View Full Version : 1000 blank cards

2017-06-15, 10:27 PM
I have these boxes of incense that we got in bulk for super low prices. On these boxes are some really neat Hindu religious figures and characters from Indian folk history. I want to cut them out and use them as some sort of card game. But I just can't get the dynamics correct. So, let's play 1000 blank cards.

1000 blank cards is a game where everyone is handed a stack of index cards and told to write a different game rule on each. They are then shuffled together and then players try to "play the game." A favorite card at the end of the session is kept and the others are discarded. That card stays and becomes the starter card for the next game.

So let's play a few rounds and sessions of this.

In front of each player is an incense box card cutout. That cutout is the player's "Champion." Defeating the champion is one way of winning the game.

So, let's design the game from here.

Lvl 2 Expert
2017-06-16, 01:28 AM
So we will in a champion now?

Sentient space ship

Faster than light

Shoots to kill