View Full Version : DM Help Odd Campaign Idea???

2017-06-13, 09:53 PM
Hey y'all!

So, one of my favorite shows is Mushi-shi (google it if you haven't seen it), and I wondered what it would be like to import something like mushi with bizarre preternatural effects into D&D. My basic idea is that they were either discovered or created by a team of reclusive spellcasters of some sort (e.g. wizard/druid or alchemist/druid with levels in geomancer???) who seek to use them for sinister goals.

But their nature? How to give them dramatic powers and some direct or indirect combat abilities? I'm not sure. I'm torn in several different directions here.

Are they ethereal or fey or aberrations or underdark? Perhaps they're creatures with odd but nearly limitless psionic abilities? Both?

Or, what if their abilities simply transcend simple mechanics and they must be confronted similarly to riddles, like in the show? But if I did that, would it make sense if those who harness the "mushi" (this doesn't exist in Mushi-shi canon btw) for their ends had specifically arcane or divine or psionic power?

Lastly, what would the "mushi-shi" of this game be? Loremasters? Other wizards and druids and such? Would it be more like a very small and far-reaching guild of many classes? I just can't tell what would make this the least ~messy~. It seems like it could work, but either I'd have to water them down by creating some weird little monsters with very limited supernatural and magical abilities (some probably homebrew), or at a point I'd get so far from D&D that I should just run GURPS or something...

Anyway, I'll stop rambling! More questions later if this gets traction...

2017-06-13, 10:00 PM
Okay. So I'm just gonna read wikipedia on this one, and maybe read the manga / watch the anime at a later date. But for now...

Thus far they seem like fey; natural creatures, but ones that predate humans and often operating on a kind of blue-or-orange mentality. Having not watched the show, I would still guess most of their abilities can be approximated by spells.

2017-06-14, 08:39 AM
That makes sense to me... and I suppose I could take any psionics I like and try to change it around to fit into magic. And maybe homebrew some stuff.

As far as the people who use them for their own ends and those who seek to keep them in check, it really seems like I could draw from an array of classes, yeah?