View Full Version : Otterbox Phone Case. Need Help finding one.

2017-06-17, 06:13 PM
Ok, so, I will be getting an iPhone 6, refurbished, soon.

Before anyone says it, iPhone has some apps that make it compatible with some medical devices I am going to start using soon which are going to significantly cut down on both how much junk I have to carry around with me All. The. Time. and also let me spend a lot less time stabbing myself for medical purposes, which is why I'm not getting an android, so please, stay on topic rather then take digs at apple.


A couple of people I know who use iPhones have recommended Otterbox phone cases for protecting it. And I've been looking at them and seem to be having only 1 problem. I can't seem to find one for the iPhone 6 that is water proof.

So, does anyone know were I might be able to find an Otterbox Phone case, for the iPhone 6, that is waterproof?

Honest Tiefling
2017-06-17, 09:21 PM
I don't think most cases are. I checked both Otterbox and Trident, which is the brand I use currently for my own phone. I do see products that seem to go around a case like a baggie or a box that seem to be the only waterproof cases for the iphone 6 that Amazon carries.

Can I ask what the heck you are doing with your phone to need a waterproof case? That might tell use what to suggest a bit better.

EDIT: This (http://www.lifeproof.com/en-us/iphone-6-cases?scid=&medium=tsa&gclid=EAIaIQobChMImvrNuKvG1AIVgpJ-Ch0ThgAAEAAYASAAEgJNafD_BwE) claims to be waterproof, but is pretty pricey and that is only up to a certain depth for a certain amount of time, but might be what you need.

Astral Avenger
2017-06-17, 09:51 PM
Have you considered getting something like a pelican case (link (http://www.pelican.com/us/en/products/cases/)) for your phone, I do a lot of canoe racing, and I throw my wallet, keys and phone in a 1040 microcase for safekeeping. It has saved my stuff from many a capsize over the last four years or so that I've had it. It's worth keeping in mind that the cases float unless you fill it with lead or something much heavier than your phone and I've seen the cases stay completely dry inside after floating on a lake for two days straight. In other words, I'd reccommend some sort of drop resistant case with a screen protector and a pelican case.

2017-06-17, 10:14 PM
I work outside quite a bit as part of my job, and sometimes don't have time/the option to grab a rain jacket before the deluge starts (I live in Florida.), and need to keep the phone on me for reasons explained above. I also will be adding swimming to my exercise routine in the near future, and because it's Florida, and it rains a lot, we get a lot of large puddles all over the place for long periods of time.

So, I need a case that not only protects from drops, but also protects as much as possible from wet. I've had Otterbox recommended as the best brand for iPhones for protecting them, which is why I'm looking in that direction at present.

2017-06-17, 10:31 PM
How about this (https://www.amazon.com/Spigen-Universal-Waterproof-iPhone-Samsung/dp/B01M31XOHJ#Ask)?

User reviews and the Q&A section both suggest the pouch can fit a phone that already has an Otterbox Defender case.

I've been using Spigen cases for my phones for years, since I'm a clutz. The phone that bounced across a parking lot still works. The case is kind of scratched up though. :smallsmile:

2017-06-18, 01:04 PM
Otterbox has great drop protection, but doesn't do waterproofing. Lifeproof does some waterproof things, but they aren't very good on the impacts.

My wife regularly killed 1-2 cellphones or tablets a year. We finally hit success with the Griffin line. They have cases that are both rugged and water resistant (they'll be OK in your pocket during a thunderstorm). You'd probably want to go with the Survivor Extreme (https://griffintechnology.com/us/device/iphone/iphone-6/survivor-extreme-iphone-6).

Mando Knight
2017-06-18, 01:16 PM
Otterbox has great drop protection, but doesn't do waterproofing.

Which is a little odd to me, because "Otter" tends to evoke the mammal's watery habitat.

Honest Tiefling
2017-06-18, 06:48 PM
Which is a little odd to me, because "Otter" tends to evoke the mammal's watery habitat.

I think that's because the company started out making water proof boxes, hence, otter-box. Little strange that only the boxes come up for a search for waterproof, however...Great branding, guys!

2017-06-18, 06:50 PM
They seem to have cases for the 5 and 7 as a brand that are advertised as being water proof for at least a few feet and for at least a few minutes of complete submersion.

6 seems to be the odd one out.