View Full Version : Level 18 barbarian question

2017-06-20, 01:52 PM
When you have the barbarian 18th level ability to take your strength score on a strength check can you add any proficiency modifier or anything? I ask because some creatures have an armor class of higher than 20

Sir cryosin
2017-06-20, 01:58 PM
When you have the barbarian 18th level ability to take your strength score on a strength check can you add any proficiency modifier or anything? I ask because some creatures have an armor class of higher than 20

I'm AFB but if your using something your proficien in then yes. So say you are asked to make a Athletics check in your proficient in athletics so you add your strength score plus your proficiency bonus. If the DM just ask you to make a strength check you just use your strength score. Do you understand?

2017-06-20, 02:05 PM
It doesn't work on attacks so I'm not really seeing why did you bring AC up, but you don't add proficiency, you replace the check result with your STR score, not just your roll. It explicitly says "the total of your strength check"

2017-06-20, 02:06 PM
My read is that the idea if that if your Strength check roll plus your proficiency if it is Athletics or a Saving Throw is less then 20, you take 20. THis is different from an attack roll, where you cannot substitute 20 for your die roll. Otherwise there really would be no penalty for the GWM feat -5 to hit if you can automatically replace it with a 20. Compare to Reliable Talent where you cannot get below a specified DC.

EDIT: Ninja'd

2017-06-20, 03:16 PM
My read is that the idea if that if your Strength check roll plus your proficiency if it is Athletics or a Saving Throw is less then 20, you take 20. THis is different from an attack roll, where you cannot substitute 20 for your die roll. Otherwise there really would be no penalty for the GWM feat -5 to hit if you can automatically replace it with a 20. Compare to Reliable Talent where you cannot get below a specified DC.

This doesn't apply to saving throws either. Attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks are different things.

2017-06-20, 03:25 PM
I believe you are asking what if the Barbarian can do the same with attacks as he can with str checks? I think that could be trouble depending on how free your DM is with magic items. I ended up questing for and getting a belt of storm giant str alongside a hammer of thunder bolts so I had a str of 30. Also, there is another caveat to this. How does GWM affect it? Do you get the -5 before or after the change? If before than this is even more broken as it allows reliable GWM without needing to reckless attack, but if after it is almost useless. Combined with my previous magic item point it's insane. Also, I think it is unneeded. Because of reckless attack, your barbarian is not missing often if you have a reliable magic weapon (+2 or better gives you a +13 with adv (so+18) to hit which is an average of 23 or 28 to attack). He doesn't really need help in that regard.

2017-06-20, 04:56 PM
This doesn't apply to saving throws either. Attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks are different things.

You are correct, I wasn't paying attention when I was typing obviously.

2017-06-20, 05:14 PM
When you have the barbarian 18th level ability to take your strength score on a strength check can you add any proficiency modifier or anything? I ask because some creatures have an armor class of higher than 20

Many creatures have an AC higher than 20, but that has nothing to do with Strength Checks because Strength Checks are made against DCs not AC. And no you don't get to add Proficiency to the Strength score, you add your Strength bonus to the Roll for the Strength Check and only add your Proficiency bonus if a Proficient Skill like Athletics applies to the situation, and if that total number is less than your Strength score, you substitute you Strength score for the Total number you rolled on the check.

For example Grognar the 18th level Barbarian attempts to hold on to the mast of a ship during a hurricane. The DM sets the DC to do so at 19. Grognar Rolls a 5. His Strength bonus of +5 is added to make the roll a 10 since 10 is lower than 19 Grognar would normally fail this check and be chucked into the sea BUT Grognar is mighty, and uses his Indomitable Might to substitute his strength score of 20 instead of the 10. Since 20 is higher than 19 Grognar successfully rides out the storm.

2017-06-20, 05:18 PM
Effectively it makes the minimum result of any str check you make equal to your actual str score (so if your str is 20 then that is the minimum you do not add anything to it).