View Full Version : Fire Emblem: Paladins (IC)

2017-06-12, 11:08 PM
Ascalon has seldom looked so colorful.

Banners and streamers flutter from walls and ramparts in the early spring breeze, Cydonian green-on-white and Ralite gold-on-blue flying everywhere you look. A bizarre combination, one scarcely anyone would've imagined seeing even just a year ago. Of course, for you, knowing how Her Grace usually feels about ostentatious displays, it's strange to see such an effort made at all. Yet it seems to have worked. Around the city, where there might have been unrest at the thought of Ralite guests in the capital, the queen's confidence in promoting a festive atmosphere has put the people at ease. Two days ago, when Lady Aurelia and her retinue rode in through the north gate, they were greeted with flowers and cheering--from a rather small crowd, true, but better than stones and insults.

Of course, much as Imogen has tried to act like the festivities are just a political show, you can't help but suspect that she might be just a little excited to see her son about to be married. It seems even royalty aren't immune to a parent's pride.

None of you have caught so much as a glimpse of Lady Aurelia since her arrival, though her bodyguards haven't let anyone forget her presence, standing at her door as tense as if they were surrounded by starving wolves. Right now, though, you have other concerns than the Ralites' hostility. Out in the castle courtyard, laborers bustle to and fro setting up for the tournament. You can hear nails being hammered and orders being shouted through the open window of Imogen's office. If anything is to go wrong, it will be tomorrow. Her Grace has called you all to discuss how best to make sure that doesn't happen.

"Look, Velya," she says through gritted teeth, kneading her temples. "I understand you're concerned, but you know that's not how this works. She has her bodyguards; we don't assign our own to do their jobs for them. Not from right beside her, anyway. Trust me, your watch will be welcome tomorrow, but it'll have to be from a distance. And much as I'd like to have someone keep an eye on Gerard, we'll be limited there too, considering he's insisted on risking his own neck in every damn event." The stress of overseeing everything today seems to have banished some of her cheer, leaving her more her usual tired, grey-haired self. No one can say she's not tough, but the war was hard on her, and the scars she still carries are plain to see.

Alright, we're on. Sorry again for the delay. I'm not expecting this scene to be very long, just a little chance for IC introductions and some roleplaying. Have at it, folks! :smallsmile:

2017-06-13, 03:28 AM
"Don't worry, my Queen, nothing will happen under our watch" I say, bowing my head slightly "If I may be so bold as to give a suggestion, I should be up in the air with my wyvern, so that I may dive right in of the need arises" I conclude.
°And maybe avoid all those people and the insufferable noise°

2017-06-13, 06:17 AM
Velya blinks a few times, puts two fingers on her forehead, and glares at the door as though Prince Gerard is about to stroll through. "Does his vanity know no bounds?!" She seethes. "This change things. We'll need to check every contestant, every weapon, his armor, his mount, the quartermasters. I can have my Hollows secure the armory imminently."

She considers Loric's suggestion for a moment, then nods. "Take a healer with you. Strap them to your wyvern's belly if you have to."

2017-06-13, 06:29 AM
Sliver eyes glint past black hair and out from under his hooded cloak as Xozereth speaks calmly "It is good you are concerned. Tensions are running high, as you know, and such festivities present the perfect opportunity for any who wish to oppose an alliance between nations. Unfortunately, my knowledge does not extend to how best to prevent sabotage. My only suggestion would be to have me as close as possible to the arena in case anything goes wrong."

He pauses for a moment before adding, "Unless you had something else in mind?"

2017-06-13, 09:56 AM
Kieran just shook his head at just how paranoid Velya was being. "If anybody is going to be a target of outside forces it will be Aurelia who will be the target, not our eager prince. Anyway I will be sure to keep an eye on him during the more chaotic events, but really we should let him live a little. This is the last time he will have the freedom to do something like this so let him live a little. Worst comes to worst and he gets knocked around a bit might actually help him grow."

2017-06-13, 10:20 AM
Avanindra stands silently to the side and behind the others, his ostentatious clothing fluttering in the breeze from the windows. He watches the flight of birds outside as he listens to the others. Already having committed himself to the tournament as a matter of honor, he knows Gerard will always be Gerard. People might see Fire as more chaotic than Stone, but Fire can only ever be Fire.

Avanindra lets the others finish their counsel, only speaking to offer answers to logistical questions should they arise.

Also, for some reason this opening scene has me pretty excited. I loves me some court intrigue!

2017-06-13, 12:09 PM
Velya snorts at Kieran. "You know the last man who had that attitude? Neither do I, because he's dead."

2017-06-13, 12:18 PM
Kieran could barely stop himself from laughing as he exaggeratedly began to check his pulse"Well all signs point to me being alive so I will have to disagree with you."

2017-06-13, 02:07 PM
"Look," Her Grace cuts in. "I'm not thrilled about him fighting either, but he's a grown man. If he wants to, that's his choice. And how would it look if I forbade him? My banners don't want a prince who's still hanging onto his mother's skirts at eighteen."

She turns to Velya. "Secure the armory if you want, but Kieran's right that we can't cause too much fuss during the tournament itself--not that it'd be practical to check every single thing if we wanted to. And I think he's also right that if anyone's to be targeted, it'll be the Ralis girl. We do have some luck there, at least. She'll be with her guards, but they'll be in my section of the stands with me, which means I can have people I trust nearby. Xozereth, Velya, you're not fighting, so that means you. Loric, I like your idea about having riders in the air; take your best and have them signal if there's any sign of trouble. Avanindra, Kieran...I'm not asking you to let Gerard beat you, you know he hates when people do that, but try to make sure he doesn't break his neck falling off his horse or anything." She doesn't sound too concerned about the last possibility, which isn't surprising--whatever else people say about the prince, none have accused him of being an unskilled fighter.

She gives you all an appraising look. "Anyone have any complaints about that plan?"

2017-06-13, 02:37 PM
"It'll do." Velya agrees. She'd challenge Queen Imogen if the plan were blatantly stupid, but this one is at least serviceable - and she'll be able to have her men check the weapons for any foul play.

2017-06-13, 02:48 PM
Xozereth can't suppress a small sigh at the thought of being paired with Velya, but his expression doesn't change.

"Very well. That seems a reasonable plan."

2017-06-13, 03:02 PM
"That seems like the best course of action given the sensibility of the situation, my Queen. May I take my leave? I've got to prepare and instruct my men" I say.

2017-06-13, 05:07 PM
"Yes, my liege." Avanindra bows deeply.

2017-06-13, 06:33 PM
Solka Starfire
I shall join Sir Loric, my Queen, and keep my healing magics ready. I fear that I certainly will need to be lashed to the beast.

2017-06-13, 07:18 PM
"I suggest that you don't call Fireclaw "beast" in front of her... Otherwise your healing magic could be needed by your own person, Mr. Starfire" I say, trying to not sound angry or anything. She IS quite perceptive, after all.

2017-06-13, 08:24 PM
"I will do my best to ensure he survives the tournament. Honestly it might actually be fun to clash blades and just to see how I fare." With that said Kieran stands up and bows to the queen. "May I have permission to leave? I do need to get ready for the tournament as well as instruct my riders on the need to keep some decorum during all of this."

2017-06-13, 09:19 PM
Solka Starfire ignores the offense of omitting his title, and continues:
It wouldn't be the first time, nor the last. Even so, you have probably saved me some pain, so I thank you.

2017-06-15, 10:49 PM
Imogen manages a chuckle at Loric's advice. "Right, it should be you up there, Solka. Loric, if anyone is hurt, make sure you're ready to get him where he's needed." Looking around at each of you one more time, she nods in satisfaction. "Alright. I suppose that's all. You may go."

As everyone leaves, you hear her again from behind you. "And try to be polite to our guests. We want them on our side." She gives Velya a significant glare with the words.

The next day...

It seems even the presence of Ralites in the capital can't dull people's excitement for a party.

In the castle courtyard, the tournament festivities are in full swing. The sky is clear, the breeze chasing away the heat of the crowd. The turnout is impressive; banners from all across Cydonia fly around the field, and the stands are packed with nobles cheering on their favorites.

No one has a better view than those in Her Grace's personal box, elevated right over the center of the tilt. And no one, not even the queen, has drawn more looks and comments than Lady Aurelia Mariam Ralis, seated just below the queen with her bodyguards at her side.

The girl couldn't be a sharper contrast with the stern, silent figures flanking her. For all her reclusiveness over the past two days, she now plays the gracious highborn lady perfectly, smiling and exchanging pleasantries with the rest of the Court of Honor in between matches, ignoring no one. Her dress, though in Ralite colors, is styled after the height of Cydonian fashion, as are her honey-blonde braids. Someone has clearly put in a lot of effort to make sure she'd make just the right impression.

Though Velya and Xozereth are seated at Imogen's side rather than hers, the royal box is rather intimate, and they can easily hear her. As the field is cleared for the start of a new round, she leans over a little. "I have to ask, Ser Xozereth," she says cheerfully, "do you ever fight in tournaments? I've heard great things about your skills--I'd love the chance to see you compete someday."

Down below, the herald steps up once again. "The next combatants will be Ser Kieran Dairand and His Highness, Prince Gerard Valette!" A swell of appreciative noise meets the announcement as Gerard mounts up and approaches the tilt. As usual, he looks every inch the gallant prince, though the gleam of his armor has been done its share of damage by the strike of his opponent's lance in his first round. He raises his free hand to Kieran in salute before lowering his helmet visor, leaving you plenty of time to see his broad grin--he's clearly having the time of his life. A length of blue ribbon is cinched around his waist, a favor; it seems at least one person had a chance to see Aurelia before today.

"I can't understand it," Velya hears from beside her. The voice belongs to a woman you recognize--Ser Janine Laurel, a fellow Paladin who you've met in the capital before, but never fought with. She flashes you an amused smirk from behind roughly cut auburn bangs. "How can a woman like Imogen give birth to such an idiot?"

High above, from Fireclaw's back, Loric and Solka have a much broader view of the proceedings, though a less detailed one. At this distance, the spectators look more like masses of shared colors than people--none more clearly separated than the box occupied by the rest of Lady Aurelia's retinue, who have remained uncomfortably still and quiet. No trouble has presented itself. As you circle around for another pass, Loric, you spot one of your riders coming in closer, waving for your attention. Who is it?

2017-06-16, 12:01 AM
Xozereth can't help but be surprised at the question from Lady Aurelia. He wasn't aware that news had traveled about his presence with the Paladins, though he knew it was only a matter of time.

Remembering Queen Imogen's words he attempts to muster a small smile for the sake of being polite. Unfortunately due to cultural differences his smile comes off as a bit more...menacing than it would be intended though his voice is calm and smooth. "I'm afraid my skills are wholly unfitting of a tournament such as this my lady."

With one hand he draws his dragonstone into view for her to see. A palm-sized blue gemstone, perfectly smooth and containing swirling white energy within. It is tied around his neck but he usually keeps it hidden. "I prefer fighting only when needed." He carefully tucks the stone back under his clothes once she has had her chance to look, he doesn't want to draw too much attention.

2017-06-16, 02:04 AM
"Everything alright ser Starfire? I know it's hard to rid..." my comment is cut short by the waving of one of my men, Saadi. Truth be told, he's a Ralite. He diserted their army because of the captain of their unit, who was a viciuos and merciless guy who ordered them to slaughter everyone in a village while on an infiltration mission. Luckly I was passing through with my men.
We made short work of his unit and then I spotted him going into hiding in a cave. I followed him and found him... Tending a wounded wyvern. He had found the creature in the cave and istantly went to help her. Seeing that scene, I knew che was going to be in my unit.
Now, he's my most loyal man. A bit reckless, true, but an excellent warrior with some medical knoweledge, an always appreciated thing. Thought he's not much of a rider... That's probably why he was so eager to partecipate in the tournament (which he doesn't)
"Ensign Saadi! What's the matter?" I say, bringing Fireclaw alongside his Bloodleg and reaching for the spear strapped on my wyvern.

2017-06-16, 04:40 AM
[roll0] Ride Check Result 3
[roll1] Dual Check Result 1

Kieran returned his princes' salute with a wide grin before he lowered his visor. Outside of this bout he would be expected to focus on the goings on around him as a Paladin, but know none of that mattered. Taking a deep breath he tightened his grip on the shield and readied his lance, now for this moment at least the only thing that existed was Prince Gerard and their respective mounts. When the signal finally came he drove his knees into his horses flanks and like a flash they were off as he got ready to try and unseat his prince who unlike many in his order he actually respected for taking so much interest in these competitions. After what seemed to be only an instant it was time to strike and even as he made to strike with his lance he could almost feel the strike coming off as inaccurate, but despite that his skill on both the saddle and the horse should be more then enough to at least keep him from being dismounted in the very first round.

2017-06-16, 04:52 AM
Velya had replied to Queen Imogen's request with a smile that looked more like a grimace, then set about her business in helping secure the tournament. Cresty and her Hollows had been sent to secure the armory and check as many things, including quartermasters, being used for the tournament as possible. Once finished, one of them would be sent to her, and a different one would report to her at the royal box every ten minutes. A different one, each time, to avoid imposters.

Now that she's here, she's quite glad that she's Queen Imogen's guard, because it means she doesn't have to surrender her bow. It quickly becomes important in her plans to kill Aurelia's guards - not something she intends on doing, but it's good to plan ahead, and how could she maintain her manners without picturing dead Ralites?

What she wants to do is berate Ser Janine for calling the Prince an idiot and disrupting Queen Imogen's carefully-projected image of competent royalty. But, she can't, lest she do the same. "Give the boy a chance," Said the 18-year-old. "Most would kill for the chance to be beaten by a Paladin." And many do, even if they don't know it.

She watches Xozzy's interaction with Aurelia through infrequent glances and silently judges him. At least she covers her runes with a glove, rather than showing them off to any old heir.

2017-06-16, 08:18 AM
Solka Starfire

Mumbles something that is impossible to hear. At first you think its because of the wind, but as you turn back, you see that Solka is bent double, and has his arms hugging the Wyvvern.

2017-06-18, 12:45 PM
The crowd, minus the Ralites, holds its breath as the gap between Gerard and Kieran narrows. They level their lances...the dual crack splits the air...and then Gerard rides on through, shaken but still in the saddle, while Kieran's horse continues without him. There is a swell of cheering from the prince's admirers, while in the royal box, Aurelia beams, and even Imogen can't fully keep the pride from her face. The prince, reining in his mount at the end of his charge, turns around and raises his visor again to give Kieran a shallow bow. Across the tilt, squires hurry forward to collect Kieran's horse and help him to his feet. "Rotten luck, Ser," says one--Peter, a freckly-faced boy of fifteen. "Your charge looked better to me."

Sorry about that, Kieran. The tournament isn't elimination, so you're still in it, just not in first.
Returning her attention to Xozereth, Aurelia gives a slightly embarrassed nod. If she's put off by your smile, she gives no sign. "Yes, of course. I suppose your best skills would be a bit unsuited to something like this, wouldn't they?" She hesitates a bit, glancing back down to the field. "If I'm not prying too much...may I ask, what drew you to the Paladins? I must admit, I've never heard of one of the Earth Tribe becoming a knight."

Janine rolls her eyes at Velya. "Come on," she mutters, quiet enough not to be overheard. "What about when the next war starts, eh? You really think it's people like him we want? Would you follow him into battle? When everything falls apart, it'll be us he's leading to our no doubt very glorious, heroic deaths by the score."

"This is pointless!" Saadi replies, shouting over the rush of the wind. "We can't see anything useful from up here, it's a crowd of specks! And even if we did spot something, are we supposed to land on top of everyone's heads? We have to fly lower, within bowshot!" He has a point, but Her Grace did tell you to stay unobtrusive--wyverns and pegasi ruffling ladies' hair as they fly by would probably put people on edge.

2017-06-18, 01:18 PM
"The people love him. If war comes, he will be Cydonia's heart. We, its sword-arm. If you don't think you're up to the task, I'm sure I can find a place for you in my Hollows." Velya whispers back, keeping her attention on potential threats rather than whatever Janine's face looks like. "Besides. Worrying about future threats just blinds you to the current ones. It's in your best interests to stop anything from going wrong now - especially if you fear the boy's leadership."

2017-06-18, 02:14 PM
Xozereth saw no harm in indulging the girls curiosity. Whether it was honest interest or for the sake of being polite he couldn't tell, but he didn't much care either way.

Human reactions to learning he was Manakete varied quite a bit. Many were terrified or suspicious of him. Worried he might attack at any moment, or that he was spying for how best to launch an attack later on. But a precious few were curious and sometimes in wonder of such typically reclusive beings. Xozereth tried to keep his nature hidden but that wasn't much of an option in the service of Queen Imogen. Plus he couldn't help but feel some sense of pride when he met the curious ones. It was much nicer than being second guessed constantly.

Again his voice remains calm and composed, though his forced smile has dropped into a blank expression. "Every few decades I spend time traveling and learning more of the world. I then return to the Earth Tribe to share that knowledge. I was planning to return early this time when Queen Imogen requested my services.

It would have been difficult to pass up the opportunity to learn about a nation from the position of nobility, usually I see things from the perspective of the common people among your societies. Truthfully I may be a member of the Paladins my lady, but my title as a knight is mostly a formality. I will return home eventually, as I have done for the last fifteen hundred years."

2017-06-18, 02:37 PM
"Negative, Ensign Asaadi, it would just create panic... Unless it was a parte of the festival... I say, mentally considering an idea.
"I need to get to the queen, make sure that everyone keeps doing their job" I say, leaving my group to go to the queen. I land somewhere with little people and, after making sure Fireclaw stata put, I go to the queen.

Do I have to maje a throw? Also, my idea is to get the queen to hold a "flying show", where we riders will be able to check on people from up close with justification

2017-06-19, 12:34 PM
Avanindra waits quietly with the other knights as the tournament gets under way, glittering in the sunlight. He is mentally going through his checklist to ensure himself that everything is complete. Temindar has the post-tournament feast well in hand. The awards are set and well done. My golems posted at each of the supply tunnels. Rasminja is...

He is interrupted by the clap of a giant hand on his back and a guffaw. "It's like you aren't even here, my friend!" Rasputin the Bear smiles down on Avanindra from a towering height. "Well, feeding someone of your immense size requires much of my time, especially since it seems you have been neglecting your exercise." Avanindra glances down at Rasputin's stomach. The Bear feigns embarrassment and covers himself up. "Hey now, a Paladin can't go into battle hungry!" With a clash, Ser Kieran and the Prince come together and Kieran is unhorsed.

As Kieran leaves the field, Avanindra approaches him and smiles. "Well fought, Ser Kieran. That the Prince can unhorse you means I likely haven't a chance. Have you any wounds that need tending?" He waves over a medic to check the Paladin and ensure the man is unharmed.

2017-06-20, 10:52 PM
"If war comes?" Janine retorts. "Come on, Chuckles, you're no fool. You don't seriously think this wedding is going to stop Matthaeus? His banners have been foaming at the mouth at a chance for another war since about a minute after the last one ended. Don't kid yourself--this is a show, nothing else." She shrugs and returns her gaze to the field. "Believe whatever you want. But I don't want to see anything bad happen to you because you weren't ready."

Aurelia's eyes don't leave Xozereth through his story. When he finishes, she looks distant for a bit, nodding slowly. "Of course...there must be wisdom in that. To see things from all points of view..." She stares down at her hands. "Sometimes..." Her voice is small at first, but she quickly regains confidence, though she almost seems to have forgotten who she's speaking to. "Sometimes I wonder whether human rulers don't forget that. This is the first time I have ever left the Imperial palace. I wonder...my family, they say we are chosen by the gods to rule, but neither my brother nor I have ever known the lives our people live. Can we truly know what is best for them if we--" She cuts off, seeming to suddenly remember where she is. "Oh...please, pay me no mind," she says hastily to Xozereth, looking rather embarrassed. "Thank you for indulging my curiosity. Perhaps...some other time, you could tell me some of the things you've shared with your own people? You must have seen much we would never think to notice."

The queen's guards look startled to see Loric and Solka climb up into the stands, but at the sight of their faces, they quickly make way. Imogen looks rather less pleased, her brow darkening at the sight of the wyvern hitched nearby. "What is it? I thought I told you to keep a distance unless there was trouble." Most of the Court of Honor ignore the disruption, though a few of those seated near the queen cast nervous glances.

No roll necessary yet, but you may need to make some depending on how the conversation with Imogen goes--it doesn't look like she'll be too into the idea, but you might be able to convince her. Loric, if you want something to do, you could help, or suggest another way for the flyers to keep an effective watch without scaring people.
Avanindra has only a moment to look Kieran over before the herald's voice is raised again. "The next combatants will be Ser Avanindra Stonecaller of the Paladins, and Ser Cassius of House Ateia!" The cheers at Avanindra's name from most of the crowd fade quickly at the mention of his opponent, but the Ralite guests fill the void somewhat--it seems they're not completely humorless, at least not for one of their own.

Ateia's armor clanks as he comes up behind Avanindra, heading for the opposite end of the tilt with his mount in tow. He's a lean, hard-looking man, his armor of starkly simple design, his colors, red on grey, displayed only on his ecranche. As he passes, he slows his gait. "You heathens sure know how to put on a flashy display," he mutters, the words low enough to be private, but dripping with undisguised contempt. "But I'm about to show everyone here what a real knight looks like."

2017-06-21, 01:06 AM
As Lady Aurelia speaks Xozereth almost seems to light up in respect, for the first time since he had joined the Paladins he wore an honest smile upon his face. "I would be glad to share my knowledge with you my lady. You need but ask." Then in a lower voice, nearing a whisper, he adds "You are right though, if more humans would look to the bigger picture there would be much less trouble. I respect your thoughts, they are safe with me."

2017-06-21, 07:20 AM
"When you know anything that could help me, I'll hear it." Velya replies, and decides to focus on the upcoming combat with Cassius. Getting a chance to study how one of their prominent Knights fight is not something she'll surrender easily, though she will split her attention between the match and the idiot who's flown a wyvern down to the royal box.

2017-06-21, 10:48 AM
Avanindra smiles at the other man's contempt. If these are the quality of persons we might be arraigned against, I need not be worried. As he enters the field, the Quartermaster hails the crowd, takes position, bows deeply in the direction of the queen, then bows as deeply in the direction of his opponent. He mounts with the help of a squire (as he himself is not much of a rider), salutes his opponent again, and then the match is off!

Duel Attack (4d3-6)
Ride Defense (4d3-8)

If we tie and unhorse each other, then Avanindra will bait the man into attacking him on foot (assuming this works like Arthurian stuff and we keep fighting if both unhorsed). "Insofar as real knights go, we really look about the same, no?" When the man charges, Avanindra's stance changes to a stronger one.

Duel Attack (4d3-4) (I will tag a "hot-headed" aspect on him if I can for free for guessing that about him, for an additional +2)
Duel Defense (4d3-4)

2017-06-21, 07:00 PM
I go up to the queen and bow, trying to not look conspicuos.
"My Queen, Sorry for the interruption... There is a problem. We wyvern knights cannot see anything from so far away. I do understand the need to look uncouspicous, that's why I'd like to improvise a "flying show" to be justified for getting close. Maybe even letting people fly on wyverns with a rider" I say, still bowing.
°Thought no one will fly Fireclaw°

2017-06-25, 07:19 PM
Aurelia returns the smile, looking more than a little relieved. "Thank you, Ser Xozereth. I look forward to hearing your stories."

Before she can say anything else, though, her attention is drawn the same way as Velya's, as Avanindra and Cassius clash. Once again, the crack of breaking lances splits the air, and this time, both combatants tumble off their mounts, dust clouds flying up in their wake. However, when they clear, Ser Ateia is already on his feet with sword drawn, while Avanindra is still recovering from his landing. Closing the gap quickly, the Ralite knight raises his blade for a decisive strike, the quartermaster only just managing to bring his weapon up for a parry in time. Though he avoids being cut, the shock of the strike rattles Avanindra, loosening his grip on his sword.

Rolling aside, he manages to find his feet, turning to face his opponent. The two swords clash again, now seemingly even as neither gets through the other's guard. Cheers and boos fill the air, the Ralites managing to make themselves heard in Cassius' favor despite their much smaller number. The Court of Honor watch intently, waiting for someone to take the advantage.

Only Imogen seems not to be paying attention. "Alright," she says after an exasperated sigh. "Let's imagine we had the time for that. How exactly would it help? It wouldn't be much of a spectacle if it were going on through the whole tournament, at the same time as the other events, and if we put everything else on hold so people could watch you, you'd have maybe a few minutes of good visibility while you flew your formations and then back to high altitude." Though she's obviously frustrated, you get the sense it's less with you and more with the same problem you're having. "Is it really so impossible to keep watch from high up?"

Avanindra is locked in combat with Ser Cassius. The tournament isn't meant to be to the death (though accidents do happen, of course), so this fight should only go until someone's stress track is full, no consequences.

Loric, now would be the time for an Etiquette or Provoke roll to convince the queen to let you fly lower.

2017-06-25, 07:44 PM
Despite all her focus, Velya's mind works in layers, just like everyone else's. The first tier of her mind is on disturbances, unusual activity, sudden movements - anything that could pose a threat to her current goal: Making sure nobody dies. The second was on more immediate circumstances, like that idiot and his drake, and Xozzy's conversation with Aurelia.

The third was on those fleeting thoughts just waiting for their chance to shine. Like, how she's enjoying that Queen Imogen is upset at somebody else's plan. Why there aren't a gaggle of Keepers to keep things under control, especially Asara, who's been gone for far too long? If so many prestigious Knights are here, at the tournament, then who's patrolling Cydonia?

There's a fourth layer, but "Breathe in", "Pump blood", and "Blink" make for terribly dull reading.

2017-06-25, 08:44 PM
As the two warriors clash swords in the arena, Xozereth manages to avert his gaze. The combat didn't interest him much to be honest and while his conversation with Lady Aurelia was pleasant, it had run its course.

He paused to listen in on what Loric and Queen Imogen were talking about, but once he understood the topic he knew he didn't have anything to add. So instead he turned his attention elsewhere.

He decided to take this time to look out among the crowd, he was interested in their reactions to the tournament but also wanted to be on watch for anything suspicious. An "exciting" event such as two warriors unhorsed would make it easy for someone to move unnoticed among the crowds.

Notice Roll: [roll0]

2017-06-26, 03:32 PM

Your Majesty, from that height it would take longer for me to reach the injured than if I were on the ground. Would you permit me to relocate my post?

2017-07-01, 08:52 PM
The crowd is swiftly on the edge of their seats as the knights clash, the air ringing as Avanindra picks up momentum, Cassius seeming to barely keep up with his rapid attacks. When he lets up for the moment it takes to offer his gallant salute, though, the Ralite seizes on the opportunity instantly, lunging for the break in his guard...but the feint pays off, the quartermaster easily anticipating and sidestepping the advance. In another second, the duel is over, Ser Ateia hopelessly off-balance and Avanindra holding him at swordpoint. Though the foreigner's face is obscured by his helmet, it's easy to imagine his scornful grimace as he throws down his own blade, more forcefully than he needs to. The cheering and applause of the larger crowd swells, while the Ralites' reactions range from carefully stoic to equally disgusted--whether at Avanindra for having won, or Cassius for having embarrassed them, it's hard to tell.

The queen, having glanced away from Loric and Solka for a moment at the sound of the duel's conclusion, deflates with an exhausted sigh. "...Fly as low as you need to. Gods, this had all better be worth the headache..."

The day heats up as the tournament goes on, the breeze dying off a little after noon. By the time the duels are concluded, combatants and spectators alike are sweating. Gerard ends up claiming the purse for the lists, to many cheers, though a few of the Ralites make it uncomfortably high up the ranks; the prize for the duels goes to Fleur Imeldis, of Silk Ford to the south. Finally, after the last of the competitors have had time to recover, re-arm, and re-mount, the melee begins. Gerard rides with the Paladins against the Ralites, the spirit of reconciliation apparently not all-powerful, with the rest of Cydonia's fighters split between teams to fill out the numbers. Though the Ralites fight with almost frightening aggression and cohesion, even with such uneasy allies, in the end, the lack of mages among their ranks proves their undoing. Kieran, Avanindra, and the handful of other practitioners among the Paladins manage to draw their last organized charge into an earthquake that unhorses most of those who were still mounted, and Kieran's counterattack seals their fate. In the end, it's he who kneels before Aurelia at the foot of the stands as she hands him the champion's prize.

As the sun begins to set, the festivities move from the tilt to the pavilions set up for the post-tournament banquet. Temindar has not disappointed--the spread is some of his finest work. Musicians from across the kingdom do their best to be heard above the celebration, well aware of the opportunity tonight presents for their reputations; Stitches earns enthusiastic applause from some truly impressive flips atop the high table, narrowly managing not to land in anyone's food. Gerard and Aurelia sit together at Imogen's side, looking nowhere but at each other.

Something seems...off about Aurelia. It's hard to put your finger on just what it is--perhaps she's just nervous around her husband-to-be--but once you've seen it, it's enough to nag at you.

2017-07-01, 11:00 PM
Taking a break from enjoying the food Xozereth decides to stretch his legs a bit while still keeping in close vicinity to the Queen and her entourage. That's when his thoughts click for him. He had been around Lady Aurelia for most of the day and she had not shown one ounce of nervousness or fright. But that has changed. It's subtle but something is bothering her and that bothered him.

Xozereth decided that despite it only being a nagging feeling, it would be better shared lest he not do his duty to Queen Imogen. So he attempts to catch Velya's eye and subtly motion to her to come speak to him. Hopefully without drawing excess attention.

2017-07-02, 08:50 AM
Velya takes some small pride in the fact that the Ralites were defeated at the tournament. Not due to patriotic pride, but simply because she enjoys seeing them unseated. The fact that there has been no sabotage in the tournament, perhaps because nothing happened, perhaps because of the efforts of her and her Hollows, are much more worthy of note.

When the festivities arrive, Velya doesn't partake of the food, and nor do her Hollows. She instructs them, through Cresty, to scatter through the festivities and keep an eye out for anything unusual. If it's something that demands action, they are to take action. If not, they are to report to her or Cresty immediately. Her glowering over the happy people has to be paused, however, when Xozzy tries to get her attention.

Since he would not do so save for anything important, Velya slinks through the attendants and arrives at the man-dragon with a cocked eyebrow and pursed lips. She's not genuinely annoyed - yet - but people will believe she's just angry at somebody she frequently disagrees with, rather than the pair of them sharing secret correspondence. . "I can't help but notice that you were staring at me. What is wrong?"

2017-07-02, 10:04 AM

Normally he would be in the town proper by now, assisting the sick. Today he is suitably distracted by the glorious feast.

2017-07-02, 10:13 AM
I take off on my wyvern, reaching my second, Asadi.
"Ensign Asadi, we got the permission to fly lower, thought we should try to be uncouspicous. Rely the orders" I order him.

2017-07-02, 02:25 PM
As Velya approaches his gaze continues past her, focused on the table with Queen Imogen and the honored guests. "Have you noticed Lady Aurelia's nervousness? She was fine earlier, now she is like prey among predators. I fear she knows something, as in the Ralites might have something planned for us soon."

Xozereth pauses for effect before continuing. "You have good eyes, I would think it prudent to keep them on her and the knights close to her. Perhaps she will give away clues to their plan, if indeed that is the case. I can't say for certain that her unease is evidence of betrayal. But I have been asking myself if I were the Ralites, how would I best benefit from treachery here. I feel it good to share my thoughts with you now."

He speaks a bit quieter to prevent being overheard. "If Gerard falls, the royal line falls and war is declared in Queen Imogens grief. The Ralites could spin the news as an accident since this event is far enough from their home and convince the common folk to rally behind the war.

If Lady Aurelia falls, the Ralites could accuse Cydonia of treachery and declare war. By invoking the name of the beloved lady's death the nation would surge for revenge.

But also if Queen Imogen falls..." He manages to meet Velyas gaze before continuing. "Gerard would ascend the throne and would likely still want revenge, but rumors abound that he would be half the leader his mother is in many aspects. Rumors the Ralites may have heard. They might think to take advantage of his nature and provoke him to press into an ambush, or just rely on his inexperience to attempt to crush Cydonian forces swiftly."

He lets his last thought settle, to emphasize the fact that he hadn't considered the possiblity until now. Velya can notice, ever so subtly, that Xozereth is uncharacteristically uncomfortable with the possibilities before them. And that he seems uncertain of how to proceed.

2017-07-02, 04:53 PM
"My Hollows will get eyes on the pair, and I'll have Cresty stick close. He's good at seeming unobtrusive. I will stick to Queen Imogen's side; she'll be more understanding of my presence than the couple." Velya's been thinking about this evening a fair bit. "You ought to strike up a conversation with the couple, talk about your wings and your dragon breath and whatever it is you do, for as long as possible. The Ralites aren't stupid enough to strike while a dragon sits right beside the couple, and you're socially oblivious enough for them to believe you're not noticing your cue to leave."

2017-07-02, 05:25 PM
Xozereth shifts a bit, uncomfortable at the idea of forcing small talk. But he knows the stakes here and, while the nations of the humans will inevitably rise and fall many times more during his lifetime, he did give his word to serve Queen Imogen. He will not go back on that word.

Deciding not to respond to the "socially oblivious" comment he sighs and replies. "I will do what I can."

2017-07-03, 03:30 PM
Velya nods at Xozzy, then finds Cresty and informs him of their new plan to keep an eye on the couple, with him especially getting as discretely close as possible. Then, she slinks through the crowd to be by Queen Imogen's side.

2017-07-03, 09:09 PM
Xozereth waits a few moments after Velya leaves then proceeds to the noble couple, trying to think of what he could possibly talk about to stall for time.

2017-07-03, 09:55 PM
As Xozereth and Velya hold their council, they both notice that one of Aurelia's guards, a few of whom still stand posted in full armor at the corners of the room alongside the Hollows, seems to be eyeing them, and with no apparent effort made to conceal the fact. When Xozereth breaks off to head toward the couple, the guard appears to give him a slight nod the next time their eyes meet, though it's a little hard to tell behind the visored helmet they wear. As the Manakete heads for the couple, the guard does the same, moving behind the backs of those seated at the high table. Though they don't appear to be hurrying, they outpace Xozereth by a few steps, stopping behind Aurelia. The girl breaks off her conversation with Gerard and gives her bodyguard a curious look; the guard bends down to whisper something in her ear. With all the noise of the feast, Xozereth is just a little too far away to catch it.

He's also too far away to stop the guard from bringing a knife to the noblewoman's throat. The next second, Aurelia has fallen forward over the table, the top of her gown staining red.

There's a second or two where the noise of the feast goes on uninterrupted. Then, somewhere at one of the other tables, another woman screams. More soon follow, the music and chatter screeching to a halt. Unperturbed, the guard reaches up with their free hand to pull their helmet off and cast it aside.

Beneath is the face of Ser Janine Laurel, a fanatical light in her eyes.

"CYDONIA REMEMBERS!" she cries out over the other voices, raising the hand clutching her bloody dagger in triumph. "DEATH TO RALIS! DEATH TO THE EMPI--"

She cuts off with a gurgle as Gerard's sword runs her through, down through the gap in her armor beneath her raised arm. A trickle of blood drips from her open mouth down her chin. As she falls limp, Gerard withdraws his blade, leaving her to fall with a clatter behind the table. He hardly spares her another glance, his eyes instantly turning to Aurelia, as pale and shocked as if he'd just had his own throat slit.

There's another second of shocked silence. Then, as one, every knight at the Ralites' table draws steel, leaping out of their seats and turning to face the rest of the banquet. Those carrying swords at the other tables are right behind them.

The Ralites are surrounded and badly outnumbered, but from the looks in their eyes, you can't be sure that'll stop them. This calls for some split-second action.

Your vassals are all present. The Ralites are formed up as one unit. Do what you will with that information.

2017-07-03, 10:21 PM
Velya has many thoughts in the swiftly-ensuing chaos. The second is that Janine's fanaticism went deeper than she'd thought, and that it's something she'll have to keep an eye out for in the future. The third is that she's going to have to ensure that all of her Hollows report directly to her on why they were in no position to stop this from happening, and saw no way that it could. The first, naturally, is how she's going to resolve this horrible mess in as little time as possible.

First of all, she demands everyone's attention by igniting her ephemeral blade and striking it along the floor, sending up a shower of sparks and letting out a truly unpleasant sound. "Are we blind?! Her voice bellows surprisingly loudly for somebody so small. "Leaping to weapons as soon as something goes awry - as we all, I expect, expected? If any one of you had an intelligent bone in your bodies, you'd recognize this as the action of a lone fanatic, and that brawling in this situationdoes nothing but prevent our best healers from trying to save Aurelia's life!" She knows she needs to keep it as short as possible, so she tries her hardest to.

"Take a moment, all of you, and think. If you don't let our healers get to Aurelia, she will certainly die. If you defeat us, she will certainly die. If you die, which I will make certain of if you choose to fight, then she will certainly die! The only way anybody walks out of this alive if we stop acting like the ****ing fools Janine expects us to be!"

I don't know what Skill this would be, so I'm not going to change my roll, but you know my modifiers. :smalltongue: I'm going to spend a Fate Point to invoke They Look Like People To You?, for +2,, as her speech relies on them believing that, yes, she'll kill all of them, viciously, if they choose to fight. I'd also like to invoke Trickster Commander of Marcoth, because her reputation as a keen and cunning general probably adds weight to her ability to notice intelligent courses of action in stressful situations, as well as recognizing human nature. I'll spend this on a re-roll, if the roll is terrible, or another +2 if not. ...so that'll be +4, for 2 Fate Points.

[roll0] +4 = 4

2017-07-03, 11:32 PM
Xozereth's eyes go slightly wide as he watches the scene unfold. He hadn't considered that.

As Velya leaps into action Xozereth can barely turn away from Lady Aurelia's bleeding form to call for Solka, the closest healer he knows of. His voice wavers a bit as he yells out. "Solka! We need a healer!"

He looks to the Prince now holding Aurelia and looks genuinely sad. "Xsio. Marfedelom, tailuen wer cirau. Jilg shafaer munthrek." He says softly, but loud enough for those nearby to hear. Then to add to Velya's hostile negotiations, he nearly roars at the Ralites with their swords drawn. "If you attempt to stop the healer, I will personally show you how powerful a dragon can be."

2017-07-04, 11:17 AM
"Please tell me this whole ordeal is going to end soon" I murmur while eating an apple trying to shrink away from people.
°Sometimes I feel like I've got the wrong job, really. I should just take off by myself...° I think drowning in my thoughts until a scream takes me back to reality.
Seeing Aurelia fall to the ground and the ralites take out their weapons I unsheat my lance moving towards them, while calling my men to take position in lines, at my sides and behind me.
Wielding my lance and shield I wait out Velya's intimidation, ready to strike if needed.
"If the Ralites don't seem to hear her out waste no second and follow me, we'll strike" I order them, eyeing the Ralites viciously.

2017-07-04, 05:53 PM
Solka Starfire runs to the lady's side chanting as he goes. His left palm glows visibly white as he places it upon the lady's throat in an attempt to stem the flow of lifeblood. With his right, he readies a bandage.

2017-07-05, 09:50 AM
Avanindra wants to rush to the Queen's side, but is afraid any further movement might usher in the storm. He turns to his second in command, a tall woman with elaborately pinned hair and a small ruby embedded in her forehead. It is her only adornment over her plain, serviceable clothing. "Tell me, Rajmira, what can you see?" She closes her eyes and touches the ruby while Avanindra keeps one hand on his blade and the other reaches toward the stone floor.

Going to use Vassals to get a report about what is going on outside of this room. Rajmira's golems would be stationed in critical entry/exit positions, but it may take her a moment to cycle through all of them to get a look.

Vassals [roll0]

Notice [roll1] just to see if there is something we missed currently in the room

2017-07-06, 11:43 PM
Rajmira is silent for a moment. "Looks like everything's going on like normal outside," she finally says. "Nobody running away or nothin'. Nobody tryin' to get past the golems in 'ere, neither." Your own scan confirms what ahe says. Everyone in the pavilion seems fully occupied with the standoff, either bearing weapons or cowering behind someone who is. Nothing gives you any sign that anyone but Ser Laurel was prepared for this to happen.

"You dare make demands of us?" snarls a voice from the Ralite group--you recognize the speaker as Ser Ateia. "You heathens have spit on our good faith! Lady Aurelia never should've trusted you!" Despite his big talk, however, he and his men show no sign that they plan to attack first--it seems they at least understand that this is a fight they can't win.

"Calm down, damn it!" Imogen barks, rising from her seat. "Do you really think we'd be this stupid? Ser Laurel did this completely without my knowledge, against my commands!"

Even at this distance, Ateia's sneer is plain to see. "As if we'd believe you lying scum! I know that woman was one of your precious Paladins. And we're to think you knew nothing of this?"


Amazingly, Gerard actually manages to shock the room into silence. Bloodied sword in hand, he glares at the Ralites and his mother with the same fury--he's never looked more like her. Then it's gone, as he falls to his knees beside Aurelia's prone body, seeming to forget about everyone else in an instant. His eyes find Solka's, and all he can see in them is desperation. "Solka...you can save her, can't you? You can heal anything..." He takes Aurelia's hand. "It's alright...you're going to be fine. Ser Starfire's the best there is. He'll fix this..."

Aurelia's face is drawn and ashen, but her eyes are open wide, her lips working soundlessly as she stares up at Solka. It only takes a moment to realize that it's hopeless; she's slipping away faster than you can pull her back. The crowd holds its collective breath, but within a minute, she stops trying to speak, the light going out of her eyes.

The silence holds. Gerard looks at you pleadingly. Everyone is waiting on your word.

2017-07-07, 08:22 AM
Looks up from his work,
I'm sorry he says, face clearly filled with sadness, she has lost too much blood. I have failed her, and you. I have failed us all.

2017-07-08, 02:08 AM
Xozereth's demeanor has returned to his usual calm. But it's easy to tell that he is saddened from the news.

"No, all of us have failed Ser Solka. It was our task to prevent something like this from happening, and yet we were betrayed from our own ranks."

2017-07-09, 09:33 PM
Gerard's eyes well with new tears. He looks as though he wants to speak, to keep pleading, but no words come. After a moment, he simply hangs his head, his sword falling from his hand as he clutches Aurelia's like he's still trying to keep her from slipping away.

The silence holds for a long breath. Those of you watching the Ralite group see something surprising: looks of genuine distress passing between them. Ser Ateia is not among these, his glare toward Imogen not wavering.

The queen holds his gaze. "You heard Ser Xozereth. Be reasonable. This is not our doing."

Even at a distance, you can see the muscles in Cassius' jaw clench, his whole posture tensing as though about to attack. He relaxes quickly, but his glare has only darkened. "Lie all you like. The gods know what you've done. And so will His Majesty. You may kill us, but the word will reach him."

Imogen grimaces. "No one else is dying tonight. If you want to leave, you're all free to go. By all means, go home and tell Matthaeus what's happened here--that one of our own betrayed us out of blind hate, and we have all suffered a loss because of it."

She looks around at all of you, and the rest of the knights. The silent message is clear: 'Put away your swords and let them go.'

2017-07-09, 09:48 PM
Velya, having been unarmed the whole time, simply slips through the crowds to make eye contact with her Hollows and get them to comply with those orders, too. As she does so, she silently notes that Cassius is a foolish man whose patriotism overrides his common sense.

2017-07-09, 10:03 PM
Xozereth looks to Gerard. He wishes he could find words to convey his apologies to him, but none come to him.

That dark memory swirled to the surface of his thoughts. The memory of loss so long ago. He had barely known the Lady Aurelia, but she reminded him of her too much.

2017-07-10, 07:26 AM
"You heard the queen" I say, sheating my weapons as my men do the same.
°So, was all of this just a big waste of time?° I think, looking at the Ralites.

2017-07-10, 02:06 PM
Having never drawn blade, Avanindra folds his arms, a grimace on his face. Nothing has ever tarnished the name of his beloved Order as long as he had been allowed in its ranks. He leans to Rajmira again, "Guard the doors. Let the Ralites go, but no Paladin will exit these grounds tonight without her Grace's leave."

Depending on what happens next, Avanindra will most likely begin investigating to ensure that Ser Laurel acted alone.

Investigate [roll0] If I score fair(+2) or higher, I'd like to again spend a fate point to make it even better. His dedication to the Queen for the benevolence she has shown him and his friends is a constant in his life.

If instead, we do dialogue, I'll hold off on Investigation to see what the other players think.

2017-07-11, 11:23 PM
There is hesitation in the larger crowd at first, but as they see you and your men sheathe your weapons, they soon follow suit. Movement sweeps through the pavilion, and soon, the Ralites are the only ones with steel still in hand.

They make no move. Cassius' eyes dart toward Solka. "Her Highness' remains must be brought home." He gestures to two of his soldiers, who nod and step forward, weapons lowered, but still in hand. "Step back," Ser Ateia says. "You'll not sully her further with your godless touch." The soldiers slowly approach the high table, eyeing those nearby as if any one of them might pull out another hidden knife. Those around Gerard and Solka back away, clearing a path for them, but Gerard doesn't move. You're not certain he's even heard any of this. He holds onto Aurelia's hand like a lifeline.

As the soldiers' shadows fall on him, he finally looks up. For a moment, he almost looks like he might challenge them, anger coming back into his eyes. "Gerard," Imogen urges, soft but stern. The prince's glare doesn't falter, but he lets go of her hand.

The larger soldier finally sheaths his sword and kneels to scoop the body into his arms. As the two rejoin their group, you see the Ralites exchange more distressed looks, many of them bowing their heads in what looks like prayer. They quickly close ranks around the body. Ateia turns once more to the queen. "Don't think this changes anything. You will pay for what you've done." With that, and another gesture to his men, he and they turn and march from the pavilion, out into the evening dark.

Imogen watches them go, then sinks back into her chair, slumping over the table with her head in her hands. You've never seen her look so exhausted. "Gods, what a mess," she groans as chatter once more begins to bubble among the other guests. With a deep sigh, she straightens up and looks around at all of you. "You all know what this means. That idiot was right about one thing: there'll be hell to pay for this. Matthaeus will want blood."

I didn't want to hold things up with a short post dealing with just one person's action, so Solka, whatever you want to do about preserving the body, go ahead and write it up and we'll work it retroactively into what happens.

Next round of posting, I'll timeskip things ahead a bit--my plan is to the next day, unless anyone has any objections. Avanindra, we'll resolve the outcome of your investigation then, since it'll take a little while.

2017-07-11, 11:27 PM
Solka Starfire
(After the Ralites leave the room)
By your leave, I would preserve the Lady's body until it reaches its final destination. The fault is mine for not being near enough, or potent enough.

2017-07-12, 02:22 AM
I look at Solka with disbelief "Going all the way with Ralites to their home? A Paladin so a sworn enemy at this point? Even if you arrive without being hurt I hardly believe they'd let you come back..." I tell him while waiting for an input from the queen.

2017-07-12, 03:56 AM
Velya decides not to comment at the moment, while the gears are turning in her head and Queen Imogen has to handle the public in the room. What she does do is slink over to Janine, or more likely her corpse, to see what she can discover.

2017-07-12, 03:51 PM
Xozereth remains unmoved, his gaze distant and unfocused as he is lost in thought.

2017-07-12, 07:44 PM
I acknowledge that I would not likely survive to return, that changes nothing.

2017-07-12, 07:57 PM
I glance at him, raising an eyebrow.
"...right..." I say, without adding anything. °Your life is yours to waste, after all°

2017-07-14, 09:50 AM
Avanindra steps forward and sighs. "There is merit to Ser Solka's idea. Ser Laurel was one of ours, and this..." He gestures towards the remaining blood stain. "This is our fault. Matthaeus is owed recompense at least. I recommend we accompany the body as an honor guard and bring reparations with us. I assume nothing can replace a sister, but there are magic ways of metal and gems which can make lessen the pains of grief."

I'm trying to acquire a fate point by compelling either one or both of Ooh, Shinies! and Heart of Stone to both think that riches can help make up for a lost sister and to end up going along on Solka's mission