View Full Version : Saving the Present in the Past

2017-06-14, 12:34 PM
It was just moments ago you were in the present day world doing what you normally would with the deadly virus spreading quickly and then suddenly with a flash of light you found yourself not only in the past but looking quite different. You had skills you never had before and before you was a large dungeon. You were not sure but somehow you knew the solution to your problems was inside of it and perhaps your only chance of returning home as well.

2017-06-14, 01:36 PM
Dr. Mimicius studies his surroundings, taking a moment to take in what exactly has just happened. As it dawns on him that he no longer can feel his legs and indeed that he has neither legs nor arms, he begins to grow nervous. As his panic conjures a swirl of miss-matched memories to his mind, some of the future he just left behind, and some of the past that has now become hos present, he becomes distinctly aware of a ringing sensation where his ears should have been. In one set of memories he was a human standing in a hospital tending to people who had become infected with an unknown virus who were rapidly deteriorating. In another, he was a mimic standing in a dungeon proudly caring for the residents who would feign death after encountering adventurers. As it finally settles into his consciousness that he is now a mimic, he becomes a bit nervous about what the people around him will do. Despite his nervousness, he decides to sit quietly and patiently wait for someone else to say something, as he doesn't want to draw attention to himself.

2017-06-14, 06:19 PM
Alden was studying the bodies of some of the deceased victims to the disease. It was a situation of hopelessness and yet despite everything, it was the best chance he had to study the cycle of life. It was during that moment that a flash of light blinded him completely. When he could finally perceive his surroundings, he was in a completely unknown place. While he could remember everything before the light, he had flashes of another life, but it was mostly just on capabilities. He could understand how it was done even if this was all new to him.

He turned around and saw only two figures he could recognize. They were the cat like figure and the wolf like creature. The two were a part of the being he could see in those new memories. That is when he noticed he had changed. The clothes and even the body weren't his at least as far as he could tell from his first set of memories. Still, he could feel the path in front of him to the dungeon was the place where he could get answers to the situation. He starts by speaking with his mental link to Gabu, the eidolon. Gabu, can you tell me anything?

Gabu responds with a negative. Gabu mentions to Alden that he cant remember much besides being a creation of his, how he was summoned by him and how the two shared a bond. He could already guess that his other companion was also confused about the situation and probably lacked knowledge itself. He decides to ask the people around for some information. "Does anyone know what is going on?"

2017-06-14, 11:12 PM
~~~~~~Davalia (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1232325)~~~~~~

Before the Light

It has been a normal day for Davalia, thats not to say that it wasn't a difficult one. It seemed that these days they were all very difficult for her, what with the virus spreading faster and further than most could handle. She was busy running through the city trying to escape from the virus as it has started to spread in the part she was in. Already it seemed to be affecting those that had been standing around and not running, the poor things they had no idea what was happening to them. Ducking into an alley Davalia had her gun ready just in-case someone got in her way "There is no way i am letting myself get infected by that damn virus. I gotta keep moving and hopefully find somewhere safe to hole up."

Making her way out of the alley and back onto a road she dared not look back for fear that it would slow down her progress in escaping. Continuing to run as fast as she could she makes good time as she tries to find either safety or the way out of the city. Several people stop to look as her as she is pushing her self to keep going despite the burning in both her lungs and legs. It felt like her body could give out at any moment but still she kept pushing herself hoping that she could escape the horror that she had seen. She could see it now, the way out of town, it seemed that the gates were boarded up possibly to contain what lay withing the city. What they hadn't expected though was for someone to notice that if they got on top of the buildings that they would be able to leap up to the edge of the wall and possibly escape from the city. She still wasn't sure why she hadn't been infected yet but she wasn't going to wait around and find out if she could be. Climbing onto one of the buildings near the wall she readies herself and makes the leap to try and grab the top. Her fingers barely caught the lip of the wall and it took almost all of her strength to pull herself up.

Having made it onto the wall she took a moment to look at the city that was behind her. She watched for a few moments and even though she was not very religious she said a quick pray for those whom would not be able to escape the death that was taking over the city. Turning away from the city she proceeded to the opposite side of the wall and took a look at what was happening on the other side. It was disheartening to say the least, it seemed that some faction was to play for having barricaded the gate and it also appeared that they were waiting and letting the virus run its course through the city. Davalia's anger rose, how could they just sit there and watch as people within the city were dying by the thousands. Looking out over the wall Davalia spots someone point up at her, squinting her eyes to try and make out whom they might be contacting she is surprised to see an elf walk out of a tent. The man looks up at her on the wall and pulls out a wand, Davalia's eyes go wide as she has a bad feeling about what is going to happen in a moment. The man points the wand at her, a bright light erupts all around her consuming her entire body, the last thing to go through her mind in this world "Blasted Elfs, Why couldn't they have just helped everyone." Screaming in both fear and anger Davalia's mind suddenly goes silent as she finds herself looking up at the sky.

After the Light

The light having faded Davalia finds herself staring up at the sky. Looking around her she is perplexed both as to how she got to where she was and at the fact that there were a bunch of others standing around with a similarly confused look on their faces. Dropping to her knees she sobs softly both at the relief of not having died to the virus and what appears to be another chance at life. With Tears clouding her vision she looks down at her hand and gasps at the fact that the back of her hand and most of her forearms are now covered in feathers. While it was odd she could help but admire them, they were such a pretty shade of blue with some of the feathers having a slight green tint to them. Running her hands through her hair she is surprised to find that while she still had hair there appeared to be feathers growing in with the hair. She wondered to herself how this could have happened, what sort of magic had been invoked to have not only caused to her be teleported to another location but also to have changed her body so drastically. Slowing down her thought process it suddenly occurs to her, she was a Plumekith, her great-great-grandmother had been a Plumekith or at least thats what she had been told. She had never met the woman as she had died decades before Davalia's birth. Looking over the rest of her body she is pleased to see that she kept the golden like tan that she had previously had, she was also pleased to see that she was wearing armor and had weapons on her person that she was familiar with.

Having calmed down somewhat, She stands up and begins to take stock in her surroundings. Taking her time as she looks at the others that were standing around, she was really surprised to see some of the races before her. A Halfling, Kitsune, an Elf along with what appeared to be a Cat like creature and another creature that resembled a Wolf. Looking around a bit more she finally notices the entrance to what appears to be a dungeon of some sort, having no idea what might be down there she isn't immediately inclined to head towards it and decides that it might be best to figure out what was going on at the moment. Still though for some reason she felt that she would still have to go into the dungeon and face whatever horrors might be down there.

Figuring that it was an Elf that had brought her here she decides that the one standing here now might have some answers. Walking up to the Elf with her gun still drawn, with slight venom in her words she addresses the Elf "Excuse me but do you have any idea what is going on here? Last thing that i remember is trying to escape from a city that was being destroyed by a virus. When i thought i was going to finally escape some damned Elf casts a spell at me and next thing i know i am here surrounded by a bunch of creatures and races that i didn't even know existed."

Some different checks I want to make.

Perception [roll0]
Spellcraft (to determine how we got here) [roll1]
Knowledge Arcana (if the spellcraft wouldn't apply) [roll2]
And lastly
Knowledge Planes (to determine what the Cat and Wolf like creatures are)[roll3]

2017-06-16, 04:32 AM
He had been making his way the best that he could as the world fell apart. The disease sweeping across the continents, wiping out his species made him a pariah. He had remained uninfected himself, but was still an outcast, the others too afraid that he might carry the disease into their own communities and spread the epidemic beyond humanity. A few had even tried to kill him, and only quick running and luck on his part had kept him among the living.

When the light came, he had been huddled in his coat under the thickly leafed branches of a tree just outside town, shivering as the cold drops of rain wormed their way through the leaves to drip on him. He had to wait patiently for night to fall so he could go scavenging. As the light blinded him, he wondered if he had been struck by lightning.

When the light cleared, he was standing elsewhere, surrounded by others, all standing before the entrance into some sort of complex. His balance was different, and when he spoke...

"What the.. What the hell?!" she said, wildly staring at her arms and looking down, then around at the others. "Where the hell am I? Why am I a woman?"

She staggered and sat down unexpectedly on a nearby chest, oddly out of place in the otherwise featureless room they had appeared in. That's when another woman stalked up to her, holding a gun not quite pointed at her, but obviously ready to use.

"Keep that thing pointed away from me, I've had enough of guns recently. The last I remember, I was outside a small town in the rain... and male." She runs a hand through her hair, and her eyes narrow as her wrist rubs across a long, pointed ear. "...and human."

She closes her eyes and starts taking long, deep breaths, trying to keep calm and avoid giving into panic at the sudden changes to her situation.

2017-06-16, 11:45 AM
Alden joins into the conversation after hearing the last two speak up. He imagines that there must be a connection between their experiences. "I was somebody else just some moments ago. So, are we all experiencing the same thing?" He decides to point out to the rest.

2017-06-17, 08:58 PM
Lem cricked his neck, blinking the sleep from his eyes as he awoke, his head aching. He patted himself down, checking himself to make sure he hadn't been robbed while he was unconscious, only for his eyes to widen in surprise. "Ruddy hell, did someone cast bull's strength on me or something?" He ran his tongue behind his teeth, only to double up in pain, clutching his head as knowledge of five new languages flooded his brain, gasping as he remembered ways of inspiring fear in others that he'd never known in the first place. He blinked twice more, then looked at his surroundings. As usual after a night of heavy drinking, they were completely unfamiliar- but the air felt wrong. In fact, practically everything felt wrong and out of place, reminding him of when he was a child but with an unpleasant tang covering it all.

He took in a deep breath from his nose, then spoke to his seeming companions. "Anyone else feeling like they could eat a tarrasque? Also no, I'm still me, just somehow even better- though I'd scant believed it possible."

I'd like to take a closer look at the entrance to the dungeon- a description at least, but also any important details, and if there's a lock or something. (Perception: [roll0])

2017-06-18, 05:01 PM
As you all regain your senses a glowing orb of light appears. From it a voice speaks. "Welcome, adventurers. Perhaps you remember this life, perhaps you remember another, but you are all here for a very important reason. A dark curse will be unleashed unless someone stops it from being cast. You were all chosen due to your bloodlines which have manifested fully here. Once you have completed your mission, you will not only save the future and humans in general but you will get a chance to return or if you prefer what you are now, you may stay here as well. Good luck to all of you." And with those words, the orb fades away. The dungeon door is not locked by any means though you can hear some muffled voices inside in a language you might not understand.

2017-06-18, 08:38 PM
Alden decides he should at least check out that everything is safe to advance. For doing this, he decides to try casting one spell that could prove useful on the current situation. He chants a few magic words while making the appropriate movement.

Casting detect magic
If I detect anything:
Knowledge Arcana: [roll0]

2017-06-18, 11:25 PM
Lem bit his lip, running his fingers along the door, his face close to the gap as he tries to listen a little closer to the muffled voices.

Can I try another perception check? If so, here's the roll:
If not, eh.

2017-06-19, 02:53 AM
What language is it in? My character is fully fluent in 8 languages, so it's probably easier to state the language and then see if anyone says 'Hey, I speak that!'

Tessara gets off the chest and finds her hands moving automatically, stringing a longbow and holding it ready as she measures her distance to the door. "I don't know why, but I get the feeling that my name here is Tessara... or just call me Tess, if you need to tell me something is right behind me."

2017-06-19, 04:41 PM
Dr. Mimicius, realizing noone else was as they thought they'd be either, decides to join the conversation. "Wait, my new friends, allow me to introduce myself.. I am Dr. Mimicius the Third. I was a doctor before I found myself here, and now believe I am a mimic, but you need not fear me for I will not harm you. I feel that I am quite sturdy and would prefer to move in advance of our party so as to protect you all from harm." Having introduced himself at last, he proceeds to add everyone to his collective. ~We can now communicate telepathically! I hope that it helps!~ Lastly, Dr. Mimicius manifests Share Pain between himself and his psicrystal which appears to be occupying the empty space that a keyhole would otherwise be on the chest he appears as.

Current form: Medium sized Chest- typical shape for a mimic. Psicrystal sits in the keyhole slot.
Share Pain: PP expended: 3, duration: 5 hours.
Collective: 4/6 +self with 2 open slots remaining.

2017-06-20, 04:49 PM
Alden agrees with the assessment about introducing one another from Mimicius. At the very least, it could help with communication. He decided to follow the initiative and introduce himself to the rest. "I am Alden and the two creatures accompanying me are named Gabu and Nero."

2017-06-20, 11:15 PM
~The name's Lem, and while I'm happy to respect your meat-shield abilities, Doctor Mim, you'd be better leaving the scouting and all that to me. I'm one hell of a sneaky bastard, and I'm not bad as in a fight, either.~

2017-06-21, 04:41 PM
The language is Necril. Nothing special happens outside casting detect magic. Other than the gate to the dungeon, nothing stands out on a perception check. No signs of danger, no traps that anyone can find.

There is a blowing wind and rain is starting to fall. The gate is all that is between you and the dungeon. The voices grow quieter. You can hear the noises of the creatures in the surrounding area also quieting down as the storm starts to strengthen. In the distance you can see a flash of lightning and a little while later a clap of thunder follows.

2017-06-22, 11:40 AM
Seeing the climate change suddenly for the worst combined with the voices getting weaker worried Alden. There was the voice they heard just a few moments from arriving. Could they be running on time to fulfill the objective? Still, there was nowhere else to go and facing the storm didn't look like the best idea. "Since we need to get moving considering the circumstances, I would like to make a suggestion on our formation. Mr. Lem, since you want to scout, why don't you go in front of us and search for traps. Doctor Mim, why don't you go second and this way, Mr Lem can fall back on you if he needs assistance. Gabu can walk at the end of our formation in case we get attacked from behind since he has the best senses to notice if something decides to sneak from behind. Nero and I can go in front of Gabu. Tess, why don't you go in front of me and you, miss..." Alden points to Davalia can go in the middle. "you can help from the middle of our formation. What does everyone think?"

Just in case, the way I explained the formation sounds confusing. It is basically like this.
<---Lem---Doc Mimicius---Davalia---Tessara---Alden+Nero---Gabu----<

2017-06-22, 08:10 PM
~~~~~~Davalia (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1232325)~~~~~~

Davalia was annoyed and confused, the ball of light saying that they were supposed to stop some sort of magic from being cast was the annoying part. She was confused though because it suggested that she might want to go back to that hell hole of a city that she had just been in, why anyone would choose that she had no idea.

Looking around as the others checked out the entrance to the dungeon she is surprised when the chest that had just been sitting there all the sudden started talking and moving about. Suddenly hearing a voice in her head also startled her a bit. She had heard of psionics before, people who could speak and control things with just their minds but she never thought that she would meet someone with the power. Let alone a Mimic of all things.

Looking over at Alden as he suggests how they should proceed Davalia nods her head in agreement. "That formation sounds good to me, I have decent range but being able to be in the middle will reduce the risk that i may hit someone as i shoot. If you would give me a second though before we head inside, I would like to prepare a few shots so that they can hit harder if they end up being needed."
Taking a second Davalia pulls out 3 vials of some sort of liquid and carefully pours them onto 3 paper cartridges ensuring that the liquid stays on the bullets and doesn't get all over the place. Putting the empty vials away she pulls a stone out of her pocket and tosses it up into the air where it begins to float around her head emitting light. Deciding to test out the telepathic link "If you can hear me then i am ready to begin."

Putting Dhak's Fire on 3 alchemical paper cartridges
Ioun Torch is floating around my head shedding light as a torch would

2017-06-24, 07:34 PM
Lem cracks open the gate wide enough for himself to pass through, then starts making his way inside, being as stealthy as his years of experience have made him.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1] Watching out for traps etc.
oh god nat 1 on perception DX