From amongst the cheering crowd, Justinian watched as the noblewoman and her procession had entered, studying the peacekeeper. He didn't recognise her or her sigil, but then, most of these nobles were much the same as one another - all pomp and circumstance, right up until they stabbed you in the back. But they were polite about stabbing you, so in their minds, it was alright.

The Peacekeeper, though. That could make things interesting.

Shaking his head and smiling in bemusement at the ways of nobles, the young pirate captain slid through the crowd as they called for representatives. He could play that game, better than most - after all, most nobles hadn't been tutored by the Fey in politics. And if (or when) it fell apart, well, there was no finer duellist than the Reaver of Storms, and no-one better at sneaking out of somewhere he wasn't wanted.

Justinian stepped out from the crowd, looking the very part of a dashing sailor as he joined the procession of luminaries entering the council hall, his hand never straying far from the hilt and elegant guard of his rapier.

This was going to be dangerous.

Dangerous and fun.

2017-06-13, 06:46 PM
Kaya had been to Bor'Salla only once before, and she was struck now, as she was then, by the size of the place. And more than the island's size, Bor'Salla spoke to Kaya of the sheer power of the Shattering. The scope of it... the power... such devastation left in its wake. Kaya began to wonder what life must have been like before the breaking. Was civilization more advanced? More barbaric? Did they—

No. No time for contemplating such a world long gone. She was here, now. That's where her focus needed to be as well. She had a job to do.

Her brilliant blue eyes scanned the crowd for the possibility of trouble. Few seemed willing to meet her gaze. It mattered little. Trouble was unlikely to find them on the streets. It was the contents of the Council-hall that concerned her.

On approaching ​the Hall, Kaya strove to make note of everyone she could: of those who petitioned the guards for entry, those who instead merely glared at the guards from the crowd, those who were granted entry, and those who were turned out. She noted with bemusement that her examination by the guards seemed almost​ as perfunctory as that given to the lady Fellspark; to Kaya it seemed that though the screening process had obvious bias, the guards appeared thorough enough, in their own way.

Upon entering the Hall, Kaya made a few minor adjustments to her cloak, making sure it concealed her brilliant armor. She felt it would be highly inconsiderate and inappropriately distracting during the proceedings to come.
She had not been inside the Council-hall on her other visit to Bor'Salla. The interior was pleasant enough, but large as the building was, Kaya disliked it. Most buildings felt too enclosed for her tastes. She preferred to feel the wind flowing through her hair. Ah well, she wasn't here for pleasantries or to critique architecture. There were more pressing matters that demanded her attention. The proceedings to come, for instance.

2017-06-13, 10:25 PM
Anyone entering through the front entrance feels compelled to speak the truth. It becomes obvious that this is part of the security that was mentioned. The screening process is not nearly as thorough for some of the more common folks. It is only when people claiming to be delegates that the guards seem more alert.

The guard seems to welcome the distraction from the monotony of listening to the robed man drone out his questions.
"Heh, plenty. Though I wouldn't take too long a look at Lady Fellspark."
He shuddered a bit.
"Something not quite right about her. Not to mention the Peacekeeper. She's a good looking one too but I think it wouldn't take too much to get a knife to the throat if she thought you were planning something gramps."

Some of the crew glances a bit nervously as a few of the dock guards glower at them. One whispers to another while pointing to the proud pennant flapping in the wind over the ship. Their scowls deepen but no one makes any moves. They seem to be as vigilant as Justinian's crew. However, no one in their right mind would knowingly try to meddle with the King of Air's representative.
Justinian's questioning is just as intensive as Diedre Fellspark, perhaps moreso if that were even possible. None of the questions are particularly invasive but they attempt to verify his identity with various questions. Eventually, they run out of questions and grudgingly allow him to pass.

Inside the Council-Hall
The inside is simple, yet elegant. The entirety of the building is made with the same white stone as the outside, though the floor is more of a gray but it's impossible to tell whether it was by design or from the countless boots that have tromped through its halls. Between two curved staircases is a long hallway that leads to the various embassies for the majority of the Empire. A good number of scribes and flunkies scurry past each other and into other embassies. A few even shove their way through the crowded front entrance carrying scrolls and other minor items. The wings on the ground floor are well-guarded by stoic, though no doubt annoyed, guards as shouts of frustration and unintelligible chatter somehow make their way through thick, oaken doors. It seems there are more meetings taking place.
Lady Fellspark's procession goes up the right staircase and up towards the dome. The opalescent shells seen from the outside allow light to come into the large arena. The outside of the arena is ringed with raised benches that allow multiple people to observe what goes on in the center without impeding the view of those behind them. The far end in the center area is bordered by a single row of chairs facing inward, each very plush so as to allow the most comfort during a debate. However, the most spectacular thing in the room is a statue of a winged being, obviously of both angelic and demonic lineage, bearing a magnificent-looking blade raised over his head as if ready to bring it crashing down on some invisible foe.
A trio arises from the three center seats, two men and a woman, and beckon for the delegates, representatives, and the Peacekeeper to sit. They allow the people to file in and mingle for a bit. Perhaps to allow the awe to sink in and lend gravity to the situation.

The attention still seems to be directed towards the famed Peacekeeper rather than towards the upcoming summit.
The colony was originally built around the statue in the center. Only a few ruins were found and the statue was in pristine condition and has remained that way ever since.
Some say that the Council-hall was built over the remains of a church. Why the Church of Enduring Hope has not claimed the land is anyone's guess.
A few old myths and tales say that when the Reaper comes to the land of men, they will also be the harbinger of an unknown fate that will shake the very foundations of the land. This statue is supposedly in the Reaper's likeness. It does attract quite a few sightseeing types and is one of the island's few attractions.

2017-06-13, 11:24 PM
Elric laughs and slaps the man on the shoulder. He keeps his goofy face about and points his finger at the guard, waving it up and down. "You see, while everyone has their eye on them, I feel like we can spot ourselves a few overlooked hotties don't you think?!" The old herbalist carefully looks for the guard's body language. It's his goal to make him realize that he shouldn't be as distracted by what they dangle in front of him. That would make it easier for the Witches to infiltrate the building.

"Now if you'll excuse me. I'll be on my merry way. See what the fuss is about ehh." Elric touches the man on the shoulder again. "Thank you for keeping us safe." The cunning old man pretends to struggle his way up the few steps to get inside.

Like many people, Elric stops to look at the statue. His eagerness to socialize with those around him, almost makes him cough up the lore around it. Yet he stops himself in time. He didn't come all the way down here to draw a massive amount of attention to himself. Instead he slowly moves to position himself in the back of the room. With his back against the wall, and his eyes on the crowd, Elric is focused on anything out of the ordinary.

I'll roll a Bluff check in case you find that his overacting needs a check. If not, ignore the roll.

Looking out for Witches or weird behavior from anyone in the crowd.

Also checking the crowd for any spellcasting.

2017-06-15, 08:36 PM
Elric can't spot anything too strange besides a sizeable number of guards ringing the topmost benches at attention. Quite a few of the onlookers seem to be giving the Peacekeeper quite a bit of attention but many of them wear scowls, especially those that are non-human.

After brief period of time to allow other representatives, delegates, and the Peacekeeper to come in and be seated, the woman stands with her hands raised above her blond head, an uncommon hair color for a human dwelling in the Empire, to signal for silence. It takes a few more minutes but the crowd eventually obliges. The woman smiles and puts her hands down into a ceremonial gesture, her own robes mirroring those of the men but with much shorter sleeves to allow her hands to be seen, and speaks with a clear, practiced tone.
"Welcome all to a momentous occasion for those who dwell within the Empire of the Drowning Sun. I am known as Zarya, Moderator of Proceedings, I will be here to supervise this meeting and to help avoid any distractions to the case in point."
She then turns to the Peacekeeper and bows slightly.
"We are honored to have the Peacekeeper here with us today. Her presence here honors us as we cast our vote for those who will be our voices in the summit that is to be held. Now we will hear from our first speakers."
She takes her seat as one by one the prospective delegates rise from the seats and state their cases, almost all of them human. One of the delegates begins to make a truly rousing speech to abolish slavery until a voice rings out from the staircase:
"You really think this farce of a meeting could do any good? HA!"
All eyes turn to follow a man dressed in statesman's attire into up the stairs and into the center of the arena. He is followed by a man, who could only be his brother, dressed with utility in mind. Both have thick, brown hair and shaven faces, though the first has taken pains to make his appearance very professional when compared with the second's barely passable attempt at sophistication.
"I should have known you'd try to pull something like this Zarya," the first man sneered, "trying to keep me from here to tell everyone the truth of the matter by using my own brother to bury me in pointless paperwork?"
Zarya's expression is even as she replies.
"Not at all Theomars. I just believed these proceedings would be much more pleasant without you constantly getting in everyone's way."
Theomars seems to fume briefly as the utilitarian moves past him and to Zarya. He speaks a few words quietly to her before she pinches the bridge of her nose as Theomars starts up again.
"Listen now good citizens of the Empire! You may believe that this so-called summit will bring 'freedom' to the slaves that toil under the whip. I tell you now that it is false! The summit will only bring anarchy to the weak that are protected from those that would put us under their heel if they were not disciplined swiftly and properly!"
He quickly points to a mother and child, who both recoil a bit at the sudden attention.
"What is to prevent your child from being devoured whole if they were to decide the ogre being used to construct a nearby well could no longer be held in check by those in the power to do so? A blood-thirsty orc previously trained to obey their superiors could slaughter your loved ones before the guards could put the animal down. Would you sacrifice the lives of women, children, or those you love to allow dangerous beings to roam free, burning and pillaging before they could be stopped?"
His eyes scan the now cowed audience, daring any to oppose him.

2017-06-15, 11:44 PM
Kaya is slow and deliberate as she turns her head to face the interjector. Her gaze is level and her face impassive as she looks upon the man, paying as much attention to his attire and how he carries himself as to his words.

At his words though she monitors the crowd. Such blantant fear-mongering had the potential to disrupt the peace among such delicate talks. If necessary, she would interject herself into the proceedings, but she would much rather remain an observer for the time being.

Taking 10 on Sense Motive and Knowledge Local to gauge the mood of the crowd and recognize the speaker (and his brother), with results of 27 and 35 respectively.

Perception to hear the words whispered to Zarya,
just in case: [roll0].

2017-06-16, 09:01 AM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

Justinian sat back in his seat, quietly observing the opening salvos of the debate - he might only get one chance to make a case before someone pulled the 'pirate' card in an attempt to discredit him, so he had to make it count. At least he wasn't alone in opposition, though most of the luminaries present were approaching the subject at a distance, not knowing the true horrors of slavery that they had hidden from them.

As the angry brother ceased his speech and stared around for opposition, Justinian met his gaze, and, uncowed, leaped gracefully out of the chair and landed lightly on his feet. Standing tall, he said back, loudly and clearly for the crowd, "What might stop them, good sir? What stops any man from leaning towards anarchy and lawlessness for his own gain? Because society brings all men together for a common purpose! No Elf nor Halfling nor even a Dwarf is too different from any other man in their wants or needs - they want what you all want, a safe home for their families and food upon their tables! Why should they or anyone else be denied such basic needs?"

Pausing for effect, Justinian continued on, "I come here today to deliver a plea from the King of Air in Zephyr, that you might reconsider slavery and build a better society for all, working in partnership, rather than as slave and master. It is for the gain of all men and women, human and non-human alike, to abolish such old and decrepit traditions, and bring about a better tomorrow!"

Also taking 10 for Sense Motive to judge the crowd, for a result of 34.
Diplomacy: 1d20+23 = 43 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22103763&postcount=134)

2017-06-16, 11:31 PM
Elric's blood starts boiling hearing Theomars speak. Partly because he would have absolutely loved this kind of drama back in his old life. Yet mostly because it's frustrating to watch. He knew these kinds of talks were pointless in bringing any progress, yet this was going the other way. If that man would be allowed to speak further, it could solidify the position on slavery for years to come.

Then a brave man took to the stage, standing up to the fear mongerer. Elric smiles. It warms him to hear a man like Justinian tell the truth about the matter. Immediately after his speech ends Elric can see all the heads turning back to Theomars. They're on the edges of their seats, waiting for him to verbally destroy the pirate. Theomars gasps for breath to start another rant. And just before he can utter a word, Elric moves his finger down subtly.

Action: Attempting to use his Telekinesis Supernatural Ability to rip Theomars' robes/pants from his body. The point is to make them fall to the floor. He gets a DC28 Will Save (10+1/2HD+charisma). SR shouldn't count since it's a SU Ability (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/special-abilities/#TOC-Supernatural-Abilities-Su-).


2017-06-17, 02:22 AM
"I'm sorry! I tried my best to keep him away from here. I even gave him the paperwork trying to abolish paperwork and a whole bunch of wild goose chases! He suddenly decided to take a break and heard the debates echoing down the steps."

Theomars sniffs at Justinian in disdain.
"The King of Windbags can keep his own domain for all I care and do as he pleases. It is none of his concern then that he be sticking his nose into Empire business. Just another power-monger seeking to disrupt what peace we have. You are no better, advocating an action that would bring chaos to your enemies, leaving us weak and reeling."
Justinian's opening statement seemed to rouse the crowd somewhat but it seems Theomars knows how to appeal to the crowd. They mutter and give dark glares at Justinian as Theomars' last barb strikes home.
It is then that he feels his pants suddenly give way and the crowd bursts out laughing. Even Zarya struggles to suppress a grin as she futilely calls the proceedings to order. Theomars splutters and quickly corrects the embarrassment, cheeks burning red and quickly scanning the crowd for the culprit.

Kaya and Elric both notice steel glint in the hands of a yuan-ti within the jovial audience. None of the guards seem to have caught on as they too struggle to remain vigilant in the face of such humor.

Theomars is going to attempt an Intimidate against Justinian in an attempt to goad him/give him the equivalent shaken condition. Since this isn't quite part of the rules and I don't feel like adding yet another layer to this, just use whatever skill makes sense for what your character is going to say. The most common skills I can think of here are:
Knowledge (depends on topic)
Perform (most likely oratory but others might work)

Intimidate vs. Justinian's Sense Motive: [roll0] (Since Will Save was failed, this ruins Theomars' attempt)
Will Save: [roll1]
Crowd is now neutral to Theomars and Justinian.

2017-06-17, 03:42 AM
"I wouldn't."
In an instant, faster than would be believable, Kaya is standing before the Yuan-ti, her silver blade bare and ready in her hand, her brilliant armor momentarily visible beneath her swirling cloak.

Assuming this is more or less a surprise round, move action Omenwalk to teleport to the Yuan-ti, with a free action Quick Draw of her short sword. If she has a swift action available she'll initiate Time Skitter to grant herself the effects of Haste for 8 rounds.

The Blade Wolf
2017-06-17, 05:48 PM
At first, Avaliah had been rather enjoying the proceedings. Zarya came across as a fair and just moderator to her, and the fact that they were able, to begin with an impassioned speech about freeing the slaves gave further promise to the start. However, Avaliah was far too experienced to allow herself to get hopeful and optimistic so soon as the talks began, it was after all. Going to be a very long day, and Avaliah knew for a fact that there was going to be others who venomously opposed the abolition of slavery.

As it turned it, it was a very wise decision of hers indeed, as was only moments after Avaliah caught herself that one of those loudest anti-abolitionists turned up. Theomars Chadwick... alongside his brother. Avaliah eyes narrowed at the sight of them, and she rose from her seat to proceed down to the floor. It was best for her to make her case on equal footing, and speak equally to everyone here. Avaliah knew about Theomars quite well, knew how his parents lost their lives to orcish raiders, and had allowed his grief to blossom into a corrupting hatred ever since. Tesarion on the other hand...

Honestly, Avaliah wasn’t sure what to make of Tesarion. His idea of easing slaves out over time, by selling and leasing land to the slaves that they can work on by themselves as a pay-it-forwards system did make a lot of sense. Yet, the fact that no slave, not even ones that Avaliah had talked with were willing to disclose what it was like to work in his shipyard was... unsettling to say the least. Avaliah did not put much stock in the rumours that Tesarion used magic to compel and control his slaves, but she regretfully couldn’t dismiss them directly off hand either. The lack of complaints... even the most generous of slave-owners that she met had one or two rebels who complained about their slavery, so the lack of any at all with very disquieting.

Still, as much as Avaliah did want to see slaves freed as well, a sweep abolishment would threaten to crack the Empire apart... and as corrupt as it was, Avaliah did love her home... so she could very much support Tesarion’s idea, even if she felt it was a bit too slow and gradual to actually get good work done. Hopefully, Avaliah would be able to rely on his aid as these proceedings continued.

Before Avaliah was able to get down to the floor in order to make her case through, there was another person who spoke up. One whom Avaliah thought she recognised... Captain Justinian, if she wasn’t mistaken. Putting forwards a plea on behalf of his king from the Zephyr... it wasn’t that strong in all honestly, and Theomars was swift to retort. However, it gave her a perfect place to join the conversation... even if she did have to pause for Theomars to grab his pants and pull them up again after something yanked them down.

“Only the weak and afraid would spurn allies for being different!” Avaliah declared as she stepped forwards from the crowds, stepping out onto the floor in order to confront Theomars, slamming her cane down onto the floor in order to grab everyone’s attention as she finishes and to punctuate her speech. Her pause was only a few seconds before she continued on without hesitation. “You speak of enemies desiring to send our Empire into chaos, lurking forces eagerly awaiting a chance to pounce and tear us asunder. Yet when a potential ally to aid us against these forces speaks, you turn them down, pushing them away and accusing them of being an enemy? If that does not weaken us, turning allies into enemies, then weakness itself is a lie!”

For a few moment Avaliah paused, allowing her words to sink in, the folly of Theomars speech to register with those who were listening... whilst also allowing Avaliah to regain her breath and marshal her thoughts in order to address his first point once again. Avaliah was intending to strike hard, and strike fast. Hopefully shattering Theomars’ credibility completely.

“Even beyond that folly, however, you speak of fear towards the orcs and ogres that we have enslaved for generations. You speak of them as monstrous, bloodthirsty brutes constantly desiring to kill and ravage us that are only kept in check with an iron first. I say that you are wrong: That the orcish people are a proud race stifled underneath us. A race that would eagerly take up arms against us if we do not give them equal rights! Let them live amongst us, give them the ability to join our armies and fight alongside us as equals. Give them means to express their pride and desire to compete, and they will not hesitate!” Again, another pause, shorter than the previous one as Avaliah turned away from Theomars to express the audience.

“People of the Empire, I will not simply ask for you to take my word over Theomars’, I will give you a reason to! People of the Empire, tell me! Who would know more about the slaves that live alongside us for so many years? A man whose tragic death of his parents has haunted him throughout his life? A man who never moved on from his mourning, and allowed it to twist into a hatred that poisons his very soul? A man whose mind is clouded with rage at the orcish raiders who took his parent’s lives, and so directs it at ensuring all those without a human face are kept under an iron heel? Or a woman who has spent decades talking with those very same people? A woman who has learned nearly 15 languages in order to talk with the slaves in their own tongue? A woman who is known throughout the land as ‘The Negotiator’, able to calm down even the most unruly of slaves? Who would you rather trust in this manner?”

One more thing to say. One more thing for Avaliah to address... and only then will she be willing to let Theomars speak. Twisting round to address him once again, Avaliah spoke. “And even if I am wrong Theomars, even if I am wrong about orcs not abusing the freedom given to them, and even if I am wrong about the King of Air not waiting to take any opportunity present to them if we are seen as weak. You asked a question at the start of this all. Who will defend us if we let them free? Let me answer that for you: Elven spell and sight! Dwarven stone and steel! Gnomish illusion and Halfling luck! For they will fight to defend themselves. They will fight to defend their friends, their families and their homes! The Empire will be their home, and they will fight for us! You ask who will defend us when the revered Peacekeeper herself sits her to remind us all of the Empire’s strength? Do you fear freedom so much, that you have no trust in the soldiers that have kept us safe ever since the Shattering itself?!”

A swift clap of her cane followed this declaration, Avaliah falling silent for a few more moments, judging when Theomars was about to speak to finalise her speech. “The only fears you have shown me so far Theomars are personal nightmares that no reasonable person would fear. I will make one simple request: Cease this fearmongering, and give us an actual reason to keep slaves as slaves. Or leave, and allow the reasonable people of this Empire discuss these matters. The choice is yours.”


2017-06-18, 12:58 AM
Hesitation flashes through the yuan-ti's eyes as Kaya appears out of thin air. Then they hear The Negotiator's speech their resolve seems to tighten.
"Down with the fearmonger!"
They begin to toss the concealed dagger, leaving only precious moments for Kaya to react.

Kaya must roll initiative to act first. Otherwise this goes through.
Initiative: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Tesarion looks at Avaliah evenly.
"Well spoken Negotiator. However, I am afraid I must side with my brother on a few particular points. How would you propose we keep people safe from anarchy? You speak of fearmongering but it just might be justified. What have we or our ancestors done to win the love of the Dwarves, Elves, Halflings, and Gnomes? While reason must prevail, the fears of the people, human or otherwise, cannot be dismissed and you have offered no alternatives. My brother is right in his... passionate point. Remember that I too wish to see all races become equals."
He then smiles a bit sadly.
"I'm also afraid to inform you that you are out of order. The floor has not yet been opened up to the general public and you were not seated as a delegate... unless you wish to proceed to the nominations now?"
He does not have the force or wit that Theomars does but the soft-spoken man's words are sound and his influence among the people could be said to rival his brother's.

Meanwhile, a disturbance seems to be happening within the audience as the speakers stare each other down.

Attempting to influence audience's attitude to remain unchanged towards Theomars and Avaliah.
Diplomacy vs. Avaliah's check: [roll3] and a +5 circumstance bonus for his reputation among slaves and humans.

The Blade Wolf
2017-06-19, 04:48 PM
There was a slight pause at Tesarion’s claims, Avaliah noticeable surprised at it, but she does not take long to recover. Replying calmly and evenly. “I find myself highly doubting your claims Lord Tesarion. I have put a considerable amount of time into ensuring that I am in fact, not considered a member of the general public for this meeting. Both before I arrived at this island, and after I had arrived at Bor'Salla. I have received multiple confirmations that I am not part of the general public, and so I am not speaking out of turn by discrediting your brother. If by any chance, I am actually considered to be part of the general public, despite my multiple confirmations. I would have to consider that the parties in charge of this event are not as neutral as they proclaim, and I would not be surprised if many other parties here agreed with me on that. Even if they themselves would not want to see me here, not having the famous Negotiator part of these discussions will reflect incredibly poorly on the discussion as a whole.”

Avaliah did not consider her words to be a threat, simply a statement of her views. If some means had prevented her from getting her correct status. Or if somehow that status had been robbed from her between her last minute checks and the beginning of the proceedings, then it cast the entire meeting in an extremely negative light, and she doubted that many would be happy to hear that one of such reputation would lose the ability to speak her part. Especially as it meant that they too, could potentially be threatened.

“As it is, however, there is a difference between your brother's fear mongering, and your own reasonable objections. Whilst the speed of your plans are subject to personal disagreements. I find myself in full agreement with your plans. Any rational person can understand that a sweeping abolishment of slavery will cause our great Empire to fracture, and chaos will grip us for some time. Especially as some people will refuse to follow such command I am sure.” There was another pause, Avaliah considering what was her best move, what was best to make her case before bowing her head.

“I humbly await for Zarya, Moderator of Proceedings, to inform us whenever or not I have spoken out of turn. As I wait for her to speak, I hope all the People of the Empire here today, keep in mind that we must hear out our brother's and sisters. That the staunchest anti-slavery members must take the time to ease the justified fears of the pro-slavery members here, and that the staunchest pro-slavery members take the time to consider the benefits of freeing them slaves that are spoken by the anti-slavery members. It is only through co-operation, reasoning and discussion that we can not just keep our Empire safe, but help it grow even brighter and stronger than it ever has been.” With that, Avaliah fell silent, through her eyes swept the crowd. Not just looking for trouble, but wanting to see if anyone seemed a little too smug about Tesarion's claim. A little too knowing, as if they had known a


2017-06-19, 06:01 PM
Kaya darts swiftly into the path of the dagger, the blade sinking into her shoulder. She glances down at the dagger,
and then frowns at the yuan-ti. "You know, it really would have been simpler if you hadn't done that... Ah, well, all eyes on us, I think." Kaya sighs sadly and reaches up to pull the dagger from her shoulder and in the same movement, pulls the broach from her cloak, which falls to the floor, uncovering her brilliant armor.

"You have shed my blood, yet still I will offer you this one, final chance to peaceably submit yourself to the guards to be escorted from this Hall. I think you know the alternative, but I would rather it not come to that." Kaya says in a carrying voice, as she stares levelly at the yuan-ti.Fort save vs poison [roll0]
Diplomacy in attempt to get the yuan-ti to peacefully surrender: [roll1].

2017-06-19, 07:55 PM
Tesarion blinks and seems to pale a bit as he realizes what he said. Theomars just shakes his head as if a gnat had decided to buzz around his head brow furrowing at Tesarion's words.
However, the dagger throw draws away attention from those in the center and interrupts three other delegates who begin to agree with Tesarion's call of misconduct.
Zarya calls out in a voice tinged with relief and a good bit of sternness.
"Peacekeeper! What is the meaning of this?"
Upon seeing the blade being pulled from the shoulder and the Peacekeeper's request for surrender, Zarya pales as the crowd explodes in an uproar. Some scream, others shout angrily, and those nearby recoil in fear as the guards rush down to the yuan-ti with spears brandished. She holds her hands up in surrender as she glares at the Peacekeeper, eyes glinting with rage despite the ring of spears.
"Filthy dog! Sssoon you will sssee they have no love for you or usss!"
"Enough!" Zarya roars. "Guards, take her away! As for you Tesarion," she continued coldly, "I believe that it is in fact you who are out of order. Your brother's point has been made valid but your attempt to dismiss a delegate from these proceedings calls for your immediate dismissal from the floor and further ineligibility for the summit with your lack of understanding and insult towards the Negotiator. The law is clear and consequences harsh in this case... unless there is to be a suitable alternative?"
Zarya glances to Avaliah, trying to convey some sort of message.
Theomars doesn't seem as happy about the possible expulsion of his brother but he isn't moving to stop it.

One person in the audience seems rather calm and has the look of a cat playing with a mouse. Her finery marks her as a person of rank but there don't seem to be any marks to determine which house she hails from.

Zarya is secretly telling Avaliah to get Tesarion dismissed and banned from the summit.

2017-06-19, 11:48 PM
The heart starts beating faster. Blood runs through Elric’s veins at a more rapid rate when he lays eyes upon her. The Wicked Witch that cost him everything. He has to be careful on how to proceed though. There are too many innocents standing in the proximity for her to take hostage. It could also be a trick. He might have been spotted by them. He might even be watched.

Elric was keeping a close eye on the Yuan-ti after spotting them. Since an undercover individual seemed to have the situation well under control, Elric didn’t have to give away his position at all. He does his best not to get distracted by the attention that the commotion was causing. Instead he keeps his eyes on the price, on what he came here for, Akkalandra.

He slowly moves closer while maintaining concentration on his telekinesis. He positions himself directly behind her, about 30 feet away. With the stage in his line of vision, so his stare is less obvious. Elric scans her for any weapons, items, she might carry. And also tries to identify her from behind, to make sure it’s really her.

[roll=Knowledge Local + Collector of Stories to identify & Knowledge Devotion]1d20+32

2017-06-20, 03:14 AM
Kaya watches as the guards escort the yuan-ti out at spearpoint.

Things could have gone better. Worse too, though. Much worse.

"Apologies for the interruption,
Mistress Moderator."

She looks down at the bloodied dagger still in her hand. She gives it a small toss, and catches it by the blade. "I believe this was intended for you." she says, addressing Theomars. She holds the dagger out to him, hilt first. "I offer it to you in peace, Master Chadwick. A reminder, perhaps, that sometimes it is by our own actions that we create the enemies that we seek to stop."

Kaya's words are intended for Theomars,
not really for the crowd, but here's a Diplomacy check just in case.

The Blade Wolf
2017-06-20, 05:17 PM
Avaliah sighed at the exchange in the crowd. Although she had been all but expecting such an event to happen eventually. It always sadden her to see someone resorting to violence in an attempt to silence other. Shaking her head as the Yuan-ti was lead away. "Such a pity that we had to witness one who was unable to see the necessity of reason. They are doing nobody any favours by resorting to violence.” Still, she did not linger on them for long, and soon turned back to Zarya, answering in a calm and measured voice. “I do not believe there is a suitable alternative. Tesarion attempted to get me dismissed, so he should be dismissed instead. We need to ensure people take this meeting with utmost seriousness and focus after all. Which he has showed he has now.”

2017-06-20, 08:23 PM
It is difficult to describe the whole scene as Avaliah's words rang through the arena, finalizing the dismissal and forbiddance from the summit.
Zarya looks betrayed for a moment as Avaliah looks into her eyes but it is quickly replaced by cold, impassionate professionalism.
"So shall it be. Tesarion Chadwick, you are hereby dismissed from this gathering and shall be denied participation in the upcoming summit on penalty of immediate incarceration."
Theomars doesn't take advantage of the Yuan-ti's blunder or the proffered dagger and holds his peace with a dark scowl directed at the back of his brother's head as the latter bows his shoulders in defeat.
"I see. I shall withdraw and personally see to the punishment of this individual."
He shoots a death glare at the Yuan-ti who seems to quail with terror as she stares into his eyes and seems eager to be led away by the guards.
Before he leaves, Theomars takes Tesarion by one shoulder and whispers something into his ear. Then he allows them to be on their way.

The woman has quite a few jewels and fashionable clothing on her person designed to attract the eye without revealing her affiliation as there is no signet ring or other identifying markers. No telling what possessions are magical or mundane without time to scrutinize them further. It seems she's been living a posh life since her last meeting with Elric and has done very well for herself.
Her hair is of a different color, probably dyed, and her makeup conceals minor details or to enhance her beauty but the woman is definitely Akkalandra.
She seems quite pleased with herself as Tesarion is dismissed. A few onlookers notice the old man watching the Wicked Witch and begin to peer suspiciously at him, though the Witch does not seem to notice him as of yet.

Zarya takes a deep breath through her nose before releasing it in frustration.
"We shall continue with the proceedings. I believe we shall now her from Lady Fellspark, may we-"
"I have no need to speak."
Zarya pauses at the interruption as she stands from her seat to look down at the otherworldly woman who stares back levelly.
"I beg to differ, if you do not speak, how are others to determine if you-"
"A written letter from the Church requesting my presence and a seal from the Empire should suffice."
She proceeds to draw forth a folded piece of parchment emblazoned with both of the aforementioned seals. The delicately scrawled words at the top are easy to see: Church Summons
A clatter of chairs can be heard as several of the delegates protest. Diedre Fellspark's impassive expression only serves to infuriate one of them in particular.
He draws a sword and several members of the audience draw weapons of their own.
"I will not see you use it to further your corrupt cause!"
Soon, many of the delegates are brandishing weapons, wands, or incantations while shouting threats and denouncements. About a third of the audience are likewise armed, some disguised as commoners, while the remaining guards point spears at those threatening violence while shielding the remaining civilians.
Zarya's call to order and pleas for reason fall on deaf ears as it seems certain the talks are about to devolve into a clash of steel and magic.
Theomars is nowhere to be seen as the situation begins to disintegrate.

"That was not you speaking brother. I will see retribution done as before."

I'm going to call for initiative.
Group 1: [roll0]
Group 2: [roll1]
Group 3: [roll2]
Individual: [roll3]

2017-06-21, 10:15 PM
Disappointed, but not surprised that Theomars turned down the offered dagger, Kaya tucks the dagger into her belt. She then reaches down and picks up her cloak and replaces it over her shoulders as she makes her way back to the center aisle toward Lady Fellspark, while the Negotiator begins to insist on Tesarion's dismissal from the proceedings.

She takes her seat upon returning to Fellspark, though she notes as she arrives that the proceedings take a drastic turn for the worst upon the revelation of Lady Fellsparks her writ of invitation to the summit and official seals of affirmation.

As things dissolve, and arms become bared, Kaya stands and addresses the crowd, "If you believe we will allow harm to come to an Imperial representative, you will find yourselves gravely mistaken." With a wave of her hand an Orange sphere forms around Kaya and Lady Fellspark, then mutters an incantation and touches Fellspark. "This is a protective spell, my Lady. Please stay within the sphere where I can best protect you, Mistress Fellspark."

[roll0], to recognize the individual, if important.
Kaya's actions are: standard action area orange veil, swift action cast Protection from Evil on Fellspark.
If you allow using larger actions to fuel smaller ones, she'll also use her move action to switch to Reaching Blade Stance rather than a swift action.

2017-06-22, 01:51 AM
Elric the Herbalist (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1220580)

As chaos starts to break out, Elric can detect people shuffling left and right. This is not the most optimal situation to discover more about the Witches. As much as he wants to exterminate her from the face of the planet, Akkalandra still holds important information. He wanted to follow her to her connections and possibly even more Witches. Ah well, Humans were well known for their ability to adapt, even those Humans who died.

The herbalist’s aura and energy are not friendly and polite as they were before. His giggles are replaced by a complete emotionless stare. Elric reaches out his arm, and tightens the tension in his fingers. The woman in front of him can feel the pressure trying to hold her in place.

“The Witch that goes by the name Akkalandra. Your friends have betrayed you. You have been found guilty for crimes against humanity. How do you plea?”

Standard Action: Using Combat Maneuver Grapple version of Telekinesis (SR applies)

CMD to break free: 38

Edit: The concentration check was a natural 1 roll. Don't know if that makes it fail by default. Was rolling it since it I was sustaining the Telekinesis I first cast. A roll isn't even required to keep concentrating on a spell (I think), just rolling it in case of getting damage to move things along.

If it's an auto fail, I will just reuse the Telekinesis ability. Result is the same for this round. Although I would like to know if it's an autofail or not, so I know if I have to reroll my downtime for the ability.

2017-06-22, 06:17 AM
The burgeoning conflict within the Council-hall is rocked by the sudden, deafening sound of stone grating on stone. Or was it cracking? Breaking? Kahh-whooooom!!! The explosion and spray of broken stone that resulted from it scattered across the hall and its occupants like a wave of sand from the shore.

To the shock and awe of everyone present the statue that was in the center of the Council-hall had come to life. The being represented finishing the final blow to the unseen foe it had been so long poised to deliver. Having driven its huge sword near hilt deep into the stone floor, smoke seems to rise from it as it kneels there staring at the floor, Curious...

He pauses for a brief moment, confused as to where his foe had gone, then slowly raises up, taking in the crowd. He was the statue in every minute detail from the wings and clothing he wore to the rippling muscles and the headband on his head. Some sort of amalgamation of angel and demon. His white pupil-less eyes scanned the crowd causing various reactions amongst them; however most felt discomfort when those eyes passed over.

Speaking a language no one recognizes and with a voice that is guttural and clipped he says, “Temias aras tave kia elgtis kia reiklauti tave hadzuska siqsa.” It sounds similar to Infernal or Abyssal but is unrecognizable to even the most learned linguists among the crowd. Immediately after he finishes a shadow seems to coalesce at his feet. It pools for a moment then seems to rise up and drape itself over its shoulders, like a cloak, forming itself perfectly around his wings but somehow still a swirling shadow. It seems to almost flow and ebb as it clings to him.

Taking a step down from the dais towards the crowd in general, tilting his head a little to the side as they pushed back from him he speaks again, “Kam kash tave prasme iv sis, tikurzi kash tave geras kissai?” and then another pause as he scans the crowd once more.

His eyes lock onto Avaliah, seeming to stare through her for a moment, he takes a knee in front of her. “Nu pazinti tave gubrys iv trovas Askarda kad nenx kuris zhol.” His voice this time was more soothing, a softer version than before and less clipped. Much more reminiscent now of Celestial and maybe Draconic?

2017-06-22, 07:33 PM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

Justinian stood, observing, after he'd said his piece, watching as the conference - and an assassination attempt! - had unfolded before him. His hand hovered near the hilt of his rapier as the mob began to bay in anger - not too much of a surprise, given the topic - but he was shocked indeed as the statue awoke, stepping backwards in surprise - and catching himself as he almost stumbled over his seat. Of the first tongue, he had no hint - but the second, the second had hints of both the Celestial speech his grandmother had taught him as a young lad and the Dragontongue he'd learned while studying magic. Clearly, this creature was something deeply unusual. And it seemed to be going for the noblewoman who seemed to be one of the fiercest opponents of slavery.

It just wouldn't do.

He drew forth his rapier, the blade almost a blur as it sprung forth from it's sheath, crackling with eldritch energy as he channelled power through the blade as if it were an extension of his own body. Drawing upon another gift of his pact - the gift of flight - he sprung forwards, soaring through the air in a great leap to land lightly next to the noblewoman and the creature. Shifting to a fencer's stance, he held the blade before him, ready to strike out at the creature if it surged forwards to attack - or to fend off any of the members of the mob who might be feeling incredibly brave.

"Who are you? What are you?" asked the pirate in Celestial with a somewhat rusty accent - there wasn't much call for the language while sailing the high seas, after all.

Free: Draw Rosethorn.
Free: Activate Aether Channel
Move: Fly over to Avaliah and ???. Given the lack of weather, his +31 Fly mod should be more than enough to autopass any checks.
Standard: Ready an attack for if the creature attacks Justinian or Avaliah.

2017-06-22, 07:55 PM
The shadow cloak seemed to swirl in a more agitated state when Justinian channeled the energy through his blade. Shhhhhh I do not think they mean harm The being smiled at Justinian as he landed near Avaliah and then tilted his head a little when he heard the Celestial. Remaining on his knee with a glance at Avaliah he answered, "Labintias, mazo tu aras the lady Askarda's taral then?" Frowning a bit at his words he looked at Justinian and nodded slightly, clearly wanting Justinian to speak again.

2017-06-22, 08:14 PM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

Justinian lowered his blade ever so slightly as the creature smiled. It didn't too aggressive up close, despite the demonic features.

That, or, it was all a bluff.

"I can't understand you. Your accent's even worse than mine is." he said, still speaking Celestial, this time with a shrug and a look of confusion.

2017-06-22, 08:27 PM
Nodding to Justinian he tries again, "Greetings, You must be the Lady Askarda's protector then?" He nods in the affirmative again, Yes, there it is. The language coming out as a perfect copy of what the Captain was speaking right down to the accent he was using. Justinian does notice that he seems to have not noticed the drawn weapon but then there were a lot of those in here right now.

2017-06-22, 08:38 PM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

"Lady Who?" asked Justinian. At least they could understand each other now, even if it did seem to be copying him."No, no, I'm nobody's protector. You just looked more dangerous than the angry mob. I'm Captain Justinian, an emissary for the King of Air - an emissary at this conference that you interrupted. Mind, it wasn't exactly going well even before you... woke up?"

2017-06-22, 08:51 PM
"The Lady Askarda, standing next to you." Looking between the two he thought for a moment but then seemed to move on. The tone of the voice shifts again, to that more guttural sounding chop,
but still speaking Celestial, "An angry mob, in the Temple of Eleasandra, what has angered them?" Another pause, "You are an emmisary..from the King of where? Air?"

2017-06-22, 09:02 PM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

Justinian nodded. He must have missed the noblewoman's full introduction. "Aye, the King of Air, king of Zephyr on the Plane of Air. Don't think this place has been a temple for a long time, though. It's being used as a meeting place, to hold a conference on Slavery. The crowd did not approve of some of the views espoused. So, who are you?"

He glanced over to Avaliah and said, speaking the common tongue, "Well, he seems to know you, at least."

2017-06-23, 12:20 AM
The entire arena is focused on the being who was just a moment ago encased in stone. Silence reigns as all eyes are directed at the two outsiders' exchange. No one seems willing to make the first move, even the most vocal of the delegates have been silenced by this turn of events.
An elf in the audience begins to mutter a string of words that sound much like prayer in Elven. Anyone capable of understanding the language would hear a plea for the Punisher to have mercy on the ignorant and swift journeys to a different land. This sentiment is mimicked by a few others whose age can only be guessed at, though their pleas range from holy awe to sheer terror.
Zarya regains her voice and is one of the first to speak.
"I-I greet you... Herald. What message does your Liege wish for us to hear?"

Akkalandra doesn't seem too concerned by Elric's attempts to restrain her and actually seems amused.
"So it is you. I didn't believe it was. Your mind was so... amusing," she purred, "a fairly intelligent man who couldn't see that I had him wrapped around my little finger. I hardly even needed to influence you to throw yourself to your doom just to please me."
She gives a chuckle as she turns her head just enough to get a look at the man.
"It's so adorable that you came back like this just to bask in my beauty. No need to claim that the others have done anything like that. You never did have a good sense of humor."

2017-06-23, 01:43 AM
Elric the Herbalist (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1220580)

Elric smiles, he figured that with the right words she would reveal the fact that it was really her. He looks around the room, and notices that all the attention is mainly focused on the statue being.

The old man reverts to a serious look on his face while he tightens the grip of the telekinesis even further. “In a way I’m grateful to you. I had never experienced happiness in my lifetime. I had done horrible things to offset the balance of the cosmos. And here I am today, given a second chance.”

Elric takes a pause for an intense stare down.

“You are the product of pure evil. As of today you will cease to exist. I have come to wipe you and your merry band of chuckling psychopaths off the face of this planet. I acknowledge that your arrogance blinds you from your fate. You probably think that the contingency plans you have in place are enough to save your pathetic life. Or are even under the delusion that this is a trap laid out for me.” He pauses once more to gage her reaction. “What do you think will happen after you perish? Your lunatic friends will try to take over your position, your bosses will recruit others, and you will be forgotten instantly. Akkalandra … the name will disappear from everyone’s minds in an instant.”

Standard Action: Telekinesis Combat Maneuver Pin

Attempting to rattle her cage with insinuation and fear to gain more information.

2017-06-23, 08:12 AM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

Justinian nodded. He must have missed the noblewoman's full introduction. "Aye, the King of Air, king of Zephyr on the Plane of Air. Don't think this place has been a temple for a long time, though. It's being used as a meeting place, to hold a conference on Slavery. The crowd did not approve of some of the views espoused. So, who are you?"

He glanced over to Avaliah and said, speaking the common tongue, "Well, he seems to know you, at least."

He seems to mull that statement over regarding slavery, a look of concern sweeps across his face. "Slavery... a conference. On slavery... What is it you are conferring about regarding the enslavement of other beings then?" This obviously doesn't sit well with him but he continues, appearing to shake something off, "I am known by many names, several are being whispered in the crowd as we speak, but if I may, Call me Raphael. I much prefer that one to most of the others." He looks at Avaliah and speaks in common this time, "I do not know her specifically but the crest she wears is of the ruling family, yes? Is she not your queen?"

The Blade Wolf
2017-06-23, 06:27 PM
To say that events escalated at such a rapid rate it was like someone had flicked a switch was a significant understatement... and the speed in which the following events happened almost left Avaliah reeling and trying desperately to recover and muster up some semblance of composure.

Almost being the operative word.

When Avaliah’s condemnation of Tesarion Chadwick brought upon a gaze of betrayal and wrath in the eyes of Zarya, the Negotiator felt a moment of uncertainty. Had she truly misread Zarya’s intent to such a large degree that Avaliah ended up pressing for the exact opposite result that Zarya desired...? ... Perhaps. Or perhaps Zarya had misjudged the intent that was in her eyes as she attempted to speak without words. It was not the easiest of abilities to master after all, and even a master of their craft are not above the flawed existence of morality. Whilst Avaliah could not know for certain where the fault lied, she was able to take comfort in the fact that there was an equal chance of Zarya’s error as there was her own.

If the dismissal of Tesarion was not enough to cause conflict within the hall, however... what followed most definitely did, literally as it would turn out. For Lady Fellspark attempt to cut through the proceedings completely, to invalidate the need for this discussion to take place at all by automatically going to the Church for the final decision making was an insult to everyone who had come here in order to partake in the proceedings. To say that Avaliah was insulted by this brazen attempt to ignore the democratic process was even more of an understatement than the one stated mere moments ago... yet Avaliah was able to keep her composure, opening her mouth to make a verbal retort, scathing perhaps. Yet not an answer of violence and steel.

Unfortunately, she was not the only one to be so incensed by Fellspark’s action... and unlike Avaliah, these others had no qualms in during steel and casting magic to make their points known. Combined with the fact that parties to this proceeding had seen a need to hide agents amongst the guards, and the standing areas descended into pure chaos. Avaliah’s hand dropping to her own weapon, the Askarda family heirloom... yet she did not draw it. The floor was not invaded by the seething masses, and she would not know who to fight if she did attempt to enter into the fight regardless.

And then... as if all that had not already been enough. The Statue that had sat within the hall every since the records could recall, decided to come to live. Not only that, but it spoke in an archaic tongue that Avaliah had little ability to understand... at least until it laid eyes on her, and moved to kneel before her. Speaking in a tongue that had a touch of draconic within it... and what really confused and put Avaliah on the wrong foot, was that it spoke her family name without any possibility of the word being anything else... everyone in the arena would hear the Herald speaking her name.


It was almost a blessing when Justinian decided it was a good idea to jump next to her, brandishing his weapon at the Herald. For not only did the sudden movement sent a shock of adrenaline through her body and bring her snapping back to reality. But it gave Avaliah an action that she actually understood. An action that she could comprehend... and thus, an action that she could react to. And react she did, Avaliah twisting to face the Aasimar, mouth opening in order to criticise his actions

Only to be spoken over directly by the two of them. Avaliah was fairly certain that Justinian was talking in Celestial, and from what she picked up from the Herald, his own language was shifting in order to match with what the Aasimar was saying. Yet the discussion clearly involved Avaliah in some way. Her family name was dropped not once, not twice, but thrice by the Herald, all whilst both it and Justinian converted in the Celestial tongue... with all Justinian saying is that it knew her... instead of actually telling her any information that a five-year-old with eyes and ears would be able to understand from looking and listening to the situation!

It was official. Avaliah had actually managed to run out of patience and composure.

“Justinian. I will say this once. And once only. I am not some weak damsel that needs the help of a ‘dashing hero’ who will jump to my defence, waving a sword around because their body was gifted with a pin. My reputation as a duelist and a fighter is second only to my reputation as the Negotiator... and the only reason it is the second reputation is that I am not foolish enough to try and resolve all my situations with an overcompensating sword, such as when a statue that has existed as far as recorded history remembers suddenly springs to life, speaking in an archaic language and kneeling at the feet of specific individuals. Though I suppose not needing anything to compensate for anything aids slightly in that regard. Considering yourself fortunate that your actions did not aggravate the situation and that the ex-statue decided the most appropriate response of this leaping dandy was not to bifurcate them. Now as you seem to have finishing flailing a weapon that from the looks of it was stolen from family, you have two options. To share what the ex-statue has been saying in Celestial, and not simply state information that is so blindingly obvious that a person with no eyes would be able to see it. Or return to your seat and allow the rational people of this meeting to deal with the situation.”

With that verbal demolishing completed, Avaliah mentally dismissed Justinian, turning to the still kneeling Herald as he spoke in the common tongue. “As for you, I must advise that you seek out a library in order to ensure you understand the situation you are in. The Askarda family are so far from royalty that only our indisputable talent for adamantine smithing is what allows us to keep our title as nobility at all, and even then we are forever cast down as the lowest of the noble houses, no matter how young and new the other houses may be.”

2017-06-23, 07:31 PM
Could it be true, could what her highness was saying actually be true? Askarda no longer ruled these lands, no longer held sway? Impossible, the dragons would not be so quickly or easily defeated. True, but quickly may not be applicable here. Raphael frowned again, nodding and then slowly rising to his full height to stand before his queen. Queen no longer it would seem He speaks these next words to Avaliah in draconic, as much to see if she recognizes the tongue as it is to respect her heritage, "Your ability to work the gods metal comes from the dragon blood coursing through your veins, My Lady. That same blood marks you not as nobility but as royalty."

He closes his eyes a moment, tilting his head towards the sky. Almost as quickly his head snaps back level, those unsettling pupiless eyes locking on Avaliah, "No...it cannot be."

He turns his attention to the woman who addressed him earlier and his back on Avaliah, his wings flaring slightly and the shadow cloak adjusting itself around the movement. "You name me Herald, woman. What, exactly, is it that I am to Herald?" He gestures to the sword buried hilt deep in the marble floor "My mission here is finished, or more accurately incomplete and so I find myself in your midst. I am told this is a conference on slavery." The already guttural voice deepening "Whom are you enslaving?"

2017-06-23, 07:52 PM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

Justinian lowered his rapier to his side - this creature, Raphael, seemed no threat, but who knew what this crowd might get up to when they recovered from the shock.

He bowed towards Avaliah and swept his hat before him in apology, and said, "I apologise for my boorishness, but I spend most of my time upon the seas or out amongst the planes, and I had heard not of your talents with the blade. As you were approached by this fellow - a fellow who appears to be kindred to demons, I feared the loss of a fellow supporter of the cause, and so I acted. Unnecessarily, it seems."

Popping his hat back atop his raven black hair (and, more importantly, to hide the upswept ears that betray his elven heritage), he continued, "Of the bits I could understand, there is little to share. He seems to be out of a different time - a time when this place was a Temple of Eleasandra, whomever that might be." With a wink and a grin, he added in the Elven tongue, "Oh, and I have no need to compensate for anything. Trust me."

He paused as Raphael made his pronouncement, and answered the creature, "Can't tell you anything about this Herald job, mate, but as to who they enslave - it's everyone who isn't human. Elves, Dwarfs, Orcs - and the rest."

2017-06-23, 09:23 PM
Zarya seems to waver in her resolve as she is addressed by the imposing figure but continues to press on as best she can.
"You are obviously of angelic or demonic origin but I cannot tell which deity you serve. I have also heard some of the local legends that tell of 'the Reaper', 'the Herald', and even 'Lost One'. I had assumed you were to deliver violence but as you have yet to do so I can only guess it is a message you wish to deliver."
Most of those armed have lowered their weapons so as to more fully engage themselves in hearing what portents the winged being bore.

A flash of fear crosses her features as Elric forces her into submission. She hisses in frustration at the old man.
"You believe that we came here completely defenseless do you? The Crescent Cabal does not bow to foolish men like you. It is no longer in our best interests to stay now that the Shatterer's Blade roams the world once more."
She pauses briefly as if thinking about some thought and then she is gone. Two other women disappear simultaneously, leaving Elric to grasp empty air.

2017-06-24, 02:25 AM
Kaya is rather surprised by the recent turn of events; this was definitely not something she had prepared to deal with today. Angry mobs were one thing. A familiar thing, in fact. But statues turning to life? This was beyond her.

With a bit of a wry smile, Kaya turns to Lady Fellspark. "You know, I caught pretty much all of that, and I'm pretty sure I have no idea what's going on.
I don't know how skilled of a linguist you are, but if you would like me translate, I can. I cannot however promise that it will make much sense though, Mistress."

Since Kaya failed to recognize the statue on sight, I'd like a chance to re-roll that earlier check to recognize the statue, considering all of the names and titles being thrown about for the statue/angel/demon. If acceptable, [roll0].

2017-06-24, 05:39 AM
His eyes widen as the woman in front of him zaps away. Immediate Elric regrets not just cutting her down at the very first sign of her presence. He closes his eyes and starts calming himself down. He focuses on the words she uttered. “Crescent Cabal” and “Shatterer’s Blade”, those are hard to forget. He knew that these dark beings were somewhat organized. Calling themselves a cabal implied things on a different scale though. How far did this go? Elric will not rest until each and every one of them are purged from this world. She brought two accomplices with her. Elric reaches back far into his memory to try and remember their faces.

He then redirects his attention to the situation at hand. There were still angry folks with weapons standing about, looking in awe at the creature. This must be what Akkalandra spoke about, the Shatterer’s Blade. Whatever was going on, these people weren’t safe here. The old man slowly walks up to what seems to be the leader of the mob, he holds up his hands, with staff in hand.

Elric summons all the energy of his rage and frustration, and channels it into an emotional speech.
“Fellas fellas, I believe your strong emotions and resolve have been heard by the cosmos. Bloodshed is something that happens on a daily basis, and has little effect on beings of Divine stature. Yet what you’ve shown here today is absolutely marvelous. A small band of brave souls dare to challenge the status quo. You demand justice, you demand freedom, and you demand to be heard. Emotions so strong and powerful with which you seem to have brought a magnificent creature to life. The debate is over. The people in power have tried to cling on to it for so long, and today you have put that to rest. It is our time now, the time for everyone. Together with this Celestial being by our side we can end the crisis that has cursed us for so many generations.”

He makes a downward motion with his hands. “Now lower your arms, and walk out. Your work in this temple here is done, yet your adventures have just started. You are bestowed with the sacred task of spreading the word. Go out and tell them what happened here today. Tell everyone, so that every living and breathing slave and slaver will know their destinies.”

“Tell them how the delegates of anti-slavery won the debate.”

Elric pauses, looking the people intensely in the eyes.

“Tell them how the opposition walked out with their tail between their legs.”

He pauses again, in the hopes for a “yes” or “amen” from the crowd.

“Tell them how they refused to take part in the true discussion, and tell them how you would not stand for their arrogance!”

“Tell them how your mighty feelings for injustice and rage soared into the skies and angered the Gods.”

“Tell them that your power resurrected an ancient being that will help us abolish this true evil.”

“And tell them that the days of slavery are numbered.”

“Now go forth, and tell them all!!”

Riling up the troops

2017-06-24, 06:41 AM
Raphael takes in the crowd as they watch his every move. He was used to moving among the world of men unknown, unseen. Subtle influences, not direct interaction. Why does she not answer? You know why, because she is not there. But that is impossible. Not if he got to her, you were to slow.

Justinian hears two distinct voices in his head at that moment, both asking the same question, Who are 'they'? Who are 'they'? One is certainly the angelic version Raphael was using from before but the other is slightly different from the demonic one. Different enough to give him the impression Raphael didn't ask it twice.

Addressing Zarya the Moderator "You did not answer my question. That is not a good way to start."

The Blade Wolf
2017-06-24, 01:02 PM
... At the very least. Justinian was not without his manners. Apologising for mistaking the ex-statue as a potential threat to her life, and apologising to her for believing that she was not without the skill to defend herself. How he slipped into the Elvish tongue in order to comment there was no need for compensation nearly had her rolling her eyes, that was very true. But Avaliah restrained herself, as it was not worth the time and effort to spare.

Especially not when the events elsewhere were significantly more concerning...

First, there was the now living statue. Avaliah already discounted them as being a Herald at all, as they reacted in confusion to being called that title, through Avaliah did not know what exactly was their name at this time. What with Justinian deciding there was no need for him to share what name he had been informed by the ex-statue personally and all... it did Avaliah’s mood no favours to hear her family’ gift at shaping and smithing adamantium being attributed to the draconic blood that runs through her body, instead of it being a talent that the family has spent generations of practice and learning, passed down from parent to child in order to ensure those skills were never lost. Nor did it help her mood to be addressed in the draconic tongue... as whilst Avaliah knew how to speak it by heart. She would never reveal her talent in the open like this, reminding everyone of her draconic heritage.

Oh, and when he asked ‘Whom are you enslaving?’ the fact that Justinian answered the question was ignored, in favour of growling more at Zayra when the poor woman was quite obviously terrified of him. That didn’t help matters of course. But, that was acceptable. Avaliah could deal with that. She could deal with the ex-statues aggression and ignorance. She could likely even help him as he was so clearly reaching out to her...

What she did not have any tolerance, however. Was this man deciding to step forwards, and attempt to twist the ex- statue's act of coming to life as a holy miracle and a sign that the gods themselves wanted slavery to be abolished... an act that reminded her far, far to much of how the Church manipulated the public to suit their whims...

Avaliah would not let such clear manipulation of the public, and of the ex-statue go unpunished.

“ENOUGH!” The Negotiator's voice rang outwards with a dreadful fury. Whilst before her voice was full of passion, yet composed and asking for people to use logic and reasoning... now she was not calling for people to hear her. She was demanding that they would listen to here.“I will not stand here and let us descend into chaos and stupidity! I will speak now, and you will listen!”

Twisting round, Avaliah turned to look at the ex-statute that still stood beside her. “Whilst I am not alone in my surprise and astonishment in the statue coming to life. It seems I am the only one able to think rationally! What we have here is no Herald of the gods, coming here to deliver a message to us all to here. We do not have a demonic servant intending to show chaos amongst us. We do not even have a higher being whose wisdom far surpasses our own! What we have standing before us, is a being no more special than you and I. A being who has been trapped in stone perhaps before the Shattering itself! A being, whose knows nothing of this world, and this meeting. Therefore, they do not have any place within it!”

Stepping forwards Avaliah would rest a hand on the ex- statue's shoulder, speaking quieter now, but making sure all could hear her firm voice. “Unless I am mistaken on your ignorance of the proceedings. Then I must insistent to you leave this hall for everyone's benefit. You are welcome to listen and observe, but not to partake. Afterwards, I will do what I can to aid you in understanding the situation you have found yourself in. But for now, more pressing matters are calling for my attention.”

Dropping her head, Avaliah pivoted round once more, now looking up into the audience. Looking up at the one who started this all. “Lady Fellspark.” Avaliah said, her voice calmer, yet with a clear undercurrent of the fury and wrath that had caused her to speak up in the first place. “As you have shown a lack of understanding as to why you are here, allow me to explain. We are here to grant everyone the ability to speak their part. Anyone, from the richest and most powerful of nobility, to the poorest and grubbiest of farm works. Here, status means little when compared to your ability to speak to others and sway them to your side. To ease the fears of others with your logic and reasoning. And most importantly, the ability to listen to what the others say. Here, in this all. It is the people who make the decision. No Noble, No Church, No Emperor can make those decisions for us! If you are unable to accept that. If you are unable to accept the truth of the need to speak, then you are free to leave us. If you would instead prefer to take your chance in speaking to the people of the Empire, even after showing that you have little understanding of the purpose of this meeting, and a respect for all those who gather here, you are welcome to stay. Through I would be surprised if you are still voted in after trying to bully your way into that position.”

There was a pause after this. Avaliah needing a moment to get her breath back. To keep her composure and not allow the world to see the Negotiator lose herself completely to her emotions. Through as she twisted round, cane raising in order to point directly at Elric. This would be the closest it had even been for Avaliah’s composure to shatter completely. All of the fury and anger that was found when she demanded to be heard, returned full force now as she spoke.

“As for YOU. How DARE you try to manipulate us so openly?! How DARE you claim that the statue’s release from his prison is an act of divinity?! How DARE you act as some holy leader here to guide us! How DARE you try and pervert OUR mission! Our mission to abolish slavery is not some divine mandate given to us from above! Our mission is a mission of blood and sweat! Our mission is a mission have personally taken in on ourselves to fight for! Our mission is a mission that will be seen through with acceptance, rationality and logic! We will NOT be guided by the ravings of a MAD MAN!” Twisting round, Avaliah’s hands tightened around her cane. The desire to draw it so strong that it took every ounce of self-control not to reveal it’s secret.

“Lady Zayra, is this man a delegate that is allowed to speak? Or is he a madman, speaking out of turn, and to be removed from this meeting whenever he likes it, or not?”

2017-06-24, 04:55 PM
Zarya nods in acknowledgement at Avaliah's comments.
"I am sorry sir but the Negotiator is correct. Such manipulation will not be tolerated. I must ask that you be dismissed for the rest of these proceedings. However," she continues, "Lady Fellspark is correct that she need not speak to attend the summit. Her summons are indeed unusual but not out of order. I must insist that any further objections be reserved for a later date."
She then turns to face the 'Herald', gaining a bit more confidence after the Negotiator's fiery retorts.
"Your question has been answered already. We are holding one of the last meetings to select representatives for the upcoming summit being held by the Church of Enduring Hope. There they will make an official statement towards the current slave issue. However, as it stands, I cannot allow you to participate as one of the delegates."
Her attention then focuses on the erstwhile combatants as her voice rings out.
"I would now suggest we put down our arms and open the floor to the public. Otherwise, all parties will be immediately dismissed and be forbidden entrance to the Summit. I believe I am safe in saying that I have the Peacekeeper's support in this?"

2017-06-24, 05:14 PM
Raphael takes a moment to let Zarya's words sink in, "What exactly are the requirements for someone to be considered a delegate?"

2017-06-24, 06:06 PM
With a barely visible gesture of dismissal from within the orange sphere, the Veil vanishes.

"Certainly, Mistress Moderator. You have my full support." Kaya gives a brief glance around the crowd, her gaze lingering perhaps a moment longer on those with bared steel or wands in hand, a wan smile upon her face. "Let us pray for more level heads and less steel in this round of discussion." For a moment, she contemplates ending her comment with a threat, but in the end decides it would serve no purpose, and simply resumes her seat beside Lady Fellspark.

2017-06-24, 06:15 PM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

Justinian shook his head, blinking at the telepathic questions. He'd encountered telepaths before, but it was a rare gift. A gift of this odd being's demonic heritage, perhaps?

He shrugged, sheathing his rapier as he listened to the shouting.

As everything quietened down, he turned to walk back to his seat, but glanced back at Raphael's somewhat oblivious question and said with a grin, "I think requirement one is knowing what's actually going on, Raphael."

2017-06-27, 12:48 AM
Once the Peacekeeper backs Zarya's threat, the other delegates grudgingly sheathe their weapons, many still glaring at the nonplussed Diedre.
Many of the public seem to support Avaliah and Justinian as representatives. However, there are a good number who support Theomars despite the convincing arguments against him.
Zarya then calls for the vote after the public has made their voices known.

Justinian and Avaliah are selected as representatives.
Thomars is selected as a representative and one other delegate. (Both pro-slavery)

After everyone leaves the building, Zarya catches up with Avaliah and pulls her aside.
"What were you thinking!? Why did you get one of the Chadwick brothers dismissed? Bad enough you embarrassed the other one!"

2017-06-27, 04:47 AM
Elric turns away as the individual called Zarya makes her remarks. Her authority is not recognized by him at all. He starts walking out slowly as she keeps talking to establish her power. The people have heard what they needed to hear. His words will not be forgotten. He knows that. Most importantly, he gave them a break of mental state. Their safety had been his number one concern. Elric doubts they’d be able to successfully revolt against the Peacekeepers.

As he gets outside, the old man looks at the sky with squinting eyes. He attempts to clear his head to think about his next move. The summit was his only lead to the Witches and their Crescent Cabal. Now it was back to square one. Although they seemed to show an interest in the summit, and got disinterested when this statue came to life. The creature could be connected somehow.

Elric decides to wait for the creature to appear. He positions himself just to the right of the entrance, waiting for them to get out of the building.

2017-06-27, 06:29 AM
Sighing to himself, Raphael decides he doesn't know near enough about what it going on to get involved. As the conference draws to a close he hangs his head in thought, Do you really think she is gone, old friend. Of course she is gone, else why has she not contacted you? Wake up! Nodding as he comes to a decision Raphael simply winks out of existence, disappearing from the central chamber.


Moments later he appears atop the temple dome, much to the chagrin of a few onlookers who notice his arrival. His appearance atop the dome along with the rumors of what happened within the chamber were now spreading like wildfire through the crowd. Standing there in shock he gazed upon a world torn asunder, everything had changed, had the final battle done this?

Raphael realized he was a being without purpose in a world he no longer knew. But then why? Why, after who knew how long, had he returned? It was not at the call of the goddess, that much was certain...

Glancing down at the distinctly human crowd beginning to gather below him he thought perhaps he had been given a purpose after all.


Within the chambers as people began to mill about whispering in hushed tones, a few gathered near the dais where the statue once stood, their feet crunching on the gravel that was left over from the explosion. Someone curious enough to bend a knee and look at the sword still driven near hilt deep in the marble floor worked up the courage to actually touch it. As she did the sword winked out of existence just like it's owner, she fell back on her rump with a yelp, the crowd gasping in awe once again.

The Blade Wolf
2017-06-27, 05:01 PM
Avaliah had to confess that it was a great relief to have the conference finally over. To say that it had been... eventful, was in the running for understatement of the year for certain. Avaliah had expected to have to speak up against Theomars Chadwick at the very least... but dismissing Tesarion Chadwick? Diedre Fellspark causing the audience to fall into chaos and battle? To have the statue standing at the hall for so long to just, come to life once more? That was not what Avaliah expected... so it was a relief to have it come to an end, with her voted as a representative.

Except, it wasn’t fully over now, was it? Avaliah had to make sure Raphael didn’t cause too many problems... although Zayra caught her before she could make her leave, pulling her aside and asking why she dismissed Tesarion, to which she replied with a shrug. “The fault of miscommunication lies on both parties dear, not just one or the other... and if Theomars did not want to be embarrassed, he should not have tried to sway the people with such obvious fear mongering. Now if you'll excuse me, I want to ensure that a living statue does not have the island descend into a fit of religious lunacy.”

Avaliah didn’t wait for Zayra’s permission or response as she made her leave... through the crowds outside soon brought her gaze up to the dome... where the sight of Raphael made her sigh. Of course, he would... steeling herself for the looks and rumours, Avaliah called up towards him, she knew how to carry her voice. “Mister Raphael Sir. I am now available to aid you in understanding the situation you have found yourself in. I would much prefer to be able to do so whilst talking with you, instead of calling to you whilst you are on top of a large building.”

2017-06-27, 07:33 PM
Post Elric's greeting him atop the dome.

Raphael looks down at Avaliah's call, The dragon beckons mister sir *snicker*, Shush. She knows not what she is or she does and denies it. If the world has fallen this far we have much to do. He blinks away again, appearing beside her and taking a knee once again, "M'Lady Askarda, what is your bidding?" she could hear an edge in his voice that wasn't there in the temple, humor maybe? Surely not.

As he kneels there awaiting her reaction he risks telepathy, {Forgive the intrusion M'lady, if this is an unwelcome form of communication it will not happen again.}

2017-06-28, 02:41 PM
Zarya seems about to muster a retort before Avaliah leaves her behind.
The crowd that leaves the building seems abuzz with all of the events that have transpired in the Council-Hall, no doubt the events would be spread about, embellished, and blown out of proportion before it left the island.

Lady Fellspark receives quite a few dirty looks as she leaves but doesn't acknowledge them. She hasn't gone far before she turns to Kaya.
"I will be leaving to meet with an associate of mine. I shall be quite safe there. I assume you have other duties that need attending to so I'll let you be off for the time being."
She then proceeds to make good on her word by heading off to one of the other segments of the island close to the center.

A few hours later, messengers find and deliver a short letter to each of the selected representatives and are quickly off, no doubt to unload the other pieces of parchment that bulge from their satchels in an inordinate jumble.
The letter informs the representatives (and Kaya as she is attached to a representative) that in two days time a ship, Wavehopper, will be prepared for them to depart for the island of Dorn's Rest. Anyone who is not aboard will need to make alternate arrangements.

2017-06-28, 06:01 PM
Jormindrill steps out of the council hall with a smile on his disguised human face. It was truly an amusing farce of meeting. The Empire obviously had their representative firmly embedded in the proceedings in the form of one Deidre Fellspark. The fact that she was protected by a Peacemaker who actually bothered to step out from the shadows was proof enough of that.

However, that wasn't the only interesting plot happening, Jormindrill saw that one man's spat with the other woman, old bad blood perhaps? As well as the averted attack by the Peacemaker, Jormindrill would have stopped the knife thrower if it really came to it, but it seems he didn't need to. He laughed with the rest of them when Thomars lost his pants, but was puzzled by his brother's verbal slip, quite unlike him.

But the real star of the event was the statue of 'The Reaper' coming to life as blood was near being shed. Likely the taverns and inns would be telling and retelling and exaggerating the story until it lost all comprehension. Well at least it all ended without casualties. But just what is the man's story for being there? Get caught by a spell mid-swing in an ancient battle? Regardless, he seems rather lost now, sitting forlornly on the roof as a crowd gathers below, ah, and here comes the Negotiator to speak with him.

Jormindrill slips into the crowd watching as the one called Raphael teleports down to kneel before her, curious to see how it plays out.

2017-06-28, 11:41 PM
As he waits for the creature to come out, Elric can see the people in front of him staring at the top of the dome. It becomes apparent by people’s reaction that it is the being he had been waiting for. Elric starts floating upwards slowly, and moves towards them. He takes a bow as he hovers directly in front of the creature.

He speaks in Common.
“Greetings, my name is Elric. I apologize for causing a racket in there earlier. Human politics can be somewhat eventful.”

Elric looks at them with a friendly smile, waiting to see if they understand him.

2017-06-29, 06:15 AM
Raphael turns to the man floating up to speak, shifting those stark white eyes to Elric as he addresses him. Tilting his head slightly in acknowledgement he starts to speak but seems to be interrupted by something. Dead. He is dead. What? He is? Beware, the dead do not roam this plane easily. Raphael smiles at Elric and speaks to him in Common, "Well met, Elric, call me Raphael. It would seem we both .... caused a racket inside." After another brief pause he adds "Mayhaps one needed to be caused."

2017-06-29, 10:51 PM
The next few days pass by relatively uneventfully. Save for the constant stares at Raphael and the constant retelling of the 'Council-Hall Brawl' in every tavern, no further disturbances interrupt anyone.

If you have anything you want to do for those days you may do so.

Day of Departure
Messengers once again contact each of the representatives, this time insisting that the representatives travel together on the Wavehopper to ensure the safety of those selected and timely arrival.

The ship in question is of comparable size to Justinian's own. The tips of cannons can be seen protruding from the deck, a rare sight but not unheard of. The ship flies the colors of the Empire and soldiers can be seen patrolling the deck while sailors shout to each other in their final preparations to set sail.
Zarya is there to see people off, standing next to a local crier who chooses just at that moment to bellow out:
"Any and all who wish to attend the summit by being elected as a representative are invited aboard the Wavehopper! Papers will be required for any such persons of interest!"

Dorn's Rest is a forest island rife with life. Many of the homes there are built into the very trees and it is publicly known as a safe refuge for non-humans. Just make sure to watch out for the local wildlife, plant and animal alike.
The Empire has a weak, by Empire standards, presence on Dorn's Rest. They rarely get involved in any sort of direct law-enforcement, leaving it up to the locals to take care of.
Dorn's Rest is home to Adrianna Gaulstaff. She doesn't often leave the island due to her unfavorable views and her duties to those that dwell on the island as a healer and spiritual leader.
Dorn's Rest is home to a church that people claim Adrianna started herself. While possibly correct, it espouses that all beings are free to act in their own interests and the right to be bound by no one.
Some people take this a step further, saying that anyone trying to tell them what to do is infringing on their right as a living being. "I am free to do what I want, when I want, wherever I want." is a common creed.

2017-07-01, 04:35 PM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

After the Meeting

Justinian had left the council hall after the press of gossiping people, having stopped just long enough to add the papers confirming him as a representative to his extradimensional pouch, alongside those already given by the King of Air. The first stage of his mission had gone well - even if the statue’s sudden animation had caused a great shock. It remained to be seen if the ripples from that shock would serve to bring about good or evil or mere chaos.

Skirting the growing crowd, he stopped only to catch Raphael's attention from the edge of the crowd, to give the strange creature a wave, a nod and a tip of his tricorne, before leaving to head back to his ship.


Day of Departure

A few quiet days later, Justinian received the strongly worded “request” that he and the other representatives (and their bodyguards) travel on board an Imperial ship. It was someone’s ploy - keep him and the others away from most of their power base - that was obvious, but he wondered who was pulling the strings.

Justinian waved the messenger out of his cabin and sat back in his chair, popping his feet up on his heavy wooden desk as he began to scheme and plot, to turn this ploy into an advantage.

Still, at least one thing was certain.

Welf wouldn't like this one bit.


An hour later, Justinian called Welf into his office and explained his plan - Welf would take the Northern Wind on a longer route to Dorn's Rest and drop anchor away from the main settlement, yet close enough to spot Justinian’s signal in the sky and render aid if needed. And if he were to spot any of their old allies - Captain Silverbeard and the Daemones Discurrunt, Captain Snorwellen and the Dwarven Fury, and, especially, Captain Elvenstar and the Diamond Star - he was to let them know what was going on.

And, of course, Welf didn't like the plan. Justinian wasn't surprised - the Sylph didn't like acting as Captain in the best of times, and Justinian walking into what might well be a trap certainly didn't qualify as anything close to the best of anything at all. But they had to try - this was finally a chance to chip away at an institution that had harmed every single member of the Northern Wind’s crew in one way or another.

Indeed, it was the best one they had, and as Justinian stepped aboard the Wavehopper, he knew he’d just have to trust that when the moment came, Welf and the others would be there.

2017-07-01, 09:01 PM
Before Departure

Jormindrill enjoyed seeing the drama unfold, but the corner of his eye caught the envoy from the realm of Air leaving the council hall. Since he wasn't of the empire, he would likely care little about Jor's legal status while also getting Jor back to Dorn's Rest. As for Raphael, Jormindrill turns back to see him still the center of attention, there will be time to speak with him later. Keeping disguised, Jormindrill follows Justinian at a respectful distance, making no real effort to hide himself as he does so.

Once he has caught up to him, Jor starts a conversation, "Quite a spectacle in the council hall today wasn't it? A Peacekeeper's arrival, words sharp enough to cut thrown about, and real steel drawn before being interrupted by a statue come to life. I wonder if the real talks will be so entertaining."

Justinian glances back, eyeing the man for a moment - quickly deciding that he must just be some curious townsman - before he resumed walking and replies, ”I can only hope so. Aside from anything else, this is far more exciting than some boring debate.”

The pair gossip about matters of little importance as they wind their way through the wide boulevards of the town, out to the harbour, passing a gang of harbour guards - who shoot Justinian more than a few dirty looks - as they walk out onto the docks. Reaching the Northern Wind - Justinian’s galley - the pirate holds his hand out to halt his newfound companion before the ship’s gangway. Calmly, he says, ”I’m afraid this is where you stop, friend.”

Jormindrill smiles, as words more comfortable to his tongue then Imperial Commons leave his lips, "You won’t even invite me to your cabin for a drink? I thought you would like a chance to talk after the council, one non-human to another."

Justinian raised an eyebrow and smiled, lowering his hand and waving the man onto the gangway. The pirate leads him past some wary crewmembers, most of them keeping an eye on the watch rather than doing much work, to his cabin, a somewhat cozy affair.

Once the door is shut, he asks, ”So, what’s led to someone who speaks the Fey tongue hiding out amongst humans? Seems like it might be an interesting tale.”

”Long perhaps, but not very interesting, I’m afraid.” Jormindrill says as he dismisses his glamour, he is revealed to be a dark skinned Fey, with delicate features that would make even elves jealous, but his raven black hair and the black orbs of his eyes can bring forth an air of intimidation. ”I am Jormindrill, one of the Killoren, I wouldn’t be insulted if you haven’t heard of my people, it was an especially long distance raid that brought me in chains to the Empire’s isles.” Jormindrill says as he takes a seat to make himself comfortable.

Justinian leans against the edge of his desk, removing his tricorne to reveal the upswept ears, the mark of the elven portion of his heritage. ”I’m sorry, that must have been a grim experience. Much of my crew has similar stories,” says the pirate, before pausing to run his hand through his hair, ”Did you come to me to ask for passage off the island, then?”

”Hmm, yes and no...” Jormindrill says as he steeples his fingers together as he collects his thoughts, ”I can wander about most of the Empire as I please, very few can see through my illusions these days, and those that do can hardly hope to catch me. However, the upcoming meeting between representatives will be different. As a former slave I have a particularly personal interest in the proceedings and would like to be nearby in case of any… disruptions. You have not lived in the Empire as long as I so let me reiterate that this meeting will possibly shake the Empire. The public appearance of a Peacekeeper is enough to tell that. But I can’t help but worry that the Empire’s obvious presence wouldn’t extend further into interference. As such, my hope is to attach myself to you as your bodyguard if I may.”

Justinian nodded in agreement, ”The King of Air had similar concerns as to the backlash this conference might cause if it began to bring about positive change. As much as I can tell, it’s part of the reason I was chosen as his emissary.” With a grin, he adds, ”I’m pretty quick with a blade, see.”

He paused in thought for a moment, considering the Fey’s proposal. Offering his hand, he finally says, ”Alright, if you can use your glamour magic to pose as a Sylph, I think I can get you in as my bodyguard, however we end up getting to the conference. Welf won’t like it much, though.”

Taking the offered hand, Jormindrill shakes it before saying, "It’s good you are confident in a fight. If the council hall was about to erupt into violence after a mere few hours, how would a week aboard a vessel fare? Even if it is partly a ruse, I will still take the job of protecting you seriously and I hope you watch my back as well. I can be very helpful in a skirmish, especially if no one knows what I can do."

”Between the pair of us, we should have enough tricks to keep whomever starts a scrap on their toes,” replies Justinian with another grin.


After securing his passage to the meeting, Jormindrill re-disguises himself and sets out into the city for the next few days, looking for a certain mobile statue to speak with alone...

Day of Departure

After ensuring his disguise was perfect for the day, Jor goes early to meet with Justinian. His appearance is of a sylph, an easy enough change when his own form is thin and delicate, though the subtle breeze was difficult to reproduce, Jor decided that an Entropic Warding's chaotic winds would fit with a nervous sylph following his Captain into uncertain waters.

2017-07-03, 11:34 AM
Before Departure

So far, today had not particularly gone as expected. The attempted attack on a delegate was no surprise, but the calmer of the Chadwick brothers being expelled for speaking out of turn was unexpected. And then there was the statue... And there seemed to be some sort of secondary scuffle in the crowd, but Kaya's attention had been elsewhere, so she was uncertain as to the nature of it. However, she was pretty sure the man who had spouted the religious dogma concerning the no-longer-statue had been involved.
Fortunately, Kaya's trip through the market seemed to be going as well as she could have hoped though. There had been less rotten fruit thrown at her than usual, though perhaps that was due to stories of the Council-hall beginning to spread already. Fortunately the fruit was nothing a little Prestidigitation couldn't straighten out. She'd managed to buy several scrolls she'd been looking for, and there were others she still wanted to find, but she'd had just about enough of the market for today.
She bought a small load of bread from one of the bakers and had just coaxed a gaunt urchin into accepting it from her when the crowd went very quiet. More quiet than was usual around Kaya anyway.
Turning as she rose, Kaya found herself looking up into the face of the being from the Hall. Shock and surprise register briefly across her face, before she makes a small nod and a polite bow in recognition, a small smile across her face. She hesitates for a moment, glancing at the crowd, then decides to address the being in Celestial, to make their conversation at least slightly less public.
"Well met, good master. I believe I heard you refer to yourself as Raphael earlier in the Hall, was that correct?"

Noticing the Peacekeeper wandering through the crowd, Raphael made his way towards her. Thoughts running rampant through his head after his conversation with Avaliah, he steered the bow wave of crowd parting towards the Peacekeeper. Shaking his head no and responding in Celestial, "I am no master, but you are correct, I prefer that name to the others I am given. If I may, I would like to ask you to tell me about this Empire you serve?" Why be so polite, just kill her and be done with it. Hush, this one is not to blame for slavery, she will not die today...beside you do not even know if we can kill her. The other voice fell silent, for now.

A small frown appears on Kaya's face. "The Empire? That is quite a question, and one I feel I am not terribly well equipped to answer. I am no politician or philosopher. Nor am I an historian. I am but a servant. The Empire is my home, it's people are my people." Kaya waves her hand, gesturing towards the crowd. "They are the Empire I serve. And I devote myself to their protection. I serve for them." A twinkle appears in her eye and the small, soft smile returns as she says in Common, "I keep the peace."
After a moment though, the frown returns. "...unless that's not what you were asking?" she asks, returning to Celestial.

His face brightening at her smile and her answer, he replies in celestial "I have heard the politicians opinion of it as well as been given a brief history lesson. I merely wished to hear another opinion. Perhaps a more direct question would be to ask your opinion on slavery." He pauses watching her reaction, "I have a way to communicate that would be easier than worrying about someone in the crowd being able to speak the language we are using. If you will permit me?"

Understanding appears in Kaya's eyes as Raphael asks her opinion on slavery. "Ah. I see. Yes, a more private conversation would probably be wise." She waits as the mental link is established, and nods in acknowledgement once it is complete. {Perhaps it would be best if we walk as we converse, we each draw our own share of attention, we might as well try to not be obviously peculiar just standing here. We can even visit some landmarks was we walk.} While they wander and converse telepathically, Kaya shows Raphael courthouses and libraries, but also seems to enjoy the expression of the crowd when she forces them to stop and marvel at a park bench, or when she remarks on the impossibly storied past of a simple lamppost.

{I am willing to discuss my views on slavery with you, but you must in turn share with me your own story.} She pauses for a moment, waiting for affirmation before continuing, looking down at her wrists with a sigh. {These opinions are my own, and may not reflect those of any group to which I may belong... Anyway, unlike many passionate people on both sides of the issue, I have actually been a slave. I personally wore chains for almost a century. I've been a chamber maid to a nobleman's daughter, and I learned the way of the sword as a gladiatorial pit slave. I know the issue better than most. It's not so black and white as people tend to paint it. Most do not consider the future, only the now. I do not believe the Empire can continue it's present course forever, but I've no solutions to offer. If, for instance, all slaves were freed by nightfall tonight, what would happen to this Empire? Who would would man the armies that defend us? Who would sail the ships, trading necessities between the islands the lack means of producing such for themselves?

And what of the slaves? I myself am a Chain-Breaker. If half the people I meet hate me for being a Peacekeeper, the other half hate me for daring to be free, let alone a position of any influence. I know what the slaves would face if freed into the current climate. And it's not as if they could leave the Empire if freed. They've no money, no means of bartering passage that wouldn't put them back in a position of servitude.

It is a more complex issue than most realize. As you may have noticed, discussion largely dissolves into the two sides merely shouting past each other. Tesarion Chadwick is one of few I have ever seen to consider the full scope of the matter, but he was dismissed from the proceedings by Mistress Askarda.

As I said, I've no answers to give. For now, I serve and protect the Empire, and do what I can to pave a path for others to follow.}

Catching on quickly Raphael walks with Kaya, marveling at the mundane park benches and even tentatively touching the lamp post in wonder as she describes it.

{My story is lost to the millennia and may be best left there, but since you told me yours I will share mine. It is probable that any rumors you have heard regarding me are true. As far as I know I am a unique being, created by my Goddess as her left hand. Wrongs that needed to be righted were my tasks, ever the tip of the spear, the Sheppard of fire, Redeemer, Herald, all have been used to describe me. I usually walked among the beings here disguised, carrying out whatever task my Goddess had given but slowly those tasks became warped by the church. The high priest craved power and sought to usurp others. I was sent to put him down. That is the last thing I remember before awakening in her temple.} Kaya notices a sadness cross his visage before he sees her looking at him and abruptly changes it.

{You echo sentiments similar to the politician and seem to feel the same, something must be done but neither know what it is. I guess that may be a tad false regarding the politician, she believes the upcoming talks will somehow help, and that continued talking over perhaps decades or even centuries will help.} Almost musing to himself, or as if he was talking to someone else perhaps, he forgot to not broadcast this next bit. {Perhaps I am that change? Why awaken now?} Then more directly to Kaya {I believe the dismissal of Tesarion may have been a mistake, though I also believe The Lady Askarda would likely not admit it. I also do not believe talking about it will change anything. As for my views on slavery, you may have guessed them by now, it needs to end.}

Kaya gives a soft, almost sad chuckle as she fingers the Peacekeeper emblem. {Those duties sound familiar... I may not have a divine mandate as you do, but Master Raphael, nor do I know the extent of your power, but still I would advise caution. The Empire likes to resist change, and when change is attempted to be forced upon it, it tends to respond with force. I am not the Empire's only agent, nor it's only sword...
Might you be able to secure admittance to the upcoming summit? If you are able, I would recommend that you wait to see its outcome at the very least, before you decide on a course of action.}

{Again I am no master. I do intend caution. My...zealousness for the end of slavery has not clouded my judgement so much as to think I can take on an entire empire by myself. First I would need an army. And I would very much like to witness this summit. The Lady Askarda has offered to help me attend by becoming her bodyguard. I understand it is upon an island called Dorn or Dorn's Rest? Do you know it?}

{You may not be a master, Raphael, but I am ever a servant. As for Dorn's Rest, I know little of the place. Of it's people, it is home to one Adrianna Gaulstaff, a healer with notably strong anti-slavery views. It is also home to a religion whose dogma is that all should be free to act as they see fit, and the rumors are that they are particularly fierce in the belief that no one may tell another what to do.}
Kaya shifts her cloak, again glancing at its emblem and grins, {I expect they will warmly welcome me into their midst with open arms.}

{Curious, I wonder why they would have a summit there and not a more neutral spot? More politics I assume.} Shifting his focus to Kaya's cloak and symbol he says {It is strangely reminiscent of the symbol the templars from the church I knew used.}

Again he seems to pause having a conversation with someone else before addressing her {Should I perhaps go in disguise?} A grin touching his features {My presence seems to inspire people to speak out where they once may not have.} As if answering his own question, {No, I will go as this, perhaps someone will indeed speak out.}

Kaya bows politely to Raphael and says in Common, "It has been lovely to make your acquaintance.

Perhaps we will have the opportunity to speak again soon. But for now, I have had enough of crowds, and would like nothing more than to feel the wind in my hair. A pleasant day to you, Master Raphael."
She turns and begins to make her way through the crowd, then pauses and half turns to look at Raphael over her shoulder. "And who knows, maybe next time I'll even tell you my name." she says in Celestial with a wink and a mischievous grin, then continues to make her way through the crowd.

Day of Departure

Raphael shows up at Lady Askarda's ship and awaits her at the bottom of the gangplank, much to the chagrin of the security there, ready to escort her as her bodyguard to the summit.

2017-07-03, 02:16 PM
The Wavehopper is neat and tidy as its proud banners flap in the wind and sailors clamber about as a stout man, obviously the captain with a tricorn and bushy feather just as showy as Justinian's, bellows out orders to the crew.
He walks up towards the approaching representatives and gives a jovial smile.
"AH! Welcome, welcome! I'm pleased to have such notables here aboard my vessel!"
"You say that to everyone cap'n!" says a man rolling a barrel into the hold.
"AW HUSH CROMBSBY!" he shouts back with a grin.
"Anyways, my name is Captain Gregor you need anything don't be afraid to ask. We'll be shoving off in an hour or so."
He then calls a nearby sailor with a wiry build to show each of the representatives to their cabins and continues on his way.

Shortly after everyone is getting settled, the call is heard to weigh anchor. Zarya watches stoically as the ship begins to pull away from harbor.
It seems everything was going off without a hitch.
A seedy-looking man laden with an unseemly number of bags and satchels bounds past Zarya and frantically pounds down the dock shouting in a panic while random odds and ends noisily bounce out of his baggage and onto the wooden planks.
Captain Gregor takes a moment to look over the railing to see what all the noise was about only to groan in annoyance.
"Ah fish gills, not him again! JUST WAIT FOR ANOTHER SHIP YOU DAFT FOOL!" he bellows loudly.
The man doesn't seem to hear him as he reaches the end of the dock - "Oh no... here we go..." - and he jumps off the edge, arms outstretched after the departing ship.

Acrobatics: [roll0]

He manages to make it a good distance before there is a great SPLASH! and great spluttering is heard not a dozen feet behind the rudder.

2017-07-03, 02:26 PM
Watching the spectacle from a spot near the stern of the ship Raphael turns to the captain and asks, "Captain Gregor, would you like me to retrieve him?" Leave the fool, his bags will pull him under any second now.

2017-07-03, 05:01 PM
Enjoying the ocean breeze across the deck, Kaya moves swiftly towards the Wavehopper's stern after hearing the shouts from the man, followed by his splashing and spluttering. She is slightly amused by the sight of the man, but slightly wary as to the unknown and unexpected element he presents. Nonetheless, it is not her way to allow serious harm to come to him while she can prevent it. With a quick word in a tongue that sounds of Aquan, the man's floundering seem to lessen.

Kaya casts Wave Blessing upon the stranger.
Knowledge [roll0] to recognize whether or not he seems to be anyone of note.

The Blade Wolf
2017-07-04, 04:20 PM
If his response was humour alone, Avaliah would not have been able to blame him in the slightest. After all, calling someone ‘Mister’ and ‘Sir’ at once was a bit much... and Avaliah mentally chided herself for being that formal... but at the same time, she couldn’t really blame herself for her uncertainty. After all, she had no idea how powerful Raphael was... and there was a big audience around her.

That being said... the mental communication nearly made her jump out of her skin, as she had not been expecting it at all, and it was quite frankly frightening for someone to piece into her mind without any signs of it! It was a good thing Avaliah had interactions with telepaths before, as it meant she was able to keep her composure, and reply in two different ways. Outloud, Avaliah spoke calmly and reasonable: “You have many questions about this world I am sure, questions that I am willing to answer. If I may make a request however: Can we shift ourselves to my ship? Answering these questions will take some time, and I would rather not have the process interrupted by people attempting to influence your views on the facts.”

Mentally however, Avaliah was different. Very different. Answering with a voice of roiling passion and trembling fury... a voice that spoke not in the common tongue, but the tongue of dragons. ‘Surprising, but not unwelcome. It will allow us to discuss matters that I dislike discussing out loud’

Raphael nods his head in response to her request, "I do not believe we will be bothered by anyone but if you are more comfortable speaking upon your ship then lead on." There's the dragon. Indeed.

“Considering the significant religious connotations attached to your statue form, I would be very surprised if someone did not approach us if we held our conversation here.” Avaliah said, even as she turned in order to lead the way through the crowd and down towards the harbour. She really hoped that they would not be delayed too often during the walk... “That mad preacher is a clear example of how religious fervour can grip people.”

’Hmph, never said I wasn’t a dragon did I? Allow me to correct you on one thing: The Askarda skill with adamantine has nothing to do with our draconic blood, and everything to do with knowledge and experience passed down from child to child’

"It seems to me if you are having an actual debate about the morality of slavery then this world has fallen far." {Before I ask too many stupid questions, what year is it?}

“I would of thought that the view on top of the dome would have already illuminated you to a rather important fact: This is not the world you knew anymore.” Avaliah said with an arched eyebrow, rather curious to hear the being’s comment when she had no doubt it had come to realise just how sharply the world had changed in it’s sleep.

’It’s (insert year and explanation to the year here)’

"It did indeed but time is something mortals tend to keep track of moreso than my kind. It would appear the breaking of the world also broke mens spirits." Raphael did the mental calculations quickly comparing the year he was in battle to now, {And how far back does the Askarda family track their lineage?}

“Raphael. If I may interrupt your line of thinking. Allow me the history of our world in full, and the circumstances that lead to the widespread slavery we see today. Only when you understand the situation, your judgement have actual meaning.” Avaliah said, speaking firmly now and allowing some of the passion in her mental voice to creep into what she said for all the world to hear. She would not broke Raphael for having his own opinion, only asking that he waited to understand the fill circumstances before speaking it.

’Since the foundation of the Empire, with a dragon planting his seed into a daughter’s womb a few hundred years after its foundation’

"Then please enlighten me as to how humans, and apparently only humans, justify the enslavement of other races." {Well then you indeed may not be whom I thought you were. This empire, when was it formed?}

Unlike before, Avaliah did not give Raphael a response with her social self vocally, and a response with her mental self telepathically. The answers were one and the same, and so they were answered at once. “Over two thousand years ago, the world as it was ceased to exist. What happened exactly is beyond our knowing, all we do know however, is that the world used to be joined together in large landmasses known as continents... and during the event known as ‘The Shattering’, they were all split apart into islands, several points likely plunging under the waves entirely.”

“Due to humankind's natural flexibility and adaptability, they managed to cope with the events of the Shattering more than other races like the elves and the dwarves. Soon creating a new kingdom in the ashes of the old... the kingdom of the Drowning Sun. The other races soon began to flock to us as well, desiring our protection and safety... which we were more than happy to give, if they would lend their services to us, perhaps taking on tasks that people would rather not perform, such manual labour... and most of the species agreed, as it was a worthy trade in this new, uncertain world.”

“As time passed however, the humans began to grow greedy and more oppressive, spurning the equality of the old world in order to place themselves on top.. Until in the end, the other species went from second class citizens, to full on slaves. That is why they are slaves now, and that is why people debate about it: Because it has been the case for hundreds of years. It is more than a simple question about whenever or not it is right or wrong, but what is best for the Empire as a whole. Whenever or not the traditional separation between humans and others should be lifted, or whenever or not we should do our best to raise the other species to our level and spurn hundreds of years of tradition.” Here they reached Avaliah’s ship, but she paused at the gangway, turning to address Raphael as she began to speak her own thoughts instead of just sharing the facts.

“It is far from a black and white issue, and it’s why mad preachers like that man infuriate me so much. The Empire needs to be united as possible in all of this, and to do that we need to discuss, debate and understand each other, reaching compromise in order to satisfy the concerns of all parties involved. Simply trying to free the slaves as if it was a divine mandate would splinter the Empire asunder, and have the waters of this world run red with blood... and no matter how much you believe in the evil of slavery... the death of innocents should always outweigh it.”

Raphael listens to Avaliah as intently as he can her words made sense in a human centric rationalized sense. But no. "How long have you debated the idea that subjugating another species, in this case ALL other species in order to prop up a regime that only seeks to perpetuate it as normal? How long will you continue to debate it and not take action? You are a very gifted wordsmith, that much I have seen in the brief time I have known you. You walk through the lands of negotiation and wit and refer to humans as us and them alternately. From what I have seen you are one of them." Pausing with her at the gangplank he begins again, "I may have an idea what caused your shattering and I hope I am wrong but I fear I am not. Before the Shattering your dragon blood would have been seen as a gift and a blessing. It is now a curse. Changing a people's thoughts can work on an individual scale, but to change a nation or perhaps even a world, blood will flow. Those innocents you refer to need to make a choice."

“You cannot say there is no rationality behind the progression of events. Humans were the first to properly establish themselves after the Shattering, the other races flocked to join them, thus leaving little reason for humans to be challenged and considered the others as equals. Rationality and logic do not consider with emotions all that well.” Avaliah said mildly when Raphael spurned her reasoning as to why it was not a simple black and white issue... through that comment wasn’t what she had the most issue with.

“As it is however, you seem to have made an assumption about myself, without having any information about who I am, allow me fix that: I am known throughout the Empire as ‘The Negotiator’, a title I have earned through two decades of hard work. Yes, those two decades have involved debating and wordsmithery. But it has also seen deals being made, slaves given rights in islands where previously they had known, owners being willing to give their slaves a wage out of their own pocket, and the general improvement of the life of slaves. As well as halting rebellions from blooming out into full-fledged bloodshed... which would prompt the Peacekeepers to put them down, instantly and without mercy. You need not take my word for it either; discussion with most people will have at least heard of me and my work, whilst the nobles and merchants will likely have better information about specific deals either.” Avaliah paused here in order to gather her breath, saying nothing about his comment of her blood being seen as a gift rather than a curse. She did not believe that the world was so united beforehand...

“People can change. Nations can change. It might take decades, or perhaps even centuries. But it can be done without blood being shed. And if, if I am being idealistic about this possibility, and you are right in that blood will eventually have to be shed for this change to be made. Then I see no flaw in working to reduce it. Why should the youths of the day be forced to make a choice, when they do not even understand the full question that is being asked of them?”

Listening unswayed he nodded to her, "The question will be asked of them now. Ready or not" Was his only response. Raphael was never going to buy into her way of thinking nor was he interested in taking decades to change an ideal. He was the tip of the spear, the agent of change, it was what he was created for and he saw no reason to continue to argue an ideal that neither would agree upon.

That got Avaliah to shake her head, lifting her hand to tap the side of the head. “Just stop and think for a few seconds Raphael. Think about what you are saying, and just what situation you have found yourself in.” Hopefully, the angel/demon thing would pick up on what Avaliah meant with the taps to her head, that she wanted to talk with him privately as well as vocally, even as she continued to speak. “I am not begrudge you on your desire to see the slaves freed swiftly, rather than being willing to take the slow approach. But you are a single being, a being that has been trapped in stone for over two thousand years. You have no allies, no friends and companions. If you simply try and use force to liberate the slaves, you will just be put down like so many others in the Empire’s History... don’t throw a life away so eagerly, when you have only just been granted a second chance.”

{Feel free to talk anytime M'lady} "I do not intend to just go to war with an empire I know nothing about, but neither will I sit by decades or centuries to wait and see if they can be persuaded out of a 2000 year way of life."

’Then let me add what I could not say out loud. My tongue helped with making the deals, but blackmail, sabotage and spying also brought those deals into fruition. The Church robbed everything from me due to my dragon blood. My skill, my brother, my love... and my unborn child. I do not wish to see my home torn asunder by chaos and blood. But I am more than willing to shed blood to see my goals complete.’

“Then allow me to make a suggestion Raphael. In two days, I travel to Dorn's Rest to work towards the abolishment of slavery. I am capable of bringing alongside a bodyguard for the trip. I suggest you come with me as my ‘bodyguard’, in order to understand the Empire better and more importantly, judge for yourself just how swiftly the minds of the people can be changed.”

{Then you at least understand a bit of what I am.} "I will consider it, M'lady, but I will make no promises. Your unwanted protector sought my attention prior to leaving the temple and I would like to talk to the, what did you call them, the Peacekeeper? That one may be able to shed some insight to the Empire as well."

’Indeed. Through I hope you understand the importance of working within the shadows when necessary’

“A wise decision, to seek out others and listen to their views on the Empire in order to get a greater picture as to what it is like.” Avaliah acknowledged with a nod, pleased to finally have evidence that Raphael was not one to act rashly, and without proper information. “I have two days until I may depart, and having you as my bodyguard will not require much effort on my part, simply knowing it before I step onto the Wavehopper. I hope that you take me up on the offer, or make arrangements with Justinian to travel with him instead... through keep in mind, that the Wavehopper will make the journey in a week, where a journey by sail will take twice that.”

Tapping his head mimicking her gesture he says "I understand. If I know the destination I can arrive there before you. Thank you for the history lesson." Raphael turns and heads back towards the temple amused as the crowd parted before him.

Avaliah was rather pleased when she found Raphael waiting by her boat when it was the morning to leave. Whilst she had no doubt that he had talked to others during this time, perhaps including that mad preacher, it was a sign of his favour that he had accepted her offer. Whenever or not this was due to his initial reaction and her family name... or because she had swayed him to at least see how she worked. Either way, Avaliah hoped that it meant Raphael would not be an enemy any time soon...

Still, the journey itself was going to be interesting. A week they had... a week for Avaliah to spend time in the boat with some very curious individuals. Lady Fellspark was likely not going to talk all that much... and the less said about Theomars the better. But Avaliah hoped to learn more about the envoy of the king of the wind... and off the Peacekeeper herself. Not only did she wear such a badge so openly, but she was not human... a Sylph if Avaliah recalled correctly. It was going to be very curious indeed to see whenever or not Avaliah would be able to speak to her at all during the trip.

Of course, there was Raphael himself to consider... Avaliah hoped to befriend him if possible, and she was quite curious to learn more about his world. The world before the Shattering, and the languages that he had spoken upon being freed from the statue... and maybe he could teach her how to speak Celestial as well. That would be very useful.

As it was however, Avaliah had two moments to consider before the journey began. First, she paused next to Zayva, saying simply. “Please do give Tesarion my apologizes. Even if the misunderstanding has shared blame, I acted far to hastily in my actions, and I should not have him dismissed so swiftly.” This time, Avaliah lingered for Zayva to reply, through she couldn’t have an entire conversation with the Moderator.

And then... there was man who tried to board the boat after it left... one that the Captain knew very well. One that had many, many bags... Avaliah almost half asked Raphael to go fetch him regardless, just for curiosity's sake... but he asked the Captain himself, and Avaliah felt it was best to wait and see what the Captain said.

2017-07-05, 12:43 AM
The man bobs like a cork at Kaya's incantation and he begins to splash in earnest in an attempt to reach the ship that continues on its way.

Captain Gregor sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"That fellow has been following the ship around non-stop. Sometimes he gets on board in time but more often than not he shows up just as we're about to leave. If you can get him up here without us having to stop: Do it. I'll not turn around just as we've found the Anchor's Path. It's easy to find here in Bor'Salla thankfully but he wasn't doing us any favors the last few times we stopped to fish him out of the drink."

2017-07-05, 06:23 AM
Raphael nods as the Captain gives him permission to retrieve the wretch. Leaping over the rail he angles towards a dive then at the last minute unfurls his wings. They make a loud whoomp as they catch air and arrest his dive just above the surface. Gliding along the waters surface he plucks the man out with ease, banking in a tight turn and returning to the deck of the ship quickly.

Depositing the man unceremoniously in front of the Captain, Raphael nods to Captain Gregor, "It has been some time since I have been at sea good Captain but I do recall that no one comes aboard ship unless the Captain approves it."

Taking a step back from his catch on the deck Raphael awaits with interest to see what this man's story might be.

2017-07-05, 03:34 PM
Kaya is glad to see the man rescued from the water by Raphael, but not quite happy about this unexpected development. She she stares at the newcomer, her examining gaze a mixture of concern and wariness.She gives the man the smallest of nods, then briefly glances at the captain before addressing the stranger. "And who might you be, gentle master? What leads you to so recklessly attempt to board a vessel that has already begun its departure?"

Kaya will use Detect Magic while examining the newcomer.

2017-07-05, 05:25 PM
Trying very hard to hide his smile at the satchel man's antics, Jor steps forward slightly from Justinian's shadow and says, "Admirable legs on that'n Captain. Never a'fore seen a man so eager to kiss the water."

2017-07-06, 03:00 AM
Before Leaving
Zarya seems grateful that Avaliah sticks around for a little bit as she motions her closer so as not to be overheard.
"Just be extra careful around Theo from now on. I knew the both of them while we were younger and Ari tended to keep Theo grounded. No telling what he'll do now."

On the Ship

Captain Gregor seems inclined to explain a few points.
"He's the aide to one of the delegates on board I think. Beats me as to which one."
Kaya's attempt to detect any magical influences does not go unnoticed as the seedy-looking man catches her staring intently at him.
"I'm not that interesting am I? Well, I do suppose you're entitled to a bit of an explanation. Though I can't explain everything due to a few issues of confidentiality and not being used as leverage against them. The name's Erwin."
He begins to wring his clothes out and upends his boots to allow the seawater to splash onto the deck, not that his sopping wet satchels help the matter any.
"My employer, who will not be named, found out about a week prior to the whole Bor'Salla discussions going all loopy that the next selection would be at Dorn's Rest. They decided to go there early but they failed to tell me in advance how to catch the next ship for the summit-goers."
He seems a bit downtrodden at this statement as he begins to squelch past them and towards the quarters.
"It's like they're trying to get rid of me for some reason. Ah well, the sun and the moon follow each other into the sea and so too must I. At least I think that's how the old saying goes anyways."
He grins a bit as he rummages through a few of his satchels.
The captain seems to have lost interest in all of this and moves back to what he was doing.

Kaya can't tell what the items do with such a cursory examination but he's definitely got a bunch of odds and ends for magic auras on his belongings/baggage. Most of them are rather weak and barely even register. Her spell is probably the most dominant.
Anyone trying to do Sense Motive automatically knows this. He's definitely hiding something but he said as much.
Erwin's using a Peacekeeper code to tell her that he wants to meet her alone and in secret as soon as possible.

2017-07-06, 06:25 AM
Raphael watches the whole spectacle with amusement. More politicians, that's just what we need. Well we did agree to wait and see if this would work. No, you agreed. Same difference.

Catching the Captain before he gets too busy again Raphael asks him, "If you need an extra hand anywhere I would be more than happy to help Captain." Barring any immediate chores being given out Raphael will find a spot near the bow this time and spend most of his time staring out at the open sea, enjoying the freedom for now.

2017-07-06, 02:26 PM
Kaya understands, but opts to not acknowledge, due to the large number of eyes on them. Nonetheless, she chuckles softly at his words.

"You? Interesting? Perhaps, but perhaps not, Master Erwin. Regardless, I believe I am well within my rights to look after the safety of those aboard this vessel. The captain doesn't seem to object to your presence, so for now, I've no cause to either."

She nods politely to Erwin, then returns to her previous spot near the rails, the wind blowing gently through her hair.

2017-07-06, 02:49 PM
Noticing the Peacekeeper joining him on the rails Raphael moves to a spot beside her watching the water and speaks to her again, "I can't help but notice this counts as the next time and I would inquire as to your name if you were so inclined to give it." He turns around as he awaits her response watching the crew bustle about the ship carrying out various jobs, "It's going to be a long week if I have to just watch the whole time."

2017-07-06, 07:53 PM
Kaya smiles and gives a soft laugh at hearing Raphael's request. "Hmm... Yes, well, I suppose you are correct. Very well then, if you wish to, you may call me Blink. While not my true name, it is the name I adopted as I learned the sword." She gives Raphael a curious look as he turns around. " 'Just watch' you say?" she looks Raphael up and down, her expression half appraising, half amused. "I never would have figured you for a sailor."

2017-07-06, 08:16 PM
Nodding his approval at her response, "Wise. You are wise not to give your true name. You do not know me and true names have power. Very well, M'lady Blink." He smiles back at her, strange how one could tell those pupilless eyes were actually looking at you, "I have been many things throughout many lifetimes, though granted the methods could have changed some over the last 2000 years." He turns back to look over the deck again, "Still, I have never seen a ship that couldn't use a strong arm somewhere."

2017-07-06, 11:03 PM
Captain Gregor just shakes his head.
"I'd rather not. My boys and girls have everything under control and I'm thinking you'd get in the way more than you'd help... although..."
At this he gets a devilish grin.
"We do need someone helping with cabin-boy duties. So if you're as handy with a mop and bucket as I'm guessing you are with that blade, I'd be happy to oblige you."

Three Days Later
The winds and currents seem to be favorable the entire way no matter what mood the skies are in.
During the trip you've discovered that Theomars was indeed on board. Generally grating on everyone's nerves but otherwise keeping to himself.
Diedre seems to be quite a social butterfly among the common folk and seems to have become quite friendly towards the captain within such a short amount of time.
The other representative seems content to keep to themselves and their bunk, though it's likely anyone who was seasick might share the same opinion. He isn't seen outside of his quarters much and even then they look like to be rather green.
So far, any vigilance during the night has proven to be rather dull and fruitless. The only person acting even somewhat suspicious is Theomars, meeting with most of the prospective human delegates.

Anything you wish to accomplish within those three days can be noted here. I expect this might be one you'll want to try so here it is.
One of the delegates turns out to be somewhat friendly towards you despite your position and reveals what Theomars met with her about.
"He was asking some strange questions, wondering what I was thinking while Tesarion was speaking. Wondering if I thought he was right in his call to get the Negotiator dismissed."

2017-07-07, 12:30 AM
Kaya gives Raphael a curious look after his response. "Many lifetimes you say? How very curious..." She give Raphael another smile. "I am glad to see you made it aboard, but if you'll forgive me, I've yet to see to my accommodations and I would like to ensure my belongings are properly accounted for and stored before.
I do hope we can continue at another time. As you say,
it is likely to be a long week. I imagine I'll be spending most of my time on deck. I do love the ocean breeze..."
With a small bow, Kaya turns and makes her way below decks, seeking her cabin.

2017-07-07, 12:38 AM
The second day, Justinian sees for the first time that Jormindrill is a Binder, a circle is drawn in their cabin and a being which does not rightly exist arrives to negotiate with Jormindrill to... share... in his worldly experiences. The first vestige Jormindrill binds the negotiation is almost a formality and Jor quickly and easily gets the upper hand on the vestige and successfully binds it with complete control. The second Vestige requires more 'haggling' as it were, but it is also quickly made to accept Jor's terms.

This is not the case on the third day. Jor's negotiations with the second vestige on the third day go sour, perhaps it was displeased with being suppressed in it's experiencing the world the past two days and wanted more. In any case, Jor came out of that deal... different, his hands were backwards on the ends of his arms and he started arguing over what he should have done better with someone who didn't appear to be there.

Nevertheless, Jor's magical disguise 'fixes' his hands in appearance if nothing else. Though the muttering to himself, or someone who isn't there, continues. He nevertheless proves to be sociable and rather charming despite his eccentricities and learns of Theomars questioning.

Meeting with Justinian in their cabin, Jormindrill talks about it, "Seems Theomars' been speaking to other delegates-" Jormindrill turns to the side and exclaims in exasperation, "Of course the human ones you dolt! He knows Theomars wouldn't talk to anyone else." Jormindrill turns back, "-Apparently he is asking questions about his brother's dismissal from the proceedings... specifically whether others thought his brother was right in trying to dismiss the Negotiator. Might just be trying to stir up resentment before the meeting, probably his usual vindictiveness shining through once more." Jormindrill eyes slide off of Justinian as though he no longer sees him there before muttering, "Such a twit... I would sympathize with him... he lost much, but he can't see beyond himself anymore."

So I failed my Binding check with Haures which means I now talk to myself or imaginary friends and my hands are backwards like a rakasha.

I can take 10 on diplomacy thanks to Nebarius for a total of 37 on that diplomacy so no need to roll there.

The Blade Wolf
2017-07-09, 10:06 AM
Before Departure

‘Ari’? That, along with Zarya comment in regards to knowing the two brother's whilst younger, nearly got Avaliah to arch her eye ridge at the nickname. It made her wonder just how close Zarya actually was with the Chadwicks... but Avaliah felt no need to bring that up now, and no need to investigate into the matter further. Perhaps if Zarya was further involved in the matters at hand, Avaliah might have wanted to pursue this avenue of information in order to find how just how neutral Zarya actually was... and to see if Avaliah might be able to leverage this relationship in order to gain an advantage.

That was not the case, however, and Avaliah had no desire to make an enemy of Zarya in the slightest. Instead, she simply took the advice with a nod, saying lowly. “Thank you for the advice. I will be sure to keep an even more careful watch on him.” Before moving on to board the ship.

After Departure

This... Erwin was a peculiar man indeed. It was clear that whoever his employer was did not like Erwin all that much, as Avaliah did not believe that he had been obvious to his own words when he said it was like the employer was attempting to get rid of him. Yet at the same time, Erwin was loyal enough to keep silent about his mysterious employer and follow him to Dorn’s Rest... even trying to jump onto a boat that had long since left its berth. If it wasn’t for Raphael’s strong wings, then he likely would have to find an entirely new boat to make the journey. Which would have left him a week behind the proceedings unless he could find another boat capable of using the Anchor Point.

Either way, Avaliah made a mental note to keep an eye on Erwin during the journey. It might come to nothing of course... but Avaliah did not survive as long as she did as a Negotiator by dismissing potential sources of information due to the unlikelihood of their importance. Even the smallest of details could have the greatest of importance when used in the right way...

Regardless, the following days were rather... engaging for sure, even when Avaliah did not partake in many of the conversations at first. The fact that Raphael and the Peacekeeper seemed to have struck up a friendship caught her attention for sure, with Avaliah wondering just why Raphael had approached them in the first place... but again, Avaliah saw no reason to begrudge him for it. She did not want to see him lost in a world so different from his own... and forming bonds with others was the best way to find purpose once again in her opinions.

Besides, it was not like Avaliah did not have her own curiosity about the Peacekeeper either. Nor about Diedre either... Avaliah was rather surprised at how well she got along with the crew and even the captain of the ship. It was enough for Avaliah to at the very least consider that her initial judgement of Lady Fellspark was too hasty... at the same time through, Avaliah couldn’t help but remember how she wasn’t nominated and got through due to the Church’s Influence...

Well, even more reason for Avaliah to approach the Peacekeeper. Hopefully when she was spending time with Raphael, as Avaliah did want to get to know the old soul better as well... especially as whilst she said her family knew of their family lineage extremely well...

The days of the Shattering, and the foundations of the Empire were shrouded in mystery... perhaps what drew the dragon to them in the first place... was that lingering dragon blood already running through their veins... she had much to learn.

2017-07-09, 07:11 PM
Raphael busied himself over the next couple of days with his new cabin boy chores, amused at the looks the crew gave him as he went about them. He made a point to find Kaya whenever he could, making small talk, even asking at one point about the possibilities of becoming a peacekeeper.

By the second and third days it was clear that he did not sleep. Nor eat or drink it would seem, though he would have an ale or two with someone when they offered. Nights were spent on the bow and if you didn't know better he seemed to be having a conversation with someone. When not doing that he was practicing with that huge sword.

2017-07-10, 08:54 PM
On the second night of sailing, Erwin approaches Kaya while she is on watch.
He motions for her to follow him to the storage hold.
He stops between a good number of crates before he finally turns to her, a small lantern perched on a nearby barrel.
"I'm glad you decided to come. I don't have much time and when I saw you I knew I needed to speak to you. Save your questions until I've finished and even then make it brief."
He catches his breath as he begins an explanation. He seems like an entirely different person now, seedy-looking might have been a stretch and a grizzled tomcat might have fit the description more accurately... a rather haggard-looking tomcat.
"Someone with power among the representatives or delegates is involved with a dangerous group known as the Crescent Cabal. I'm not sure what exactly they have planned but I think foul play could be involved. The appearance of whatever the winged guy is has also complicated matters. If he really is some sort of being from beyond our realm he could really throw things into chaos. The Crescent Cabal seems to have gotten a bit antsy when he decided to come back. Be watchful, someone here isn't to be trusted."

Captain Gregor seems to be in a jovial mood today, nothing has gone wrong and he hit upon a stroke of good luck.
"Look at what I managed to snag off of the bow this morning eh!"
He waves his arm at a gleaming fish nearly as long as Raphael was tall.
"Guess my money was well spent on that fishing rod all those years back! HA! Wasted money indeed! Who needs to sit still on a dock to fish! An enchanted rod will work in any kind of sea!"
He quickly invites all of the representatives and delegates to a dinner in the captain's cabin. He also makes an effort to include some other notables like Raphael, Avaliah, Justinian and his 'first mate', and of course the Peacemaker. Erwin is noticeably excluded from the meal.
The cabin is somewhat snug for some of the people but is comfortable enough as the table is set, the fish the captain had caught being the main course of the whole meal. Evidently, there is a magical cooking fire because the fish has been broiled to perfection and its odors waft through the air. Other, somewhat humbler, dishes are served but they seem to be overpowered by the scent of the fish. Diedre is seated at the head of the table with the captain, smiling for once. Raphael, Avaliah, Justinian, Jormindrill, and then Kaya are seated facing each other. Theomars is completely opposite to the captain, his stone-like expression doesn't give anything away.
The captain begins the meal by asking each of them their reasons for attending the summit.
"Usually I don't get such prestigious folks aboard my ship. We're usually hunting sea creatures or some bunch of pirates so this is a real treat. So please humor me when I ask: why the interest in this topic?"

2017-07-11, 12:22 PM
Kaya nods, expression grim at Erwin's message. "That is unsettling news. I will maintain a watchful eye in regards to this Crescent Cabal. As for Raphael, the winged one, I feel only time will tell where his path will lead. I will try to keep an eye on him as well. I would appreciate updates if possible, should you learn anything new before we dock. A good day to you, Master Erwin." Kaya inclines her head politely, then makes her way out of the hold.
Kaya will take 10 on a Knowledge Local check to determine what she knows of the Cresent Cabal, for a result of 35.

Railside conversation, Day 3

Kaya smiles and offers congratulations to Captain Gregor on his fine catch before turning back to Raphael.

"You? A Peacekeeper?" She chuckles softly to herself before continuing. "While you are certainly capable, and from what you've told me of yourself, you seem to have performed a similar function yourself prior to the Breaking, I don't think you're really the kind they generally look for. To be fair though, neither am I..." She laughs again and shakes her head, as if unsure of how she has ended up where she has.

2017-07-11, 04:36 PM
Raphael snortys when Kaya manetions being capable, "That is likely questionable, taking 2000 years to complete a final sword stroke brings into question ones prowess." Continuing, "Similar function, possibly though maybe less influenced by the leaders of the church and more guided by the gods wishes? That is an assumption on my part and not meant to offend. All I have heard of these Peacekeeprs is rumor similar to what is spread about myself."

Pondering that last statement a bit he says, "This is possibly as long as I have appeared in my true form on this plane at any one given time that I can recall. They would not know it was me applying unless they have detection methods I am unfamiliar with. And given the time that has elapsed, it is certainly possible." He pauses a bit and gives her a sideways grin, "Would you not vouch for me then?"

The Blade Wolf
2017-07-12, 04:11 PM
Before Dinner

Seeing the Peacekeeper and Raphael together, Avaliah decided to approach. Privately hoping that their discussion wasn’t too important or friendly between them as she did so. Avaliah wanted to befriend the two after not... not infuriate them. “Do either of you mind if I join you here?” She spoke up as she approached, making sure to get their attention before she would be in range to hear them speak among themselves all that much.

At Dinner

It was a fair question from the Captian, and Avaliah could not blame him for asking it either. Plus, as he had been willing to invite them to share the rather large fish that he had caught earlier that day, the Negotiator felt that it would be incredibly rude to be a silent guest. So when it came round to herself in order to answer, she did. “A mixture of growing up working alongside non-humans, and butting heads against some of the more... extreme members of the Church.”

2017-07-12, 06:56 PM
At the rail

As Avaliah joins Raphael and Kaya on the rail, Raphael inclines his head and motions her over, "Please M'Lady Askarda, you are more than welcome to join us."

During dinner

Raphael remains quiet throughout most of the dinner, politely tasting the offered treats and frankly enjoying the sensations, but declining to take a full portion for himself.

2017-07-12, 11:15 PM

About to reply to Raphael, Kaya halts at the approach of Avaliah. She gives a courteous bow to the newcomer, them rises, a polite smile on her face.

"Welcome, Mistress Askarda. Please,
join us." She turns for a moment facing the Sea, her long hair whipping about in the salty breeze, them turns back with a smile. "I find the winds more enjoyable with company." She glances at Raphael again, her expression once more somewhere between appraising and amused. "We were just discussing how your bodyguard would look in my cloak. Or one like it anyway, he can't have mine. I am of the opinion it wouldn't suit him very well, though it seems he wishes to argue otherwise. What are your thoughts on the matter, Mistress Askarda?"

2017-07-13, 04:17 AM
The captain seems a bit disappointed by the lack of detail but decides not to press the issue. Instead it is Lady Fellspark who takes the initiative.
"Raphael you called yourself? How does it come to pass that you appeared in Bor'Salla? What place do you call home?"
She does not waver in her question; eyes meeting his with a very similar hue to his own, betraying her heritage as one of heavenly descent.
All eyes turn towards Raphael as the question is asked, intent on hearing his answer.

2017-07-13, 12:06 PM

Raphael looks at Lady Fellspark, his eyes narrowing slightly, hssssssssssss! Ware this one she is not mortal like the others!. "Indeed." he answers though you somehow feel it isn't in response to the Lady's question. "Raphael is as good as any other thing I have been called." He ponders each of her questions slightly before answering, as if consulting someone no one else can hear. "For me, I just finished a battle in the temple of ... Bor'Salla? ... is that what it's called now? From what I understand, I have always been there." He casts a sideways grin at Lady Fellspark before shaking his head at the last question, "I call no place home, as of yet, Lady Fellspark."

2017-07-13, 06:25 PM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

In the Cabin

Justinian raised an eyebrow at his new compatriot's pact magic - compared to his own long term pact, Jor's were seemingly ephemeral, making deals with more than one source at at a time to suit his needs. And, judging by his newly twisted wrists and newfound mental impairment, there were side effects.

With a shrug and a slight sympathetic grimace, he said, "Those twisted wrists looked kinda painful. I know there's a cost to power, but ouch, all the same."


At the Dinner

"Who needs to call any island home, anyway?" asked Justinian in response to Raphael, leaning back in his chair, "I'm sure our captain would agree that it's far better to go wherever the sea might take you."

2017-07-14, 12:49 AM

Before Dinner

"This does not hurt. No more than a wizard or druid changing forms does. Another being does inflict pain with the pact. It is all he knows anymore, pain and rage after he was slain by the master he served. -Shut up you I know he betrayed his master first that's not the point- That one, he imbedes an arrowhead in the flesh, healed over so it is difficult to remove and it's removal only makes it reappear elsewhere. This is merely inconvenient."

At Dinner

Jor waits for the others to begin before he eats, but after that observance, his manners become much more lax as he begins eating everything on the table sometimes without touching any utensils. On hearing his captain's words he raises his head and says, "Aye Cap'n, full sails and a full mug is a'nuff fer any sailor!" So said, Jor quickly drains his mug before muttering, "Now... should'n I try tha massive mound of tatos or fix me eye on that prize catch of fish... yer right yer right, I'll need one o' those fresh biscuits slathered in honey and gravy afor all else."

2017-07-14, 11:21 PM
The captain roars out his approval.
"Ye've got that right! Nothing like the smell of the sea with the wind's kiss on your cheek to remind you that you're alive!"
Theomars just grimaces at the statement, still silent but obviously displeased with the captain's opinion.
Lady Fellspark seems about to go on when-
The ship careens crazily as if it were a drunken man, knocking people over and sending various items flying about the cabin.
"We've been knocked off the Anchor's Path!"
"Where's the Captain?!"
Captain Gregor picks himself off of the deck, pieces of his morning catch splattered all over his tunic.
"What the devil happened!?"
He rushes out of the door, making sure to buckle on his cutlass that had been leaning against his now overturned seat.

Going outside, it can be seen that the whole ship is in disarray. Sailors, soldiers, and barrels alike are strewn haphazardly over the deck like tenpins. One is doing his best to untangle himself from the rigging that he must have gotten caught on when he fell from the crow's nest, though he is trying to do this while upside-down.
The waves tossed by the wind in a line mark the Path that you have been so violently ejected from as cries for help can be heard from the waters as three sailors and a soldier, who evidently refused to take off his breastplate, can be seen doing their best to swim back to the ship.
One of them looks down into the water at something unseen and they scream in terror before a spine-covered head bursts forth from the sea, engulfing the sailor in a bristle of snapping teeth.
The serpentine head waves to and fro, seawater cascading off of its hide, watching you with hungry eyes before it gives out an angry hiss.

Initiative please.
Sea Creature: [roll0]
Sailors: [roll1]
The creature is 50 ft. away from the ship.
The ship is 90 ft. away from the Anchor's Path

The Blade Wolf
2017-07-15, 07:00 AM
Whilst Avaliah was rather pleased that she was allowed to join Raphael and the Peacekeeper without much argument from either of them... she had to admit, that being asked whenever or not Raphael would look good in the cloak of a Peacekeeper, was not what she was expecting in the slightest. Not only because she did not expect Raphael to desire to become a Peacekeeper of an Empire that practices slavery... but her own opinions in regards to slavery very well known.

Still. It was a question that Avaliah took very seriously, taking several moments to mull it over before answer. “That is not a question I can answer. Whilst I hope to learn more about Raphael over the coming weeks of the talks. I currently know far too little about him in order to answer such a question. From what I know of his view on slavery I find myself doubting that he would willingly take on that cloak. But I am talking to a non-human at this moment in time, so I could easily be mistaken.”

It wasn’t the most subtle talking that Avaliah did, but she felt that her curiosity as to why the Peacekeeper wore that cloak despite obviously being non-human herself was valid... and she wasn’t out and out asking about it either. That was rude.

Whilst Avaliah could not say she agreed with the ideas of Justinian, Jormindrill and Captain Gregor when it came to a home, she could understand why they thought that way. Home was where the heart is after all, and for some, that was on the open seas...

Of course, before she was able to speak in order to express that, she was knocked out of her chair when the ship suddenly lurched to the side... an experience which she knew meant only one thing: They were under attack. Thank goodness she always wore her armour under her clothing... and had her weapon by her side. Even if she had to buckle it on as she moved after Captain Gregor. Unfortunately, she would have to be without her shield for this moment in time... and of course they were facing a Sea Creature. That was in the sea. A good 50ft away from her... and she possessed no ability to fly, or any ranged weapons.

“Well, at least I should be able to tell what this thing is...” Avaliah muttered as she peered towards these monsters.

2017-07-15, 09:30 AM
On deck at the rail

Raphael listens to the the conversation between Avaliah and Kaya, "If you wish to get to know me better, Lady Askarda, you have but to ask. I am an open book." LIES. Hush, she need not know yet.


Making his way onto the deck with the others Raphael strides to the bow, closer to the monster.


Walking towards the creature, as close as he can on deck he holds out his hand speaking gently to the creature.

Attempting to charm monster, DC 29

2017-07-15, 07:57 PM
For a moment the humor leaves Kaya's eyes before she smiles again and replies.
"An interesting take on the topic, Mistress Askarda. It seems to me that being a Peacekeeper and being a human noble are not markedly different."


Nearly being knocked to floor form the ship's sudden lurch, Kaya manages to catch herself on the edge of the table before looking up at the other occupants of the cabin, concern etched across her face. After taking a brief moment to verify that Fellspark was unharmed, Kaya draws her sword as she swiftly follows the captain to the deck.

In an instant Kaya is at the point of the deck nearest the creature. She softly mutters a curse to herself, then as she did the first day she boarded this vessel, cries out an arcane word that seems almost Aquan, then watches the creature warily.

"Huh. A sea monster. I... actually didn't see that one coming. Does anyone have better tactical insight on how to fight this thing other than 'Hit it really hard, and probably a lot'?"

Free Action to draw her sword.
Move action to Omenwalk to the ships edge.
Swift action to cast Wave Blessing on the soldier and sailors.
Ready an action to initiate Flicker Strike if the creature takes hostile action against the men in the water or anyone on/from the Wavehopper.
Kaya teleports into thin air beside the creature and strikes at it, testing its defenses before instantly teleporting back to the exact spot she was standing in.
Standard action to initiate Flicker Strike, 55ft range.

2017-07-16, 12:08 AM

Grabbing onto his mug for dear life when the ship goes flying, Jor attempts to drink only to then realize the mug was emptied by the jolt. Sighing, Jor moves out on deck with Justinian. Stepping beside Raph, Jor declares, "Blow me over... would ya look at da size of that thing..."

Moving to be adjacent with Raph, if I still have an action, readied action to cast Charm Monster on the beast if Raph fails to charm it. (As an SLA this has no verbal, somatic, or material components so I am not sure if others will detect my casting or not). Will DC 21 (10 + 4(SL) +6 (Cha) +1 (Fey Power))

2017-07-17, 02:15 PM
The great beast shakes its head as if confused as Raphael's power takes hold, creating eddies within the waters that cause the ones floating within the sea to bob up and down like corks.
It begins barking out in a deep, booming combination of hisses and hoots that sound as if the sea itself had decided to lend a voice.
"Why have you called me here friend? I am so very hungry. I am grateful for you bringing these tasty morsels into my waters but I have no patience for idle calls."
Captain Gregor takes the proffered opportunity to call out to the other sailors.
"Break out the oars! We'll just have to do this by hand before anything else decides to come along!"
Clattering can be heard below decks as the call is passed along to break out the oars. Some ropes are thrown over the side to those overboard. They swim to the ship with varying degrees of proficiency and one of the sailors manages to catch hold of the trailing rope.

Sailors are regrouping/getting ready to run.
Serpent doesn't move for now.

2017-07-17, 02:27 PM
Raphael continues to hold out his hand in friendship speaking to the creature in its own language. Adopting a calm and soothing tone he addresses the majestic creature respectfully.

"It was not I who called you, my friend. If someone aboard did call you then a more suitable meal should be easily called as well. I am here to ask that you not feed on these beings as they are also my friends. I would be honored to see if the one who did call you can also call you a suitable meal, but again, I implore you to not make a meal of these beings. "

Mentally to Kaya and Avaliah {Someone aboard called him here to attack this vessel. They need to be found.} It's almost as if two different beings addressed you two just now.

The Blade Wolf
2017-07-18, 03:01 PM
“Oh?” It was not like Avaliah to speak so bluntly, so openly about herself and her emotions. When it came to Negotiations, it was very important to keep your true feelings underneath a cool mask of indifference, all whilst doing your best to learn as much about the ones you were Negotiating with. Yet... here. Standing alongside a lost soul from before the Shattering... and a Peacekeeper for an Empire of Slavery... Avaliah felt that she could relax, and allow herself to open up. “If I may inquire, what has made you say that Lady Peacekeeper?

As for the fact, Raphael had said he was willing to answer any questions... and that he was always willing to speak mentally. Avaliah tried to reach out to him now, mentally asking. ’So, how did you come to be a statue?’

“Sea Serpent. Incredibly thick hide, Immune to cold-based attacks, and incredibly resilient to fire. No to mention they are so elusive that even some of the best scryers in the world cannot find them.” Avaliah said when Kaya joined them on the deck, asking for greater tactical insight as to how it would be best to fight against the sea monsters... through afterwards Avaliah glanced sideways at her, adding dryly. “But hitting them hard is all I can do.” Avaliah was much more geared to fighting against humanoid creatures than giant monsters...

Then Raphael tried to charm it with its magic, halting the beast and making it speaking in the Tongue of the Waves: Aquan. A fact that brought Avaliah to a grinding halt, even before she realised some of the possible implications. “It... it speaks? It’s not just a beast desiring to state it’s hunger...? Knowledge of these creatures is limited, yet I cannot recall any records of them being able to speak....”

2017-07-18, 03:21 PM
Raphael tilted his head a little to the side when he received the mental question, looking from Avaliah to Kaya briefly before answering. {"I am...uncertain...as to how that happened. I have no recollection of ever even being stone. Prior to it happening I was engaged in battle with the high priest of the Church. Perhaps some spell went awry during that battle?"}

2017-07-19, 02:01 AM
"Well—" She cuts off abruptly and closes her eyes, shaking her head softly. "No, forgive me Mistress Askarda, that would have been unkind and unworthy." Her eyes open again but her gaze is distant, her smile somewhat forced. "In my experience, things are rarely ever simple. Battle is blissfully simple. The Peacekeepers are not simple. Being a Peacekeeper? Even less so. But please Mistress, you do us a disservice by defining us by but a single facet of our service to the lands and people of our home."

Kaya's eyes narrow and she turns her head sharply towards Raphael at the serpent's suggestion that it was Raphael himself who called the beast, but her expression quickly returns to normal after hearing Raphael deny that he was the one responsible. When he communicates with her telepathically, her eyes widen and her head tilts curiously at the sound of a second voice... But no, there were more pressing matters at hand.

Kaya nods courteously to Avaliah. "Thank you for the insight Mistress Askarda." She turns back towards Raphael "Though thanks to Master Raphael, with luck, we may be able to solve this peaceably. But we need to find this problem's source. We may need to search the ship, and quickly, to find who or what has called this creature to us. Mistress Askarda, may I ask your aid to help me search the ship? I would ask for yours, Master Raphael, but you've clearly got other things to deal with at the moment." Kaya's eyes dart between Avaliah and Raphael as she speak to them both. "I do not believe any who were present with us in the Captain's quarters could have been directly involved themselves; are there any others among them that either of you trust enough to enlist their aid in searching the ship?"

2017-07-19, 03:11 AM
The serpent's sinuous neck shakes a frilled head, seemingly incensed at Raphael's reply but not making a move as of yet.
"For you alone will I endeavor patience but not even one who is older than the Widening of the Endless Waters has the right to deny tribute to one who is descended from Leviathan!"
The following roar ripples the waters and rattles a few loose barrels as the other two waterlogged men grab hold of the ropes that trail along the water while one scurries up to safety.
"Point to starberd! I want us as far away from that thing as possible!" Captain Gregor shouts, warily eyeing the sea serpent.
The oars begin to come out and the ship begins to move slowly but surely.

Ship has moved 10 ft. closer to the Anchor's path but has kept the same distance from the sea serpent. This thing does not accelerate very fast.
Leviathan is one of the ancient beasts that supposedly lives in the deepest parts of the ocean. Many of the aquatic races pay at least some respect if not homage to this great creature.Some of the older texts and stories recount how any creature of Leviathan's descent tended to be more intelligent than their average kin. As such, they were treated with respect as a sacred beast and a bringer of omens. Though whether the omen was for good or ill was up to interpretation.

2017-07-19, 06:24 AM
Lowering his hand and speaking to the great serpent Raphael continues in Aquan, "Great serpent, had I called you I would have had fitting tribute most assuredly, especially for one of Leviathan descent. Perchance would you be able to find the one who called you among us so that we both may address their lack of tribute? That one you may have with my blessing," lowering his head sadly at the next thing he was forced to say, "but the rest of these people are under my protection."

Then in answer to Kaya's question and still talking to them both, {The chastised elf that leapt to the Lady Askarda's protection was at the table, he seemed to be willing to help. Could one of you see if the Captain still has his magic fishing pole?}

The Blade Wolf
2017-07-20, 03:12 PM
Hmmmm... that isn’t what Avaliah was expecting to hear, from either of them. Admittedly for Raphael, it seemed that he misunderstood her question, so she could not blame him. But for the Peacekeeper’s reply... “I must apologise then, for whatever I said which lead you to believe I was assuming what the Peacekeeper’s role is. I was simply trying to both express a disbelieve that Raphael, who has made his viewpoint on slavery clear, becoming an agent for the biggest Empire of Slavery on the planet, and that I might be wrong in that disbelieve. After all, you stand beside me as a non-human, therefore there are obviously reasons to work for the Empire despite this slavery. Reasons that I know little about, as my knowledge of what it is like to be a Peacekeeper is extremely slim.”

As for Raphael... ‘Or perhaps imprisoning you in stone was the intent of the spell... what happened leading up to the battle? That might provide a clue’

“Ask Justinian, the Aasimar, for help. I believe that he can be trusted in this regard.” Avaliah answered Kaya when she asked if there was anyone else they could grab in order to search the ship... even as her brow furrowed at the serpent's words. The Leviathan? What the hell was that? Uncertain what was going on, Avaliah decided that it was best to help out everywhere she could... and from what she could tell. The best way for her to help was by heading over to the ropes that the sailors were clinging onto and pulling it up hand over hand.

2017-07-20, 07:51 PM

{Perhaps, though I do not believe the priest cast it. It is my understanding that changing things like flesh to stone was more arcane and the priest was certainly divine.} Shaking his head no, {No, I believe it may have had something to do with my goddess dying at what was likely the same time though I cannot be certain.}

"Many things have changed in the 2000 years I have been absent this world. Bloodlines are denied, the very ground has been shattered, slavery is not only tolerated, it is accepted." The wood of the railing creaks in protest as he squeezes it, causing him to abruptly let go. "Perhaps looking at things from the inside would aid in understanding how such evil could be so commonly approved." He looks at both women, smiling "Or perhaps I was just making small talk to be able to talk to a pretty woman. After all, it has been 2000 years since I have done so."

2017-07-21, 03:13 PM
The sea serpent growls this time, a sound that is reminiscent of a coming storm.
"No land crawler called me. I come to the call of that which was granted to those that worship me."
It then dives into the water moving closer to the ship, circling it like a shark.
"If you will deny me what is rightfully mine, your hubris will doom them all. You will not move, else I break my ties with you and feast."
Justinian and Jormindrill also come to help with hauling the rescued men onto the deck. They both seem rather concerned with the serpent more than figuring out who might have summoned such a beast.
The captain calls for a halt and the ship drifts to a stop as the oars are withdrawn.
"Prepare to fire on my mark!"
Captain Gregor is at the wheel, barking orders and those orders are relayed throughout the whole ship.

Ship has stopped moving in response to sea serpent moving 10 ft. away from it. It is underwater though so you can't swing at it from the deck.
Needless to say, that spell isn't going to work for much longer if no solution can be reached that satisfies the sea serpent.

2017-08-01, 03:03 PM
Raphael has begun slowly pacing back and forth along the rail, watching the serpents movements like a guard dog. He shakes his head as he listens to the serpents demands, "These people are not rightfully yours. As I said before they are under my protection, it would be a tragedy for us to do battle over what is an obvious mistake."

As he continues pacing the shadow cloak that has been ever present since his return seems to bleed off his shoulders and through the deck below his feet. His countenance also seems to change subtly as this happens, voice going more guttural as some heard it in the temple, wings flaring slightly, and the sudden appearance of that sword in his hand again. "However, if you insist on trying to take this ship and these people then battle it will be..."

2017-08-03, 09:34 AM
Glancing around the deck, Kaya quickly realized how close the diplomacy with the beast is to falling apart. For only the briefest of moments did she consider continuing her search for those responsible for the summoning of the offspring of the Leviathan... but no, her place was here on the deck, between the sailors of the Empire and this beast that threatened them.

Her eyes narrow slightly at the curious movement of Raphael's shadow, and her head again tilts slightly at the sound of the second voice from Raphael, though this time audible. With a sad, soft sigh, Kaya reaches up and removes her cloak, again revealing her brilliant armor, as a halo of light forms above her head. Despite her other preparations for battle, Kaya's sword remains undrawn.

Kaya changes her stance to Stance of the Crane Knight.

2017-08-03, 07:28 PM
Captain Gregor shouts for the men to man the cannons and the call goes down the ship. He then takes some time to shout out to Raphael.
"My rod don't work that way! Just keeps the fish from suspecting anything, keeps me from going overboard, and is extremely strong! Still have to fight the blasted thing though and the line has broken on me! It looks like we'll have to fight it in all honesty. Can't move with it blocking the way like that. Why didn't you just tell it to leave?"

Justinian and Jormindrill both seem to sense the impending fight and ready themselves. Justinian drawing his blade and Jormindrill muttering parts of his pact under his breath... or arguing with himself.

One of the sailors ready to light one of the cannons nervously licks their lips as the serpent circles once more about the trapped ship. It suddenly bursts out of the water, startling the sailor and they panic.
The man begins to scramble to light the wick of the siege weapon to hopefully deliver a mortal wound.

Unless someone decides to stop the sailor, they're firing the cannon when it decides to surface.

The serpent roars out in fury and strikes back suddenly, ripping a huge chunk out of the ship's starboard side to gorge on the sailor and knocking the cannon aside like so much debris before diving underneath the waters once more. The voice returns, seeming to hiss like a seething pot about to boil over.
Yeah that sailor isn't surviving.
The sea serpent is 10 ft. away on the right of the ship but can easily strike at the deck at such a range. It is also 5 ft. underwater now. Meaning it has total cover at this point in time.

2017-08-08, 08:19 AM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

Justinian glanced back to the captain, shouting in response, "It's a sea monster, it's not just gonna just bugger off on his say so!" only to be nearly thrown from his feet as the creature tore through the ship's hull. Ducking down for balance, and not a moment too soon as a chunk of cannon soared over his head.

Springing back upright, he surged forwards to the rail and lashed out, tossing a sphere of swirling lightning with his free hand, the crackling sphere flying through the air before it exploded outwards above the creature, lashing at it with arcs of electric.

Aether Blast, Standard, Electric Damage: [roll0], DC 22 Reflex for Half, Ignores up to 29 resistance.

2017-08-08, 08:54 AM
Raphael hops into the air and just before disappearing says in coarse, guttural Aquan "Whatever the reason for my return it was certainly not to kill the likes of you, worm..."

Teleporting to just behind its head. I assume even though this is an at will ability he can't immediately attack although if the serpent moves away I'll take my attack of opportunity. With a smite.


2017-08-08, 01:40 PM

Taking the rocking of the ship surprisingly well despite his earlier drinking, Jormindrill laughs a bit before his voice rings out, "He won't bugger off? Why not? Cause that bloke didn't say so? Shall we have a go of it then?"

In the middle of his tirade (with himself or others it's hard to tell), Jormindrill's feet lift off of the deck and begins ascending, as he reaches the apex of his ascent, he stares down at the serpent and calls out in an intimidating tone completely different from before, "Flee."

Fly check to ascend at a greater angle than 45 degrees: [roll0] If successful I will ascend 15ft straight up. Otherwise I will ascend at a 45 degree angle out over the water.

Standard Action: Command (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/c/command/) (Via Naberius Vestige) DC 22 Will save or flee on it's next action (assuming it speaks common).

2017-08-08, 08:05 PM
Though the beast is underwater, Justinian's arcing electricity catches the thing completely off-guard and its roar of pain and fury can be heard even under the waves as ripples can be seen emanating from the waters.
Jormindrill's voice seems to go unheeded by the sea serpent as so much noise as snapping jaws and sinuous muscles leap out of the water to strike at Raphael's hovering figure. Rage seems to lend them strength and ferocity at the cost of its attacks striking wildly at the airborne figure.
Its body sheds sheets of water as it seeks to ensnare the object of their wrath and drag them down to a watery grave in one quick motion.
The serpent, now distracted, gives Captain Gregor the time he needs to make a snap judgement.
His threats were rather unnecessary as the oars rattle out and panicked shouts can be heard underneath the deck as the ship slowly accelerates towards the Anchor's Path.
Uhhh... Sorry in advance for what's going to happen.
Bite: [roll0][roll1]
Grapple: [roll2]
Tail slap: [roll3][roll4]
Grapple: [roll5]
If successful: [roll6]

Ship 50 ft. from the Anchor's Path and 40 ft. away from the serpent.

2017-08-09, 02:40 AM
Leaping into action as the serpent strikes, Kaya swiftly draws her blade and mutters a soft prayer, her eyes burning, her countenance fierce. "Inheritor, bless my blade, that I may protect those in my charge." After a quick gesture and incantation, Kaya vanishes from the deck, and is suddenly swinging her blade at the sea monster mid-air, before vanishing again and returning again the the exact spot she left only seconds before.

Free action to draw her sword, Swift to cast Shield, Standard action to initiate Flicker Strike on the serpent.
[roll0], Power Attack.

2017-08-09, 11:06 AM

"I don't think he understood us... of course he heard us! I bellowed my lungs out... I suppose so... Oh? Better not be left behind then." Jormindrill mutters as he moves to land back aboard the ship. Though he keeps an eye out for an opportunity to show his displeasure towards the aquatic serpent.

Move action to land on the boat if it hasn't gotten more than 30ft away from me, Standard action to ready an Eldritch blast on the serpent if it sticks it's snout out of the water.

Ranged Touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-08-09, 11:29 AM
Raphael disappears once again and returns to the deck of the ship watching the battle play out.

2017-08-10, 02:23 PM
As the ship continues its charge towards the Anchor's Path, the serpent flinches as Kaya closes the distance to deliver a swift jab into its snout under the waves.
"We're almost free lads!"
It seems to be so as the ship's prow crests over the swiftly moving current that marks the Anchor's path and the wind begins to catch the sails.
The serpent swims quickly underneath, not giving anyone the chance to fire on it as Captain Gregor shouts out: "BRACE YOURSELVES!"
Once again the ship is sent careening as the underside is rammed, the ship's boards creaking in protest as sailors grab onto anything they can to keep from falling overboard.

Bull Rush:[roll0] vs. CMD 18 (for every 5 feet intervening distance of the Path and the enemy, +5 CMD. Currently 0 ft. between ship and serpent so no bonus in this case). Path is 40 ft. wide.

Captain Gregor manages to keep the ship from getting thrown out of the Anchor's Path as the winds begin to catch the sails. However, the serpent's menacing form can still be seen lurking just below the surface.

2017-08-11, 09:25 AM
Catching himself as the ship lurches into the Path and any others that might be near to falling overboard, Raphael stands at the rail watching the serpent give chase. "If you refuse to meet head on in combat worm...."

Casting Hold Monster Will save DC 29

2017-08-11, 10:07 PM
Kaya only barely manages to keep her feet after the second impact. Kaya scrambles to the aft of the Wavehopper, looking at the serpent over the rails. "It was good to meet you, Leviathanspawn, but I believe it is now time we went our separate ways." She points at the serpent and says an incantation, which causes the serpent to glitter brilliantly under the water.

Move action to the back of the boat, where she casts Glitterdust, DC 20 to avoid blindness.

2017-08-14, 09:14 PM
The sea serpent raises itself up, frills outstretched in an imitation of a cobra, and readies to strike before it becomes covered in a burst of glitter and begins to comically sink into the water as if it had become a living statue that some careless child had decided to drop into the tub. Its eyes speak of hate as the besparkled beast sinks beneath the waters and the ships sails catch the safe winds found within the Anchor's Path and leave it far behind.
Captain Gregor crows in triumph as the ship clears itself from the danger, even going so far as to do a little jig.
"HA HA! Let's see it catch us now that blithering batch of fish bait!"
Similar cheers are heard across the deck and sailors thump each other on the back in celebration.
Erwin, coming up from below decks, doesn't seem to share in the jovial situation. He approaches Kaya and those at the back of the ship, still looking rather tired and perhaps a bit rattled by the situation.
"If I'd known we'd be beset upon by a beast of the depths, I'd have stayed back home! I'm not being paid nearly enough to do this."
Captain Gregor interrupts before he can say more.
"Well it certainly wasn't expected but all we can do is to move on. We'll need to stay in port for some minor repairs when we reach Dorn's Rest. It'll also give us a chance to put our dead to rest."

Successfully escaped the sea serpent.
Erwin is using a Peacekeeper code indicating he has information about the situation.
One of the sailors seems rather shifty and nervous as they disappear below decks.

2017-08-15, 06:28 AM
It takes Raphael a few minutes to visibly relax from his battle readiness. Deep breaths, a few shudders and then...calm. He turns to listen to the Captain as the fire drains from his eyes, "Are there any wounded, Captain?"

He walks a bit forward from the stern of the ship surveying the damage the serpent did. Shaking his head "My apologies Captain, I had hoped to talk it out of attacking but it claimed to have been summoned here by something."

2017-08-15, 08:10 AM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

The battle seemingly ended, Justinian returns Rosethorn to the sheathe at his hip. About to join the Captain and Raphael, he spots a sailor acting rather suspiciously out of the corner of his eye. Summoning his pact magic, he disappears from view and stealthily pursues the sailor below decks.

Using "Fade from Sight" clause - as Invisibility, but lasts until I end it or it's dispelled/broken.
Stealth check to pursue:[roll0] (doesn't include any bonuses from Invisibility).

2017-08-15, 06:38 PM
Kaya watches the serpent sink, then moves to recover her discarded cloaked on p from the deck. As she kneels to pick it up, her halo fades away. She replaces the cloak as she stands, observing the cheering from the sailors on the deck for a moment before returning to the aft of the ship.

She turns in acknowledgement of Erwin's arrival, inclining her head courteously, noting as she turns the uneasy sailor as well as Justinian's disappearance and pursuit. At the captain's interruption, Kaya nods solemnly. "I am sorry for your losses, Captain. However,
I feel I should congratulate you and your crew, for I feel our efforts to keep the beast at Bay would have been for naught, we're it not for you managing to return us to the Anchor's Path."

Kaya reverts back to her Formless Dance stance as she retrieves her cloak.

2017-08-16, 01:46 PM
The Captain shakes his head.
"I'm sure you did your best lad- er, sir. I've nought an idea what could summon something like that. Never heard of a mage summoning something so elusive or that large. As for getting to the Path," he turns to Kaya, "dodging pirates in local waters was easier than this. At least they couldn't completely shove me completely off course."

Justinian's target doesn't notice a thing even though they take great pains to avoid anyone on their way to one of the rooms. He stops in front of one of the private rooms, reserved for the representatives and entourage. Still glancing about nervously, they try to open the door but it seems to have been locked. They quickly take out a knife and begin trying to forcibly pry the door open, using the knife as a lever, still glancing about as if expecting someone to jump out any second.

2017-08-17, 02:23 AM

Back aboard and away from big harmful beasties, Jormindrill is happily singing to himself "Back aboard the ship, the ship rests on the sea, hauling down the anchor, from A to B~." He sees the twitchy sailor, and his 'captain' follow afterwords, he keeps an eye out for any further followers before heading down towards where they went saying, "A fight so shortly after a meal is so bad on the digestion... guess it's time for a lie-down."

With that, Jormindrill heads for his room, though he keeps his ears out for any scuffles on the way.

[roll0] If Jormindrill hears Justinian and or the sneaky sailor he will go there as well,
but he didn't make an effort to immediately follow so he likely can't follow afterward easily.

2017-08-17, 12:45 PM
Nodding to the Captain, "Any name will work Captain but please don't call me sir. I try to work for a living as well. If you have wounded I can see to them."

Taking a step or two away so as not to infringe on the Captain any more than is needed he mentally tries to contact Justinian having noted his pursuit of the shifty sailor. {Is everything well, Protector?}

2017-08-20, 06:59 PM
"I feel it was impressive sailing nonetheless, Captain." Kaya says with a smile. "Now if you will excuse me, I should see to Lady Fellspark. Oh dear, and I dread to think of the state of our room if any of our luggage came loose on account of the creature's knocking the ship about. I imagine there is a solid chance that I will be straightening up our room for a time, please call on me if I am needed." With a polite bow to those present, Kaya makes her way back to the captain's quarters to check on Lady Fellspark before heading down to their shared room.

2017-08-21, 03:08 PM
The captain nods in acknowledgement before he goes back to restoring order.
Whether it was because he was distracted or was ignoring Raphael, he couldn't be sure. He does not respond.

The sailor stops in their attempt at breaking into the room to quickly hide around the corner as Kaya comes around the corner. They stow the knife and try their best to keep out of sight.
Jormindrill comes just in time to bump into Kaya.

As Kaya approaches Lady Fellspark's door, her voice can be heard coming through the closed door.
"-said nothing was supposed to happen! How do you explain a sea serpent appearing? Much less capable of detecting and attacking a ship along the Anchor's Path?"
"Don't give me excuses. I only came because we had an agreement."

2017-08-22, 09:27 AM
Shrugging to himself as the Captain carries on with his duties Raphael moves about the deck of the ship looking for any sailors that might need assistance or aid. As he does the mysterious shadow rejoins him and drapes itself back over his shoulders. If he finds any he will help them and once finished take up his usual spot on the bow, as far forward as he can manage. Whether this is a reflection of his past from always being at the forefront of battles, leading charges etc, or just a preference to feel the salt spray who can tell.

We could have taken the worm. Yes, yes, likely so, but that is not our purpose. You have no purpose now that she is gone fool! True, but do you really think killing sea creatures is a task we need take up? Bah!

Raphael remains at the bow if/until someone needs his help. If not he will be found still there the next morning.

2017-08-22, 08:00 PM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

Invisible to eyesight, Justinian lurks out of the way, still observing the sailor while he tries to remember who's staying in the cabin the sailor seems determined to break into - and only narrowly manages to avoid being caught by Jorm and Kaya as they bump into one another.

2017-08-23, 04:51 PM

Bumping into Kaya, Jormindrill apologizes, "Oops, sorry about that miss... (It's rude to bump into someone that's why I apologized... Well she's of a higher status so she doesn't have to... Oh quiet you I don't know why I bother.)" Hearing the muttering from behind the door, Jormindrill says, "Best see to Miss Fellspark. Seems the excitement just now put a fright in her, which reminds me to go check and see if the cap'n made it back to the cabin alright."

Jormindrill then heads in the direction of his and Justinian's quarters.

2017-08-23, 08:33 PM
Though visibly surprised to see him, Kaya gives Jormindrill a courteous nod and a polite bow. "There is no need to apologise to me, good master. I should have been paying closer attention. Lost in thought after the sea monster, I suppose."

She waits for Jormindrill to leave before raising her hand to knock on the door. She hesitates for a moment, hand outstretched, considering, then knocks. " Mistress Fellspark? Is there any way I may be of service?" she asks through the door, not wishing to disrupt Lady Fellspark's privacy.

2017-08-24, 12:23 AM
Justinian can recall that the particular cabin that was being broken into was the one assigned to Erwin. Though it should have been laughably easy to forcibly break into them, knowing that the locks are little more than simple padlocks nailed into the wall and the one on Erwin's was missing.

There is a pause inside and then-
"Yes, come in. I'll talk to you later."
Upon opening the door, Lady Fellspark can be seen rubbing her temples in frustration.
"I suppose you heard my... displeasure. I sought the aid of a friend who dabbles a bit in fortunes and they guaranteed nothing but safe travels and fair winds."
She smirks mirthlessly.
"Next time I should take my own ship if I can ever get one with an Imperial Tether like this one does."

Imperial Tethers are man-sized magic items in the shape of a disc that allow a ship to find and navigate in the safety of the Anchor's Path. These are issued by the Empire and crafting such an item tends to be outside of any individual's capabilities, though independently-crafted Tethers aren't entirely unheard of.
As night descends and Kaya takes up her usual guard position, Erwin finds her.
"I can't say much but I have to tell you that I know what brought the sea serpent."
He leads her down to the hold where it was unlikely they were to be heard.
"The beast was brought by an artifact known as Leviathan's Call. It attracts whatever creature is nearby despite the Anchors and the Paths. If this were to be spoken of publicly it would cause a panic."
Kaya can tell he's not explaining everything he knows. However, it's a Peacekeeper in question.

The rest of the trip to Dorn's rest is uneventful, no further break-in attempts are made and the ship remains unmolested.
Arriving at Dorn's Rest, the abundance of trees is quite obvious as even the coastline has massive sycamores clinging to the sheer cliff face. The dock itself floats on the water, connected to the high ledge by a series of ramps cut into the stone, cleverly weaving through the protruding roots of the massive trees without damaging them.
A few other ships are moored to the docks, none as large as the Wavehopper but they too boast a few cannons of their own.

2017-08-24, 01:42 AM
After following Erwin and hearing what he has to say, Kaya tilts her head slightly. "I appreciate your informing me, Master Erwin. I can tell you still withhold information, but I will not pry further than to ask if you could describe it for me, so that I might be able to recognize what I'm dealing with should I ever personally encounter such a device."

On the day after the serpent's attack, Kaya approaches Raphael at his spot on the bow.

"Fair morning to you, Master Raphael. I hope the breezes find you well.

... I apologise for my directness, but our encounter with the sea creature yesterday showed me that I know even less about you than I had thought. May I be permitted to inquire as to the nature of... of what I think I observed?"

2017-08-24, 12:33 PM
Raphael smiles as Kaya approaches, the voice in his head screaming warnings about attacks from behind, "Fair morn to you as well Mistress. You may indeed ask of me anything you wish." He turns from the bow so he is standing directly in front of her looking down and holds up a hand to halt any protest, "I know you have said it is your nature to address me as master but I truly wish to be no one's master."

Harumph, say that to me why don't you. Shhhhh, the lady is speaking.

2017-08-24, 11:30 PM
Dorn's Rest
It's been nearly a week since you've arrived at Dorn's Rest from the various parts of the world, many of the rumors about the local slavery policy have proven to be true. No one is considered to be a slave and slave-made goods are nearly impossible to come by. Unfortunately, a few seem to have been exaggerated concerning a utopian government. The law tends to espouse freedom but has little power to enforce Imperial laws due to a rather small military presence.
However, Lady Gaulstaff's word is considered law, if not greater. She goes about visiting various people, mostly healing but on occasion for recreation at one of her many friends' homes. She has always made it a point to visit everyone at least once, though her duties as a healer and an ecclesiastical leader tend to restrict it to a mere greeting.
The majority of the buildings stay true to the original Elven architecture, blending with the trees in an artistic fashion. The center of the island is the resting place of the island's Anchor, a truly massive pillar that nearly reaches the tops of the trees, it is etched with countless markings and multiple protrusions that stretch upwards in a spiraling fashion.
At noon, word comes to everyone that a ship has been spotted coming from the Bor'Salla Path. A few people even speculate that it must have been attacked by pirates as tales abound ranging from a creaking wreck of a boat to a regal ship proudly bearing fresh battle scars.

2017-08-24, 11:49 PM
Āita Halla (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1302531)

It had been a relatively peaceful and elucidating week for the diminutive, pale-skinned creature that some of the inhabitants of Dorn's Rest have come to call 'The Winter Witch', although it is a title that does her little justice. Āita has spent her time speaking to others on a similar path to hers, the teahouses of the island often visited by the image of this three-foot tall woman, desiccated stave in hand. In particular, the Wyvveran Shaman, Salvos, had had a rather enjoyable conversation over tea.

Rumors abound of course, about this more unusual addition to the populace - even here, Uldra are rare, and an Uldra of evident strength and power even moreso. Some say she has the power to freeze the entire island like a sudden frost, while others speak of her as being many times older than even the eldest of the elves. These rumors are, naturally, false, though it's notable that Āita doesn't spend much effort dissuading them. She has also spoken to any local druids, curious as to how the elven traditions of druidry are being carried out here.

In case a diplo check is required to gracefully share knowledge with local Druids [roll0]

Also probably relevant here, she would not have sought out Lady Gaulstaff personally, but should she have approached Āita, the Uldra would have been polite and curious as to the Lady's feelings.

When the ship arrives, Āita was meditating quietly atop one of the cliff-faces, and so saw the ship as it approached, a gentle smile touching her features as she focused on it. On a whim, she throws herself forwards off the cliff, allowing herself to change in shape, a Snow-feathered owl stretching her wings and soaring out to turn over the boat from about the cliff-height above, peering down through ice-blue eyes to inspect the ship, curiosity overtaking her. She moves out ahead of the ship, flitting through the air to land on the corner of a dockside building, still in owl form, to watch the arrival.

4 Wild Shape uses left today.

2017-08-25, 12:28 AM
Salvos arrived at this quiet island with little fanfare, quickly securing accomodation and discreetly scouting the island. A 6'6" lizardman draws more than a little attention (not all of it friendly), but he politely questions the natives about their life on the island, keeping his thoughts inscrutable behind cold reptilian eyes and pursed lips - He is very much aware that a smile on his face looks more terrifying than endearing. He acquaints himself with the Uldra druid in short order, taking away a few observations about the diminutive woman.

Inquisitive and friendly, thought suprisingly naive about the ways of the world for her age. One would think the turn of two centuries would make one jaded and cynical. So be it. (https://dota2.gamepedia.com/media/dota2.gamepedia.com/b/b7/Lone_druid_move_03.mp3)

Where he can, Salvos will try to tease out information about the residents' opinion on slavery, and how they can act in what appears to be defiance to the Imperial stance of non-human slavery. Diplomacy: [roll0] In addition he will observe town features, most notably the Anchor. Perception [roll1]

Few soldiers. Fewer military ships. How do they defend themselves from outside assault? Perhaps this Lady Gaulstaff can share some insights, though I doubt she is involved with its defense.

Salvos pain-stakingly writes a formal request for a meeting with Lady Gaulstaff, sealed with wax and delivered to her door. On his way back to his residence he notices the sail on the horizon, and takes note of the furor it inspires in the locals.

2017-08-25, 01:56 PM

Dantalion DC 25: [roll0]
Nabarious DC 15: [roll1] (Auto Passes)

Jormindrill begins his day aboard the ship much like the other days, by binding his vestiges. Though of particular note to Justinian, he opts to bind a different vestige after the usual one whom he never fails to get the upper hand of. This vestige appears to be a massive 10ft tall monarch with a crown upon his head, a rather massive head considering it holds 12 different faces, young and old, male and female.

That completed, Jormindrill returns to his disguise as a crewman and says, "Looks as though we will arrive soon. Remind me to show you the sights, this Isle could be considered my stomping grounds."

If I fail in the Dantalion binding check, Justinian must make a Will save against a DC 22 or have your thoughts read. Should be easy enough to pass, just don't roll a 1, also remember that this is only if I fail the Binding check for Dantalion above.Passed the check so no need to worry, your thoughts are safe.

Irish Musician
2017-08-28, 11:19 AM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
It had been two weeks since the pair left the stables. Oromus and his handler, Jaden Matthews, came to Dorn's Rest to hope onto another boat that might take them to the summit. Jaden had been trying to sell Oromus' services since they got there, but no takers. He was convinced that when he brought the Centaur to the Summit, someone of note would see him and would immediately want him for their bodyguard. Oromus' name is of note in many high-ranking circles, and some low ones. People pay for his services to do many different things......not all of which are dignified.

Normally Oromus puts up quite a fight to go away from the stable with a handler. He usually prefers it if someone comes to find him so he doesn't have to spend as much time with his masters. However, this was a little different. He had heard of the summit....the summit to talk about the end of slavery. Every slave had heard whispers of it. He thought a lot about it, and he hoped beyond hope that this was the chance for his people to finally break free of their chains and live free in the wild once more. So when his masters needed him to go on a journey with Jaden to the summit, he didn't put up a fuss. He just willingly went with Jaden because he wanted to find out as much as possible about what was going on with the government, and the church that was heading this summit.

A ship finally came into port, about a week after they had come to Dorn's Rest. It was headed to the summit, so Jaden immediately booked passage. He and Oromus went on board and found a place for him and the centaur. Being as big as he was, Oromus decided just to stay on the deck, as out of the way as he could, as he wouldn't be fitting int he cabins very easily. Jaden went to work finding out of any influential people were on board and asking them if the needed services of a bodyguard.

Oromus pretty much just stood on the side of the ship, waiting for it to leave, hoping that somehow this summit was going to help his people.

When you see him from a distance, he doesn't look too imposing, honestly. Just looks like a normal horse-man. But the closer you get to him the taller he grows. His horse-hair is colored a dapple-gray, gray circles that are on top of a blue-ish base color. His feathering at the bottom of his legs, near his hooves, are white and quite long. His horse body is stouter than most, but he doesn't seem taller than most. His tail hangs long and low to the ground, and his a mix of the white of his leg's feathers, and the brown-blonde color that is the long hair on his head. He doesn't wear a shirt, and obviously not pants, but his breastplate covers his chest and more vulnerable places. Though his arms are bare, and quite tight with muscles. He had a beard that is the same coloring of his hair, with just a hint of red in it....with the right light. A quiver of arrows stretches across his back, with a bow strapped over his body. A very large sword swings from his back, and hangs down by his body.

2017-08-28, 12:25 PM
Going to add the conversations with Raph had while on the ship. With anyone that wanted to talk to him.

Kaya nods slightly at Raphael's request. "I... do not generally make exceptions for honorifics. Not since becoming a Peacekeeper. But I suppose since you predate the rise of the Empire itself, and are not and have never been its citizen, so, technically, I suppose I do not serve you. It is not a particularly strong case, but I suppose, at your request, I will endeavor not to use that honorific for you."

After a moment, Kaya shakes her head, chuckling to herself softly, as if deriding herself. "I am allowing myself to be distracted. Yesterday. Right. While conversing with Mistress Askarda after the serpent's arrival, you spoke in my mind using a voice that was... different from the one I am familiar with. Reflecting back, I believe I heard you use that voice in the Council-hall, but since you were newly awoken and things were... tense... at the time, I didn't think anything of it then. But then you used that voice again to threaten the serpent. As I know relatively little of you, I'm unsure the proper question to ask about it: who, or what, or how, or whence...?" She turns and leans against the railings, looking up at Raphael with a look of interest, with just a hint of puzzlement.

Raphael smiles down at Kaya in acknowledgement of her willingness to drop the title. "Straight to the heart of the matter, I knew I liked you." After a pause long enough to make her think he wasn't going to answer, "The "other" voice you hear is part of my nature, part of the duality of me. To my knowledge I am a singular being created by my goddess as her right hand and enforcer. I am an....amalgamation..." the word comes out as almost a curse "of two beings. Angel and devil, to be simplistic about it. The other voice is the more violent, vengeful side of me."

He seems to stop there abruptly, leaning on the rail as Kaya is, staring out at the sea.

Kaya nods as Raphael finishes his explanation. "Though I'm not at all familiar with what you're talking about, I think I understand what you mean. I am sorry though, I can tell this really isn't something you like talking about. We can talk about something else if you'd prefer."

"No, it is fine. It is just me still getting used to being gone for so long. I simply recall a time when if I had appeared in this form there would have been no question who or what I was." He turns and leans sideways on the rail looking at her. Perhaps it was a phenomena of what he was but even with pupilless eyes you could tell where he was looking. Why are you telling your secrets? She will just use them against you like the last one. This one is different. We shall see.

Kaya ponders Raphael's words for a moment, her expression somber. "Yes, I can scarcely imagine what that must be like for you. Whatever the case, I think I've caused enough discomfort for today. Perhaps we can continue this another time, M—" She cuts herself off and closes her eyes, shaking her head and chuckling softly to herself. "That is going to take some getting used to..." She looks back up at Raphael and smiles, giving him a small bow. "Perhaps we can continue this another time, Raphael."

"Leaving so soon? And here I thought I was about to endure the Empire's own interrogation." His smile let's Kaya know that this was merely a jest and nothing serious, then his face grows somber again. "You have caused me no discomfort, in fact talking with you causes quite the opposite effect. If you are sure you have no more questions about me then I shall endeavor to persevere your absence." He turns back towards the sea, wings tucked in tight, that strange shadow-like cloak moving not quite with the breeze.

2017-08-28, 10:37 PM
Erwin only smiles wanly.
"That is our way is it not? Information can cut quite deeply if applied correctly. As for Leviathan's Call, all I can say is that you need not worry yourself about it. Just know that this shouldn't have happened."
It seems the conversation is over as he silently leaves.
Shortly afterwards a small thud is heard as she hears Erwin struggling to stifle a string of curses. It did lend a dose of doubt as to how competent of a Peacekeeper he could possibly be.

The ship neatly slips into the floating docks with the sailors practicing an ease that comes only from long years of seafaring.
Captain Gregor grunts in satisfaction as the Wavehopper is quickly secured.
"We're half a day late thanks to that oversized eel back there. However, it's a good thing that they give us a few days in between each selection in case something unexpected comes up. They should be starting in about two days time so you can spend that time relaxing."
He grumbles a bit at this.
"Not like me or mine are likely to get any rest what with the repairs we'll need to finish and putting our dead to rest."
In the distance, a small entourage can be seen moving down the cliff face towards the docks.
After a short amount of time, a woman and four hooded figures stand at a respectful distance to greet the newcomers.
"Welcome friends and honored guests. I am Adrianna Gaulstaff, speaker for the Gathering of Dorn. I am glad you have arrived safely. We were expecting you yesterday night and began to fear the worst."
Lady Gaulstaff is dressed in an embroidered robe of excellent make that accentuates a beauty that one could only define as angelic and her countenance practically glows as she smiles and makes a few strange and complex gestures.
"I and those on this island are honored to welcome you to Dorn's Rest. Here, there is no slavery and all are free. The Empire has no power here to force you to do anything should any of you wish to remain with us."

The gestures are a traditional token of peace and tranquility that are used within the Gathering and tend to vary in complexity depending on how sincere it is intended to be. The Gathering is growing in popularity with their teachings expounding freedom and the evils of restricting another being's agency.
The gestures are the beginnings of a spell of some sort but they suddenly end. It is rather akin to someone starting a sentence only to trail off without providing any clear direction of what they intended to communicate.

Lady Gaulstaff does not linger as she and the others return to their duties.
The living arrangements are quickly made and the representatives and escorts are assigned to a boarding house of the Gathering of Dorn located nearer to the cliff facing the docks. The building and rooms are obviously Elven in origin but the furnishings are of varying origins that still seem to fit together despite the differing styles.
The caretaker of the boarding home assures those inside that they need but ask for whatever they wanted before they depart to their own labors.

Oromus is a strange sight aboard the Wavehopper, it being made to accommodate human-sized passengers not horses or similarly sized beings.
A stout man with an air of authority walks up to Oromus, needing to look up to address him.
"What would you be needing here? I wasn't expecting to take on anyone so soon. Nor am I planning on moving for a while yet."
He waves towards the gaping hole in the ship's side to emphasize his point.
Jaden's inquiries to anyone needing his services prove fruitless.
"I'm sorry to tell you this but they're already up there probably getting the royal treatment."

2017-08-28, 10:49 PM
The snowy owl tilts her head at Lady Gaulstaff, hooting softly at the gestures with blue eyes sparkling. She shuffles her talons slightly on the edge of the building, feathers plumping up a little as she observes her (hopefully) soon-to-be fellow representatives come up on land, the winged creature catching her eyes in particular. Only one head and two wings, but still... she ponders to herself, only just noticing when the Lady Gaulstaff leaves, and waiting for a few moments more before setting off once again, briefly swooping down to land upon a Wyverann's shoulder and playfully snap her beak at him, blue eyes glinting before swooping up and away, towards the cliff-face and the boarding house, to await the arrival of these intriguing people, chosen to speak on the matter of slavery. She lands upon the entrance to the boarding house, staring down in full view of the arriving visitors.

Irish Musician
2017-08-29, 09:03 AM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
As Uldra flies around, she sees another little owl that is soaring through the sky as well. He seems to stare at her for a long while, looking quite grumpy, and if she does try to fly over to him, he turns away and flies off from her. Eventually she sees the grumpy owl land on the shoulder of a centaur that is on the ship. He rubs the owl's cheek and feeds it a little piece of something.

As the large man speaks at Oromus, a little owl lands on his shoulder, and he gives it some meat and pets him. Oromus then looks down at the "large" man, a deep and silky voice flowing from him, "Me? I am needing nothing. My handler is here looking to sell my services. I am merely along for the ride." Oromus lifts his large, muscular arm over the man's head and points in the direction of Jaden, who seems to be having a conversation with the Captain, most likely getting passage to the summit. When the man is done, Jaden walks back over to the centaur, "The captain tells me most of the representatives are off-ship at the moment. Maybe we can find one that needs a bodyguard, hmmm?" Jaden snaps his thin fingers and starts to walk off. Oromus lets out a little sigh and walks after the man, to the island. Looking at the pair, you immediately know Oromus isn't there of his won volition. This type of pairing is seen all too often. There is a human, generally a thin, rat-looking man walking around as though he owns the place. And a slightly defeated looking.....something......walking next to them.

So off the pair went, Jaden looking to make some money, and Oromus looking to just survive.

2017-08-29, 12:59 PM
Disembarking the ship, Raphael watches the crowd for any signs of hostility, old habits died hard it seems. He follows along with the rest of the procession to ascend the stairs. I wonder whom the representative from the free island will be? No....nope....no, no, no, that kind of attention is not needed.

Shrugging to himself as if adjusting his wings or cloak he begins his ascent of the stairs and finds himself looking for Kaya as well.

2017-08-29, 07:26 PM
Kaya makes her way off the boat beside Lady Fellspark, he familiar cloak covering her armor. She casually observes the crowd quietly, and if she noted the looks of hatred and disgust on a few of their faces reserved especially for her, she doesn't seem bothered. In truth she seems more interested in the geography of the island and its architecture than she is in it's inhabitants. She quietly observes Gaulstaff's introduction without comment, and allows herself to be led to her accommodations. After ensuring that everything has been taken care of, Kaya approaches the boardinghouse caretaker. "Your pardon, Mistress Caretaker. If it's not too much to ask, is there any public place nearby with an elevated view of the island? I enjoy seeing the various islands, but I'd prefer not to accidentally trespass on someone's private property."

Kaya will take a 10 on Knowledge Local to determine Gaulstaff's race, for a result of 35.
She will also use Vatic Gaze to make a [roll0] check (DC 5+Gaulstaff's caster level) to determine the highest level spell she can cast.

2017-08-30, 12:43 AM
The hopeful handler and the begrudging mercenary do manage to find the boarding house the representatives have taken to. A snowy owl is hanging about. Definitely not from around these parts if one knew even a bit about animals.
It seems some other individuals have also taken an interest in the new arrivals. A good number of people of all kinds have shown up to gawk and gossip about the representatives... or at least Raphael.

During the short meeting Kaya had with Lady Gaulstaff, she can easily tell that she is Human and has enough magical capacity to carry out the miracles she supposedly brings to pass. Though she's confident they are weaker than her own.

Human that can cast up to 4th level spells.
The caretaker pauses in her duties and puts a finger to her lips as if thinking.
"I'm not sure about public but the best place might be the Anchor itself. The Imperial garrison here doesn't much like anyone getting near it but I think you would be fine. It's got the clearest view but I don't think you'll see too far even from there. Might be a bit of a climb though."
With that she leaves before any further questions can be asked.

2017-08-30, 02:50 AM
Beyond the gawking crowd Salvos sits in a faded green cloak and a curious mask of bone and feathers, perched on a mossy stone and whittling a piece of wood into an unrecognizable form. He pauses at the sight of the mercenary and his broker, reptilian eyes taking in the sight of the thin man extolling the virtues and strength of the clearly uncomfortable centaur.

Once the crowd disperses, Salvos rises, dusting off his clothes before loping over.

"You. Jared- "

"Jaden, at your ser-"

"I am Salvos, representative of the Wyvaran nation and the scaled peoples thereof. I require a manservant until the conclusion of the summit. Your creature will suffice. I can authorise payment to be made in raw goods or slaves, presumably delivered to whomever you represent."

The haggling begins...


2017-08-30, 06:02 AM
Inside the boarding house Raphael makes a point to catch an attendant and make a request. "How does one procure an audience with Lady Gaulstaff, or at the least get a message to her that I wish to speak with her?" If/when the attendant leaves presumably to give the message Raphael then walks back outside to stand and watch the crowd watch him.

You risk too much. Too many have seen you. What risk is there? There is no mission, no purpose, no battle to fight, no war to win. Then your mind is made up? My mind yes, we will see what Gaulstaff has to say about it. The freedom here is palpable. As it should be. On that we agree.

Irish Musician
2017-08-30, 09:31 AM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus looks around the crowd, not paying attention to Jaden, or even the odd lizard-folk that is talking to him. Odd looking creatures didn't phase Oromus anymore, as he has seen all types of creatures in his travels. But as he scans the crowd he does notice two things. One, there was a very odd looking angel-demon.....thing.....standing about and looking at him odd. Oromus didn't know what to make of it, so he just continued to let his eyes wander and spotted an owl. A snowy, white owl that was definitely out of place for the area. Oromus calls to it, letting out a bird call (though not an owl) and raises his hand up to it, letting it see that it could perch on his hand if it so wanted.

2017-08-30, 09:47 AM
Post Employment negotiations.

Raphael spots the centaur and his actions, when they made eye contact he decided to brave the open. Making his way down the steps and through the lingering crowd he steps up to Oromus, extending his hand for a clasp. As Oromus extends his hand slowly Raphael clasps it in a traditional fashion Oromus likely thought he would never see again, forearms gripped nearly to the elbow. He also feels himself get pulled down and the two touch foreheads as he hears in Sylvan "Vedui' proud Ohtar. Amin elea lle. Ta naa an honor a' oment- lle."

Two things struck Oromus, the strength within the creature pulling him down and the greeting he thought long lost to the ages.

Greetings proud warrior. I see you. It is an honor to meet you.

Irish Musician
2017-08-30, 10:02 AM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
As Jaden and the lizard-man haggled for a bit, Raphael approached. Oromus wasn't used to creatures just coming up to him and greeting him. And he definitely wasn't used to them greeting him in the old ways. They tended to be forbidden by the masters, as actions like that built too much culture between the centaurs. And therefore tended to lead to things like rebellions. The centaurs weren't the most passive of creatures.....

Then Oromus heard the Sylvan, which his people tended to save for each other, and was completely taken aback by what was going on. His hooves stomped up and down a bit, as if he were nervous or excited....maybe both. He immediately answered in Sylvan, <"I see you. Who.....what are you?"> Oromus wasn't intending to be rude, but all of this hitting him at once left him a little out of sorts.

Jaden's eyes lit up at the prospect of making a profit on his big horse, but he wasn't sure about this lizard-man. "Hmmm, yes. Well my slave here is one of the best in the Empire. Sought after by many and well tested in combat,
as well as other...things. What do you have to offer for my slave?" Jaden liked to use the word "slave" around Oromus as much as he could. Just reminding him of his place.

2017-08-30, 10:18 AM
Smiling that his greeting was accepted and he wasn't immediately attacked, Raphael give a less formal introduction continuing in Sylvan. "Your people have called me the Sheppard of Fire, Reaper, Redeemer, I go by many names, some not so pleasant, please, call me Raphael. You are here to represent your people in the upcoming summit then..." He pauses awaiting a name to be given him.

Just as he gets that last out he here's Jaden speak up and refer to Oromus as his slave several times. He looks back and forth from centaur to human, debating on the right course of action. Kill him and be done with it. That certainly is an option.

2017-08-30, 10:35 AM
"50 tons of oranges and bananas, fresh from our plantations. Our merchants report large profits to be made in your sector, but unfortunately for us if you accepted the deal you would be the only supplier for several thousand leagues... I'll also throw in 10 fit and fighting-quality slaves to sweeten the deal.

Of course, you'd also have the gratitude of the Wyvaran nation, and all the perks that come with it..."

Salvos smirks, exposing rows of gleaming teeth as he waits for the human to give into his greed, the lash of his tail betraying his impatience.

Irish Musician
2017-08-30, 10:37 AM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus doesn't recognize any of the name, but makes a point to ask his elders about them when he gets back home. He nods to Raphael, with a slight smile, and when he's asked if he's here as a representative he dead-pans his face and just stares at Raphael. He stares for a moment, processing what the...man?.... said. He all of a sudden smiles and give a deep chuckle, and answers back in Sylvan, <"Well, as you can see, that is not the case. I am a mercenary for hire, Jaden is the representative to my master."> Oromus looks at Raphael oddly, tilting his head, <"Centaurs aren't free in these lands. Where are you from, to not know that?">

Jaden nods, placing his hand over his mouth and scratching his chin as if he is thinking. "That does sound like a tempting offer. What race of slave? My centaurs can take on most fighters and win against quite a few of them.... Jaden counters, seeming to be less foolish than he seems.

2017-08-30, 10:51 AM
"Our standard warrior slaves are lizardfolk - Hardy and strong, prone to following orders. They can fight for a day straight without collapsing. However, I do happen to have other, more exotic stock... But I would prefer to discuss them in private. You understand, I'm sure.

I hope you can guarantee the quality of your slave, Mister Jadar, I would be very disappointed if he was lax in his duties..."

Salvos briefly glances at the centaur, his eyes narrowing as he sees the... creature... speaking with Oromus with some familiarity.

"And one more thing - I understand that you wish to oversee your employee, but the nature of this summit requires that you do not accompany us for the trip. Sensitive information will be handled during this summit, some of which could be dangerous in the wrong hands."

Irish Musician
2017-08-30, 10:59 AM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Jaden looks back at his slave, suddenly noticing noticing how chatty he was being with a complete stranger. Jaden's eyes arrowed and he snapped his fingers at the centaur, "OROMUS!! You are not here to socialize. Pay attention, slave, and don't go thinking you are here to sure up your social calendar. You are here to work, slave."

Jaden then turns back to Salvos, "My apologies, Salvos of the Wyvaran. Oromus is an excellent marksman and can be a mount, to boot, for those situations in which you need to get out of somewhere quickly. His people can be a bit uppity, but we have long bred that out of them. Isn't that right, slave?" Jaden didn't wait for an answer as he continued with Salvos. "My good Salvos, might we retire to a more.....private place.....and talk some more about business. I am interested in your more exotic stock."

2017-08-30, 12:22 PM
"Indeed, please follow me closely. However, I doubt your servant can fit in my quarters."

Salvos turns to ascend the steps to the residence, beckoning for the slave-handler to accompany him.

"Before we get down to the nitty-gritty, do tell me about the 'group' you represent. I must confess I have heard of the centaur and his prowess before, but not of those who hold his contract."

The two pass through the grand entry, heads bowed together in discussion and their voices are cut off as the doors swing closed.

2017-08-30, 12:24 PM
Raphael's wings flare just a bit as Salvos and Jaden negotiate the terms, a frown crosses his eyes but nothing more. He answers Oromus in common this time. "It is not so much a matter of where I am from as it is more of when I am from. The last time I walked this world was before the Shattering and your people roamed free." A darkness seems to fall across his countenance and what looks like fire leaks from his eyes for a brief moment, "Something they will do again...soon."

Irish Musician
2017-08-30, 12:38 PM
Jaden follows the lizard-man to his habitat to discuss stricter terms. "My group is one that long ago took control of the centaurs when the empire first welcomed them into the fold. We have long bred them and kept their numbers up, but not to the point where they could do any harm to the empire. A minor rebellion might surface to be dealt with in a day or two. But with our breeding process, we have bred out that stubbornness. Now they serve us exclusively. And Oromus, he is our pride and joy. A fighter of great skill, especially with the bow, who has made us lots of money and fame. He is certainly one of a kind."

Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus gave out a chuckle at Raphael, thinking to himself, I don't know if he is just insane, or playing some joke on me. Then continues out loud, "That was centuries ago. I think the hope for my people to be free and among the plains once again is naught but a dream. Now all we can do is what our masters tell us, and hope to be around those we love when we die." Oromus rubs the chin of the owl on his shoulder, the little thing ruffling its feathers and acting a bit grumpy.

2017-08-30, 02:43 PM
Not terribly pleased with the quality of information she was given, Kaya sighs softly and makes her way out of the boardinghouse. Silver wings appear from her back and a halo forms over her head as she prepares to take flight. A moment before she launches into the air however, she notices Raphael and a lone centaur in conversation and decides to alter her course, gracefully winging her way to them before landing gently and giving the pair of them a polite bow.
"Well met, Raphael. Making friends already, I see. I was just about to hunt down a scenic view of the island, if either of you would care to accompany me. So far the only suggestion I've received is to try the Anchor, but apparently that's also where the Imperial Garrison is located, so I think i'd prefer to find somewhere less populated."
She turns from Raphael and smiles at the centaur. "You were not aboard the Wavehopper, so I assume you've been here at least a little longer than we have, and have had the opportunity to see more of the island. Do you have any suggestions for a scenic view, Master...?" Kaya asks, apparently prompting the centaur for a name.

I'd somehow forgotten about the wings from Stance of the Crane Knight, so let's pretend they've been there every time she's flown to date :smalltongue:

2017-08-30, 03:14 PM
Āita's ears are sharp. Very sharp in fact, and she takes in the varied happenings going on just outside the boarding house. When the centaur makes a Seriously? A falcon call?, the snowy owl narrows her bright, blue eyes at him and hoots, somewhat reproachfully before swooping away, vanishing from sight for a while.

For a short while, anyway. Kaya barely finishes her introduction to the centaur before *WHAM*, Raphael's head is suddenly hit with a basketball-sized, five-foot wide winged ball of feathers. The owl swoops away almost as soon as she made her... 'introduction' to the winged man, and alights on a nearby branch, hooting at the trio. It is unfortunate that birds can't exactly smile, or giggle, as Āita hoots, and jerks her head along a narrower path heading out through the trees.

2017-08-30, 03:19 PM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

The trio hear the sound of laughter from the edge of the building above them, from a chuckling Justinian perched upon the edge of the roof - a fine spot to eat lunch. Tossing the last chunk of bread into his mouth, he hopped down, floating gracefully to the ground next to them.

"I don't think the owl likes you much, Raph," the pirate captain remarked as he straightened his hat. With a mischievous grin, he added, "Fancy some owl for lunch, then?"

Irish Musician
2017-08-30, 03:20 PM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
As Oromus and Raphael speak, Oromus seems fairly open and light-hearted.....something that isn't easy to pull out of Oromus. It surprises even him that he is so open with this outsider. Of course, Oromus' demeanor immediately changes when he sees who is approaching him. He moves his owl to the shoulder away from Kaya and his eyes narrow. Instinctively his hands move to the feathers of one of his arrows in his quiver on his side. His hooves make a clopping sound as he moves a few steps back as Kaya gets closer. His tail swishes back and forth behind him, his breathing gets heavier, and his feet start to absent-mindedly lift and lower. His voice is quiet and low when he speaks, "My master is inside, your worship. If you need answers, talk to him." His large arm lifts over Kaya's head in the direction Jaden went, pointing out the tent.

An owl, the same snowy owl, then smashes into the head of what Oromus thought was his new friend. He watches the thing and sees its actions, and Archimedes, his own owl, does seem to take notice of this owl. "She says go down that path. I'd take her advice, Peacekeeper."

2017-08-30, 03:34 PM
I. told. you. to. duck. *chuckles* Indeed you did. Raphael shakes his head and changes position so he can see everyone now assembled. Answering Justinian, "That reaction is not uncommon, Protector. I have never had owl, is it good?" Seeing the reaction of the Centaur he introduces the peacekeeper, "Oromus, I'd like you to meet Blink, she is a ... friend. She sees me."

"It would seem our owl escort desires to show us something before we eat it."

2017-08-30, 07:32 PM

Jumping off the roof after his 'captain', Jormindrill uses his magical flight to cushion his fall after his leap. "Cap'n! Please have mercy on this sea dog's legs! All this climbin' and jumpin' is making me creak worse than a schooner in troubled waters." The Sylph says despite the gentleness with which he landed.

Now that you have had a chance to look at Jormindrill for an extended period today, you realize your magical sight is starting to detect Jor's magic.

2017-08-30, 09:43 PM
Kaya is initially surprised by the sudden appearance of the snowy owl in Raphael's face, and the corresponding appearances of Justinian and Jormindrill, but recovers swiftly, chuckling at Justinian's suggestion. She turns and gives the centaur a look of resigned acceptance, but smiles again at him nonetheless. "A pleasure to meet you, Master Oromus. But if I had wished to question your master, I would have done so. Instead, I value and seek your opinion." She looks over her shoulder into the forest where the owl disappeared, chuckling again. "I even value your opinion over that of fluffy white owls, no matter how poor their skills at flying may be."

2017-08-30, 10:15 PM
The owl.. rolls her eyes, hooting loudly at the group and swooping down the path to land on another branch about twenty feet further down the path, and fixes the group with a long, slow stare. Deliberately, slowly, she lifts a foot and points down the path, eyes fixed on the group and Raphael in particular, before letting out another loud, ruffled hoot and swooping off down the path. Were anyone to follow, they'd find her leading a way, sinuous and uphill, through dense foliage before emerging atop a tall cliff, the ocean sparkling beneath, and a healthy chunk of the island visible to the left. She settles on an overhanging tree branch, looking back and waiting to see if any followed.

2017-08-31, 01:31 AM
Before they follow the owl, Avaliah comes up to Raphael.
"I need to meet with a contact of mine about a private matter concerning your claims. They are a little out of the way but I'm confident I will still be able to make it to the summit in time. Meanwhile, I would think it best that you continue to travel with the Wavehopper."
She then lowers her voice.
"Keep a close eye on Erwin. I know he acts the bumbling fool but I can't shake the feeling there's much more to him than he lets on."
She then goes back to the docks. Possibly to charter another vessel to take her to her destination.

No one disturbs the unusual-looking group in their going-ons, though those that overhear Salvos and Jaden's haggling as they walk by scowl at them in disgust.
As they go over terms, a young boy arrives to hand Salvos a letter. He gives the Wyvaran such a disdainful look that one would think his face would freeze that way.
"Dunno why the Holy Lady would even wrote ya a single sentence ya gecko," he mutters under his breath, "ya don't deserve the honor."
Then he's gone, trying to ignore the slavers and pretend they don't exist.

2017-08-31, 06:44 AM
Raphael nods to Avaliah regarding her request, a little unsure about passage on the Wavehopper now that he isn't a bodyguard. Well maybe the request to meet Lady Gaulstaff will pay dividends.

"It seems the owl wishes us to follow it, shall we?" He heads up the path to where the owl leads them.

Irish Musician
2017-08-31, 09:14 AM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus snorts at the word "master" and his hooves stop the ground a few times. "I wish I could say the same. And you must be seeking Jaden, you keep using his word." Oromus raises his right hand, where a plain, steel band is wrapped around his ring finger, "I am master of no one, and never can be. You know nothing, Peacekeeper. You would do well to remember my place.....under you."

2017-08-31, 12:48 PM
"No." No longer smiling, Kaya shakes her head, her gaze somewhat distant. "Your logic is valid, but your conclusion, incorrect." She glances down at her wrists for a moment before continuing. "I wore chains for almost a century. I was the least of servants, and that was before I was shipped to the gladiatorial pits. It was there that I earned my freedom, and within hours of becoming free, I chose to become this. A servant of the Empire. I chose to spend my freedom serving the citizens of the Empire. Serving slaves. I know my place, Master Oromus. I am the least of servants."

After a moment, Kaya's gaze refocuses and her smile returns. "Now, I believe you lot wanted to hunt an owl?" She looks back up at Oromus "Would you do us the courtesy of gracing us with your presence? If necessary, I imagine I should be able to explain your absence to your master." Kaya grins slyly as she fingers the brooch of her cloak, fashioned into the Peacekeeper insignia.

2017-08-31, 01:42 PM
"I hate to be the bringer of bad news, Peacekeeper, but I must strenuously object to this turn of events."

Heads turn to see the looming Wyvaran and the slave handler Jaden descending the steps, Salvos tucking an official-looking letter into the depths of his robes while Jaden begins to splutter with impotent rage.

"Oromus, one minute alone and you're already shaming me with your laziness! How dare -

"Hush. You are not wanted nor needed anymore. The contract is sealed and I will be taking care of Oromus now. Do run along and make sure that the necessary documents find their way into my hands."

Salvos dismisses the slaver with a wave, and Jaden shoots Oromus a dirty look before striding away towards the docks, muttering under his breath.

"As I was saying, Oromus has the fortune of being my travelling companion and manservant until the summit is concluded. I would be aghast if he accompanied you on your sightseeing without inviting me along, especially before I could even introduce myself."

With that, Salvos performs a deep, courtly bow, ending it with a not-so-discrete gaze at the Peacekeeper Kaya.

"Salvos, of Wyvara. It is an honour to meet you all, especially you, Peacekeeper."

Irish Musician
2017-08-31, 02:07 PM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus felt a little remorse for his words, but not by much. "I am sorry for your trials. Truly. But at least you were able to gain your freedom. And you are a fool if you think Peacekeepers serve slaves. No one serves us. No one cares. I was born a slave and I will die a slave. As will all my family and any children they force me to conceive. We are naught but more useful and profitable livestock." Oromus' eyes grow quite sad and his head hangs a moment. His eyes shoot back up to the side of Kaya's head. "And if you call me 'Master' one more time....it will come to blows. It insults me, not only as a slave, but as a centaur. If you truly want to help.....stop." This last sentence isn't said with a threatening tone, and is in fact quite calm and he seems a bit tired as the words come out. More of a tired tone with a slight pleading in it. If Kaya looks into his eyes, she sees pain. His.

Oromus goes very quiet and his demeanor gets very spiky the minute his master and his temporary master walk up. He is thankful his master is gone, but it is short lived, as he is a servant to yet another. Here we go again. Some holier than thou noble. I hope it is worth it to see this summit, and to learn about these free peoples. Oromus turns to Salvos, "Apologies, Master. I , of course, would not venture off without you."

2017-08-31, 02:20 PM
At the head of the pack starting up the trail Raphael overhears the centaurs words and stops suddenly. He turns and walks back to the centaur standing toe to hoof with the centaur, "Enough..." he seems to be visibly collecting himself, that guttural voice grating out as if torn painfully from his chest "Born a slave you may have been but I swear to you now you Will. Not. Die. One. Nor will your family." He does not take his eyes from the huge warrior, it was not their way. The black wings rustle and move independently of that odd cloak as if agitated, "This world has been enslaved so long it's like a disease you have all come to know and call a friend. It needs to be purged, cleansed." Again, visibly calming himself, "That may not happen today but the time is coming, soon, very soon..."

Irish Musician
2017-08-31, 02:26 PM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus' sadness still in his eyes, he holds eye contact with Raphael. "If only that were true......" He then steps back and turns around, coming to a stop just behind and to the side of Salvos. He then seems to meld into a robotic state. His head starts to wander around the crowd, and if he is searching. He wakes up Archimedes, give the owl a few hoots, and the small thing takes off into the sky, circling high above their heads. He is clearly in protector mode, now.

2017-08-31, 06:13 PM
"You children really are quite stubborn, you know that?" a voice calls from up the path. Feathers swirling away from her, and fading from sight, a small, blue-white skinned woman walking back towards the group, a weathered stave in her right hand, and a grin on her slightly crinkled face. "How difficult is it to follow an obviously strange owl down a twisting path?" she drawls, coming to a stop perhaps fifteen feet away, leaning on the stave. She gives her head a little shake before lifting her stave and pointing it accusingly at Salvos. "I blame you, cousin. You young druids, all full of yourselves and making life all antagonistic. Plus you knew I was there, and you didn't even wave, you rude man." she lowers the stave and glances around the group, eyes lingering once again on Raphael's wings.

"Right then. First off, owls taste horrible. You're better with a pelican or pigeon. Second of all, Oromus, was it? Learn the difference between an owl call and a falcon call. Clueless whippersnappers!" she strides forwards another five feet before inclining her head at Raphael. "So I assume you're the statue who thinks he's a walking about person, eh? Someone told me you had three heads and five wings, but you know how rumors are. Doesn't matter, at any rate." she points a finger at Raphael. "If you've been around for that long, even as a statue, you should know better than to shout like that, even when other people are being very rude to you" she gives a withering glance at Salvos "What would your mother say, if she heard you going on about purging. Even if she, like I agreed that this slavery thing needs to be dealt with?" she pauses for a moment, as if she had forgotten something.

"Oh right. I'm Āita Halla. I'm... closest thing would be 'Chief Grandmother' of the Uldra people."

2017-08-31, 07:59 PM
Raphael takes a knee so he can better address the Uldra and to show respect for her station, bowing his head she can hear the genuine sorrow within his voice. "Kindred. I had never thought to address you as such but we are. I am indeed that statue but as you can see, one head and only 2 wings. And yes, usually I do know better than to shout, although at times my emotions get the better of me. Something I believe your people are at least passingly familiar with." He gazes down at the ground at her feet, "I have never known a mother so I do not know what she would say. The one who fulfilled that role would indeed agree that this slavery thing needs to be dealt with."

The two heads is not that far off. No it is not, but how would you even fly with 5 wings?

Irish Musician
2017-09-01, 12:34 PM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus tilts his head at this new person, not really knowing what to make of her, but glad that he was right in his assessment of what she was. "It was a test Old Halla. I know the difference in calls, my dearest friend up there is an owl. How do you think I communicate with him? But you weren't exactly what you seemed to be. Glad to know my skills are still sharp." The "Old" was a cultural thing for centaurs. They had great respect for their elders, and given their war-like nature not many tended to end up that way. While the "Old" sounds like an insult, it is a title of respect given to those with long life and great knowledge.

2017-09-02, 02:54 AM
Lady Gaulstaff's letter is respectful but rather pointed.

"I thank you for your recent letter Salvos Scalespeaker. However, I do not believe we have much to discuss. Our goals do not seem to align and many would take offence at what I expect to be a slave-related issue. Perhaps a brief meeting could be arranged but I see little coming of it."

2017-09-02, 07:19 PM
Kaya notes the pain in Oromus' eyes, but otherwise seemed to observe the events, from the appearance of Oromus' new master, to Raphael's outburst, to the revelation of the elderly woman, with an uncharacteristically detached expression.

Finally she turns and gives a small bow to Salvos and Āita each in turn. "Well met, Master Salvos. It has been quite some time since I was last able to share the company of a Wyvaran. I meant no disrespect when inviting your newly acquired servant to accompany me. Though this gathering has grown rather larger than I had expected, I would be glad of all of your company." She then turns and addresses the elderly woman with a small smile. "An honor, Mistress Āita. I have personally never before had the privilege of meeting one of the Uldra people. At a guess, based on your previous dive-bombing and hooting, you know of a scenic view of the island? I am also curious to know more of your peoples, would you care to tell me more about them along the way?"

2017-09-02, 09:09 PM
Salvos rolls his eyes as Aita reprimands him, and he retorts with his lips drawn back into a tired smirk.

"My apologies, 'Chief Grandmother', but I do not have two centuries to waste on frivolities and inane statements while I and my people remain in thrall to the empire. Perhaps you would do well to remember that the ancestors grant you your powers for a reason, and it is not to act like some newborn hatchling, nor an airborne projectile. As the kind Peacekeeper says, perhaps you could lead the way for your scenic tour of the island instead?"

Salvos will follow whoever leads the group as they begin to tour the island.

2017-09-02, 11:57 PM
Āita seems at least a little taken aback by Raphael's respect and words, a bright, genuine smile crinkling her features as she reaches out with her free hand to quietly touch his shoulder for a moment. In Sylvan, quietly she replies to him <"I am sure your hypothetical mother would be proud of you. I was only teasing"> she says, laughing and stepping into the group proper, coming up to Oromus and staring up at him, an eyebrow raised"You say you were testing me, child, but I've heard that one before! You'll have to be much more wily to get past me!" she exclaims, laughing and doing a small run back to the front of the group.

"Since cousin Salvos brought up the ancestors, who unfortunately for him must be constantly at his back, making sure he never cracks a grin, I suppose it is time to act like I should and show you a few of the nicer parts of this island!" she says, giving a small bow, and flashing Salvos a smirk.

She abruptly turns and starts down the path, leading the group on a slow, scenic journey around the cliffs of the island, stopping once in a while for a chat and a few friendly words. Āita is a friendly sort, although the more straight-edged members of the group might find her airy attitude a little too ungrounded for their liking. Nevertheless, she describes her people in fond words, explaining how they came to be in their present state. When she talks about the icehearts, her voice lowers for a moment, the problem their way of life poses something weighing heavily upon her. She speaks scathingly of the Empire's slavery however, in the airs of a very disappointed relative. She seems curious about the rest of the group, but by and large respects their privacy, though she asks everyone (except Salvos) if they'd like to have a cup of tea with her some time, for some more personal talk. It is getting to the evening when she leads the group back to the boarding houses.

"As for me, I prefer to stay outside during the nights. Cold doesn't bother me, and the stars are so pretty this time of year."

2017-09-04, 04:51 PM

Growing rather weary of the veiled threats and other social skulduggery happening, Jormindrill catches Justinian's eye and nods before slipping away into the shadows. Once relatively certain he has left the group behind, Jormindrill casts off his disguise and starts walking about the island. Searching the poor districts for his friend Miss Gaulstaff.

2017-09-04, 08:32 PM
It isn't long before Jormindrill can find Lady Gaulstaff. She is attended by her usual entourage as they are travelling back to her abode when he finds her. The others are quickly shooed away as she drops her usual courtly demeanor and gives him a bone-crushing hug.
"Greenspeaker! It's been too long since you've visited! Although I am a bit disappointed you tried to disguise yourself when I was around."
She gently gives him a reprimanding shove as she looks at him with eyes full of mirth.

3 days later
One way or another, it becomes obvious to each person that they each have an interest in the summit. The most distinguishing part of the selection process here is that each person makes their case for selection in the presence of the local council and the deliberations of who to recommend takes a few days to complete. This reflects the customs that were held by the Elves to avoid rash decisions and act with wisdom.
Non-council members may watch the proceedings but they are expected to remain silent no matter what is presented.
The 'auditions', as they are called, have begun and anyone may do so within three days. Afterwards, the deliberations will take another few days to complete. There is little fanfare when compared to Bor'Salla as hopeful applicants enter to be recommended as representatives.
At about noon, three large warships flying the Imperial colors moor themselves and unload a small army of soldiers who make their way towards the Anchor. Their arrival is met with borderline hostility as the inhabitants of Dorn's Rest line up to shout and heckle the soldiers as they pass through the streets.

2017-09-04, 10:57 PM
Early in the third day, Salvos calls Oromus to his quarters as soon as Imperial sails are sighted on the horizon. As Oromus arrives the Wyvaran is furiously writing, not even looking up as his quill dances across the parchments that Salvos has sprawled across his desk.

"No doubt you've seen the ships on their way. I anticipate trouble. You are to observe whoever disembarks, use your best judgement if you need to take action. Firstly, your 'wages'."

At this Salvos looks up, before tossing Oromus a pouch of gold coins. Before the pouch even lands he returns to his scribing, a slight growl accentuating his commands.

"Rrrr (https://dota2.gamepedia.com/media/dota2.gamepedia.com/1/16/Lone_druid_anger_11.mp3), You have done well in your duties so far. Spend them as you like. I suggest that quaint tavern down by the docks. Secondly, I require you to collect a pouch of sand, a least a pound in weight, and keep it with you at all times. Thirdly, these next few days I will be viewing the selection process; send your owl to seek me out if there are any developments I need to know about. Oh, and one more thing- "

Salvos looks up again, regarding the centaur with something between pride and melancholy.

"Talk is cheap. All the sanctimonious chatter from the other do-gooders has not put a single scratch on the chains of your kin. But I repay those who help me, regardless of their status. Do right by me and I will work to have you freed once the summit is complete, one way or another."

Salvos looks down at his parchment and dips his quill in the inkwell, indicating the end of the conversation.

Irish Musician
2017-09-05, 12:20 PM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus kept his eye outside Salvos' quarters most of the time, seeing as he was "employed" to protect him or whatever he was supposed to be doing, so he came to the quarters fairly quickly after being called.

Oromus nods, noting the ships as soon as his eyes were able to perceive them, and even having his owl take a closer look to make sure his eyes weren't lying to him. Oromus nods again, with the instructions given to him, and just as the pouch of coins seem to be falling out of his grasp, his hands shoots out and catches them in a flash. He puts them in one of his saddle bags. "As you wish. And thank you." Oromus had to remember his manner for new masters.

He listen to his new instructions, which he committed to memory, and just as he was about to answer, Salvos went on about talk being cheap and how he could help Oromus. Oromus nodded and bowed as soon as Salvos was done. Talk was cheap, and Oromus had heard such speeches before from former temporary masters. But once they had heard the price for his freedom, which had gone up since he has been in his masters' service, temporary masters had, again and again, left him in chains. "We shall see Archimedes," Oromus talked to the bird after they were out of Salvos'quarters and on the way to get some sand, "My temporary master is right. Talk is cheap. We will see what his is worth, huh?"

2017-09-05, 04:40 PM
"So tell me, Mr Statue" Āita says, sipping her cup of tea and placing it down on the oddly-scaled table. The Uldra herself is perched on a rather tall stool, looking quite comfortable cross-legged, while Raphael is on a rather short, for him, stool, legs bunched up, the table in between their respective heights in a democratic, if uncomfortable configuration. "Do you recall my people from your time? The winter children, who bring their dark season with them?"

It was one of the first times the conversation had turned to Raphael and his memories, the quiet chat mostly focusing on Āita herself, a few regaled tales of her own exploits in her younger (but still pretty darn old) days. The woman had been a calming beverage partner today, and even as the residents of the island scurried around talking about the Empire's soldiers, she herself had simply continued with her conversation. She had explained that she did indeed intend on submitting her own 'audition' for the summit, but even if she wasn't selected, she planned on going anyway. After all, she nominally leads the island of the Uldra (although since the island is considered desolate and useless save for the occasional taking of slaves, her position is hardly official by any means). She is also very firmly in the anti-slavery camp.

2017-09-06, 06:31 AM
Smiling at the name Āita used in referring to him Raphael nods in response. "Indeed I do kindred, for me is was a but scant few weeks ago. You are a quiet folk who hold family in high regard, even your extended family. Ice witch's notwithstanding." He flashes her a smile hoping he passed her test.

Bah, why are we wasting our time here? Begin this war already! Patience, ever patience, changing a world will take time. Though not as long a time frame as the politicians use. Harrumph, even an immortal cannot outlive a politicians time frame.

As Āita explains her intent Raphael decides not to pursue his bid to become the Dorn's Rest representative. "If I may, passage upon the Wavehopper seems to require a reason to be there, should you be selected I would be honored to act as your bodyguard."

2017-09-06, 04:18 PM
Āita blinks, taken aback for a moment, and places her teacup down. "I... am surprised, Raphael. In the first instance,
I would have thought you would seek representation as a delegate yourself, as someone with wisdom from before the Shattering." she pauses, thinking for a minute. "Having a bodyguard is hardly my... style, you would say. Especially with what Cousin Salvos has done with Oromus, it makes me uncomfortable." she suddenly smiles, and picks up her tea again, taking a sip. "How about you be my adviser? And for that matter, friend?"

2017-09-06, 07:53 PM
He inclines his head in deference to the possible representation at the council. "I am a being lost in time, my knowledge of the past could be helpful but it is so far removed from the current situation as to be nearly immaterial. As for the offer to guard, I was not meaning to serve you as a slave but as indeed your friend and someone concerned with your safety. Your suggestion as adviser is a more than fair compromise. And I would be honored to be considered your friend."

*KSNORT* Oh hush, it will be good to make a friend.

2017-09-06, 08:04 PM
A brief look of sadness crosses over the woman's face. "Perhaps once a bodyguard was a sign of camaraderie and friendship.
But alas, many of those enslaved by the Empire are so chained for their physical abilities alone. We should emphasise our hearts and minds first, Raphael, before we show our strength." she finishes her tea, and hops off the stool. "Now then, I think we'd better go and see what this ruckus is. I hope you don't mind if I..." she says, before her form vanishes in a flurry of snow, which melts as soon as it lands on the ground, replaced by the same snowy owl as before. She wings up and lands on Raphael's shoulder, talons clutching reassuringly

2017-09-07, 06:50 PM
Kaya seems strangely absent during the days following the island tour. She shows up to observe a few auditions each day, but otherwise must presumably be locked away in her room or else who knows where on the island. As for the auditions she attends, whether there is reasoning behind her visits or if they are entirely at random is anyone's guess.
When the warships finally manage to dock, Kaya watches the soldiers debark and make their way to the Anchor from a distance. She is plainly not a part of the crowd, but also plainly observing.

2017-09-07, 06:50 PM
Raphael smiles as Āita shifts into the owl form and moves his wing back slightly as she lights on his shoulder. Did that strange shadow like cloak adjust as well just before she landed? Surely not. Hssssssss, why do you suffer their touch? Silence, she will not harm us.

He turns and walks towards the gathering of onlookers as the soldiers make their way to The Anchor.

2017-09-08, 06:52 PM
Kaya's observation of the auditions reveals very little. All of the speakers give the same speech about freedom for all beings and the evils of slavery and the depravity of those that practiced such things.
Those auditioning seem to be made of a variety of races, though human presence is slightly underrepresented.
Theomars is also there, paying extremely close attention. He doesn't make any comments when a few speakers make pointed comments attacking his character.

Anyone watching the procession of the soldiers can tell things are far from friendly.
"Get out of here you slavers!"
"Freedom will not be quelled!"
"Down with tyrants!"
The soldiers exercise a surprising amount of restraint as they hardly give the angry crowd any heed.

This crowd is threatening to explode with the sudden influx of soldiers. Apparently, the small garrison was barely tolerated without the extra muscle coming in.
A female half-orc within the crowd stoops to procure a good-sized stone from the ground and hefts it as if to test its weight.

Irish Musician
2017-09-08, 07:33 PM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus, after having fetched his sand, was on the way back. He sees the soldiers marching and pretty much pays them no mind. This is the every day for him. Though something is different. He immediately sends Archimedes into the air to keep watch. Oromus looks around in the crowd, their faces were not the same. They were yelling out things, and Oromus could see where this was going. He'd been forced to quell some rebellions in the past, he wanted no part in this.

He went to tell Salvos of the new developments. "You said you wanted to know of anything of interest. The soldiers are marching. The crowd seems ready to pop. If things stay this way, there will be blood. What are your orders?"

2017-09-08, 08:18 PM
Salvos nods, before murmuring under his breath and clutching a pouch hanging at his belt.

"Ztherul, Harmunal, Tkolesh - Ancestors, carry my words true."

Whispering Sands - Duration 2 hours, targetting Oromus.

Salvos closes his eyes, coldly calculating as he raps his claws against the desk. As he begins to speak again, the sand at Oromus's side begins to whisper in a sibilant echo of the Wyvaran's voice, sychronized with the words coming from his mouth.

"There, this should last some two hours. I will hear your words so long as the bag remains with you, and vice versa. Return to where the tension seems highest, and keep an eye out for anyone of importance. If violence erupts, I would like to earn a favor with Lady Gaulstaff - Indeed, she would be in my debt if you protected innocents from harm... No matter. Do as you see fit, but keep in mind I will relay any instructions to you. I will be flying overhead."

With that, Salvos stalks out of the residence, before extending his wings and taking to the air. He slowly gains height, until he can see the mass of civilians surging against the line of soldiers. Soaring closer, he narrows his eyes and attempts to spot the leader of the soldiers, or anyone who might be driving the crowd to a frenzy.

Perception check to spot a leader or any significant sights [roll0]

Swift action to start using Formless Dance Stance (Constant See Invisibility and Blur (concealment, 20% miss)), and using stealth while flying (roll in OOC)

2017-09-08, 08:59 PM
The owl gives her head a small shake, and when she opens her mouth again, it is with Āitas voice. "Can you see the half orc? Do you want to stop them, advisor, or should we let this small rebellion happen and protect the civilians?" she whispers into Raphaels ear.

Irish Musician
2017-09-08, 09:49 PM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus nodded, impressed by the lizard's magic, and took his instructions to heart. Protect the innocents. Oromus tended to hear what he wanted to hear. "I will be ready for whatever troubles comes up. They maybe soldiers of the empire, but my new master is the one giving the orders, now isn't he?" Oromus got the feeling that Salvos, while he traded slaves, didn't care much for the empire. Not that he was surprised, not being human, but this put a little more credibility to his words from earlier.

Oromus stepped back outside as Salvos took off into the air. He took his bow from around his torso and placed is around his quiver that was slung around his waist. If it came to it, he wanted to be as ready as possible to protect those that needed it. Oromus wasn't used to this kind of freedom, and he was trying to not let himself get too used to it.....or too comfortable. That's dangerous for someone in his (horse)shoes.

Oromus walks out into the crowd. He was large, and stood out higher than everyone else. But somehow, he tended to blend into the crowd, even as big and conspicuous as he was. He wasn't invisible, or even unnoticed. But he would just seem like one of the people. Oromus picked a high advantage, about 85ft or so away from the soldiers. He then tapped into the magic that had crept into his head. "Salvos. Can you see an officer of the soldiers? A leader? If he dies first, they are less likely to be organized in battle." Oromus had seen enough of soldiers, even the Empire's soldiers, to know that when the officers died, they grunts knew little of what to do. If the officers died first, the grunts were less likely to know what was going on after.

Stealth [roll0]

Not the best of modifiers, but might as well try with camouflage, it being Urban I can.

2017-09-09, 06:35 AM
Raphael smiles, though she couldn't see them, his pupilless eyes seems to grow even more pale. Maybe cold was a better word for it. "Lets see how this plays out, it could be just the thing this world needs to jump start a rebellion."

Tucking his wings in a sort of protective shield around the two he moved to near the front of the crowd. Closer to where he thought the middle of the fight would be should it breaknout.

2017-09-09, 06:57 AM
Āita tilts her head slightly, her expression owlish and unreadable. <"As you say, Raphael"> she replies, quietly, in Sylvan. <"But I do hope you know the burden you place on your spirit with such decisions. I think you do.">. She places her warm, feathered head against Raphael's cheek for a moment, eyes closing briefly.

2017-09-09, 07:20 AM
Tilting his head slightly away from the shownof affection and calm his eyes flare more "You assume I even have a spirit, iceheart. You are wrong."

2017-09-09, 10:46 PM

Meeting with Gaulstaff

Jormindrill attempts to position most of his armor spikes out of the way before the hug engulfs him. The fact that she doesn't immediately regret her hug leaves him believing he was somewhat successful. Chuckling at her false pout, Jormindrill takes on a hurt look and laments with obvious over drama, "Would you demand an actor to cast off his character mid-scene? I see your popularity has made of you a tyrant. Putting your own whims and satisfaction above that of those around you. Woe be my fate, to watch friends become cold and cynical with the passing of years."

Dropping the act, Jormindrill smiles as he says seriously, "In actuality I would love to prance about as myself, but we both know that it can lead to... unintended consequences. I was curious to see how these proceedings will advance, but it seems that there are enough undercurrents racing about its only a matter of time before the surface of the water starts frothing. In any case, enough about me and my wanderings, how have you been? Things might start getting rough soon and I just know you will manage to get caught up in it so be careful. You need to take care of yourself or else this island will explode, you have been eating correct? Getting enough sleep?" Jormindrill asks with the over-protectiveness of an uncle as he leans in and looks for bags under her eyes.

When the saints Soldiers go marching in.

Sense Motive: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Jormindrill decided to stay away from the delegate meetings, his unfortunate mistake while negotiating today left him under Dantilion's sway, and the vestige's curiosity is often at unhealthy leaves where leaders are concerned. In any case, Jormindrill found himself watching the soldiers marching by, much to the disgust of the local population. Jormindrill was wondering if this was a prod at the people of Dorn's Rest to reveal their loyalties (or lack-thereof), a precaution with the current talks on the stance of slavery should it devolve into violence, or a precaution for a threat that the Empire knows of and Jormindrill knows nothing about.

While caught up in his deliberations, Jormindrill notices the half-orc considering a course of action that is... less than wise and decides to step in. Teleporting himself the short distance to the back of the half-orc, Jormindrill clears his throat imperiously before saying, "You do know that that stone will do little against their armor correct? Meanwhile, your little temper tantrum will give those soldiers all the excuse they need to turn blades against the crowd. So let me ask, is it the Empire that you wish to hurt with the stone or the people of Dorn's Rest? Because the ones here without weapons armor and military training are far more likely to be hurt by that rock."

Taking 10 via Nabarius for a total of 37

2017-09-12, 10:00 PM
Gaulstaff's 'Meeting'
Lady Gaulstaff laughs and reassures him of her well-being.
She doesn't have much to report except for the excitement growing for the upcoming summit among the populace and the Imperial troops keeping out of the way.
Not much time passes before she is called away by her aides to continue with her duties.
She sighs dramatically as her aides pester her.
"I'm sorry Greenspeaker. It's been a while since we've met but I can't spend as much time as before. There's so much to prepare for and everyone looks for a blessing from me."
She gives a smile before she hurries off.

The Half-Orc hesitates as the point is driven home, thinking twice about her action before she turns on him instead.
"So what are you? A slaver? They're the ones who force our families to throw themselves at their feet and lick the dirt from their boots!"
Suddenly, quite a few eyes are on Jormindrill instead of the soldiers, who continue to march on as if nothing was happening.
She doesn't seem to wait for long before she gives him a very forceful shove.
One of the officers in the Imperial forces takes an interest and stops to watch how this unfolds, stepping aside to allow the other soldiers to continue unhindered.

2017-09-12, 10:39 PM
<"I said Spirit, Child. Not soul. Everything has Spirit, save for the mindless and thoughtless."> The owl quietly retorts, head pivoting to watch Jormindrill as he speaks to the half-orc. <"Now that's an interesting development. Think that one will require some help, or do you still wish to wait and see, adviser? I could roll in a fog bank. Cold clammy air does wonders to cool a youth's vigor."> she asks, head tilted as she looks Raphael's way once again.

2017-09-13, 01:28 AM

Jormindrill was pleased when the half-orc listened to reason, but his eyes grew chilly like glaciers when accused of being a slaver. In an instant, Jormindrill is inches away from the half-orc's face and his voice is a low hiss of barely contained wrath as his eyes bore into him, "I am not, nor will I ever be, a slaver. After spending decades suffering within the confines of my chains, I will not be labeled as an oppressor of free will by some half-orc child throwing a tantrum over the empire's toy soldiers. Do yourself a favor and go home while my patience lasts, but insult me again, and I will seek recompense IN BLOOD."

With that, Jormindrill backs away slightly to let the half-orc breathe, but levels a glare at her containing enough wrath to be physically felt.

This half-orc just touched Jormindrill's reverse scale.
Intimidate check: [roll0]

If the Half-orc decides to be stupid at this point?...
Initiative: [roll1]

2017-09-13, 06:22 AM
His focus never shifting from the soldiers and what they are doing, especially the single one taking an interest in the argument, Raphael answer's his newfound friend. "Mortals have ever confused and twisted the two, thinking them separate." A shudder rolls though his body and then stillness. "Let's let this play out, a display of magic might be seen as an attack, regardless of how subtle it is."

FEH, you will ever sit and wait on others. If there is a revolution to be had here it cannot begin with me, you know this. You have always known this. The answer was silence.

Irish Musician
2017-09-13, 08:59 AM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus tilts his head as he sees the half-orc shove Jormindrill. The odd looking half-elf gets back in the half-orc's face, and Oromus can only guess as to the words being flung back to her. Sir, Oromus says through the mental link to Salvos, are you seeing this like I am. Jormindrill and a half-orc seeming to be at each other's throats currently. Oromus brought out his bow, pulling out an arrow and knocking it. He wanted to be ready, just in case he needed to take quick action.

2017-09-13, 02:06 PM
Salvos fixes his gaze on the chaos below him as Jormindrill and the half-orc continue to squabble, paying particular notice to the Imperial officer.

"Patience (https://dota2.gamepedia.com/media/dota2.gamepedia.com/9/93/Lone_druid_move_10.mp3), Oromus - 'tis better that they turn on him than provoke the soldiers. Do what you can to prevent bloodshed, on both sides - The death of a soldier will not end well for this crowd. If a riot erupts I will do what I can to separate the two sides from each other."

Descending closer to the crowds and landing upon a house bordering the street, Salvos stealthily flits from rooftop to rooftop as he follows the procession of soldiers.

2017-09-15, 01:41 AM
The half-orc takes a step back at the hatred he projects.
"W-Well you're lucky I've got something else to take care of or I'd make you prove it!"
With that she hurries off through the crowd, eager to get away.
The officer smirks a bit at the spectacle and as she turns, she sees Oromus with a nocked arrow. She narrows her eyes and keeps an eye on him, obviously suspicious as her hand wanders to the blade at her side.

No further acts of aggression occur as the troops make it safely to the Anchor. It would be a lie to say the soldiers were treated fairly, even if their coin was just as good as any other person's.

Irish Musician
2017-09-15, 08:29 AM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus locks eyes with the Officer and doesn't seem to blink, but he makes no aggressive moves.

The soldiers finally leave and Oromus puts his arrow away and hangs his bow back over his quiver.

2017-09-15, 02:57 PM
Āita lets out an owlike laugh, a kind of soft hooting, as the tension dissolves away.

"Oh, children. They're adorable, really, crawling on rooftops, pretending they control the world." she leans into Raphael again, nuzzling his cheek with her feathered head. "Lets go and find your friend, the Peacekeeper. I'd be interested to listen to her story!"

2017-09-15, 03:48 PM
As the Imperial soldiers draw closer to safety, Salvos watches from a nearby perch before gliding down to the ground and vanishing into a nearby alleyway. He whispers into the pouch of sand at his side, giving Oromus his location and directing him to come to guard the Wyvaran.

"Return to me (https://dota2.gamepedia.com/media/dota2.gamepedia.com/6/6f/Lone_druid_ability_return_02.mp3), and with haste - you did well to avoid violence, and I have work to do."

He pulls a small, sticky rag out of his component pouch, carefully twisting it until a single drop of honey falls and lands on a finger.

You summon one or more glossy black beetles, which have a measure of intelligence and make for excellent spies. When they are in your presence, the insects obey your mental commands, and you can issue orders to any number of them as a single standard action, provided that you issue the same orders to each one. In order to issue different orders to different insects, you must spend a separate standard action for each set of orders. An insect in physical contact with you can answer simple questions about what it has observed, at a rate of one question per round. It can relate only what it perceived with its senses, and can’t repeat speech. It has difficulty making subjective judgments, and questions that demand such reasoning are unlikely to yield a clear answer.

For example, an insect is unable to relay someone’s emotional state or determine who among several people it saw might be in charge.

Each insects’ size is Fine. Each insect has 1 hit point, AC 20 (+2 Dexterity, +8 size), a movement speed of 5 feet, a climb speed of 5 feet, and a fly speed of 20 feet (perfect maneuverability). The insects use your saving throw bonuses, have a total Perception skill bonus equal to 5 + 1/2 your caster level, and can’t make attacks. Due to their incredibly small size and magical nature, they can make Stealth checks to avoid being noticed even if they lack a source of cover or concealment, and they have a total Stealth skill bonus equal to 18 + 1/2 your caster level. The insects can even climb onto creatures of Tiny or larger size while using Stealth, possibly riding on those creatures unnoticed. A Tiny creature gains a +16 bonus on Perception checks made to notice one of these insects currently climbing on it. For each size category larger than Tiny the creature being climbed is, this bonus is reduced by 4 (to a minimum of +0 for Huge or larger creatures).

You also maintain a faint mystical connection with these insects, which allows you to sense where they are. As a full-round action, you can concentrate on the spell in order to learn the direction and relative distance of each of the insects. You can also borrow the senses of the summoned insects. As a move action, you can choose to receive sensory input from one of the insects, seeing what it sees and hearing what it hears. While doing so, you are treated as being blind and deaf. You can change to another insect, or return to your own senses, with another move action.

Commands: One insect to follow and land on the aforementioned officer, while the other two fly behind and enter the garrison at the anchor (where the soldiers are entering). The first insect shall listen to everything the officer says, while the other two will explore (with direction from Salvos), looking for interesting features or conversations. All three will attempt to return once an hour has passed.

Ancestors watch over me and grant me wisdom - Let us see what these newcomers can reveal.

Once his insectile minions fly away Salvos waits for the centaur to arrive, only briefly seeing through their eyes to make sure they fulfill his commands - directly and fully overseeing the bugs makes him helpless, and he would rather not be ambushed in this dark alleyway.

Irish Musician
2017-09-15, 04:01 PM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus immediately makes his way to Salvos' side, pulling out his greatsword and placing just slightly in the ground. He stands in front of the Wyvaran, ready to defend him if the need arises.

2017-09-15, 04:19 PM
With a nod at Oromus, Salvos settles down in a cross-legged position in the detritus of the alleyway, and focuses on his spell. His eyes roll up into his head and his limbs twitch as he flits between the perspective of the summoned insects.

"I will brook no disturbances. Allow no-one to approach us."

2017-09-16, 12:14 PM
Āita lets out an owlike laugh, a kind of soft hooting, as the tension dissolves away.

"Oh, children. They're adorable, really, crawling on rooftops, pretending they control the world." she leans into Raphael again, nuzzling his cheek with her feathered head. "Lets go and find your friend, the Peacekeeper. I'd be interested to listen to her story!"

Raphael listens to Aita and replies "Indeed, let us see if we can find her." before heading back to the area he last saw her.

2017-09-17, 04:56 PM
Raphael is easily able to find Kaya, who is still leaning against a small tree, a small distance from the crowd that remains to gossip after the passing of the troops. Noting the pair and recognizing the snowy owl from their previous encounter, she politely inclines her head to each.

"Well met, Mistress Āita, Raphael. How does the day find you?"

2017-09-17, 06:12 PM
The owl wings off from Raphael's shoulder, and comes to land on a branch on the tree. "With new friendship and interesting times, Peacekeeper." she replies, looking down at Kaya. "And, luckily, not a full scale revolt which would make things decidedly uncomfortable for you." she adds, a hint of mirth in her voice. She stretches out a wing to indicate Raphael.

"Meet my official. ish. Adviser. And friend. Tell me, Kaya. Do you like tea?"

2017-09-17, 06:37 PM
Nodding in deference to the youngling on his shoulder as she talks, Raphael adds, "I finds me parched, intrigued, with new friends and new employment." He leans forward in a more formal bow "I would be honored if you would join us for some tea."

2017-09-18, 12:25 AM
Kaya gives a small, almost mischievous smile at Āita's words. "'Could'. Could make things uncomfortable, Mistress Āita. I believe I was informed in no uncertain terms upon my arrival that the Empire had no power to force another's actions here. Now, while that may or may not be true, I do nonetheless intend to respect Mistress Gaulstaff's wishes as best I can. More significantly however, my assignment currently is simply the protection of Mistress Fellspark. As to tea,
that sounds quite nice. I knew a warforged many years ago who loved tea.
Perhaps it was because he couldn't taste what he made. Nasty stuff, his tea...
Sorry, I digress. Please, lead the way." As she follows she looks up at Raphael. "So, advisor she says? Seems like a nice step up from bodyguard."

2017-09-18, 06:27 AM
"Aita is kind, but if she listens to advice the way she flies I fear it more of a title than anything else." he says with a wink and a grin. Once again the more serious side of him gets the better of his personable side. "From what little I have been able to gather I do not think this Empire believes it has 'no power' anywhere within it's reach." shaking his head a bit, "Who or what is a warforged?"

2017-09-18, 09:46 AM
Salvos gleans a few interesting pieces of information as the insect spies listen in as the proverbial fly on the wall.
The officer makes herself at home in one of the buildings near the Anchor before heading back out. The spy had to return before it could see where she was going, though it looked to be back into town.
The other two insects are able to return unharmed and the information they provide is rather interesting. It appears that the soldiers are here to conquer another island that has appeared near Dorn's Rest.
A few people look at the duo with curiosity but are easily scared off by Oromus' imposing figure.

As the others gather around for tea, a knock sounds at the door. It happens to be the same officer from earlier.
"I heard that the Peacekeeper could be found here. I have orders that are for her eyes only."
She is still in full battle garb and looks a bit harried what with the rotten fruit that unceremoniously clings to her armor.

2017-09-18, 12:44 PM
"—one of the earliest exploits attributed to the Peacekeepers. Though the irony was rather lost on the dissident sect of the Artificers Federation, historians are fond of pointing out that in their attempt to end slavery throughout the Empire, the Artificers themselves enslaved their own sentient, autonomous creations. When captured, the Artificers then foolishly tried to claim their creations were not intended to wage war on the Empire. All of their notes about their creations and even the beings themselves referred to them as 'Warforged'. Brilliant inventors and powerful mages, but subtlety was not their forte. As far as I know, relatively speaking there aren't very many Warforged out there, but there are rumors of settlements where they've banded togeth—"

Kaya cuts off at the sound of the knock at the door. "Were you expecting other guests, Mistress Āita?" She rises and answers the door, and is slightly surprised to be face to face with the officer from earlier. She gives a small bow and a nod at the officer's words. "I am she." Kaya briefly turns her head over her shoulder to her prospective tea-mates, "My apologies, I don't know how long this will take. Please forgive me. With luck, I may be back before the water starts boiling; without, I may have to postpone." With that, she steps through the door and softly closes it behind her.

Facing the officer, Kaya again gives a small bow. "How may I serve?"

2017-09-18, 07:38 PM
"Something of a pattern, isn't it Raphael?" Āita asks, back in her usual form now and sitting cross-legged atop a stool, her staff lying across her knees. "Every time those of us who desire the end of the Empire's rapacious collecting of bodies think a solution has been found, it ends up a disaster." she sighs, looking down for a moment. "Perhaps the summit will make a difference." she adds, before looking out towards where Kaya left, lips pursed. "I get the distinct feeling the soldiers are here for more than pomp and ceremony."

2017-09-19, 06:08 AM
"It is a pattern that has repeated itself for millennia. I have been on both sides of it, helped it repeat itself, the cycle is endless." He pauses, sad. "That many soldiers are here for a purpose, though what it is I do not know. If it is to conquer this island then Dorn's Rest is already lost." Thinking a bit longer, "Yes, perhaps the summit will change things, though it may not be to our liking. If I wanted to squash rumors and whispers of possible uprising I would concoct a reason to gather the most outspoken leaders in one place and deal with them quickly and decisively. And there wold be no doubts as to the cause." His gaze follows Aita's to the door, the concern for Kaya plain on his face.

2017-09-20, 02:50 AM
The officer retrieves a letter from her pouch and hands it to Kaya before she continues.
"I do have to admit I was curious as to what kind of a person you were when I could have easily sent some recruit to do such a simple task."
She shrugs as she moves on from her own reasoning to the task at hand.
"You'll be attached to the forces that have just arrived for an upcoming military action in three day's time. The details are inside."

Due to an unforeseen circumstance you will be leading an assault on a nearby island that has been discovered near Dorn's Rest.
Your orders to act as guard for Lady Fellspark are rescinded until further notice.
You will take the front in the assault. Make sure that you are seen. Take command where appropriate.
Should any other non-humans wish to aid you in taking the front you may recruit such persons. However, any such beings must act as if they were of inferior rank and MUST obey orders from superior officers or face immediate charges.
Once the island has been taken, secure a perimeter that will allow an Anchor to be built without chance of interruption. This must be done at any cost. Put to the sword anyone who would delay the Anchor's construction.

May Peace reign in the Empire and Hope shine for all that dwell on its coasts.

As Kaya converses with the officer a faint image appears above the table. It's Adrianna Gaulstaff's head.
"Good, the Peacekeeper isn't here."
The image turns in a wide arc to address all those in the room.
"I have need to meet with each of you privately this night. Please do not inform the Peacekeeper about this meeting. I fear her involvement might complicate the matter at hand."

2017-09-20, 03:58 AM
"Oromus, you have done well. You are dismissed for today - feel free to act as you wish."

Salvos bounds straight upward, his wings heaving as he gains altitude - He is unsettled by this unforeseen situation, and he uses the time and crisp air to clear his thoughts. It would be unseemly to have his hired help - no matter how loyal - take note of his unease.

Soon he is back at his residence, scribbling upon assorted parchments as he attempts to divine the best course of action.

"Purpose? Find benefit or profit to situation, preferably advancing position at the summit. Situation: Island appears (does Council know of this? Must inquire later), Empire taking steps to claim land. Involved parties? Soldiers, as witnessed earlier."

A surge of understanding flashes in his eyes, and he grins wickedly as he continues his soliliquy. In his mind, he navigates a metaphorical jungle of pitfalls and loose ends, tying together possibilities until he finds a satisfactory path to take.

"Chance of major military operation occuring without Peacekeeper involvement is next to zero. With an appropriate offer of my services in the assault, one could observe Peacekeepers in the field and obtain support for a position at the summit... Even better to appear as a loyal, subservient Wyvaran at the beck and call of his masters."

His thoughts laid bare upon the pages, he sets the scrolls alight, waiting until the pages are completely disintegrated and tosses away the ash. As helpful as a written log could be, what sort of idiot would leave his innermost plans left unguarded where anyone could steal them? As the last embers fade he leaves his quarters, searching for the Peacekeeper he met once before.

2017-09-20, 04:49 AM
Āita outright giggles as this turn of events, and inclines her head to the image. "As you wish, Lady. We really should have spoken before, it'll be a pleasure. And don't worry, I'll be quiet as a sparrow. Literally."

2017-09-20, 08:55 AM
Aita's giggle draws a genuine smile from Raphael as he fixes his pupiless gaze upon the image of Adrianna Gaulstaff's head. With an inclined nod to the image he says, "As you wish, M'lady. When and where would you like to meet."

Irish Musician
2017-09-20, 01:04 PM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus nods, watching his new master fly away. He doesn't have much to do, or any ideas of what to do, so he just aimlessly walks around the town. Stopping at a few outdoor shops, the indoor shops tended to be a bit cramped for him, and just looking at things. His bellies are hungry, so he finds a shop selling some very good kidney pie and quite a good ale. He put the ale in his own horn cup, strapped to his side and rigged so that it doesn't spill, and finds a place under a tree to enjoy his pie. It hits the spot and he sits and just watches all the people as he sips on his ale. They are coming and going, living their lives. People and creatures of all types, living freely....together, on this island. He gets a little sad that all these people have freedom, and his people are nothing but cattle to the empire. There to breed, and be used for whatever means they want.

He shakes out of his introspection when he sees the officer of the soldiers from earlier walk past him and head down the road. He shrugs to himself, Got nothing better to do... and starts off down the road after her. They travel for a bit, when she comes to a tea shop and steps inside. He hangs back a bit, under a tree, and just watches. The Peacekeeper steps out and they talk for a moment, and Oromus just stands, sipping on what is left of his ale, watching the two interact.

2017-09-21, 01:40 AM
"Here, let me do something for your attire." With a quickly cast spell, Kaya magically cleans the officer's armor. "It won't protect you from more of the same on your return trip, but at least it won't be a double coating." Kaya gives a small chuckle as she takes the letter. "And how do I measure up to your expectations?"
She doesn't seem to actually expect an answer as she begins to read. She reads the letter over several times, committing it to memory. When she is finished, she tucks it away and looks back up at the officer. "Three days, you say?
I will need more information to prepare adequately. Who has the command, and to whom do I need to speak for intelligence gathered regarding the island?"

2017-09-21, 04:08 AM
Salvos' journey eventually reconnects him once more with Oromus, who is contemplatively spying on the Peacekeeper and the officer. It seems they are discussing something private. Only a few others seem to have taken the same amount of interest as Oromus has with the Peacekeeper and friend, they being more content to pretend the two of them didn't exist.

Lady Gaulstaff's head nods in thanks at their willingness to oblige her.
"Meet me tonight in the main Gathering House. I'll have someone there to let you in."
With that her image disappears, leaving the rest of them to their drinks.

The officer turns to inspect herself and thanks Kaya.
"It saves me at least a bit of work. Not like the ones constructing the Anchor would spend any more strength than they have to on this entire venture. Not that I blame them..."
She trails off at that point before she shakes herself out of her reverie and continues to answer the other questions.
"I'm sorry, just a memory I was musing over. Have you met up to my expectations? Well that's quite difficult to determine. Your whole existence is contradictory. A non-human warrior that is nothing more than a figurehead supporting a country she should by all accounts hate."
She shakes her head in bewilderment.
"There is likely no end to the hate that people heap upon you from all sides. As for who is in command, you are officially. Unofficially, I will be directing all military operations. Intelligence is non-existent. No sooner did they learn of this than they sent as many troops as they could spare, us."
She shrugs apologetically.
"I know this probably wasn't what you were expecting but I guess that's why you're supposed to be in charge. No doubt someone's convoluted political maneuvering would come into play whether or not you succeeded but now I must return to the Anchor. It's generally unsafe for soldiers to be out in town for too long."
She'll stay to answer a few more questions but afterwards leaves.

It seems the time for unexpected surprises does not end today as Justinian's ship arrives at the island earlier than expected. They managed to moor themselves to a different side of the island as he had directed on a small dock nearby the Anchor. If asked to explain their trip, they tell tale of an unnaturally favorable current and of a small skirmish with a few sahuigan that had gotten it into their scaly heads that they could make off with the entire ship by jamming their tridents into the rudder.

2017-09-21, 05:10 PM
Āita nods at Raphael as the image vanishes, a rather amused grin on her face. She leans forwards to sniff delicately at the steam rising for the teapot.

"It's ready." she says, picking up the pot and pouring three cups-worth, replacing the pot just off the heat so that it stays warm. "There's something to be said for Dorn's Rest - they sure know their tealeaves, although personally I've always enjoyed a couple of crushed frostberries in there. I know, I know, practically sacrilege, but when you think about it, not too different from a squeeze of lemon, no?" she asks her companion, cheerily.

Irish Musician
2017-09-21, 05:25 PM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus sees the two talking and grabs a bit of honey from his pack. He closes his eyes and whispers some words, closing his hand. As he opens it again and three black beetles are there, "Go, tell me of what the Peacekeeper and the Officer speak. Quickly now." He lets them fly off and try and glean a bit of information off the two. He then pokes the owl on his shoulder, "Archimedes, you go too. Perch by them and see what they are saying. And don't eat the beetles this time....."

Casting Insect Spies, want to to let me know what they're talking about.

Send the owl to do the same.

2017-09-21, 06:11 PM
Salvos, after a little legwork tracking the location of the Peacekeeper, walks around the corner to find that Oromus is already on the case. He's surprised and slighty proud as he watches the centaur emulate the same spell he just used earlier. Concealing his delight, he steps up behind Oromus and claps a hand to his shoulder.

"Aha hah, (https://dota2.gamepedia.com/media/dota2.gamepedia.com/a/a1/Lone_druid_laugh_04.mp3) I'm quite sure I gave you the day off, but here you are one step ahead of me. Do carry on, and I'll wait for her to finish her conversation."

Salvos finds a comfortable spot to sit, settling down as he waits for the time to approach the Peacekeeper in private. He takes out a small block of wood, and begins whittling it in a contented manner.

Irish Musician
2017-09-21, 06:21 PM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave

Despite himself, Oromus cracked a smile. "Enjoyed lunch, saw the officer. Thought it might turn into something. It did. Sent some spies for recon."

2017-09-21, 07:42 PM
Āita nods at Raphael as the image vanishes, a rather amused grin on her face. She leans forwards to sniff delicately at the steam rising for the teapot.

"It's ready." she says, picking up the pot and pouring three cups-worth, replacing the pot just off the heat so that it stays warm. "There's something to be said for Dorn's Rest - they sure know their tealeaves, although personally I've always enjoyed a couple of crushed frostberries in there. I know, I know, practically sacrilege, but when you think about it, not too different from a squeeze of lemon, no?" she asks her companion, cheerily.

Inclining his head as she pours the tea, "Indeed they do, though the landscape has vastly changed since the shattering I do believe this is roughly the same area that had excellent tea before." As he listens to the bit about the frostberries he raises his eyebrows curiously and extends his cup towards her, "If you had some I would try that, sounds enticing."

2017-09-21, 07:45 PM
Āita bows her head, a sad look crossing her features "Alas, I haven't had frostberries since I left my home for Dorn's Rest, a good while ago now." she replies, taking another sip of her tea. "The Wintersoul Islands are a long, long way from here."

2017-09-22, 10:36 PM
Kaya nods slowly in acknowledgement of the officer's words. "Thank you. I am sure I will need some more information, but we can discuss finer details later, somewhere notably less... public." Kaya give a small bow to the officer and waits for her to leave, at which point Kay says a brief incantation and vanishes.

"In addition to being a reasonably capable soldier, I am also a sufficiently competent mage. Insect Spies? It is unwise to pry into Peacekeeper business without invitation, no matter how public a Peackeeper I may be. That said, I am a relatively open person, so if you wish to know my business, you have my permission to ask me about it, though that does not in and of itself guarantee an answer.

That said, I do have a tea date I would rather like to keep. Until next time, then. Master Salvos. Oromus." Kaya gives Salvos and Oromus each a bow, repeats the incantation from earlier and returns to the spot just outside the tea room.

She gives a polite knock on the door, then lets herself back in. "My sincerest apologies. 'Official business' and so forth. Please tell me I haven't missed the tea." she says, her voice apologetic and hopeful in turn. As she speaks she withdraws her letter and, taking a candle from a nearby stand, destroys it.

Kaya casts Dimension Door twice,
to approach and to leave Salvos and Oromus.

2017-09-22, 11:15 PM
"Not at all, Peacekeeper" Āita says, pushing a cup forwards to Kaya, still steaming "We were just talking about what we like in our tea...." she says, before launching into a conversation about food, drink and all things good and homely in the world over the course of the afternoon, turning to evening, and over many pots of tea. She describes with love her own homeland, the surprising life you find where the public imagination conjures only ice and snow. She describes, perhaps tongue-in-cheek, perhaps not, half-ice bears that wander the coldest parts, feasting on the warmth of pools melted by the suns rays, refracted through icicles as clear as glass. She asks the two about their memories of home, although she does so with care, lest either of her companions feel uncomfortable revealing that part of themselves. For at least one pleasant gathering, the ill specter of their potentially clashing missions is dispelled.

2017-09-23, 04:16 PM
Kaya listens intently as Āita speaks, enjoying the the richness and the detail of her descriptions. Storytelling must be a regular duty for the Chief Grandmother of the Uldra. After Āita finishes, Kaya takes her turn, though she does not speak of home, per se. Instead she speaks of her favorite places she has visited, from tropical isles to deep jungles, barren deserts and active volcanoes, and once, even an abandoned necropolis. As she goes on, it becomes plain that when not on assignment, she spends her time seeing as many of the Empire's island as she can. It is becomes equally apparent that rather than any single island, she regards the entire Empire and all it's islands as her home.

2017-09-23, 05:03 PM
Salvos remains silent, his face impassive as the Peacekeeper finishes her tirade before teleporting away. As she enters the building he turns to Oromus before breaking into a raucous laugh.

"Isn't this exciting? (https://dota2.gamepedia.com/media/dota2.gamepedia.com/e/e7/Lone_druid_kill_15.mp3) It looks like she is a feisty one! Ah, I suppose I will have to apologise to her for that slip-up... But now we know a little more about her capabilities - Remember that, Oromus, to find a silver lining in every thundercloud."

He shakes his head amiably, returning to the wooden carving he sculpts into shape - the shape of a brave soldier in armor, with spear raised high. He turns it over, exposing a second side to the sculpture, of the same soldier cowering in fear, his spear broken in twain. Salvos's previous amicability vanishes as he settles down to continue carving.

"That being said, as a Peacekeeper she would have been well within her rights to arrest or attack you for your impertinence, and as your master I would be responsible too. I do not condemn your actions, but do not get caught again. I will not tolerate you gambling with your life and mine. "

Finishing his chatisement, he silently waits and whittles.

2017-09-23, 06:59 PM
Listening intently to both his tea guests, Raphael sits quietly, not daring to break the spell of quiet peacefulness within the little shop.

2017-09-23, 09:31 PM
As Salvos chastises the centaur, a man laden with many satchels and odds and ends that threaten to spill out of the bags approaches them. He seems extremely worn though there is no apparent reason why he should be besides the weight of all the baggage he carries.
"Hello, I do believe that I have something of importance to discuss with you and the Peacekeeper. I assure you that it will be worth your while to come to her quarters tonight. After all, I believe your interests could benefit one another."
He doesn't offer any further explanation before he continues on his way to where the auditions are being held.

Eventually night descends and the appointed time comes for those invited by Lady Gaulstaff to meet. Prior to that time, she also managed to contact Jormindrill and Captain Justinian with the same information.
Should anyone go, the Gathering House is locked but candlelight still flickers in the glass of the windows near the door.

In the middle of the night, a knock sounds on Kaya's door. It's Erwin.
His complexion looks a bit crazed now, as if he hasn't slept. However, he keeps his voice even as he addresses the Peacekeeper.
"I'm sorry to disturb you but I believe there is a meeting that is happening that will be of great interest to you. I also believe there to be an explanation due to you that your superiors have 'conveniently' forgotten about."

2017-09-23, 10:55 PM
Kaya nods, then opens the door a little wider to permit Erwin's entry. "Please, come in. Make yourself comfortable. I can't say that I'm surprised to be left in the dark, but this does seem to be well beyond the lack of information that I am generally used to. What can you tell me?"

2017-09-24, 04:49 PM
A sparrow waits for Raphael just atop the door to the Gathering House, practically invisible in the dark, pecking lazily at the wood.

2017-09-24, 05:39 PM
Salvos makes his way to the Peacekeeper's quarters in the middle of the night, concealing his features with a hood and full-body cloak as he attempts to remain anonymous and unseen.

2017-09-25, 05:56 AM
Raphael looks up and smiles at the sparrow, giving it a nodding approval to take a spot on his shoulder before knocking on the door to the Gathering House.

2017-09-25, 09:38 AM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

Spending most of his time wandering the Elvish buildings on the island (and avoiding near-riots), marvelling at the architecture of a heritage he'd never really explored, Justinian was on the newly arrived Northern Wind, discussing the ship's journey (uneventful with favourable winds) with his first mate when he received Lady Gaulstaff's message.


"So you were dragged into this too, Raph?" asked Justinian quietly as he emerged from the shadows around the Gathering House, approaching the doorway as Raph's knuckles rapped against the wood.

2017-09-25, 09:53 AM
"Indeed, it seems we are gathered for some mysterious reason." Raphael says in response. "I hope it is not for the reasons I suspect." You know the reason! No, I...we do not. Not yet.

Irish Musician
2017-09-25, 09:56 AM
Oromus (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1290566), Mercenary Slave
Oromus smiles at the Peacekeeper, as the teleports in front of them and then away, keeping silent and all but ignoring any warnings she has to give. After Salvos "disciplines" him, "I meant to be seen by her. Bugs, castings, and all. There's something to be said to know the abilities of someone. And what does she know about me now? I'm big, dumb, and obvious. How could I do that right out in the open? I care not what some Peacekeeper thinks of me. But if I can trick her into thinking that I'm something I'm not....." Oromus pauses as Archimedes flies back to him and lands on his shoulder, "that gives me the advantage. And it wouldn't be the first time I've been attacked or arrested by a soldier or Peacekeeper. But I wouldn't want it to affect our.....arrangement." Oromus never actually apologized, and he's sure Salvos noticed it, but Salvos' words were heard and understood.

It was then a strange man started walking up to them, Oromus moved to a position more in front of Salvos so he might protect him better in an attack. He made himself ready to grab is sword, if provoked. The man said his peace and left. Oromus shrugged and calmed himself after the man left. He then went on with his business until Salvos dismissed him.

As Salvos leaves his quarters, walking right past Oromus, the centaur immediately takes step behind him. He takes out his bow, and puts an arrow in the same hand for easy access....just in case they are attacked.

2017-09-25, 11:28 AM
Justinian (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tPo7TXaYVzZkog4RyfhDGbOYJTcRZ9Rvt2FaXfvpli8/edit?usp=sharing)

Justinian grinned in response, "Well, if we do have to make a run for it, I have a ship nearby, and I know a few safe ports in the area."