View Full Version : Re:Creators Anime

2017-06-13, 11:29 AM
So is anyone watching this anime? It's currently in episode ten and frankly, I am amazed how good it is.

Here is video that got me hooked (spoilers inside):


Premise is simple. A guy gets inside his favorite anime, however instead of him staying there and becoming OP god, reverse happens - anime heroine is drawn into real world. Soon they discover they aren't only to be pulled, and that they were drawn into reality by Military Uniform Princess, a character with seemingly nefarious plans.

And it gets better from there. From various characters reacting to Real World, to each character experiencing his or her own character growth, to the implications their powers have on real world.

2017-06-13, 11:40 AM
I've only seen a few episodes, but I'm planning to catch more. I really enjoy how the librarian-sorceress character is so scientific about what is happening, as well as how she comes up with new theories to try when some original ones don't pan out.

I also love the end game boss's attitude.

2017-06-13, 02:00 PM
Unfortunately I think it's only available in the US on AnimeStrike, which would make the 4th streaming service I'd have to sign up for and they don't have enough other stuff available to make it worth my while. I suppose I could do the free trial and binge-watch it, but I'd rather not force myself to rush through. Additionally, it looks like in the UK it's available with just Amazon Prime, and as I'll be moving there in a couple months the problem will hopefully resolve itself.

2017-06-13, 04:37 PM
I've only seen a few episodes, but I'm planning to catch more. I really enjoy how the librarian-sorceress character is so scientific about what is happening, as well as how she comes up with new theories to try when some original ones don't pan out.

It also has some interesting details. Meteora, the librarian/wizard NPC, has tendency to crack a joke or divert from talk, when she doesn't have enough info, like NPCs often do.

Hunter Noventa
2017-06-14, 07:34 AM
I've been enjoying it and am completely caught up with it as it stands, but man it's started getting pretty dark.

2017-06-15, 06:15 AM
I've been enjoying it and am completely caught up with it as it stands, but man it's started getting pretty dark.
The premise is - what would happen if all these characters were in real world, and some of those characters are evil and really want to cause destruction.

Basically, the show has two great villain characters - Military Unifrom Princess and Megane, whose interactions have persuaded the more gullible members of Creations/Creators into doing their bidding. Of course, things will be bad.

2017-06-17, 10:38 PM
I'm part-way through the third episode. Does the exposition ever end? Because good god, it's just been going on and on, frequently going over stuff we already know. The premise is interesting, but between the exposition and the contrived way that new characters are showing up with virtually no explanation of how they knew where to go or who to talk to, I'm having trouble getting into those.

2017-06-18, 10:46 AM
I'm part-way through the third episode. Does the exposition ever end? Because good god, it's just been going on and on, frequently going over stuff we already know. The premise is interesting, but between the exposition and the contrived way that new characters are showing up with virtually no explanation of how they knew where to go or who to talk to, I'm having trouble getting into those.
I got no idea, what you speak of, I didn't find the exposition over bearing. Meteora does mouth off a lot, but it's usually stuff that's important later.

HMS Invincible
2017-06-26, 01:44 PM
This show is gonna get meta. Rumor has it they're gonna make a show about Altair losing. Maybe it'll be the show we are watching now?

2017-06-27, 04:19 AM
This show is gonna get meta. Rumor has it they're gonna make a show about Altair losing. Maybe it'll be the show we are watching now?

Yeah, it's the of greatest pull of Re:Creators. I hope it doesn't get too cheesy like in certain games Thimbleweed park has a really derpy ending

I got no idea how it will end, but I hope Sota takes Setsuna's character(s) and does something with it. I remember Altair mentioning that one of her closest friends was denied existence.

Hunter Noventa
2017-06-27, 01:14 PM
Yeah, it's the of greatest pull of Re:Creators. I hope it doesn't get too cheesy like in certain games Thimbleweed park has a really derpy ending

I got no idea how it will end, but I hope Sota takes Setsuna's character(s) and does something with it. I remember Altair mentioning that one of her closest friends was denied existence.

I remember the first episode where he hid one of his own drawing from Selesia and it looked like said drawing had cat ears. That could come into it somehow, it felt a little too prominent to not be a chekov's gun of some kind the way this series has been going.

2017-07-04, 02:12 PM
Anyway last episode was a recap episode but was one of the funniest recap episodes I've seen. It's no ATLA, Ember Island Player, but it's hillarious. It's Meteora's narrating what happened.

Best scenes are:

Alicetaria is all brawn no brains. That's why she is easily fooled by Megane.
Ideal!Meteora killing Altair, only to say it didn't really happen.
Rui is a lolicon.
"Altair's design makes animation team cry in frustation and makes us question the sanity of her designer. From behind she looks like a mutated mop. Next season she will be in sandals and swimsuit only."

I nominate we change Altair's name to Mutated Mop Princess.

2017-07-04, 06:15 PM
Yeah, it's the of greatest pull of Re:Creators. I hope it doesn't get too cheesy like in certain games Thimbleweed park has a really derpy ending

I got no idea how it will end, but I hope Sota takes Setsuna's character(s) and does something with it. I remember Altair mentioning that one of her closest friends was denied existence.

I'm pretty sure that the close friend that Altair was mentioning was Setsuna herself - this world denied her Creator, and so it must be punished.

In general, Re:Creators is a fascinating look at all of the ways that the things you do affect and influence other people, made literal through the manifestation of the Creations. Setsuna and Sota are exploring the dark side of that.

2017-08-04, 07:00 AM
I watched a couple of episodes and dropped it. I have better things to do with my anime viewing time.

2017-08-04, 07:20 AM
is it worth watching?In short, there are pros and cons about the show. Mostly pros. It's worth giving a shot, I'd say maybe... 3-5 episodes and you should know if you like it or not. It never goes completely topsy-turvy on you, so your impression after that amount of time should be reasonably well informed.

In long, I'm really impressed by this show! The video in the OP brings up a lot of the things I like about it, particularly the willingness to actually explore the main theme and show us different characters and their individual relationship with their creators. And yeah, sometimes it focuses on that to the detriment of production values and tempo (but not pacing). I think a lot of the flak the show catches for having long talking and exposition and panning shots scenes is actually mixing "exposition" with low-action character development (and, in Meteora's case, a character trait that I admit gets a liiittle long-winded at times).For example, one of my favourite scenes the show was when Meteora bingeplayed her game after she had learned her creator had died. She had to get to know her creator/parent/god though his work rather than directly, while for example Selesia has met her creator/father/god in person and isn't comfortable reading her own manga. The comparison between the two approaches, and for that matter the varied relationships all the creations have with their creators, was really significant for me. That scene was almost only talking and panning shots, but it was such an important moment for Meteora and I wouldn't call it exposition by any means.

I also like it because I think the main theme of the show, as I perceive it, is so relevant in today's society. The show explores how we behave towards those we think we will never meet. That is the relationship we have with people on the internet on a daily basis, and while we can't author them as characters, we can very much influence at least a part of the environment and context they have to live in. The Setsuna/Sota storyline is explicitly about this, but I think the whole show can be seen as dealing with that very situation.

Admittedly, there are issues. For example, while I don't think the show is too "talky", and it does show as much as it tells, I think the script feels very "written". The voice actors do a great job, but you don't come to this show for snappy dialogue. There's also the issue that I've never felt particularly drawn into the combat scenes, which are competent and plot-important but lacked the emotional nerve so far. Many other like them, though, so that might just be me.

And the music is admittedly godlike.

2017-08-04, 10:23 AM
I gave the anime a second chance. For a while there I was enjoying it, but once I was caught up, I realized that I wasn't super hyped to watch it week-by-week, which is never a good sign about my interest level in a show. I only ended up watching the second-most-recent episode this weekend, a week late. By that time the most recent episode was up, but it took a few more days before I bothered to watch, only to give up half-way.

Count me in the "it's too goddamned talky" camp. I feel like almost nothing of significance has happened in the last two-and-a-half episodes that I watched -- the pacing is just killing me. From what I've seen so far, the show would have been significantly improved by reducing its runtime to a single 13-episode cour.

Also, I find the characters really flat. Most of them, especially among the protagonists, have no discernible or interesting motivations. I can't keep the creators straight in my head: I don't know their names and I can never remember who wrote which character. Among the creations, most of the are little more than archetypes rather than fully fleshed out characters. So far, there are only two characters that I really care about.
And one of them is dead.

Hunter Noventa
2017-08-07, 10:32 AM
I stopped watching a few weeks ago. It was a good premise, but the whole
Villain literally being a Mary Sue empowered by the entire internet already knowing what the heroes were planning and having no worries about being able to counter them just kind of killed it for me. It was already losing some speed before that, and that really killed it.

I think the show might have been more interesting if it was more about the conflict between creation and creator, as well as creations adjusting to the real world, something less conflict-oriented.

2017-08-07, 11:14 AM
I stopped watching a few weeks ago. It was a good premise, but the whole
Villain literally being a Mary Sue empowered by the entire internet already knowing what the heroes were planning and having no worries about being able to counter them just kind of killed it for me. It was already losing some speed before that, and that really killed it.

I think the show might have been more interesting if it was more about the conflict between creation and creator, as well as creations adjusting to the real world, something less conflict-oriented.

I'd say the two voice artist specials, did kill the pace, but if you think the character is a Mary Sue, you are sorely mistaken.

She is limited by audience expectation as much as anyone else. Not to mention that Creators are her blind spot.

I'm looking forwards to the big deathmatch. Not to mention it's foreshadowed Blitz is going on a Creator killing spree.

2017-08-07, 04:07 PM
Yeah funny enough i got caught up in the serie by the specific video linked in the first post. Im only at episode 3 so far though, so i will leave again to avoid spoilers.

2017-08-12, 07:52 PM
Ok, so Chamber Festival started. Get ready tooooooo Hype.