View Full Version : Memory Loss is Hell (IC)

2017-06-14, 04:06 AM
It’s an odd feeling, the loss of one’s memories; knowing that there was a life previous lived, deeds previously done. You remember your names and talents; your childhood and lifelong aspirations. The last few years, however, all blur together into an unsortable jumble of people, places and objects. As it stands, you can remember only two things clearly: a bright flash of searing flame, and a small onyx key. Nothing more.

Once your eyes adjust to the low light, you steal a glimpse at your surroundings. Jagged, red rock sprouts up from desolate plains to form steep cliffs and razor-sharp ridges. The sky above you is dark with thick black clouds, and arcs of purple lightning occasionally jump between them. The air in this place is hot and humid, almost strangling, and there is a ferrous hint to its taste, like rust or blood. You suddenly become aware of a gentle rocking sensation, and upon sitting up, realize you are in a longboat of some sort. Several other passengers, previously unnoticed, also begin to stir and straighten. The only prominent person on the small craft is a black-cloaked figure standing near the bow, slowly pushing the boat along in a somewhat rigid, repetitive motion with a long pole.

2017-06-14, 04:22 AM
Anton pulls himself upright, leaning against the side of the longboat they are in, his head a whirl of jumbled thoughts and memories. He had a home... hadn't he? A tavern that was his favorite... somewhere. He had traveled, but he could no longer remember the roads. He had begun building an organization, but he could no longer remember the names or faces of his closest lieutenants.

Forcing himself to put aside the mystery, he began to pay more attention to his surroundings. His blue eyes narrowed in concentration as he absently adjusted the fit of his simple brown shirt. The river, the cliffs... the taste in the air. None of it was familiar. But the boat, with it's black-cloaked helmsman stirred childhood memories of lessons. A horrible suspicion begins to form, and Anton begins paying far sharper attention to his surroundings.

((Knowledge (Planes) [roll0] : Identify the current Plane))

2017-06-14, 08:08 AM
Jasmine groaned softly as she woke, a slight ache in her head and a strange sky above her. For a few moments she lay there, trying to recall what had happened, but nothing seemed to connect, just vague impressions of buildings, doorways, arches, and battle. A memory of sudden fire came to mind unbidden, crystal clear unlike anything else since she left her old home, and she jerked upright in reaction.

As she did so, she became conscious of a slight ache in her wings, and a quick check of herself showed she was in her natural form, but otherwise unharmed. Almost by reflex, she reached for her scimitars, but her hands closed on only thin air. Noting the other "passengers" also beginning to rise, she used the edge of the boat to lever herself to her feet and turned towards the bow and the one person who seemed to be in control of the whole thing. "Alright," she said, warily eyeing the black-cloaked figure, "Where in th' Hells am I, and what have you done with my stuff?"

2017-06-14, 08:18 AM
Anton replies absently, concentrating more on his surroundings then his fellow passengers. "If my suspicions are correct, we're in one of the Lower Planes, somewhere on the River Styx. I could be wrong, of course... I pray that I'm wrong."

2017-06-14, 09:19 AM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
He awakens with something half-way between a growl and a groan, pushing himself up against the side of the ship as eyes flicker open. They go wide, and he hisses, leaning forward to plan forehead in a palm as the headache grips him. Dirty blonde locks, oily and unhealthy cascade around his wrist. But soon enough the man has regained his wits. He looks about in a panic, and what he sees does nothing to quell his misgivings. Desolate hellscape. Boat full of monsters. He reaches reflexively for something at his side, and when his grasp greets air he looks down, as if betrayed. He pushes himself to a wary stand.

Standing at something near six foot, the human looks like something out of the gutter. Ragged street trash from Whitespray or some other port town. The stereotype of a man that'd gut you for a coin-purse. His attire is ragged and worn, and perhaps the only thing at odds with image of a brigand. Once upon a time, that outfit had frill and billowyness. Color is faded, but it still maintain some of that midnight black with white trim. The clothing of nobility...obviously stolen from some victim.

"Styx..." His eyes flick warily from the bi-pedal tigress, to the spider...thing, to the cloaked man. "...I don't -feel- dead." His voice carries a refined, clipped accent, uncommon for the men of the plains. A hand goes to his temple again. Another pain as he seeks for memories that won't come.

The clothing the man wears, is the attire of a Irthirian Justiciar in disrepair. An order of knights that serve as law-keepers and mediators.

2017-06-14, 10:29 AM
Panic shot through Tezzanep the moment he sat up. The heat, the stench in the air, the babble of his fellow passengers, the confusion wracking his brain...and worse, the open sky that left him totally exposed. It was all too much. The ettercap sank back down into the boat, pressing himself against its side, anxious to appear as small and non-threatening as possible. He yearned to flee to the back where he could spin a covering to hide under, but couldn't risk that yet.

He whimpers, and resigns himself to watching the others. They didn't seem hostile, at least, but they were upset and therefore unpredictable. Well, the cloaked figure seemed calm enough...who were they?

2017-06-14, 11:00 AM
They come to and slowly remember. They are Shaneir, a minor noble of Navan Tiali, a peerless duelist and skilled negotiator - except - that's a lie. They are a faceless pilgrim, and he was just one of many masks. Right now, they're clearly a human woman in an Omek-style outfit suited to horseback riding. She has no idea why she's here, who she was supposed to be. And not alone. On a boat slowly poled along a dark river, beneath a rainless summer storm? Where are they...?

The helmsman is sure to know.
Shaneir opens her inner eye and focuses on the bow. (Detect Thoughts, DC 15 if I can maintain concentration long enough).

And these others. "Dead? Oh, I've never been dead before, how exciting!" After living so close to the edge (for how long?), playing with the reaper, had it caught up? Could she have forgotten her own death? Is that normal? "I guess most people only get to be dead once, huh?" This could be a lot worse. How much does it matter if death interrupts one's plans, if you don't remember what they were?

2017-06-14, 12:26 PM
"Dead? Hah, there's more ways than that to the planes, if that's where we are." Just my luck, stuck with a bunch of sodding Primes, she thought as she looked around at the strange environment, trying to remember what she knew of the various planes. Just like her memories of her recent past though, those half-forgotten lessons from her youth remained stubbornly out of her mind's reach.

Placing her hands on her hips, the humanoid tigress turned to regard the other passengers, dragon-like wings folded and spaded tailtip resting next to her foot. Her clothing was fairly plain - a simple pair of breeches hugged her hips before giving way to thigh-high leather boots, while her top consisted of a low-backed leather bodice that at first glance could have been mistaken for armor.

"All I know is I'm on a boat with a bunch of folk I've never met before," she finally said, though there was some uncertainty in her voice on the latter part, "My gear is missing, and the one who might have the dark of what's going on is that berk over there," she finished, pointing to the cloaked navigator. "Unless any of you have something to add?" She added after a moment, looking back meaningfully towards the man who had first spoken up.

2017-06-14, 02:34 PM
Shaneir opens her inner eye and focuses on the bow. (Detect Thoughts, DC 15 if I can maintain concentration long enough).


The figure at the head of the small craft does not seem to acknowledge your presences at first; however, upon hearing your murmurings and stirrings, a low, otherworldly voice echoes forth from his direction. "Well, it seems the dead are not all I am ferrying today. I was beginning to wonder if your...associate...had simply paid an exorbitant fee to dispose of corpses. Nonetheless, it is better you are conscious. After all, you will be disembarking soon." The figure seems to emphasize this last part, as though there is no argument to be made.

2017-06-14, 02:41 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
"Yea, well, I'm of no mind to be taking a dingy to hell." The man says, steadying himself. Hands move to belt-buckle, undoing it and taking the smooth leather in hand. He grips it from either end, winding the leather about one hand. "And if that's where we are...well, not much to lose, is there?" He pushes himself away from the wall, to the center of the boat. He still seems unsteady...unused to sea travel, perhaps, but there is a determined grimace on his sallow features. He winds the other end of his belt around the other fist, making a crude garrote. He looks around. "Well, are you going to just stand there while we're condemned?"

2017-06-14, 02:49 PM
Anton curses his way through Celestial, Abyssal and Sylvan as his suspicions are confirmed. "Gods above, stay away from the railing, unless you want to lose your memories. This is the Styx, and we're floating our way merrily through the Hells.

Announcement made, he moves to the center of the boat and begins to concentrate, the air around him beginning to bend and warp as reality begins to distorte as his Eidolon begins to manifest.

2017-06-14, 02:49 PM
"Careful!" hisses Tezzanep, leaning towards Godric. "That is not a man. I saw his hands--no flesh, only bone."

2017-06-14, 03:59 PM
Shaneir shrinks back an inch, startled by such a strongly secured mind. "Boatman? Where is our destination?"
She gets to her feet. That man with the belt has the right idea. Well, unless he plans to choke the boatman out - how embarrassing it would be to wrap a garotte around a skeleton's animate vertebrae! - but in the sense of not giving up.

"Actually, my memories seem a little bit...missing. No one saw me fall in the river or anything, did they?" Her eyes glance all around. How far is the shore? Is there really a shore of razor-cliffs and red rock that someone might reach, or is that more of a spiritual impression of hellish cruelty?

2017-06-14, 04:24 PM
The mention of the river water having an effect on memories made a few things click for Jasmine, though she tried to keep the realization from showing. Avoiding any overt hostile action like the others, she simply crossed her arms across her chest instead, shifting her weight slightly as she fell into a wary defensive stance. "I'd like to know the dark of where we're headed as well. As for our 'associate'," she said, her tone implying she believed the unknown person was anything but, "I don't supposed you happen to recall a name, or what they looked like?"

2017-06-14, 08:45 PM
The hooded figure continues pushing the small skiff forward through the sickening waters with his pole, but does respond to your inquiries. "My patron's identity is mine alone to know; though my fee for keeping such information private was enormous, your associate paid it nonetheless, and we of this place honor our contractual obligations. However, your destination is not so closely guarded! The figure laughs audibly, a horrible cackle punctuated by a well-timed crack of lightning from the ominous clouds above. Raising his right arm, the boatman gestures to what appears to be a shallow bank just around the upcoming bend of the river. Your eyes quickly scan the surrounding area for other creatures, civilizations, or any signs of inhabitants, but at least in the immediate vicinity, it appears you are to be stranded on an isolated shore. Further inland, you spot several spires of hellish rock which appear to have almost burst forth from the ground below, and which lead toward a series of mesas several miles away. Your eyes try to follow the river's course further ahead, but an eerie haze seems to hang over the waters and, as you look backwards to confirm, you find you can't even follow the entire distance the boat has traveled since you have awoken.

2017-06-14, 09:18 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
Dropped off on an island in hell? Presumably to have their entrails feasted on by demons? "I'm afraid that's not on my docket today, friend." growls the justiciar in that dignified accent as he lunges forward with a short hop. Take him down. The silent encouragement is more than just optimism. For Godric, it wields actual power, and optimism turns into a sure thing. He loops the belt over the head of the creature with a broad-armed sweep, and lunges back, pulling with every ounce of his weight. He's not seeking to choke...but topple.

Move: Aid Another Self (Grapple, +5)
Free 5' step towards Charon
Standard: Grapple
Touch Attack: [roll0]
CMB Check: [roll1] (+2 if belt provides a circumstance bonus)

2017-06-14, 09:55 PM






Godric will be set to last in the initiative order, as he just acted.

Preoccupied with transporting you to your aforementioned destination, the creature seemed unprepared for an attack from behind, and Godric finds himself able to successfully wrap his belt around the figure's neck, which he finds to be nothing but bone. Dropping his pole, he rotates his head with great difficulty just far enough for you all to get a glimpse of its skeletal visage, evil malevolence glowing from inside its empty eye sockets. "Hmm, it appears this one has some bite left in him after all..."

Your grapple attempt is successful.

2017-06-14, 10:01 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
Godric tightens his grip, pulling the creature back enough that it looks to be some sort of macabre limbo. He shouts to the others. "One chance! Seize it!"

2017-06-15, 07:13 AM
As Godric prepares himself to take his chance, Anton finishes his summoning, his Eidolon surging into existence once more around him, replacing the man with a small dragon. They open their eyes, and take in the boat and those standing on it, once more secure in their parternship. They take a moment to survey their companions and begin to share their opinions in their shared mental space.

The winged tigress... defiant, nervous, a strange accent.
The spawn of some red worm's fancy, but any dragon's blood will make her more powerful. A useful ally, perhaps.

A spider creature, small and it seems afraid.
Wise of it, where you've brought us. Still, it may be a ruse, to lower the guard of those around it. Best be wary of it.

The man... ragged, feral. We've seen enough of his type, desperate refuse.
Don't be too dismissive, mortal. This one draws strength from his desperation, not despair.

A woman, dressed in an Omek riding outfit. Who knows why she is here, or what she can do?
Hrrrrnnnn.... something is off. The others are obvious, but she is not. Be watchful of this one.

Their mental discourse is interrupted by Godric's attack on Charon, and the dragon growls, a subsonic rumble as the two struggle at the bow of the boat. "You fool! If we are to fight this battle for you, then you will owe us!"

The ferryman will not tolerate this. For whatever reason, we are all grouped together, and standing back will do us no good.
Yes, Vessel, I am aware. We are in the realm of devils now, and need all the allies we can gather... however foolish they may be.

Dahaki's wings snap open and begin to beat, the gusting air ruffling clothing, fur and hair as the dragon prepares to take to the air.

2017-06-15, 08:01 PM
Tezzanep hadn't expected the ragged man to be so successful. The cloaked thing terrified him, but with their numbers they just might be able to subdue him. He springs forward, but comes to a halt several feet away from the melee. He shoots a thick strand of sticky webbing at the ferryman, hoping he'll be too occupied with Godric to free himself.

Tezzanep moves within 10 feet of the ferryman and makes a web attack (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/rules-for-monsters/universal-monster-rules#TOC-Web-Ex-). This resolves against the ferryman's touch AC--and since he hasn't acted yet, I assume he's flat-footed as well. Tez does suffer a -4 penalty for firing into melee.

Web Attack: [roll0]

If successful, the target is entangled (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Entangled)--it's a standard action to make a DC 17 Strength or Escape Artist check to get free.

2017-06-15, 09:29 PM
"Are ye barmy!?" Jasmine cried out as the man leapt at the boat's operator. "Who's going to run the boat if we take him down?" Still, the die had been cast, and any other choice had been taken out of her hands for the moment. Dashing forward, she ducked into a roll, taking her under the strands of web that shot out from the spider-like ettercap, and struck out with a clawswipe before coming back to her feet , hopefully with the skeleton creature squarely between her and the reckless Prime who had started the fracas.

Using Maneuver: Offensive Roll
Rolling past him to try to get in a good flanking position if able - No AOOs from him due to grapple
Acrobatics vs AC check: [roll0]
Using Inspiration if roll is between 8 and 14: [roll1]
Damage if successful: [roll2] claws + [roll3] from the manuever + [roll4] sneak attack if not immune to precision damage(due to the maneuver and/or flanking)

2017-06-16, 03:38 AM
Though somewhat impressed by Godric's gall, the ferryman's mood quickly turns sour as he finds himself coated in restraining webs from Tezzanep before Jasmine took advantage of his newly-reduced mobility, her claws slashing along his exposed side beneath Godric's arm. Her strike tears away part of the figure's robe, showing that much of her effort was wasted on empty space as naught but bones are revealed beneath the garment. Still, Jasmine is certain she made at least some contact.

With his head now turned partially to face the group, it is apparent from the horns and malevolent glow within its eye sockets that this is no mere skeletal servant. The ferryman's gaze meets each of your own, and your minds are briefly overwhelmed with a thousand visions of your own deaths, each more gruesome than the last. His hands (or claws, as is now apparent) flail out at Godric in an attempt to eviscerate the unexpected assailant. "Off with you, insect! Do not test my patience; coin will only buy it for so long!"

DC 21 or cower in fear for [roll0] rounds (mind-affecting, fear)
Anton: [roll1]
Godric: [roll2]
Shaneir: [roll3]
Jasmine: [roll4]
Tezzanep: [roll5]

2 claw attacks at -4 (-2 from grappled, -2 from entangled)
[roll6] = [roll7] + 1 negative level
[roll8] = [roll9] + 1 negative level

2017-06-16, 04:12 AM
The images flashing through Anton's mind were unpleasant and disturbing, but for Dahaki, the attack was even worse. Having already died in a horrific manner, all that happened was that his death was played out, over and over again, the indescribable feeling of having his soul ripped from his ruined body and torn to shreds. The draconic mind behind the Eidolon simply... shut down, and their form became locked in place, trapping Anton from doing anything to help.

2017-06-16, 04:38 AM
Fear wasn't a stranger to the man...but to call this fear is a mockery. Fear of death, fear for the loss of loved ones and friends, fear of failure. This was nothing so natural, but a mind-killing, all-consuming paralyzation that just leaves the man with grip slack, gasping like a gutted fish aboard the boat, unable to so much as shake.

2017-06-16, 10:22 AM
Oh. This is happening.

As the monster meets her gaze, Shaneir smiles wider and wider. When is one more alive than facing their death? More literally than usual, this time.
She races into the fight, taking an interesting route to get there. Bouncing from one side of the boat to the other, whirling around the combatants before showing up next to the boatman, crashing into him with enough force (hopefully) to throw him from the boat and into the river.

Using Maneuver: Funhouse Waltz
Charging (100', no need to be in a straight line) into a Bull Rush. If he's no longer grappled because of the fear, this provokes an AoO
CMB: [roll0]

If anything provokes a saving throw, I'll use the Inner Sense counter to get +2 on it.

2017-06-16, 11:29 AM
The sudden images washed through Jasmine's mind, but with some effort she shook them off. Though her memory was still cloudy, she had a vague sensation of having seen much worse happening to others. Concurrent with it was a slight sense of dismay - this was definitely no normal undead!

As the other woman slammed into the skeletal form, Jasmine suddenly recalled the pole floating nearby. Turning aside, she spread her wings and lifted off into the air, banking alongside the boat to snatch the pole out of the 'water,' before winging back around and landing safely on the deck once more. With weapon firmly in hand, she finally is able to take up a proper defensive stance, wary of what may happen next.

Move action:
Turning sideways to take off at a 45 degree angle(uses 10')
Turned 45 degrees twice (+10' = 20' spent)
Down at a 45 degree angle again to get at the right height to retrieve the pole (+10' = 30')
Forward 10' to get the pole at whatever point in that length it is (+10' = 40')
Another double 45 degree turn (+10' = 50')
Flying up 45' and back over the boat again (+10' = 60')

Second move action to land, and if any further flight distance is needed to retrieve the pole and return.
Swift to assume Inner Sphere Stance - +2 DOdge AC and +2 Will

If he is on the boat still, doesn't count as grappled anymore, and tries an AOO on takeoff, using Half-Gone to avoid: [roll0]
If he does AOO and the Half-Gone total is below 30, using Inspiration to add to it: [roll1]

2017-06-16, 12:20 PM
Shaneir bobs and weaves between the other passengers, hoping to catch the ghastly figure off-guard and send him crashing into the Styx. However, the boatman motions as though prepared to sidestep the doppleganger at the last moment, causing Shaneir to second-guess herself and impact with far less force than she originally intended.

Your bull rush attempt fails; your movement ends directly in front of the boatman. He does not take an attack of opportunity on you, having just been freed from the grapple and distracted temporarily.

The creature watches in amusement as Jasmine swoops down to retrieve the pole before landing on the skiff once again, wielding her makeshift weapon rather awkwardly. He then addresses you all."Attacking an unarmed ferrymen? Perhaps your associate didn't need to pay to arrange your transportation here; given time, I'm sure such actions would have condemned your souls to this place naturally! Now, return my pole and cease this foolishness before I forget my obligations and drown you all here and now."

2017-06-16, 02:39 PM
Anton's voice emerges from the frozen dragon, muffled and faint. "I think it best if everyone stops bothering the Boatman and we hand him back his pole. Hopefully he forgives us our desperate attempt to avoid our trip into the Hells, an understandable... mortal reaction."

2017-06-16, 04:39 PM
For a moment, it looks as though Tezzanep is going to charge the boatman, but he prostrates himself instead. "Forgive us, mighty one!" he cries, trembling. "We were frightened, confused, and foolish. Spare us, and if you wish I can mend your robes."

2017-06-16, 06:17 PM
As the skeletal being did not press the attack, Jasmine relaxed a bit. "You seem a right blood, and I'd rather not be put in the dead book quite so soon," she said as she switched her grip to toss the overly long pole to the ferryman. "Horrible balance anyways."

2017-06-16, 10:01 PM
Goodness, how embarrassing. It didn't move an inch.
"You were armed with a riverboat pole." Shaneir insists. Armed kidnapper, unarmed ferryman. Totally different.
But unarmed and with everyone else giving up? She'll have to unhappily step back and cease fighting.

2017-06-17, 05:50 AM
With a sound somewhat resembling a scoff, the infernal boatman takes the pole from Jasmine and resumes his duties, the skiff quickly maneuvering for the previously identified shore. As you travel the remaining distance, the oppressive heat of this place becomes more apparent, despite the heavy layer of clouds overhead. Once the vessel is pushed partially up onto the land, you notice that the ground nearby is dry and cracked despite its close proximity to the waters of the Styx, leaving you with little doubt as to the river's lack of life-sustaining properties. "Your fares have only been paid this far, not even accounting for your bothersome behavior. Time to leave." After your brief altercation, his patience appears to have all but vanished, and you can tell this was a command, not a suggestion.

2017-06-17, 06:38 AM
Anton takes to the air without a word, circling the boat, staying about 20' - high enough to get a better look at the area, low enough to hopefully evade notice from the Hells many flying residents.

2017-06-17, 09:29 AM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
When the grip of supernatural fear finally loosens, Godric doesn't rise. He stays down, bleeding from a scratch upon his shoulder. When boat finally docks, he scrambles to his feet and flees the barge, hurried and wordless...though his actions are not without intent. The man is a fighter to the end; all conflict, however, is not physical.

Sleight of Hand, picking up the pouch: [roll0]

2017-06-17, 10:32 AM
"Hmph." Jasmine hopped over the edge and onto the ground, the winged tigress peering into the distance for any points of interest beyond the obvious, or signs of movement.

After a few long moments, giving enough time for the rest to disembark and possibly for the ship to pull away and return to it's path down the Styx, she turned back to the others, pitching her voice just loud enough for the false dragon in the sky to hear. "Well, since we're all in this together, let's share the dark of who we are. Y'all can call me Jasmine. Jinkbasher by trade, an' quickest swords this side o' the Cage." The words came naturally, obviously something she had said many times before, but for all that she realized she couldn't remember what or where the Cage was, apart from vague impressions of a large city with many strange faces, and an overabundance of doors.

[roll0] + [roll1] from free Inspiration

2017-06-17, 09:27 PM
Shanei hops off the barge, scowling at the boatman, and the heavy sky, and just everything.
"I wasn't joking. I can tell that I've forgotten. Forgotten a lot. Hmph."
Damn boatman. Damn mysterious customer wanting them all dragged to hell. Damn Jasmine prying into their pasts at a time like this. And half of those aren't even real words!

2017-06-17, 11:16 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
"You too..." Godric murmurs, frowning. He tugs at the shoulder of his attire, and shrugs to let surcoat slide down his arm a bit, exposing his wound. It's not so deep. Blood drawn, but just a scratch. Of more concern, is the discoloration of flesh. Pure white, with snaking tendrils of ivory spreading a ways from the wound. "Yesterday feels as if it were a long time ago. We've been exposed to the river, maybe." Godric pulls his coat back up, and, provided the boatman has made his leave, begins to dig through the little pouch he'd purloined.

"Forward, but she's right. We should get to know each other in short order if we're to survive. Name's Godric. Godric Graves, a Justiciar. I'm decent in a fight...better up close, but I can land a few with a musket." His gaze slips to the tigress, "I take it you're a westerner? I've been up and down the east and never heard anything like that."

You can tell Godric isn't tell the truth, or at least the whole truth, about being a Justiciar.

2017-06-17, 11:41 PM
Jasmine's brow furrowed a moment, as she tried to recall again just where she had been since her first portal jump, but all it gave her was a slight headache. Finally, she just gave a noncommittal shrug to Godric's query. "I.. suppose you could say that. Lots of places have a west." Turning back to the other woman in the group, she added, "And I don't suppose you got a name at least? Didn't look like the boatman jangled you up bad enough to forget even that, and 'Hey you!' won't work well if we get in a fight."

[roll0] + [roll1] from free Inspiration

2017-06-18, 01:00 PM
Tezzanep doesn't dare turn his back on the boatman, and so he is the last to skulk off the boat. He listens to the introductions of the others before speaking up in a small and shaky voice. "My name is Tezzanep. I, too, remember little. I can hunt and make traps, but I fear there is little game here. If I must, I can fight." He turns to the winged woman, cocking his head to the side. "What is a 'jinkbasher,' Jasmine?"

2017-06-18, 08:40 PM
"Huh?" The question caught Jasmine momentarily off guard. Oh, right, Primes, she reminded herself. "A jinkbasher's a cutter that gets paid to ah... do miscellaneous odd jobs. Rough a berk up, get a trinket back for it's... rightful owner, all sorts of things. Sometimes it involves bashing, hence the name."

2017-06-19, 02:06 AM
Having not seeing anything interesting in his quick tour, Anton drop to the ground, legs absorbing the impact easily as ashy dust swirls up.

"A mercenary, then. Violent solutions at reasonable rates. We approve, passion for ideals can wax and wane, but service for appropriate repayment is far more consistent."

The dragon sits down, catlike, his scaled tail wrapped around its legs and wings folded against his back.

"I am Anton, and this is Dahaki'larioni'riki'azz, though my Vessel insists that 'Dahaki' is easier for those not blessed with dragon's blood. I am an honest businessman, providing arcane services in the Free Plains, and working out of Nazeth Corak. We provide spells for enchanters and summon fiends for training and combat support. And when paid enough, we can fight as well. We're not quite a traditional dragon, but we get by. And as I recover, I only retain more of my former glory."

2017-06-19, 11:00 AM
Shanier just shakes her head.
"Everybody's got a name, right? Don't mean I remember it." Of course she has a name, but she doesn't want to give them the wrong one. So no name, or a new name, that's safer. She drags her feet through the dust of the shore,barely looking up when the dragon lands.
"I think I was an artist. I know, I know. Not the best skillset for being lost in Hell. :smallsigh:"

Shaneir thinks she knows her name, but doesn't want to say.

2017-06-19, 02:11 PM
Tezzanep nods. "We should move. We won't last long if we can't find fresh water, food, and shelter."

2017-06-19, 03:33 PM
Jasmine nodded at Anton's summary. "Quite reasonable, I think," she said with a small smile.

The other woman's response caused her to perk an ear though. "An artist? not what I'd expect, but then I'd say that's true of all of us. Wonder who you piked off..." Mentally shrugging, she continued onwards. "So how do you want to be called? 'Paints'?"

At Tezzanep's interjection though, she glanced back out towards the distance. "Eh, zip it, the spider's right. We can work that out while we're moving. Anton and..uh, Dahaki, did either of you spot anything to head towards while you were up there?"

2017-06-19, 04:02 PM
Directly ahead of you, several of the jagged rock formations you spotted before form a sort of mountain range that looms intimidatingly in the distance, several miles out. The Styx, as far as you can tell even with your aerial vantage point, travels endlessly in both directions. Suddenly behind you, a hiss of steam precedes a gout of flame that spurts forth from a hole in the rocky ground. The entire environment seems at war with life itself.

A small, crude structure of some sort rests at the base of the mountains, its dusty red color matching the surrounding environment and serving as effective camouflage. It would be nearly impossible to spot at ground level, having been tucked away behind the hellish rock in the shadow of the spires.

You do not see any other signs of movement presently.

2017-06-20, 02:04 AM
Anton shakes his head slowly. "No, mountains ahead and the Styx in either direction. But we can't drink it's water, and as that fire indicates, we can't stay here either. Heading towards the mountains seem reasonable... at least as reasonable as anything here."

A thought comes to Anton, and his reptilian eyes narrow. "Something else from our studies... the nature of the Outer Planes puts... pressure on those who find themselves in it. If one's mind and morality does not function in the same fashion as the Plane you stand on, it must struggle against the influence of the Plane. We stand in Avernus, the first layer of the Nine Hells. It is a place of Order, and what can reasonably be described as Evil. Those of you of less... orderly disposition and more righteous natures will struggle here."

(In game terms, characters take a -2 penalty on Int, Wis, and Cha checks if they are not Lawful-aligned or Evil-aligned while on Avernus. If they are neither Lawful- nor Evil-aligned, the penalty is -4.)

2017-06-20, 07:20 AM
"Not the first time." Jasmine replied to the new information with a shrug. "Heading towards the mountains is probably a good idea. There was something that direction that seemed a little too regular to be natural. Some sort of building maybe, at the base of those mountains, but I can't be sure until we get closer. I was hoping you'd spotted it too."

2017-06-20, 08:57 AM
Anton shrugs a little. "We were looking for anything moving. None of the natives can be charitably called 'friendly', even to their own kind. But given that it's the only landmark in sight, we should take a look."

Once the group gets moving, Anton takes to the air, flying above the group and tracking back and forth as he keeps watch for more details or more trouble.


2017-06-20, 10:14 AM
"'Ink' would be better. Till I remember." She answers. Maybe Jasmine will leave her alone and focus on them all not surviving.
Shaneir trudges up the mountain after the others.
"Where does the river come from? Is there any likelihood of another boat of captives coming ashore?"
At Anton and Dahaki'larioni'riki'azz's explanation, she only nods. As if memory loss and this air and the random blasts of fire weren't enough to struggle with.

2017-06-20, 10:35 AM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
Godric shakes his head. "I won't be consumed by this place." He trudges along, drawing forth a piece of quartz from the pouch. He admires its glow for a moment, before his eyes flick to the dragon. "You seem studious. A mage that might be able to examine this, perhaps? It seems magical. I suspect this was the payment of our ferryman...princly gems and -this-."

2017-06-20, 01:46 PM
Anton drops to the ground next to Godric as he walks, his snake-like tongue flicking in the direction of the piece of quartz. "Well now, what did you find there, human? You managed to find a chance to lift the boatman's purse did you? Brave... or foolish. But we're already in Hell, so what's a little petty theft between friends? As to your question, yes, if we can stop moving for a minute or two, I can see if I can quickly determine if it's magical, and what properties it might have."

Anton mutters in Draconic and waves a claw over the pouch to see if anything else in it has a magical aura, then investigates the quartz more closely.

Anton uses Detect Magic to see if anything is magical. If anything pings the sensor, he uses Spellcraft to (try) to determine the item properties.


2017-06-20, 06:03 PM
With Anton and his second body mostly keeping aerial overwatch, Jasmine kept to the ground, walking a short ways in front and keeping a wary eye out for any problems at this level. Though the flat desolate land seemed to be mostly without trouble, that nearby fireblast earlier had made a good enough point that it was still wise to be careful.

[roll0] + [roll1]
*edit* forgot the -4 for being CN, so total is 20.

2017-06-22, 01:20 AM
Your detect magic on the crystal picks up a faint aura of necromancy, though your Spellcraft check can't identify any further properties of the quartz at this time.
Despite (or perhaps because of) the hazardous effects of the river, the surrounding landscape seems relatively tame compared to the water you were just ferried in on. Jasmine keeps a close eye out for movement, but as your group continues heading towards the looming spires, no other immediate signs of life (or unlife) are apparent. The hissing flame geyser you encountered on the shore seems to be an infrequent, if terrifying phenomenon of the plane, but with some bursting forth from the hard, cracked ground with no visible or audible warning, you're forced to constantly stay on the alert. An occasional gust of wind kicks up fine sand into the air, stinging your eyes and offering little relief from the infernal heat, and the stench of sulfur hangs heavy in the air.

After traveling for what you estimate to be slightly over half an hour, most of you are able to spot the well-camouflaged structure nestled in the shadow at the foot of the rocky pinnacles. The heat up to this point has been unrelenting, and you predict that without rest or clean water, you may find yourselves suffering from heat exhaustion soon.

You spot what appears to be a natural trail winding around and between some of the rock formations.

2017-06-22, 01:58 AM
Anton mutters to himself in Draconic as he works, the pitch of his voice changing as he and his Eidolon discuss their findings. Finally, he reverts back to Common.

"It's magical, but some form of minor magic. I can't tell what type, except that it is some form of necromancy. Not powerful, so the effect is minor. Let me study it again once we have a chance to rest and I'll be able to tell for certain."

2017-06-22, 10:23 AM
"What do you suppose it is?" the artist asks, briefly holding up a hand to shade her eyes and look at the hidden building. It's probably a trap. Certainly the hellbuilding is dangerous. Maybe they should be more careful in approaching it. She looks quickly around. There's really nowhere to hide, is there?

2017-06-22, 12:18 PM
"Even devils can sometimes need a safe place to call kip," Jasmine replied with a shrug, her gaze slowly tracking away from the building as she catches sight of the hidden trail. "And I think I see how they got here," she added, pointing out the path to the others.

2017-06-22, 03:08 PM
Tezzanep had stayed silent to conserve his strength during their trek, but he speaks up now. "I am small, quiet, hard to notice. Perhaps I should go ahead to see if it is safe," he suggests.

2017-06-22, 04:07 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
The grim silence is oppressive as the heat. Godric has little strength to speak, but marches onwards with stoic tenacity. When the ettercap speaks, his eyes flick to the monstrous creature. He approaches.

"Dangerous. Here, give me your claw." He extends a well-worn palm. "If we join in an oath, I will be able to help you. Tezzanep, you were called? I pledge we will see the material yet. Will you make the same vow?"

2017-06-23, 10:47 AM
Tezzanep recoils from Godric's outstretched hand, but then reaches out to grasp it with his own. "I swear to do all I can to get us home again. There was something my family needed me to do...but I do not remember it," he says, voice quavering.

Oaths accomplished, he creeps down the hidden trail, moving from cover to cover as he goes.

2017-06-23, 12:35 PM
In the equivalent of a raised eyebrow, Jasmine tilted an ear at the exchange. As he dashed off though, she found herself giving a small nod. "Strange, but effective way to encourage him. And the lil' cutter definitely seems to know how to hide," she finished as she lost track of him among the rocks.

2017-06-23, 04:06 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
The oath seems more than just words and encouragement. As soon as Tezzanep speaks his vow, a presence is felt. A connection with something passionate, if wounded. As if his own heart beat with that of another. "If trouble befalls you, severe that connection. I will know, and we will come." He watches as the spider runs off, before tilting his gaze to the tigress, "A Justiciar's oath means not words alone, but a bond in pursuit of it." His own voice seems to waiver a bit as he looks at his palm, before clenching his fist. "I mean what I say. We're getting back."

Join Tezzanep as part of Godric's Collective.

2017-06-23, 07:12 PM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
"Of course. I intend to find our mysterious 'associate,' find out who put them up to it, then put them all in the dead book. Unless I'm feelin' generous of course, then I'll just fold them enough times to think twice before messin' with me again." Jasmine gives his shoulder a pat as she walks past, if he allows it, before continuing onward over to Anton. "I don't suppose you happen to have any protection spells against heat? This ain't bothering me any, but if we have to give this place a pass, it may not be long before some of us are hitting the blinds."

2017-06-23, 11:51 PM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
The dragon hisses appreciatively at the rakshasha's blood-thirsty sentiments. "I think we might join you in such an endevour, lady jink-basher. But I agree with Godric, our first priority is to get back to our world. and then take our revenge. Oh yes... that's next on the list. As for a spell against the heat, I know of what you speak, but I'm afraid it's not a spell I can innately cast. Further, without my spell components, my spellcasting is quite limited."

2017-06-26, 12:45 PM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
Jasmine half-turned to glance back towards where Tezzanep had been headed. "We'll just have to hope this pans out then." Then more to herself than anyone else, she quietly added, "Damn, I hate having to rely on hope."

2017-06-26, 03:20 PM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
Then don't. Make plans, be ready. Your blood is half's dragon's, red though it may be. It gives you strength, it gives you speed. We can use that. If the spider gets in trouble, we're the ones who can get to him quickest because of our wings. You can pick up the spider and still fly with his weight. We don't rely on weapons - claw, fang and tail are enough. We will hit the closest pursuer, tangle them up enough to give you a head start, then we can face any fight with all of us."

2017-06-26, 04:37 PM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
"Red? Hah! You're not the first one to make that mistake. Were it that simple..." Jasmine shook her head. "Anyways, I'm not concerned about giving some devil the laugh, if there are any about. As I said before, this heat doesn't bother me any, but some of you are starting to look a bit stretched already, and if this place doesn't pan out..."

2017-06-27, 02:02 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
"My excuses for Dahaki's comment, he has some strong feelings regarding red dragons. A tale for another time, perhaps."

Having lost sight of Tezzanep, the dragon's uses his long neck to all around the group, making sure that nothing else is sneaking up on them before returning his focus to the building ahead.

2017-06-29, 01:20 AM
As you sneak closer to the foreign structure, it becomes apparent that it is a hut or temporary residence of some sort. A small anvil is positioned near the entrance next to a makeshift forge built into the side of the mountainous spire the hut stands adjacent to. Inside the building, a variety of crafted metalwork weapons and armor are stored in racks or displayed on the walls, in various stages of completion. However, your eyes are drawn to the bloodied humanoid figure splayed out across the dirt floor. It does not appear to be moving.
As you wait to see if your Ettercap ally returns, a horrible baying sound echoes forth from the infernal hills ahead, like the sound of otherworldly wolves. Its distinctly unnatural tone sends a shiver down each of your spine as the yawning canyon before you seems to amplify the hellish noise.

2017-06-29, 09:58 AM
"Oh good. Monsters. Here I was thinking we'd slowly dehydrate."

Shaneir doesn't wait any longer for her ettercap ally to return, but races towards the building herself. Whatever that sound was, they should all be together for it.
Of course the others will follow. Of course.

2017-06-29, 10:25 AM
Tezzanep sneaks back to his companions. He's less concerned with stealth now, but frequently looks back over his shoulder. "It's a forge," he says upon his return. "Full of weapons and armor, but not safe. I saw someone inside, on the floor--murdered,
I think."

2017-06-29, 04:12 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
Godric runs after the young woman, "Wait, wait! Trust in the boy, he's not severed the link." He hisses.

His pace slows when Tezzanep's frame appears. "Weapons? And a -forge-. That means water, too." Godric looks at the others in the motley bunch, "I say we rush the hut." His eyes dart to the winged ones, "Jasmine, Dahaki'larioni'riki'azz," The name flows off his tongue with uncommon prowess; the language of a man used to spilling draconic names from his lips, "You can both fly. Can you keep to the skies and distract whatever that baying was? Tezzanep, Janeir and I can arms ourselves. A tight choke-point to defend. You can wing back to join us, and we can dispatch the beasts before making plans in the presence of shelter and water."

2017-06-29, 06:21 PM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
"You could say that, I-" Jasmine's words are cut off by the howl, and she muttered a soft curse. As Ink dashes off, with Godric behind, she starts to take a few steps, but Tezzanep's sudden reappearance and report stops her in place. "Finally, something came up trumps for once in this sodding mess!" she exclaimed, but before she could ask anything more, Godric had already stepped in with his tentative plan.

"I could definitely give it a flyover, but distract?" The draconic rakshasa shook her head. "I could maybe throw a few rocks, but what little magic I have is in my sword arm. Still, I'd bet a gad o' jink that they're related to whatever left that body Tezzanep found. A jinkscore like this ain't something that a body would abandon lightly if they already boxed the owner."

2017-06-30, 10:44 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
The dragon's head rises and his serpentine eyes narrow to slits as the terrible baying echos from the hills. Anton's voice comes from the dragon's maw, troubled. "That tone... elements of magical fear... those aren't hellhounds. No, Vessel, those are shadow mastiffs. I used to have a few, when I still lived.

The dragon whirls to face the others, raising his voice so that the artist could hear, scrambling towards the building already. "Listen well, all of you. Their baying can strike fear into even the fearless, force you to flee in panic. They hunt best in shadows - we can better fight outdoors then indoors, where they can blend into the shadows. Arm yourselves, stay together, they could be the hunting pack for a devil or an undead. I'll harass them and hopefully distract them long enough that you can arm yourselves."

With that, he takes to the air and forces himself to wing towards the baying, the cantrip for acid bolts in the forefront of his mind.

2017-06-30, 11:25 AM
Tezzanep nods, and turns back to the hut. Keeping pace with Godric and Ink prevents him from using any cover but their shadows--he hopes it will be enough to hide him from the hound fiends. "It will be good to have water and armor," he says. "Perhaps we should not try to fight outdoors, though. If we hide inside, maybe they won't notice us, and I can spin a web to block the door in case they do."

2017-06-30, 04:08 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
"Hounds, not likely." The ragged man calls back as he makes a mad dash for the hut, seeking to steel his mind for the coming howl. The steel of will is hard to draw, however; slippery insidiousness seeming to permeate already-disordered thought. "They'll smell us. No, naught to do but slay them and hope we're tough enough, lad."

2017-06-30, 06:18 PM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
Jasmine just nods and wings for the building. As soon as she arrives, she dashes in, barely folding her wings in time to avoid whacking them against the doorway and immediately starts scrutinizing the completed weapons and armor, studiously ignoring the dead body and any smell from it as she looks for a fitting weapons pair.

Looking for 2 weapons(and sheaths) in this order of preference:
Perception(if it applies): [roll0] + [roll1]

Then looking for a chain shirt, preferably Mithril
Perception(if applicable): [roll2] + [roll3]

2017-07-02, 03:35 AM
With Anton now airborne and pursuing the mastiffs further up the trail into the rocks, the rest of your group rushes to the temporary safety and shelter of the clearly out-of-place hut. A preliminary search of the premises reveals all that Tezzanep described, and you hurriedly start searching through the armaments scattered about in search of anything in a usable state.

Though many of the items you find aren't far enough along in the crafting process to be useful to you, those that do seem to be completed are of exceptionally fine quality (read: masterwork). Your first few minutes of searching reveals the following:

-A trident with an infernal motif and an iron haft. The three prongs of the weapon are joined together in the shape of a devilish figure where the head is attached to the haft, its tail spiraling and tapering down towards the wielder.
-A heavy mace whose head and flanges have been cast in such a way as to resemble the great buttresses of a cathedral without compromising its structural integrity.
-A pair of scimitars with unusually broad blades, each etched with matching imagery of dragons along the entire length.
-A fairly standard spear, save that the head appears to be made of some form of gem or crystal rather than metal.
-A worn but stable greatsword that appears to have had its pommel and hilt reforged and replaced. An inscription along the base of the blade reads "Obligatum II".
-A battleaxe whose blade has been polished to a mirror-shine and sharpened to a razor's edge. It almost seems a shame to sully it with blood.

Additionally, you find the following pieces of armor (also masterwork):

-A suit of studded leather that appears to have been dyed unnaturally black.
-Two chain shirts folded up and resting on a nearby table
-Chainmail, the links of which have been woven tightly together but whose flexibility and weight have not been compromised.

From up above, you can barely make out the rear legs of some quadripedal beast before it follows a sharp turn in the trail and you lose sight of it behind the terrain. The barking is definitely originating from that direction.

2017-07-02, 04:08 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)

Anton and Dahaki analyze and debate the situation as they wing their way towards the Shadow Mastiffs. Going around the corner might preserve their stealth for a little longer, but invited the possibility of ambush. Mentally they agreed, and instead tilted their wings and rose, flying up and over the terrain, eyes wary as they look for the mastiffs and anything else that might be down there.

If it's not possible to fly up and over, they'll try to take the corner as high up as possible, in case there's anything waiting in ambush around the bend.

2017-07-02, 09:47 AM
Shaneir (Ink) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1230441)
Ink manages, with some effort, to tear her eyes away from the body on the floor and to the racks of killing tools.

After a moment she lifts the trident aloft, dancing around the room with her treasure.
"Oh, we're going to have so much fun, aren't we?"
For a moment after, she looks ready to fight, holding the weapon for all the world like an outsized lobster fork...but one must also see to the safety of the body, and so she leans it against a wall to start layering on that heavy tight-coiled chainmail.

2017-07-02, 06:28 PM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
"'ello, what have we here?" After tossing aside a couple of half-completed blades from a nearby table, Jasmine had uncovered what seemed to be a matched pair of scimitars, each decorated with draconic imagery. Wrapping her hands around each grip, she carefully tugged them free of the rest of the pile, and gave them a few experimental swings and strikes at the air. "Good heft and balance... the etching's a touch fancy, but these'll do nicely."

She also couldn't help smiling and shaking her head a little in bemusement at Ink's display - despite being an artist, the girl definitely had gumption. As her gaze ran over the room again, looking for a matching pair of sheaths for her new acquisitions, an armor rack in the back caught her eye. "Well I'll be a mephit's mother..." she muttered in surprise as she slipped around the others to get a closer look at what seemed to be a set of studded leather armor. Setting the scimitars down on the table next to her, she quickly lifted the pieces off the rack, slipping each one on and adjusting the lacing to make it fit. A little uncomfortable, but she could make finer adjustments later, when they didn't have to worry about fighting for their lives in a handful of minutes.

2017-07-02, 06:40 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
"I've never found battle to be much in the way of fun." The man says sternly, moving to grasp the greatsword. No more than a cursory inspection is given as he carries it in one hand to the table with the folded shirts upon it, and sets it down. He picks up the fine mesh of chain and begins to unbuckle it, before slipping it on. "Violence is a necessary evil, not a pleasure." His voice wavers as he speaks, as if the justiciar is assuring himself that that is the truth, but doesn't wholly believe.

2017-07-04, 04:08 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
Seeing the terrain ahead become too dangerous to fly high, and not wanting to come too close to the ground, Anton turns back, satisfied that at least the shadow mastiffs are not pursuing his little group at the moment.

Flying back to the hidden hut, Anton calls out as he lands to avoid any accidents. "Good news, we're still alive. And better news, those hounds weren't looking for us. We followed them for a quarter mile up the trail, they were heading directly away from us. We couldn't see what, if anything they were chasing after."

Anton inspects the group. They all looked far more self-assured and comfortable, now that they were no longer defenseless. It was surprising to see the self-proclaimed artist wield a trident so deftly and wear chain mail with such assurance, but summoner and eidolon alike agreed that there was far more to that story then the self-proclaimed 'Ink' had to say.

Muttering to himself in Draconic, he inspects everyone's new gear, the remaining weapons and armor, and the forge in general with Detect Magic.

Inspecting the remaining gear critically, Anton selects the spear and begins to 'eat' it, absorbing the spear into the Eidolon's body. While the pair fervently hoped it wouldn't be necessary, should the Eidolon be dismissed, Anton wanted something more then bare hands to rely on.

Having made his pick, he turns his attention to the corpse and inspects it. "Anyone have any idea yet what happened to what I presume is the unfortunate smith?"

Detect Magic on everything!

2017-07-04, 10:44 AM
Shaneir (Ink) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1230441)
At first, Ink dismisses that argument. "Well of course that's what a Justiciar would say." And who knows, maybe he even believes it.

Now armed and armored, she can turn her attention to the dead man before them.
"I'm afraid we haven't had much chance to look at him yet," Ink admits. But they can do that right now! She crouches down to take a closer look at him. How did he die, and how long ago?

Perception for looking the scene over? [roll0]
Heal for medical knowledge? [roll1]

"And you guys didn't see what the hounds were chasing after. Do you suppose we ought to find out? We haven't seen anything else in this wasteland." And now they're ready to fight even unnaturally terrifying helldogs!

Ink is under a faint transmutation effect. He wasn't specifically using it on the party, but it would be hard to miss the aura of magic completely.

2017-07-05, 03:28 AM
You begin focusing on the items you and your companions have taken for your own use, but a cursory scan of magical enchantments on them reveals nothing. Finely crafted though they may be, you don't believe these arms and armor to be magical.

The scene inside the small dwelling is a bit of a mess; though it's apparent that this inhabitant was at one point quite organized, a recent struggle has clearly taken place, resulting in several mannequins being knocked over, as well as a small table whose contents of its single drawer have now been scattered all across the ground. Huge paw prints are visible in the dust on the natural floor, and several large splotches of what you assume to be blood have stained the ground a dark crimson.

The condition of the body before you in the center of the room is...unusual, to say the least. A young male with Elvish features, you almost do a double-take as you realize that a significant chunk of the man's right leg is simply...gone. There is no localized blood, but the area near the man's leg is covered with a fine layer of gold-colored dust. Further inspection reveals that much of the man's body seems to bear this fine powder, especially surrounding the more severe-looking wounds covering his torso and limbs. He was clearly the victim of a savage mauling, but you're surprised to see him faintly breathing despite his current state.

As you proceed with donning the recently acquired armor and testing out your weapons, a low groan utters forth from the body on the ground, and it gives a slight tremor.

2017-07-05, 06:19 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
Hm... interesting. Do you see that?
Oh yes I do, Vessel. Tricky, tricky mortal... trying to hide something.
Just a simple artist... we'll keep an eye on that one, I don't trust her.
Until we solve this mystery, we'll be wise not to turn our back to her.

The dragon's eyes narrow slightly as they pass over Shaneir, and a faint smell of ozone passes quickly. As the figure at their feet groans, Anton looks down with clinical detachment. "Not yet dead after all? Are you in any state to speak?

Seeing the blood, he inspects it and the water critically to see if they might be suitable as spell reagents.

2017-07-05, 07:48 AM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
Jasmine nods at the news, visibly relaxing. "Maybe it wasn't the jink they were after then, but bein' the hammer that pounds the nail sticking out." With the immediate danger past, she starts taking the time to make a few minor adjustments to her new armor, but at the sudden groan, she snatches her scimitars off the table, quickly turning to look for the source. On seeing it was their unintended "benefactor," she relaxes her guard slightly, though still warily watching to make sure it was not a trick.

2017-07-05, 10:17 AM
Shaneir (Ink) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1230441)
Aww. Here she was, hoping that they'd found some food, but no, he's still alive.

"He was attacked by the hounds, but they were called away, or thought he was dead. Then he was treated with this gold stuff to stop the bleeding. By himself, before passing out? Or by the houndmaster? Probably not..." By talking it through, she's putting the scene together in her own head.
Anton is standing back, and Jasmine is talking but for the life of her, Ink has no idea what those words mean.

"Do we have time to take care of him? We don't have bandages or tonics or-or anything, but maybe we can help?"
Hopefully he knows...
Going to use Detect Thoughts and focus on this injured elf? weaponsmith?

2017-07-05, 01:34 PM
While the others are busying themselves with weapons and armor, Tezzanep looks for water. He takes slow, small sips until noise erupts from the "body," and he freezes.

2017-07-05, 08:23 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
"I can treat wounds, normally...but I'd need a healer's kit. Even then, I worry; the art of the physic isn't so simple, and the air here has a bad humor that makes my head swim." He frowns as he continues to buckle up his chainmail. "I can heal with magic, but only when striking a just blow against a violent foe." He nods to his sack, layed upon the table from whence he snatched chain shirt. "Examine that stone again now that we have time, Anton. Perhaps it will be of help."

His eyes flick to the artist. Surely not metropolitan fop. All too likely merely a cover to conceal nefarious dealings. A street thug of some type? Regardless, he could not hold malice against those that wished to conceal; the hypocrisy given his circumstance would be unbearable. Still, the bloodthirst displayed there is somewhat worrisome.

2017-07-06, 01:25 AM
Angling his head just enough to catch a glimpse of some of you, the prone figure speaks in a voice that seems to echo with authority, even if it is unintelligible to all but Anton and Jasmine.

"And which of the Lords has decided to play his hand, sending personal agents to finish what roaming beasts could not?"

Now that you can better glimpse the man before you, it's apparent there is something besides just Elven blood in his veins. Ignoring the grievous wounds covering him, he otherwise appears in peak physical condition with a facial features sharp and clear to an almost otherworldy degree, now likely scarred by a massive gash running across the left side of his jaw. Were it not for his current condition, you might take him as a paragon of Elvenkind. However, as he continues to stir, you notice the golden dust around his wounds faintly shimmer, and you can glimpse brief flashes of strange symbols as the dust seems to move and swirl about the lacerations.

Will save vs. detect thoughts: [roll0]

2017-07-06, 01:36 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
Anton abandons the inspection of the blood as fruitless and comes back to sit in the man's line of vision, tailed wrapped around his forelimbs neatly. He neatly summerizes the man's comment in Common, before replying in Infernal.

[Infernal]"If agents for one of the Lords we are, they play a deeper game than is needed." "We awoke, unknown to each other, on Charon's boat, brought to these shores. Who paid for our passage and why is a riddle yet to be discovered. Whoever arranged our passage stole memories of the past years. I believe our meeting is less coincidental then first thought, for why else but to come here were we put ashore at this one point on the River Styx?"

2017-07-06, 11:11 AM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
Jasmine responds almost immediately to the comment in Infernal as Anton translates the "elf"'s initial words for the others. "Oh, pike off. If we were hunting your head for some Lord, you'd not have had a chance to wake." Still, the man's predicament seems genuine, and she allows herself to mostly relax. Mostly - you never completely relax when you're in the lower planes.

As Anton fills the elf in on recent events, she watches the elf's expression, to see if he reacts to any of the news, and once the dragon/human finishes, she adds, [Infernal]"And what [I]are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere anyways?"

Sense Motive to see if he seems to know anything about our predicament: [roll0] + [roll1]

2017-07-07, 01:30 AM
The figure strains to raise himself out of his prone position as he looks questioningly at the motley group before him, his eyes betraying a keen focus on each word spoken to him, as though meticulously analyzing all you have relayed. At long last, the man sighs and speaks in the Common tongue. "On another day I might have found myself more alert to the ruses and deceptions of this place, but your woefully unequipped status and your..." he pauses for a moment, "...unique heritages lend credence to your tale." He coughs and makes an attempt to reach for the drawer of the overturned table, before his arms cease to support his weight and he collapses face-first onto the dusty floor once again. "Help me, my wounds are great...please, the vial..." he utters, stretching out his hand and grasping for something supposedly just out of reach.

2017-07-10, 08:05 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
Anton keeps a careful eye on the man while Ink searches the indicated drawer. Her cry of delight as she examines the indicated liquid draws his attention, as she says that it looks like fiendish blood. The dragon moves with uncommon speed to snatch the vial out of her hand before she could hand it to the smith.

"Ah yes.... yes, this is good. We needed this. First for Godric, hold still."

Muttering in Infernal, they cast a healing spell on Godric, granting him a minute of fiendish recovery, though the feeling of flesh mending carried a sensation that could only be described as pure evil.

Turning to the smith, the summoner repeated the process of casting a spell of Infernal Healing before tucking away the bottle safely again.

"Now, I don't suppose you happen to have other reagents?"

2017-07-10, 07:37 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
The debauched, corruptive spirit of the spell is but a drop in the pit of muck in which Godric finds himself. The presence of the plane overwhelms it, and Godric shakes his head. "Superficial wounds it mends, but I still feel nauseated and directionless. It's in the air, I tell you." He lays the greatsword across the flat of his palm, and nods to the man on the ground. "What does he say. It's demonspeak, isn't it?"

2017-07-11, 02:05 AM
The injured man eyes Anton with great curiosity as he performs the necessary incantation, and before your eyes the elf's superficial wounds start automatically knitting themselves closed. As this is taking place, the glowing dust across the affected areas shimmers brightly before disappearing once the wounds are fully healed. Finally, he speaks again. "It takes gall to cast that spell on a victim that may be...unprepared for its consequences, you know. What would you have done, were I to be a paladin of virtue, I wonder? Nonetheless, I am clearly not, and I thank you for your aid," he nods to Anton in particular through addressing all of you.

"My name is Layne, and among other things I am a smith by trade and scholar of law by hobby. And like you, I am trapped on this damned plane as well, though that much due to my lack of foresight. If you require shelter or arms to combat the threats of Hell, I will offer what I can. But unfortunately, my capabilities are a bit limited at the moment. A roaming pack of hellish beasts, led by a ferociously large shadowy canine of some other nature, spotted my hut and attacked me. The alpha ripped off my crafting lens (here the man points to a loose chain that hangs attached to his tunic) and fled, but the rest of his pack continued their assault on me until I fell prone and cowered. After the stragglers scattered I tried to get to my reagents, but I was too injured and lost consciousness for a time."

"I do no business willingly with the devils of this plane; the few powerful ones that know of my presence here tolerate me only with my continued tributes of arms and armor. But without the crafting lens, the quality of my workmanship will surely drop, and I fear for my continued safety. So I offer you this instead; find the beasts who stole my crafting lens and return it to me. I will loan you any weapons or protection you may deem necessary, and upon your return with the lens, I will even enhance the equipment for you. Then, we can further discuss your purpose here. What say you?"

2017-07-11, 07:08 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
Anton snorts derisively. For once, their twinned voices speak as one. "If his morals are so stringent that he refuses aid because he is squeamish about the source, I would be happy to return him to his... previous state."

For now, he holds his peace about the elf's offer, interested in seeing what the others make of it first.

2017-07-11, 08:41 AM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
"Ha! So you want us to chase down beasts that would be likely eventually hunt us anyways, feed them to the crows, and in return you'll make these things even better?" She lets the question hang in the air a moment before baring her teeth in a grin, her dragon-like tail lashing behind her a moment. "Sounds like fun!"

2017-07-11, 09:35 AM
Shaneir (Ink) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1230441)
"That would be quite a waste of blood, wouldn't it?" Ink chides Anton. They don't need to be threatening the first person they find here. Even if he is a little pompous.

She nods to Jasmine.
"Yeah, we can do that. Don't get eaten by any monsters while we're gone, Layne." It sounds like he's been here a while. And found no way out. So maybe they're looking at a long stay in Hell. They'll need all the help they can get.

2017-07-12, 07:09 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
"Come with us." The sallow-looking man pleas, "You know the area better. Even if you cannot wield a blade, your knowledge would be invaluable." His gaze slips to the rest. "If we face combat, we all would do well to join the oath. I can protect those in pursuit of it with the gifts of a Justiciar." He stretches out his hand, palm up, "Tezzanep and I have both vowed to see the material once more. Will you do so as well?" His eyes slip from dragon, to tigress, to human, and finally, to the smith, "Will -you-? If you join us there will be danger, but salvation from this sickly place."

2017-07-13, 06:44 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
Satisfied that the others, or at least most of them have enough fighting spirit, Anton is the first to to take Godric's hand, his foreclaw rough, scaled and somewhat cool to the touch. "An oath that we both can agree to. Let us see the Material once again. The sooner, the better."

If you missed it, Anton asked if he had other spell components around.

2017-07-13, 06:26 PM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
The prompting for an oath visibly dampens her enthusiasm, her ears nearly folding flat in reaction. "I want to get back to civilization as much as the rest of you, but oaths.... let's just say I've seen the ways they can be twisted. Contracts are one thing, but blind vows are like-" Jasmine pauses a moment, the draconic rakshasa obviously struggling with finding the proper phrase. "Like dealing with Powers - nothing good usually comes of it." But while she doesn't step forward to add her own hand, neither does she step away.

2017-07-13, 07:24 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
"There is no fine print. No written word designed to ensnare or trick. The oath is simple. I am going to give everything I have to return us from this place, or I'll die trying. There is no half-measure in these things. You talk with the practiced arrogance of the experienced and battle-tested; so either stand tall and promise your best alongside us, or stand to the side." He reaches further towards her with his opened hand, meeting feline eyes with his own unsettling greys.

Add Anton (and any others that give the oath) to Godric's Collective.

2017-07-13, 09:48 PM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
Jasmine looked away a moment, then sighed. "If I must," she finally replies with resignation before adding her hand to the others already there. "Only a sodding leatherheaded idiot would head out alone in a situation like this. But-" her head snapped back around, eyes narrowed as her wings spread as much as the room would allow for emphasis, "if you ever use this against me, I will personally hunt you down, slowly flay you alive, then rip out your own heart and feed it to you. Backwards."

2017-07-13, 09:52 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
"No worse a promise than any Corak diplomat." He grasps the clawed hand, before eyes settle upon the 'artist'.

2017-07-14, 12:03 AM
Layne ponders your invitation for a moment before chuckling. "Would that I hadn't suffered at the jaws and claws of those feral creatures, I'd be right up front with you, steel singing through the air as our enemies fell by the dozens. Though the wounds may be shut, I am still in great pain from the ordeal, and would need to rest for a day or more to fully return to fighting strength. That being said, I can serve as your guide if you require one, though I worry i may be more a liability than an asset with my current condition."

2017-07-14, 12:52 AM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
Godric shakes his head, "I ask not, then, that you bring blade to bear. The better you come with us, if your wounds still ail you; I can turn vicarious retribution into a surge of vitality. Your wounds can mend on my watch, but only if you are nearby when we slay the hounds."

2017-07-14, 09:24 AM
Shaneir (Ink) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1230441)
"Very well. We will return to the material plane, this I swear!" Ink puts her hand in. Simple. Dangerous.

2017-07-16, 01:31 AM
Layne nods in agreement. "Very well then. Take a few moments to gather anything that may prove useful to you, but let us not tarry too long; the beasts are still nearby, and I'd prefer not to have to track them for any great distance. There are worse threats in Hell than wild dogs."

2017-07-17, 12:26 AM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
Taking the scimitars back up from the table again, where she had set them again when the elf had proved no threat, Jasmine turned back towards the doorway. "Then if y'all need me I'll be outside," she said, glancing back over her shoulder and past her wing, "I want to really get a feel for these things before I have to trust my life to them." She paused a moment in the doorway then added, offhandedly, "'Sides, I get the feeling it's been a while since I fought critters instead of some berk with a blade, so want to make sure I'm ready."

Once outside, she first went through several exercises seemingly designed to gauge the heft and swing of a weapon. After the initial several exercises, she seemingly alternated between moments of complete stillness, and a series of rapid strikes at the air that would have seemingly disemboweled any living opponent not prepared for them. After several sets of these, she rested the unsharpened edges of the blades against her shoulders, closed her eyes, and simply listened, waiting.

10-minute maneuver switch - Swapping Flick of the Wrist for Inner Sense

2017-07-17, 05:25 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
Anton starts discussing possible spell components with Layne, iron filings being all to easy to find in a forge, a piece of wood and a string from a collection of knickknacks for minor repairs, quenching oil to use in place of butter as a slippery substance was debated by the two, discussing the finer points of esoteric magical theory before coming to the conclusion that the spell shouldn't reject the material aid.

A short debate about the composition of the stone outside decided that it was close enough to mica to serve as a spell component, and Anton makes his way outside. There, keeping to the side of the winged tigeress's sweeping exercises, he picks out some likely stones and begins grinding them to a fine powder under his scaled claws while he too waits for the others to prepare themselves.

2017-07-20, 12:40 AM
As Anton leads the group along the winding mountain path where he was able to make out the barking and baying of the mastiffs previously, you find yourselves tense and on-edge. The closely-clustered spires would provide ample opportunities for ambushes and evoke mental imagery of bones piercing through the earth. Despite their towering nature, the rock does little to block the intense heat of the plane, and after climbing a particularly steep incline, most of you are beginning to feel the oppressive heat upon your bodies like a solid weight. This is exaggerated by the sluggish pace that you must maintain in order for Layne to keep up, though he does try to make himself useful by pointing out potentially perilous sections of the trail and keeping an eye open for nearby fiends looking to prey on your group.

Everyone please make a Fortitude save against hot weather in the OOC thread.

2017-07-20, 09:37 AM
Shaneir (Ink) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1230441)
After lingering inside while the others made their preparations, Ink trudges along the path after Anton. As if the weight of the armor - it takes a while to get used to - weren't enough, this hellish heat is like putting the whole world on one's shoulders. Still, Layne sets an easy pace, leaving plenty of time to look for signs of their quarry.

Survival to find and follow tracks of the hounds.
[roll0] Survival +8 with a -2 Hellpenalty

2017-07-20, 10:56 AM
Tezzanep knows he should help search for tracks, he can't help imagining monsters lurking behind every stone spire and bend in the road. He flinches every time Anton comes into view above them--he feels horribly exposed without a canopy overhead. In the oppressive heat, he can't focus on anything but keeping his eyes and ears out for threats.

Several minutes into the anxious hike, Tezzanep approaches Jasmine and clears his throat. "Excuse me, but...with Layne, we are going very slowly, and I think we will need to be fast to catch the hounds. Do you think we should send him back?"

Tezzanep will focus on trying to spot the hounds or anything else that could be dangerous.

Perception: [roll0]

2017-07-20, 11:14 PM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
Jasmine shrugged, ears swiveling to catch each sound, her draconic tail slowly swaying behind her as she keeps a wary eye out for any danger. "You assume that we'll find be the ones to find them first." After pausing a moment to let that sink in, she added, "Besides, if they're anything like regular beasts, they won't travel far from their territory if they have a choice - and if some whistler's running the show, they'll be back to collect their prize. Jinkscore like that, you don't just abandon."

Just in case it's needed, perception: [roll0] + [roll1]

2017-07-24, 01:41 AM
After what feels like nearly an hour of traveling, the path you are following eventually leads to a small plateau, where the spires overhead appear to have broken off and fallen to the ground below, leaving your view of the stormy hellish sky unobstructed. Further ahead you spot what appears to be a dark cave entrance stretched open like a gaping maw, and positioned between you and the cave are several massive clattering insects: scorpions bigger than a man, each with a jet-black exoskeleton and stingers raised in a menacing stance towards each other as they seem to circle about, occasionally snapping a pincer or darting in with the tail to convince the others to back away. Layne quickly tucks his head around the corner and motions to you to draw close. "The creatures of this place often inherit some form of fiendish strength or cunning from the evil that permeates everything here. Large as those monsters may be, they're likely smarter than some other mortals, er, neighbors you've encountered in your homelands. Caution is the best approach here."

2017-07-24, 08:42 PM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
"Well, that's certainly welcoming," Jasmine said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "We could try flying everyone over, but that might just end up a cakewalk if we get caught between those bugs and the pups." She paused a moment, as if recalling something, then glanced back towards Anton. "And I think I recall somethin' you mentioned about dark making the hounds stronger?"

2017-07-25, 05:02 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
Anton nods, watching the fiendish scorpions spar with each other. "Yes, shadow mastiffs prefer to fight anywhere dark, it allows them to blend into the shadows and be much harder to fight. With most of my spell components available, I can mark them and make them easier to target as long as I have a good idea where to cast the spell. Either way, we need to dispose of these vermin. Jasmine is right, we can sneak by them, but if the fighting in the cave alerts them, we would end up fighting on two fronts."

2017-07-25, 04:59 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
The man, dripping with sweat, lets the worn steel greatsword tip down from its perch carried upon his shoulder to droop, now clasped inboth hands. His fingers flex around the hilt. "I'll take the lead." He says, giving an unstable and twitchy blink, "I'll need one more with me, so they can't surround me. The rest of you should try to strike for the weak points, staying as safe as you can." He shakes his head. Another blink. He looks unwell. "Layne. Stay back, but not more than fifteen paces or so. Any further and I won't be able to mend your wounds." He stands straighter, raising the point of sword into a twin-handed grip that leaves the weapon pointing upwards, towards the maelstrom of black clouds above. "Stay strong. Don't flee. I'd bet we can't out-run them. We need to see this fight through."

2017-07-26, 07:24 PM
Tezzanep nods hesitantly, still struggling to catch his breath. "Can Ink come with me? I think we could sneak up on one before you charge--maybe kill it before they know we're here."

2017-07-26, 08:47 PM
Shaneir (Ink) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1230441)
Ink nods quickly. "Absolutely." She goes over and pats the spider-creature on the back, encouraging. "Even in this armor I'm sure I can creep up on them."

2017-07-27, 01:42 AM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
"I've never seen an artist so ready to face the monstrous." Godric remarks, "I will go with you. I'm not unwise to the ways of the soft-foot, and better I be with you if the bugs sense your presence."

2017-07-27, 10:29 AM
Tezzanep gives the Justiciar an appraising look. The desperate, aggressive man still frightened him more than the dragon man or tiger woman, but he had a point. As friendly as Ink might be, she was still an unknown, still dangerous.

Before they set off, Tezzanep regards their target. It was scary, but there was also a beauty to its gleaming chitin and graceful movements. His stomach growled--he hoped its meat wasn't poisonous.

Tezzanep designates a scorpion as his Studied Target as a move action, giving him +1 to attack and damage rolls against it.

2017-07-29, 04:19 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
Godric slips forward, staying close to the shadowed area cast by the jagged spires. He peeks, just barely, around the corner....and the plan changed. A choke...and the beasts are enormous.

The ragged man flourishes his greatsword in a tight arc, readying himself to strike down the approaching fiend and silently steeling himself. You can do this, Godric. You don't need him. Be strong.

Surprise Standard: Move to M17
Move: Aid Another own attack roll (Silver Knight's Blade)
Standard: Ready Action against advanced (Silver Knight's Blade)
Trigger: A scorpion approaches within melee range of Godric.
Silver Knight's Blade (Power Attack): Attack of [roll0] versus flat-footed scorpion, dealing [roll1]+[roll2] slashing damage and [roll3] sacred damage, healing an amount equal to the sacred damage dealt to Layne.Set Trigger: Intruder's End
Trigger: Any scorpion after the first begins to move.
Effect: Use Intruder's End as an immediate action, extending reach to 20' and gaining additional attacks of opportunity. Expend them on the scorpions.
Attack against Scorpion 1 (Power Attack): Attack of [roll4] versus scorpion, dealing [roll5]+[roll6] slashing damage.
Attack against Scorpion 2 (Power Attack): Attack of [roll7] versus scorpion, dealing [roll8]+[roll9] slashing damage.

Zeal: +1 attack, team-wide
Battle Dragon's Stance: Negate TWF penalties, +1d6+Initiation Mod damage.

2017-08-05, 02:47 AM
Apparently having overheard your discussion, several of the abnormally large scorpions come scuttling down the trail leading to where several of you are currently hidden. In a sudden flurry though, Godric strikes from his hidden position at the first vermin to approach, his greatsword slashing through the hardened carapace with ease. As Godric quickly flashes in and out of his current position in an attempt to land successive blows on the first two monstrous creatures, the one at the lead readies its tail and, just as Godric returns to the space he blinked out of just a moment prior, tries to spear him through the abdomen.

Sting +8 [roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2017-08-05, 10:22 AM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
"So much for that," Jasmine commented as she kicked off, spreading her wings in a low glide over the rough ground. Seeming to head straight for the head scorpion, she banked at the last minute to try and foil any immediate attacks. Unable to turn quite as sharply as she had hoped, the maneuver left her just above the scorpion, with stone behind her. During the wingover, almost too fast to see, one of her swords lashed out, attempting to catch the beast by surprise with the unexpected strike.

Full round action: Using offensive roll: Fly to K17 and attack Scorpion 3 at K17.
Fly check to make the final 90 degree turn from L17 to K17: [roll0]
If the above total is under 15, adding Inspiration: [roll1]
If the roll still fails, then the below is from K16 instead, just above the scorpion.

Acrobatics check to avoid AOO: [roll2]
Acrobatics check vs AC to render the scorpion flatfooted for this attack: [roll3]
Attack roll: [roll4]
Damage roll if successfull: [roll5]
If flatfooted, add: [roll6] damage from sneak attack and offensive roll

Godric's Zeal: +1 to attack
Outer Sphere Stance: +1d6 damage to attacks, -2 AC
Inspiration: 3 points remaining

2017-08-07, 09:57 PM
~The One Man Party~

With the scorpion's attention firmly seated upon Godric, Tezzanep slips forward, taking advantage to strike at it with a predator's agility, using sharpened mandibles and arachnid claws alike. As the dragon descends from above, Godric leans into another strike from below the titanic beast.

Free Action: 5' step to L17
Swift Action: Initiate Bronze Knuckle
Effect: Gain +2d6 unarmed damage for 1 round and ignore DR.
Full-Round Action: Full Attack the Scorpion
Bite: Attack of [roll0] versus flat-footed, dealing [roll1]+[roll2] damage, less [roll3] is the scorpion isn't flat-footed versus this attack. Inflicts poison with a failed Fort save (DC 17, [roll4] DEX)
Claw 1: Attack of [roll5] versus flat-footed, dealing [roll6]+[roll7] damage, less [roll8] is the scorpion isn't flat-footed versus this attack.
Claw 2: Attack of [roll9] versus flat-footed, dealing [roll10]+[roll11] damage, less [roll12] is the scorpion isn't flat-footed versus this attack.

Full-Round: Charge to M17 (above Godric) and Pounce scorpion
Using Power Attack
Bite: Attack of [roll13], dealing [roll14] damage and [roll15] electric damage on hit.
Claw 1: Attack of [roll16], dealing [roll17] damage and [roll18] electric damage on hit.
Claw 2: Attack of [roll19], dealing [roll20] damage and [roll21] electric damage on hit.
Tail Slap: Attack of [roll22], dealing [roll23] damage and [roll24] electric damage on hit.

Move Action: Aid Another own Attack (Recovers maneuvers, triggers Zeal)
Standard Action: Initiate Silver Knight's Blade
Greatsword (Power Attack): Attack of [roll25], dealing [roll26]+[roll27] slashing damage and [roll28] sacred damage, healing the most wounded ally within 30' for the same amount.
Unarmed Strike: Provokes. Attack of [roll29], dealing [roll30] bludgeoning damage.

Zeal (+1 morale to attack) is active.

2017-08-11, 11:50 AM
Tezzanep's ferocious assault upon the oversized arachnid casts doubt upon Layne's previous warnings as the beast is quickly torn to shreds, with large chunks of its exoskeleton sent flying by the furious ettercap. Though Anton and Godric were but a few steps behind, even they seem somewhat stunned by the display and instead remain further back, to ready themselves against a counterattack by the remaining two scorpions.

Seeing one of their own fall so easily, the survivors seem hesitant to charge in against such small but deadly prey, and instead slowly begin scuttling backwards towards the mouth of the cave, one even stepping partially inside the opening in order to conceal itself better. The one that remains outside in the clearing suddenly jabs its stinger downward into the ground like an anchor, and you notice vein-like patterns along the scorpion's body beginning to illuminate, as they soon rapidly spread all the way to the vermin's razor-sharp claws. You can feel a burst of immense heat radiating from its position, and a horrible chittering sound eminates from the scorpion's mandibles as though challenging you to move towards it.

Updated following scorpion's initiatve (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1vjK80QECFa4IQeVlxUNQQcngpaWu4yPw9p8GaPqdpi8/edit?usp=sharing)

2017-08-11, 09:30 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
"Oh yes. -Very- scary." Godric roars from behind the cover of the pillar. "Is now when I'm supposed to charge valiantly in and challenge claw with steel?" Godric darts out from behind the pillar, and rushes at the scorpion. It is not the alluded-to charge, though, as he stops short. "Didn't you learn when you tried to rush in? Lesson number two." He pirouettes, and swings sword in a sharp, tight two-handed swing that thuds against the parched, cracking landscape as the blade flares with a holy light that seems to wound the very air of this fetid place. A dozen paces forward, and the same flash of light is apparent, clashing with the scorpion's hide.

Swift Action: Reflected Blade Style
Effect: The next standard-action strike I initiate this turn also affects a target out to Close (35 ft.) range. It uses the same attack roll as the primary attack.
Move Action: Move to L14
Standard Action: Silver Knight's Blade
Target: The Ground, Scorpo 1
Silver Knight's Blade Attack of [roll0], dealing [roll1]+[roll2] slashing damage, and [roll3]
sacred damage, healing the closest wounded ally within 30' (prioritize Godric last) for a like amount of damage.

Zeal (+1 morale to Attack for all) is active

2017-08-12, 12:34 AM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
As the scorpion was so expertly taken apart below her, Jasmine continued forward, touching down just past the creature's corpse. Bringing her weapons up, she eyed the taunting creature, weapons ready to strike. "Anton, can you tell what that thing's doing?"

Move: Fly to I14 and land.
Standard: Ready "Swift Claws" on the first Scorpion to come within attack range

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll if successfull: [roll1]

Godric's Zeal: +1 to attack
Outer Sphere Stance: +1d6 damage to attacks, -2 AC
Inspiration: 3 points remaining

2017-08-12, 11:12 AM
Surrounded by carnage, the tired ettercap takes a moment to catch his breath and prepare himself to unleash another devastating attack.

I spend a full-round action to recover Brass Knuckle.

2017-08-14, 02:28 PM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
The dragon studies the scorpion with narrowed eyes and comes to a conclusion after a short internal debate. "The creatures of the Hells call call on its nature. The more intelligent will use it to empower abilities and their blows to strike down the good and righteous, much as a paladin does the 'evil' and 'wicked'. The lesser creatures are more direct, and simply empower their blows with hellfire. Either way we can't let them both retreat into the cave. We'll strike from above, the rest of you join in!"

With a draconic roar, the summoner pumps his wings, the wind swirling dust and tugging at clothes as he rushes forward, using his momentum to power his blows as he hovers just above the scorpion, teeth, claws and tails swinging in a blinding flurry.

Aerial Pounce to A7, hovering above the scorpion.

Pounce attack rolls - All with Charge (+2 to hit) and Power Attack (-2 to hit, +4 damage)
Bite - To Hit: [roll0], Damage: [roll1] + Elec [roll2]
Claw #1 - To Hit: [roll3], Damage: [roll4] + Elec [roll5]
Claw #2 - To Hit: [roll6], Damage: [roll7] + Elec [roll8]
Tail Swipe - To Hit: [roll9], Damage: [roll10] + Elec [roll11]

2017-08-16, 10:51 AM
Shaneir (Ink) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1230441)
"Whatever it's doing, it needs to stop!
This is the time to charge in valiantly and challenge claw with steel, however Godric might scoff at it. Somewhere in the advanced lessons is knowing when to ignore the earlier ones. Ink rushes in, bouncing from pillar to wall to rock to scorpion, lunging forward to plant the trident's points in the monster's shell.

Use Funhouse Waltz, charge to H7. (am I flanking the scorpion there? I assume not; I'd have to be underneath it.)
Power Attack (-0 to-hit (from Frenzied Focus) +6 damage (from Scarlet Throne Style))
To-hit: , Damage: [roll]1d8+1d6+13

2017-08-23, 12:20 AM
Immense heat radiates from the scorpion positioned between the rest of the party and the remaining scorpion, which scurries deeper into the blackness of the cave and out of sight from its would-be assailants. As Anton lands several strikes against the vermin's shell, he is forced to recoil as his hands are scorched shortly before the scorpion retaliates with its own pincers. Ink takes advantage of the distraction and lands a solid hit with her trident, safely out of range of harm from the heat but still close enough to feel its presence. Somehow still standing, though clearly weakened, the beast unleashes a horrible screech and attempts to clamp onto the flying nuisance above it, still remaining anchored by its stinger to the earth.

Retributive damage: [roll0] fire
Claw #1: [roll1] for [roll2]+[roll3] fire and grab
Claw #2: [roll4] for [roll5]+[roll6] fire and grab

2017-08-24, 12:07 AM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
"Fire, eh?" She almost seemed to smirk, before dashing in, bringing her right blade down from above and the other from below to catch the scorpion between them.

Move: Move to J8.
Standard: Use "Swift Claws" on the Scorpion

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll if successfull: [roll1]

Godric's Zeal: +1 to attack
Outer Sphere Stance: +1d6 damage to attacks, -2 AC
Inspiration: 3 points remaining

2017-08-24, 04:47 PM
Jasmine's attack completely severs one of the scorpion's claws from the rest of its body, bringing the beast down at long last. Though the half-dragon finds her claws singed by the tremendous heat channeled through her blades from the vermin's body, the immediate temperature becomes slightly more tolerable upon the death of the creature. No sign of the other giant scorpion remains inside the yawning entrance to the cave, which you all notice descends deeper underground before taking a sudden left turn. Apart from the illumination provided from the hellish sky above, there is no other light to be seen down the tunnel.

Layne, looking much more refreshed after Godric's aid throughout the combat, looks to all of you as though to discern your intent. "I can't help feeling a bit like a fly floating closer and closer to the spider's web and its own doom, if we choose to head in that tunnel after the foul creatures. But without that lens, I'm afraid my ability to aid you will be greatly minimized. How many of you will find total darkness to be a hazard?" he inquires.

Retributive damage: [roll0] fire

2017-08-25, 08:54 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
Anton inspects his scorched foreclaws, but decides that the damage is not enough to warrant needing a spell yet. Instead, he turns his head towards the smith at his question. "We are capable of seeing in the darkness, and have no need for light."

2017-08-25, 10:22 AM
Shaneir (Ink) (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1230441)
"I can see in the dark, no problem." Ink agrees, dismissive. In fact, she's already heading down the tunnel. "After what you just saw, you're worried?"

2017-08-25, 10:23 AM
Tezzanep seems uncomfortable with Layne's choice in metaphors, but he doesn't press the issue. "I see fine in the dark, too. Do you think it will be cooler in there?"

2017-08-25, 03:50 PM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
"Darkness ain't a problem here either," Jasmine answered as well as she wiped her blades clean on the bug's carapace. "And we already came all this way anyways - going back now would be straight barmy."

2017-08-25, 07:37 PM
Godric Graves (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=461493)
"We should move onwards then." The man says, greastword gripped in his right hand whilst left itches fiercely at sallow, sweat-slicked skin upon the side of his neck, glancing first to the slashed and torn bodies of the scorpions, and then to his companions, taking a longer look at Ink when his eyes settle there. "I don't know what level of intellect the hounds possess, but the scorpions at least seemed more than just animals. Don't give them time to prepare." With that, he begins forward, to the mouth of the cave where he crouches, tentatively setting foot into the darkened interior. "Silently as you are able. Stay close."

2017-08-27, 10:57 PM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
Jasmine nods, folding her wings tight against her back before stepping into the cave. Keeping her blades close to minimize any reflections, she crept forward as quiet as she could into the darkness.

Stealth roll if we're starting these now: [roll0]

2017-08-28, 03:25 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
The summoner waits for the more stealthy or bold members of the party to pass him by, and falls in towards the back of the group. He folds his wings tight and does his best to keep his tail from dragging over the ground or his scales from rustling, but it's quickly clear that stealth on the ground is not a strong point for him.


2017-08-29, 01:11 PM
Tezzanep creeps into the lead, keeping his body tight against the cave walls, eyes and ears searching for any sign of the scorpion or hounds. He quells his rising nervousness by remembering the powerful allies just behind him.


2017-08-30, 11:29 AM
As your group ventures down into unknown darkness, your eyes take a few moments to adjust to the lack of surface light. You can make out the unmistakable sound of the remaining scorpion clattering along the rock beneath your feet, growing somewhat fainter as it moves further away from your current position. However, listening closely, several of you can make out another noise above the insect's sound: repeated strikes of metal against stone, like hammers or picks. The rhythmic impacts are faint, clearly coming from further down the tunnel, and as you continue to follow the path, you notice the texture of the walls beginning to change, from the weather-worn rough stone near the entrance to a smoother, glass-like surface. It's difficult to tell if these walls were polished manually, but the gradual shift requires you to watch your footing carefully, especially as you reach a sudden downward incline in the tunnel.

At the bottom of the slope, the tunnel appears to open up into a larger room, and flickers of light from within shock your vision back into the colored spectrum. There's not much illumination; a torch or two, perhaps, but nothing more. The echos of mining activity have grown louder, but not loud enough to be originating from the room ahead. Layne, having taken all of this in, looks to Tezzanep and Godric questioningly. "I can't see anything from this angle. That beast could be waiting ahead to get the drop on us...literally! I've seen vermin like it cling to walls and ceilings! Can either of you scout ahead?"

2017-08-30, 01:41 PM
Tezzanep nods silently. Still hugging the wall, he skulks to the end of the tunnel. After pausing a moment to listen for any telltale scorpion sounds, he turns his head to take in the rest of the room (especially its ceiling).

In case they're necessary:
Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1] (Counting -4 Hell Penalty)

2017-09-01, 01:54 PM
Quietly as he is able, Tezzanep returns to the group. "No scorpion," he whispers, "but not empty. I saw a two-headed giant talking to a sort of dwarf with fire for his hair and beard, next to a big throne. I didn't recognize the language. Mind the ceiling, if we enter; the sharp bits on it look ready to fall." He looks to Layne. "Do you know anyone like them?"

2017-09-03, 11:08 AM
Jasmine Koryuu (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1229108)
Jasmine looked to Layne as well at the new information. "Seems your hounds did have masters after all," she commented. "and I second the question. One of your buyers that's turned stag?"

2017-09-06, 01:35 AM
Anton Sicarius (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1225774)
Anton growls quietly to himself, a claw twitching just short of tapping the ground as he thought about the information together with his Eidolon. "From my studies, the dwarf with fire for hair is an Azer, a dwarf-like being from the Plane of Fire. Can you guess what sort of metal he was wearing? They have a rigid caste structure, and it would say much of his importance. Brass would make him a noble, a leader of some type. Bronze would mean he is a merchant, and copper means he is merely a laborer of some form. Either way, we're far from any city, and they aren't known for their joy in living in inhospitable caves."

The summoner turns his attention to Layne, taking a step to the side to effectively box in the man between the three already watching him, waiting for his answers.