View Full Version : Birth (Creature) ability? Where is it from? (3.X)

2017-06-19, 08:46 PM
So on the absolute monster that is the 71 templated tarrasque made by Milov3 (props to him, also will put link below) there is an ability called Birth Tarrasque which comes from a template, I don't even have half the books where the templates are from and haven't heard of about half of those templates either so I need help locating where it comes from. Anyone know?


2017-06-20, 07:50 AM
So on the absolute monster that is the 71 templated tarrasque made by Milov3 (props to him, also will put link below) there is an ability called Birth Tarrasque which comes from a template, I don't even have half the books where the templates are from and haven't heard of about half of those templates either so I need help locating where it comes from. Anyone know?


The actual ability is called Generate Spawn (SU). It's from the Legion template. You can actually tell because of typo in the writeup.

Birth Tarrasque (Su): As a standard action, an Apocalypse can generate a number of spawn statistically equivalent to a Tarrasque. Apocalypse may create [#] spawn a number of times per day equal to [one-quarter of their Hit Dice (round up)]. [The die type used to generate this random number is the closest die type equal to one third of the legion’s Hit Dice (round up).]

2017-06-20, 08:40 AM
Thank you necroticplague. Your help has been really useful.

Also, do you know if Book of templates is 1st or 3rd party?

2017-06-20, 08:46 AM
Thank you necroticplague. Your help has been really useful.

Also, do you know if Book of templates is 1st or 3rd party?

Yes, I do. It's completely third party, by Silverthorne Games, lacking any "dnd product" language or the DnD logo.