View Full Version : Planning on making a slightly homely character...

2017-06-15, 04:05 PM
So has anybody noticed that many women adventurers tend to be rather slim and never stout (unless they are a dwarf or something) and are rather pretty? I want to make a character who does not quite reach that.

So uh, here is how I want to build her... I planned on making her a Paladin who is rather stout and not necessarily as pretty as most adventurers. When I seen a few games of D&D, most female adventurers are described as rather slim if a spellcaster or something or rather toned if they are a martial class, this character is rather stout and wasn't quite gifted with these. She'd be rather competent, and very good at her job though, she's just different is all.

I planned on her being a Human or Dwarf, either one would do fine, but that free feat is nice to have, while being something like a Mountain Dwarf does not give too much that I already have. She is supposively looking for some guy who she was told that she is engaged with, and even picked up sword fighting cause of this unknown man (might need to work with the DM on this), but is rather outgoing and does not let her looks dissuade her from seeking him.

I'm having a hard time imagining her stats and the like, as well as how to roleplaying that girl who is looking for this mystery man that she was engaged to. Could somebody help a pal out?

2017-06-15, 04:22 PM
I'd suggest just make a paladin, including high charisma and describer her physically how you envision her. Charisma isn't just how you look, it's your emotional intelligence. You're ability to engage and inspire. The old AD&D DMs guide pointed out how Hitler was a bit of an ugly little troll, but undoubtedly had a high charisma.

The main reason most characters are described as being physically attractive is D&D is to an extent wish fulfillment and most people would like to be strong, fit and beautiful.

2017-06-15, 06:17 PM
Brienne of Tarth, with a healthy self esteem. :smallamused:

2017-06-15, 06:50 PM
Brienne of Tarth, with a healthy self esteem. :smallamused:

Before I read that she was thinking paladin I was thinking Pam from Archer would be a great character to model off of. Over weight, low impulse control, strong and tough as hell and some how still likeable.

2017-06-15, 06:52 PM
You'll find that charming and competent people have the ability to change what people think of as attractive. While your character may start homely, they may not end up being received that way depending on how you play them and how the DM looks at the world. So the question is, what is it about her that creates a focus on her appearance? Is she obviously self conscious about it exposing a raw nerve for everyone to pluck at to get under her skin? Is she disfigured in such a way that she reminds others of their own mortality? Does she appear sick or malnourished? Does she have self destructive habits that leave tell tale markings (other than adventuring of course)? If she's merely plain her competence will easily outshine her appearance. And if her competence isn't enough, a DC 12 disguise kit check should do the trick.

If you've made her ill in some fashion, then drop her con down a bit. If you've made her self conscious, drop her wisdom down a bit and don't give her proficiency in insight. If she's disfigured don't worry about it.

The self conscious version is the only one that requires special role playing.
For the most part, I recommend wearing your armor, including helmet, more often than is socially acceptable in order to hide your appearance as much as possible. Avoid purchasing and using attractive things believing that you aren't worth the effort. Ignore compliments or treat them as sarcasm regardless of their real intent. Blame social failures on your appearance rather than taking responsibility for social missteps.

2017-06-15, 07:35 PM
My mind does terrible things. The suggestions of upping CHA for the less-attractive girl translated instantly into "But she's got a great personality!"

Looking to a similar environment, professional wrestling... Most of the girls are super models, fitness models, so on, but sometimes you'll get women who are bigger and stronger. Lots of times they'll play the heel, holding the other girls in disdain and being overly touchy or aggressive because they feel they've had a harder go of it than the pretty girls. There's lots of fun in being offensive because you're so defensive.

2017-06-15, 08:30 PM
Well, appearance wise, she is rather plain. And er, hefty. Most other Paladin's she knew probably had great features and looked down on her. But this would really just make her a favorite of the order...

I might just make her wisdom average. I do need it just high enough just so I can have an excuse when I fail to spot a bunch of goblins or bugbears or those fricking intellect devourers.

I did plan on her taking the Oath of Devotion, but a god or goddess she serves has yet to be brought up. I thought it'd be some sort of great roleplaying to serve a Goddess of beauty, knowing that even if she is not the same as others, she still knows she is beautiful in the eyes of the goddess.

The character I am basing her off of is not really even some sort of righteous knight or anything. Just some farm girl who takes after her father as a soldier. This one to be percise. (http://fireemblem.wikia.com/wiki/Meg)

I thought about the Folk Hero background, considering she is of common birth, and honestly took up adventuring for a greater cause while seeking this man she was hooked up with. This could get complicated, as she is still bonded to an oath, which probably will get brought up sooner or later while adventuring.

So what do you think?

2017-06-15, 10:39 PM
WHo you are and force of personality.
Conviction and showing your backbone. (That's why Intimidate is a Charisma ability, along with persuation).
Looks don't have to enter into it.
What you believe in, and your values your father taught you: that is your anchor in the stormy sea of the world you are afloat in.
Be true to your self. Don't be a phony. People eventually smell out phonies. They tend to respect those who are consistent, firm, and true to who they are.

2017-06-15, 10:54 PM
WHo you are and force of personality.
Conviction and showing your backbone. (That's why Intimidate is a Charisma ability, along with persuation).
Looks don't have to enter into it.
What you believe in, and your values your father taught you: that is your anchor in the stormy sea of the world you are afloat in.
Be true to your self. Don't be a phony. People eventually smell out phonies. They tend to respect those who are consistent, firm, and true to who they are.

I will be sure to keep this in mind.