View Full Version : Reincarnation rules question

2017-06-19, 10:08 AM
When you are Reincarnated, it says in the spell description (and I ask you to look it up yourself) that you retain most of the memories you have. You keep your class features, feats, skill points, and your base attack, base saves, and hit points don't change. Does this apply AFTER the level loss, or, for example, if I'm a level 8 Druid with Wild Shape Large, 62 hit points, BAB +6/+1, 11 Skill rank max, and +3 Reflex, +3 Fortitude, and +6 Will save, when I die, do I retain those same numbers but am level 7, or do I still apply the negative level? Thank you.

2017-06-19, 10:12 AM
When you are Reincarnated, it says in the spell description (and I ask you to look it up yourself) that you retain most of the memories you have. You keep your class features, feats, skill points, and your base attack, base saves, and hit points don't change. Does this apply AFTER the level loss, or, for example, if I'm a level 8 Druid with Wild Shape Large, 62 hit points, BAB +6/+1, 11 Skill rank max, and +3 Reflex, +3 Fortitude, and +6 Will save, when I die, do I retain those same numbers but am level 7, or do I still apply the negative level? Thank you.

If you weren't immune to negative levels before you aren't now. You have all the same stats AND a negative level, the negative level is applied normally.

2017-06-19, 10:22 AM
You probably want to use Last Breath for the neglev avoiding

2017-07-10, 11:50 AM
Asking for my son, who is in prison (he is a good guy who did some stupid internet things) -- thanks for helping with what I pasted from his Corrlinks email below, y'all are a decent bunch around here :)

okay I understand that.. So what they're saying is I'm, essentially, playing as an 8th level druid, but at level 7... Or is it that I keep my class features and feats in the new body, but lose the level? That's where I'm getting confused. The line, "You keep your class features, feats, and skill points. Your base attack, base saves, and hit points don't change," is what has me confused. I understand you all are saying, "If you weren't immune to negative levels, you aren't now. The negative level still applies." I get that it applies, but the verbage implies that you apply a negative level, but keep all the **** you had before you died, which is why I presented the scenario for an 8th level druid with the WS Large, 62 HP and so on. Please don't respond again and say, "If you weren't immune to negative levels, you aren't now," because that's not answering the question I have. I UNDERSTAND you apply that, but DO YOU KEEP your leveled up stats or do you apply the negative level stats? GAH I wish it didn't sound like I was so dumb, but I feel like that's how people are viewing me because they aren't understanding the question, or at least the way I'm trying to ask the question.

Fouredged Sword
2017-07-10, 12:04 PM
Ok, there are two things going on here.

FIRST - Your character changes race. You keep some things - " It retains any class abilities, feats, or skill ranks it formerly possessed. Its class, base attack bonus, base save bonuses, and hit points are unchanged. ", but other things change "Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores depend partly on the new body. First eliminate the subject’s racial adjustments (since it is no longer of his previous race) and then apply the adjustments found below to its remaining ability scores." Though note, if you previously had a race with a con bonus and you lose it you will lose the HP per HD that the con gave your health. On the other hand if you roll into a race with a higher con bonus you can end up with more HP.

SECOND - you lose a level per the standard cost of returning to life "The subject’s level (or Hit Dice) is reduced by 1. If the subject was 1st level, its new Constitution score is reduced by 2. (If this reduction would put its Con at 0 or lower, it can’t be reincarnated). This level/HD loss or Constitution loss cannot be repaired by any means."

These two things are separate. The verbiage that is confusing you applies to the mechanics of changing a character's race in the middle of play, not to the mechanics of level loss. The loss of level may reduce your HP, BAB, and anything else that the level you just lost granted.