View Full Version : Player Help Extensive research, Need help with a Gish!

2017-06-22, 07:13 PM
I will start with specifics. I am in a DnD 3.5e campaign which is going to be a friends first time being DM. It is just a short dungeon crawl but i wanted to take the opportunity to try out something I have never played. Which is a Gish type character(i will go into more detail).
We make our characters at level 10 and it is not likely to go past that. Also all books are fair game but i am trying to keep it to 3.Xe.
So my question is, how do i make the most efficient arcane Gish that I can at level 10. here is some more detailed information:

1) I do not want to break his game.
2) As before mention, arcane gish.
3) I know Abjurant champion is fantastic and would prefer as many levels as possible while still achieving my other goals.
4) (greater) luminous armor is wanted, as well as Wings of Cover and true strike (kind of a must)
5) It is not out of the question, but i would prefer to avoid the standard pal 2/ sorc 4 / spellsword etc... path.
6) my highest stat is a 16, next highest is 14. the rest are fairly low and no stats have not been allocated.

I can pick pretty much any race but i would prefer not to use anything with a LA. Although, if i do take anything with a LA, it would solely be Half-dragon. I have done a pretty decent amount of research and i find myself stuck. the difficulty comes with making it all work. I realise that i could go Duskblade 5 / Abj. Champ. 5, but that cuts out the wings of cover.
As far as party role goes, i want to be a tanky melee monster. And i quite enjoy the idea of doing it while channeling spells.
I hope this is specific enough

Hope to get some help, thank you.