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View Full Version : What System Would Be Good For A Megaman Game?

2017-06-14, 01:56 PM
See title. I'm on a bit of a Megaman kick, and, well, TTRPGs are fun.

2017-06-14, 02:00 PM
What aspects of Megaman are you going for?

Do you want that kind of world? Raging robots fighting against lone (or small group of) good robots?

Do you want that type of character? Sentient robots in any sort of world which can absorb each-others' powers?

Something else entirely?

You probably shouldn't try to just export Megaman wholesale into a TTRPG, but there are certainly aspects of it which could fit quite well.

2017-06-15, 11:56 AM
Mutants and Masterminds is always a good choice for games where the players have strong-but-widely-varying powers.

2017-06-15, 12:00 PM
Mutants and Masterminds is always a good choice for games where the players have strong-but-widely-varying powers.

I second this system.

For MegaMan (or the PCs) absorbing the powers of main antagonists that they defeat, this could be played as gaining a set amount of points you can allocate to a new skill that is akin to that of the robot just defeated. Mutants & Masterminds actually captures this aspect really well, I think, since you can keep the Power Level static (so unlikely to get overpowered abilities as long as you don't let the players break the game) while giving increases in the variety of powers available via more points.

2017-06-15, 12:05 PM
Mutants and Masterminds is always a good choice for games where the players have strong-but-widely-varying powers.

When I first saw the thread title, this is exactly what popped into my head. I'm running a d20 Mutants and Masterminds game now, and I like the variety it provides. If not Mutants and Masterminds, then some flexible super-powers system would be appropriate for the wide variety of Robot Master abilities.

The way I've pictured a Megaman tabletop RP to go, it would involve a 'next gen' of protectors based on Megaman's mechanics. Each one would have a different weapon that the Robot Masters would empower - sword, blaster, shield, etc. Of course, the reason they were able to study Megaman's internals is because he got destroyed...