View Full Version : So should I see Wonder Woman?

2017-06-14, 04:18 PM
The only DC-verse movie I've seen is Man of Steel, and it took itself way too seriously and didn't get the appeal of Superman. Batman vs. Superman had the general appearance of being made by an edgy 13-year old, and nothing I've heard about has made me want to watch it. And I think Batman being able to stand up to Superman is an inherently stupid idea. And Suicide Squad... just... gh... Joker... Harley... :yuk:

But now WW is finally available in 2D in my town tomorrow. I was reluctant to get my hopes up for that one, given DC's general performance so far, and I feel Gal Gadot is too short and skinny for the role. But the scores are pretty impressive. Is it an improvement on what's come before?

2017-06-14, 04:22 PM
It was fine. Best of the DC films. Still not as good as any of the Marvel movies.

Red Fel
2017-06-14, 04:36 PM
The only DC-verse movie I've seen is Man of Steel, and it took itself way too seriously and didn't get the appeal of Superman. Batman vs. Superman had the general appearance of being made by an edgy 13-year old, and nothing I've heard about has made me want to watch it. And I think Batman being able to stand up to Superman is an inherently stupid idea. And Suicide Squad... just... gh... Joker... Harley... :yuk:

But now WW is finally available in 2D in my town tomorrow. I was reluctant to get my hopes up for that one, given DC's general performance so far, and I feel Gal Gadot is too short and skinny for the role. But the scores are pretty impressive. Is it an improvement on what's come before?

It is an improvement. A significant one.

While I will agree that Gadot is not a towering muscle-bound figure (which is what I expect when I think of an Amazon), she also isn't some waifish little thing (which is what the comics frequently give me, and isn't what I want to see). She manages to fill the role nicely, I think, and captures some really wonderful (no pun intended) little moments with the character.

There are a few minor plot holes, which is to be expected in a movie about gods and superheroes and what-not. The film has its flaws, particularly a tonal shift at a certain point (to go further risks spoilers), but the story is reasonably strong, the characters are engaging. Gadot and Pine are good. The action sequences are solid. Themiscyra is gorgeous, for the portion of the movie spent there.

It's a solidly good movie. It's not amazing. It's not Iron Man (the first) or Guardians of the Galaxy (the first), but it's also not Batman v Superman or Suicide Squad. It's good. I wouldn't go so far as to say it will singlehandedly save the DC cinematic universe, but it shows that they can make a movie that isn't total crap. It also shows that you can have a successful superhero movie with a female lead, which will hopefully open doors to other good movies with other fun characters. (Sorry, Halle Berry, but we all know that Catwoman was crap.) I'd call it a generally positive experience overall, and hopefully DC will learn the right lessons from it.

2017-06-14, 04:39 PM
It was very strong. I'd say it's quite a bit better than the low-end Marvel movies like Ant-Man or any of the Thors, and is better than most of what Fox has put out too, but no, it's not up to the level of Iron Man, or Logan.

Generally, though, yeah, I would recommend it.

2017-06-16, 07:11 AM
Is it an improvement on what's come before?

I'm not really into comic books or their associated films (I... don't actually know which are Marvel and which DC), so I can't really address this point specifically, but what I can say is that I've seen Wonder Woman with the eyes of someone who isn't invested in the wider mythos.

Overall, I'd recommend it. There are definitely flaws, some of them quite serious, but it was enjoyable enough for me. I felt Gadot sold the role well enough, and the fact that she wasn't as towering and muscle-bound as some of the other amazons helped to emphasise her superhuman nature.

2017-06-16, 07:29 AM
Yes. It's worth a watch, which is already more than you can say about any other movie DC churned out recently.

Even without that context it's pretty good. Not flawless either but your time and money shouldn't be wasted.

2017-06-16, 07:33 AM
The only DC-verse movie I've seen is Man of Steel, and it took itself way too seriously and didn't get the appeal of Superman. Batman vs. Superman had the general appearance of being made by an edgy 13-year old, and nothing I've heard about has made me want to watch it. And I think Batman being able to stand up to Superman is an inherently stupid idea. And Suicide Squad... just... gh... Joker... Harley... :yuk:

But now WW is finally available in 2D in my town tomorrow. I was reluctant to get my hopes up for that one, given DC's general performance so far, and I feel Gal Gadot is too short and skinny for the role. But the scores are pretty impressive. Is it an improvement on what's come before?

I've similarly avoided Man of Steel, BvS and Suicide squad, but I saw this on the basis of better reviews. It's a decent superhero origin movie, if that's what you feel like going to see. I'd put it almost on a par with Batman Begins, slightly below Iron Man 1, slightly above Thor 1 and above Cap America 1, but ymmv. And it avoids the recent DC pitfall of excessive grimdark (despite being largely set in one of history's grimmest conflicts). Plays pretty fast and loose with the original comics, never mind greek myth or real world history, but there are worse sins.

2017-06-16, 07:35 AM
It was fine. Best of the DC films. Still not as good as any of the Marvel movies.

Personally, I'd place it above Thor and Thor 2. But below just about everything else.

It's a flawed movie. But I still enjoyed it. I wouldn't say "you have to watch this it's great!" But nor would I try to dissuade anyone if they feel like going.

Lacuna Caster
2017-06-16, 07:38 AM
But now WW is finally available in 2D in my town tomorrow. I was reluctant to get my hopes up for that one, given DC's general performance so far, and I feel Gal Gadot is too short and skinny for the role. But the scores are pretty impressive. Is it an improvement on what's come before?
There's already an 8 page thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?526235-Wonder-Woman) on this very topic.

2017-06-16, 07:56 AM
That thread is spoilerific! Lol

I'd say go see it. I don't particularly care for it, and while I'd agree it's the best DC movie yet, it's not great.

But if you're problem is that the others are too dark and take themselves too seriously, I don't think you'll have those issues with Wonder Woman. So if you're interested, go check it out.

2017-06-16, 08:56 AM
I'd agree it's the best DC movie yet, it's not great. .

Redbox it is then.

2017-06-16, 11:15 AM
I compare Wonder Woman to the other huge super hero flick this year, Guardians of the Galaxy 2.

I don't think either movie works as a great, well scripted, and smart action movie.

I think both movies work tremendously well as humorous and not overly serious pieces with likable characters that clearly have onscreen chemistry with one another.

If you want a fun movie with characters that you can cheer for, then I believe Wonder Woman is for you.

2017-06-16, 09:18 PM
That thread is spoilerific! Lol
Exactly. And that's why I haven't merged this thread into that one. Someone seeking non-spoiler advice on whether to watch a movie would hardly be well served by a thread chock full of spoilers.

I've seen it, and liked it. It's a good, but not exceptional, movie. The story is nothing new, and it's a fairly straightforward by-the-numbers plot, but it is executed well and manages to produce a quite hopeful positive message despite being set in World War 1 and not shying from the brutality and death toll of that war.

I expect most people, of those interested in superhero movies in the first place, would enjoy it and not regret the time and money spent on watching it. So yes, since you're asking the question I'd say you should watch it.

2017-06-17, 08:18 AM
Following the upper comments I have already decided to watch it.

Doing a bit threadnapping: those of you that saw it in 3d: Was it worth it (no, I do not intend to start another "is 3D actually ever worth it" debate) in your opinion?
Usually I like well done 3d well enough to pay the extra 3 bucks, but really really hate "alibi 3d" and "Headache 3d for 3ds sake" 3d.

2017-06-18, 09:41 PM
Following the upper comments I have already decided to watch it.

Doing a bit threadnapping: those of you that saw it in 3d: Was it worth it (no, I do not intend to start another "is 3D actually ever worth it" debate) in your opinion?
Usually I like well done 3d well enough to pay the extra 3 bucks, but really really hate "alibi 3d" and "Headache 3d for 3ds sake" 3d.

I happened to see it in 3D (was the showing closest to the time I happened to arrive at the theatre) and I didn't notice anything special. I tend to be kind of jaded about 3D in general though, so your mileage may vary.

Outside of a couple of slow-motion shots that were obviously designed to look good in 3D, I don't remember noticing the 3D in particular.

2017-06-19, 11:57 AM

2017-06-19, 01:05 PM
Following the upper comments I have already decided to watch it.

Then drop by in the other thread and tell us what you think :)

2017-06-19, 04:18 PM
(I... don't actually know which are Marvel and which DC)

The big logos before the movie usually are a tip-off, they are really bad at being subtle about it...

It also shows that you can have a successful superhero movie with a female lead, which will hopefully open doors to other good movies with other fun characters.

Captain Marvel can't come soon enough in my opinion. I won't lie, a big part of my wanting Wonder Woman to succeed when DC kind of dropped the ball on all their other stuff is because I knew if it bombed people would immediately try to pin the blame on it having a female lead which in turn would probably go on to influence the success for the Captain Marvel movie in ways regardless how good or bad it ends up being.. :smallsigh:
That being said, as about as much of a non-fan for DC as one can get I still really enjoyed Wonder Woman. While I wouldn't be quick to hail it as one of the greatest super-hero movies of recent years there also wasn't much really bad going for it ether (which sounds like a criticism but I mean it as a compliment, especially when put up next to all the other DC movies so far). It also works rather well specifically if you aren't all that fond of DC because it is about as self-contained as it can get (beyond references to Wayne Enterprises at the beginning), I mean given it take place largely several decades before any of the other movies.
Long story short, I would recommend it.

2017-06-20, 03:38 AM
Coming from a Marvel diehard, I liked Wonder Woman. It's actually quite refreshing to have a hero with some more emotion to them. At least, that's how I perceived Diana.

2017-06-20, 03:48 AM
My perspective is a bit odd (I actively dislike superhero comics), but I really liked it and would recommend seeing it. It's a big dumb action movie, but it's a big dumb action movie done right, and there are at least a few ways in which more complex themes shine through and it's not just a big dumb action movie. I'd also say it's among the better entries including the Marvel movies I've seen, although that's far from a comprehensive list.

2017-06-22, 03:40 AM
The big logos before the movie usually are a tip-off, they are really bad at being subtle about it...

People actually pay attention to those? I genuinely couldn't tell you who'd made a film while its logos were still playing. :smalltongue:

2017-06-22, 07:01 AM
Personally, I think that Wonder Woman is a great movie, that is totally worth seeing. It's not the worlds greatest movie, but isn't not awful either. It's for good characters, plot and actors, and it feels generally quite satisfying to watch. If you like action movies or just superhero movie in general, then it's a pretty good choice.
Honestly it's worth seeing just for the fact that you can talk to other people about it

Aotrs Commander
2017-06-23, 11:17 AM
Having just got back from seeing it...

I was not even remotely interested in any of the previous recent DC movies.

This, though? I really enjoyed it. Yeah, it had a bit more of a serious tone than the Marvel ones, but it was also "more serious" and not "being too serious."

So, yeah, I'd also definitely say it's worth a watch.

2017-06-23, 02:07 PM
It's good. If you like comic book movies, go see it. If not, get it on the cheap from Redbox, or Netflix, or whatever.