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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Is this Druid archetype overpowered? Circle of the Blossom

Liran Sterling
2017-06-19, 11:45 AM
Hey all. I'm running a campaign in the fall and some of my players were unhappy with the classes and archetypes that are out there, so I've made them some that work for their characters better. I posted yesterday about my Paladin archetype, the Oath of Loyalty (here's the link to that thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?527712-A-Paladin-Subclass-Oath-of-Loyalty-(HELP!))

I'm looking for any advice or tips, or anything that I may have missed about these archetypes.

The Circle of the Blossom is all about plants, as the name suggests. This is for a druid who focuses on the flora rather than the fauna of nature, as I've always thought that druids should have a plant archetype. So I made one. The player is a half-dryad botanist, so this was really the only option as no other classes worked at all.

So here it is, please tell me what you think.


P.S. any help on the Paladin subclass would be appreciated as well.

Sariel Vailo
2017-06-19, 11:59 AM
Waha a theory show your player this.http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2017/03/circle-of-root-and-stem.html?m=1

Liran Sterling
2017-06-19, 12:07 PM
Waha a theory show your player this.http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2017/03/circle-of-root-and-stem.html?m=1

dang! I looked everywhere for a plant based druid, and only after I make my own do I find this one. thanks. What do you think of mine though? should I give her mine or the one you provided?

Sariel Vailo
2017-06-19, 12:08 PM
dang! I looked everywhere for a plant based druid, and only after I make my own do I find this one. thanks. What do you think of mine though? should I give her mine or the one you provided?

Yours could use testing to find what if anything can be broken honestly present both to the player.
The oath of loyalty tho is my top 5 paly archetypes.it goes vengence ancients crown seraph and loyalty

2017-06-19, 04:51 PM
half-dryad botanist

You rang?

Though to be fair, this is quite similar to my circle, so I don't have too many comments for you. Perhaps Florian Fluency is too wishy-washy and overly-complicated; better to just give them Speak with Plants and be done with it. The AC for the seedling seems a bit low, not that it's hugely important. But otherwise, I'd say it's pretty nice.

Sariel Vailo
2017-06-19, 04:55 PM
You rang?

Though to be fair, this is quite similar to my circle, so I don't have too many comments for you. Perhaps Florian Fluency is too wishy-washy and overly-complicated; better to just give them Speak with Plants and be done with it. The AC for the seedling seems a bit low, not that it's hugely important. But otherwise, I'd say it's pretty nice.

Sup prawn i put up root and stem only druid thing ive liked thus far

2017-06-21, 02:02 AM
As an alternative, there's there's compendium on the Reddit 'best 5e homebrew' forum titled "Sprouting Chaos". Iy has a bunch of plant themed stuff.

Liran Sterling
2017-06-21, 10:30 AM
As an alternative, there's there's compendium on the Reddit 'best 5e homebrew' forum titled "Sprouting Chaos". Iy has a bunch of plant themed stuff.

could you link me to it? I couldn't find it.

2017-06-21, 11:29 PM
could you link me to it? I couldn't find it.


Here's the direct link.