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2017-06-13, 11:35 AM
It is an overcast, autumn day and you sit peacefully, meditating in your grove outside of the city of Cauldron. Lightfoot rests at your side. As your meditation for the day draws to a close, Obad-Hai begins to speak to you.
"My faithful Feralas. Your time in my grove has come to an end. An evil presence looms in the city of Cauldron that I cannot discern.
You and Lightfoot must go. It is time for you to reunite with your brother, and put a stop to this evil. I will bestow upon you a great gift before you go, so that Lightfoot will always be at your side."
You open your eyes, and where Lightfoot once laid, a statue of a wolf has taken his place. You touch the statue in a panic. "Lightfoot?" Smoke appears and Lightfoot emerges from the statue.
(Think Drizzt. Can call upon and return Lightfoot as a standard action. When he is in the statue, he is with Obad-Hai recovering. He can recover 2 HP per hour)

You are in the tower of the powerful wizard Leonus, where you continue to study the ways of the wizard. As you and Leonus are studying in the library, Leonus faints. As he comes to, he looks at you in horror.
"My boy, you must return to Cauldron at once. I sense a great evil has just awoken. Take what I have taught you, and protect your family. Before you leave, I have a present for you.
Leonus pulls an empty pocket out of his robes and places it on the inside of yours. Without needle and thread, the pocket instantly adheres to the inside of your robes. "Touch your chest, where I put the pocket"
You touch your chest and a toad appears in your pocket.
This is your familiar. Treat him with respect and he will help you in your time of need. You may call him and release him from your pocket at anytime. Now go and find your brother in Cauldron."
With that, you are instantly teleported to Cauldron.
(Your pocket can call and return your toad as a free action. He will recover 2 HP per hour that he is gone.)

You are the smallest of your class. You stand at attention, waiting for the next training exercise. You have much to prove. A private runs up in a panic to your instructor and begins to whisper frantically in his ear. "Halfling! Go see the captain! Now!
You run as fast as you can to captain's quarters. When you arrive, you see a cleric of Heironeous speaking to Captain Heronus.
"Arrwin. Something has happened in Cauldron. There have been a string of kidnappings, and it is getting worse. I know you are from there, so I want you to go as our representative. Take these and click your boots together.
With that, he sticks two buttons to the sides of your boots. Confused, you click your boots together, like you were saluting your superior. Underneath you, a dog with a saddle (with identical buttons) appears. You lose your balance for a second, but soon settle into the saddle.
"You will get the hang of it soon enough. Because you haven't progressed farther in our order, there is nothing special about this mount, but, prove yourself to Heironeous,
and that may change. You may call forth your steed at anytime. I don't know where the steed goes when you click your boots again, but I do know they they always seem to return healed."Now ride to Cauldron as fast as you can"
(As a move action, you can click your boots and your steed will appear underneath you. You can click them again and he will disappear. He will regain 2 HP per hour that he is gone.)

You skulk around the streets of Cauldron, looking behind you at every turn. There have been a string of kidnappings and thefts recently, and the streets are becoming unsafe. It wasn't until 4 children were kidnapped from an orphanage, that the town really became scared. From speaking to locals at different taverns around the city, you have heard many rumors. You have heard that Coryston Pike, one of the kidnapped victims, feared for her life days before she vanished. You have heard that One of the stolen orphans is the offspring of Dwern and Imogen Stormshield, two adventurers who perished a few years back. You have heard that a tentacled beast lives in the cold depths of the lake, and that is who has been stealing people from their homes. You finally heard that Keygan Ghelve is one of the finest locksmiths in the world, and only a skilled roue or spellcaster could bypass one of his locks without the proper key. As you are about to meditate one night, you get a vision of your brother at the city gates and hear the word "Go"

Days pass as you each make your way to the city. The four of you lived in the same circles of the city, but have been away for a while, studying in your different areas of expertise. You have now found each other again at the city gates. Feralas steps through the trees and emerges at the gates. Arllen pops into existence near where Feralas came up. From a distance the two hear a barking and turn to see Arrwin riding up on a dog. "You're back" The three turn and see Tahlas walking up to the gates from inside the city. It is a typical autumn night in the city.

2017-06-13, 12:05 PM
Arwin, Arllen!!! What brings who two fine gentlemen here. This is my older and less fun brother Feralas. I'm sure you remember all your he stories I've told of how he tormented me as a child.

Well someone had to. If not you would have gotten into more trouble then you already did. It's nice to meet you both

2017-06-13, 03:10 PM
Arwen greets the elf.
Well met old friend. What brings you back to our homeland? The years have been good to you it appears.

Arlen dismounts his dog
Heroneous be praised, it is good to see a friendly face. Pleased to meet your brother. This is Briar, my trusted mount. We are here seeking justice for a recent string of kidnapings.

2017-06-13, 03:42 PM
Feralas looks to Arllen and responds I know I can always trust someone who takes care of his animal. Well met to both you and Briar. Maybe this unrest is what caused Obad-Hai to send me back here. And I was just thinking Tahlas had gotten into too much trouble.

I have heard rumors about those kidnap pings myself. Strange things are occurring within this city of ours. I'm glad my big brother decided to come set these things right. I always knew things would be ok when Feralas was around

2017-06-13, 03:54 PM
You begin to talk and catch up with each other, walking down the rain-soaked street as you go. Steady drizzle falls from the ash-gray sky. The crowded, rain-slicked buildings seem especially bleak and frightful this evening, hunched together beneath the tireless rain. A few lights burn in their eyes, but mostly their shutters have been closed for the night. The scent of chimney smoke fills the air, and you hear the din of water trundling from the rooftops, splashing into dark alleys, and turning street gutters into rivulets.
A sudden, plaintive cry for help splits the evening air. It seems to come from somewhere behind you.

2017-06-13, 04:06 PM
Tahlas moves to the side of the street trying to find some cover and he silently follows. Feralas places his hand on a small wolf statue and whispers Lightfoot I need you.. A smoke appears that solidifies into a wolf. When the wolf appears Feralas places a hand on its muzzle to let him know to stay silent and he begins to move to where the call for help originated.

Move Silent:[roll1]


2017-06-13, 04:20 PM
Arlen mounts Briar and moves quickly toward the sound.

Heroneous hears your cries, help is on the way!

Arwen follows quickly behind his brother, chanting in the spidery words of magic.

Cast Mage Armor

2017-06-13, 07:12 PM
You follow the noises to a mist-shrouded alley. You see one man in black and white face paint who seems to be a look out. He did not notice the elves, but he definitely saw the charging halfling. He runs back into the alley. You round the corner wherein you see two more men with black and white face paint assaulting a fourth, who lies face down on the wet cobblestones. One of the attackers lifts the victim by the hood of his cloack and thrusts him against the wall as another growls, "Stay away from the orphanage, you got that?"

As the third runs back towards the other two, he yells out to them "We have company!" The attacker throws the victim to the ground and all three men draw their swords. The main attacker sees you and yells "Bugger off! This don't concern you!"

The alley is 15 feet wide and 60 feet long, opening into the street at either end. It slopes towards the center of town at an angle of 15 degrees. Two story buildings loom on both sides of the alleyway.
Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oetJSKpdy7aWsl3-kUjBWKyFZu038K4-jTHF8VHOcI8/edit?usp=sharing): Add where you are in your signature color. You are approaching from the south.
picture of what you see (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7wOBLAYv_wcSmxDWVBFbXpNd3c/view?usp=sharing)

2017-06-13, 08:36 PM
Arlen readies his lance and shield. Expecting his words to be ignored, but hoping these misguided souls will repent.

Has this man committed any crime? Have the laws of this town changed to allow the guilty to be roughed up in the streets? I should think they have not... I demand you cease this unrighteous abuse in the name of Heironeous. If he is guilty, we will find him a proper venue to plead his case and you will turn yourselves in as vigilantes. Heironeous is merciful to those who readily admit their sins.

Arlen sits atop Briar in I8.

2017-06-13, 08:40 PM
The three men begin to back away with their swords drawn. The battered cleric crawls towards you.

2017-06-13, 08:44 PM
Arwen maintains line of sight on the bad guys and ***** his crossbow.

Brother, I think these men are not interested in righteousness. I would imagine men who hide their faces like this have more to repent of than just trying to serve vigilante justice.

Knowledge Local to see the significance of the face paint.[Roll]1d20+10[/CODE]

2017-06-13, 08:56 PM
The three men continue to back away with their swords drawn. And the cleric picks himself up and stumbles over to you. The cleric begins to chant, and you all feel extra powerful.

Cleric casts bless on you. +1 to attack

2017-06-13, 08:57 PM
Arwen recognizes these painted faces and shouts...Arlen, these are members of the local thieves guild. I doubt they seek to clear their conscience today.

Arlen realizes the evil doers are seeking to escape and spurs Briar.

Stop, you will be brought to justice. Someone, please see to the injured man.

2017-06-13, 08:57 PM
Feralas starts to move forward and signals for Lightfoot to pursue the assailants if they start to flee. Tahlas comes around the corner as well. I'll take care of this poor soul. You guys contain these criminals

2017-06-13, 09:06 PM
Arlen moves Briar closer to the thieves.

Surrender yourselves and no one gets hurt. Any further resistance will only worsen your situation.

2017-06-13, 09:18 PM
It is faint, but you hear the main attacker say to his partners We have done what we came to do. We have earned our money. Time to get out of here.

He yells at the cleric Heed my words priest! Stay away from the orphanage, or next time we wont be as nice.

With that, the three men turn and run, two breaking off to the left and one to the right.

2017-06-13, 09:31 PM
Arlen charges after the two figures, lance at the ready. He attacks the first figure he can catch.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1] plus [roll2]

2017-06-13, 09:36 PM
Arlen charges towards the attacker, and his lance pierces the side of the escaping jester. He falls to the ground unconscious.

The remaining two jesters have escaped.

2017-06-13, 09:43 PM
Arlen dismounts Briar, searches for any hidden weapons, removes them and tries to stabilize the man.

Can any of you heal? Help me stabilize him so we might bring him to the local authorities.
Perhaps Heroneus will give him another chance to change his life.

Heal check [roll0]

2017-06-13, 09:43 PM
Feralas whistles Lightfoot to return when the criminals round the corner and Tahlas moves to help Arllen to subdue the criminal.

2017-06-14, 08:42 AM
After making sure the cleric is stabilized Feralas moves to help with the prisoner. Tahlas makes his way over as well and starts to question him on what he was doing here and who he is working for?

Diplomacy for Tahlas:[roll0]

Feralas will help with minor cures if we need to get him stable

2017-06-14, 09:17 AM
All your nice, fancy talk don't mean nothing to me. Bugger off!.
Tahlas's diplomatic way of speaking does not seem to affect the prisoner. He seems too shaken up and scared to be coerced this way.

2017-06-14, 10:43 AM
Arlen approaches the prisoner.

Calm down. You will not be harmed further unless you force us to do so. I assure you, all we are after is justice. It appears you were hired to harm this man. You seem to be a fellow down on his luck who simply chose poorly when looking for work. If you can help us identify the true criminal forces at work here, I myself will request leniency on your behalf.

Looking toward the cleric, Arlen asks.

Do you recognize this man? Should we remove his paint to know his identity?

2017-06-14, 12:00 PM
Arlen turns back toward the prisoner.

I can assure you, if you do not turn toward the light and continue to obstruct justice we will do all we can to see you punished to the fullest extend of the law.

Intimidate [roll0]

2017-06-14, 12:05 PM
Ok, ok! My career is over anyways. A member of the Last Laugh named Jil hired us to "send a clear message" to the Church of St. Cuthbert not to investigate the disappearance of the four children from the Lantern Street Orphanage. We needed money, and the arrangement didn't include any killing, so we took the job. Do you know how much a town guard makes? Not much. We have families to feed!

2017-06-14, 12:24 PM
At the admission from the guard, Feralas sees movement out of the corner of his eye, from up above. He turns to look at the two story buildings behind him but nothing is there. He gets a weird feeling that they had been watched.

The cleric stands and begins to cast a spell. His cuts and bruises disappear before your very eyes.

Thank you for your help. I guess they weren't trying to kill me but i did fear for my life.
After this awful night, would you mind accompanying me back to my church?

2017-06-14, 02:13 PM
We would not mind at all. I'm not from around here sir, where should we take this gentlemen so he can be handled by the proper authorities

2017-06-14, 02:17 PM
Arlen addresses the prisoner.

Thank you for your cooperation. I am duty bound to take you to the local authorities. I will however tell them you were cooperative and are not the chief orchestrator of this violence. You may take this chance to ask forgiveness of the good cleric.

Turning to the cleric.

My name is Arlen Highhill and this is my brother, Arwen Highhill. My old friends there are brothers as well and good chaps even if they do tend to spend too much time in the woods. We would be happy to see you safely to your church if we can first bring this man to the proper authority.

2017-06-14, 02:17 PM
Well met Arlen. Thank you for your help. My name is Ruphus Laro, Hmmm... let me think. I think there is a town guard outpost near the city gates. We can drop him off there.But after that I would like to get to the church.

2017-06-14, 02:24 PM
You take the captive to the townsguard. They recognize the man you are bringing in.
"Hylum? What in the world are you doing in that ridiculous makeup, and why are you tied up?
You explain what happened, and drop Hylum off at the outpost.
The head of the outpost saysThank you for bringing him here. Captain Skellerang will hear about this at once.

2017-06-14, 02:34 PM
You walk with Ruphus to the outer northern rim of Cauldron. Most of you have seen it before, but the temple still amazes you. The two-story Church of St. Cuthbert, its white marble walls suffused with veins of vivd blue, stands in stark contrast to the buildings of bare black stone that flank it on the north end of Obsidian Avenue. A pair of white marble statues depicting armored warriors stand on either side of the temple's heavy oaken door. Each statue raises a great mace to the darkening sky. Above the door's marble architrave are boldly inscribed the following words in Common: WITHIN LAW LIVES HOPE

Ruphus looks at you.

Thank you for your help tonight.
Please come inside. With everything that has happened tonight and everything we have heard,
I would suggest you speak with Jenya Urikas.
She is in charge of this temple while the High Priest is gone. Please come in.

2017-06-14, 02:39 PM
Feralas replies No thanks is needed for the help we rendered. We were just happy to be able to help.

Tahlas asks Where is the High Priest?

2017-06-14, 02:46 PM
Please come in out of the rain,
and Jenya can answer any questions you have.

Ruphus and the group go inside. As Ruphus enters, another cleric approaches and tells him to report to Jenya.

Looking around you see a few clerics walking the massive temple. You also notice a large armored man patrolling the halls.

As you wait for Ruphus to return, two figures approach from somewhere deeper in the structure. A young woman with premature streaks of gray in her rich brown hair steps forward with her hand outstretched in friendship. She wears a brown robe with golden trim and the symbol of St. Cuthbert around her neck.

"Good evening. I have spoken to Ruphus and learned of his harrowing ordeal, as well as your remarkable heroism. I'm Jenya, the acting high priest. I am in your debt."

2017-06-14, 03:41 PM
Do you know why anyone would want you to stay away from the orphanage?

Excuse my little brother. My name is Feralas Augethiel and this is my brother Tahlas. These two fine gentlemen are Arlen and Arwen. We were happy to be at the right place at the right time to help. From my brothers words I hear there is quite a bit of unrest in the city as of late. Maybe you can help enlighten us as to what might be going on.

2017-06-14, 04:11 PM
Arlen adds.

We are grateful to be in a position to protect the innocent. I was sent here in the name of Heironeous by Captain Heronus to investigate the kidnappings happening in Cauldron. I believe our two deities must intend us to combine our efforts. How can we help search out the perpetrators? We learned a member of the Last Laugh named Jil ordered the attack on Ruphus. Perhaps we should start there?

2017-06-15, 09:50 AM
Jenya directs you into a chamber where a roaring fire warms the room.

"This will help you warm up and dry off. Ruphus told me about what the guard said. Unfortunately no one around here knows anything about where the Last Laugh conducts its business. So, I don't know how to help you there.

I do know that 4 children were kidnapped from the local orphanage 3 nights ago. Their names were Deakon, Evelyn, Lucinda, and Terrem. These children are the most recent victims in a series of strange disappearances and robberies.

The orphanage itself has two common bedchambers on the second floor - one for girls and one for the boys. Two children were taken from each room but none of the other children, or resident staff heard or saw anything.

What is even stranger is the orphanage has barred windows and excellent locks protecting its doors, not to mention that the children are locked in their rooms every night, to prevent any mischief from happening.

In the wake of the kidnappings, we at the Church of St. Cuthbert have publicly vowed to locate the missing children and bring the kidnappers to justice. This must have been why Ruphus was attacked.

To locate the children, I borrowed one of the churches most sacred treasures, the Star of Justice. It allowed me to cast divination and ask where the children were who were abducted from the Lantern Street Orphanage. Technically, only the high priest is supposed to use the mace, but I felt like, in his absence, I could use it. I am not in any way practiced in its magic so I don't really know what its message meant.

She hands you a piece of paper with the riddle given to her by the mace.

Star of Justice Divination Riddle (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7wOBLAYv_wceG5PTnZzS0R2NnM/view?usp=sharing)
(Look at the image before moving on)

I believe that the first line of the riddle holds an important clue. I don't know which locks the riddle refers to, but I would suspect that maybe the orphanage is the key to finding out.

You seem like good men, and I thank you so much for helping Ruphus. I believe that St. Cuthbert as guided you here for a reason. Would you be willing to help find the missing townfolk, and help us bring justice to these kidnappers?

I would be willing to give each of you a potion to help heal your wounds in battle, and the church would be willing to pay you 2500 gp once the townfolk have been found.

Updated map of Cauldron (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7wOBLAYv_wcZHVrRW96QUlZb3M/view?usp=sharing)

2017-06-15, 10:05 AM
Arlen responds.

I will be happy to assist in this noble undertaking.

2017-06-15, 10:07 AM
Arwen responds.

I will help as well, if only to keep an eye on my brother.

2017-06-15, 10:28 AM
Obad-hai sent me to Cauldron for a reason, maybe this will help me find what that reason is.

I've been gathering information about these kidnappings already so Id be happy to help

2017-06-15, 10:41 AM
St. Cuthbert thanks you. It is late. Please feel free to use our rooms tonight.

You each rest in the church for the night, and feel at peace while doing it.

While in your meditative trance, you get a vision from Obad-Hai. You see Lightfoot playfully running around in a meadow. You also see a toad, riding on the back of Arlen's riding dog. It seems like the toad knows what he is doing. The three animals are playing with each other, and seem peaceful

When you wake in the morning, Jenya meets you at the front of the church and gives each of you a potion with St. Cuthbert's symbol emblazoned on the front
Each of you gets a potion of cure moderate wounds +5

Go and find the children. If you ever need anything, we will always be here to help.

2017-06-15, 11:07 AM
Feralas again thanks the priest and heads off with his new companions. I had a vision from Obad-hai last night. It seems like we should stick together for the time being. I feel like our meeting at the gates was not mere chance. Tahlas what was it you were telling me about having some information about these kidnappings.

You hear a lot of things when you ask around. I've heard things as wild as you there being a tentacled monster under the lake that is stealing the children but I think the most useful thing I've heard is that most of the locks from houses that were broken into came from a certain locksmith. The name is Keygan Ghelve.

2017-06-15, 11:44 AM
The four companions head to Ghelve's Locks

Updated Map of Cauldron (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7wOBLAYv_wcZHVrRW96QUlZb3M/view?usp=sharing)

A small turret dominates the facade of this two-story black stone building. Iron bars are embedded in the thick window frames. The door is adorned with three intricate, unique locking mechanisms. Beyond the turret's ground-floor windows, you can see a lovely display of locks, from large to small, simple to complex. To the left of the turret, above the heavy oak door, swings a simple sign that reads GHELVE'S LOCKS.

You enter the building. This store front smells of wood and pipe smoke. Two padded chairs flank a hearth containing a small yet lively fire. The fireplace's carved mantle bears a tinderbox, a small vase of dried smoking leaves, and a finely wrought collection of pipes.

A burgundy strip of carpet leads from the entrance to the wall across from it, where you see dozens - perhaps hundreds - of keys hanging from tiny hooks. The keys come in all shapes and sizes.

A handsomely engraved mahogany counter stretches along one wall. Behind it hangs a red curtain that neatly hides the rest of the store. Behind the counter you see a 6'0 tall gnome with salt-and-pepper hair and a neatly trimmed mustache and goatee. His bushy eyebrows, creased face and graven frown make him look frumpy and dour.

Welcome to my business gentlemen. What may I help you with?

2017-06-15, 12:53 PM
Are you by any chance Keygan Ghelve? We had some questions about your locks and if you might could give us any clues as to how they are being bypassed in these recent kidnappings?

As his older brother is talking Tahlas makes his way around the room checking the wares but keeps an eye on the shop owner

As his brother is talking Tahlas will be rolling his Sense motive on the responses that Keygan gives. Sense motive +7. Feel free to roll them and let me know if he suspects anything fishy

2017-06-15, 01:06 PM
Are you by any chance Keygan Ghelve? We had some questions about your locks and if you might could give us any clues as to how they are being bypassed in these recent kidnappings?

As his older brother is talking Tahlas makes his way around the room checking the wares but keeps an eye on the shop owner

As his brother is talking Tahlas will be rolling his Sense motive on the responses that Keygan gives. Sense motive +7. Feel free to roll them and let me know if he suspects anything fishy

I am Keygan Ghelve, hence the sign outside. As for my locks, you can ask me anything you want about my locks. I don't know what you are talking about as far as my locks and kidnappings.
I provide locks to some people around this city, but I am not the only locksmith in town.

2017-06-15, 01:15 PM
Arlen begins to detect evil.

I understand other lock smiths are in town. We are simply trying to find out how your locks are being circumvented in these kidnappings. The word on the street is your locks were on the home of each family that had a child kidnapped. This kind of news should hurt business. Surely you care about clearing your reputation and helping these innocents be brought home.

2017-06-15, 01:31 PM
I don't know who you have been talking to but your facts are wrong. The only children kidnapped were from the orphanage. Everyone else was older. I'm sure I provided locks to some of those homes, but I can't be completely sure. If my locks are being bypassed, I would like to know how it is happening as well.

You notice no evil auras.

At the mention of helping the innocents,
you notice that Keygan seems stressed.

2017-06-15, 01:41 PM
Tahlas moves over and whispers in his brothers ear. Feralas looks back to the locksmith, What do you mean you can't be completely sure. I'm sure a reputable businessman like yourself has records that could be checked. Do we need to get the name of every victim and bring it to you before you will open your books and see if they were your constumers? We are just trying to find those poor children before anything happens to them. We aren't looking to turn you in but you have to care about the children being found safely.

2017-06-15, 01:50 PM
Of course I care about what happens to those children. I'm not a monster.

Feralas notices that Keygan is beginning to sweat and grab at his collar. He seems to be moving his head and eyes around a lot.

You notice that the gnome keeps tilting his head towards the red curtain and moving his eyes upwards. You feel like he is telling you to go back through the curtain and look upwards.

2017-06-15, 02:08 PM
Feralas continues to talk to the locksmith as his brother moves towards the curtain quietly. He waves to the halflings to let them know that he is going to check out behind the curtain


2017-06-15, 02:26 PM
Hey! you can't go back there...Wait!
What are you doing!

Keygan bangs his head against the counter, and then against the wall next to the counter.

Please stop...

He falls to the ground.

Obviously he is putting on a show,
as if he knows someone is listening.

2017-06-15, 02:28 PM
Arwen moves toward the curtain. Arlen continues talking with the locksmith, but watches the curtain.

My apologizes for the mistake. The fact remains, your locks are involved in the kidnappings. Can you show me one of your locks perhaps?

Arlen is hoping this will distract from the rest of the group moving toward the curtain. He tries to be as noisy as possible away from the curtain.

2017-06-15, 02:32 PM
Tahlas flings the curtain back and looks up to see what the shopkeeper was motioning at.

2017-06-15, 02:41 PM
Black curtains partially obscure a window niche that faces the street. Ornate locks and complex locking mechanisms are neatly displayed in the niche.

The room itself looks tidy, but lived in. Carpets cover the stone floor, and a broom leans against the railing of a wooden staircase leading up to a second floor balcony. Three wooden chests rest in the middle of the floor, their lids bound shut with sturdy iron padlocks. Small tables, shelves and benches hold various knick-knacks and a framed portrait of a silver-haired gnome hangs next to a tall wooden box at the base of the stairs. The wooden box contains an intricate array of ticking gears, counterweights, and cylindrical chimes, surmounted by a circular face that bears the numerals 1 through 12 on its circumference.

Here is the map of the 2 rooms. Place your characters.
Map of Store (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oetJSKpdy7aWsl3-kUjBWKyFZu038K4-jTHF8VHOcI8/edit?usp=sharing)

2017-06-15, 07:04 PM
As Tahlas enters the room and approaches the stairs, he hears something above. He looks up and sees a creature seemingly appear out of thin air. The creature jumps down from the top of the stairs and gets ready to fight.

creature (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7wOBLAYv_wccmd5YjFpU1FtNm8/view?usp=sharing)https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7wOBLAYv_wccmd5YjFpU1FtNm8/view?usp=sharing
Roll for initiative in OOC

2017-06-15, 08:02 PM
Tahlas attacks the creature with his knife

Attack: [roll0]

Feralas begins chanting

Begins Summon natures ally

2017-06-15, 08:16 PM
Arwen speaks, then engages the enemy with his crossbow. This is a skulk. They live in the underdark and are good at hiding, keep an eye out for others.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Arlen moves to engage the enemy

Arlen takes a 5 foot step to G9 and attacks with his long sword Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2017-06-15, 08:44 PM
As the skulk endures the attacks that come his way, he swings his rapier at Talhas

Damage: [roll1]

2017-06-15, 08:54 PM
Hearing his brothers chanting Tahlas waits until the expected help arrives before he attacks. A wolf appears behind the skulk and both the animal and rogue attack in concert

Wolf Attack:[roll0] + 2 for flanking
Damage: [roll1]
If bite hits wolf will attempt to trip:[roll2]

Tahlas Attack:[roll3] +2 for flanking and he should be at -4 for being prone if he fails his check against trip
Damage: [roll4] Sneak:[roll5]

2017-06-15, 09:15 PM
As the wolf appears behind the skulk, it rips into the back of the skulk's leg, causing it to fall. As the skulk is falling Tahlas runs the skulk through, ending its life.

Hearing the skulk perish, Keygan speaks up.

Um...could you please help me up?
I am wearing stilts and can't really stand up in them.

2017-06-15, 09:31 PM
Arlen speaks with the locksmith.

Thank you for pointing us toward the creature. We will be happy to help you, please fill us in on all the details of what is going on. Is there anyone else in the building? What do you have in those chests? Where did that thing come from and what business did it have here?

2017-06-15, 09:33 PM
Feralas moves to help the locksmith up and Tahlas begins searching the rest of the room and if nothing is found moves upstairs to check up there.

2017-06-15, 09:38 PM
Keralas moves to help the locksmith up and Tahlas begins searching the rest of the room and if nothing is found moves upstairs to check up there.

Please don't snoop around my house. That was the only one.

2017-06-15, 10:05 PM
Arlen speaks with the locksmith.

Thank you for pointing us toward the creature. We will be happy to help you, please fill us in on all the details of what is going on. Is there anyone else in the building? What do you have in those chests? Where did that thing come from and what business did it have here?

There is no one else in this building and the chests contain my wares.

I am sorry for screaming at you earlier.

It all started a few months ago. The tall thing you just killed and smaller ones as well, broke into my home through an underground enclave called Jzadirune. It was an ancient gnome enclave inhabited by gnome spell casters, that was all but abandoned over 75 years ago when a magical plague that we called the Vanishing swept through it. The plague caused the inhabitants of Jzadirune to slowly fade into nothingness. I haven't been there since. It frightens me.

When the tall ones and short ones broke into my home from this secret door (he points to an area under the stairs), they grabbed my poor familiar, Starbrow. They threatened to harm him if I didn't tell them everything I know about Cauldron. They found my ledger and saw that I had provided most of the locks for the city. They threatened to kill me and Starbrow if I didn't make them a single key that could open all of the locks. I made them the key. (He sheds a tear)

Even after I gave them the key, they took Starbrow from me. I know he is close, but I don't know exactly where he is. All I know is that he is scared and hungry.

If you are going to go down into Jzadirune, there are some things you should know. You have seen the tall ones. They can change the color of their skin to better hide. They kept one here at all times to spy on me, but they are usually found in pairs or groups of three. The short ones look gnomelike but they have pallid skin, large noses and soft black hooves for feet. They wear black cloaks and cowls that help them hide in the shadows. They all speak common, but when they speak to each other, it is in a language I have never heard before. I also have never seen or heard about a leader.

I have seen Jzadirune a few times in my youth, when I was training to be a wizard. Jzadirune has doors that are gear shaped and designed to roll to one side or the other. Many of them are trapped and designed so that only the gnomes could bypass them.

I have a map that you can take with you. It is a crude map and doesn't show where any traps are, or any secret areas are, but it should help you. Please go save the townsfolk that were kidnapped and please save Starbrow. I don't know what I would do without him.

Map of Jzadirune (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7wOBLAYv_wcU2NXby05NHRnVlU/view?usp=sharing)

2017-06-16, 07:41 AM
Arlen eyes the locksmith suspiciously before responding.

Sense Motive [roll0]

2017-06-16, 07:46 AM
Arlen eyes the locksmith suspiciously before responding.

Sense Motive [roll0]

Arlen feels that the gnome is sincere, and every time he talks about his familiar, he notices that Keygan gets choked up.

2017-06-16, 08:42 AM
Arlen speaks to the locksmith.

I thank you for your help in this matter. We will do all we can to save these innocents victims.
For your own safety, my colleagues should search your shop to ensure no more of these vile creatures or any other foul magic remains here. I believe you when you say only one creature was here, but I believe an evil plot of this size could have more than just one watchmen on such a vital part of their scheme. Also, I think our searching would be far less obtrusive and less harmful to your business than if we sent the watch to check the premises.

Would you be agreeable to letting us confirm there are no more foul plots about? For your safety and that of your customers?

2017-06-16, 10:07 AM
Arlen speaks to the locksmith.

I thank you for your help in this matter. We will do all we can to save these innocents victims.
For your own safety, my colleagues should search your shop to ensure no more of these vile creatures or any other foul magic remains here. I believe you when you say only one creature was here, but I believe an evil plot of this size could have more than just one watchmen on such a vital part of their scheme. Also, I think our searching would be far less obtrusive and less harmful to your business than if we sent the watch to check the premises.

Would you be agreeable to letting us confirm there are no more foul plots about? For your safety and that of your customers?
That is fine but I will escort you around.

2017-06-16, 10:31 AM
Lead the way.

both Feralas and Tahlas will continue to spot and listen

2017-06-16, 10:37 AM
You find a typical home upstairs but no more enemies.
If you are satisfied, I implore you to go save those kids. It has been 3 days already. I don't know how long they will have. Please take this as well, Jzaidrune is very dark.

He hands you 4 torches from his store room and opens the door down to Jzaidrune.

Good luck, be wary of traps, and please find my familiar as well. I miss him so.

2017-06-16, 01:13 PM
If everyone is ready, I will take the lead. Is anyone skilled at finding traps? If so, I would appreciate their keen eyes up front with me.

If it is wide enough for two of us to move in together, great. I would also prefer to be on Briar while we walk. He is pretty sneaky and shouldn't take up too much space.

2017-06-16, 01:42 PM
The 4 adventurers led by Tahlas and Arlen, riding atop Briar, descend a stone staircase, its steps shrouded with cobwebs and dust. It descends twenty feet to a 10 foot square landing, then bends to the right and plunges into darkness. You notice on the wall is a sconce for a torch.

The staircase is 10 feet wide.

2017-06-16, 01:45 PM
Tahlas agrees to be in the front with Arlen and Feralas summons Lightfoot to bring up the rear next to him.

2017-06-16, 01:51 PM
The staircase descends another 20 feet before opening into another 10 ft by 10 ft landing. From this landing you can hear strange sounds emanating from the chamber below, specifically chirping birds, rustling leaves, and cheery giggles. The landing itself is bare save for an empty iron sconce mounted on the south wall.

Tahlas gets a weird feeling and upon inspection notices a secret door on the south wall of the landing.

2017-06-16, 02:02 PM
Tahlas informs the group of the secret door and looks for a way to open it.

2017-06-16, 02:41 PM
Tahlas notices that the sconce can move and tells the rest of the group to step back before moving it

2017-06-16, 02:54 PM
Tahlas turns the sconce clockwise and the door clicks open. Looking into the door, you see a dusty 10 foot by 20 foot hall.

Map in progress (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oetJSKpdy7aWsl3-kUjBWKyFZu038K4-jTHF8VHOcI8/edit?usp=sharing)
You are now at AM 40. Looking at your map you would assume this is close to Room 41

2017-06-16, 05:16 PM
Tahlas will continue in the front and search as he goes

2017-06-16, 08:22 PM
While searching carefully through the dusty, dead end hallway, Tahlas notices a tiny crack opening in the floor near the east wall. Upon further inspection he notices that the floor is rigged to drop out from underneath him. Realizing it was safe to stand on, Tahlas steps onto the drop away floor and finds another hidden door. It is currently locked but he notices a panel of stone near the door that does not have as many webs or dust.

2017-06-16, 08:50 PM
Tahlas tells everyone else of the drop away floor and the secret door on the other wall and advises they move off of it. He thinks to himself for a moment and then says I don't feel comfortable opening this door unless we can deal with this floor first. I can try to disable it but I will run the risk of setting it off, we could go back the other way, or we can see if we can find something to span the 10 ft so when the floor opens we can walk across. What do you guys think?

2017-06-17, 12:01 PM
Tahlas considers for a while and then decides to go back up and ask Ghelve if he has something to help

I would love to ask if he has a plank of wood to span the length, about 15ft long. Also if there is anywhere I can get a set of thieves tools. They are relatively cheap I just forgot to pick some up. I figure if Tahlas knows the town he might know where to pick some up easily. Let me know if this is possible

2017-06-19, 01:28 PM
Back at Keygan's Locks, Tahlas asks for a set of thieves tools. Keygan is able to help, but implores you to get back and help save his familiar...and townfolk. Before you head back into the enclave, Arlen and Arwen's brother, Garet walks into the store followed by a large human cleric.
Brothers! Dad heard you were in town, and sent me to look for you.
The cleric introduces himself Good day. My name is Matrim Cauthon and I am a cleric of the mighty Pelor. During my morning prayers, I received a vision of the 5 of you in this shop. I was told to come here and provide aid. When I saw the halfling here coming into the shop, I knew my vision was real. I do not know why we are here or what is required of me, but I am here to help.

2017-06-19, 01:48 PM
Arlen and Arwen embrace their brother and greet the newcomer.

Arlen says, "Sorry we didn't come to visit, we are investigating the kidnappings and couldn't spare a moment. Would you be able to help us?

Also, it seems the gods have blessed us with another true believe for this quest. Do you care to join our efforts?

2017-06-19, 01:57 PM
If this is where Pelor would have me be, them I'm here to help.

Feralas explains to the cleric and newest halfling brother what they have done so far, the creature they defeated and the trap that they were in the process of dealing with.

2017-06-19, 02:08 PM
The new group makes there way back to the hidden door and false floor trap. Garet begins to pick at the trap with his tools, and on the second try, feels that he has fully disabled the trap.

2017-06-19, 02:11 PM
Tahlas moves back to where he found the switch for the secret door and once again cautions everyone off the floor trap, just in case this new halflings skills are not as good as he would hope. Once everyone is clear he opens the secret door.

2017-06-20, 12:59 PM
You make your way back to Keygan's Locks with not interruption. Upon seeing his familiar, Keygan leaps up from his work and runs over to snatch the cage out of your hands. He easily unlocks the door on the cage and nestles up with his rat. I have missed you so much. Here is some food. He pulls cheese out of his pocket. What did they do to you more poor boy?

He looks at the group. Did you find the bastards who did this to my precious Starbrow?

2017-06-20, 02:01 PM
Matrim explains to him what we found out about the slave ring being run below the city. He also lets him know there is much more of the ruin we need to explore. He tells the locksmith they need to rest for the evening and will be back to continue to explore after resting.

2017-06-20, 02:10 PM
Of course. Please stay here for the night.

2017-06-20, 06:16 PM
In the morning Feralas wakes up early to meditate and pray as he usually does. A few minutes later he is surprised by an unusual interruption. His brother explains he was watching the prayers and was interested in learning the Druidic ways. The two spend a long time in the morning discussing where a druids power comes from and how to access it. After the discussion Tahlas find a place to quietly reflect and try out the things his brother shared with him. When he is done with his prayers he notices Matrim also quietly reflecting. So as not to disturb him he quietly moves around him and makes his way back to the rest of his new group of companions.

2017-06-21, 11:08 AM
After searching through the room, Tahlas and his brother start to move up the hall where the locked pit trap was and search the door to the left ahead. Feralas calls Lightfoot back out to assist and to give warning if he smells any more invisible adversaries.

Feralas is going to let his wolf back out. I figure with the searching, fighting, watching the play we are maybe three hours later from when I put him in the statue so he has 6HP more than he did.

Moving to the door at S 44-45

2017-06-21, 11:10 AM
Garet assists in checking the door. Arlen is happy to lead the way through the door.

2017-06-21, 11:36 AM
When you get to the door, you notice it is a "J" door. You use the key and it opens right up. Garet looks at the door and notices once again that the trap in the door has been disabled. You look inside and see a featureless, thirty foot long hall with another round door at the other end. A narrow five foot diameter tunnel breaches the middle of the south wall and heads off into darkness. Feralas looks at Lightfoot and there is no indication that he smells anything.
Searching the entrance, Garet finds a pit trap right as you enter the room. He pulls out his tools and thinks he has disabled the trap. Upon further inspection of the room, Tahlas finds a hidden door and Garet opens it.

2017-06-22, 02:18 PM
Garet opens the secret door that Tahlas finds. Seeing no traps, Arlen walks inside. Small mounds of rubble fill this ten foot high, twenty foot square chamber. Most of the detritus is piled near a roughly hewn five foot diameter tunnel bored into the west wall. Three wooden chests sit in the middle of the floor. The chests' lids are carved and painted with anthropomorphic figures resembling a badger, a fox and a rabbit. The smashed remains of three padlocks lie strewn around the chests. A wooden lever juts from an iron plate set into the south wall. The lever looks like it can slide up and down, and is currently in the down position.

Looking through the room, you find no traps.

Garet searches through the badger chest and finds nothing.

The fox chest initially seems to have nothing, but upon further inspection, Garet finds a false bottom, inside of which he finds a silver bracelet that he thinks is worth 25 gp, a small pouch containing three citrines worth 50 gp each, and a tiny glass vial with some dust inside.

The rabbit chest contains a gray bag in it.

Feralas detects another secret door near the tunnel

2017-06-22, 04:06 PM
Tahlas flips the lever to the up position in case it locks another trap. Then proceeds to follow the group as they go back to the previous hallway.

2017-06-22, 06:17 PM
Upon flipping the switch up, the group hears a switch flip under the trap that they just disarmed, just like the previous switch had done. They encounter an "I" door at the other end of the trapped hallway. Garet does his thing and unlocks and disarms the door. The door opens and you see that marble staircases split this room into three levels: a rubble strewn foyer where you entered, a ten foot square marble landing and an upper hall supported by two pillar sculpted to resemble petrified trees. Between the pillars rests a graven throne. An elderly gnome wearing a silver crown is slumped in the throne, his soft snores echoing throughout the room. The thirty foot expanse of wall behind the throne is carved with frescoes depicting a complex array of gears. Another noteworthy feature is a cherubic gnome's face carved in bas-relief on the west wall of the landing.

On the map: the dark gray is the throne. The light gray is the bas-relief carving. The outlined 10x10 square with the light gray is the landing

2017-06-23, 10:13 AM
Talhlas moves silently around the room trying to get behind the sleeping gnome before settling into place. Feralas, Matrim and Lightfoot look on at the entrance of the room.

Move Silently:[roll0]
Hide: [roll1]

2017-06-23, 12:18 PM
Once Tahlas steps onto the 10 ft by 10 ft landing, a voice comes from the gnome carving in front of him.

In common, the voice says...If you wish an audience with the king, place your finest coin in my mouth

2017-06-23, 02:48 PM
Tahlas places a gold piece in the gnome carving's mouth and the coin disappears.

2017-06-24, 08:39 PM
Tahalas places his hand on the gnome's shoulder. His hand goes straight through the gnome as if he was an illusion. Upon further inspection of the landing, Garet notices a very well hidden trap that looks dang near impossible to disarm. Tahlas notices no traps on the throne, but does notice a hidden area on the arm of the chair.

2017-06-24, 10:27 PM
Tahlas opens the secret compartment in the throne and the king's image speaks. Betrayed we are by our own magic, one by one we fade away - Jzadirune's lost! Oh how tragic! We curse the vanishing day.

Inside the armrest, Tahlas finds 76 gp, and an "N" and "E" key

2017-06-24, 10:49 PM
Garet attempts to disable the trap.

2017-06-24, 11:04 PM
Garet attempts to disable the trap on the landing, and felt very confident in his attempt, but it did not disable

2017-06-24, 11:17 PM
Garet tells everyone to move away and attempts to trigger the trap.

2017-06-24, 11:25 PM
Well, the trap cannot be disabled that I can see.

2017-06-26, 07:40 AM
Tahlas continues to search the rest of the room before suggesting we go back to the secret door in the previous room.

2017-06-26, 07:42 AM
Upon trying to trigger the trap, Garet begins to feel more clumsy. Tahlas looks around the room and finds nothing else of interest

As each person steps onto the platform, the voice returns. Each person places a gp in its mouth and the coin disappears. Looking at the armrest on the throne, Tahlas notices that every time a coin is placed in the mouth, one appears in the arm rest.

2017-06-26, 09:46 AM
Garet looks at the next door and sees that it is a U door. He unlocks and disarms the door. When the door opens, Lightfoot sniffs and makes a low growl, but then seems confused. Metal wreckage and broken gears lie strewn about this oddly shaped chamber. Standing in the middle of the room is a half-built metal framework of a four-legged, five-foot-tall construct with one arm ending in a spiked wedge. Its other arm is nowhere to be seen. You see another door to the north as well as tunnels to the north and south. Upon entering the room, you barely see a figure dash into the northern tunnel from behind the metal figure.

2017-06-26, 09:58 AM
Feralas tentatively moves into the room keeping a hand on Lightfoot. He looks at the metal construct and asks Does anyone have any idea what this is?. Tahlas and Matrim move into the room but keep their distance from the metal creature.

2017-06-26, 10:09 AM
The three halflings also move into the room cautiously.

Arwen looks at creature carefully. Knowledge Engineering [roll0]

2017-06-26, 10:15 AM
Arwen looks at the metal figure and determines that it is an unfinished pulverizer automaton. Normally these guys are not anything you want to mess with. They like to smash you with their spiked arms or scream at you. He also knows that they have a 50/50 chance of working.

In the room you find nothing of value, just some parts you would assume are for the robot

2017-06-26, 10:38 AM
Tahlas, Feralas and Matrim keep their distance from the machine and make their around the room to the northern door to follow the figure that left.

2017-06-26, 12:17 PM
The group follows the tunnel to the right and up. Tahlas sees that it opens into a room that has a very acrid stench. There are two large tables draped in cobwebs. A;chemical apparatus clutters one tabletop, while the other table has been flipped on its side, spilling its contents into the middle of the room. Amid the fragments of shattered glass lie some broken candles, some spent tindertwigs, various sundry utensils, and a pile of rags. Against the opposit wall stands a cabinet, its door set with jagged shards of frosted glass. It looks like someone smashed through the glass to reach the contents within. Mounted to the ceiling is a web-shrouded wooden fan connected to some gears and a rope belt that crosses the ceiling and disappears into the north wall.

As Tahlas enters the room, the pile of rags rises up into the air forming a humanoid silhouette

Roll initiative. If you want someone besides Tahlas entering into the room first, let me know

2017-06-26, 01:51 PM
The Raggamoffyn flies at Tahlas and slams into him

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
If successful Grapple [roll2]

2017-06-26, 02:17 PM
As Tahlas gets grappled by the Raggamoffyn, a skulk pops up wrapped in the same type of rags and throws a tanglefoot bag over Tahlas's head.

Throw [roll0]

The tanglefoot bag explodes behind Lightfoot.

Roll a d20 for me

2017-06-26, 03:41 PM
Tahlas tries to move to the side and attack the things that are on him.


2017-06-26, 04:53 PM
Feralas moves into the room and tries to pull the things attacking his brother off of him and he directs Lightfoot to attack the skulk.

Wolf Attack:[roll0]

D20 to help Tahlas (don't know what you want so add whatever you need)

2017-06-26, 08:19 PM
Arlen charges the Skulk

Attack was an 18 and damage a 4

Garet charges into melee as well but misses.

Arwen chants a few words of magic and a ball of energy leaves his outstretched hand.

Targeting the skulk damage [roll0]

2017-06-26, 08:25 PM
The cleric enters the room and fires a crossbow bolt at the skulk


2017-06-26, 08:30 PM
The raggamoffyn attached to Tahlas tries to wrap himself firmly around the elf.

grapple check to wrap:[roll0]

The Skulk swings his rapier at Arlen


2017-06-26, 09:05 PM
Garet attacks the skulk in front of him twice, carefully keeping his balance.

AC now 18 5 foot step to trade spots with Arlen

Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Defensive Damage [roll2]

Attack 2[roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Defensive Damage [roll5]

2017-06-26, 09:07 PM
Arlen strikes at the skulk

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-06-26, 09:08 PM
Arwen fires his crossbow at the skulk.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-06-26, 10:05 PM
Lightfoot bites at the skulk, Feralas and Tahlas both struggle against the rags and Matrim fires another crossbow shot.

Wolf Attack:[roll0]

Tahlas grapple:[roll2]
Feralas grapple?:[roll3]

Matrim attack:[roll4]

2017-06-26, 10:25 PM
Tahlas shakes the creature off of him. The raggamoffyn, seeing the larger human, attempts to wrap him up.


The skulk continues to try and attack Arlen


2017-06-26, 10:35 PM
Garet carefully shifts his position to take advantage of his opponent's blind side and strikes.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Defensive Damage [roll2]
Sneak Damage [roll3]

Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Defensive Damage [roll6]
Sneak Damage [roll7]

2017-06-26, 10:36 PM
Arlen strikes at the skulk

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-06-26, 10:44 PM
Arwen releases an orb of white flames at the creature floating above the fallen skulk.

Orb or lesser Fire

Ranged Touch [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-06-26, 11:01 PM
Matrim struggles against the rags attacking him and the two elves ready attacks for if he throws them off.


Readied attack Tahlas:[roll1]

Feralas readied attack:[roll3]

2017-06-26, 11:09 PM
The skulk falls to the ground and the raggamoffyn flies off of him. Before it can do anything, an orb of fire hits it and makes it burst into flames.

The raggamoffyn that was grappling with Matrim gets shrugged off.

The raggamoffyn tries to grapple Matrim again.


2017-06-26, 11:55 PM
Arlen moves to attack the rags

Attack Damage [roll1]

Garet moves to attack as well

Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]. Sneak damage [roll1d6

2017-06-26, 11:59 PM
Arwen throws a magical ball of acid at the rags.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2017-06-27, 10:22 AM
Wolf runs by and tries to bite the rags as Tahlas slashes and Feralas swings his quarterstaff. Matrim waits with crossbow ready, hesitant to fire into the melee.

Wolf Fights 3000:[roll0]

Tahlas Attack:[roll2]


2017-06-27, 10:24 AM
The raggamoffyn attempts to grapple the wolf.


2017-06-27, 11:27 AM
Garet attacks the rags.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1] Defensive roll, still hits constructs and those immune to critical [roll2]

Attack 2 [roll3] Damage [roll4] Defensive roll, still hits constructs and those immune to critical [roll5]

2017-06-27, 12:49 PM
Searching the room, Garet finds and appraises the alchemist lab on the main table as being worth 500 gp. He also finds, 5 empty glass flasks, 6 flasks with harmless powder, 3 flasks with hardened sludge, two flasks of acid, 20 tindertwigs and a "U" key. In the broken cabinet, Tahlas finds 3 flasks of alchemist's fire, four vials of antitoxin, two smokesticks, eight sunrods, a thunderstone, and a vial with two applications of universal solvent. On the skulk you find a single rapier.

As Tahlas is searching around the room, he finds three secret doors and none of them are connected to a trap.

Updated Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oetJSKpdy7aWsl3-kUjBWKyFZu038K4-jTHF8VHOcI8/edit?usp=sharing)

2017-06-27, 02:26 PM
Opening the south secret door, Tahlas sees a big open hallway that has 5 doors labeled N, E, I, D and Z. Checking the hall, Garet and Tahlas find no hidden traps.

2017-06-27, 03:35 PM
Arwen takes a sling from his brother and reloads his crossbow.

I am low on spells, but I am decent with these.

2017-06-27, 05:07 PM
Tahlas asks for 3 of the sling bullets and says Maybe I can help these be a little more effective

Lets start with the N door then the E door since we have those keys

2017-06-27, 05:56 PM
In both rooms, you see the same set-up. Noting is left except four decrepit cots, four small wooden chests and a wooden dresser with four drawers. Everything is draped in cobwebs. Looking through the rooms, you find nothing of value, but in the E room you find a secret door to the southeast corner of the room.

2017-06-27, 06:48 PM
The group enters through the secret door. Bare, dusty shelves line the north wall of this twenty foot square room. Free standing weapon racks fill the southern half of the room but most of the weapons have been removed. Three small steel shields and a suit of cobweb-choked half-plate armor hang from hooks along the southern wall. Several more hooks remain bare. Below them rests a large wooden chest secured with a dusty padlock.

Lightfoot smells nothing out of the ordinary.

Tahlas finds another hidden door to the east

2017-06-27, 07:04 PM
Backtracking to the west, you find the hallway that you bypassed earlier when chasing the skulk/raggamoffyn. You travel down the hall and up a small flight of stairs. You see smashed tables and chairs littering the floor of this room. Hundreds of tiny wooden and metal gear mechanisms spill from sundered crates, and a four foot tall mound of stone rubble fills the northwest corner. Mounted to the twenty foot tall ceiling are two large wooden fans strung with cobwebs. The fans are connected to some gears and rope belts that cross the ceiling and disappear into the wall on either side of the eastern exit. In the middle of the room stands something draped in a large gray sheet. The shrouded object is roughly five feet tall, five feet wide, and irregular in shape.

2017-06-27, 09:58 PM
Tahlas moves forward to pull the shroud off of the covered object.

2017-06-27, 10:09 PM
As Tahlas pulls the shroud off of the object, the visibly damaged automaton comes to life.

Roll for initiative: [roll]1d20

2017-06-27, 10:20 PM
Tahlas swings his dagger at the machine more out of reflex then any organized attack


2017-06-27, 10:27 PM
Arlen summons his mount and prepares for combat.

2017-06-27, 10:33 PM
The automaton turns to face Tahlas and acts like he is going to attack but a few years get caught up and he can't attack

2017-06-27, 10:41 PM
Arwen steps forward and fires his sling with a magic stone.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Garet moves forward positioning himself for an attack.

2017-06-27, 10:43 PM
Arlen shouts out, "Tahlas, step to the side next time you see an opening. I am on my way"

2017-06-27, 10:50 PM
Feralas and Lightfoot both move in to attack and Tahlas steps to the side before swinging his dagger again.




2017-06-28, 09:54 AM
Arlen spurs his steed and charges into melee.

AC now 15

Attack [roll0]

Damage [roll1]
Charge double damage [roll2]

2017-06-28, 09:58 AM
The automaton tries to take a step back but gets stuck again

2017-06-28, 11:14 AM
Tahlas tells his brother to shift around and surround the machine.

Tahlas attack:[roll0]

Feralas Attack:[roll2]

Lightfoot Attack:[roll4]

2017-06-28, 12:22 PM
Arlen moves his mount backward slightly, then repositions for another charge.

Arwen fires at the creature again. attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Garet strikes twice at the creature.
again. AC now 18 Attack 1 [roll2] Damage [roll3]. Defensive [roll4]
Attack 2 [roll5] Damage [roll6]

2017-06-28, 12:25 PM
Once again the robot gets stuck in his motions.

2017-06-28, 12:44 PM
Arlen charges again.

AC now 15 Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] Charge double[roll2]

Arwen fires again. Attack [roll3] Damage [roll4]

Garet strikes twice.

Attack 1 [roll5] Attack 2 [roll6]
A 1 damage [roll7] defensive [roll8]

A2 damage [roll9] defensive [Roll]1d6[/Roll

2017-06-28, 12:55 PM
Matrim moves in to hit with his mace as the rest of the group continues to swing and the machine

Tahlas Attack:[roll0]

Feralas Attack:[roll2]

Lightfoot Attack:[roll4]

Matrim Attack:[roll6]

2017-06-28, 01:40 PM
You hear the sounds of gears grinding against each other as the robot struggles to move

2017-06-28, 01:45 PM
The group continues to pound on the metal monstrosity

Tahlas Attack:[roll0]

Feralas Attack:[roll2]

Matrim Attack:[roll4]

Lightfoot Attack:[roll6]

2017-06-28, 01:48 PM
Arlen attacks again.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Arwen throws a vial of acid at the robot.

Attack ranged touch [roll2] Damage [roll3] Splash to everyone within 5 foot forn1 damage

Garet attacks twice
Attack 1[roll4] Damage [roll5]
Attack 2[roll6] Damage [roll7]

2017-06-28, 01:55 PM
With the splash of acid hitting the automaton, you see the spark in it fade and it's internal gears grind to a halt. Upon inspection of the automaton Garet finds a deep blue spinnel where it's heart would be. He thinks it is worth about 500 gp. As Arlen walks around and looks at the bot, he notices commands in gnome written across the outside of it. He notices that they are the words for activate and deactivate.

2017-06-28, 02:32 PM
You make your way back to the 5 rooms near the main hall. The N, E, and D rooms are all identical sleeping quarters. Looking through the rooms, you find nothing of value. The I room contains 8 small cradles lining the walls of the 10 foot high room. A wooden playpen, a rocking unicorn, and a lovingly crafted wooden toy box rests in the middle of the room. Everything is covered in cobwebs and you find nothing but toys in the room. The Z door has 3 small cots, a small table and a dresser that have been smashed to tinder. A lonely chain hangs from the center of the ceiling and a lantern lies smashed in one corner. Nothing of value remains.

Back in the secret room, upon further investigation of the chest and a thorough dismantling of the lock, you find, 16 crossbow bolts, 2 smokesticks, a thunderstone and a tanglefoot bag. You also find a wand hidden in the top of the chest.

The room contains 3 gnome hooked hammers, 3 small light picks, 1 small heavy pick, 1 suit of small half-plate armor, 3 small light steel shields emblazoned with the symbol of Jzadirune.

You also found a secret door on the east wall

2017-06-30, 09:51 PM
You enter through the secret door and find yourself in a long hallway. You find a trap near the north side of the hallway and disable it. As you are disabling the trap, Tahlas feels the presence and finds another secret door to the north of the hall

2017-06-30, 10:43 PM
Four circular doors each bearing a different rune (E,R,N,U) lead from this 15 foot high room. A semicircular mosaic of engraved floor tiles fans out from an arching set of double doors set in the north wall. Unlike the other portals the northern doors are made of iron embossed with gear like patterns, and held to a stone doorframe by great iron hinges. The E,R and N doors contain cots. The U door opens to a room with broken chunks stone and smaller debris. A wooden lever is set into the west wall and a tunnel is dug into the east wall. Searching through the rubble, you find a Z key

2017-07-01, 10:56 AM
Tahlas tells everyone to back against the walls and pulls the lever to see what it does.

2017-07-01, 01:07 PM
In the middle of the room, you see four cots. In one of them lies a dark gnome like creature, sleeping.

2017-07-01, 01:18 PM
Tahlas motions for the rest of the group to wait while he and Garret move towards the gnome to get a closer look.


2017-07-01, 01:29 PM
you move close and the creature does not stir. You notice that it is a dark creeper, that you have fought in the past

2017-07-01, 02:15 PM
Garret and Tahlas loosely wrap a rope over and under the bed until the gnome is encircled by 10 loops of rope. On a nod from Tahlas, they both pull their end of the rope to tighten and restrain the gnome. Tahlas puts his hand over the gnomes mouth to muffle to intitial shock.

Move silently:[roll0]

2017-07-01, 02:27 PM
The dark creeper starts to scream in a muffled voice upon being awoken.

2017-07-01, 02:40 PM
The dark creeper hears Garet speak in undercommon and you can tell he recognizes the language but he continues to try and scream.

It seems as if he doesn't like the light in his eyes and that he is attempting to warn someone with his screams

2017-07-02, 01:47 PM
The walls turn from bare gray stone to polished black malachite as the elevator creaks and groans. After a minute-long descent down the dark shaft, the wooden floor shudders as it comes to a rest, and the chains stop rattling. Above, the shaft rises into darkness. The only exit from this room appears to be an iron-reinforced wooden door set into one wall.

Searching the room, the group finds nothing but a secret door in the south wall. The door is not locked, and is not trapped. Neither is the reinforced wooden door.

New Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oetJSKpdy7aWsl3-kUjBWKyFZu038K4-jTHF8VHOcI8/edit?usp=sharing)

2017-07-02, 02:14 PM
This is a cold, dark room. An iron lever juts from an iron plate bolted to the eastern wall

2017-07-02, 02:51 PM
Garet begins searching the room for traps.

2017-07-02, 02:57 PM
Tahlas helps with the search and if nothing is found will pull the lever.

2017-07-02, 04:54 PM
Garet and Tahlas search the room and turn up nothing unusual. Tahlas pulls the lever. 12 seconds later the grinding of large gears rings loudly in both rooms. The elevator begins to lurch upwards.

2017-07-02, 04:57 PM
Satisfied they have searched the room and know what the lever does, Feralas urges the group to check out the wooden door.

2017-07-02, 05:23 PM
The ceiling of this hall rises to an apex 20 feet overhead. The floors, walls, and vaulted ceiling are composed of smooth black stone that almost seems to absorb light. Two cylindrical iron cages, each one 5 feet tall and 2 feet wide, dangle from the ceiling by iron chains. The base of each cage hangs 5 feet above the floor. A strange sculpture stands in the middle of the hall between the two cages: A 5 foot tall column of roughly hewn gray stone covered with sharp protrusions. Four crystal tipped appendages jut from the stony mass, each one pointing in a different direction

2017-07-03, 01:26 PM
The elves and Matrim move around the room to examine the cages and the statue in the middle.

2017-07-03, 02:42 PM
Halfway to the statue Matrim stops and urges the others to do as well. Matrim notices that this is no ordinary statue , but an earth elemental called a stone spike.

I will give you a free round

2017-07-03, 03:55 PM
Matrim waits for everyone to get into position and then with a nod to Arwen and Feralas they all fire together as Arlen charges. The rogues make it to both sides of the statue to get their attacks off.

Matrim Attack:[roll0]

Feralas Attack:[roll2]

Tahlas Attack:[roll4]

2017-07-03, 03:58 PM
In no particular order...

Arwen fires his heavy crossbow Attack roll [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Garet attacks once Attack roll without flank [roll2] Damage [roll3] Sneak, if applicable Damage [roll4]

Arlen charges into the beast with his lance. Attack roll [roll5] Damage [roll6] Damage [roll7] Damage [roll8]

2017-07-03, 06:36 PM
With the coordinated attack the Earth elemental crumbles to the ground.

A few seconds later, a large wooden door in the southeast corner of the hall opens up. A very large, very foul smelling ogre pushes his way through the door carrying a filth-encrusted falchion.
Ah...I thought I heard some commotion out here. More carrion for my larder! Very nice. he cheerfully says

roll initiative: [roll0]

2017-07-04, 07:29 PM
Arwen fires his crossbow at the ogre.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

Garet takes a 5 foot step and throws two items at the ogre.

Touch attack oil [roll2] Touch attack alchemist flask [roll3] Damage Alchemist fire [roll4] if the fire hits, he takes [roll5] from oil as well

2017-07-05, 12:28 AM
Matrim reloads and fires his crossbow as Feralas whispers a calling to Lightfoot who materializes in front of him before taking off to attack the ogre. Tahlas decides to throw a dagger at the monster instead of closing the distance on the larger foe.

Tahlas Attack:[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Matrim Attack:[roll2]

Lightfoot Attack:[roll4]

2017-07-05, 09:25 AM
As Lightfoot charges towards the ogre, he swings his filthy falchion at him.


2017-07-05, 09:27 AM
Angry about his food fighting back, especially the fire that is on him, the ogre charges at Garet


2017-07-05, 10:17 AM
Arlen raises his lance in salute, calls out to the ogre, "I am one with Heironeous, Heironeous is with me, your days of feasting on the innocent are at an end!" and charges at the ogre.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] Damage [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2017-07-05, 11:31 AM
With Arlen's charge, the ogre slumps over on the small lance.

Searching the ogre, you notice that he is wearing a large piece of hide armor. He is also carrying a large, filth encrusted falchion, and has a key in his pocket.

Searching the hall, you find nothing of interest except for the door that the ogre came through and as well as two secret doors, one in the east wall in the middle of the hall and at the very end of the hallway.

You enter the room that the ogre came out of. A putrid stench fills this room. The rectangular room is splattered wall-to-wall with filth, bile, bones and other disgusting remains. Although the room contains no furnishings per se, some of the older refuse has hardened into a crude chair, and an iron chest rests half-buried in a small mound of dung in the southeast corner.

2017-07-05, 01:49 PM
Garet says, "Lets hope there is something in here worth digging through all this"and begins to search the room.

2017-07-05, 02:02 PM
Garet begins to search through the filth. Arm deep in excrement, Garet finds nothing. Somehow, he does not throw up in the filth. He looks at the chest, and after pushing aside a few inches of dung, puts the key inside and it opens. Inside, he finds 5,990 cp, 2,248 sp, two deep green spinels and a dried fungi flask filled with a potion. Upon exiting the room, both Lightfoot and Briar quickly move away from Garet.

2017-07-05, 02:46 PM
Garet uses one of the black robes to clean off as much of the filth and grime as possible.

2017-07-06, 08:18 AM
Garet opens the secret door in the east wall. These doors are a little different than the ones found above. These are expertly crafted and are heavy. Someone must hold or prop open the door or it will close on its own. The group makes its way through the secret door and finds a tunnel that bends south. Searching the hall the group finds nothing but another secret door at the very end of the hall

2017-07-06, 11:47 AM
Dozens of forged weapons are neatly arrayed on four wrought-iron weapon racks standing in the middle of the floor. Pushed against the east wall are two tables covered in suits of armor.

You find two chain shirts, two suits of banded mail, a suit of half-plate armor, two spiked gauntlets, a masterwork greataxe, 15 short spears, ten throwing axes, five battleaxes, five heavy picks, and five warhammers.

You also find another hidden door on the south wall.

Updated Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1oetJSKpdy7aWsl3-kUjBWKyFZu038K4-jTHF8VHOcI8/edit?usp=sharing)

2017-07-06, 01:32 PM
Matrim checks to see if a suit of the banded mail will fit him as Tahlas searches the rest of the room. After the room has been searched through they proceed through the next secret door

2017-07-08, 02:52 PM
This smithy is unpleasantly warm and filled with the stench of hot metal and ash. A blazing forge dominates the east wall, flanked by malachite caryatids depicting Dwarven metalsmiths. In front of the hearth rests a ten-foot-wide, twenty-foot long slab of gray stone surmounted by two black anvils. Barrels of water and metalsmithing tools rests nearby. Two cylindrical iron cages, each one five feet tall and two feet wide, dangle from the ceiling by iron chains. The bottoms of the cages hang five feet above the ground, and the giant fire beetles locked within them shed a lurid orange glow. Atop the slab, a female dwarf and three goblins hammer away at a pair of newly forged javelins while two halflings sit on the floor nearby, linking together tiny chains for what will ultimately will become a suit of armor. The dwarf and halflings have manacles binding their ankles.

Upon entering, you notice 4 hobgoblins acting as guards.

Hobgoblins and goblins:1d20+1

2017-07-08, 08:29 PM
Matrim fires at the goblin by the dwarf and Lightfoot and Tahlas both move in to engage hobgoblins. Feralas begins changing to summon some assistance.

Lightfoot Attack:[roll0]
Trip if needed:[roll2]


Damage:[roll6] if flat footed +[roll7]

2017-07-08, 08:38 PM
Arwen fires his heavy crossbow at the hobgoblin farthest from him.

Attack[roll0] Damage [roll1]

Garet shuffles past the hobgoblin engaged with Lightfoot.

Tumble [roll2]
Attack[roll3] Damage [roll4] Sneak [roll5]

2017-07-08, 09:47 PM
With the attacks from the group, a goblin and a hobgoblin fall. The two southern hobgoblins throw javelins at Garet while one of the remaining goblins attacks him as well. The hobgoblin who was attacked by Tahlas, fights back and the third goblin runs up to help.

Against Garet:
Attack Hob 1: [roll0]
Damage Hob 1 [roll1]
Attack Hob 2:[roll2]
Damage Hob 2:[roll3]
Attack Gob 1:[roll4]
Damage Gob 1:[roll5]

Against Tahlas:
Attack Hob 3[roll6]
Damage Hob 3[roll7]
Attack Gob 2:[roll8]

2017-07-08, 10:19 PM
Arlen charges the goblin next to his brother.

AC 19 Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] Damage [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2017-07-08, 10:21 PM
Arlen looks at the dwarf and says.

Well met master dwarf. We are here to free you and your comrades.

2017-07-08, 10:36 PM
A wolf appears from Feralas' summons and Tahlas shifts over to gain a better fighting position. Matrim fires at the goblin engaging Tahlas and Lightfoot moves forward and attacks.

Trip check:[roll2]



Summoned wolf:[roll11]
Trip check:[roll13]

2017-07-08, 10:58 PM
The hobgoblins and goblins are dropping one by one. The two remaining hobgoblins throw their javelins at Garet then run and take cover behind the halfling captives.

attack hob 1:[roll0]
Damage hob 1[roll1]
Attack hob 2[roll2]
Damage hob 2[roll3]

2017-07-08, 11:08 PM
Arlen charges the hobgoblin hiding behind the halfling.

You will need to hide behind more than an innocent halfling to escape justice.

Charge to AT 38, AC now 19 Attack hobgoblin [roll0] Damage [roll1] Damage [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2017-07-08, 11:10 PM
Briar also bites at the hobgoblin

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2017-07-09, 01:51 PM
Lightfoot and the summoned wolf move to the last enemy and attack in tandem.



2017-07-09, 03:13 PM
The final hobgoblin falls to the ground as blood is spewed across the frightened halflings watching their captor being eviscerated by the wolves.

2017-07-09, 03:25 PM
Looking at the captives, you notice that the female dwarf just kind of stares off into the distance. She seems extremely sad.

The male halfling has red circles around his eyes, as if he has not had a restful night in weeks. He seems extremely frightened.

The female halfling seems to be taking every in stride. The horror of the situation does not seem to phase her.

The female halfling says Could you undo these manacles, so we can get out of here? or if you have something I can use, I will just pick these locks myself.

2017-07-09, 03:29 PM
Arlen states Of course. Garet, please help them get free. Can we offer you any food or water? We are here to free those taken from their homes. What can you tell us of this place?

2017-07-09, 03:40 PM
The female halfling continues to speak. Thank you for the offer but I would rather just get out of here. I have been down here for way too long...but not as long as these two. There are hobgoblins all over this place. They usually bring us in here from the other side of the complex. She points to the door at the south end of the room. Through there is the dining hall that leads to where that abomination sells us to the highest bidder. If you keep going past that room, their is a bridge that takes you to where most of us have been kept. I haven't seen them, but it sometimes sounds like there are mechanical creatures behind the walls once you get into the prison. That's all I have seen.

The female dwarf softly speaks. That bastard sold my husband. How could anyone do that?

The frightened male halfling screams when Garet gets near him. No! This is a trap! Kazmojen is trying to trick us so he can torture us again. I will not be fooled. Begone temptor!

2017-07-09, 04:56 PM
The female halfling continues to speak. Thank you for the offer but I would rather just get out of here. I have been down here for way too long...but not as long as these two. There are hobgoblins all over this place. They usually bring us in here from the other side of the complex. She points to the door at the south end of the room. Through there is the dining hall that leads to where that abomination sells us to the highest bidder. If you keep going past that room, their is a bridge that takes you to where most of us have been kept. I haven't seen them, but it sometimes sounds like there are mechanical creatures behind the walls once you get into the prison. That's all I have seen.

The female dwarf softly speaks. That bastard sold my husband. How could anyone do that?

The frightened male halfling screams when Garet gets near him. No! This is a trap! Kazmojen is trying to trick us so he can torture us again. I will not be fooled. Begone temptor!

Arlen removes the symbol of Heironeous from his belt. My dear brother. This is no trick.
Heirnoeous has heard your cries and has sent us to bring these evil beings to justice.

He turns to the female dwarf. Can you describe your husband? How long ago was he taken? We will do all we can to find him.

He turns to the female halfling. Thank you for the information. Is there anything else we should know. Who is this Kazmojen you speak of? Tell me more about the defenses he has and company he keeps

2017-07-09, 07:14 PM
The male halfling still cowers and tries to get as far away from you as possible. I'll be good. I'll be good. Please no more torture. I'll be good.

The female dwarf says It's been too long. My poor Lorthan is lost. Maybe Moradin will reunite us one day, but there is nothing you can do.

The female halfling says I have told you all I know. I guess Kazmojen is the half-breed who runs this place. I never learned his name. I have no idea what he is, I just know he is a mix of something ugly.

Tell me how to get out of here and I'll take these two out" I'm assuming you have cleared the way up until this point.

2017-07-09, 08:18 PM
Matrim insists that we escort them back to the elevator and explains how to get back up to the surface. He also tells them to stop by the church of St. Cuthbert to be tended to and explain their ordeals.

2017-07-09, 08:21 PM
yeah. I'll take these two to the church. They need help. Can I steal one of those sunrods from you?

2017-07-09, 08:32 PM
Matrim hands over a sunrod. The group heads back to the area the captives were found and searches the room.

2017-07-09, 08:53 PM
In the forge, you find nothing of value, except the two javelins that the dwarf had just helped make.

On the hobgoblins, you find studded leather, light steel shields, longswords, and 2 javelins on each one. The goblins carry small leather armor, small light wooden shields, a small morning star and 2 small javelins each.

There is a door to the south and a door to the west.

2017-07-09, 08:59 PM
The halflings look at the small weapons.

Garet says, Brothers, we should hold on to a few of these javelins. We can come back for the rest.

2017-07-10, 01:48 PM
In the room with the animated chains, there are three options, a door to the southeast, a door to the northwest , or a secret door to the southwest.

2017-07-10, 07:04 PM
You move through the secret door and find a tiny hallway with a door to the west and a door south. No traps were found.

2017-07-10, 07:45 PM
Heading through the west door you find a room that is horridly appointed. The walls are carved with tall, narrow niches piled high with skulls, and the skinned hides of various monsters hang on the bare walls between them. A large chair made of monster skins stretched over a framework of bones stands in the middle of the room. A draconic skull surmounts the chair, empty eye sockets staring menacingly. Behind the chair, near the far wall, a bed of soft moss and fungi sprouts from a large heap of carrion. A few bones lie scattered around the bed.

Searching the room, nothing of value is found except a secret door in the southwest corner. The group opens the secret door and sees a thirty foot square room.

In the middle of the room three padlocked chests, three casks brimming with gems, a heap of armor and two large shield used as trays to hold more coins. Various other trinkets and trophies add to the trove, including a gem encrusted horn, an ornate walking cane, and an engraved golden gong hanging from an intricately sculpted wooden frame. An iron lever juts from an iron plate in the south wall. The lever is currently in the down position.

you found three keys on Kazmojen's body

2017-07-10, 08:06 PM
Matrim is going to cast detect magic and Garret is going to move towards the lever and search. Arwin will use any knowledge engineering he can to see if he can determine the levers effect.

Just trying to make sure this isn't his safety mechanism on his treasure where it all falls into an endless pit of the lever isnt set right

2017-07-10, 08:42 PM
Before Garet makes it halfway through the room, a smile opens up across the gong. You are in my master's room. Time to die!

mimic initiative [roll0]

2017-07-10, 09:40 PM
Garet attacks the chest.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] Sneak if possible [roll2]

2017-07-10, 10:20 PM
Lightfoot moves in to attack the gong and Matrim fires his crossbow. Feralas will wait until Tahlas is set up on the other side of the mimic and will cast a spell.



Feralas is delaying his action until Tahlas flanks and will cast snakes swiftness on Garret. He will get one immediate attack at the end of the spell.

2017-07-10, 10:28 PM
Arlen says a prayer and charges.

AC 19 Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] Damage [roll2] Damage [roll3]

2017-07-10, 10:33 PM
Arwen fires his heavy crossbow.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2017-07-10, 10:43 PM
As Arlen hits the mimic he is stopped dead in his tracks as his lance is caught in the goo coming out of the mimic. The mimic slams his arms down on Arlen twice.

Damage [roll1]
If any hit Arlen is grappled

2017-07-11, 08:48 AM
Tahlas sets up on the opposite side of Garret and Feralas releases his spell.


Garret can get a single attack off

2017-07-11, 08:54 AM
Lightfoot attacks again


2017-07-11, 02:03 PM
Garet strikes at the mimic again.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] Sneak [roll2]

2017-07-11, 08:13 PM
Before the fight began, Matrim felt an evocation spell on one of the chests. Garet checks out the chest and finds a magical trap on it. He disables the trap easily.

There is an iron-bound chest that opens with one of Kazmojen's keys. It contains 4 large iron keys shaped like black demons, resting on a bed of 4,225 sp.

There is a scorched chest with a bloody smile on it that contains 450 gp, a silver crescent moon pendent on a silver chain (30 gp), and labeled potions of darkvision, all buried under a pile of black iron coins.

The trapped chest contains hundreds of beads.

The oak cask contains 2,219 cp.

The fungal cask contains 696 sp, and 1,451 cp.

The iron cask contains 522 gp and 900 sp.

Around the room you find
a masterwork chain shirt,
a suit of masterwork studded leather,
a +2 composite shortbow,
a silvered two-bladed sword,
a darkwood shield holding 180 sp,
a large steel shield holding 362 cp,
an engraved bowl containing 6 blue quartz (10 gp), 4 carnelians (50 gp), 4 peridots (75 gp), 2 white pearls (100 gp), a pink pearl (250 gp), and 2 aquamarines (500 gp),
an ivory horn set with bloodstones (450 gp),
an ash walking cane with a silver, angle-shaped handle (55 gp).

Also in the room you find a letter to Kazmojen.

You also find a secret door to the south.

You are overreaching! If you continue to snatch slaves to be from Cauldron, you are going to start attracting the wrong attention. Kazmojen, it is real easy to become too successful which will either lead to competitiors, and we do NOT need that, or some offended do-gooders who think it is their job to tear down our empire. THAT IS WHERE YOU ARE HEADED! SLOW DOWN NOW!

There is no signature, just a stamp of a flying kingfisher clutching a scroll in its beak.

2017-07-13, 05:47 PM
Matrim returns to the Church of Pelor. It is the smallest of the churches in Cauldron and has had its share of tragedy as of late. It's three senior members have disappeared. The only one left to run the Church is Kristof Jurgenson, a 4th level cleric of Pelor. Upon entering the church, Kristof approaches you.
Matrim! You are back! Thank Pelor! You seem more powerful. It has only been a few days. What did Pelor send you to do?

2017-07-13, 05:53 PM
Arlen goes back to the Church of St. Cuthbert and finds Alex Tercival. Well met brother. I am sorry I didn't recognize you earlier as a fellow Paladin of Heironeous. It is rare that you see halflings amongst our ranks and I have been gone from the compound for a long time, so I didn't know. You served Heironeous well, finding the missing townsfolk. Thank you for your help.

2017-07-13, 06:39 PM
Matrim explains the adventures that he has been on and the fellow adventurers that travelled with him. He asks Jurgen if there is anything he can do to help at the Church knowing that he is covering for his missing elders.

2017-07-13, 06:49 PM
Matrim explains the adventures that he has been on and the fellow adventurers that travelled with him. He asks Jurgen if there is anything he can do to help at the Church knowing that he is covering for his missing elders.

Not many people come to us for help, but if you could stick around for a while and help with any healing or prayers that are needed. When your next adventure starts, I would ask that you go and grow in power. I can't leave but we need someone out there spreading the will of Pelor. Hopefully we can eventually find out what happened to our elders. Would you like to pray and rest brother?

2017-07-13, 09:07 PM
I would be honored to help. Has there been any word on the elders disappearances?

2017-07-13, 09:15 PM
Arlen goes back to the Church of St. Cuthbert and finds Alex Tercival. Well met brother. I am sorry I didn't recognize you earlier as a fellow Paladin of Heironeous. It is rare that you see halflings amongst our ranks and I have been gone from the compound for a long time, so I didn't know. You served Heironeous well, finding the missing townsfolk. Thank you for your help.

Well met brother, there is no need for an apology. I know a halfling Paladin is a rare thing. I am grateful Heironeous chose me for such an honor. I seek to bring glory to the gods of good by growing in my ability to defend the weak. I must confess, I failed recently in that task and it haunts me even now.

Arlen explains the Beholder encounter and how he managed to overcome his fears and charge a creature far beyond his own abilities. He is thankful the child was unharmed but the encounter has grown his desire to become stronger. Any help he can get to further that goal is appreciated. Perhaps Alex knows of some weapons of great good which can aid him or skills to further his goals.

2017-07-13, 10:27 PM
Well met brother, there is no need for an apology. I know a halfling Paladin is a rare thing. I am grateful Heironeous chose me for such an honor. I seek to bring glory to the gods of good by growing in my ability to defend the weak. I must confess, I failed recently in that task and it haunts me even now.

Arlen explains the Beholder encounter and how he managed to overcome his fears and charge a creature far beyond his own abilities. He is thankful the child was unharmed but the encounter has grown his desire to become stronger. Any help he can get to further that goal is appreciated. Perhaps Alex knows of some weapons of great good which can aid him or skills to further his goals.

The fact that you were able to hit a beholder at all is impressive. That took much courage. I wonder why the beholder did not finish you off? Heironeous must have been smiling upon you for your bravery. Why don't we train together and maybe we can both learn more that Heironeous can allow us to do. It will be good to have a partner again. It has been a very long time.

2017-07-13, 10:30 PM
I would be honored to help. Has there been any word on the elders disappearances?

With it just being us now running this church, I have not had time to investigate the disappearances. Its like they just vanished. I thought maybe they were kidnapped too, but it seems as if you didn't find any sign of them in your adventures. Hopefully Pelor will shine some light on this matter soon.

2017-07-13, 10:32 PM
Feralas and Tahlas leave the city and in a days time make it to the edge of the jungle. Feralas now has time to truly teach his brother the ways of the druid.

2017-07-14, 10:13 AM
The fact that you were able to hit a beholder at all is impressive. That took much courage. I wonder why the beholder did not finish you off? Heironeous must have been smiling upon you for your bravery. Why don't we train together and maybe we can both learn more that Heironeous can allow us to do. It will be good to have a partner again. It has been a very long time.

Thank you for the offer. I graciously accept.

2017-07-14, 10:40 AM
Arwen seeks out the mages for some spell swapping and spell research.

2017-07-14, 02:27 PM
The two elves make it to the woods and Feralas starts showing his brother what it means to be a Druid. He begins teaching him the power of communing with nature and the power behind natures forces. While Feralas has an animal focus to his Druidic powers Tahlas seems questioning and focus seems much more combat oriented. After a couple of days they go out in search of an animal companion for Tahlas and they find Quickclaw a young jaguar whose temperament seems to match the fledgling druids.

2017-07-14, 02:29 PM
Arwen heads to one of the biggest buildings in Cauldron, the Bluecrater Academy. Arwen tries to enter the building but the door is locked. He looks around the door and notices an indention where a specialized ring could fit.

2017-07-14, 02:33 PM
Arwen looks for the nearest pub and checks with the locals for information about the Bluecrater Wizards.

Gather Information [roll0]. Knowledge Local [roll1]

2017-07-14, 02:39 PM
The two elves make it to the woods and Feralas starts showing his brother what it means to be a Druid. He begins teaching him the power of communing with nature and the power behind natures forces. While Feralas has an animal focus to his Druidic powers Tahlas seems questioning and focus seems much more combat oriented. After a couple of days they go out in search of an animal companion for Tahlas and they find Quickclaw a young jaguar whose temperament seems to match the fledgling druids.

One morning while meditating, Tahlas gets a vision from Obad Hai. Welcome to the fold my son. You have already developed a strong bond with one of my servants. Treat him well and he will grow and protect you. Just as I bestowed this gift to your brother, so too do I bestow it upon you. Go and spread my ideals to this world.

Tahlas wakes from his meditation and where Quickclaw once resided, a small statue now takes its place

2017-07-14, 02:58 PM
Arwen heads to Weer's Elixers to shop for Alchemist supplies.

2017-07-15, 01:19 PM
Arwen heads to Weer's Elixers to shop for Alchemist supplies.

What can I do for you

2017-07-15, 01:23 PM
What can I do for you

Good day sir. I am interested in a few Alchemist supplies. Do you have items for making oil and alchemist fire? Also, I was hoping to speak with someone about getting an introduction to the Bouecrster mages. I am looking to swap spells and exchange knowledge.

2017-07-15, 01:44 PM
I have plenty of items to make most types of bottled liquids. I can get that fit you. The Bluecrater Academy is a school. I teach there every semester. I teach alchemy and wizard theories, because I am the most experienced wizard in this city. Not just anyone can enroll though and it is not just wizards there. There are bards, and linguists and mathematicians.

2017-07-15, 02:07 PM
Wow. A pleasure to meet such a distinguished magician and maker of magicians. That is truly impressive. I believe I met one of your mathematicians recently. He was kidnapped and we freed him. That is the adventurers I work with and I freed him.

I would be interested to learn more about the Blue Crater.