View Full Version : Sneaky Wu Jen mystic Diminution vs Nomadic Chameleon

2017-06-14, 11:22 PM
I am building a lvl 4 Feral Winged Tiefling who is an ex bandit leader ish character using the wu jen school. The back story is of little importance as he is sneaky in all things. Both Disciplines give Stealth advantage when your focused on them. The disciplines I have so far are Mastery of Force/Wood and Earth and Nomadic arrow. The reason for Earth/Wood is because he used to be a woodland Bandit King and that is reflected via the wall of wood (the other things in it are also super fun looking :P).

Both are remarkably useful in their own way. Diminution gives me a raw +5/+10 stealth bonus at will for 10 minutes. Camo gives ways to enter stealth from where ever you please. I just can't decide which one to pick and would like Y'alls opinion on the subject.

Thank You

2017-06-15, 03:09 AM
I'll vote for Diminution. Size changing feels more Wu Jen, and it'll be a nice surprise when the disappearing forest bandit turns out to be shrinking to small forest critter, and smaller, sizes instead of using invisibility or camouflage. Call yourself The Termite or something.

2017-06-15, 08:09 AM
Yea. In my head Camo is handy if the only thing you wanted to do was to hide from pursers in broad daylight or from enemies during battle. Diminution is handy in the fact that it simulates that, but with the added handiness of fitting through 6 inch holes :P