View Full Version : Tips for Share Spell with Enspell Familiar

2017-06-21, 04:18 PM
I am playing an arcane heirophant1/druid6/Wiz1with enspell familiar from dragon magazine. We have a Wizard who is 8th level, and a cleric 8. I have a ring of spell storing that holds 5 levels worth, what are some good spells that I could share for fun and profit? My companion is a fleshraker. Venomfire is not allowed.


2017-06-23, 07:32 PM
Hard to go wrong with the Polymorph line of spells; although being a Fleshraker, you probably don't want to to change it's base form that much.

Mirror Image would be good for defense; Expeditious Retreat would give it a pretty insane land speed.

2017-06-23, 07:51 PM
Hard to go wrong with the Polymorph line of spells; although being a Fleshraker, you probably don't want to to change it's base form that much.

Mirror Image would be good for defense; Expeditious Retreat would give it a pretty insane land speed.

Yeah, Mirror Image is always an excellent defensive choice, especially when it gains evasion as well.

2017-06-23, 11:52 PM
Since I like to play gishes I would add "Divine Power" on top of Polymorph. Since most monsters have a 3/4 BAB regularly (when you use Polymorph your BAB stays) and your familiar shares your poor BAB, this is a straight push that will get you extra attacks (full-attack) faster.

Once your party hits lvl 9, you can get Righteous Wrath from your cleric buddy. This will enhance your combat power even further (size increase + further stat boosts).

On the defensive side, I would stick to the mentioned Mirror Image and add something with misschances (e.g. blur, displacement..).

Invisibility can be handy too. Sure your wiz buddy could cast it himself, but if you share it yourself > you profit and your buddy saves a spellslot (for your familiar).