View Full Version : The Eyes of Cauttoire (IC)

2017-06-20, 01:58 AM
You awaken, thrown together in a cell. Your gear is packed and ready on different tables, the bags neat and orderly. You feel odd- as though you stayed asleep for too long, that your limbs and joints are stiff and heavy. The stones are slightly damp and slippery, the air heavy with moisture and the scent of moss and mould. Torches flicker on the walls, too spread apart and to dim to give you a clear look at anything but the table lit brightly by six torches bracketed on the wall behind it, one of them now barely smouldering as the sickening scent of hours-old blood fills your collective nostrils. A sealed letter lies next to a young boy’s body on the table, clotted blood pooling beneath him.

2017-06-20, 05:35 AM

Gennam slowly rises to his feet, and kicks the others awake. He glances at the boy with... resignation, and noting the seal, breaks it open. He wracks his mind for every hint of what happened to us. Once the others have bestirred themselves, he looks over each in turn and reads it out somberly. In the interval he tries to determine everything he can about the room.

Rothis Sil
2017-06-20, 01:27 PM
Staff Mantler startles in response to Genam, he is a Saurian with dark yellow scales.

In a deep voice, which gives the air of a savage, yet somehow educated Saurian (think Wrex from Mass Effect series).

He rises to a combat stance with his hands, and almost asks Genam the question "Who are you?"

However, Mantler sees that Genam is reading a letter out loud, and so only lets out the word "Who?" before deciding to wait for a moment and allow Genam to speak.

Staff Mantler examines Genam as he listens to him read the letter (a physical description of Genam would be appreciated, race, appearance, sex).

2017-06-20, 07:35 PM
In a strangely accented, cracked voice, the sunburnt human states "This boy lies dead. We must know why. The eye is blinded. You will see for us."


The thinfaced, slight young man chews on his dry lips and run fingers through his caked black hair as he paces. Dust swirls around his feet, and never settles. A slyph.

"We're some kind of sacrifice. They wanted us to sleep with the dead, i think. The weapons are merely to keep things entertaining." Gennam turns to stare at the bloody corpse, as if for confirmation. Every wound, every feature is observed.

Rothis Sil
2017-06-20, 08:58 PM
Staff Mantler grimaces in disgust and then composes himself.

"Who are you? You're saying you woke up in here same as me?"

2017-06-20, 09:46 PM
The boy is young, neither of you sure how young, as his race isn't that obvious from your initial cursory glances. What is obvious, however, is that his eye was replaced at some point with a stone sphere with a carving of an eye on it.

I've assumed that your characters have been living in/visiting Cauttoire for at least a few days, and thus know most of the knowledge given to you in the Finding Players thread.

Imagery of the stone; The carving is simplistic- along the lines of what's on the "Millennium Eye" from yu-gi-oh.

2017-06-20, 09:51 PM
Birig Flamewarden (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1228456)

In the corner of the room, a red-haired gnome startles awake, her eyes shining bright orange. As she looks around the room, confused, her gaze settles on the nearly burnt-out torch, ignoring everything else. Moving towards the table, she utters something in a soft but squeaky voice, and a small fire bursts out of her hand towards the torch. She then turns towards the other figures in the room, watching and listening with curiosity.

Cast spark on the torch trying to make it burn brightly again (it's not fine sized watevaaaaaar)

perception [roll0] edit: LOL nat 20 with a +12 modifier. edit edit: thanks for pointing out my mistake, +9 = 29 anyways.

Rothis Sil
2017-06-20, 09:56 PM
Seeing that others are starting to get up, Staff Mantler will be making his way towards the table with the equipment.

2017-06-20, 10:20 PM
The smouldering embers light up, brightening the room a little.

Rothis Sil
2017-06-20, 10:40 PM
Staff Mantler will be moving towards the dead boy to aid in examining the corpse.

2017-06-20, 11:14 PM
Birig spots several noteworthy things as she scans the room, but one stands out more than the others. She approaches the dead body at the table, lifting up his shirt to reveal an odd silver mark on his body.

I'm assuming that Eternis will actually tell us what it is now...I'm assuming it's the same eye mark but who knows.

Rothis Sil
2017-06-20, 11:21 PM
Staff Mantler addresses a similar question to the gnome.

"You were kidnapped and brought here too then?"

2017-06-20, 11:33 PM
Staff Mantler addresses a similar question to the gnome.

"You were brought here and kidnapped too then?"

"I...don't remember. Don't know how I got here."

Rothis Sil
2017-06-20, 11:36 PM
"I...don't remember. Don't know how I got here."

"I think it's the same for all of us, we need to find a way out of here. Can you fight?"

2017-06-20, 11:47 PM
"I think it's the same for all of us, we need to find a way out of here. Can you fight?"

Birig has a glint in her eyes as she declares: "I can set things on fire! Including people!"

2017-06-20, 11:50 PM
The mark on the body is a seven-pointed star.

Rothis: You've got your Charisma and Intelligence modifiers mixed up on your character sheet- And your constitution mod is just a +0.

Rothis Sil
2017-06-20, 11:50 PM
Staff Mantler stares blankly for a moment, processing what the Gnome just said.

Dismissing her as insane, Staff Mantler begins looking for the door to the cell.

2017-06-21, 12:01 AM
The door to the cell is set within the bars:

About six or seven paces from the table with the body.

2017-06-21, 12:02 AM
Birig turns back to the mark and studies it more closely. Unfortunately, she has no idea what it could mean. She asks the others instead: "Have you seen this symbol before? Maybe it could help us figure out what this half-elf kid is doing here dead."

As the lizardy guy approaches the door, Birig calls out after him, "It's unlocked...but don't you want to figure out what's going on in here first?"

Rothis Sil
2017-06-21, 12:07 AM
Birig turns back to the mark and studies it more closely. Unfortunately, she has no idea what it could mean. She asks the others instead: "Have you seen this symbol before? Maybe it could help us figure out what this half-elf kid is doing here dead."

As the lizardy guy approaches the door, Birig calls out after him, "It's unlocked...but don't you want to figure out what's going on in here first?"

Staff Mantler looks back at the gnome as he examines the door closer.

"No, I've never seen it before, but whatever it did to him, I don't want to wait around to find out, here help me with this door"

(Staff Mantler examines the door, the material, the condition, the type of lock, etc.)

Rothis Sil
2017-06-21, 12:12 AM
Not realizing the door was unlocked, and equally confused as to how the gnome could have known, Staff Mantler opens the door and walks out of the cell (assuming the gnome is correct).

Just as he's about to leave he says

"No, not really interested sorry, but tell me if you ever figure it out"

2017-06-21, 12:25 AM
You see a corridor, turning back towards the same direction as the cell at either end.

r - Rothis
... - cell barrs/door
,, - wooden door
| / _ - Stone walls.
[]: cell
; - undiscovered
Blank - Open space
| _.....___..r... ____,,__ |
| ; ; ; ; ; ;[cell]; ; ; ; ; ; |
; ; ; ; ; ; ;[___]; ; ; ; ; ; ;

Torches in brackets periodically dot the stone walls.

2017-06-21, 01:02 AM
Previously oblivious to the goings on around him, a well dressed human man scrambles to his feet. Noticing the body on the table, he mutters:

"Well shoot, anybody know how that got there? None of y'all did that, right?"

2017-06-21, 01:05 AM
Birig, still lifting up the boy's shirt, responds, "Nope, but whoever did it must have really wanted him dead! Cracked his skull open shoving that fake eye in,
too. So, you going to come and take a look, or walk away like that odd lizard guy?"

2017-06-21, 05:52 AM
"You fools. Be quiet! You think butterflies are down here with us? I'll kill you myself if you take another step, lizard. I won't die for your clumsiness." All said with a hiss, his pack snapping open. He whispers angrily as he dons his leather armour and girdles his rapier. "So we have a mage, and I - hugh - am a detective. What can you two contribute?"

Seizing a torch, he storms towards the body. "What nonsense is this about cracked skulls? Have you not heard of the Eye's of Cauttoire? He is one of their spies come undone. We are to take his place." He begins to dust himself off, scratching and trying not to think of ticks. "Two things; have any of you a compass? We can't be more then two days from the city. And i need water."

Rothis Sil
2017-06-21, 08:59 AM
"You fools. Be quiet! You think butterflies are down here with us? I'll kill you myself if you take another step, lizard. I won't die for your clumsiness." All said with a hiss, his pack snapping open. He whispers angrily as he dons his leather armour and girdles his rapier. "So we have a mage, and I - ahh - am a detective. What can you two contribute?"

Seizing a torch, he storms towards the body. "What nonsense is this about cracked skulls? Have you not heard of the Eye's of Cauttoire? He is one of their spies come undone. We are to take his place." He begins to dust himself off, scratching and trying not to think of ticks. "Two things; have any of you a compass? We can't be more then two days from the city. And i need water."

It is worth noting that Staff Mantler has indeed left the cell, and is out and about the dungeon on his own.

It is uncertain whether or not Mantler would have heard Gennam's threat, but if he did, he ignored it.

2017-06-21, 09:10 AM
Premptive [roll0] in case he catches up with the Saurian. When the lizard fails to respond, the dirty Slyph looks bitter and treads lightly into the hallway, looking for signs of his departure. "Follow me." Should he find them, he'll follow as swiftly as he can.

Rothis Sil
2017-06-21, 09:13 AM
(I am pretty sure that Staff Mantler has moved out of the line of vision, let alone attacking distance of anyone within the cell, but I will defer to the DM.

What I'm saying is, Mantler's just not there)

2017-06-21, 09:14 AM
soz, wrong thread

Rothis Sil
2017-06-21, 09:56 AM
Wrong thread.

2017-06-23, 03:52 PM
Teithwyr stands up and begins dusting himself off.

"Well, sitting around arguing amongst ourselves ain't gonna do much good. Let's get ourselves out of here and then we can discuss where to go from there. Sound good boys?

2017-06-24, 04:49 PM
Birig watches as the first two run out of the cell. Addressing the remaining human, she squeaks out: "Aaaand...they're gone. So do you want to figure out what happened to this kid or are you going to go chase after them too?"

2017-06-24, 07:21 PM
"Well, I think we can do both. I'm not sure we'd get very far in any sort of investigation if we limited ourselves to this room."


2017-06-24, 07:34 PM
Gennam walks back into the room. "Wait... what? Did i miss something?"

2017-06-27, 12:23 AM
"Oh nothing in particular worth mentioning. Long story short, I believe that while his intentions aren't exactly the best, the Saurian has the right idea. We can't exactly sit around in here all day and expect to figure out what we're looking for, and I was just discussing that with he young lady over here. Teithwyr says. He then turns towards an empty space in the corner, and says: "Birig, was it? Are you coming with?"

After asking this, he then waits for a moment, and apparently satisfied with the answer, he turns back to Gennam.

"Well then, I do believe we should get going and figure out what the hell's goin' on.

With that, he turns and exits the room.

2017-06-27, 12:34 AM
Hair uncoiling in a grubby curtain as he nods assent, the Sylph stares at the empty wall and hastily resumes tracking the Saurian. "Names Gennam. How can you help?"

2017-06-30, 05:02 AM
You enter a corridor, well lit with torches dotting the two sets of walls. There is a similar cell to your left and one wooden door dotting the inner wall to your right, each before the corners, which bend the corridor back towards the inner wall.

2017-06-30, 03:14 PM
Gennam looks for tracks, open doors, any trace of the saurian.


2017-07-02, 05:27 AM
The corridor is swept clean- and you're still feeling a little too rattled to follow these tracks with your skills.

2017-07-02, 12:28 PM
"I've lost him. We're on our own." Gennam looks into the nearby cell, curious for more prisoners.