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2017-06-17, 08:18 AM
It is an early summer evening on the Frontier province, and, along with most of the Town of West Lake, you are knoll just north of town overlooking West Lake awaiting the promised fireworks for the Warden and Baron's son's Name Day Celebration. The best pryo-illusionist in the land, Dolfgand the Singed, has been summoned from the East, and now is out on Mushroom Turtle Isle in the middle of the lake warming up for the evening's show.

Vendor tables baring toasted nuts and other treats are set at the bottom of the hill and the crowd is in a festive mood as the sun sets. The festivities are about to begin.

A few minstrels entertain the crowd as the sky grows dark. Logs are piled for the planed bond fire and dance for after the fireworks. The Baron is on hand and will probably make some speech, but the name day boy and is probably back home with his mother.

Hmmm... is that roast turkey legs you smell?

2017-06-17, 09:01 AM
Durr was standing behind the crowd. He is tall enough to see all the fireworks at that position, and not everyone likes to be standing near a half-orc anyways. That position gives everyone least trouble, or at least so Durr thought.

When Durr smells something resembling roast turkey leg, he rumbles quietly, "I wonder what this smell is and where it comes from. Maybe Starry knows the answer." Durr then tries to feel Starry's reaction to this smell, empathically.

(Starry is the name of his familiar fox.)

2017-06-17, 10:50 AM
Clarity Dhohal Clemens, the White Hawk

Clarity stretches her arms and legs. The trek here was long and tiresome, and all of her limbs are sore. It's been a while since her adoptive father, Aelro, had disappeared, and she has become a knight errant to do good deeds in the name of Shelyn in the time being. Still, the loss of the aging elf, a long retired paladin himself, still bothers her to do this. Clarity contemplates the reasoning for her choice in career. Was she still looking for him, or just merely emulating him to try and deduce the reason for his absence?

Clarity shakes her. Perish the thought! Her mission was the work of good. She had more important things to worry about.

"Is that a fresh meal I smell?" Clarity asks. She had been subsisting on trail rations for days. Some real food would do her some good.

2017-06-17, 11:12 AM
Kalis didn't give a damn about the nameday party, but he was curious to see if Dolfgand the pyro-illusionist was all he was cracked up to be. The name implied he added a touch of the Power to heighten the effect, but then again, why would a talented mage spend his time entertaining children and yokels? He pondered all this while he made a beeline towards the food table. If nothing else, it was a good chance to get a decent meal on the road. Most country taverns had far too high an opinion of their own cooking, he'd found so far.

2017-06-17, 11:56 AM

Despite the heavenly smell, Mirabelle - she insisted on Mira to most everyone but her parents - stayed put. She'd already filled her stomach with all kinds of tasty treats, and didn't want to give up her carefully-chosen spot. So she sat staring out over the lake, squinting to see the action upon the island. Fireworks were a special treat, and she would rather miss a meal than miss that. Though...perhaps after the show?

2017-06-17, 07:07 PM
*pop* whirrra-BANG



http://www.animatedimages.org/data/media/492/animated-fireworks-image-0003.gif (http://www.animatedimages.org/cat-fireworks-492.htm)

(second one's not as nice, but will do.)

2017-06-18, 05:46 AM

"Ahhh. Heavenly." Duur exclaims.

2017-06-18, 09:26 AM
The display builds in intensity and variety. Bursts of color mixed with beams of light and branching lightening bolts coming from the island. Balls of light buzzing around is island. Images of fantastic creatures projected on Fog and smoke. The reports and zips grow louder and louder. (spell craft dc 15 He is combining prestidigitation, Dancing lights, and several illusion effects, tossing in showy conjuration and evocation spells )

He even has some streaks of light shooting across the sky. (spell craft DC 15 That is well out of range from the for it to be a spell of Dolfgand's reputed level. )

These streaks also intensify, though they aren't as showy as the rest of the display.

Then two of the buzzing lights collide in the air....

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/XJieiKtvblJZu" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/fireworks-XJieiKtvblJZu">via GIPHY</a></p>

(if the image isn't working, here is the page url.


A shower of sparks is released as they collide. They spiral crazily away from each other leaving glowing purple-blue trails. One goes generally upwards as the other starts skipping across the water of the lake, some times returning to the air momentarily before splashing again, the water glowing energetically at every point of contact.

karBOONGGGN! Turing to the sound you see the bell tower disintegrating, the bells bouncing across town towards the lake, small rocks and fragments shooting into buildings and a green fireball crashing into the lake. A multitude of smaller fireballs like green flaming arrows rip across the sky from the same direction, some disappearing harmlessly over the horizon, some hitting the lake, and some piercing rooftops or smashing into green fragments on the town's walls and streets.

Then a Huge fireball, much higher in the sky, trailing flames and accompanied by several smaller fireballs, streaks across the sky from East to west. one of the smaller ones hits the island just as the buzzing light that was skimming the lake also hits. They explode with bolts of lightening sending debris into the air.....

Another of the smaller balls crashes 1/2 way between the lake and the horizon, several miles off. The Giant one and the others disappear over the horizon. A moment later, it is as though the sun has suddenly risen in the West and you feel vibrations from the distant impact....

You don't have time to worry about this, as the remaining buzzing light suddenly zips up, and detonates blindingly. When you can focus a minute later, in it's place in the sky is a glowing fiery eye with lightening shooting from it at random... and the sky around it seems to be fractured.

Shiny, coin sized bits of metal rain down on you, followed by hotly burning larger fragments. As you try to dodge these, rocks and branches and fish and stuff starts hitting you from the direction of the island. Some of these look like candy striped tubes with cones on top and others like red paper covered balls.... both the tubes and the balls have sparkle tails that get shorter.....The rockets ricochet around the crowd and town at random and the small balls erupt into fireworks and illusions of dancing demons. Dolgalf's remaining fireworks have been spread around the entire lake region and are igniting randomly.

The turkey leg stand detonates.

The flock of turkeys that weren't tonight's dinner are flapping around the town on fire. Flaming cattle are stampeding at random. Several buildings are fully ablaze and others have smaller fires.

The town guardsmen nearest you is struck by an actual flaming arrow and falls dead. Torch wielding goblins are attacking the town, singling gleefully as they call out in answer to the One Eye'd God's proclamation of chaos!

It is complete Pandemonium!

Heroes, what do you do?

2017-06-18, 12:11 PM
Clarity draws her glaive, a weapon of the goddess of Shelyn. Her celestial eidolon girds her with divine might! She then casts a spell of mage armor, further protecting herself as she heads to defeat the goblins!

Clarity casts mage armor!

Clarity moves up while drawing her glaive as her move action. Her glaive has 10 feet of reach while her hawk claws on her feet have 5 feet of reach.

2017-06-18, 04:36 PM

Clarity looks around for the demon and sees a temple guard from the shine of Kord. His war cry matches the voice who shouted the warning. He has already drawn his mace and is charging......at?......her!?!?

2017-06-18, 06:09 PM
Clarity protests, holding up the silver symbol of Shelyn, in the shape of a songbird, she carries around her neck on a heavy chain. "I am a paladin of a Shelyn, good goddess of beauty, art, and music! Today I am here to return order to this festival!"


2017-06-18, 07:11 PM
He nearly falls over aborting his charge inches from you.

"RALLY TO THE PALADIN!!!" He shouts.

Another Kordite, a Baulder guard, and a a town guard fall into "Let's hope she has a holy avenger " cluster formation around you.

"There's one." Points the other Kordite.

2017-06-18, 08:47 PM

"That...that is so not fair!" Mirabelle protested, though nobody seemed to hear the halfling woman's plaintive voice. A perfectly good festival ruined. Then the fireballs came, followed by loud noises, burning shrapnel, and flaming cows. This was definitely not part of the show. Mirabelle's short sword appeared in her hand, and she slipped into the shadows of dusk. There were so many things on fire, but she was a mere halfling, unable to haul the large buckets of water quickly that would be necessary to put out the many blazes cropping up in the area. Spotting the goblins, she decided her talents were better served in stabbing a few of the disgusting creatures. It took a few minutes, but she finally managed to find one that had wandered further from the rest, launching herself from the shadows, she swung her blade at the creature's neck...and missed. Crap.

Unsure if I need to for this opening round, but here's a stealth roll: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Sneak Attack: [roll3]

2017-06-18, 09:21 PM
"There's one!" Shouts the Kordite as he points to a goblin who is whirling to slice at a halfling woman. The goblin's weapon, composed of jagged rusted shards of metal haphazardly wired to a club looks disgustingly dangerous.

(attack on Miri) [roll0]; [roll1]

The goblin manages to hit itself in the leg.

2017-06-18, 09:28 PM
(Miri has time to attack the goblin again before Clarity and her ad hock squad arrives to assist.)

2017-06-18, 10:08 PM

"Blast it!" The halfling muttered and mentally conjured a flickering duplicate of herself behind the goblin, trying to confuse the creature. Then she slashed at it again.

Using False Flanker to creature a momentary duplicate of herself opposite her behind the goblin to gain flanking.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]

2017-06-18, 10:11 PM
Clarity arrives, thrusting her glaive at a nearby goblin!

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-06-19, 12:37 AM
The halflin slices the hobbling goblin as the palidin misses high.

"Watch our flank, Pretty Boy."
The Baulder guard ignores the Kordite's slight as he shifts nonetheless to rear guard.

The Kordites and the town guard swarm the goblin and finish it off.

"THERE. " points the town guard to another goblin in the distance.

The other guards look to Clarity.

2017-06-19, 02:21 AM
Kalis looked over the magical fireworks with a dispassionate eye, but was so lost in thought he was caught unawares by the goblins' attack. He staggered back from the exploding buffet table and once he caught his wits and put up a basic protective spell, he drew his rapier and moved instinctively towards the cluster of guards and other armed citizens.

Kalis will also cast Mage Armor and move towards the rest of the group.

2017-06-19, 02:46 AM
"KILL THE GOBLINS!" Shouted Durr.
Durr charges at the nearest goblin while also drawing his double axe.

Power attack enabled; attack with the double axe held in two hands.
Attack roll [roll0].
Damage roll [roll1].
AC -2 until start of my next turn.

(Shouldn't have used charge nor power attack on these frail goblins, as a simple standard attack would suffice. But whatever.)

Durr swings his axe. The spectacularly heavy blow is obviously too heavy for a pesky goblin.

2017-06-19, 07:35 PM
Two weeks on the road were a pittance to pay for this kind of entertainment. Ansel enjoyed a turkey leg and gawked at the lightshow until it started raining fire on their heads. Before he was able to find cover though he heard shouts and the sound of battle. His blade found it's way into his hand instinctively as he ran after the guards to assist. Seeing the halfling standing over a dead goblin he ran to her side.

"Do not fear, child! Your hero has arrived."

2017-06-19, 08:00 PM

"I am not a child!" she practically shouted in response, before running off to stab another goblin. "I am a halfling, you big sack of potatoes."

She's making noise now, so I'll use another round of False Flanker.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (that defaults to 1 nonlethal)
Sneak Attack: [roll2]

2017-06-19, 09:28 PM
Ansel followed quickly and thrust his estoc at the goblin she was fighting.

"My mistake, the gods gave me this beautiful head and didn't see fit to fill it." He flashed his best smile, in hopes of softening her anger. He seemed more focused on her than the goblins really.

To-hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-06-20, 12:21 AM
Though it takes another 2 hours or so for the last of the fireworks to cook off (or doused with lake water and tossed into the lake), an effective order of battle soon develops.

The skirmishers rush from goblin to goblin, almost as if they are racing each other, with an ever growing squad of trained or at least armed townsfolk joining Clarity's platoon, which supports and finishes any resistant goblins.

With this organized response apparent, the town rallies, and the smarter goblins fade back into the woods. Everyone then turns to fire fighting and search and rescue.

It is a long night, followed by a long day. When you finally have things under control and have time for some food (well done live stock and tinned biscuits) it is well into the next evening. You all collapse on the straw of the offered barn and sleep until nearly mid morning.

Most of the town has survived, though with extensive damage. The shines are preparing the dead and treating the wounded. Your allies from the night before have all returned to their normal commands.

Under the suspicious eyes of the watch, many gnomes are running around collecting bits of green rock and fragments of silver metal, setting up survey equipment to map the impacts, and aiming sextants and spyglasses at....

The fiery eye in the broken sky now looks like a smoky black eye, with occasional beams of light and bolts of energy emanating from it. It seems high in the sky, though it is difficult to determine the exact height. The gnomes are poring over scrolls and arguing about it. The sky still seems fractured, with fragments being different shades of blue and purple.

When you go to the lake to wash off, you see that small sections of it are boiling, and smoke is coming from the island. There also seems to be fires in the distance beyond the lake.

2017-06-20, 06:07 AM
Now among the temporary band formed against the goblins and fire, Durr introduces himself, "Durr. Shaman of the Lightrover Tribe, believer of Desna, adventurer."

After some short introduction, Durr turns his attention to the ongoing events.

"I can't understand. What had happened? It's like hell, but above us." Durr looks at the smokey black eye in the sky, looking troubled and concerned. Then Durr also look down at some random metal fragment, murmurs "I remeber these were poured from 'that thing'. But what are these thing for?"

Durr then casts detect magic at these metal fragments, hoping to gain insight in how the whole catastrope happened.

(to the black eye)
Knowledge (Planes) [roll0]

(to the metal fragments)
Casts detect magic.

2017-06-20, 06:28 AM
Nothing specific on the 'eye', though the fracture and sky color effect would seem to indicate some sort of planer convergence. The metal doesn't seem to be magical itself, but has a mixed aura of lingering evocation, abjuration, and conjuration.

After a meal of scorched buns (they're ok on the inside) a messenger asks you to come to the merchants' house, where the mayor and baron are organizing things. The bell tower was part of city hall it seems....

2017-06-20, 09:56 AM
Clarity walks into the mayors house, introducing herself as a apaldin of Shelyn once more. "Am to understand that by calling me here you think there was more to this goblin attack?" She asks, curious about the circumstances of last night's attack.

[roll0] diplomacy
[roll1] sense motive

2017-06-20, 12:51 PM
Durr also introduces himself in a short way after other peoples' self-introduction, "I am Durr, Follower of Desna and her Heavens", so as to follow the social convention but to avoid people's attention.
When Clarity asks the major about future tasks, Durr keeps silent but keen on listening what the major is to say.

Sense motive on the major

2017-06-20, 09:18 PM
The mayor's butler is rather confused as to why you have walked into his Honor the Mayor's house, and has the groom escort you to the Merchants' (guild) House, where you are introduced to Borin No-Shield, the Guild Master. He is a bit concerned as to why you are with the mayor's groom instead of the messenger he sent, but gets down to business.

The mayor and baron are too busy dealing with (babys crying)

2017-06-20, 09:46 PM
...with, well, the destruction of the town. They have 12 funerals to arrange, well, 13, but that is why you are here."

"Dolfgand is alive. His familiar made it back early yesterday morning. Poor thing."
He refers to a box on his desk where a black, scorched bird rests, one wing in a sling. It Coos weakly.

"(aside) That's a white dove. (louder) At mid day yesterday we sent a party of 6, led my Nickey, one of our scribes, reputable halfling, to the island to retrieve Dolfgand. This morning one of the group floated back to our shore. Dead. We are sending a more capable party this time. We will give you a week's lodging and 20 gold each to retrieve the initial party and Dolfgand, or their corpses....or at least a reasonably full report of the situation. What say you?"

2017-06-20, 11:50 PM

Following the others (it seemed like the thing to do, as she was a stranger in town), Mirabelle remained silent, though she nodded her head at "reputable halfling." That was a right and proper thing, she figured. Her folk were very industrious and fairly reliable. Then the job offer was made. "Make it forty gold, plus expenses and the rest, and you have yourself a deal," she said, piping up from behind the Big Folk. "You're asking us to venture into what is probably certain danger, and we don't know what we're in for. And I want it in writing. My name is Mirabelle Bramblefoot, though you all can call me Mira."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2017-06-20, 11:56 PM
Clarity picks up the small bird familiar and it's adorable tiny cast. She always had an affinity for birds. After all, she was born to be a paladin of Shelyn. She casts Celestial Healing on the small avian companion.

She does want to reprimand Mirabelle for requesting payment, but Clarity isn't incredibly rich herself. Being able to afford food for herself and making donations isn't possible without a little gold.

2017-06-21, 12:00 AM
"The first group went for 20 Silver. You can see that the town really can't afford more now. Tell you what, if you return Nicky I'll give you a bonus of an additional 50 gold. In total."

2017-06-21, 01:03 AM
"I'll go. I think if Dolfgand can be found alive, he might have some more insight into just what is going on. Plus, isn't it the right thing to do?" Kalis said with a slightly mocking tone. He didn't add that it would pay off to have a mage owe him a favor, especially as an apprentice himself. "It could be dangerous but the first group was led by a scribe, of all things."

2017-06-21, 01:13 AM
"All the , ahem, larger people were busy with the fires. He could be spared."

2017-06-21, 03:17 AM
Durr listens to the guild master explaining his lack of fund silently.

Another sense motive! [roll0] Is he really lack of fund?
(If the answer is yes I would insert some actions here. I guess the chance is low though, so I'll just go on.)

Then Durr nods when Kalis says "the right thing to do". 20 gold coins isn't the best quest reward in the world, but to be honest we should rescue that wizard even without rewards, Durr thinks. On the other hand, the wizard himself is also a bit suspicious. After all, he's a pyromancer and the fiery eye thing was, well, fiery. One has to look forward to confront him in knowing his involvement of yesterday's disaster.

2017-06-21, 03:23 AM
Sense motive result1) the guild master thinks it is a reasonable amount, 2) much of the city will need expensive repairs, 3) there is a difference between 'funds allocated' that the guild master is overseeing, and his 'personal fortune'. the 'recover my scribe' is personal.

2017-06-21, 07:43 AM
'Oh, Please save my husband!" begs the halfling woman by the door. She is wearing a pink polka-dot dress and a massive hair bow.

"Ninny, please wait outside. We are arranging things now." says NoShield.

"If you need more money, you can have the big metal thing that crashed though my roof. It's in my store room. Looks like a odd suit of armour, maybe worth something to a smith. or " looking at the women, ' " I could give you a free dress, or some bows."

(she is offering hair accessories, not archery gear)

2017-06-21, 10:00 AM
"Big metal thing? Did it crash to your room yesterday? If so, we'd better at least take a look at it."

2017-06-21, 10:14 AM
"The hole was in the roof when I got back from the fireworks. But nothing was burning so I counted us lucky. My shop isn't far..."

2017-06-21, 11:27 AM
"I'll take the quest," Clarity announces, still holding the small white bird that she is healing. She doesn't have time for negotiation, only performing good acts. If she's stuck in here quibbling over a payment, she'd rather help lead the repair effort.

2017-06-21, 12:29 PM
"I'm with you", announced Durr. "Let's not waste time. That said, I wonder if a look at the metal thing will help us understand what had happened." To be honest, even thinking about taking a halfling's dress and selling it for money is too gross for Durr, so that never happened to an option to him.

Durr then asks Kalis, "I don't read many books and only know a few things. But you are a wizard. You must have read many books. Do you have any idea about this thing?"

If stopped by Clarity or anyone else, give up and go ahead to rescue. Otherwise, try a knowledge (planar) check to try to understand how that thing could fell from sky.
1d20+2 -> 17 (failed to correctly roll in this thread, rolled in OC thread instead and edited here)

(Of course, if the said metal thing is obviously similar to what we have seen before, I don't think a knowledge check can be done at all. In that case a mere peek is enough and we just go on.)

2017-06-21, 12:41 PM

"Deal!" The halfling agreed with the mayor's counteroffer. It was probably the best they'd manage in the circumstances.

"I'll come along and see this thing," Mirabelle put in. She had little use for dresses or bows, but it might give them some idea of what they'd find on the island. Maybe one bow.

2017-06-21, 05:28 PM
Ansel frowned a bit at the price debate, but kept his opinions to himself. "I'm happy to go," he said before turning to Ninny, "Lets see that thing that fell through your roof on our way out of town."

2017-06-21, 08:01 PM
"Bob, go with them and show them to the boat." the guildmaster (you haven't seen the mayor) instructs a page. "Take these. There is one for the Wizard, and one for Nicky." He hands the paladin a pouch with two potions as he takes the bird and returns it to the box on his desk.

Ninny leads you down Broad Street towards her shop. It is a squat, 2 storied building painted pink with white poka-dots with a giant wooden hair bow on top. The sign board above the door reads "Ninny's Fun Fashions". There is a hole in the roof, but the building is unscorched and otherwise intact....


um, never mind. The building has a large, gaping hole in the side from which, in an explosion of green stripes hair bows and yellow leather gloves, a three legged metal monstrosity en-webbed in brightly color ribbon has just burst, dragging several spools of ribbon with it.

It lurches into the street, sparking from it's head and joints, issuing clicks and beebs, grabs a gobsmacked guard from in front of Daisy's Dazzling Jewelry, removes his breast plate, along with most of his ribcage, and tosses the lifeless hulk though the window of Pete's Black Dog Tavern. It seems to consider the breast plate, then rejects it, slinging it across the street where it decapitates the duck on the signboard of Arnold's Nautical Supplies.

The metal monster seems to be missing some parts, and a glow can be seen though some of the holes. It seems to notice the street is it standing on, and begins ripping up cobbles, tossing them at random. Residents flee in all directions from this street seems to have escaped much damage from the night before, but is making up for it now as cobbles fly though Clair's Florist, Horace's Livery, and the aforementioned Jewelry.

The monster stands in the center of the 30 ft wide Broad Street. Clearly someone has to start being heroic, or there won't be a street left!

Party is 45 ft south.

2017-06-21, 08:16 PM
The street is 30 ft wide, 35 with the sidewalks, so there is 15 ft of space on either side of the medium sized monster.

First round initiative is by who ever posts first. We'll roll for initiative next round. (taking kids to water park, will roll monster's attacks this evening.)

2017-06-21, 09:10 PM
Clarity accepts the potions and salutes the guild master on her way out. She puts the bird back on the table as well.

Once outside, she pulls out her glaive. Some kind of construct is attacking! She moves in!

Clarity will use Detect Evil. She will Smite the creature if it is evil.
[roll0] init

2017-06-21, 09:49 PM
Not evil. Not magical. Give 2 rounds of actions

2017-06-21, 11:16 PM

Mira unslung her shortbow and moved forward stealthily. She decided discretion was the better part of valor here, and that...whatever-it-was...looked like it could squash her flat. Much safer to attack from range.

Stealth to within 30 ft.: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Sneak Attack, if applicable: [roll3]

2017-06-22, 12:04 AM
"Heaven blesses us." Durr says in a low pitch but loudly. He then casts bless. Durr moves forward by 15 ft., beside Mira, while also drawing out his double axe. Durr then hold his double axe in two hands.

All allies get +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects, for a minute. Probably should also apply to Mira's attack but I'm confused by this initiative-by-post-order thing.

Durr is able to threat enemies within 5" when holding his axe in two hands. He isn't able to do so when holding his axe in only one hand (for example, if the other hand is grabbing something else).

Initiative [roll0]

2017-06-22, 12:19 AM
Pal detects evil. (And ?)
Halfling moves, shoots and misses.
Shaman moves, casts bless.
(I'm in restaurant watching sleeping infant in stroller while rest of family watches dolphin show)

Edited to update actions

2017-06-22, 12:41 AM
Pal detects evil.

(OOC) Clarity (the paladin) probably wants to finish her first round though. Detect evil is just a move action. She still has a standard action to use.

2017-06-22, 12:49 AM
Edited above.

2017-06-22, 06:39 AM
"I take it that was your home?" Estoc in hand, Ansel charges at the monstrosity.

To-hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

And second round is just another swing

To-hit: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2017-06-22, 07:06 AM
Weapon designed for piercing armor seems quite effective at piercing something that seems to be made of armor....

While the paladin decides if she should attack the non-evil thing, Ansel charges, and shoves his weapon though it. The thing freezes, the limbs drooping.

As Ansel removes his Estoc the metal monstrosity whirls back to life... it's head starts spinning and it jumps 50 ft into the air, exploding with a pink flash.

Its lower leg was caught on the buried water pipe that apparently it had been excavating, and this pipe is now ripped up, spewing water, drenching Ansel.

While most of the debris is coin sized, one leg slices into the decorative bow on top of Ninny's dress shop, toppling it onto the sidewalk.

Meanwhile, the livery stable bursts into flames. One of those cobbles must have hit a lantern or something.

Ninny seems too shellshocked to weep.

2017-06-22, 09:34 AM
Durr's knowledge planes check ; never seen anything like it. If it fell it must have come from UP....

2017-06-22, 09:47 AM
Clarity fetches a bucket and starts to put out the fire, ordering townsfolk to form a bucket line.

2017-06-22, 10:47 AM
"So much for this street being lucky." remarks Bob. "They didn't have any fires here, so some of the men from this street were asked to go retrieve the Wizard from the island."

2017-06-22, 10:52 AM
Ansel laughed as the monster exploded and water drenched him. Right up until he was hit in the face with a shiny red gem. "Haha! A good deed rewarded!" he yelled, holding it aloft. He slipped it in his pocket to worry about after the fires were taken care of and went to help the bucket line.

2017-06-22, 11:06 AM
While damage control is ongoing, Ninny enters her shop and returns with a picture of her husband. She gives it to Bob and begins picking up ribbons and bows from the street.

2017-06-22, 11:35 AM
"I guess I overreacted a bit." said Durr, standing, holding his double axe, looking at the construct exploding in the sky afar. "That said, I am afraid it's not the only one of its kind, and it's a broken one, so we do not know their real strength yet."

As Clarity starts to organize an effort to put off the fire. Grabbing his iron pot from his backpack, Durr joins them.

2017-06-23, 02:56 AM
As he lacked any spell that would make putting out the fire any easier, Kalis joined the efforts of the citizens fighting the fire with buckets.

2017-06-23, 03:55 AM
The fire is soon under control, with only one horse lost to smoke inhalation.

Several gnomes in coveralls, spectacles, and gem lopes are looking over the bits of the metal thing you destroyed.

"So, I hear you're headed to the island.... If you can find some larger bits ....we'll make it worth your while...." offers the Gnome who seems to be in the lead. Unlike the others, he is wearing a red hat and shorts.

Meanwhile, one in square framed spects pulls on Ansel's elbow, "Hey kid, let's take a look at that gem? Maybe we can trade..."

On the other side of the street, one in a blue hat is propositioning Durr. "Hey, Spirit Talker, Take a looksie at this..." He discreetly holds out what looks like a shard of broken glass. It shows flickering distorted images, and lines of what could be a language. "If you find some more of these while you are on the island, come talk to me first. We'll be over at the Blue Berry lounge on the short side of town."

2017-06-23, 08:12 AM
"Sure, i'll keep an eye out for them." said Durr, "Why are you looking for these things though?"

Sense motive if received an answer.

2017-06-23, 09:27 AM
"If we get enough of them, maybe we can decipher the language."

True but incomplete.

2017-06-23, 10:04 AM
Durr is still a bit suspicious towards the gnome, as he feels the gnome is hiding the more important half of truth. However, it's almost an instinct for him to want to follow a clue like this, just like a ranger to follow tracks. Well, Durr is a ranger too.

"Fair enough. I'll tell you what we find when we're back.".

2017-06-24, 01:35 AM

Mira's eyes grew big as saucers when she saw the gem Durr had held up. If there were more gems like that to be found on the island, this could be a very profitable trip indeed. Plus helping people, she added mentally. That was good too. "Let's go check out this island," she said hurriedly. She was too small to help fight the fires anyway.

2017-06-24, 08:51 AM
Ansel held the coin where the gnome could get a good look, but kept a tight hold of it. He knew bankers and merchants his father trusted back home. He had no particular reason to trust this gnome though.

"Sure, you can see it, but I'll be keeping it for now." Once the gnome has sated his curiosity Ansel is ready to head to the boats. "Let's hurry to find the wizard."

2017-06-24, 10:21 AM
After guaranteeing the gnome that he will look for weird glasses, Durr joins the party and is ready for the island.

2017-06-24, 10:41 AM
"Hummm, Fire Ruby. High grade too... Tell you what, find me something interesting, and I'll install it in your weapon for you. Come find me at the Blue Berry lounge when you get back."

Bob comes over and tells you that the boat is ready, and they have prepared rations for you.

The boat is a longish rowboat. It has 6 oars, an anchor, and 50 ft of rope. The rations are several loafs of bread and some barbecued meat. There is enough for you and the people you are to rescue. Since you spent time fighting a fire, it is now about lunch time. You are served well done steaks and bread.

2017-06-25, 10:52 AM
Once the fires were fought, Kalis regrouped with the rest of the party in time for lunch. As they were finishing up and making small talk, he turned to the others and asked "do any of you possess any skill or knowledge in the animation of arcane constructs? I've read little enough about them, unfortunately, but I understand they ought to glow with magic to anyone with the Sight. This one did not."

2017-06-25, 11:59 AM
Clarity pokes at the well done steak. Who would do this on purpose? Maybe it was burnt in the fire? "Can't say I know much about constructs."

2017-06-25, 12:08 PM
The meat seems very fresh none the less. (knowledge nature or agriculture related check, or ride/handle animal at -5)

"Eh, sometimes you can't spot the magic bit for the metal in the cowling."
(am I spelling that right? metal covering)

This tidbit comes from a nearby gnome who is aiming a telescope on a tripod at the black eye in the sky.

2017-06-26, 12:06 AM
"Kalis, if you don't know about the constructs, I guess none of us do. You are certainly the most knowledgeable people among us. I only know some bits about the heavens and hells, which I think you call 'the planes' in general."

When the gnome mentions the metal bit, Durr agrees: "That's actually a good point."

2017-06-26, 08:13 AM
"Where did all these gnomes come from? They aren't from around here." observes Bob.

2017-06-26, 09:04 AM
Durr says loudly so everyone else in the party can hear his answer clearly: "They seem to know quite a lot about 'that thing', though."

2017-06-26, 04:13 PM

"You think we should question one of them? Get them to spill their beans?" Clarity asks. "I mean, maybe if we can ask them nicely, and firmly, we can convince them we're worth having in the know. I'm a trustworthy person, and if they're working to help clean this up, it might work better if I was filled in on the possible origins of everything."

2017-06-26, 04:58 PM
All of the gnomes, except one, without looking up, in unison, take a 5 ft step further away from the paladin.

2017-06-26, 04:58 PM

The halfling woman busied herself with lunch, but looked up at Kalis' question. "Not a clue about arcane constructs, I'm afraid. I know people, and things you find underground. And...other things." Mira quickly drew a small dagger and flashed it before re-sheathing it just as quickly. "Most of my skills are more of the doing kind, than the knowing."

"I could talk to the gnomes, if you like. They may not see another person of their relative height as so much of a threat as you Tall Folk. No offense."

2017-06-27, 12:11 AM

Clarity sits up a little straighter and smiles, taking the comment about her height as a compliment. "Well, I do try," she says humbly. "I'm not a bad conversationalist, but you are right in that they may be more comfortable with someone less official." She whispers, leaning in and winking at Mirabelle in an encouraging manner. Pushing people to helpful and good actions is almost better than doing the deed yourself.

2017-06-27, 12:20 AM
Kalis looked on, utterly bemused. At length, he turned to one of the gnomes in their midst and asked "Where are you all from?" with a pointed look at his companions.

2017-06-27, 04:27 AM
Are you addressing one of the ones that moved away from the paladin, or the one that didn't?

2017-06-27, 09:49 AM
Durr feels this is not the best occasion for him to speak. If the gnomes are afraid of the trustworthy paladin, known to be bound by her oaths, what kind of the reaction they will have when a towering half-orc tries to ask the same question? Mirabelle and Kalis look like they are able to handle the situation well though, so there's no need for Durr to act here. He is feeling a bit sorry for not having prepared guidance though.

Instead, Durr gestures to Mirabelle and Kalis to encourage them. Then, he looks at the gnome who didn't move.

Does the gnome wear obviously different clothing than other gnomes? (a different kind of hat, for example?) Is he/she looking at a specific person among us?

2017-06-27, 10:07 AM
The rest of the gnomes are wearing leather aprons or forge crafter gear with various small tools sticking out of pockets or from behind ears, have various eye lenses, and are all either picking up fragments, analyzing and measuring pock marks from impacts, or peering at the eye in the sky.

The other one is wearing a blue tunic and a red hat, and seems to be concerned with cleaning up damage rather than analyzing it.

Rothis Sil
2017-06-27, 03:21 PM
Having spoken to the Guild Master and having agreed to help, Islux catches up with the rest of the party.

He's a wood elf, short at 5'0 brown hair, hazel eyes, young.

Once he sees them he does not approach any further, or venture to introduce himself, instead he observes the parties interaction with the gnomes from a moderate distance.

2017-06-27, 10:20 PM
Clarity perks up when she sees a new arrival. Now, this person does seem on the short side, but perhaps he is tall enough not to be intimidated but the paladin clad in bird like armor.

She waves to Islux. "Hello! Comment allez-vous cette belle soirée?" She asks him how he is doing tonight, in Elven. It's a language she picked up from her adoptive father.

2017-06-28, 12:24 AM

The halfling woman decided to approach the gnome focused on cleaning. "Hullo!" she said, flashing a smile. "My name's Mira. I don't suppose you can tell me anything about the...whatever-it-is you're cleaning up. I'm supposed to go with these other people here and investigate what happend on the island over there," she pointed to both the others and in the direction of the island. "Any information would be greatly appreciated."

Diplomacy! [roll0]

Rothis Sil
2017-06-28, 12:35 AM
Clarity perks up when she sees a new arrival. Now, this person does seem on the short side, but perhaps he is tall enough not to be intimidated but the paladin clad in bird like armor.

She waves to Islux. "Hello! Comment allez-vous cette belle soirée?" She asks him how he is doing tonight, in Elven. It's a language she picked up from her adoptive father.

Islux perks up himself, it's beautiful to hear the sound of his homeland. The party seems friendly to start, but Islux will continue the facade at least for a while longer.

Responding in Elven and still standing at a distance.

"Honore par la presence d'une personne aussi gentille et noble que toi-meme".

Islux says that it is a wonderful night, and also mentions that he heard there was supposed to have been quite the fireworks display the night before.

2017-06-28, 08:43 AM
(it is about noon now. The fireworks was two nights before. They spent most of the night of the fireworks, the next day, and part of the next night fighting fires before passing out form exhaustion.)

The gnome Mira is talking to: "Huh? Oh. That is Mushroom Turtle Island. Cause that's what's mostly there. Mushrooms and turtles and a few trees. We think the turtles eat the mushrooms, but they always hide in their shells when people are around so we don't really know. I'm Gerald. I live here...", looking at some of the other gnomes, "They don't. A few showed up a couple days before the fireworks. The rest showed up afterwards. Does that help?"

(We'll assume the magus approached one of the others...)

The Gnome Kalis is talking to: "Oh, we'er from Dragon Mountain to the south. We came to investigate the skyfall. Rare occurrence. "

2017-06-28, 09:04 AM

Clarity frowns. She's losing track of time with all of the things going on and all of the fires she fought.

"C'était bien jusqu'à l'incendie. Franchement, cet événement a été un désastre, c'est pourquoi je vais dans une mission ordonnée par les maîtres de la ville." She says that everything is horrible and so she has to go on a mission to save everyone. Also, her steak is overcooked. "Mon steak est trop cuit à la viande de rat, fabriqué par un chef sans l'odorat."

2017-06-28, 01:23 PM
Durr listens to the two ongoing dialogues simultaneously. Well, there's actually a third dialogue, but that's in Elvish. Elvish sounds like gibberish, admittedly a kind of melodic and harmonious gibberish, to him. Thus, that dialogue becomes kind of background music for him.

Turtles and mushrooms -- sounds like we need a druid, Durr thinks. Then he guesses the elf talking with Clarity might be one. That could be a kind of a gift from heaven. The local gnome, Gerald, looks trustworthy enough. Or at least innocent enough. On the other hand, the other gnomes are much more suspicious. Durr remembers that when one of the gnomes asked him to find the glass shards, he did look like he was hiding something. And since some gnomes arrived here before the fireworks night, they seem to deserve a few more questions.

That said, Durr feels the ongoing conversations looks promising and there's no urgent need to join them right now. Instead, he just keep listening carefully.

2017-06-28, 02:53 PM
On the way to the boat... (gather info rolls for everyone, please)

2017-06-28, 03:18 PM
[roll0] Diplomacy

2017-06-28, 04:33 PM
West Lake (the town) has long been considered the edge of the civilized realm (late 1700's St. Louis). While much better developed now, it still has a frontier spirit (often siege mentality) and has a frugal 'waste not, want not' (cause we don't want to starve too much if the supply line gets cut, again) attitude.

ergo, those steaks and your rations are the horse from the livery stable fire...

Also, the largest thing in the lake are lake eels, but they are harmless and tasty. The mushrooms and turtles, while not toxic, are not tasty, which is why they haven't been eaten to extinction.

Rothis Sil
2017-06-28, 08:08 PM

Clarity frowns. She's losing track of time with all of the things going on and all of the fires she fought.

"C'était bien jusqu'à l'incendie. Franchement, cet événement a été un désastre, c'est pourquoi je vais dans une mission ordonnée par les maîtres de la ville." She says that everything is horrible and so she has to go on a mission to save everyone. Also, her steak is overcooked. "Mon steak est trop cuit à la viande de rat, fabriqué par un chef sans l'odorat."

Islux's demeanor changes, perhaps the situation was far more serious than the Guild Master had initially let on.

"Faites-moi l'honneur de vous permettre de vous battre à vos côtés, et s'il ne s'agit pas de faire face seul à la mort"

Islux says that that it would greatly upset him if this town were to come to harm, and asks if they could use the aid of another blade at their side, though he cautions (lies) that he only has basic soldiers training.

2017-06-28, 10:15 PM
Clarity Clemens

The paladin's eyes narrow. "Je serais plus proche. Nous sommes tous amis ici. Ces gnomes ont caché assez pour nous tous." She's unhappy with Islux's lack of honest, and is similarly displeased with the gnomes. "De plus, personne ne nous comprend, et il sera utile de savoir ce que vous pouvez faire." Since no one else seems to be paying attention, or at least seems to know Elven, Islux may as well tell her what his skills are. They might be useful in the future.

2017-06-28, 11:29 PM
(next time, wait for the bluff check. GM distraction from conversation in 3....2...1)

There is a flash of dark. You look up and hear a rumbling sound as the 'eye' blinks.

The area is hit by a light shower of pea sized pebbles for the next 5 minutes. When you pick one up it is grey and seems to be made of very light, porous stone. They are slightly warm to the touch Some of them float float in the water troughs for for a few minutes before sinking.

Rothis Sil
2017-06-28, 11:53 PM
Clarity Clemens

The paladin's eyes narrow. "Je serais plus proche. Nous sommes tous amis ici. Ces gnomes ont caché assez pour nous tous." She's unhappy with Islux's lack of honest, and is similarly displeased with the gnomes. "De plus, personne ne nous comprend, et il sera utile de savoir ce que vous pouvez faire." Since no one else seems to be paying attention, or at least seems to know Elven, Islux may as well tell her what his skills are. They might be useful in the future.

Islux sighs and looks down, both disappointed in his inability to hide in his intentions, and feeling a bit of guilt for perpetrating the facade.

He was going to say something Elvish, but is interrupted by the shower of pebbles.

2017-06-29, 09:43 AM
"Good Luck!" shouts Bob as he helps to shove off the boat.

Except for the Eye and associated weirdness, it is a clear day.
The lake however, is not. Multi colored smoke and grey mists are spewing from some sections, and parts of it are boiling, or at least bubbling....

Most of the smoke you can paddle around, but sometimes you have to go through the mists to make progress towards the island.

The currents of the lake seem strange. Sometimes your boat is pulled off course even when there is no wind or water current that should be pulling it. But you can redouble your efforts on the oars and continue towards your destination.

In one misty area about 200 yards from the island, you spot a boat similar to yours, but a bit smaller.

It keeps drifting back to the same location when blown away by the breeze, and your boat seems to be drawn to the same spot, so you are now close enough to touch it, climb aboard if you wish....examine it? It seems empty of people...

2017-06-29, 10:49 AM
Durr carefully looks at the boat for potential hidden creatures, traps or other abnormal details. He also asks his fox familiar Starry about if there is weird smell.

Well, actually no rolls, let's afford two minutes to take 20 on perception here. I'd rather err on the cautious side.

Durr's perception:1d20+10 = 30
Starry's perception with the scent: 1d20+10+8 = 38 ("Creatures with the scent special quality have a +8 bonus on Perception checks made to detect a scent.")

2017-06-29, 11:08 AM
Multiple blood spray patterns around the boat. And the fox smells something familiar and un-liked and unspoiled by the GM cause it can't talk...

Not enough blood here for a bleed out in the boat, but certainly a lot of wounding went on. There is only one oar. There should be 4. Anchor and line is still here.

2017-06-29, 12:01 PM
Clarity Clemens

Clarity frowns. This is down right unacceptable. "Do you think it was one of those monsters from before?" she asks the rest of the group. "I have to wonder where they came from. It's a strange and devilish beast to be sure." She looks at the lack of oars. "Perhaps parts of the crew escaped, taking the oars as improvised weapons." She picks up Starry without his permission, petting it on the head. "You think you can track them little guy? Who's a good boy?" She scratches the fox behind the ears.

[roll0] Perception

2017-06-29, 12:04 PM
(Good roll, but all the clues have been found. Whether the fox bites you or not is up to its owner. )

2017-06-29, 12:41 PM
Durr doesn't try to retrieve Starry immediately. However, he looks worried, and maybe a bit uncomfortable.

Starry, as its name suggests, has an amazing pattern on its fur like the starry night.

"Starry can't speak or understand our languages yet, unfortunately. I can feel his feeling and he knows what I want him to do though. And he's amazingly smart. And he can fly too."

Durr thinks Starry is very smart, because he is using himself as a standard. Starry's intelligence is 6, whereas Durr's is 7.
Starry has a flying speed of 5 ft.

"I wonder if the attacks came from the sky or from the water. Sadly, look at the mist and the milky water, we don't really know the answer."

2017-06-29, 12:48 PM
Eh...Heal check? for Durr.

And the rogue may roll... an attack roll I guess? to determine/csi /Dexter the blood spray to determine the direction of the attack. Re-enact the crime....

2017-06-29, 01:15 PM
Durr studies the blood spots and hopes to gain insight from them. He isn't at all skilled in this, but he is at least quite attentive.

Heal :[roll0]

2017-06-29, 01:18 PM
No evidence of anything attacking from outside the boat, as far as Durr can tell.

Rothis Sil
2017-06-29, 06:49 PM
Islux is going to quietly examine both the pebbles and the blood.

Perception[roll0] for pebbles

Perception [roll1] for blood

2017-06-30, 01:25 AM
The pebbles have lots on little holes in them.

In the boat you find, there are some of the pebbles, and they are all on top of the dried blood.

None of the pebbles have blood on them.

2017-06-30, 09:10 AM
"The pebbles are probably the same ones that showered us not long ago." concluded Durr. "I'd prefer we'd leave this area as soon as possible. This is the kind of terrain favored by hunters -- except we are in the position of hunted animals."

After a few seconds, Durr adds, "The last party they sent was seven people? I can't remember. But probably not four. Someone with a better memory could correct me."

Then Durr looks like he is feeling some emotion that doesn't really belong to him. He then speaks to Clarity, "And, return Starry to me please."

2017-06-30, 09:51 AM
(Are you taking the 2ed boat with you? It was a party of 6 in that boat.)

2017-06-30, 12:13 PM

The seven people thing is just poor memory of Durr's.

I'm afraid I'm posting at a higher frequency than what's set in the recruitment post (1/day). I'm glad I happen to have more free time than I expected recently. However, I don't want everyone else dragged by my character's decisions. That will be bad for everyone. So I'm not making the decision of leaving the area and dragging the boat right now, but just suggest it.

2017-06-30, 03:56 PM

"So...someone got splorched, and then it rained rocks." The halfling rogue eyes the area, but shrugged. "No bodies, so either they move on, or were carried away. Shall we continue?"

2017-06-30, 08:35 PM
Clarity Clemens

Clarity scratches Starry behind the ears. "But he's so fluffy. I wasn't allowed to have pets as a kid..." She sees the look on Durr's face, and frowns. "Oh, alright." She hands the fox back to Durr.

"I think we should press onward. Hopefully we'll know the fate of the survivors." Or the bodies, but Clarity doesn't want to think about that right now.

2017-07-01, 04:11 AM
Putting Starry in the satchel, the Durr agrees with Clarity, "Let's go then. But... I think we could use a second look before leaving."

Durr casts detect magic to the other boat and also the white water below them. Regardless if magic is detected, Durr is ready to leave this area.

2017-07-01, 04:19 AM
On the boat, no magic.
In the water...garbled reception. Universal/transmutation but impossible to tell more.

2017-07-01, 04:44 AM
Seeing Durr's confused expression, Kalis comments "Yes, the auras are odd here."

(I'll npc him for now and convert him to a contact if he survives this mission.)

2017-07-01, 01:32 PM
So... the consensus is we move forward to the island. What happens next?

2017-07-01, 02:07 PM
(you are awake, so are you taking the other boat along, or leaving it?)

As you row towards the shore you see a wrecked and smoldering dock.
While there are still many patches of green trees and grassy areas, the landscape is a patchwork of scorched earth and impact craters, mostly shield sized, but some larger...up to house size.

You find a suitable area to pull the boat (s?) ashore about 50 yards south of the docks. The reeds here are bent, showing that perhaps the previous party made landfall here as well.

The island has a diffuse, sickly green glow. As your spell casters reflexively detect, the island, even the air, has a aura of evocation and transmutation tinged with necromancy.

2017-07-02, 01:19 PM
Durr looks at the bent reeds carefully, "I wonder if this is where the last band lands. Maybe we can learn about their locations by following their tracks."

Assume we towed the other boat because why not.

Find tracks (survival)

Then Durr carefully foot on the island. What happened when his foot touches the wicked land?

2017-07-02, 02:24 PM
His foot gets a little muddy.

The tracks are easy to follow, but they go off in seemingly random directions. Also, none of them are human or halfling. Unless these human's and halflngs have clawed feet.

One of the tracks is of someone with a peg leg. (gather info check to see if you picked up any info regarding this in town).

Perception checks.

And are any of you doing anything special with the boats?

2017-07-02, 08:19 PM
Clarity makes sure the boats are anchored and tied down, or pulled further ashore, if the team isn't taking them with them. She approves of tracking, a sister it was her idea.

She also has scent, but I don't know if that helps.

2017-07-03, 06:17 AM
The boats secure, the group spreads out a bit to examine the tracks.

In addition to the peg leg, there is one with webbed toes, one that seems to trip every 5 or so steps, and one that seems to have extremely long legs.

There is a fishy smell.

2017-07-03, 06:48 AM
Mira remembers hearing something Pegleg Pete's Black Dog Tavern.

Clarity follows the fishy smell. Something isn't right. These tracks aren't wearing shoes...

The fishy smell seems to have its own path... faint, indistinct impressons intermittent on either side of a ...crush path?

The follows this several meters to a patch of rushes. What's that? Fragments of shoes and bits of cloth in the water? All gathered into one place by something?

What could have done that....Oh probably those big eel things with the sharp teeth and sea lion like flippers that just popped out of the water 10 ft on either side of the Paladin. They Hiss with hungry aggression.

They are one move action from the rest of the party, who can run into the fight scene from any direction. Water is to the East. Paladin and Mutant eels are on the water line, each eel 10 ft from the Paladin on either side (north/south).

2017-07-03, 08:11 AM
Round zero
Durr moves towards a flank of Clarity, while wielding his double axe in two hands.



.: land
~: water
C: Clarity
e: eel
D: Durr's intended destination

Round one
If Durr beats the eels' initiative, Durr takes a 5' step eastwards to protect Clarity's flanks attack with his double axe as a two hand weapon. Otherwise, the eel will probably shift and flank Clarity and Durr takes a 5' step to the northeast and attack, flanking the eel with Clarity.

(If beats initiative)


(If not and the eel tries to flank Clarity)


Knowledge: arcana [roll0] (7), but +2 if it's a magical beast (favored enemy bonus)

Don't have knowledge: nature trained, nor handle animal nor even wild empathy. So no rolls. That's left for the NPC druid then.

Initiative [roll1] (9)
to hit [roll2] (16) plus +2 if flanking, plus +2 if the eel is a magical beast
damage [roll3] (5) plus +2 if the eel is a magical beast

Saves and passive checks
[roll4] (17, 18, 7, 20, 4)

Failed to roll correctly here so I roll in the OOC thread and copy results here.

2017-07-03, 09:17 AM
Durr reacts quickly, rushing to the Paladin's aid and whacking the fish, taking a chunk of flesh out of its gill plate.

The eels hiss and attack.

On Clarity. 5 ft slither closer and strike.

[roll0]; bite damage [roll1]; init next round [roll2] , [roll3]

On Durr. The fish strikes without changing position.

[roll4]; bite damage [roll5]; init next round [roll6] , [roll7]

2017-07-03, 09:20 AM
Clarity draws her glaive!

Init [roll0]

Clarity will use a 5 foot step in her attack sequence to use all 5 weapons on her turn
Attack glaive [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Claw [roll3]
Damage [roll4] + [roll5] bleed

Claw [roll6]
Damage [roll7] + [roll8] bleed
The bleed doesn't stack

2017-07-03, 09:23 AM
The fish's painful bite tears though Clarity's shoulder.

The other misses Durr.

The Druid runs up just west of Clarity and attempts to cast a healing spell, but the spell fissiles as the eel takes a bite out of his arm.

2017-07-03, 09:27 AM
Clarity draws her glaive!

Init [roll0]

Clarity will use a 5 foot step in her attack sequence to use all 5 weapons on her turn
Attack glaive [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Claw [roll3]
Damage [roll4] + [roll5] bleed

Claw [roll6]
Damage [roll7] + [roll8] bleed
The bleed doesn't stack

No step needed. Fish already moved up. Strike 3; you're out! (of attacks this round)

2017-07-03, 09:59 AM
aoo on Druid. [roll0], dam [roll1]

2017-07-03, 03:38 PM

"Hey!" The halfling only had a moment to react, but instead of pointing, she drew her short sword and launched herself at the eel.

Usually use the OOC for OOC rolls (unless part of an IC post) so as not to clutter up the IC with non-IC posts, but all right.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-07-03, 03:49 PM
Amras had been stalking the group from the forest, only to see two of them being attacked by Eels.
He popped out into the open, "Do not fear, Amras is here!" before taking aim at the eel that was attacking them.
His threw off the hood of his cloak, revealing his golden hair and blue eyes as if sent by the gods themselves. His cape rustles as he lines up the shot,
releasing the arrow.

Placement upper left corner on the sand sound good DM?


Panache point to make touch attacks within 1st range increment (2/3) (attacking closer Eel unless it's dead then farther eel)
Deadly Aim Attack (-4 for attacking into Melee)

Deadly Aim Damage with long bow:

2017-07-03, 05:24 PM
The archer/swashbuckler (who was in the boat with the rest of the party) misses the dexterous eel.

The halfling (who is in what position and is attacking the north or south eel?) connects with her dagger, slicing through slimy skin.

2017-07-04, 08:00 AM

The boredom of the boat ride had rocked Ansel to sleep and in their excitement no one had thought to wake him back up. Fortunately the sounds of battle rang out and roused him from his slumber. Ansel drew his sword as he leapt from the boat and made his way to the ruckus. "What did I miss? Why are we fighting fish?" He didn't wait for an answer though. A fight was a fight. He charged the nearest eel and jabbed with his estoc.

+2 from charging. AC lowered to 13. I think I'm attacking the eel farthest from Durr and Clarity.
To-hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2017-07-04, 08:18 AM
As Clarity and Durr are between the eels....let's just saw that Ansel and Mir are both attacking the one clarity is fighting. The archer missed, but both Ansel and the Hafling connected. The Eel is severely wounded now.

2017-07-04, 08:37 AM
Durr shouts to the druid to ask him to fall back and cast behind the melee combatants.

Then he continues to fight the eel he is facing: as long as he is positioned so, he doesn't really have options besides fighting on.

Since the other adventures' bash haven't killed the other eel, Durr finds the eel he is facing is more hardy then he thinks. Therefore, he decides to use power attack to heavily bash the eel at the expense of accuracy.

to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2017-07-04, 10:46 AM
Clarity nods at Durr, thanking him for the assistance. She strikes at the eels, kicking at them with her talons.

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Damage [roll2] bleed

[roll3] Attack
[roll4] Damage [roll5] bleed

2017-07-04, 10:47 AM
[roll0] to confirm critical

2017-07-05, 05:19 PM
The south eel falls as the Magus, mage armor on, steps into flanking on the North Eel.

2017-07-06, 08:35 AM
Hissing, The remaining eel, snaps at Durr.

[roll]1d20+6]; Dam [roll0]

2017-07-06, 08:36 AM
to hit on Durr

The eel misses, Clarity steps over and nearly decapitates it with her blade and claws. If falls dead upon the sand.

Search checks?


Eels pop out of water ten ft on either side of Paladin.

round 1.

Durr Move in and attacks eel N. Hits. 5 dam
Eels attack. Eel S hits Clarity for 8
Clarity misses all 3 attacks
Druid moves in, casts, provokes aoo for 5 dam, looses spell slot
Magus casts mage armor.
Mira moves in, hits Eel S for 3.
NRX character Amras misses with bow.
Ansel moves in, Kills eel S.

Round 2.
Magus moves into flanking.
19. Eel S. it's dead Jim.
18. Eel N Attacks Durr. Miss.
10. NRX Amras (turn untaken, avoids firing into melee.)
9. Durr hits eel N. 11 dam.
6. Clarity Moves north and hits Eel N for 14, bleeding. Dead.

2017-07-06, 11:49 AM
Durr carefully search the corpse of the eels. What does he find?

Searching uses perception checks in Pathfinder, right?

2017-07-07, 03:39 AM
(others may also roll search checks)

From the north eel, a 3 eyed 5 legged bull frog wiggles from the wound on the eels gullet and starts hopping around in circles.

One scale on the fish seems to be reflecting colors oddly,glittering almost glowing.

Examining the gullet, it is full of fish and crawdads in various states of digestion, some water bird feathers, many coin sized pieces of metal debris [roll0], and fragments of shoe leather and cloth.

The shoe leather and cloth contain neither bone nor flesh, but there are several long coarse black or brown hairs.

Durr also finds a clear glowing crystal and a white wand like tube and a transparent plate showing lines of symbols. Touching the edges of the plate in specific places produce more symbols.

Clarity checks the other fish. One tooth seems to be glowing.

The gullet contents are much the same as the other fish. She finds a blue crystal that is cool to the touch, and a string of 3 sea-shells made of cloth that sounds like women laughing, and a small disc made of geometric shapes that emits sounds and lights.

2017-07-07, 03:42 AM
Number of debris fragments for Clarity: [roll0]

2017-07-07, 12:17 PM
Clarity retrieves the suspicious tooth, the cold crystal, sea shell string, and musical disk.

"Can anyone help me figure out what these are? Anyone good with magic?"

2017-07-07, 12:39 PM
The Magus steps forward and looks at the items, chanting quietly.

He reports that the cool blue gem has a mixed aura of evocation, abjuration.

The disk has an aura of evocation and illusion.

The cloth shells, weak illusion.

The tooth... mild evocation and transmutation.

2017-07-07, 11:11 PM
Durr collects the findings, washes them carefully. There's also fragments of shoes and bits of cloth in the water, which Durr carefully collects too. After cleaning them up, he also asks the magus to casts detect magic on them, and he analyse them before putting them to a separate pouch.

Durr focuses on the following questions for his analyses:
Do the shoe leather, cloth and hair look like they are from the last party? That is, are they properly sized for a human or halfling, do they look like what people from the town of West Lake wear?
For the ones with symbols, do the symbols look like what Durr has seen from one of the gnomes in the town?

Durr has detect magic but didn't train in spellcraft. So a magus' help would be useful.

2017-07-07, 11:25 PM
(Away from laptop. Will give auras later)
The fragments seem relatively new. Not rotten.human sized. From standard shoes.

2017-07-08, 02:02 PM
The white wand has an aura of weak conjuration.

The disk has a aura of mild evocation and illusion.

The fish scale has an aura of strong conjuration and weak transmutation.

The clear crystal has a medium aura of evocation and abjuration.

The fox doesn't like the hairs. It is the same bad smell as on the boat.

2017-07-09, 09:32 AM
"These tracks are probably left by clawed monsters," Durr reasons, " and the eels are not among them. Let's follow the one that seems to trip itself from time to time. It will... probably bring less trouble and more information to us."

2017-07-09, 10:07 AM
(you can back post search checks for the eels)

By general consensus the party starts to follow 'Clumsy's' tracks.

(no marching order, party moving as a loose pack with the tracker types in front).

The landscape is a patchwork of blasted, scorched, and untouched green. The naturally rolling low hills of the island now being overlayed by a random network of craters of various sizes.

The native vegetation, and there is more left of it than you might imagine, is mostly low deciduous trees and shrubs with a mix of herbs and grass. There are also many mushrooms ranging in size from tini-tiny to dwarf sized. Some of these have re-spouted quickly in the burnt and cratered areas.

The tracks lead though a few patches of mushrooms, which you pass without incident.

Which leads us to an incident.

Spot (yes, I know, 'perception', but I'll keep calling them spot or search as needed.) checks everyone.

2017-07-09, 10:20 AM
Perception check: [roll0]

Also, something we forgot: cure the druid's wounds. I'll just retcon it here. [roll1]

2017-07-09, 10:33 AM
Clarity looks around.

[roll0] perception

Clarity has scent 30 feet. She can detect enemies twice as far if they're upwind, or only half as far if they're downwind.

2017-07-09, 11:02 AM
(scent isn't that useful when everything smells like burnt fungus)

Hidecheck [roll0]

Tiny purple fungi, mouse sized, pop out of the ground at or between your feet (1 per party member) and attack with tendrils as they emit a high pitched whistle.

(if you passed the check, roll an attack against your non-flatfoot armor class.

If you fail, roll against your flatfoot AC.

Attack is 1d20. Damage is 1d3. If damaged, roll DC 11 save vs poison. Damage is 1 dex per round until successful save.

After resolving the attack on yourself, you may counter attack. AC 14, 1 Hp, non-flank-able, non-critable, already in your space.

After you attack, roll initiative. )

2017-07-09, 12:10 PM
Druid : Spot [roll0]
attack against [roll1] dam [roll2]; save [roll3]
Counter attack [roll4]

Initiative for next round: [roll5]

Magus : Spot [roll6]
attack against [roll7] dam [roll8]; save [roll9]
Counter attack [roll10]

Initiative for next round: [roll11]

(I'll mentally add modifiers after checking their sheets)

Both NPCs missed. Magus taking dex damage.

2017-07-09, 12:31 PM
confirm crit on magus: [roll0]

2017-07-09, 08:30 PM
Clarity is startled! By hiding below her, the creature averted her enhanced senses.


Fort [roll2]
EDIT: It missed me, no fort needed :p

Init [roll3]

Claw [roll4]
[roll5] slashing, [roll6] bleeding per round

2017-07-09, 10:02 PM
Durr is alert enough to notice the tiny mushrooms sprouting in front of him. He tries to dodge the tendril reaching him.

to hit [roll0]
damage [roll1]

Fort [roll2] DC 11
to hit [roll3]
damage [roll4]

EDIT: initiative 1d20+1 = 18 (rolled in OOC thread)

2017-07-09, 10:12 PM
Critical confirm

Extra damage in case of confirmed critical (3x damage)

Annoyed by his own failure at dodging the fungus, Durr swirls his axe and almost managed to hammer the fungus into the grounds.

2017-07-10, 02:49 AM

After resolving the attack on yourself, you may counter attack. AC 14, 1 Hp, non-flank-able, non-critable, already in your space.

end quote.

Durr cut the 'shiit' out of that 'shiitake' already. He can stop now.:smallwink:

Npcs rd 2.

Roll against: [roll0], dam [roll1] ; crit [roll2]

Save [roll3]
Counter [roll4]

Roll against: [roll5], dam [roll6] ; crit [roll7]

Save [roll8]
Counter [roll9]

Druid took a hit and is loosing dex. Misses his mushroom.
Magus kills his mushroom and looses a 2ed point of dex.

2017-07-10, 04:50 AM
Durr moves to help the druid. He flanks the mushroom.

to hit [roll0]

2017-07-10, 04:51 AM
The poison in one of Durr's feet stings Durr.

Durr's fortitude save
[roll0] DC 11

2017-07-10, 06:01 AM

Surprise round/round 1:
Mushrooms pop up and attack. Hide check 19.

Clarity: Missed and misses.

Durr: Hit and hit back. 3 dam, 1 dex

Druid: Missed and misses

Magus: Hit and misses. 3 dam, 1 dex

Ansel: Pending

Mira: pending

Armas: Pending

Round 2:
Top of round, Fungus.
Hits Druid. 3 dam, 1 dex
Misses Magus.
(others pending)

20: Magus: Kills fungus. fails save, total: 3 dam, 2 dex

18:Durr: Kills druid's mushroom. Fails save. Total: 3 dam, 2 dex.
current total: 3 dam. 1 dex.

11: Clarity:

3 Druid: Attack ineffective,. needs to save again next round. current total: 3 dam. 1 dex.

2017-07-10, 11:30 PM
Clarity attacks the fungus!

2 claws
Will 5 foot step to hit another fungus if this first one goes down.


2017-07-11, 12:21 AM
The paladin apparently can't hit shiitake.

Mushroom attacks paladin: [roll0]; dam [roll1]

2017-07-11, 01:18 PM
One of Durr's foot visibly swells due to the mushroom poison. Durr's movement seems to be impeded by that by a bit. "If this continues I'll be clumsy. I'll trip over myself." Then Durr suddenly realized this could also be what happened to the creature he has been tracking.

Round three fort save [roll0] DC 11
And help people if some of them are still fighting mushrooms
to hit (1d20+7) 18 (if can't flank, minus two from this)

Fortunately for Durr, he is lucky* enough that his foot stops swelling more. While it's still quite uncomfortable for him, and it certainly makes his dodging and reflexes harder, he is mostly fine and stable in the foreseeable future.

*I mean, literally. He had to rely on his +2 lucky bonus on fort saves to end the poison effect.

2017-07-11, 08:05 PM
Durr chops the mushroom at the foot of the halfling.


Her head falls at his feet, expression of wide eyed shock staring up at him.

For a moment he wonders if he somehow hit her with his ax, but he looks up to find her still standing body is being held up by the shoulders by an insectoid thing with a toadstool-like head that is munching on the stump of her neck!

(Durr is adjacent to the 'jump scare' monster. Everyone else is a move action from being adjacent or within striking range. In phone dial pad terms, the monster is at 5 and Durr is at 4 due west of it. Position 1 would be NW. Everyone else can move to relative positions.)

2017-07-12, 12:38 PM
Durr's sparkling golden eyes blinks, signaling his surprise at his findings. He can't tell if it's a plant, a vermin, or a magical beast.

Is it a magical beast that Durr knows or is able to guess a bit about?

EDIT: Apparently Durr knows absolutely nothing about this thing.

2017-07-12, 12:51 PM
Never hear of it at all.

2017-07-13, 01:07 PM
Amras fumbles with his bow, noticing the mushrooms growing and attacking the others, however the main target seems to be the insectiod monster, without a thought he begins to aim for it's head, casting a spell as he fires the arrow.

"May my aim strike true, watch your head!" as he threads the arrow.


Full Action to cast True strike in spell combat and attack with deadly aim: (-4 for firing into melee):


2017-07-13, 01:18 PM
A solid hit.

(the fungus cricket showed up on round 3. need attacks for rounds 1 and 2.)

2017-07-14, 01:43 PM
The paladin steps away and attacks.



I will make a five foot step. To attack me the tiny fungus will have to provoke and attack of opportunity.
Also if an enemy is in reach of my glaive I will attack it.


2017-07-14, 02:10 PM
The paladin finally kills the tiny mushroom, and steps towards the insect thing. She swings but misses.

The Thing bites at Durr.

[roll0], dam [roll1]

(roll fort vs poison if it hits)


Taura has had an exciting morning. After agreeing to the gnomes' price, she and the rest of the team climbed into the Gnomes.... what did they call it? zepplin coptor or something.... sausage shaped bag of gas with a canoe under it with a couple of pedal powered fans....powered by a team of 4 gnomes and stirred by the front and rear drivers. It actually did fly. Did being the problem now.

Easy job. Go to island. Pick up any metal and crystals and odd things you find. Signal the boat. But stuff in boat. Get back on flying machine and leave. Meet boat on the west shore later. Avoid any of the Baron's officials so you don't have to share the 'sky metal'. The Baron's jurisdiction technically ends at the East shore anyway. Nothing living on the island except mushrooms and turtles. Called Mushroom Turtle Island even.


1) Mushrooms aren't supposed to have fangs.
2) Mushrooms aren't supposed to have wings.
3) Turtles aren't supposed to have wings either.
4) Turtle shells aren't supposed to bounce around like that.
5) Flying mushrooms and bouncing turtle shells aren't healthy for fans or gnomes.
6) Parachutes and bungee cords do NOT complement each other.

But..., She is 'safely' on the ground now, for values of 'safe' that involve swarms of carnivorous cockroaches and attacks by screaming killer fungus.

The rest of her team, if they are alive, have been scattered by the wind.

She saw the crashed gnome air ship...and the carnivorous cockroaches eating the remains of the gnomes. Too bad they never mentioned how they were going to signal that boat to come....

Hearing the sounds of battle, she looks over the top of a hill. But it isn't any of her team. A woman in armor with a polearm, a half orc with one of those orc ax things, a dead hafling woman, and a few others fighting a big fungus-roach thing...

Maybe it is time to make friends?

(Taura is east of the monster. The 1/2 orc and others are west of the monster. She can charge into flanking if she likes....)

2017-07-14, 02:27 PM

occ tread link.

2017-07-14, 02:28 PM
Before being able to process what is going on on this strange land, Taura (http://puu.sh/wIUO1/ccf248c8bb.jpg) sees the strange being fighting with some beings that she may know what race they are. Specially the half-orc, she knows that race for sure.

Taura starts to position herself around the strange roach-thingy, within charge distance. (I don't know if I should truly be attacking that thing, what if it explodes? I don't want to inhale anything poisonous. I'll wait for someone to attack it and then charge.) She thinks to herself, while positioning her greataxe in her hands. She will enter rage as before charging, and because she want to kill that thing ASAP, she will be power-attacking.


2017-07-15, 03:21 AM
Failing to dodge the half-fungus insect, Durr looks obviously painful after that bite. While Durr looks like a strong half-orc, he lacks the unnatural vigor many other half-orc possesses.

(Lacking the unnatural vigor) Durr does not have ferocity.
Fortitude save [roll0]

2017-07-15, 04:06 AM
Poison effects for Durr: [roll0]
Stg and [roll1] CON.

2017-07-15, 11:28 AM
The new 1/2 orc knocks part of the wingcase off the cricket thing.

The cricket thing responds by kicking at her with his back feet.
1:[roll0], dam [roll1], crit [roll2]

2:[roll3], dam [roll4], crit [roll5]

2017-07-15, 11:36 AM
Alia is humming as she approaches the fight, and she doesn't stop as she processes what's going on. That Tauru lady who was on the balloon is fighting with the strangers, so that works for her. They must be friendly to some degree.

She continues to walk towards the fight, her humming becoming a brief musical chant before she seems to scream at the monster, although no sound is heard.

Taking a move action 30ft closer, then casting Ear-Piercing Scream (based on Taura's charge, assuming the move will get her within 30ft).

[roll0] sonic damage and target is dazed for 1 round, DC 15 Fort save halves damage and removes dazing.

2017-07-15, 11:43 AM
Taura takes a kick to the gut, then the sonic spells makes the Cricket's head explode!.

In the distance you hear chirping. Chirping all around....

The remaining little purple mushrooms disappear into the soil.

This is a good thing, right?

(introductions? Running?)

2017-07-15, 11:55 AM
Taura takes a kick to the gut, then the sonic spells makes the Cricket's head explode!.

In the distance you hear chirping. Chirping all around....

The remaining little purple mushrooms disappear into the soil.

This is a good thing, right?

(introductions? Running?)

2017-07-15, 12:33 PM
Durr looks at the half-orc girl. She doesn't seem to be a member of the last party he is looking for, since he didn't hear about a half-orc in that party. And if they have a member as strong as her, they probably don't need his party to rescue...
Anyway, the half-orc looks friendly enough, since she charged the cricket thing instead of charging Durr or inaction... As a Desna's saying goes, "be ready for unexpected friends", it's better just make friends first, ask about their backgrounds later.

"Thank you for helping us. Are you hurt? I can cure you with this wand." Durr holds his axe in one hand (he isn't able to attack in this way, though this might not be obvious to others), and grabs his wand in another hand.

For Durr himself:
If below or equal to 5, Durr uses the wand again, and repeat this process until Durr is healed at least 6 hit points. (To avoid posting multiple posts just for post-combat healing)

Edit: so one charge is enough.

2017-07-15, 12:33 PM
Marisyra has been wondering around the island since the bail out and crash, avoiding swarms of insects and looking for any other survivors.

She hears yelling and chirping, and then a shriek just over the next hill to the east.

But before she can investigate...


She turns to see a horrid hairy bipedal rat with long floppy ears wearing the shreds of an orange tunic, black vest, and blue pants. It is 30 ft away to the west.

It stumbles aggressively towards her...

(roll initiative. The party is one run action from you, and can roll initiative as soon as you scream...:smallwink:

Initiative for the monster [roll0]

2017-07-15, 01:31 PM
Mentally add the whiskers.
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSHrJayVyeiozkDmMnGBhUvrcQYAuPg7 gkRUy_Gaev3xH3cU4XU

2017-07-15, 02:08 PM
Satisfied with the success of her spell, Alia walks over to the others. "Hi there! I don't recognise most of you from the...balloon thing. I'm Alia."

2017-07-15, 02:11 PM
"Thank you for helping us. Are you hurt? I can cure you with this wand." Durr holds his axe in one hand (he isn't able to attack in this way, though this might not be obvious to others), and grabs his wand in another hand.

"I'm not that hurt, thanks for the concern!" The girl's gray skin return to white and some steam seems to come from her skin, marking the end of her rage. "My name's Taura. You don't look like my team, but hey, you are not strange creatures, so... Can I assume you guys are friendly?" She says, looking at everyone around there.

2017-07-15, 03:24 PM
"I am Durr, a former shaman of the Lightrover tribe, but now an adventurer. We came to this island to rescue another party. They came here to rescue another person too, whom we are also looking for." Durr then looks at the dead halfling and sighs, "It seems we need help too... Did someone hire you to rescue us?".

2017-07-15, 03:37 PM
Taura laughs as the rescuing loop. "No, not actually. We also need rescue, I think! But so do you guys, uh. We should try and help ourselves!" The small girl says, laughing. Her smiles disappears as she looks at the dead. "Sad that not everyone could survive, though."

2017-07-15, 03:44 PM
Alia nods. "We were just hired to collect whatever interesting stuff we found and then return to the balloon. Only thing is we were attacked by flying turtles and mushrooms and crashed. We got a bit scattered about."

2017-07-15, 05:29 PM
Marisyra has been wondering around the island since the bail out and crash, avoiding swarms of insects and looking for any other survivors.

She hears yelling and chirping, and then a shriek just over the next hill to the east.

But before she can investigate...


She turns to see a horrid hairy bipedal rat with long floppy ears wearing the shreds of an orange tunic, black vest, and blue pants. It is 30 ft away to the west.

It stumbles aggressively towards her...

(roll initiative. The party is one run action from you, and can roll initiative as soon as you scream...:smallwink:

Initiative for the monster [roll0]

Initiative [roll0]

"What the hells are you? GET AWAY FROM ME"she screams as she draws two daggers and begins to back away from the creature

2017-07-15, 05:31 PM
Initiative [roll0]

2017-07-15, 05:52 PM
(Moving to attack, holding til he moves to you, or throw dagger?Roll attack and damage for which ever....)

The party hears a scream from beyond the hill to the West. As they instictively run towards it, more of the tiny purple mushrooms pop up ... the party scatters to avoid them. (and non posting players end up in a side canyon...they can rejoin later...)

Hopping over the mushrooms, the (active) party runs up/around the hill....

2017-07-15, 06:04 PM
Just after Alia said "... scattered about", Durr heard the scream. This was obvious, and probably too obvious. Durr instinctively ran towards the origin of the scream. He lagged behind the other people by a little though, either due to his armor encumbering him a bit, or his swelling toes.

dex damage already taken into consideration.

2017-07-15, 06:09 PM
Taura is startled by the screaming girl. "Another one!? I'm still tired by the last overload!" And runs in her direction.

I can't run or charge because of fatigue, don't know if this makes a difference.
Initiative -1 because of fatigue:

Also I'm calling her rage "blood overload" for gameplay reasons as I really don't like calling it "rage" IC

2017-07-15, 06:39 PM
As the scream rings out just after she finishes talking, Alia also sprints towards it - it was probably another of the group. Thoughts of it possibly being a trap weren't on her mind.

2017-07-15, 10:29 PM
Clarity looks at Taura for a second, but says "Well I guess introductions will have to wait!" She cast mage armor, and heads towards the scream. "Fear not, Damsel!" Her father would be so proud of her, running to aid distressed people and ...killing tiny mushrooms.


2017-07-15, 11:09 PM
Marisyra waits until the creature is close enough to get a good hit before flinging her daggers at it. She knows it's not going to do a lot but she hopes it'll distract it long enough for her to get away. Though she'll have to come back for the daggers later

[Roll]1d4 [roll]

2017-07-15, 11:26 PM
Rolling to confirm crit and the damage


2017-07-16, 07:52 AM

The good news is that you know exactly were the daggers are.
And they seem to be returning to you.

The bad news is that they are stuck somewhere in the slobbering mass of hair, snapping jaws, and claws that are attacking you.

bite: [roll0], dam [roll1]
Claw:[roll2], dam [roll3]

2017-07-16, 08:39 AM

Hearing the battle cry, Labyrinthine pushes through the brush, not directly toward the scream but in that general direction. As the underbrush scratches at her legs Labyrinthine wishes that there was room on the Sky Canoe to have brought her Horse Aritmus.

As she burst through the far side of the bushes, Labyrinthine sees the first humanoid(s) that she has seen since she took on this foolishness. Unfortunately there was a very nasty looking something after one of them.

At her first opportunity Labyrinthine will draw her Longbow and looses an arrow at the beast.

No "Precise Shot" hoping to get the shot off before I wind up firing into Melee.

2017-07-16, 09:13 AM
{OCC: whoa!...Let's redact the horse. Don't mind you owning one, but it is back with the gnomes. You didn't take it on the "sky canoe".}

The arrow goes wide.

{Do you have precise shot? Miss even with it, just keeping track.}

2017-07-16, 02:27 PM
Upon cresting the hill and viewing the scene in front of her, Alia doesn't immediately attack the rat creature. Instead she starts to sing, the song infused with her magic to embolden her allies' hearts and help them fight.

Starting Inspire Courage. Everyone who can hear it gets a +1 morale bonus to saves against charm/fear effects, and a +1 competence bonus on attack and damage rolls.

2017-07-16, 03:21 PM

The good news is that you know exactly were the daggers are.
And they seem to be returning to you.

The bad news is that they are stuck somewhere in the slobbering mass of hair, snapping jaws, and claws that are attacking you.

bite: [roll0], dam [roll1]
Claw:[roll2], dam [roll3]

The Rat-thing misses! But it's insane eyes are only inches from Marisyra's as the song begins.

2017-07-16, 04:32 PM
The creature leaps at her, its bite sinking into the leather of her armour, before she leaps back to avoid the claws. Marisyra opens her mouth to scream again, to try and get someone's attentions, when the strains of sweet music catch her attention and her ears perk up.
"Thank the gods" she thinks, before drawing her best daggers and going for another couple of swipes at the horrible creature.


2017-07-16, 08:40 PM

Clarity hums along with Taura's tune. "How excellent!"

The avian clad paladin charges the rat thing.

Glaive with reach


Crit rolls

-2 AC

2017-07-17, 09:34 AM

Durr couldn't attack right now, since he's still holding the wand in his left hand and the oversized axe in his right hand. Therefore, he moves closer to the monster but not very close, and puts away his wand.

Durr is now able to take a close look at the rat-like thing. Does he know or is he able to infer anything about that thing's anatomy?

Arcana [roll0] against magical beast only

EDIT: hopefully Durr will at least know if that thing is a magical beast :D A knowledge check of 20 at level 1 should be enough I hope.

Durr stares at the rat-like thing. His sparkling golden eyes suddenly turns into pure darkness, while some sparkling dust of the same golden color forms around the rat-like thing. A moment later, Durr's eyes restores to its former coloration and radiance.

Stardust(sp): As a standard action, the shaman causes stardust to materialize around one creature within 30 feet. This stardust causes the target to shed light as a candle, and it cannot benefit from concealment or any invisibility effects. The creature takes a –1 penalty on attack rolls and sight-based Perception checks. This effect lasts for one round. Sightless creatures cannot be affected by this ability.

(There's no save)

2017-07-17, 09:49 AM
(since you nat 20ed, it is probably a wererat and you wish you had some silver.

Were-critters are weird in 3.5 and pf as knowledge about them depends on the base creature and not the subtype, so knowledge: local for a human wererat and knowledge: nature for a giant werebear..... We'll just call it as falling under Knowledge: magical creatures with a -5 modifier.)

The rat thing is now glowing.

2017-07-17, 10:20 AM
Durr looks nervous when he realize the terrible possibility that the thing they are facing might be a wererat. "Draw your silver weapons!" he shouts. He doesn't keep an alchemical silver starknife with him: he spent too much on his masterwork double axe and that is bad, really bad.

2017-07-17, 02:30 PM
Please always roll initiative and attack in the IC thread.

Battle log

Round 1: Mari waits for Clumsy to move closer and throws 2 daggers. Also screams. Crits with 1 dagger, 7 dam total (not counting dr)
Clumsy closes and misses his attacks.
Others hear screams and start to move to battle site.
Fatigued Taura will arrive at the top of the hill in round 4.

Round 2.

27 Mari.Stabs at Clumsy one miss, hits for 4 (11)
24.Labyrinthine comes through bushes. to west. is 40 ft away
....shoots, misses.
23. Alia. Approaches from East, Top of hill 30 ft away. begins Singing.
17. Clumsy: Full attack.
Bite [roll0], dam [roll1]
Claw [roll2], dam [roll3]
Claw [roll4], dam [roll5]
Crit confirm [roll6]

5. Clarity, Approches from East, charges Clumsy. HIts for 10 (21)
5. Taura; double move
4. Durr; Approaches from East.Shouts advice. SILVER. Stardusts rat.

(Snow, did you already include the bard bonus to damage?)
(placing Mari north of Clumsy. Clarity is East of clumsy.)

The frenzied wererat seems to be clawing blindly, missing all attempts.

2017-07-17, 03:34 PM
Perception [roll0]

Seeing the paladin approach Mari utilises the distraction to maneuver around and get into a better position, looking for any weak points as she goes.

Attack:[roll1] Damage:[roll2] and sneak:[roll3]
Attack:[roll4] Damage:[roll5] and sneak: [roll6]

2017-07-17, 04:24 PM
All of her daggers miss!:smalleek:

2017-07-17, 04:24 PM
"I'LL BE THERE SOON, JUST WAIT!" yells Taura at the other members, as she "runs" as fast as she can.


2017-07-17, 05:34 PM
Keeping her eyes on the bushes and horizon, Labyrinthine nocks another arrow, and moves cautiously toward the fray, into a position to block the creatures escape. Rather than drawing her bow it appears as though she is preparing a spell of some sort.

Initiative: [roll1]

Ready action to place a Blast Rune in the path of the were-rat should it move to an open space outside of the Melee.

Alternately if I can get in a position that I can hit the rat without hitting the party I'll color spray it.

2017-07-17, 06:38 PM
It'd be good money they said, there's no way tinkerer's are as much trouble as people say they said, it's an easy job they said, there's no way anything could go wrong they said.

After a horrible crash and the sounds of what she could only guess to be giant insects devouring what was left of the crew. Nesta was crouching in a bush desperately trying to figure out a way to craft an escape ship. When her thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice yelling "I'LL BE THERE SOON, JUST WAIT!"

Someone else had survived the crash! This would increase her chances of surviving exponentially. Checking to make sure giant fanged mushrooms weren't waiting in ambush, she pokes her head out and she's that a group of people seem to be running somewhere very desperately.

Nesta began to run towards the straggling half orc as quickly as she could. "What's going on?"


2017-07-17, 08:09 PM
Clarity swings at the beast with her deity's weapon. "Back foul beast! You shall offend this woman nor my sight any longer!"

I've already accounted for the music. Also, flanking.


Five foot step, then claws
[roll5] and[roll6] bleed

[roll8] and[roll9] bleed

2017-07-17, 08:10 PM
Critical roll on that first claw

[roll1] and[roll2]

2017-07-17, 08:11 PM
Keeping her eyes on the bushes and horizon, Labyrinthine nocks another arrow, and moves cautiously toward the fray, into a position to block the creatures escape. Rather than drawing her bow it appears as though she is preparing a spell of some sort.

Initiative: [roll1]

Ready action to place a Blast Rune in the path of the were-rat should it move to an open space outside of the Melee.

Alternately if I can get in a position that I can hit the rat without hitting the party I'll color spray it.


(you need to get due north or due south of Clumsy to use the 15 ft cone template on the right to avoid Mari and Clarity . That would put you in melee.)

2017-07-17, 09:03 PM
Alia continues to sing, weaving the chant for a spell effortlessly into the music, leaving only a brief pause as she lets out another silent scream, before resuming.

Casting Ear-Piercing Scream again. Harmonic Spell means that since I cast, this round doesn't count towards my performance rounds per day.

[roll0] sonic damage and dazed for a round, DC 15 Fort save halves damage and negates daze.

2017-07-17, 09:53 PM

Battle log update

Round 1: Mari waits for Clumsy to move closer and throws 2 daggers. Also screams. Crits with 1 dagger, 7 dam total (not counting dr)
Clumsy closes and misses his attacks.
Others hear screams and start to move to battle site.
Fatigued Taura will arrive at the top of the hill in round 4.

Round 2.

27 Mari.Stabs at Clumsy one miss, hits for 4 (11)
24.Labyrinthine comes through bushes. to west. is 40 ft away
....shoots, misses.
23. Alia. Approaches from East, Top of hill 30 ft away. begins Singing.
17. Clumsy: Full attack. Full miss

5. Clarity, Approches from East, charges Clumsy. HIts for 10 (21)
5. Taura; double move
4. Durr; Approaches from East.Shouts advice. SILVER. Stardusts rat.

(placing Mari north of Clumsy. Clarity is East of clumsy.)

Round 3.

27. Mari. Shifts to position West of Clumsy. Stabby-Stabby, Missy-Missy.
24.Labyrinthine Moves closer. 30 ft?
23. Alia. continues singing, casts sonic spell. 3 damage.
17. Clumsy: Save vs spell [roll0]; fails and is dazed.

5. Clarity, Hits with glaive and crits with claw. Clumsy goes down and is bleeding...
5. Taura; double move. Is joined by gnome.
4. Durr;

2017-07-17, 10:09 PM
Clumsy falls under the effects of the spell and Clarity's attack. He lies bleeding on the ground.

From the bushes 30 ft to the south the group surrounding Clumsy hear:


Taura and the gnome notice another wererat creeping up on Durr and Alia from the north. He is crawling and 35 feet from them.

2017-07-17, 10:11 PM
Durr's star dust scatters and disappears, as the wererat fall onto the ground.

Perception [roll0]

2017-07-17, 10:17 PM
Durr spots the low crawling wererat (and can act).

2017-07-17, 11:32 PM
Durr moves towards the hidden wererat. He chants some shamanistic incantation, and gestures wildly with his left hand. A light beam shoots from somewhere in his backpack to his hand, then scatters into a cone of dazing colors: Durr casts Color Spray on the wererat.

DC 15, Will negates

2 HD or less: The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round. (Only living creatures are knocked unconscious.)
3 or 4 HD: The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.
5 or more HD: The creature is stunned for 1 round.

Sightless creatures are not affected by color spray.

2017-07-17, 11:49 PM
Clarity Clemens

Clarity nods in appreciation at Durr's use of Color Spray, which is a particularly lovely spell. "It reminds me of a Shelyn holy symbol," she comments quietly.

Still, there is a were rat to handle. "Disgraceful rodent! No longer will I tolerate your existence!"

Smite evil! I hope rats are evil.
Glaive attack !

[roll0], +3 if it's evil
[roll1] +2 if it's evil

2017-07-18, 02:26 AM
The wererat is about 45 ft to the NE of Clarity.

2017-07-18, 02:37 AM
. The spell seems much brighter than usual and the light is 'echoed ' and reechoed in the air at random for what seems like a hundred yards in every direction.

It is answered by a hundred CHIRPs from the north...

2017-07-18, 03:05 AM
The second wererat ignores the spell and stands as the palidine approaches to glaive range. Her angry blow missed. He us hit by a second color spray fom L and goes down. The palidin's angry blow hits the fallen thing....

(We'll fudge the distance a bit)

2017-07-18, 05:01 AM
As the first wererat falls Labyrinthine sighs, straightens her jacket, and begins to introduce herself. However, before she can get out a second word, she is alerted to the presence of another monster by the extraordinary flash of Durr's Color Spray.

Labyrinthine springs toward the second were-rat and hesitates to duplicate Durr's spell for a moment as the Chirps echo from the north, before concluding that whatever it was already had seen Durr's light and knew where they were. Reaching into a pouch on her belt, Labyrinthine draws forth a pinch of sand, which begins to sparkle in her hand as her magic flows into it. With a huff blows the sparkling sand onto the were-rat. As she does so it bursts into a display of Color Spray.

DC 15, Will negates

2 HD or less: The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blind
ed and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round. (Only living creatures are knocked unconscious.)
3 or 4 HD: The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.
5 or more HD: The creature is stunned for 1 round.

Sightless creatures are not affected by color spray.

2017-07-18, 06:32 AM
Mari watches as the Ratty creature in front of her is blasted by colourful magics before being skewered by the newly arrived paladin. She moves to thank her but the lady has already run off to deal with something else. Maris looks down at the creature before her. She still needed to recover her daggers. Mindful of the gnashing teeth she attempts to slit the throat of the creature and hasten its demise. She did not trust this creature as far as she could kick it, which is to say not far.

[roll0] Damage(Crit):[roll1] Sneak Attack [roll2]
[roll3] Damage(crit):[roll4] Sneak Attack [roll5]

2017-07-18, 06:38 AM
[roll0] The new wererat has a peg leg.

(Went back and edited paladin results as the second color spray put it down)

Again, the spell is echoed, and the chirping response seems a bit closer now...

2017-07-18, 10:15 AM
Battle log update

Round 1: Mari waits for Clumsy to move closer and throws 2 daggers. Also screams. Crits with 1 dagger, 7 dam total (not counting dr)
Clumsy closes and misses his attacks.
Others hear screams and start to move to battle site.
Fatigued Taura will arrive at the top of the hill in round 4.

Round 2.

27 Mari.Stabs at Clumsy one miss, hits for 4 (11)
24.Labyrinthine comes through bushes. to west. is 40 ft away
....shoots, misses.
23. Alia. Approaches from East, Top of hill 30 ft away. begins Singing.
17. Clumsy: Full attack. Full miss

5. Clarity, Approaches from East, charges Clumsy. HIts for 10 (21)
5. Taura; double move
4. Durr; Approaches from East.Shouts advice. SILVER. Stardusts rat.

(placing Mari north of Clumsy. Clarity is East of clumsy.)

Round 3.

27. Mari. Shifts to position West of Clumsy. Stabby-Stabby, Missy-Missy.
24.Labyrinthine Moves closer. 30 ft?
23. Alia. continues singing, casts sonic spell. 3 damage.
17. Clumsy: Save vs spell [roll0]; fails and is dazed.

5. Clarity, Hits with glaive and crits with claw. Clumsy goes down and is bleeding...
5. Taura; double move. Is joined by gnome. spots pegleg creeping up on Durr
4. Durr; Spots pegleg. Color spay is unsuccessful. CHIRP

Round 4
27. Mari. CDG Clumsy
24.Labyrinthine Moves towards Pegleg and color spray.
23. Alia. continues singing.(pending)
17. Clumsy: kia.

(gm adjusted initiative)
6. Clarity, Moves to glaive range of Pegleg and Smites.
5. Taura; double move. Reaches top of hill near Durr. Gnome is with her.
4. Durr; Pending.
3. Gnome (GM assigned initiative, may act next round)
2. Angry looking white duckrat and long legged wererat charge out of the bushes and attack Mari...


As Mari is retrieving her daggers a snapping crashing sound comes from the bushes west of her. She looks up in time to see a white haired wererat waddle out of the bush followed by a black wererat with long legs, a long neck and buck teeth.

The black one is faster and charges Mari.
Claw: [roll0], dam [roll1]
Mari's arm is slashed!

The white one stops 10 ft west of Mari. It looks hopping mad and is babbling incoherently.

Meanwhile at the top of the hill, a new fungus cricket plops out of the sky between Clarity and Durr (15 ft from each). Chirp...

2017-07-18, 10:46 AM
Labyrinthine breathes deeply as the three additional critters appear seemingly out of nowhere. With her arrow still nocked from earlier she draws and looses the arrow at the White were-rat,hoping to down it before it becomes a threat.

Attack: [roll0]
Crit: [roll1]
Dmg: [roll2]

2017-07-18, 11:05 AM
Shot goes wide. The white rat, who is wearing a torn blue sailor's uniform, gives Laby the evil eye.

2017-07-18, 11:13 AM
Still singing when the cricket emerges, Alia readies her bow and fires an arrow at it.

Acting after the new enemies arrive, shooting the cricket with my shortbow.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Sustaining the performance, 2 rounds used.

2017-07-18, 11:18 AM
Her shot also goes wide. The Cricket tilts its head and waves its antenna in her direction.

2017-07-18, 11:29 AM
Mari had just finished slicing the throat of the horrible rat creature and had made to retrieve her daggers when the next creature attacked. She had just about managed to get her arm up in time to defend her face, but the creature had slashed deeply into her arm. Mari isn't stupid and knows full well she can't take them on alone. Gathering up her daggers she retreats in the direction of the paladin from before and sees her fighting yet another creature
"Oh joy, more of these things" Mari thinks before calling out "There's two more after me help" as she sprints towards her.
(OOC I'm taking the withdraw full round action)

2017-07-18, 11:45 AM
Mari starts to move away. (towards Durr's group or towards Clarity?)

2017-07-18, 11:50 AM
Seeing now a group of people, Mari changes direction slightly to move towards them

2017-07-18, 12:55 PM
Durr bashes the cricket fungus with his double axe!

Power attack on; strength damage already taken into account.
To hit [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

EDIT: I'm not charging. But yes, I forgot to add the song bonus, so +1 to hit and +1 damage.

2017-07-18, 02:50 PM
(are you taking the song into account? or charging?)

2017-07-18, 07:04 PM
Mari breaking contact with the were-critters provides Labyrinthine a perfect opportunity, to try to remove both threats at once.

Labyrinthine rushes past Mari as she retreats moving into position to hit both were-creatures with the same 15' cone. Assuming that they are pretty close together, as the black one was closer when they appeared but got passed by the white one who charged, also thinking I'm close enough to get there inside of 30'She focuses all of her Arcane energies grabbing a small pinch of sand from her pouch, which begins to glow in her hand as she intones the spell. Blowing the dust from her hand it again bursts into a wave of color.Color spray trying to target both were-critters, DC17 boosted with Arcane reservoir.

2017-07-18, 07:06 PM
"Oh joy, death." Nesta remarked Dryly at the vision of battle as she rounded the hill with the half orc. She was a bit out of breath, hard to keep up with someone 2 times your size even if they were a slow runner. Several people seemed to be fighting giant rats several yards away from them.

"...I'm just going to assume we're on their side then." SHe said to the Half- orc that was in too much of a desperate run to explain anything and pointed her finger at her. "Enlarge Person"

2017-07-19, 12:06 AM
Mari breaking contact with the were-critters provides Labyrinthine a perfect opportunity, to try to remove both threats at once.

Labyrinthine rushes past Mari as she retreats moving into position to hit both were-creatures with the same 15' cone. Assuming that they are pretty close together, as the black one was closer when they appeared but got passed by the white one who charged, also thinking I'm close enough to get there inside of 30'She focuses all of her Arcane energies grabbing a small pinch of sand from her pouch, which begins to glow in her hand as she intones the spell. Blowing the dust from her hand it again bursts into a wave of color.Color spray trying to target both were-critters, DC17 boosted with Arcane reservoir.

(The black one passed the white one, but they are adjacent.)

Will Saves
White: [roll0]
Black: [roll1]

The white one falls as the spell echos across the sky. The black one looks at Laby....:smallfurious:

2017-07-19, 01:31 AM
Battle log update: Round 5

Round 1: Mari waits for Clumsy to move closer and throws 2 daggers. Also screams. Crits with 1 dagger, 7 dam total (not counting dr)
Clumsy closes and misses his attacks.
Others hear screams and start to move to battle site.
Fatigued Taura will arrive at the top of the hill in round 4.

Round 2.

27 Mari.Stabs at Clumsy one miss, hits for 4 (11)
24.Labyrinthine comes through bushes. to west. is 40 ft away
....shoots, misses.
23. Alia. Approaches from East, Top of hill 30 ft away. begins Singing.
17. Clumsy: Full attack. Full miss

5. Clarity, Approaches from East, charges Clumsy. HIts for 10 (21)
5. Taura; double move
4. Durr; Approaches from East.Shouts advice. SILVER. Stardusts rat.

(placing Mari north of Clumsy. Clarity is East of clumsy.)

Round 3.

27. Mari. Shifts to position West of Clumsy. Stabby-Stabby, Missy-Missy.
24.Labyrinthine Moves closer. 30 ft?
23. Alia. continues singing, casts sonic spell. 3 damage.
17. Clumsy: Save vs spell [roll0]; fails and is dazed.

5. Clarity, Hits with glaive and crits with claw. Clumsy goes down and is bleeding...
5. Taura; double move. Is joined by gnome. spots pegleg creeping up on Durr
4. Durr; Spots pegleg. Color spay is unsuccessful. CHIRP

Round 4
27. Mari. CDG Clumsy
24.Labyrinthine Moves towards Pegleg and color spray.
23. Alia. continues singing.(pending)
17. Clumsy: kia.

(gm adjusted initiative)
6. Clarity, Moves to glaive range of Pegleg and Smites.
5. Taura; double move. Reaches top of hill near Durr. Gnome is with her.
4. Durr; holds
3. Gnome (GM assigned initiative, may act next round)
2. Angry looking white duckrat and long legged wererat charge out of the bushes and attack Mari...Mari is wounded.
0. Alia misses shot at cricket.
-1). Durr: Attacks and hits cricket. 13 dam.
Round 5
27. Mari. Withdraws to behind Taura.
24.Labyrinthine Shoots, at white rat, misses.

6. Clarity, CDG pegleg.
5. Taura; pending,(waiting for spell to take effect. Will act on -2)
4. Durr; Pending.
3. Gnome casts Enlarge on Taura
2. Black wererat: charges Clarity. Provokes Aoo. (will roll attacks after checking hit and trip) White rat lags behind, waddling up hill
1.CRIC-KET! Attacks Durr. Bite [roll0], dam [roll1]
0. Alia (singing) (pending)
-1. Durr. Pending.
-2. Enlarged Taura pending.

Round 6.

27. Mari. pending.
24.Labyrinthine color spray. White rat goes down.
6. Clarity, pending
4. Durr; Pending.
3. Gnome pending
2. Black wererat: pending
1.CRIC-KET! Pending
0. Alia (singing?) (pending)
-1. Durr. Pending.
-2. Enlarged Taura pending.

(Working in the monster's turns.)

The long legged wererat sees Clarity attacking Pegleg and charges. (stuff happens)....Laby color sprays rats and knocks out the White one.

2017-07-19, 05:59 AM
The weakening painful bite is a bit familiar for Durr...


2017-07-19, 07:20 AM

Mari: Roll fort save.

Everybody: Spot check for round 6.

2017-07-19, 07:27 AM
Taura smiles as she feels herself getting bigger and stronger. "I LIKE THIS FEELING!" she shouts, lifting her now enormous axe to attack the cricket attacking the other Half-Orc.

+4 Strength, +1 BAB, -1 Size, -1 Fatigued, +1 Music, total +4. I'd rather not power attack.

In case of crit:

Because I now have 10ft of reach, I'll be attacking at that distance. If the cricket moves to attack me, I'll be rolling an AoO.

2017-07-19, 07:28 AM
Perception check.


2017-07-19, 07:33 AM
Seeing the wounded Mari retreat up the hill, Alia walks over and touches her, weaving healing magic into her music.

Round 5:
Moving to Mari if necessary, then casting cure light wounds, healing [roll0] damage

Harmonic Spell sustains performance, 2 rounds used
2 Sorc 1 spells, 1 Bard 1 spell cast

2017-07-19, 07:35 AM
Taura doesn't need to worry about the cricket counter attacking.

Edit: Alia moves to and heals Mair. (still needs fort save)