View Full Version : The temple of the Sovereign Host.

2007-08-04, 06:41 AM
Welcome to the tavern of the sovereign host. This temple is protected by the divine energies of the complete sovereign host and as such indestructible by any means you can come up with.

Lay out
At the street are the gardens of Arawai, with several ponds, beautiful flowers, a shrine to Arawai and a path towards the temple. When you enter the temple you enter the general sanctuary, shared by all gods of the sovereign host. The first door on the left leads to rhe Library of Aureon, filled with tomes of knowledge, as well as a shrine to Aureon. The door after that leads to the forge of Onatar, the place were the relics of the sovereign host are made, as well as rented to those in need of a forge, there's also a shrine to Onatar here. Next is the dining hall of Olladra, serving those in need of food, as well as the place were feasts are held, and there's a shrine, of course. Then, after the corner of the wall, are the rooms of Boldrei, where the staff sleeps and the homeless can rest, there's a shrine too. Around the next corner Is the fencing hall of Dol Dorn, here people can train for battle, or pray in the shrine. Next is the tomb of Dol Arrah, it's were those who died a honorable death are buried (and a shrine). Finally there's the shop of Kol Korran, where the products of the temple are sold (another shrine here). Behind the sanctuary are the hunting grounds, in the name of Balinor.

Spellcasting|As PHB
Magic items|Market price
Food and Shelter|1 gp/night or as much as you can afford (whichever is less)
Mundane healing|Cheap
Advice|In between free and several platinum.

Head priest|Eschra Gollan (PC)
Priest of Arawai|Eido Erto (NPC)
Priest of Aureon|Astro Derti (NPC)
Priest of Balinor|Evoq Derron (NPC)
Priest of Boldrei|Rota Ast (NPC)
Priest of Dol Arrah|Tinre Rah (NPC)
Priest of Dol Dorn|Ken Don (NPC)
Priest of Kol Korran|Bin Ora (NPC)
Priest of Olladra|Fas Tergo(NPC)
Priest of Onatar|Onno Erhk (NPC)[/table]

Fuum Bango
2007-08-04, 12:21 PM
A sloth falls from a tree.

2007-08-04, 12:26 PM
One of the acolytes sees it, though he doesn't care.

2007-08-06, 12:31 AM
Tyl walks into the temple, walks to the shrine of Dol Arrah, and kneels down in front of it. He than takes his sword out of his scabbard and holds it so that the blade is lightly touching the ground with the handle facing the ceiling of the building. He than proceeds to pray. A minute later Tyl starts to glow in a blue light and gets up as he finishes his prayer walks to right outside the temple, where he summons a Warhorse which appears in a flash of white light. Tyl mounts the horse and gallops to Trog's by way of the streets.