View Full Version : Optimization Thematic optimization of a church inquisitor?

2017-06-22, 02:32 PM
So recently I made a backup character for a campaign taking place in the year 628 D&D lore-wise, and it is an interesting setting the DM has put us in. It's a time where arcane magic is mostly unheard of, its practitioners being referred to as vile witches and warlocks mostly due to the no one knowing where their magic come from. Druids gain divine power from nature, clerics from their deities, while witches combine odd material components to summon unheard-of powers. There are many elements from 2nd edition blended into the campaign due to the timeline, and if I understand correctly, with a tutor, I could potentially take 2nd ed classes. But obviously, we're using standard 3.5e for all rules and such. Only big difference I can think of is that I do not believe Karsus has stolen Mystryl's power yet so magic is much more unrestricted.

So exposition aside, the character I've made I made initially for the flavor of it, not the practicality. However, I'd like to optimize his concept from this point on to make him able to be played as I envisioned. The character is a spellwarped human cleric 3 / church inquisitor x at the current moment. I want him to be a powerful, cruel, but ultimately fair and lawful force. He ruthlessly seeks out falsehood and exposes liars, seeking to end the corruption inherent in the church and show just how dangerous this godly magic of theirs is. I'm debating taking the Divine Counterspell ACF, as bad as it may seem, to better fit the theme of an unforgiving inquisitor who can see past lies and illusions, protecting himself and allies from enemy magic. We play 3.5e and allow all canon material, including dragon mags and such. Where should I take the build from here on out?

Eowyn's ancestors were experimented on by arcanists, gaining the spellwarped template. Due to this, his family has long been the targets of various witch hunts by the church. After seeing the atrocities committed by the church against people who had done them no wrong, and once seeing up close the work of one such warlock, Eowyn failed to see the danger in arcane magic. After all, the church committed equally vile acts with their "divine" power. Seeking to clear his family name and prove that any all forms of magic are equally dangerous, Eowyn boldly joined the church himself, becoming a cleric to the great dismay of the other church members. Within only a few months, he rapidly ascended to the position of church inquisitor, his mission to expose the corruption in the church and cleanse it.

2017-06-22, 03:46 PM
Can you retroactively take the Divine Magician ACF?

2017-06-22, 04:11 PM
Can you retroactively take the Divine Magician ACF?

As I haven't made the character yet and it's just a backup concept, I could. It could be interesting, and kinda(?) fits the theme, but as all arcane spells are seen as witchcraft it wouldn't help my cleric's position in the church if he could cast a couple, even if they were added to the cleric spell list for him and thus being divine in nature, since they originate elsewhere. Hmm, actually, that might make it more interesting...

2017-06-25, 12:31 PM
I've got a inquisitor in the build stages for when my drood dies.

it fits in w/ a lot of what you have going,

take a peek for fun and enjoyment, maybe you'll grab an idea to use as well
