View Full Version : [5E] The Temple of Elemental Evil (IC)

2017-06-23, 10:25 AM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?528103-5E-The-Temple-of-Elemental-Evil-(OOC)&p=22123845#post22123845)

At last you arrive in the city of Verbobonc, situated on a major river that splits south into the hills. Her towering steeples and pleasant apartments are a welcome respite from the rough wilderness. It is the peak of summer and the days are long and hot. You have nary to your name: a sturdy weapon, cheap armor, a trinket, and whatever your pack can hold with enough gold for a few nights. Weak, weary, and poor you stumble into a tavern for a spell.

There is an air of tension even during the busiest moments. Merchants and travelers fill the bars, murmuring about troubles to the north. Bandits prowl the edge of the Viscounty far from the watchful eye of patrols. It's bad for business but the tavern keeper sure is satisfied filling every seat in the common room.

A man approaches you, large around the waist and rosy faced from good drink. "Greetings!" he bellows, dribbling beer from his lips. "My name is Markle, merchant extraordinaire, seller of swords, traveler of lands unseen! You, my friend, look like a person who can handle themselves in a scuff. As I'm sure you've overheard the profitable routes to the south are prowled by bandits and creatures most foul. If you offer your services I will reward you handsomely with no less than five hundred gold pieces!" You nearly faint at the reward. It's enough money to buy a farm and retire. There's no turning this down...

The next morning you prepare to set out. Markle and his eight helping hands are loading the last of their goods into a covered wagon: dried meat, raw iron, bundles of weapons and armor, and jingling coffers. Four other hired swords arrive, they too looking as desperate, tired, and starved for gold as you are. "It's a three-and-a-half day journey to Hommlett, our first stop. You fellows might want to get to know each other. Who knows what we'll encounter on the road, hurf hurf."

Describe your character and claim your color.

2017-06-23, 11:08 AM
Aldia is a pale elf with angular features and platinum blonde, almost white hair. He wears black robes and a hood, along with a holy Symbol of Hel around his neck. He seems slightly annoyed at the proceedings around him, as though he would rather be anywhere else. You hear him quietly mumble for just a moment.

2017-06-23, 11:38 AM
Gretro Gretro is, at first glance, a big, burly, orangish-skinned, reddish-black-haired man. He wears leather armor, a backpack, and pieces of cloth poorly sewn at each end to the wrists of his shirt. Each one holds a dagger for a sneaky attack. He also has a rapier on his belt and a bow poking out of the top of his backpack. In his hands, he, seemingly bored, rolls dice over and over again, frowning and smiling instinctively when he sees a good or a bad roll.

2017-06-23, 12:08 PM
Geod the Steady-Handed, or simply Geod is busy looking over Gretro Gretro, having not seen a bugbear before, much less a bugbear who seems so concerned with dice. His facial expression is one of impressed admiration, as it is rare that the Earth Genasi has to look up to anyone. The tall (by normal human standards anyways, standing at 6'3"), broad shouldered humanoid simply stands and looks over his new companions with dark brown eyes. His dark blue skin has a stony appearance, though nothing as craggy and uneven as most people would associate with earth elementals. His skin is more like unpolished slate (http://www.porcelanosa-usa.com/products/media/catalog/product/cache/1/small_image/300x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/1/0/100179731.jpg), a dark bluish-grey with ridges and faults, like someone had simply picked him up from the bed of a stream. His hand moves up to wipe some sweat off his hairless brow as he responds to the merchant, "Aye Master Markle, it looks like everything is in ship-shape. Just let us know when you're ready to move."

As his body shifts as he continues to turn his torso to look at the rest of the group, the scale mail on his chest rustles along with his own movements. A laden pack with at least two different coils of rope sits on his back, and one spear and a longbow are kept in safe positions there as well. Another spear, which he holds as one would hold a staff or long walking stick, is in his free hand. Anyone who looks closely enough at his right arm might notice an engraving or etching almost in the style of a tatoo; the pattern of a falcon or a kestrel in flight is drawn out in white lines which stand out against the rest of his dark skin.

2017-06-23, 01:58 PM
The first day is uneventful being a smooth coast through well maintained roads and the occassional checkpoint. Markle describes Hommlet as a quiet, if well populated, rest point between the Viscounty of Verbobonc and the elven kingdom of Celene. Nestled inbetween their borders is the small farming town, a place where traders and farmers gather to ply their goods.

Gnomes and elves combined reflect about a fifth of the population and as a result Larz, Aris, and Aldia are warmly received. Geod is given a wide berth while Gretro is shunned entirely. Markle is sympathetic, truly a worldly man, but the other humans don't hide their resentment for the bugbear.

About a decade ago there was a great war in this region between the free counties and the forces of evil. Monstrous creatures gathered at a stronghold to the east, an old temple, but the good folk staged a great assault against it. The region has been quiet since but the scars of war run deep. People are ever alert regarding the monstrous races, especially gnolls, goblins, and bugbears.

On the second day the caravan comes across a second heading to Hommlet. The driver announces that he is delivering the allotment of building materials for the villages' garrison and wouldn't mind the extra protection. After checking the driver's papers (all official), Markle nods in agreement and takes on the twelve extra teamsters.

The third day crosses the border. The road is rougher, the patrols nonexistent. Thick copses of vegetation threaten to overrun the road and if it weren't for the well trodded ground and old stone mile markers it would be easy to wander off track.

The markers are druidic in origin and very old. This place is civilized but appears to adhere to the old religions.

Around mid-day when the journey comes to an abrupt halt.


A wheel on Markle's caravan snaps in half, sending the wagon with its goods into the dirt. Markle waves off the other caravan "Hommlet's just three miles up the road! Go get the wainwright, please!"

"Sure thing," says the other driver and takes off.

Markle turns to the party. "I didn't live this long without being cautious. You five take the horses and position up on that hill. It'll give you clear sight of the area. Cover us until we get this situation resolved."

Markle points to a hill. The road curves around it, leading to the village proper. Heavy woods obscure sight on both sides of the road.

2017-06-23, 02:19 PM
In the Small Farming Town

It doesn't escape Geod that the denizens of the little hamlet are avoiding him and Gretro. Not eager to spend too much time alone, and having not really learned anything about the seemingly brutish companion, he walks over with calm strides, his bare feet touching the dirt with barely a sound despite his bulk and weight. "Oi! Big guy." He makes his presence known, siding up to the bugbear. "How 'bout all these little folk, eh? Just 'cuz we look a bit offish and are bigger'n two of them stacked up they stay clear of us like we threatened to grind their bones into our bread, eh?" He gives a friendly, gentle punch to Gretro's shoulder, an attempt to build at least some sense of cameraderie amongst the outcasts.

On the Road

Geod saddles up and waits for the others, drawing his bow from his pack as he confirms, "Aye, sir. Maybe one of us should stay here just in case though? Not much we can do up from the crow's nest if someone comes..."

Drawing the Longbow.

2017-06-23, 02:34 PM
In the town, Gretro doesn't respond to Geod. He just nods and keeps moving on.

On the road, Gretro says,
"I'll stay with Markle. You guys go up there."

2017-06-23, 03:22 PM
The town

Aldia writes something in his notebook as he surveys the town.
Research old temple after this is over.

The Road

Aldia simply nods and gets on the horse, waiting for the others.
How far away is the hill?

Aardvark 001
2017-06-23, 03:43 PM
Aris bows slightly and moves off in the direction that Markle indicated. His face is as impassive as ever but his eyes scan the surroundings for any sign of activity.

Perception [roll0]

2017-06-23, 05:12 PM
Geod reigns his horse towards the hill and huffs. "Not a very talkative crew, are you? Two copper says this whole thing goes belly-up. Can't be a good omen if everyone's this quiet..." Nonetheless, he holds his bow at the ready, waiting for anyone to give a signal that something isn't as it should be.

2017-06-23, 06:11 PM
The hill is about 160' away and gently slopes up to a peak 60' high. The vantage point, situated where it is, effectively puts anyone on the peak at a range of 90' to either two carts. The village of Hommlet is faintly visible in the distance. A stone church and half constructed keep are visible amidst the rolling hills and various farmlands. The stone cart rounds the hill, out of direct sight of Markle's cart. Gretro stays behind.

Aris sees it first, movement through the thick line of trees making a beeline towards the stone cart. They're moving through the thicket with ease.

Perception [roll0]
Check your PMs

A thick cloud of fog, 40' in diameter, surrounds Markle's cart. All vision is obscured as if you were blinded.

Everyone state your intended actions. The people on the hill can see the stone cart and the obscuring fog. Gretro is effectively blinded in the center of the fog. No initiative right now, but you have an opportunity to do something.

2017-06-23, 06:29 PM
Confused by this communication at the start, Gretro pieces together the words; After all, he isn't a native common speaker. Markle is kind of fat, so he must be the "fat man". Now, "double order due east" must mean that there's an order of two times something due to the east of here. But what? Or is this some sort of code? Either way, he doesn't know which it is, after all, how could he? So, after drawing his rapier, he wanders outside the fog and looks around for a reason for its sudden appearance.

2017-06-23, 06:58 PM
Hallo Rocky, what was the name again?

Larz takes the lute from his pack and strums a few bars while following the others to the hill. (I presume I'm riding a mastiff not a horse).

Did you ever hear the tale of the satyr, the boulder, and the troll?

Larz launches into a telling of a fey story set to notes from his lute.

2017-06-23, 07:21 PM
Aldia raises his holy symbol and speaks a command word. Blessun. Now move. The three others on the hill feel a divine strength flow through them as Aldia begins to ride towards the fog.

Forgot to say exactly what I was doing. Casting Bless on the other three, then riding towards the fog.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-24, 12:36 AM
Aris also moves towards the cart, although a sinking feeling in his gut feels him that they may be too late.

2017-06-24, 05:11 AM
Hallo Rocky, what was the name again?

Larz takes the lute from his pack and strums a few bars while following the others to the hill. (I presume I'm riding a mastiff not a horse).

Did you ever hear the tale of the satyr, the boulder, and the troll?

Larz launches into a telling of a fey story set to notes from his lute.

Geod chuckles briefly before answering, "Geod, but Rocky will do just fine, Master Gnome." He perks up as finally someone gives a clear order, something he can react to as he feels a strange surge of energy move through his body. "Alright lads, you heard the elf, lets move!" He spurs his horse on, riding towards the chaos, bow drawn with an arrow ready to fire at anything that might threaten them on the way down.

Readying a Longbow attack against anything that is openly hostile to us.

2017-06-24, 05:34 AM
Larz shoulders his lute and readies his staff and shield, taking a jousting type posture on the mount and heading back with the others.

2017-06-24, 08:17 AM
As Gretro cannot see and taken a bit by surprise, he stumbles in a random direction... which I will roll off screen!

Gretro walks where he believes is north. He can hear heavy footsteps behind him followed by what sounds like a battering ram splintering wood. When he exits the cloud he sees the other party members riding down on their horses.

Markle only has draft horses and so Larz will have to settle riding with someone else. The timid animals are cautious in their descent, taking longer than normal to reach the cloud of obscuring fog. It dissipates as the riders pull up revealing a grisly scene. Half of the teamsters lie face down in the dirt, daggers in their backs. Large sized footprints, as long as a man's entire leg, lead into the woods. The cart is nearly cleaned out. Only torn sacks and smashed chests remain.

Markle's body is twisted, his legs crushed by some great force. He spits and sputters in his dying breath "Warn garrison... traitors... templ.........". Markle is dead. The cart is empty. There is nothing left but the chirping of woodland insects.

2017-06-24, 09:55 AM
Aldia curses under his breath as he surveys the wreckage. He gets off his horse and looks around, hoping to find some smaller footprints.

Looking for signs of the traitors or Gretro

2017-06-24, 10:11 AM
Geod dismounts from his horse at well, more curious about the footprints which seem to be leading off towards the woods. If Markle really wanted the rag-tag group to inform the local garrison, they would need all the information they could get. He squats down by one of the sets of footprints and examines them, trying to remember if he'd seen a beast or monster make these kinds of tracks before.

[roll0] Well ... so much for that.

After looking at the prints long enough that the rest would just come from stewing over his mind, he looks to one of the slain bodies. It would seem that all the dead had been stabbed by daggers, and he rips some cloth off the sleeve of one of the departed, carefully wrapping it around one of the dagger hilts before attempting to remove it from the corpse.

2017-06-24, 12:00 PM
Gretro, feeling he's already failed his personal mission to improve the reputation of Bugbears, doesn't want the coin, however few, to go to waste. He searches the bodies for any coin.
Perception: [roll0]
After taking the money (if any) he rejoins the rest of the group, sort of sulking.

2017-06-24, 01:40 PM
When Aldia sees Gretro approach, he simply asks, What happened?

2017-06-24, 02:02 PM
Larz checks all the slain to see if any survive that could benefit from the healing from lay on hands.

2017-06-24, 02:14 PM
"Heavy footsteps, then a big sound. Could not see anything in the mist. Mist is likely to be what my shorter kin call Booyahg. You, elf, are a Booyahg, if you know what I mean. Which you probably do not."
He waves his hands around a little when he says "Booyahg".
"Footprints going into forest. Only those who are sneaky should come with, or we may be discovered and we would be at a disadvantage."

Aardvark 001
2017-06-24, 03:28 PM
I will come with you, Aris says shortly, dismounting from his horse. In the forest at least I may be able to match you in stealth. He is pleasantly surprised by Gertro. He had expected the bugbear to desert as soon as he got his money and Markle was dead. Certainly he had not expected him to suggest that they avenge their employer.

2017-06-24, 06:31 PM
I don't think splitting up is a good idea, perhaps the stealthy ones could scout ahead but we could all pursue

2017-06-24, 07:52 PM
Larz is right, you shouldn't go in alone. Scout ahead, report back, then we all go.

2017-06-25, 12:18 AM
"If we go in first, and we don't come back, those that remain will be at a disadvantage. If we go in first and come back, then we are still at a disadvantage as we would travel as a group and whoever it was would have time to get away. If none of us follow those guys who went away will find us with Markle and we would have been useless. I say we do Larz's idea."

2017-06-25, 09:28 PM
Aldia curses under his breath as he surveys the wreckage. He gets off his horse and looks around, hoping to find some smaller footprints.

Looking for signs of the traitors or Gretro

There's an obvious trail through the woods heading east. A creature of some great size and prodigious strength has cracked and trampled small trees in its path. A glint reveals caltrops on the trail, forcing anyone but Geod to move through the thick underbrush.

Geod dismounts from his horse at well, more curious about the footprints which seem to be leading off towards the woods. If Markle really wanted the rag-tag group to inform the local garrison, they would need all the information they could get. He squats down by one of the sets of footprints and examines them, trying to remember if he'd seen a beast or monster make these kinds of tracks before.

[roll0] Well ... so much for that.

Geod has never seen tracks like these but they belong to a large sized creature, that much is sure.

Gretro, feeling he's already failed his personal mission to improve the reputation of Bugbears, doesn't want the coin, however few, to go to waste. He searches the bodies for any coin.
Perception: [roll0]
After taking the money (if any) he rejoins the rest of the group, sort of sulking.

Gretro finds nothing on the teamsters. They would've been paid at their destination and Markle provided for their meals. Markle kept his money in a sack tied around his neck, the sack now missing. In one of his pockets are two maps ((see OOC thread for maps)).


X marks the spot where the attack occurred. Hommlet is about 3 miles south. The trail cuts through the woods east.

Following the trail is slow going. The brigands who did this left caltrops and snares behind on the path, making traversal with horses impossible. They're easy to spot but force the party to navigate through the thick underbrush which already slows down a scouting expedition.

Two hours later the trail comes to a clearing. In the distance the area becomes rugged with swooping hills. The main trail continues east, although Geod is quick to spot some horse manure and a single trail that heads south towards Hommlet.

Checking the map, the only thing east is a crude drawing of a skull that warns "DANGER." The skull is drawn in different ink and not as faded as the rest of the map. The dotted path indicating an old road no longer used and likely overgrown by now.

2017-06-25, 11:49 PM
We should head to Hommet and warn the garrison, as Markle said. Pursuing these traitors further will be almost surely fatal without backup.

2017-06-26, 07:52 AM
I agree, said Larz, the garrison may know more about what is going on in this area and provide us with valuable information that could guide our efforts.

2017-06-26, 01:44 PM
Do you go back through the woods to retrieve the draft horses or continue on foot south to Hommlet? Both options would take about the same amount of time.

2017-06-26, 02:37 PM
Do you go back through the woods to retrieve the draft horses or continue on foot south to Hommlet? Both options would take about the same amount of time.

Aldia doesn't care if it would take the same time. He'll just go with what the others decide.

2017-06-26, 03:44 PM
Gretro mutters for a few seconds, and then says,
"Let's go back on foot. Let me do the talking, please."

Aardvark 001
2017-06-26, 04:08 PM
Aris nods. He's troubled by what has happened, but he doesn't know what to do any more than his companions do. As you wish. I for one am not too fond of horses. I would not mind leaving them behind.

2017-06-26, 08:15 PM
It's a solid three hour trudge through foothills to Hommlet. Scattered farms give way to a sizable town square split in half by a gentle river. You pass by a simple stone church bearing the mark of St. Cuthbert. On the east edge is a stone keep, half finished with turrets sporting massive ballistae that could shoot at any target in sight.

A large crowd gathers around a building in the center of town, a sign labeling it as "Inn of The Welcome Wench." The crowd is a mix of men, young and old, wearing various leathers fashioned into armor and carrying swords, cudgels, spears, and crossbows.


You recognize the cry of the stone-cart driver pointing directly at you. The crowd swiftly forms into ranks, weapons drawn.

"ENOUGH! We are more civilized than this!"

An old man, late sixties, dressed plainly in farming attire approaches.

"My name is Holt, village elder and captain of this fine militia. I'm afraid you have been accused of murder, grand larceny, espionage, sabotage, and the worse, vandalism." He pauses to chuckle to himself. "I would like to give you fair trial... right now of course, we are delaying supper. My wife, she makes the most delicious pork chops and--"

"Sir Elder, please!"

"Yes, yes we have all damn night! Uh, where was I? Oh, right. Describe the events of the past day and do be honest. There are at least six witnesses who can place you at the scene of the crime."

2017-06-26, 09:13 PM
Gretro finds a big rock to stand on, or, if he can't, just stays where he is. He throws his rapier to the ground.
"You might find my kind to be evil and any who associates with them evil, but hear me out. We were guarding the caravan which you accuse us of attacking. Yes, we were at the scene of the crime. We were led away by a series of coincidences, or so it would seem, and I, incompetently and helplessly, was caught in the fog while the others were killed. I heard a large noise and found Markle dying, and he told us to warn the garrison about something. He was crushed to a near pulp, the kind that you might think my kin would grind your bones into. Look at my weapon: It is a blade, as are my other weapons, beside my bow, which is also not capable of such force. And you will find I am not as strong as most of my kind are. I am sorry for the loss, as I feel we have both lost much already. If we fight we will both lose lives and fail our goals in life, even if we survive the fight. We found large-sized footprints leading into the woods, from the path where Markle died; Would you not follow us to the site, knowing the prints could not be ours?"


2017-06-26, 09:30 PM
Aldia turns to the group and begins speaking, sounding exasperated. Let me explain what I know in detail, so you can understand. We were hired by Markle as guards for his cart. This chaos started when a wheel broke. He sent another cart he was traveling with, led by this man... he motions to the man who just accused him... ...ahead to get the wainwright. He had us four... motioning to himself, Larz, Aris, and Geod... ...go to the top of a nearby hill to keep watch, while the bugbear, Gretro, stayed with him. Soon we saw a group moving towards the stone cart, and a cloud of fog appear around Markle's cart. We saw nothing else of the stone cart, as we immediately went to aid Markle. When we arrived, the fog dissipated and half the men were dead with knives in their backs while the other half were missing. Markle was dying, and only managed to tell us to warn the garrison, along with mentioning traitors and a temple. Gretro was unharmed, but I believe him to be innocent. There were very large footprints leading into the forest, with the trail covered in traps. We followed until we left the forest, when the trail turned east and a single, smaller one let south to Hommet. We decided to come here and warn the garrison as Markle said. He turns to the others. Does anyone have anything to add?

2017-06-26, 10:19 PM
Geod shakes his head in response to Aldia, keeping his eyes on the wary crowd. He keeps his arms crossed over his chest, attempting to look confident but non-threatening, his weapons still strapped to his back in their usual positions. He keeps his mouth shut, remembering Gretro's suggestion from earlier despite the profanities crossing his mind that he would love to shout at the silly townsfolk.

2017-06-27, 06:19 AM
Gretro finds a big rock to stand on, or, if he can't, just stays where he is. He throws his rapier to the ground.
"You might find my kind to be evil and any who associates with them evil, but hear me out. We were guarding the caravan which you accuse us of attacking. Yes, we were at the scene of the crime. We were led away by a series of coincidences, or so it would seem, and I, incompetently and helplessly, was caught in the fog while the others were killed. I heard a large noise and found Markle dying, and he told us to warn the garrison about something. He was crushed to a near pulp, the kind that you might think my kin would grind your bones into. Look at my weapon: It is a blade, as are my other weapons, beside my bow, which is also not capable of such force. And you will find I am not as strong as most of my kind are. I am sorry for the loss, as I feel we have both lost much already. If we fight we will both lose lives and fail our goals in life, even if we survive the fight. We found large-sized footprints leading into the woods, from the path where Markle died; Would you not follow us to the site, knowing the prints could not be ours?"


The crowd's fury dissipates in the face of the bugbear's speech. "Well we can't outright lynch them... murmur murmur... let us hear what they have to say... murmur murmur"

Aldia turns to the group and begins speaking, sounding exasperated. Let me explain what I know in detail, so you can understand. We were hired by Markle as guards for his cart. This chaos started when a wheel broke. He sent another cart he was traveling with, led by this man... he motions to the man who just accused him... ...ahead to get the wainwright. He had us four... motioning to himself, Larz, Aris, and Geod... ...go to the top of a nearby hill to keep watch, while the bugbear, Gretro, stayed with him. Soon we saw a group moving towards the stone cart, and a cloud of fog appear around Markle's cart. We saw nothing else of the stone cart, as we immediately went to aid Markle. When we arrived, the fog dissipated and half the men were dead with knives in their backs while the other half were missing. Markle was dying, and only managed to tell us to warn the garrison, along with mentioning traitors and a temple. Gretro was unharmed, but I believe him to be innocent. There were very large footprints leading into the forest, with the trail covered in traps. We followed until we left the forest, when the trail turned east and a single, smaller one let south to Hommet. We decided to come here and warn the garrison as Markle said. He turns to the others. Does anyone have anything to add?

"Their testimony checks out, Elder!" cries a voice from across the street. A young man with fiery hair wearing an oversized tunic marches ahead. Marching with him is a great giant of a man, head shaved, with a stare that could pierce through steel. "Burne's the name," says the young man "His Most Worshipful Mage of Hommlet and founder of the mercenary force Burne's Baders, full title. This is my associate, Rufus--"

"Partner!" the large man interjects.

"Yes, partner, and commander of all the forces in town by order of the Viscount and Archduke. We've seen the carnage, investigated the remains, and find these travelers foolish yet innocent."

The crowd grows a little restless. Some take seats while others leave their weapons on the ground to get a drink in the inn.

"Be that as it may," says the Elder "while we can absolve them of murder, there is still doubt of their allegiance and intentions. By law, an inquisitor will have to be summoned from Verbobonc to investigate and these travelers would need to be held for the time being. This council will be the jury. Burne and Rufus, you vote innocent. Mytch the Miller?"

A man slightly older and more decorated than the rabble gives a thumbs down.

"Ostler, sergeant, what say you?"

An older man wearing an apron polishing a glass holds his thumb up.

"Lorenzo, lieutenant, your vote?"

An elderly man, not quite as gray as the elder himself, gives a thumbs down.

"Terjon, high priest of the church of St. Cuthbert? What does Cuthbertine justice say here?"

The priest doesn't let the Elder finish before sticking a thumb down.

"Jaroo, our most venerated guide and leader. Will you cast your vote?"

He points to a man clothed in what appears to be a dress made entirely of leaves and twigs. A pair of birds jollily roost on his head. He waits for what seems like forever before giving a thumbs up.

"And my vote is negative. We are a hung jury."

"Aaaah!" Rufus exlaims. "By the rights invested in me as an agent of the Viscount, I am allowed to press into service any persons held by law, awaiting trial, standing trial, imprisoned, or soon-to-be-executed. I believe this qualifies."

The Elder throws his hands up in defeat. "Well why the bloody hell didn't you say so fifteen minutes ago. Go home, everyone, show's over. We won't be lynching tonight."

The crowd disperses disappointed. Half of them enter the inn barking orders for drinks. Burne approaches the group.

"Welcome to Burne's Badgers, gentlemen. I'll give you a chance to redeem yourselves. Everything you said is very troublesome and I have need of your services as soon as possible. But first, drinks. On me!

2017-06-27, 06:47 AM
Geod waits with bated breath through the trial proceedings, looking around slightly nervous, pondering an escape if the verdict doesn't go in the group's favor. He holds his breath at the mention of a hung-jury, and shifts his stance slightly, preparing for the worst.

However, on Burne's intercession, he finally exhales and relaxes. The thought of shifting his loyalties again, so soon, felt uncomfortable, but there wasn't much he could do about it. Better to wait a little longer and be alive to return to the Peregrine's Grace, he thought, waiting for the majority of the villagers to disperse before approaching their new benefactor, smiling and chuckling as a thought occurs to him; Burne's Badgers, eh? Might need to find someone for a new etching... He claps his hands together once in an expression of thanks, before speaking. "A pardon from a lynching and free drinks? Gods bless the mother that raised such a fine lad."

2017-06-27, 10:13 AM
The fates are as fickle as thistledown in the summer breeze, all is as milady wills it.

I am Larson Gustavo, green knight of the High Lady Isaboe, may she live forever, my heart is pure and our cause is just, it is a pleasure to be of service.

Larz uses the minor illusion cantrip to play a small french horn fanfare at the end of his introduction and takes a deep bow.

2017-06-27, 11:26 AM
Gretro is relieved that his speech changed their minds. Maybe helplessly letting Markle and his associates die wasn't the end of the road after all. But, he has to stay in the moment for now.
He shouts,
"With experience, it's not a great idea to get drunk before a mission. How about we give whatever help you need and then drink? Or is it too dangerous a mission to think we would come back?"

2017-06-27, 01:47 PM
Geod raises an eyebrow at Gretro's odd objection. "C'mon big guy, a mug or two isn't gonna send our heads between our knees. At least some celebration is in order, we just got our date with the headsman pushed back at least a few days while we're in the service of Master Burne. Besides, if he knows whats out there, wouldn't you want to know before we go marching out to face a band of well-trained killers?"

Aardvark 001
2017-06-27, 02:03 PM
Aris has been his usual stoic self throughout, saying little and letting the others speak for him. Even so, he cannot help but chuckle at Geod's good spirits. These companions are definitely growing on him.

2017-06-27, 02:42 PM
"Hah, well said Rocky. You can't fight evil on an empty stomach."

Ostler the Innkeeper and his red-faced wife keep the table afloat in beer and sausages. The tavern is crowded with a mixture of villagers, their recently brandish weapons set on the tables, armed mercenaries and all manner of travelers foreign and domestic.

Rufus goes over what he knows over dinner. "Your testimony checks out. We know of these brigands but never have they been so bold to attack this close to town. Your description of a large creature is also worrying."

"It's a catoblepas, I'm telling you."

"Shut it, Burne! No man can train a catoblepas."

"Then it was a young red dragon. Nothing to fret about, we've slain dragons before."

"Can I finish, please? Look, about ten years ago there was a great battle not far to the east. An army of evil creatures marched into this region using a temple stronghold as their base. They set up a moat house here..." Rufus points to the BEWARE skull on the map. "It was smashed years ago in a combined effort between the gnomes, elves, and armies of the Viscounty and Duchy. It's still a dangerous, rarely traveled area so the brigands must be using the old moat house as their base."

"We really don't want to hold you guys" Burne spits between bites of spiced meat "But those bastards stole four months worth of supplies. Trust me, Rufus and I have been in your shoes. Why it's a hallmark of adventuring that you wind up framed for a crime you didn't commit. But this puts us on edge, which puts the town on edge, which puts the Viscount on edge, and nobody wants that."

Rufus leans in. "Consider your tenure with the Badgers finished if you return what was stolen. We can't afford an expedition of our own, so I'll sweeten the deal with hazardous duty pay. You can keep anything above and beyond what was stolen, no questions asked. Trust me, this is generous. Burne here is covetous as a red dragon.

Furthermore, I offer 50 gold pieces for each man you bring back alive. We are entirely staffed by former criminals. We believe that crime is the result of a lack of opportunity, and that given a better alternative people can and usually will reform. Ask any of my Badgers and they'll agree that the pay is good and three-hots-and-a-cot is better than eating the mold growing on dungeon walls.

That is my offer, take it or leave it though I hope you take it. I would suggest leaving in the morning, the journey is half a day east on foot. If you need supplies speak with Rannos at the trading post. The man is a shark but he's the only supplier in town. I would also suggest hiring a guide or an extra sword. Rannos keeps a boy around who knows the land, Elmo the guard captain's son is a drunk but pretty handy with a sword, and there are several characters in this very inn probably itching to do some adventuring with a good crowd.

Unless you have any pressing questions, I must return to the garrison. We need to look into this talks of a traitor. I hope to see results soon."

2017-06-27, 02:54 PM
"Well, the last thing we need is someone clanking around in armor. Dragon or monster, we need stealth, which most of us (he glances at Larz) have down."
He says to the party in general.

2017-06-27, 03:24 PM
"Well, the last thing we need is someone clanking around in armor. Dragon or monster, we need stealth, which most of us (he glances at Larz) have down."
He says to the party in general.

Larz shakes his body a bit to jingle the chain mail then smiles and disappears as a bush appears in his seat [minor illusion].

Aardvark 001
2017-06-27, 03:29 PM
A smile flickers across Aris' face. Well said, friend Larz. He sips from his tankard. As for a guide, shall we speak to the druid Jarroo? He spoke in our favour at that farce of a trial and he may be disposed to help us in our mission.

2017-06-27, 03:54 PM
"Can I finish, please? Look, about ten years ago there was a great battle not far to the east. An army of evil creatures marched into this region using a temple stronghold as their base. They set up a moat house here..." Rufus points to the BEWARE skull on the map. "It was smashed years ago in a combined effort between the gnomes, elves, and armies of the Viscounty and Duchy. It's still a dangerous, rarely traveled area so the brigands must be using the old moat house as their base."

Gerod looks up from his plate of sausages, and asks, "Now, when you say 'army of evil creatures', what exactly does that entail? Buncha goblins, some nasty orcs? Some cultists with demons? A necromancer with zombies? 'Evil' is a bit nondescript."

Rufus leans in. "Consider your tenure with the Badgers finished if you return what was stolen. We can't afford an expedition of our own, so I'll sweeten the deal with hazardous duty pay. You can keep anything above and beyond what was stolen, no questions asked. Trust me, this is generous. Burne here is covetous as a red dragon.

Geod interjects again, "How long until the inquisi-whatsits get here? Sure, you believe us, but I don't wanna go out to make good money just to end up with a rope waiting for my neck when we get back..."

Larz shakes his body a bit to jingle the chain mail then smiles and disappears as a bush appears in his seat [minor illusion].

Geod chuckles, and thinks, Thass'it, don't let the big guy push you around as he finishes his first mug, drinking much slower than his usual pace for Gretro's benefit.

A smile flickers across Aris' face. Well said, friend Larz. He sips from his tankard. As for a guide, shall we speak to the druid Jarroo? He spoke in our favour at that farce of a trial and he may be disposed to help us in our mission.

Geod scratches his chin, "I'm not sure we're worth the 'most venerable and honored leader'... We could try to recruit the trader's boy, but we do have a map to know where we're headed." He looks and squints slightly at Aris, as if puzzling over something, before speaking again, "And you're one of them woodsy-elves, aintcha? Heard yarns you folk can't get lost in the woods anyways, so what do we need a guide for?"

2017-06-27, 04:21 PM
Hm... Aldia looks over the party... Rather than another warrior or a simple guide, we could hire a wizard or sorcerer. My magic is, at least for now, limited to clerical spells, so some arcane support would be welcome.

2017-06-27, 04:26 PM
Gretro nods at Aldia's suggestion.
"Having two 'Booyahg' in our group will be advantageous, let alone if they are a powerful one. My family's band's captain had two of them as friends, it's how they lasted so long.

2017-06-27, 05:54 PM
Gerod looks up from his plate of sausages, and asks, "Now, when you say 'army of evil creatures', what exactly does that entail? Buncha goblins, some nasty orcs? Some cultists with demons? A necromancer with zombies? 'Evil' is a bit nondescript."

"All the above," Burne says with a smile.

Geod interjects again, "How long until the inquisi-whatsits get here? Sure, you believe us, but I don't wanna go out to make good money just to end up with a rope waiting for my neck when we get back..."

"Don't worry about that, Rocky. You're in my service now. That makes you as clean as the day you were born... I guess. I don't know how you elemental tinged folk are born. Slide out of a fissure? That sounds gross."

Hm... Aldia looks over the party... Rather than another warrior or a simple guide, we could hire a wizard or sorcerer. My magic is, at least for now, limited to clerical spells, so some arcane support would be welcome.

"Ah, excuse me..." A short young man with a bulbous nose and frazzled hair approaches the table. He wears a simple cloak with a long knit cap. "My name is Spugnoir. I came to this village riding a caravan much like you. I'm here on behalf of my master to research the region. I can help you. All I ask in payment is travel expenses and first pick of any scrolls."

2017-06-27, 06:04 PM
Gretro gives a quick glare at Burne when he says goblins are evil. Shake it off, he thinks, He's just another racist.
"It's not as if any of us would use any scrolls," he says, leaning back in his chair with his bare bugbear feet (which are clean) on the table. "And anyone not in it for the money means more money for the rest of us. I say yes."

2017-06-27, 06:10 PM
Aldia looks toward the young mage for a moment before speaking. Your terms are agreeable, but what magic do you know? Divinations, conjurations, evocations?

2017-06-27, 07:03 PM
Gretro gives a quick glare at Burne when he says goblins are evil. Shake it off, he thinks, He's just another racist.
"It's not as if any of us would use any scrolls," he says, leaning back in his chair with his bare bugbear feet (which are clean) on the table. "And anyone not in it for the money means more money for the rest of us. I say yes."

"Feet off the table, dearie!" The innkeeper's wife knocks Gretro's feet off with a hip check. The lady's waist could crush an ogre's head.

Aldia looks toward the young mage for a moment before speaking. Your terms are agreeable, but what magic do you know? Divinations, conjurations, evocations?

"I can detect all manner of objects or creatures magical and bring upon the deep sleep of a thousand sheep." Spugnoir puffs his chest out. He looks like a human-sized pigeon.

2017-06-27, 07:20 PM
Perfect. Unless anyone objects, you're hired. He turns to the rest of his group. We should get supplies from this Rannos come morning. Then we can get this over with.

2017-06-27, 08:13 PM
Sounds good to me, do the badgers have a barracks we should head for or do we need to hire a room? I have been known to sing for my supper.

2017-06-27, 08:16 PM
"Don't worry about that, Rocky. You're in my service now. That makes you as clean as the day you were born... I guess. I don't know how you elemental tinged folk are born. Slide out of a fissure? That sounds gross."

Geod chuckles, and can't hold back a rather witty, albeit crude joke. "I guess you could say Genasi slide out of the same fissures most other folk do. We're a people with mums and pops just like any other."

Perfect. Unless anyone objects, you're hired. He turns to the rest of his group. We should get supplies from this Rannos come morning. Then we can get this over with.

"I'll trust you on magical matters. If he's someone we need, welcome to the crew."

2017-06-27, 09:48 PM
"Excellent," Spugnoir claps his hands. "I will meet you at the trading post at sunrise."

The garrison, half finished as it is, does have a barracks which you're free to stay. The other mercenaries are a ribald group and welcome the party, one of them putting Gretro in a headlock while tussling his matted hair. The largest man, who goes by Porridge, makes a point to release all manner of bodily gas in front of the elves.

The mercenaries discuss how they were all bandits, brigands, and marauders at some point before Burne and Rufus offered them the choice of facing the gallows or manning the garrison. All of them are fiercely loyal to their masters, happy, and paid well. They offer to hold a feast should you return successful and even set up a pot for whoever returns with the most monster trophies on their belt ("Five-to-one odds on the gnome showing up all your sorry butts har har!").


Spugnoir waits at the trading post with a comically overstuffed backpack. He looks less like a magic user and more like a touring hitch hiker.

A black-haired man with a great gut sits fanning himself on the stoop. From the side he's practically shaped like an egg. "Greetings *inhale* I am Rannos Davl *exhale* *inhale* if there is anything you wish to buy *exhale* or sell *inhale* feel free to step inside."

2017-06-27, 10:20 PM
"I do not have anything to sell. Or much money to buy with. I will go scout ahead... And I will take 'Spug' with me.

As he walks away, he quickly whispers in Geod's ear:
"I do not like this place. I hate the mood. After all is said and done, I will be leaving. Can I trust you will come with me, as we are of the same kind to those men?"

2017-06-27, 10:24 PM
Aldia pretends the thing on the stoop does not exist as he speaks to Spugnoir. I'm assuming that we have everything we need, judging by the size of that pack. Even if not, we likely won't be able to afford anything... he... sells with our limited gold. Let us be off. Now. The less time spent here, the better.

2017-06-27, 10:36 PM
Aldia steps inside as quickly as possible, so as to minimize contact with the thing on the stoop.

In the corner a young boy polishes the stock. A burly man with a sloped brow stands watch over the more expensive items.

Rannos yells "Gremag! We have customer!"

A tall, thin man with gaunt features and beady black eyes steps out from behind a curtain. "What, WHAT?! What do you want you... welcomed guest."

"Gremag!" Rannos yells from the stoop. "Mind your manners, you horse's ass!"

"I'll mind what I please you pit-stained troll!"

"Son of a treant--"


"Skeleton faced--"


"Ragged lich bone--"

"Ogre breath!"

Gremag looks down his nose waiting impatiently.


Aldia pretends the thing on the stoop does not exist as he speaks to Spugnoir. I'm assuming that we have everything we need, judging by the size of that pack. Even if not, we likely won't be able to afford anything... he... sells with our limited gold. Let us be off. Now. The less time spent here, the better.

A litany of curses spews out from the trading post as Aldia turns heel and leaves. "Come again..." Rannos says pleasantly before slamming the door shut to drown out the tall man's profanity.

"Well," says "Spug" "shall we be off?"

2017-06-28, 12:44 AM
Gretro scans his eyes over the party, and the look on his face looks like he's compiling some grand strategy. After all, Bugbears are known for their sound strategy.
"The wood elf... and 'Spug'. You will go ahead, since you are at least marginally stealthier than those three on average, and Spug can detect who and what we are looking for. We'll stay in our groups of 2 and 3, and keep a distance of 60 feet, far enough that attackers will see each group of 2 or 3 as only one party. With that distance, both groups can dash straight back, or forward, to the other group and assist. I, on the other hand, will stay to the side in between our groups, so I can quickly surprise whoever is attacking. Any objections?"

Aardvark 001
2017-06-28, 05:11 AM
No objections here, Aris said, leaning on his staff

2017-06-28, 07:37 AM
The garrison, half finished as it is, does have a barracks which you're free to stay. The other mercenaries are a ribald group and welcome the party, one of them putting Gretro in a headlock while tussling his matted hair. The largest man, who goes by Porridge, makes a point to release all manner of bodily gas in front of the elves.

The mercenaries discuss how they were all bandits, brigands, and marauders at some point before Burne and Rufus offered them the choice of facing the gallows or manning the garrison. All of them are fiercely loyal to their masters, happy, and paid well. They offer to hold a feast should you return successful and even set up a pot for whoever returns with the most monster trophies on their belt ("Five-to-one odds on the gnome showing up all your sorry butts har har!").

Ah, now THESE were men that Geod could understand. Bound to each other by nothing but a verbal agreement and the sense of adventure. It almost pained him, and his hand wanders to rub at the groove of his tattoo as his thoughts shift to the last time he had seen such high spirits in such a rowdy group. It was probably that time 'Stink-Eye' Angus got stuck after sleeping in a barrel. Took the whole crew and a whole mess of lard to get him back out. The deck smelled of pig fat for days. He joins in some of the conviviality, and even attempts to get some action on the bet surrounding of their success, tossing in 2 silver coins towards his own victory.


Spugnoir waits at the trading post with a comically overstuffed backpack. He looks less like a magic user and more like a touring hitch hiker.

A black-haired man with a great gut sits fanning himself on the stoop. From the side he's practically shaped like an egg. "Greetings *inhale* I am Rannos Davl *exhale* *inhale* if there is anything you wish to buy *exhale* or sell *inhale* feel free to step inside."

Geod chuckles as he see's the comical sight of Spugnoir, and teases, "Oi Spug! Yer Mum pack that for you? Must weigh near as much as you do!" He laughs at his own joke and makes sure to give the poor boy a reasurring clap on the shoulder from a stony hand. "Hahaha, never mind it lad. Good to have you aboard, a full pack is a measure of preparedness, of confidence. Just mind you don't tip over in a strong wind, eh? Good lad, good lad."

He continues past Spug and moves towards the entrance to the shop, informing the others, "Got a few last minute purchases to make, won't be long." He moves inside and moves with determination, already knowing what he's searching for; a few sturdy poles (There were so many uses for a pole. You could reach far away, push things, you could even smack things. You'd never find a stout sailor or yeoman without a few poles), a mess-kit (What the Hells happened to his previous one he'll never remember), a pair of manacles to help secure some bounties, and a sturdy iron pot (You can cook in it. You can store things in it. Pots are practical).

10 gp starting wealth from Sailor Background.

Bet with Burne's Badgers - 2sp (.2gp)
3 Ten-Foot Poles - 15 cp (.15gp)
Iron Pot - 2 gp
Mess Kit - 2 sp (.2gp)
Manacles - 2 gp

Remaining balance; 5.45 gp = 5 gold, 4 silver, 5 copper

Assuming of course, that all these items are available at the shop.

Having concluded his purchases, he moves back outside to make sure everything finds a place on his overladen backpack as well, spending some time rearranging and retying some straps when he hears the gentle footfalls of Gretro, and looks up.

As he walks away, he quickly whispers in Geod's ear:
"I do not like this place. I hate the mood. After all is said and done, I will be leaving. Can I trust you will come with me, as we are of the same kind to those men?"

Geod sighs as he pauses from his handiwork. For someone who wants to do all the talking, you ain't much of a charmer, are you big boy? His hand moves over his chin as he searches for a more tactful way to present his predicament. "Listen, Gretro. If this all goes in our favor, then we ain't gonna be the same kind to those lubbers as we are now. You heard Master Burne, these bandits have all the local hands at panic stations. Even the Duckies* and the Flycounties*. Now, if we all come out of this alive, think about what that'll mean. The townsfolk'll want us to stay. If you want them to give us a chance, we need to give them a chance, eh?" He finishes the last knot on his pack and continues, "But, if yer set on leaving, I can't come with you regardless. You could come with me though. Join up with the Peregrine's Grace. Ain't a man alive who won't be your mate after spending a night three sheets to the wind and watching the waves go by."

He finally stands up and settles his pack back over his shoulders, adjusting to the increased weight. Nothing he couldn't handle. He listens in to Gretro's plan and nods. "When we get closer to the bandits, lets tighten up the distance. Just a little. I can make us all easier to hide, but over 60 feet would prove difficult." He grinds his left heel a little into the dirt, feeling his innate connection with the earth, reassuring him that he would in fact be able to do as he claimed.

* - (sic), Duchys and Viscounties, obviously :smallbiggrin:

2017-06-28, 08:48 AM
10 gp starting wealth from Sailor Background.

Bet with Burne's Badgers - 2sp (.2gp)
3 Ten-Foot Poles - 15 cp (.15gp)
Iron Pot - 2 gp
Mess Kit - 2 sp (.2gp)
Manacles - 2 gp

Remaining balance; 5.45 gp = 5 gold, 4 silver, 5 copper

Assuming of course, that all these items are available at the shop.

A purple vein runs down Gremag's temple.

"These are city prices, rockling. Are you in a city? Let me answer that: NO!"

"Give them a good deal you flea bitten gnat sucker!" Rannos calls from the stoop.

Gremag lets out a low groan. "20 copper for the poles, 2 and 6 silver for the pot, 2 and 6 for the manacles, and 2 silver 6 copper for the mess kit which I personally spit shined" he adds with a smile.

That comes out to 5 gold, 6 silver, and 6 copper.


The road east is arduous. Farmland quickly gives way to rugged hills and lightly wooded forests before sinking completely into marshland. It's not difficult to see why this road went unused and how an entire army was able to launch an attack in near secrecy. Every so often the scouts spot movement in the brush but the journey is thankfully uneventful. For a wizard, Spug seems at ease taking point and even clears a path from dry land making the trek back easier.

After our hours of traveling, tall marsh plants grow thickly where cattails and tamaracks do not. Off to the left can be seen the jagged silhouette of the moathouse. A side path, banked high to cross over the wetland to either side, just north to the entrance of the ruin. The track here is only about 15 feet wide or so, with crumbling embankments making travel near the edge dangerous. The bogs stink. The vegetation appears dense and prolific, but somehow sickly and unhealthy, creepers and vines throwing their strangling loops over the skeletons of dead saplings and living bushes alike. The rushes and cattails rustle and bend even to a slight zephyr, and weird birdcalls, croakings, and other unwholesome sounds come faintly across the fen.


The only visible entrance is through a battered drawbridge. The building is surrounding by murky water whose depth is unknown from a glance.

Being the rogue, I'm assigning Gretro as the "party treasurer" for simplicity. Basically his character sheet will contain anything picked up until you decide how to distribute it.

What is the party's marching order? For marching order I just need to know who is in front and who is in back, and how staggered are you. You can say you're shoulder to shoulder or 10' apart. I'll be using the party's base awareness for hidden enemies and traps. If someone wants to stop to look/listen, poke or prod around then a little bit more time will pass. I don't like random encounters but beware that my dungeons run in "real time" as it were so every moment spent meandering is time the dungeon denizens are doing their schedule.

2017-06-28, 08:49 AM
While standing amidst the party Larz opens up his senses [divine sense class ability] to make sure no one is a celestial, fiend or undead in disguise.

[this was meant for before we left the shop, posts crossed]

edit re: Marching Order

I believe Larz would be towards the rear due to his disadvantage on stealth with the heavy armor he wouldn't be upfront for this type of travel. I prefer to see him as defending the rear guard. If we get into a scrape I'll rush up to the front lines so my armor is put to good use (and I am crap at range right now).

2017-06-28, 09:02 AM
Larz then croaks at the water to see if there are any frogs nearby willing to chat [speak with small beasts racial ability].

2017-06-28, 09:25 AM
Aldia is in the middle, so he can be protected from both sides and his magic can reach both front and back.

2017-06-28, 10:40 AM
Larz then croaks at the water to see if there are any frogs nearby willing to chat [speak with small beasts racial ability].

A fat, warty toad floats by on a lily pad.

"Goooood weatherrrrr. Gooood fliiiies. Gooood daaaay. Goood seeeex." Larz can't help but blush as the toad goes indepth on its sex life during this muggy breeding season.

2017-06-28, 12:08 PM
Good day friend croaks Larz,
Do you notice any large creatures lurking near here? Have many creatures come by this road lately? How deep is the water here? What is the biggest predator to fear in the marsh?

[I don't mean to bombard him with a long list of questions, please presume these are the topics that come up in conversation (without us having to literally post back and forth many times)]

If persuasion is needed to convince him to give information


2017-06-28, 01:00 PM
"You larrrge. I notice you.

Many use rrrroad leaving, none use rrroad returrrning.

Waterrr half rrreed deep ((about 15 feet))

Big Brrrotherrrs hungrrrry. Always hungrrry.

A dragonfly flits by. The toad snatches it from the air before leaping away.

"Good food!"

2017-06-28, 01:11 PM
Gretro is in the middle to the right, so he can see where everyone is and get to them quickly.

Aardvark 001
2017-06-28, 01:44 PM
Aris is at the front with their new guide, moving easily through the undergrowth with his monk's stealth

2017-06-28, 02:30 PM
Aris will take point then and be the final arbiter on heading.

2017-06-28, 02:52 PM
Geod watches as the group sets themselves up to approach the old masonry. He meanders towards the back, by Larz, watching with idle curiousity as the gnome croaks with a toad on a lilly pad. Geod stretches his arms before reaching for a spear, giving it a few warmup thrusts into the empty air, preparing himself for the task ahead.

Geod will bring up the rear with Larz, a 5' space between them. Geod will take whichever side (left/right) that Larz doesn't take.

Also; equipping Spear.

2017-06-28, 06:55 PM
"You larrrge. I notice you.

Many use rrrroad leaving, none use rrroad returrrning.

Waterrr half rrreed deep ((about 15 feet))

Big Brrrotherrrs hungrrrry. Always hungrrry.

A dragonfly flits by. The toad snatches it from the air before leaping away.

"Good food!"

Larz relays what he learned from the toad to the group, then dons his shield and uses his quarter staff as a walking stick.

He tells Geod about the time he was invited as an entertainer to a party in the feywyld that lasted more than 30 years, and where he first saw the Archfey Lady Isaboe, the living embodiment of light and beauty (in Larz's estimation ).

2017-06-28, 07:40 PM
Aldia readied his staff and shield as well. No telling what could randomly be encountered in places like this.

2017-06-28, 07:46 PM
Gretro pulls out his bow from his pack and knocks back an arrow, keeping it ready for attackers.

2017-06-28, 10:56 PM
While everyone is checking their gear, Spug sets up a crude tripwire attached to a bell. "I think it would be best if I navigate, actually. I'm really handy with a map."


"Unless there are any objections we should make our way across the drawbridge. I don't think we'll be able to climb the wreckage without making too much noise, plus there's the fifteen feet of water if you slip.

No movement along the walls and nothing appears unnatural about the immediate area. If a large band of creatures came through here they didn't take this path.

2017-06-28, 11:26 PM
I see no reason not to. Lead on.

2017-06-29, 09:20 AM
Approaching the drawbridge Geod, Aris, and Aldia see a ripple in the water. From the flank a large toad, as tall as an adult human and twice as long, leaps out of the water behind Larz.

Group initiative [roll0]
Toad initiative [roll1]

2017-06-29, 09:22 AM
((oof, what a waste of natural 20s))


Gretro, Spug, and Larz are taken by surprise. The giant toad opens its wide maw, easily capable of swallowing Larz whole. Aris, Aldia, and Geod: Actions!

Aardvark 001
2017-06-29, 09:40 AM
Aris swings his quarterstaff in a wide arc, bringing it down on the toad's head and following it up with a stroke on its nose with his open palm.

Staff attack [roll0]
Staff damage [roll1] + 9 (rolled crit in OOC chat)
Unarmed strike attack [roll2]
Unarmed strike damage [roll3]

2017-06-29, 09:41 AM
Aldia raises his staff and slowly waves it, and the sound of a bell fills the air... Deyja...

Toll the Dead. Needs a wisdom save.
[roll0] damage.

2017-06-29, 09:42 AM
Geod quips to Larz, "Guess we found your friend's older brothers, eh?" Geod closes in with the toad, grabbing his spear with both hands before thrusting it towards the toad, hoping that seeing its prey having the means to fight back will scare it off and dissuade any other hungry toads.

Attacking; for nonlethal damage, if relevant. [roll0] for [roll1]

2017-06-29, 09:59 AM
The toad reels from the monk's quick strikes followed by the one-two of Aldia's magic and Geod's spear. But the toad is determined to score a quick meal and so turns its attention instead to the stinging monk.

The toad bites at Aris

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

2017-06-29, 10:05 AM
The toad chomps down on Aris, entangling him with its

sticky tongue. Aris is grappled.

The toad drags Aris towards the moat, pulling him underwater. Geod may take an opportunity attack.

Round 1
Party actions. Aris is grappled and currently underwater. The toad's body is half submerged and it looks as if it's going to kick off under the surface.

2017-06-29, 10:12 AM
Geod sees the toad try to slink back into the water and gives the beast another swing, this time with the haft of the spear. "Oh no you don't, not with my crew."

[roll0] for [roll1]

Geod uses the momentum from the previous swing to wind up for another strike. "Quick lads, before he drowns 'im!"

Attacking; [roll2] for [roll3]

2017-06-29, 10:42 AM
Larz hollers In Her Honor! and then...

Larz leaps into the water where Aris went under and attempts to wedge his staff between Aris and the mouth/tongue in an effort to pry the two apart and help Aris break free of its grasp.

[Larz taking the help action]

2017-06-29, 01:39 PM
Gretro fires an arrow at the toad.
[roll0] hit: [roll1] crit: [roll2]

2017-06-29, 02:09 PM
Another wave, another ring...
Damage if successful:

Aardvark 001
2017-06-29, 03:01 PM
Aris struggles to free himself from the toad.

Acrobatics check with advantage

2017-06-29, 05:24 PM
Aris pries himself from the toad's mouth with the help of Lars right as Geod's spear knocks the beast unconscious. It flips over on its back and bobs helplessly.

"The bell tolls for thee!" Spug says dramatically as Aldia lets a spell off. He blushes, dusting himself off. "Uh, great job. That was great, yes, glad I could help." He says nervously.


Across the drawbridge the moat house opens into what was once a courtyard. Smashed barricades tell the story of a grand siege that took place here with scattered bones, non human in shape. To the northeast a set of stairs lead up into the main hall of the moat house. Footprints, including one set of large sized prints, are freshly dug into the courtyard. To the southwest, a glint catches Gretro's eye...

Inside of a collapsed tower a pile of coins is scattered amidst a junk heap of tattered clothing and animal bones.


2017-06-29, 05:40 PM
Larz swims out of the moat, walks across the drawbridge and joins the group in the courtyard.

2017-06-29, 06:37 PM
Aldia takes a quick look around the room. Spug. Detect magic. Tell me if you see any magical auras.

2017-06-29, 10:30 PM
Aldia takes a quick look around the room. Spug. Detect magic. Tell me if you see any magical auras.

Aldia approaches the tower. Spug. Detect magic. Tell me if you see any-- Aldia looks up and locks eyes with eight other eyes. The form of a spider the size of a great mastiff springs from the shadows.

At the same time, the rest of the party is alerted by talking coming from the battered doors leading to the moathouse. "Ya'hurd that splashing, Kretus?"

"Fat frog 'prolly got a critter. Les' go watch, Spunk."

The two men stop on the stoop, mouth agape at a fully armed party on their doorsteps.

Aldia and the spider are in a separate surprise round. The two men are surprised by the party.

Aldia initiative [roll0]
Spider initiative [roll1]

2017-06-29, 10:31 PM
((And once again I waste a crit on initiative :mad:))
Aldia takes the initiative. The rest of the group can act against the two men but are unaware what's happening in the tower for now.

2017-06-29, 11:39 PM
Deyjun! Aldia shouts as he rings his staff and moves away from the tower.
Casting Toll and moving out of the tower.
[roll0] damage if it works.

2017-06-30, 08:12 AM
Well met gentlemen, I am Larz,
we are recently of the village of Hommlet where we are wanted for murder and vandalism (a true statement not a deception) Might I entreat you to advise us of where we are, how likely pursuit from the authorities may be, and if there may be any work for such as we in the area?


2017-06-30, 09:45 AM
The spider shrivels a little at Aldia's attack. It rears back and launches a strand of sticky web.



The two men look at each other then at Larz incredulously. They appear more confused by this armored gnome than threatened or receptive.

Party initiative [roll1]
Bandit initiative [roll2]

2017-06-30, 09:55 AM
Aldia ducks under the web. Spug fires a bolt of fire that misses the spider but catches the rafters aflame.

Round 1

Aldia and the spider are engaged. At this point everyone except Larz (who engaged in conversation) notice Aldia and Spug struggling with something behind them.

2017-06-30, 01:19 PM
Aldia rings again, calling the spider to death's door...
Since it's injured, [roll0] damage if successful.

2017-07-01, 05:34 AM
((I'm going to assume the bulk of the group is waiting to see how the guys react))

Aldia's spell appears to have no effect on the spider. Spug singes it with a weak fire bolt.

The spider drops from the ceiling at Aldia, mandibles chittering with delight.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Aldia's constitution [roll2]

2017-07-01, 05:45 AM
The spider tears into Aldia for 7 damage. He feels something coursing through his blood, relaxing his muscles and blurring his vision ((Poisoned)).


The two men immediately run away inside of the moathouse. They can't be seen from the bottom of the stairs but they can be heard banging on a door.

Everyone but Aldia, finish your round 1 actions. Aldia, round 2 action.

2017-07-01, 07:39 AM
((I'm going to assume the bulk of the group is waiting to see how the guys react))

Yeah, wasn't sure how the group wanted to go after it, but I think the situation is properly SNAFU now that we can all jump in. :smallbiggrin:

Geod turns his head at the sudden commotion and sees the large spider's fangs sink into Aldia. He barrels through his allies, gripping his spear tightly in both hands as he thrusts towards the antagonistic arachnid.

Attacking the spider; [roll0] for [roll1]

Aardvark 001
2017-07-01, 07:59 AM
Aris also runs towards the spider, swinging his staff at its head and following up with a sharp kick.

Staff attack [roll0]
Staff damage [roll1]
Damage if crit [roll2]
Unarmed attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
Damage if crit [roll5]

2017-07-01, 09:35 AM
Aldia moves away from the spider, shield raised to block further attack. Larz... poisoned...
Disengage and move away. Let the meatshields Warriors finish it.

2017-07-01, 07:20 PM
Hearing Aldia's call Larz rushes over and Lay's Hands on him to cure the poisoned condition.

2017-07-02, 02:04 AM
Gretro stands behind everyone and fires an arrow at the spider.
[roll0] hit: [roll1] crit: [roll2]

2017-07-02, 02:34 AM
Gretro will also get sneak attack on that [roll0]

The spider nearly collapses from the combined assault. It disengages, skittering up and over the stone wall to position itself out of sight on the opposite end.

Round 2

The spider is on the other side of the wall (where the moat is). Shouting and movement can be heard from inside the building. It's 60' from the tower to the moathouse doors where Larz, Aris, and Geod engaged with the spider. Gretro and Aldia can reach the doors in 30'.

2017-07-02, 05:22 AM
Geod looks up at the sounds of shouting and movement. It would seem the two guards went and alerted their friends. He takes a step, turning around before kneeling, moving his hand over the footprint he had just left. He speaks something in primordial, something guttural yet soothing, and the footprint seems to push itself back until it is almost level with the dirt, as if undisturbed. He feels the same effect extend to each of his companions, dampening the sounds of their movement, somehow obscuring them from the unfocused eye.

He jerks his head towards the collapsed tower and says, "Hide. We need to see how many there are before we do anything else. Take cover and lay low." He slinks off as best he can towards the collapsed tower, eager to get out of sight while the other find their own hiding places.

Casting Pass Without Trace, as per the Meld with Stone racial.

A veil of shadows and silence radiates from you, masking you and your companions from detection. For the duration, each creature you choose within 30 feet of you (including you) has a +10 bonus to Dexterity (Stealth) checks and can’t be tracked except by magical means. A creature that receives this bonus leaves behind no tracks or other traces of its passage.

2017-07-02, 09:34 AM
Larz hustles to the nearest part of ruined wall and couches on the ground casting the illusion of a block of stone around him using the minor illusion cantrip.

2017-07-02, 09:40 AM
Aldia silently curses his choice of armor as he tries hiding between the drawbridge and entrance doors.
Disadvantage on stealth due to scale mail.

2017-07-03, 06:46 AM
Three men armed with crossbows, including those initially encountered, cautiously exit the moathouse. They wait around for a while taking cover behind some rubble. They motion towards the tower and four more men armed with spears and swords creep out into the courtyard. They check the tower, poke their head out over the drawbridge, and pace the perimeter.

"You sure there was an armed party?"

"Yeah. I recognized them from town. They was about to get lynched."

"For what?"

"I dunno. Must be pretty bad guys to get the whole town on them. There was a bugbear with 'em"

"A bugbear?! Do you think it's one of his assassins?!"

"ssshhh keep your voice down! If he wanted us dead he'd do it himself."

"They could be new recruits--"

"More like our replacements. He likes doing twisted stuff like that. Testing his soldiers by backstabbing each other."

"Screw it. Screw it! This job ain't worth the pay. Let's tell boss we gotta pack it up and leave before that group comes back."

The seven men run back inside the moathouse.

2017-07-03, 08:15 AM
At the sound of the men withdrawing back to the moathouse, Geod pokes his head from his hiding place. He waves his arms above his head to get the attention of the rest of his companions, and waits for them to approach. To anyone who comes out from their hidey-holes, he suggests, "We should follow 'em. They're spooked and on the run, we can get behind them and have an easier time of it. What do you lads think?"

2017-07-03, 10:36 AM
Aldia steps out of his hiding spot, putting his hand to his wound. Lækna, he mutters. When he hears Geod, he responds, If they're that afraid of "him," whoever he is, they should be more willing to join Rufus. We should try diplomacy first.

2017-07-03, 02:32 PM
Larz approaches Geod and hears his proposal, nodding approvingly.

I like the idea, after having just cleared the courtyard they wouldn't be expecting us so soon. If we could get the drop on them we might be able to catch them and then convince them to come back to town.

What do Aris and Gretro think?

2017-07-03, 02:52 PM
Geod nods, albeit hesitantly. "Dunno if scaring them outta their breeches counts as diplomacy ... sounds like we're playing on their fear of whoever it is they're scared of. I just don't want these bandits walking out of here just to set up camp elsewhere. This needs to end here, and we might have to pummel some sense into them."

Aardvark 001
2017-07-03, 03:16 PM
Yes, but let us also use their fear of this unknown person against them. Perhaps pretend to be the 'new recruits' that they suspect is to be.

2017-07-03, 04:23 PM
"We cannot pretend to be the recruits they expect. They know I am a bugbear, and perhaps they even know the faces of the rest of us. The only one who wasn't with us before was Spug. He can vouch for us, or maybe even pretend we're the enemy to get behind enemy lines. Either way, I will sneak."

Stealth [roll0] would Gretro know about this guy that these guys clearly are afraid of and apparently has bugbear minions? General intelligence [roll1]

2017-07-03, 04:26 PM
Gretro has no idea who the men are referring to but it's clear one of them has been in town within the past day and are standing watch for someone far above them.

Spug looks forlornly from the treasure scattered among the trash in the tower to the party. "We'll need to take action quickly if we want to surprise them. But I'm afraid going straight to the prize might lead to more of these giant critters ambushing us from behind when they investigate the noise fully armored warriors make."

2017-07-03, 04:32 PM
"Giant beasts are the easier of the two prey," Geod offers, in a suprising moment of clarity. "Spiders and toads are at least predictable that they can be driven back. Push a man into a corner, and you'll never quite be able to know what he does. We should act while the tides are in our favor." With that, he heads towards the entrance where the bandits entered their lair, inspecting the door for locks that may need to be broken or picked, as well as traps that may need disarming.

Perception; [roll0]

2017-07-03, 05:38 PM
Aldia sees Spug looking at the treasure. We can take it on our way out. It's unlikely to go anywhere. He looks around the courtyard, checking for any signs of oversized monsters.
Looking for monsters while Geod does his thing.

2017-07-03, 06:58 PM
The front doors to the building have long been battered in. A discarded wooden ram, split and rotting, hints at a great siege many years ago. The doors open to a great hall dimly lit by what little light pours in from outside. Spug picks up a stick and mutters a brief incantation, enchanting it with soft red light. "Well, Geod, I'm sure your fey-lineage allies would rather clamber in the dark but we weren't born so lucky."

To the east a short hallway presents three closed doors.

To the south is a collapsed stairway. Access to the second floor, if it's even structurally safe, is impossible. Spug's light ends shortly south but the darkvision party members can see the black-and-white outline of what used to be a sitting room. Smashed furniture is strewn about.

To the northeast is a great set of double doors, likely a great hall where the inhabitants ate and held meetings. Geod carefully tests the door to find that it has been barred on the other side. The door is solid yet the wood is rotten and hinges rusted. Movement and soft voices can be heard on the other side.

2017-07-03, 07:35 PM
Larz follows along as stealthily as he can


2017-07-03, 08:22 PM
Aldia follows as well, trying to remain quiet and constantly watching for danger.
Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll2]

2017-07-04, 06:41 AM
Geod looks to the others, shrugging as he points out the door being shut from this side. "Time to scare us a few bandits then. We're mean, scary adventurers, and if they don't want to deal with us, they'd better surrender to Burne and Rufus." With that, he positions himself to give the door a firm kick with a bare, stony foot, waiting in case anyone has a better idea.

Hold Action; iff everyone gives the okay, will attempt to break down the door. Athletics; [roll0]

2017-07-04, 09:56 AM
Aldia simply shrugs. They're already scared of us, we may as well play on it. Plus I don't see any other way in. He readies his staff and shield.

2017-07-04, 12:06 PM
Larz stands ready with his shield and staff looking as intimidating as a 3 foot armored gnome can look.


2017-07-05, 12:42 PM
The door groans under Geod's foot. The wood is rotting but whatever bars it on the other end is sturdy. It takes another two attempts to batter the door off its hinges.

Geod is immediately greeted by the three crossbow armed men taking cover behind fallen tables. Flanking the threshold, two on each side, are men armed with swords and spears ready to slash at any who cross the door.

Party initiative [roll0]
Brigand initiative [roll1]

2017-07-05, 12:51 PM
Larz takes the dodge action and rushes straight forward past Geod and the waiting swordsmen and as far into the room as he is able.

In her Honor!


2017-07-05, 01:52 PM
The sword wielders let Larz pass as the spear wielders thrust past them.

Spear 1[roll0]
Spear 1[roll1]
Damage [roll2]

Spear 2[roll3]
Spear 2[roll4]
Damage [roll5]

The crossbow wielders have formed a solid barrier across the room, requiring an athletics check to hop over or strength to smash.

2017-07-05, 02:34 PM
Spug. Bedtime., Aldia quickly says before stepping aside. His staff waves, and a familiar ring echoes...
Step to the right out of view of as many bowmen as possible, then toll the leftmost bowman.
[roll0] damage.

2017-07-05, 06:18 PM
Geod's eyes go wide as the tables have been turned. He had expected the door to go down in one swing, but now the bandits had enough warning to prepare themselves. He rushes forward only slightly, attacking the closest swordsman, thrusting the spear forward with both hands. "Get the archers!" he yells to the others, "We'll keep the rest off you."

Attacking; [roll0] for [roll1]

2017-07-06, 03:17 PM
One of the bowmen drops to a knee from the necrotic energy surging through him as Geod steps in to skewer the frailest looking brigand flanking the door. The brigand manages to keep on his feet, just barely.

Spug flings a fistful of dust and chants "I call upon the pixie king, the great lord o' the realm of dreams!"

The man Geod stabbed crumples against the wall as does the other swordsman, leaving only the two spearmen by the door. Aldia as well feels the pull of slumber but the mysterious biology of his fey ancestry prevents him from drifting away.

The two spearmen stab at Geod. Two of the crossbowmen unload on Larz, dropping their crossbows for maces, while the third injured by Aldia shoots at the cleric who takes advantage of half cover.

Crossbow against Larz [roll0]
Crossbow against Larz [roll1]

Aldia [roll4]

2017-07-06, 03:21 PM
The bolts ping off of Larz. The third find a chink in Aldia's armor, doing 5 damage.

The two spearmen close in where their comrades fell, attacking Geod.

Spear [roll0]
Spear [roll1]

One of them spits "Damn you and that accursed cleric to hell. We will not tolerate this betrayal!"

Gretro and Aris size up the chaotic scenario. If they are delaying for action, now is the time to act.

Round 2

Party actions.

2017-07-06, 04:07 PM
Aldia recoils at his wound, before turning towards the bowman. He points his staff at him and says two words:Stjórn. Drop.
Casting command:drop on him.

Aardvark 001
2017-07-06, 05:35 PM
Aris attempts to help Geod, swinging his staff at one brigand while using the momentum to kick the second one in the gut.

Staff attack [roll0]
Staff damage [roll1]
Unarmed strike [roll2]
Unarmed damage [roll3]

2017-07-06, 06:46 PM
Larz rushes forward and attempts to leap over the barricade near the brigand who dropped from the spell (if one did)


Then (assuming he makes it over) he attacks the prone brigand (if there is one) (if no prone brigand attacks nearest)

[roll2] adv if prone
[roll4] if crit

If he doesn't make it over takes the Dodge action again.

2017-07-06, 07:25 PM
Larz tries to scramble over the barricade but gets caught in a tangled mess of wood and rubble. One of the brigands on the other side waves his mace menacingly at the gnome before dropping it, a dumb expression crossing his face.

Aris' one-two connects against both brigands.

2017-07-06, 07:32 PM
Gretro will go up behind Geod, and, using his Long Limbs trait (gives him +5 reach on melee) will attack the left spear-user with his shortsword. (And then, if this is for round 1, he will attack the right one in front of Aris in round 2)

Attacking the left spear user
[roll0] hit: [roll1] crit: [roll2]

Attacking the right spear user
[roll3] hit: [roll4] crit: [roll5]

2017-07-06, 07:48 PM
Gretro slips his sword between Geod's arms, nailing the brigand in the stomach. He goes down clutching his guts. Spinning on the other spearman Gretro drops him just as quickly.

The three behind the barricade visibly quiver. The one compelled to drop his mace goes into hysterics. "Ye gods, it is Lareth's assassin! Dreaded bugbears, hungry gnolls, monstrous fiends! He'll turn us into ghouls and deliver our souls to his demon queen! Hurry, boss! Save us!!"

2017-07-06, 09:25 PM
Aldia smirks as an idea pops into his head. You have no hope of victory. Drop your weapons and surrender, and we will let you live. Continue fighting, and we make no promises.
Trying to intimidate them into surrendering. Adding a second roll if you think advantage is warranted from over half of them being down already. If not, just use the first roll.

2017-07-07, 06:48 AM
Larz looks about the room to see if there are any other entrances or exits.

(Assuming there aren't any others)

Everybody inside, someone watch the approach for incoming reinforcements

2017-07-07, 01:26 PM
Aldia smirks as an idea pops into his head. You have no hope of victory. Drop your weapons and surrender, and we will let you live. Continue fighting, and we make no promises.
Trying to intimidate them into surrendering. Adding a second roll if you think advantage is warranted from over half of them being down already. If not, just use the first roll.

The panicked man drops to the ground in a fit of delirium. He's effectively out of the encounter. The other two stand strong.

A slight draft blows over Larz. From his height he sees in the far corner a small shaft obscured by rubble leading outside the moathouse.

One of the brigands tips over a barrel. Oil flows down into a recess under the barricade. The other brigand strikes his mace against chunk of flint. The oil soaked barricade erupts into flames. Larz, still close to the barricade after trying to vault over it, is forced to back away.

Larz acrobatics [roll0]

Geod wonders to himself who the crazed brigand was referring to. He finds his answer when an unfamiliar shadow crosses his shoulder. Gretro, Aldia, and Spug wheel around to see a large man rush through the moathouse entrance carrying a scimitar and shield. His chainmail armor is coated in an inky black substance that seems to absorb light, the rings slide about making no noise.

He advances on Gretro, slicing twice with his sword.

Slice across the chest [roll1]
And one down the sternum [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

Aldia may take an AOO here against the brigand leader. The man pays the elf no heed.

2017-07-07, 01:34 PM
CORRECTION it's not Aldia who gets an AOO, it's Gretro for his reach. The man isn't threatened though so no sneak attack.

Gretro crumples in a heap. The man spits on his body.

"I am Gregyr of the Blazing Sands. I will send your heads to Lareth as proof of my might."

Spug, who was holding back, cries out "You son of a pig!" and throws a vial of liquid at the man, hitting him square in the chest. Blue flames erupt from the vial. The large man simply laughs as he burns.

Round 3

If Larz stays in the main hall he must make a constitution save for the smoke. The leader stands over Gretro's body, threatening Aris, Geod, and the exit.

2017-07-07, 01:53 PM
Aldia moves backwards as he waves his staff. DEYJUN, he shouts as a loud ringing fills the air.
Move as far from the big guy as I can, then cast Toll.
Or [roll1] if someone else hurts him first.

2017-07-07, 02:06 PM
Larz takes the dodge action again and tries to rush back out of the room fillng with smoke.

If possible dragging Gretro out with me.

2017-07-07, 02:10 PM
Geod cries out "NO!" as Gretro slumps down from the sudden attack. He brings his spear up and thrusts the end of the haft into the man's armored chest, attempting to knock him off balance. "Knock him out! This one'll be worth his weight in gold!" he roars, eager to beat the man into submission.

Shoving Gregyr to knock him prone. Athletics; [roll0]

2017-07-07, 02:14 PM
Gregyr turns to Aldia with a smirk. "You must be Lareth's new pet. You'll have to try better than that. My mind is a temple, my body a fortress!"

Aldia moves south directly away from Gregyr. He steps on something crunchy. This room, once a medical bay, now houses a shedded snake skin long enough to wrap around a horse drawn cart. Thankfully the owner isn't in the room at the time. In one corner is a pile of garbage and human bones.

2017-07-07, 02:30 PM
Geod cries out "NO!" as Gretro slumps down from the sudden attack. He brings his spear up and thrusts the end of the haft into the man's armored chest, attempting to knock him off balance. "Knock him out! This one'll be worth his weight in gold!" he roars, eager to beat the man into submission.

Shoving Gregyr to knock him prone. Athletics; [roll0]

"I will go out on my own terms, you freak!"

Athletics [roll0]

2017-07-07, 02:36 PM
Larz takes the dodge action again and tries to rush back out of the room fillng with smoke.

If possible dragging Gretro out with me.

Geod knocks Gregyr down as Larz drags Gretro away.

"No, you don't!" The man slices at Larz as he passes.

Disadvantage [roll1]

2017-07-07, 02:39 PM
Even on his back this man is dangerous. Larz gets knicked in his thigh, nearly hitting a major artery.

2017-07-07, 02:53 PM
Larz then turns his attention to the blowhard lying on the floor, and attempts to grapple him about the neck.

[roll1] adv if prone

2017-07-07, 03:13 PM
"Ger'off me you little booger!"

Acrobatics [roll0]

2017-07-07, 03:15 PM
Larz hesitates slightly as the sticky blue flames threaten to crawl up his arm allowing Gregyr to push him away.

2017-07-07, 03:22 PM
Keep him down! Put a blade to his throat if you can!, Aldia shouts as he tries once more to drain him.
Toll again.

2017-07-07, 04:21 PM
Geod stands over Gregyr and swings at the man's face with the butt of his spear.

Attacking Gregyr for non-lethal damage; [roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]

2017-07-08, 08:25 AM
Larz strikes at the bandit leader with his staff

[roll1] adv if still prone

2017-07-08, 08:26 AM
Critical dmg


2017-07-09, 11:22 AM
Spug creeps over to Gretro's body and drips a vial of liquid down his throat. "I will be asking for this to be replaced."

Heal [roll0]

Gretro sputters back to consciousness.

Gregyr stands to turn his focus on Geod. The blue flames continue to singe his body. "I accept your challenge. Have at you!"

Low slash [roll1]
Stab [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

2017-07-09, 11:28 AM
Geod ducks the high swing leaving himself open for a strike to the chest just barely missing his heart for 5 damage.

Round 4

Keep him down! Put a blade to his throat if you can!, Aldia shouts as he tries once more to drain him.
Toll again.

Gregyr grimaces from the necrotic energy coursing through him. "You're next, cleric!

Geod stands over Gregyr and swings at the man's face with the butt of his spear.

Attacking Gregyr for non-lethal damage; [roll0] or [roll1] for [roll2]

Geod breaks Gregyr's nose from the bash. He spits blood on him.

Larz strikes at the bandit leader with his staff

[roll1] adv if still prone

Larz follows up cracking the man's ribs. He roars and pounds his chest.

Gretro lies prone on the floor. Aris threatens the man but hasn't made a move yet.

2017-07-09, 01:04 PM
Larz pivots after the strike to his enemy's chest, and positions himself for another blow.

[roll2] if crit

2017-07-09, 03:37 PM
The echoes of the bell continue...
Toll. [roll0] damage.

Aardvark 001
2017-07-10, 02:25 AM
Aris sees an opening. Running up to the man, he swings his staff at him, delivering a blow under his chin and following up with a kick to the solar plexus.

Staff attack [roll0]
Staff damage [roll1]
Unarmed attack [roll2]
Unarmed damage [roll3]

2017-07-10, 02:53 AM
Gretro gets up and walks towards the one who nearly killed him, and attacks with his shortsword.
[roll0] hit: [roll1] crit: [roll2]
Or, if he's already knocked down, Gretro just kicks him a few times.

2017-07-10, 05:56 AM
Geod notices the onslaught of his companions around him, and holds his spear at the ready, not wanting to kill the man if he goes down, but eager to swing if the leader shows he has any fight still left in him.

Holding Action; Attacking for non-lethal damage if Gregyr is still standing after all those attacks. [roll0] for [roll1]

2017-07-10, 03:48 PM
Gretro gets up and walks towards the one who nearly killed him, and attacks with his shortsword.
[roll0] hit: [roll1] crit: [roll2]
Or, if he's already knocked down, Gretro just kicks him a few times.

Gregyr slaps away with his shield. "Back up for more?

Aris sees an opening. Running up to the man, he swings his staff at him, delivering a blow under his chin and following up with a kick to the solar plexus.

Staff attack [roll0]
Staff damage [roll1]
Unarmed attack [roll2]
Unarmed damage [roll3]

Gregyr is nearly knocked off his feat from the staff blow. "If I go down... I'm taking as many of you with me!"

He slashes at Geod then spins around to cut at the injured Larz.

Geod [roll0]
Larz [roll1]
Damage Geod [roll2]
Damage Larz [roll3]

Double moving through the drawbridge are the two brigands who lit the fire. They have loaded crossbows in hand. "We're comin' boss!"

2017-07-10, 03:56 PM
Geod and Larz both go down. Gregyr laughs triumphantly as his companions sprint across the courtyard.

Round 5

The echoes of the bell continue...
Toll. [roll0] damage.

The tolling of the bell. Gregyr turns to Aldia. "What does fate have in store for me, elf?"

Gregyr's defiant wisdom save [roll0]

2017-07-10, 04:08 PM
Gregyr's veins slowly creep across his skin as necrotic energy pours through him. "Typical. Cruel fate is always against me...

Gregyr collapses. The blue fire still burning.

Larz and Geod are dying. The two brigands in the courtyard, seeing their leader fall, stand there wide eyed contemplating a last stand against the injured party or total retreat.

Aris and Gretro, the final initiative is yours.

2017-07-10, 04:13 PM
DM Retcon

The gods were too hasty. Geod defiantly kips up to his feet, 1 hit point remaining.

2017-07-10, 04:35 PM
Geod staggers to his feet, forced to lean on the spear he had been fighting with. Panting heavily with the effort and exhaustion from the fight, he looks over to see the hopefully dying and not dead Gregyr. He moves over and attempts to keep the leader alive, even if only because he probably wasn't worth anything to them dead.

Attempting to stabilize Gregyr, the bastard. Medicine; [roll0]

2017-07-10, 05:05 PM
Aldia moves over to Larz and touches his staff to the gnome, muttering a quick incantation.

Spare the dying on Larz, when it gets to my next turn.

2017-07-10, 09:30 PM
One of the brigands calls out, crossbow cocked and loaded. "What manner of assassins save a dying man? Who are you?"

The entrance hall is quickly filling with smoke. The two brigands put to sleep stumble out from the main hall, hacking and coughing, with their fallen companions slung over their shoulders. Both are clearly blind by smoke and put up no resistance to anyone who gets in their way.

2017-07-10, 10:09 PM
Aldia slowly stands and faces the man speaking. Assassins? No. We were sent here to retrieve stolen supplies for a group of adventurers called "Burne's Badgers." If we bring back any "prisoners", for lack of a better term, they get to join the group instead of simply rotting in a dungeon. A way of reforming. Our job would be much easier if you put down your weapons, told us where the supplies are, and came back willingly.
Taking the dodge action. He's keeping watch on the men with crossbows, ready to move if they try anything.
[roll0] charisma, if necessary.

2017-07-11, 07:35 AM
They lower their crossbows. "Stolen from who? We haven't plundered the highway in months! We're doing honest work now guarding this place."

2017-07-11, 09:32 AM
Hm, seems someone was deceived here. Question is, who... You say you do honest work, but for whom? This "Lareth?" Because someone who takes heads as tribute doesn't seem like an honest employer.

2017-07-11, 10:33 AM
The brigands wince at the mention of that name. They throw down their weapons. "Fine. We'll go quietly. Jail will be safer than exposed to Lareth's wrath. He has eyes everywhere in the region, assassins waiting in every shadow. You've signed your own death warrant, fools."

2017-07-11, 10:38 AM
They lower their crossbows. "Stolen from who? We haven't plundered the highway in months! We're doing honest work now guarding this place."

Geod looks up in confusion, slightly frustrated that it seems his efforts to keep Gregyr alive have failed. "But you were raiding the roads at one point? What kind of treasure or task turns highwaymen into noble guards? Its usually the other way around..."

2017-07-11, 11:23 AM
Smoke pours into the main hall. There's no way to hold a conversation in that room now and the other two men carrying their fallen comrades have already set down in the courtyard, still blinded by smoke. The two brigands kick away their crossbows and sit down, defeated.

"The kind of treasure that buys a castle with land as far as the horizon. And the kind of employer that will rip your soul from your body if you fail him. We won't speak anymore of the subject here, not within earshot of the dread cleric."

2017-07-11, 01:55 PM
Smoke pours into the main hall. There's no way to hold a conversation in that room now and the other two men carrying their fallen comrades have already set down in the courtyard, still blinded by smoke. The two brigands kick away their crossbows and sit down, defeated.

"The kind of treasure that buys a castle with land as far as the horizon. And the kind of employer that will rip your soul from your body if you fail him. We won't speak anymore of the subject here, not within earshot of the dread cleric."

Geod looks up from having dragged the limp body of Gregyr out from the main hall. He looks up at Aldia and gives the elf an apologetic shrug. He reaches into his pack and pulls out the pair of manacles he purchased and sets them around Gregyr's wrists, clicking them shut and locking them with the key. He looks up to the others, and suggests, "We should rest before doing anything else. Give Lars a chance to reawaken. The trek back to town might be a bit too dangerous otherwise."

2017-07-11, 02:20 PM
Three out of five vote to rest up for an hour before heading back. Spug raids the spider tower and returns with an ivory box filled with coins rattling about. "Not as much as I thought was in there but the box is nice. Ivory will fetch a good price." Spug manacles Gregyr and ties rope around the brigand's wrists. The men have all the fight taken out of them, including Gregyr who drops his facade and stands up. "I am a warrior. I will walk on my own two legs."

The brigands have on them leather armor, shields, and common weapons. Spug notes that they should invest their earnings into a donkey cart as the village militia or Burne would pay a lump fee for common equipment to arm their soldiers. As it is, carrying eight people's worth of armor and weapons isn't feasible and although Spug is confident the brigands wouldn't try to break free he's not sure about Gregyr.

Among the seven brigands is a share of silver pieces which Spug holds in addition to what he found in the tower "To be split when we're in a safer space." Gregyr has some platinum on him, two citrine gems, and a solid gold chain depicting an eye with sun-like rays jutting out. "The mark of my employer. May that chain curse you now."

Gregyr's chainmail is a common suit however there's a vial of black liquid. Spug recognizes it as "Slick Rick's Sneak Grease. Quite illegal to distribute in big cities." Apply a coat to armor and for 24 hours it removes the disadvantage of heavy armor on stealth with its matte coating and noise reducing properties. 3 applications remain.

Anyone may spend hit dice to heal at this point. If there's any change in marching order or special assignments, it can be made now. Otherwise the brigands will walk in line with Gregyr in the front to be covered by Spug and the other ranged fighters.

2017-07-11, 02:28 PM
Larz wakes up 2 hours later. It is around 3pm. With 4 hours back to town, the sun will just be setting if the party leaves now.

2017-07-11, 03:00 PM
Larz spends a HD during the rest


2017-07-11, 07:56 PM
The party leaves immediately with the prisoners in tow and travels uneventfully back to town.

2017-07-11, 09:32 PM
Geod laments the absence of some dice to speed the time along as he rests, quietly tending to his own wounds and thinking over the events of the day.

Spending a Hit Dice to heal; [roll0]

As the group prepares to leave, he takes his place one one of the sides of the small train of individuals. He stays close to the side where Gregyr is, hoping the brigand was smart enough not to make things worse for the group. He draws his bow again, keeping a watchful eye over their surrounding as the sun sinks deeper and deeper into the horizon.

I think something like a box formation would work best. Aldia and Gretro in the back, one on each side, Geod and Aris flanking, Spug and Larz in front?

2017-07-12, 11:51 AM
During the break the brigands bury their comrades. On the way back Spug checks his alarm trap. "Hmm, someone tampered with this. I set it far away enough that it would only ring if someone approached from the marsh road. Best we watch our backs."

The trip back is easier but not so much shorter with seven prisoners in tow. A hawk gracefully lands on Larz's shoulders. A note is tied to its leg with a druidic mark. It reads

You are being watched. Trying my best to harass spies against you. Be careful. -E

Eventually the abandoned marsh road connects with the well traveled roads. Merchants, farmers, and other travelers mingle about on their way to Hommlet, most giving you funny looks at your wounds and prisoners. As you approach the village a boy -- recognized as Rannos' horse groom -- runs off to the trade house. Two grim looking adventurer types size you up from the tavern porch. A cuthbertine cleric rings in vespers, giving you a nod as
you pass with lawbreakers in tow.


Burne and Rufus greet you at the garrison. "Ah, the infamous Gregyr." Burne goes on. "Scourge of the Kron Hills, yadda yadda. Am I glad to see you in chains."

Gregyr flexes. The manacles shatter into pieces. Burne throws out a hand. "It's okay everyone. You've taken the bite out of the lion. A few days in my dungeon will weaken its roar."

A group of soldiers escorts them to the jail. On closer inspection the manacles reveal heavy rust in their locking mechanism. Gregyr could've broken free at any point. "I would get a refund," jokes Rufus.


Rufus and Burne through a raccous party on their expense. The tavern is alive with drunk, rowdy men. Even the village elder appears with an apology and buys a round of the good stuff. "I would like you guys to conduct the interrogation. They don't fear or respect me but you thouroughly spooked them in your initial encounter. Enjoy the party and report at 1200 tomorrow."


Spug splits the rest of the winnings. Out of 71 copper he tips the barmaid one and splits the rest 14cp each. "Some booze money." 135 silver split 27cp each. Out of 11 platinum he tips himself one "Call it an advance," and hands out 2pp each. This is all in addition to the 110gp paid out for capturing the brigands alive.

"This box is very nice, could go for 50 gold to the right buyer. Two citrines exchange for 50 gold apiece. My recommendation? Start a "party fund." Use it as a reserve for emergencies. Buy horses, get a donkey cart, some healing potions for everyone. The bulk rate for simple weapons and generic unfitted armor is around 2 silver a pound and we did just leave over 100lbs of gear behind."

"The real question is this gold chain. Worth about 200 in gold pieces but there's something odd about it. I know I've seen this symbol before but I can't put my finger on it. Anyway, I'll leave it with you. I think jewelry is gaudy."

Who will take the stealth grease? Who will take the gold chain with the eye symbol?

Spug gives Larz the ivory box and gems because "You seem like the most honest bloke."


There is time in the morning before the interrogation. How do people pass the time?

2017-07-12, 12:18 PM
Hand me the chain. I think I might know that symbol... He takes the chain and examines it closely.

Trying a history check to identify the symbol.
EDIT: Make it a 12 if religion or arcana would be more appropriate.

2017-07-12, 12:23 PM
Larz wants to buy a healing potion, a bag of ball bearings and a bag of caltrops.

Then make a donation to the village church (5gp) and see if he can get some healing.

after that he'll carouse with the badgers, playing music and telling stories.

That should leave me with 68 gp (factoring in 15gp starting). If I can get a Mastiff w/ saddle I would really like to do that as well.

Larz goes to the church of Cuthbert to purchase a potion. A stern looking man, short with a square jaw, welcomes you. "Greetings. I am Calmert, acolyte and associate. Ahem..." He taps an offering box which Larz graciously drops 5 coins in. "Well met, gnome sir. I see you are honest and forthright in driving a stake through the heart of lawbreakers. Whatever the church can provide we will... with the appropriate donation of course.

The church is small yet sturdy building, a new construction in the town. Like the garrison the church was built by the Viscount to stand against evil incursions in the area. Canoness Y'Dey was the previous overseer but has departed to leave Terjon -- the man who was favor in your sentence of death -- in charge. Terjon isn't beloved in the village but is an important decision maker, leaving Calmert to act as the "face" for the church.

Calmert sells a healing potion for 50gp and receives a free (non magical) blessing. Using Calmert's spells would come with an additional cost that the acolyte waives as a one-time benefit.


As for ball barings and caltrops, Larz will have to deal with Gremag who runs his hands furiously when the jingling pouch comes out. "I'm sorry Mr. Gnome, but while you were away a couple adventurers nearly bought out my entire stock. The markup has risen to 40%."

Rannos yells through the pork, a beer resting on his belly. "Gremag, you horse's arse, we are running an honest shop not a backalley parlor!" With some grumbling Gremag offers the equipment at only a 30% markup. "Take it or leave it you faerie."

Rannos and Gremag sell ragged, flea bitten dogs again at a huge markup. If Larz wants to shop around he hears from a Badger that "The town drunk is surprisingly good with animals."

2017-07-12, 12:41 PM
Larz will pay the mark up on the caltrops and ball bearings and go look for the drunk.

(I believe the mark up is 3 silver pieces on each purchase (6sp total), correct me if I am wrong)

2017-07-12, 01:06 PM
Hand me the chain. I think I might know that symbol... He takes the chain and examines it closely.

Trying a history check to identify the symbol.
EDIT: Make it a 12 if religion or arcana would be more appropriate.

Aldia is certain the symbol isn't religious in nature. He vaguely remembers seeing it in relation to region 10 years ago and its struggle with the temple. Someone who fought in the battle against this evil temple might know.

Larz will pay the mark up on the caltrops and ball bearings and go look for the drunk.

(I believe the mark up is 3 silver pieces on each purchase (6sp total), correct me if I am wrong)

Tucked between the druid grove and some woods is a quaint stone cottage. A stout man with red hair is rocking in a chair, chugging a flagon that he refills from a barrel next to him. Two other men sit on the porch, the druid and a man with long golden locks and beautiful, soft features. The druid and beautiful man appear to be debating.

"Nature is beyond morality, my friend," says the pretty man in a melodious voice. "You cannot blame the cordycep for dominating the ant. Or the bacteria for eating away at the flesh. It is doing the one thing it knows how."

"You are correct," retorts the druid calmly "But man is subject to the laws of earth and god. You know this, cleric. Harvesting the natural world for your own purposes puts the burden on your own soul."

"I am selfless, druid. My actions serve a higher purpose."

"That depends on perspective."

The two continue their philosophical chat sipping on tea. The "drunk" drains another tankard and greets Larz.

"Hullo! Name's Elmo!" Larz recognizes the name. Burne mentioned him as the militia captain's son who was handy with a sword.

For a drunk Elmo keeps meticulous care of his cottage. Hunting dogs, donkeys, ponies, and various domesticated animals are kept in great health. A great hawk, one Larz recognizes from earlier, rests on a roost. Larz is offered whatever he wants, including saddle and bridle, at cost.

2017-07-12, 01:29 PM
Aldia brings the chain mail to Rufus. Do you know anyone who fought in the battle 10 years ago? I believe that this symbol has something to do with it.

2017-07-12, 01:37 PM
During the break the brigands bury their comrades. On the way back Spug checks his alarm trap. "Hmm, someone tampered with this. I set it far away enough that it would only ring if someone approached from the marsh road. Best we watch our backs."

Geod makes a small warding sign in respect for the dead after the short burial. He murmurs, "Za o-prei, ezalev,"* in Primordial, a small customary blessing. Geod didn't consider himself a deeply religious man, but ... there were always little moments where he felt the need to say a small prayer, or to guard against curses.

On the road, he listens as Spug announces the alarm trap having been tripped. He grips his bow a bit tighter, eager to head back towards the town after the whole commotion.

Something akin to 'may the earth cover you', warding away anyone or anything who would want to disturb the grave. Just in case anyone around just happens to speak Primordial as well.

Burne and Rufus greet you at the garrison. "Ah, the infamous Gregyr." Burne goes on. "Scourge of the Kron Hills, yadda yadda. Am I glad to see you in chains."

Gregyr flexes. The manacles shatter into pieces. Burne throws out a hand. "It's okay everyone. You've taken the bite out of the lion. A few days in my dungeon will weaken its roar."

A group of soldiers escorts them to the jail. On closer inspection the manacles reveal heavy rust in their locking mechanism. Gregyr could've broken free at any point. "I would get a refund," jokes Rufus.

Geod is suprised when Gregyr frees himself with little to no effort. He goes to reach for his spear, but relaxes when Burne calms down the situation. Geod sighs as he picks up the pieces of the manacles. "To think I paid 'non-city prices' too..." He makes a mental note to chew out the shop-owners and get a replacement, or maybe look for a smith to make something more sturdy.

Rufus and Burne through a raccous party on their expense. The tavern is alive with drunk, rowdy men. Even the village elder appears with an apology and buys a round of the good stuff. "I would like you guys to conduct the interrogation. They don't fear or respect me but you thouroughly spooked them in your initial encounter. Enjoy the party and report at 1200 tomorrow."

Geod takes a few drinks, enough that the hardy Genasi can start to feel his head spin. Once he's in a properly good mood, he goes over to listen to Larz's stories and songs, curious how such an old man could have such a lively spirit.

Spug splits the rest of the winnings. Out of 71 copper he tips the barmaid one and splits the rest 14cp each. "Some booze money." 135 silver split 27cp each. Out of 11 platinum he tips himself one "Call it an advance," and hands out 2pp each. This is all in addition to the 110gp paid out for capturing the brigands alive.

"This box is very nice, could go for 50 gold to the right buyer. Two citrines exchange for 50 gold apiece. My recommendation? Start a "party fund." Use it as a reserve for emergencies. Buy horses, get a donkey cart, some healing potions for everyone. The bulk rate for simple weapons and generic unfitted armor is around 2 silver a pound and we did just leave over 100lbs of gear behind."

Geod raises an eyebrow, "Makes 'nuf sense. I didn't exactly have plans to stick around long enough to sink money like that into this, but it seems we're still under Burne's terms. Since we haven't found the real bandits yet."

There is time in the morning before the interrogation. How do people pass the time?

Geod has a few things in mind as he rises in the morning. Get to the store and talk about getting better manacles, or at least directions to a blacksmith who won't do shoddy work. Join Spug and look at getting a proper way to haul whatever gear they find.

2017-07-12, 01:53 PM
For a drunk Elmo keeps meticulous care of his cottage. Hunting dogs, donkeys, ponies, and various domesticated animals are kept in great health. A great hawk, one Larz recognizes from earlier, rests on a roost. Larz is offered whatever he wants, including saddle and bridle, at cost.

Excellent, Larz purchases a sturdy Mastiff (25 gp) a bit and bridle (2 gp) and a riding saddle (10 gp).

While petting and socializing with his new dog, named Caleb, larz approaches the druid to inquire after the note brought by the hawk.

Pardon me your druidship, but is it you we have to thank for the warning on the road?
Can you tell me what you observed or what was after us?

2017-07-12, 01:55 PM
Aldia brings the chain mail to Rufus. Do you know anyone who fought in the battle 10 years ago? I believe that this symbol has something to do with it.

"The elder and innkeeper fought in the army back then. The druid has been around since forever. I don't know if they can tell you anything more useful, but I know of that symbol. It has been passed around the region at least since the temple battle to mark someone as an elite agent. Sometimes it would be sewn into clothes while the more monstrous creatures would have it tattooed into their skin.

I wouldn't pay it much heed, though. It's such an innocuous and generic symbol by design that someone wearing it isn't automatically an agent. There's probably some codeword or challenge that goes along with flashing it at the right people. It's at least worth quite a bit of gold."

2017-07-12, 04:22 PM
Aldia nods before leaving to visit the innkeep. When he arrives...

Do you know anything of this symbol, he says as he shows him the chain, and how it may relate to someone or something called Lareth?

2017-07-12, 04:24 PM
Excellent, Larz purchases a sturdy Mastiff (25 gp) a bit and bridle (2 gp) and a riding saddle (10 gp).

While petting and socializing with his new dog, named Caleb, larz approaches the druid to inquire after the note brought by the hawk.

Pardon me your druidship, but is it you we have to thank for the warning on the road?
Can you tell me what you observed or what was after us?

"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're referring to. I've long retired. Elmo here cares for the animals. My duties now are... purely philosophical. Any who wish to share in my wisdom may do so and I saw it in yourselves that you were not guilty for the crimes laid upon you."

The beautiful man stares intensely at Larz. "A question for you, sir. Would you find it desirable to give up your mind for your body to be free from suffering?"

2017-07-12, 04:39 PM
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're referring to. I've long retired. Elmo here cares for the animals. My duties now are... purely philosophical. Any who wish to share in my wisdom may do so and I saw it in yourselves that you were not guilty for the crimes laid upon you."

The beautiful man stares intensely at Larz. "A question for you, sir. Would you find it desirable to give up your mind for your body to be free from suffering?"

thats, interesting. ..as to your question, no I don't think I would, although I can imagine a scenario where I would give up my body to free my mind from suffering. I once knew an elm tree that had once been a very unhappy cobbler faced with a similar decision but I digress, good day to you sir.

Larz then returns to Elmo.

Did you send me the message on the road?

2017-07-12, 04:59 PM
Aldia nods before leaving to visit the innkeep. When he arrives...

Do you know anything of this symbol, he says as he shows him the chain, and how it may relate to someone or something called Lareth?

"We called it the elemental eye. Collected them from fallen lieutenants. Meant nothing to us but some gold.

But the priests at the battle told us the symbol goes back centuries. It is always altered, always different, but to those that know it means the same thing. It symbolizes an ancient being, a primordial elder god, alien to this world. The priests did not attribute any sense of alignment or morality. Calling it a god of death isn't even accurate as death insists a cycle of life. No, they spoke of it as the antithesis of existence. Entropy. Nothingness."

He pours you a shot of hard dwarven stuff. "As a cleric you know belief gives gods power, and few worship elder gods who pay no mind to mortals. But naturally any agent that wishes to bring something like this forward cannot be good. That symbol only means something to the right people, or rather the wrong people. Understand? I would pawn it as quickly as you can, toss it in a river, melt it down, just don't go flashing it around."

thats, interesting. ..as to your question, no I don't think I would, although I can imagine a scenario where I would give up my body to free my mind from suffering. I once knew an elm tree that had once been a very unhappy cobbler faced with a similar decision but I digress, good day to you sir.

Larz then returns to Elmo.

Did you send me the message on the road?

The man seems satisfied. "Flesh is indeed meaningless and our will eternal. It is the only thing binding us to this world. It is also why I believe the mind should be let go. Our desires anchor us and that results in suffering. Release your mind and embrace nothingness."

Elmo hiccups at the question. "I'd let u buy me a drink but ah gotta care for the animalses. We can talk laters over a drink."

2017-07-12, 05:18 PM
Gretro Gretro keeps his distance from the conversations.

Sorry for slacking lately. My posting schedule usually doesn't match up with the posting schedules of everyone else.

2017-07-12, 05:19 PM
Larz makes a mental note to look up Elmo later, then heads off with Caleb to find the rest of the party for the interrogation.

2017-07-12, 06:34 PM
Hm. Unsettling. Thank you for the information. Now to get rid of this thing. He sets off for the trading post. Along the way, he jots something down...

Watch for Lareth, [drawing of symbol]

When he arrives, he simply sets the armor on the counter and says How much?

2017-07-12, 09:36 PM
For the first time since you've met him Gremag is silent as he thoughtfully examines the chain. He pulls out his cash box and counts out 20 platinum coins. "The light of the moon is but a trick of the sun," Gremag says as he slides the coins across the table.

---Going to skip ahead a bit---

Burne and Rufus sit outside a small cold room. Inside Gregyr sits meditating. "We've got some basic information out of the other men but Gregyr has the information we need. He has a warrior's spirit so we left him unbound. He knows he can't escape alive but he may get squirrely. He'll size you up, test your limitations, but you defeated his crew and there's some begrudging respect in his heart. Don't demean him or treat him as a child, and don't be afraid to get rough. I'll take your weapons by the way, we don't need an incident. If things get out of hand we'll step in."

Rufus outlines what they need:
-Details on the one who hired him (Lareth)
-What they were hired to guard
-Where Markle's goods were stashed
-What danger does Lareth pose to the town

Gregyr stands. He wears only a pair of cloth britches. His great muscles twitch with anticipation.

"My mouth is dry. Mead. The dwarven kind. None of that snooty elf crap." He spits in the direction of Aldia and Aris.

2017-07-12, 10:10 PM
The trading post

Aldia walks out of the post, adding another note...
Gremag=Lareth's spy?


Spug. Get some dwarven mead. Strong. Gregyr, let's cut to the chase. Who is Lareth, what does he want, and what can he do?

2017-07-12, 10:37 PM
Gretro stops Spug from getting the mead. "He's in no position to give commands. Just get him some water. he says, with emphasis on the "water".

2017-07-13, 08:13 AM
The trading post

Aldia walks out of the post, adding another note...
Gremag=Lareth's spy?


Spug. Get some dwarven mead. Strong. Gregyr, let's cut to the chase. Who is Lareth, what does he want, and what can he do?

Gremag looks disappointed. "Excuse me, it is a saying from my homeland when faced with a stunning proposition. You come here yesterday with nothing, now you sell jewelry that could buy a farm. Am I to believe you worked for this? Or you stole it. Either way, I pay. Honor among thieves." He flashes a wicked grin.

Gretro stops Spug from getting the mead. "He's in no position to give commands. Just get him some water. he says, with emphasis on the "water".

Gregyr makes a point to drink his water slowly making gross glugging sounds. He smashes the copper cup at Gretro's feet.

"Lareth. I know he's a cleric, wears his holy symbol around his neck. Looks like a skull with a mushroom cap twisting out of it. Never seen it before, didn't bother to ask. He always wore a mask when we met. Painted. I mistook him for an elf woman what with his long blond hair and feminine voice. Not a mistake I would make a second time." Gregyr holds up his left hand showing a shriveled black pinky finger.

"So he made an offer I couldn't refuse. Guard the old moathouse. At times he would send us out on patrol while bringing in groups of monstrous creatures. Bugbears, gnolls, and the like. Never saw them leave so there must be a secret to that old moathouse I don't know about. Often he would test us, sending ghouls to pick us off or summoning snakes. I think he was pruning us. Seeing if we were worth our mettle. I'd say since you defeated us single handedly, he might be looking at you as replacements. That's just how the man works."

2017-07-13, 08:46 AM
Your men denied raiding the highway for the goods that were headed to this town, did you or your men have a hand in the theft? If not has a group of these monstrous creatures come to the moathouse in the past 2 days?

2017-07-13, 10:44 AM
"I don't know anything about a theft. Lareth contacts us, sends us on patrol, tells us not to return until night fall. 'The left hand doesn't know what the right is doing' to borrow a phrase. One of my boys was scouting the village that night, I was patrolling the southern road."

2017-07-13, 01:12 PM
"I don't know anything about a theft. Lareth contacts us, sends us on patrol, tells us not to return until night fall. 'The left hand doesn't know what the right is doing' to borrow a phrase. One of my boys was scouting the village that night, I was patrolling the southern road."

Why did you have a man scouting the village? Were you or Lareth planning some sort of raid? Do you know if Lareth has plans for this town?

2017-07-13, 03:35 PM
Why did you have a man scouting the village? Were you or Lareth planning some sort of raid? Do you know if Lareth has plans for this town?

Gregyr grins wide. "Because I spy on Lareth. His aide frequents the tavern. My boy saw him rushing in on horseback from the foothills about thirty minutes before you guys arrived and stirred up a whole pot of dung."

"But let's change the subject. Lareth plans on finishing what was started here 10 years ago. He's amassing an army, undermining your operations, and will take whatever he can and kill anyone that gets in his way."

He smacks his lips. "Now I'm thirsty and hungry."

2017-07-13, 05:03 PM
.......well. I believe we have all the information we need from you. Good day. The smallest hint of shock can be heard in his normally deadpan tone. He leaves the room to notify Burns and Rufus.

Insight roll, through the whole thing.
Edit: Really? Really?
EDIT AGAIN: I really should look over the posts again before saying something. You saw nothing of the original.

2017-07-13, 06:14 PM
"Well?" asks Burne. "Who is this Lareth? How dangerous is he? Why was Gregyr at the moathouse? Where is our shipment?"

2017-07-13, 06:51 PM
He doesn't know anything about the shipment or why, exactly, he needed to guard the moathouse. As for Lareth, though, he's a cleric who plans on "finishing what was started ten years ago." He's apparently amassing an army and sabatoging you. Gregyr is simply one of likely many pawns.

2017-07-13, 07:36 PM
He did say Lareth's employs monstrous brigands,no offense Gretro, that come to the moathouse, and that Lareth's sent his group on patrol the night of the theft so it's possible others took the goods to the moathouse.

He also said Lareth's has an agent that frequents the tavern here and that agent rode into town from the direction of the foothills about half an hour before our arrival.

2017-07-18, 04:24 PM
I propose a return expedition to the moathouse to look deeper for these monstrous brigands.

2017-07-21, 02:54 AM
"So here's what we know..."

Burne outlines everything he and Rufus confirmed from their own investigation and the interrogation.

-Lareth is raising an army, stealing supplies to arm himself
-Lareth communicates with someone who frequents the town
-Lareth is hiding within or near the moathouse
-The key to finding Lareth is through the spy

"Yesterday I requested more supplies from Verbobonc. The way this normally works is that we send exhausted workers back home to pick up fresh workers. This time we're setting up a honeypot. There will be plainclothes soldiers escorting the cart, my best Badgers. Rufus and I will be there personally to fend off any attack. You guys will hide in the hills near town to identify the spy. They'll use the hills for cover and grow suspicious if we post armed guards around the area. You have a week before the cart arrives. Get some training, sharpen your swords, and be ready when the time comes."


Some downtime for writing spells, training, and shopping.

Geod can confide in Elmo as a ranger. Despite his outward appearance the man is sharp with a bow and a proficient woodsman. He dodges any questions about his profession with raunchy joke in his usual slurred, slow speech but the man was likely ranged by an expert ranger.

Aldia finds Burne to be an eccentric instructor. He's quite young for an adventuring wizard, late 20s at most, and can't keep quite for longer than ten minutes. He offers the first spell from his book at normal price then demands a 20% markup for anything else. "For the Badgers, of course," he says.

As Larz discovers the latent powers coursing through his blood the druid invites him directly to his cottage. He introduces himself as Jaroo and offers spiritual guidance, leading meditation groups every morning and evening which at least half the town attends at various times. The "beautiful man" shows up twice during the week to debate with the druid who takes great delight in intellectual activities. The conversations always veer into the macabre focused on morality, mortal's place in the cosmos, and "final death."

Gretro and Aris find no monks or rogues in the town, at least none that reveal themselves, but find good company among the Badgers who set up a combat obstacle course in the unfinished castl. By the week's end Gregyr and his brigands have been released with hard labor which they find much more agreeable than rotting in a cell on gruel and water.


The day has come. Rufus and Burne, wearing farmer's tunics, gather the party. A familiar hawk swoops in delivering a letter to Rufus. "Good, our agent spotted where the thieves are holed up in the foothills. They'll be performing a similar attack through the woods then escape to the moathouse. A horse is waiting for the spy who'll double back to town. We've got a good vantage point for you but you'll be on foot to avoid being spotted.

Engage with the spy at your own risk. If you can take him safely on the road all the better. If we confront him in town there might be collateral damage. If you follow him back to the moathouse that's the safest but it's just one more villain to deal with. Alright, good luck out there."

2017-07-21, 09:24 AM

Aldia would rather not buy any scrolls right now. At some point, he casts the find familiar ritual (expending 10 gp of materials.) The familiar is a "celestial" raven.

The Day of the Plan

Aldia stands watch, keeping an eye out for the bandits and/or the spy.

2017-07-22, 01:51 AM
Gretro does much of the same: He keeps an eye out.

2017-07-24, 08:41 AM
Even though it syas we're on foot to avoid being spotted can I ride my dog mount since it is only medium sized anyway?

Larz helps the others vigilantly watch for the spy.

2017-07-25, 12:10 AM
Larz can ride his mount. Burne and Rufus just don't supply horses for this.


The party is set up on a ridge overlooking an area near where the first ambush occurred a week back. A pack of horses are tied up in a low valley signaling that a group of humanoid riders must be nearby. Beyond the woods a flash of sparks and fire shoots up into the sky. Half an hour later a pack of humans, bugbears, and gnolls run out of the woods wounded and shocked. Barreling from the woods nearly knocking down a tree as it runs is an ogre nearly nine feet tall and half as wide. Ogres are rare beyond the hills to the west but this one is particularly larger than its kin.

The group, numbering twelve plus the ogre, make off towards to the east. One humanoid remaining motions as if casting a spell. Its features twist and warp into the form of a cloaked traveler. It mounts a horse and makes a beeline towards Hommlet, passing near the hill where you're hiding. The person doesn't even look in your direction.

2017-07-25, 07:54 AM
Larz uses minor illusion to make the sound of a panther growl/roar right in front of the horse in an attempt to spook the horse into bucking and throwing the rider.

I'll try to spook the horse, be ready to move out.

2017-07-25, 09:52 AM
Aldia tries to see the altered features of the hooded figure.


If he can't, he sends his raven flying upwards, to see if it can recognize his face. He sits down in a meditative position, looking through the raven's eyes.

2017-07-27, 01:12 AM
The horse bucks, nearly throwing off the rider. He bolts, mushing his horse towards town at full speed.

Aldia sees through the magical disguise. The man is someone he recognized here and there about town, but never introduced.

He continues riding hard finally reaching the hill where the party is hiding 60 feet up a gentle slope.

2017-07-27, 08:52 AM
Larz will ride down to meet him and strike him with his staff.

I am presuming using a controlled mount my dog can take the dash, disengage, or dodge actions on my initiative without using up my action (my understanding of the rule).

So my mount is moving 40' then dashing another 40' (only 20' of which needed to close the distance) then I am using my action to attack the rider with my staff.

Initiative [roll0]

Attack roll [roll1]
Dmg [roll2]
crit [roll3]

2017-07-28, 05:01 PM
Aldia stands whispers under his breath as his staff glows blue. Frysta...
Using my shiny new frostbite cantrip.

2017-07-29, 08:36 PM
The rider shakes off Aldia's cold while ducking low to avoid Larz. The rider concentrates, gestating wildly. He fades from sight completely.

The horse, untrained to handle combat, dashes 120' away from Larz who may attack either the horse directly or where the rider used to be.

2017-07-30, 05:23 AM
As the horse begins to dash out of his reach, Larz takes the opportunity to attack the animals legs in hopes of tripping it, (and with the intent to heal the poor thing thereafter )

Smite if hit [roll2]

2017-08-01, 01:34 PM
Aldia follows as fast as possible, knowing that he can't attack from this distance.

Dash action, follow him.

2017-08-01, 09:39 PM
The horse tumbles head over heels into the dirt. There's an unmistakable trail as something unseen stumbles through the underbrush. Aldia, Aris, and Geod make it within 30' of the fallen animal while Gretro scans the field with his bow.

2017-08-02, 01:00 PM
Fitu. Aldia's staff gains a greenish glow as he points it at where the invisible creature seems to be.

Moving in range and casting Grease in hopes of stopping his flight. [roll0] perception, if needed.

2017-08-02, 03:58 PM
A humanoid shape slips and falls. Any attacks against it will be at disadvantage.

2017-08-04, 03:52 PM
Larz rides his mount around the grease until he is in the riders original direction of travel, then waits to see if he can tell when he may pass by, readying an attack with his staff if he can (hoping hell leave tracks in the grease or something )

2017-08-05, 08:34 AM
Aldia approaches his grease spell, keeping an eye out for any sign of the invisible figure.


2017-08-08, 04:30 PM
Aldia motions to Larz where the invisible figure creeps through the bushes. He's deliberately moving slowly but given his zigzagging pattern doesn't seem aware that he's being tracked. A direct attack would still be at disadvantage.

2017-08-09, 08:38 AM
Larz attempts to strike the invisible target with his staff

dmg [roll2]

Then says, We don't want to kill you,
we just want to talk to you about your boss. My dog has your scent now, you won't be able to hide forever, lets do this the easy way.