View Full Version : My Friends Give Me Strength!!!

2017-06-16, 08:17 PM
Hello all!

I have randomly decided to make a character who strengthens his allies by proximity and is strengthened by the presence of allies nearby. Problem is, I can't think of any abilities that strengthen you when you have allies nearby. Thus, I invoke the infinite knowledge of the playground to find any and all abilities that give you a boost/bonus/advantage of any kind for having friends close by!!

PS: I apologise for the repetitive, monotonous OP...

2017-06-17, 01:31 AM
Hello all!

I have randomly decided to make a character who strengthens his allies by proximity and is strengthened by the presence of allies nearby. Problem is, I can't think of any abilities that strengthen you when you have allies nearby. Thus, I invoke the infinite knowledge of the playground to find any and all abilities that give you a boost/bonus/advantage of any kind for having friends close by!!

PS: I apologise for the repetitive, monotonous OP...

The spell Linked Perception from the PHBII was the first thing to come to my mind.

2017-06-17, 02:21 AM
Only thing what would come into my mind is a Meatshield build. I'll quote myself from my own Meatshield build (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?517187-4-quot-Driving-Attack-quot-Builds-(incl-minor-Berserk-Manga-*re-fluff*))(3rd build):

Iron Guard's Glare stance (-4 to hit your teammates next to you) and your negativ AC (Shock Trooper) invites the enemies to attack you. But if they do, they pay for it immediately due to Karmic Strike (+ Combat Reflexes). Shield Block can give for a single attack an teammate another +4AC to annoy your enemies/DM. Defensive Rebuke (+ Whirlwind) even lets all affected enemies provoke AoO (from you) each time they attack anyone but you for the next round.

Play dirty mind games with your DM. Whatever he targets, he will pay for it. One way or the other. You can tailor yourself a build around that combo (maybe add some crusader & go for Idiot Crusader build to have Defensive Rebuke + Whirlwind rdy every round?) or copy paste my build if you should like it.

2017-06-17, 08:29 AM
Another thing that did come into my mind are 2 stances:

Aura of Triumph: You and allies in 10ft range heal 4hp every time either one hits a "evil" target.

or if you are evil yourself^^:

Aura of Tyranny: at end of your turn, deal 2 dmg to each willing ally and heal 1hp for each.

you could work one of the stances into a build with the things I already mentioned.

2017-06-17, 08:28 PM
Well, there are a couple of flanking feats and abilities. Bardic Music effects are an obvious one, as are Marshal auras, but it doesn't sound like that's what you're looking for. The Formation Expert feat from PHB2 gives some minor bonuses if you're adjacent to an ally. Shieldmate and Improved Shieldmate from Miniatures Handbook give some AC to adjacent allies.

Otherwise, I think there are a couple of monsters that gain bonuses when there are more than one of them nearby. Legion Devils from Fiendish Codex 2 - it's possible you and an ally could both somehow get that ability.

2017-06-18, 07:19 AM
Draconic Aura feats are fun sensing and energy. the only thing I can think of like what you said is the vampire master bonus to turn resist